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2021 Vol. 51 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 232 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 707 KB] ( 511 )
5 Wu Zhaohui
The Interaction of Diversified Economic Spaces and High-quality Development of Regional Integration Driven by Digital Governance
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 5-9 [Abstract] ( 444 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 701 KB] ( 843 )
10 Kang Xiaoqiang
Discussion on the Essential Characteristics of the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 10-21 [Abstract] ( 801 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1209 KB] ( 1005 )
22 Qian Wenrong, Guo Xiaolin, Wang Dazhe
The Implementation Mechanism of Rural Effective Governance: A Case Study Based on the Village Level Housing Rehabilitation Program
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 22-35 [Abstract] ( 433 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1507 KB] ( 559 )
36 Li Lili, Yu Jian, Zhang Zhonggen
Human Capital Investment in Rural China: Policy Review and Outlook Based on Content Analysis of Central Document No. 1
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 36-50 [Abstract] ( 415 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1396 KB] ( 565 )
51 Zheng Chunyan
The Reforming Government and the Rule of Administrative Law
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 51-68 [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1627 KB] ( 636 )
69 Liu Jingwei, Nie Aixuan
Modern Transformation of China’s Legal System of Standardization: On the Revision of the Standardization Law
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 69-80 [Abstract] ( 361 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1151 KB] ( 421 )
81 Wang Chunye
Deviation and Corrections in the System of Reviewing Normative Documents: A Sample of 907 Cases
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 81-94 [Abstract] ( 388 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1299 KB] ( 436 )
95 Wu Xiaobo, Xu Hongqi, Zhao Minchao, Tan Ziyan
The Impact of Entrepreneurial Team Gender Diversity on the Business Model Innovation: Moderating Effect of Team Task Characteristics
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 95-110 [Abstract] ( 428 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1374 KB] ( 596 )
111 Du Jian1 Lu Jie1 Jin Yi Chang Xiaoran
Explaining the Cultural Distance Paradox in Establishment Mode Choice: the Moderating Effect of Attention
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 111-128 [Abstract] ( 388 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 798 KB] ( 456 )
129 Tao Yunqing, Cao Yuyang, Zhang Jinlin, Zou Kai
The Impact of Digital Finance on Entrepreneurship: Evidences from Regional and National CFPS
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 129-144 [Abstract] ( 494 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1336 KB] ( 585 )
145 Pang Xuequan, Fang Fang
From Ancient to Modern Tourism in China: Changes in Connotations Between Lüyou and Woyou as a Key to Understanding Developments
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 145-154 [Abstract] ( 329 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1139 KB] ( 426 )
155 Fan Bocheng
A Man with Lofty Ideals Never Rushes to Die Unnecessarily: The Confucian Idea of "Keeping to One's Official Duties"
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 155-162 [Abstract] ( 398 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1041 KB] ( 608 )
163 Feng Quangong
A Review of Translation Theories with Chinese Characteristics and Further Reflections
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 163-173 [Abstract] ( 478 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1142 KB] ( 727 )
174 Hu Gengshen
On Creative Initiatives and Its Going Global of Eco-translatology
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 174-186 [Abstract] ( 771 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1295 KB] ( 1092 )
187 He Shihai
On Qing Scholars’ Theory of Verse-Prose-Commonness
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 187-199 [Abstract] ( 358 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1429 KB] ( 457 )
200 Guo Jian
A Textual Research on the Author, Remarks and Value of the Manuscript of Annotations of Journey to the West in the Qing Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 200-209 [Abstract] ( 488 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3960 KB] ( 511 )
210 Lie Fu
Mikhail Bakhtin’s Unique Interpretation of the Author’s Intention
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 210-221 [Abstract] ( 418 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1300 KB] ( 492 )
222 Ou Rong
A New Dimension of "Transitional Anxiety": "Two Cultures" Debate Revisited
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 222-231 [Abstract] ( 269 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1194 KB] ( 390 )
232 Shi Yeting
The Space of Paris in Modiano’s Writings
2021 Vol. 51 (1): 232-240 [Abstract] ( 294 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1131 KB] ( 563 )
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 229 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1009 KB] ( 447 )
5 Fu Xiaxian, Huang Zuhui
Institutional Advantages Manifested in China’s Poverty Eradication and the Implications for the World
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 5-14 [Abstract] ( 549 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1109 KB] ( 752 )
15 Qian Hongdao, Dou Haixin
Grassroots Reverence for the Rule of Law: A Study Based on Twelve Years of Yuhang Rule of Law Index
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 15-29 [Abstract] ( 221 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1367 KB] ( 344 )
30 Guo Ye
The Legitimate Ground for Divorce in the Transitional Society
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 30-41 [Abstract] ( 533 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1291 KB] ( 466 )
42 Gong Wanqi, Guo Qin, Jiang Li
The Effects of Family Communication Patterns on Middle-aged and Elderly’s Coping Behavior with Epidemic Diseases
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 42-53 [Abstract] ( 309 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1234 KB] ( 884 )
54 Zhang Weifang, Fu Jialu, Peng Sihui, Yang Xiaozhao, Wang Huihui, Yang Tingzhong
Changing Trends of Preventive Behavior and Perceived Risk Belief-Subjective Norm Model During the Emerging Infectious Disease in China
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 54-61 [Abstract] ( 284 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 979 KB] ( 478 )
62 Wang Weian, Chen Mengtao
Macroprudential Policy, Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuation: Based on the DSGE Model
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 62-82 [Abstract] ( 292 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1980 KB] ( 475 )
83 Wang Changgang, Luo Weidong
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Rise and Decline of Capitalism: Joseph Schumpeter’s Theory of Social Evolution
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 83-94 [Abstract] ( 280 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1239 KB] ( 458 )
95 Huang Tao
Green Credit of Commercial Banks: The Implementation Paths and Legal Barriers
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 95-110 [Abstract] ( 533 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1499 KB] ( 788 )
111 Chen Hongbing
A Study on Aggravated Offense of Attempted Crime in China
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 111-125 [Abstract] ( 560 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1288 KB] ( 411 )
126 Zhu Xiaofeng
The Normative Meaning of Personal Freedom as the Basis of the Value of General Personality Right
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 126-142 [Abstract] ( 938 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1460 KB] ( 469 )
143 Hu Kexian, Yang Qiong
A Research on the Newly Discovered Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty Prime Minister Gao Qu
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 143-160 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2103 KB] ( 431 )
161 Zha Pingqiu
An Evidential Study of the “Cui” of Cui’s Villa in Lantian: ReconsideringTomb Inscriptions and the Clan of Du Fu’s Mother
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 161-174 [Abstract] ( 310 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1686 KB] ( 732 )
175 Dou Huaiyong
On the Character Forms of Tang Taboo Replacements in Longkan Shoujing
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 175-184 [Abstract] ( 339 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1757 KB] ( 420 )
185 Shi Wenlei
Two Pairs of Concepts Related to “Synthetic-to-Analytic”: A Comparison of the Usage of “Shi” (使) in Zuozhuan and Zhanguoce
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 185-204 [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1881 KB] ( 510 )
205 Guan Changlong, Tian Chen
The Basic Paradigm of the Main Structures of Wedding Ceremony: With a Focus on “Three Rituals”
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 205-215 [Abstract] ( 297 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1197 KB] ( 503 )
216 Sun Chao
The Reconstruction of Citizen’s Memory: Historical Discourses and Collective Identity in Early Modern London
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 216-228 [Abstract] ( 436 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1491 KB] ( 526 )
229 Xu Yongming, Qian Lixiang
A Research on the Value of the Only-Existing-Copy Books in the General Collection of Jinwen Leiti
2021 Vol. 51 (2): 229-240 [Abstract] ( 381 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1434 KB] ( 490 )
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 336 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2065 KB] ( 517 )
5 Bao Dawei
Marxian Political Philosophy: Parody and Its Truth Program
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 398 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 748 KB] ( 484 )
16 Duan Zhiwen, Zhu Yuannan
Logical Evolution of Historical Form of Social Deliberative Democracy in China
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 16-28 [Abstract] ( 380 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 679 KB] ( 335 )
29 Chen Yumei, Fu Huan
A Knowledge Mapping Analysis of Research Discourse in the Studies on Chinas Non-traditional Security: A Visualization Approach Based on CiteSpace
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 29-47 [Abstract] ( 490 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 11340 KB] ( 486 )
48 Guo Caihua, Zhang Guoqing
Global Security Crisis and Building a Security Community for Mankind
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 48-60 [Abstract] ( 471 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 772 KB] ( 797 )
61 Zhao Jun, Liu Guowei
Power Play Between Nations in International Law: From the Perspective of Small States Challenging Big States
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 61-75 [Abstract] ( 871 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 805 KB] ( 762 )
76 He Zhipeng, Shen Tianjiao
Governance of International Soft Law for the Protection of Refugee Rights
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 76-94 [Abstract] ( 586 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 904 KB] ( 660 )
95 Yang Liuyong, Zhang Zeye, Zheng Jianming
Does Central Government Environmental Inspection Promote Firm Environmental Protection Expenditure? Evidences from Listed Companies in China
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 95-116 [Abstract] ( 375 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1043 KB] ( 808 )
117 Liu Bin, Xiao Wen
Why Is the Market-to-Book Effect Not Significant in China?
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 117-131 [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 823 KB] ( 560 )
132 Lou Hansong, Wang Yangwuji
A Study of Guan Yu's Red Face Image
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 132-142 [Abstract] ( 484 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5306 KB] ( 734 )
143 Jin Jianren
Influences of Chinese Character Writing on the Way of Thinking
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 143-152 [Abstract] ( 551 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 682 KB] ( 509 )
153 Bian Tiangang
New Proof of Collation and Interpretation of Huainanzi from the Perspective of Character, Word Meaning and Word Relationship in the Early Western Han Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 153-165 [Abstract] ( 358 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1120 KB] ( 714 )
166 Qu Wensheng, Wang Zizheng
Treaty of Tordesillas and the Shaping of the Global Order: Origin of the Modern International Law
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 166-181 [Abstract] ( 584 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 908 KB] ( 573 )
182 Chen Luxi
Rethinking on the Early Development in American Educational Historiography
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 182-195 [Abstract] ( 423 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 814 KB] ( 412 )
196 Ning Yumei, Lin Ka
Stages of Development in Charity Researches in China: A Keywords Analysis of the Literature
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 196-207 [Abstract] ( 401 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3551 KB] ( 468 )
208 Shen Qitaisong, Cai Ning
A Research on the Mechanism of Local Government Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) Study Based on Zhejiang County (City, District) Level Data
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 208-223 [Abstract] ( 443 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 804 KB] ( 654 )
224 Yang Yixin
A Study on the Longevity Risk of the Personal Account of Basic Pension Insurance for Employees and Its Estimation
2021 Vol. 51 (3): 224-240 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1250 KB] ( 879 )
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 1- [Abstract] ( 310 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3335 KB] ( 1418 )
5 Liu Guozhu, Yi Heng
The Elite Lobby Organization and the Construction of the Truman Administration’s Military Containment Policy: A Survey Centered on the Committee on the Present Danger of 1950
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 5-21 [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 920 KB] ( 632 )
22 Zhang Qianming
The Correlation Between the Fundamental Institutions and the Notion of International Society on the English School: Consensus and Differences
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 22-35 [Abstract] ( 370 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 738 KB] ( 405 )
36 Lin Jiali, He Mali
From Historical Writing to Literary Writing: The Literary Evolution of the Epitaph Before Tang Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 36-49 [Abstract] ( 380 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 964 KB] ( 539 )
50 Shu Baocheng
An Analysis of the Internal and External Evolution of Gezhi and Mokan in the Song Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 50-59 [Abstract] ( 298 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1139 KB] ( 572 )
60 Wei Jiang, Yang Jiaming, Yang Shengxi
Clean up the Portal or Tide over the Difficulties? A Research on the Threat of Moral Legitimacy and the Legalization Strategy of Platform Enterprises
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 60-74 [Abstract] ( 285 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 836 KB] ( 402 )
75 Lin Saiyan
A Study on Enterprise Satisfaction Evaluation as Against International First-class Business Environment: A Case Study of the City of Hangzhou
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 75-90 [Abstract] ( 207 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 800 KB] ( 405 )
91 Zhang Min
Does Being Noticed Make More Affirmed? The Experimental Research on SMEs' Resource Bricolage Legitimacy from the Perspective of Stakeholders
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 91-109 [Abstract] ( 364 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 931 KB] ( 411 )
110 Liu Junjie
Judgment on the Possibility of Avoiding the Result in Negligence Offences
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 110-125 [Abstract] ( 352 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 859 KB] ( 428 )
126 Mo Xiangyi, Ye Sijia
Criminal Fast-track Cases Being Advisable to Adopt Limited Second Instance System: An Empirical Analysis Based on 1,055 Judgments
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 126-143 [Abstract] ( 235 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 768 KB] ( 502 )
144 Lai Xiaowei, Liu Huimei
The Relationship Between Leisure and Happiness: A Forgotten Virtue Ethical Issue
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 144-153 [Abstract] ( 427 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 685 KB] ( 360 )
154 Lu Ruixi, Mo Chou
The Image Changes of Chinese Characters in European and American Films: A Word-frequency Study Based on Text Mining Technology
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 154-162 [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 703 KB] ( 786 )
163 Li Dongxiao
Continuation for a Hundred Years: A Communication Social History Study of “Singing News” Opera in Zhejiang Province
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 163-174 [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 820 KB] ( 558 )
175 Wang Hai, Wu Yuanfeng
The Origin and Spread of "Singing News" in Eastern Zhejiang Province
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 175-186 [Abstract] ( 232 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 826 KB] ( 440 )
187 Lang Youxing, Da Yang
Knowing and Knowledge: On Episteme and Techne
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 187-198 [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 810 KB] ( 433 )
199 Guo Li
The Process of Canonization of the Ancient Yuefu Poem
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 199-212 [Abstract] ( 497 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 853 KB] ( 463 )
213 Wang Zhenhua, Fang Shuoyu
Adaptation, Assimilation and Cooperation in Addresses on Covid-19: A Perspective of Discourse Semantics
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 213-227 [Abstract] ( 302 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 860 KB] ( 415 )
228 Zhang Huiyu, An Yuchen
Language Value, Power Structure, and International Organizations' Language Choices
2021 Vol. 51 (4): 228-240 [Abstract] ( 465 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 750 KB] ( 792 )
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 370 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2144 KB] ( 557 )
5 Feng Guodong, Qin Longquan
Editing the Fragments of the Lotus Sutra from Li Shengduo's Dunhuang Collections
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 5-19 [Abstract] ( 321 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 35691 KB] ( 654 )
20 Xu Hao, Zhang Yongquan
A Study on Reconstructing Dunhuang Manuscripts of Mahāpraj?āpāramitā-sūtra Collected in Kyōu Shooku
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 20-41 [Abstract] ( 303 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 54262 KB] ( 646 )
42 Qin Hualin
A Study on Dao Yao Fragments in Dunhuang Manuscripts Collected in Japan
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 42-52 [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5172 KB] ( 496 )
53 Wang Yunlu
A Discussion on the Synchronous Word-formation of Chinese Time Words from “Lingchen (凌晨)”
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 53-70 [Abstract] ( 339 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1092 KB] ( 753 )
71 Xu Jianyu
A Relational Construction Featuring “Yi” (一) and "Ban" (半)
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 71-83 [Abstract] ( 189 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 836 KB] ( 475 )
84 Yao Jinyun, Shao Peiren
Reciprocity as a Social Norm or Gift-giving as a Social Norm: From an Interdisciplinary Dialogue (1939-2013) to a Classic Model of Chinese Interpersonal Communication
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 84-98 [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2109 KB] ( 932 )
99 Hu Kaibao, Zhang Chenxia
International Dissemination of the Core Concepts of Diplomatic Discourse of Contemporary China: Status Quo, Problems and Strategies
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 99-109 [Abstract] ( 267 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 680 KB] ( 620 )
110 Gao Fen, Wan Andi
Origin, Connotations and Characteristics of Contemporary Western Gender and Transgender Theory
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 110-118 [Abstract] ( 396 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 663 KB] ( 891 )
119 Fu Changling
Logical Changes of the Knowledge Form of Western Literary Text Theory: Classical, Modern and Post-modern Text Theories
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 119-129 [Abstract] ( 363 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 692 KB] ( 558 )
130 Mao Liping
The Significance and Influence of the Xiunü Selection System on Banner Women: A Study Based on the Xiunü Selection Archives of Qing Royal Palace
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 130-138 [Abstract] ( 350 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 778 KB] ( 707 )
139 Ding Zhongzheng, Liu Tongfang
Question and Response: Does The German Ideology Have Unity?
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 139-148 [Abstract] ( 341 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 720 KB] ( 501 )
149 Shi Jinyi, Wang Zhikai
Strengthening Cognition of Digital Economy and Promoting Iterative Innovation of Economy and Society
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 149-156 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 675 KB] ( 667 )
157 Guo Xuehui
Challenges and Responses of Personal Information Security in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 157-169 [Abstract] ( 430 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 698 KB] ( 667 )
170 Wu Jinqun, Liu Huahua
Surpassing or Co-advancing: Reflections on the Relationship Between Service-oriented Government and Developmental Government
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 170-182 [Abstract] ( 395 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7177 KB] ( 568 )
183 Li Zhengwei, Dai Lihua, Wang Feirong, Guo Dongjie
How Leader’s Positive Humor Affects Employee Creativity: An Empirical Study from a Zhejiang IT Company
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 183-196 [Abstract] ( 208 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 877 KB] ( 495 )
197 Yan Shimei, Wang Qi
Accountability Research in Organization Management: A Literature Review and Prospects
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 197-210 [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 756 KB] ( 808 )
211 Tu Xinquan, Shi Xiaojing
An Analysis of Plurilateral Agreements Approach to Revitalize the WTO Negotiation Function
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 211-226 [Abstract] ( 306 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 761 KB] ( 511 )
227 Jiang Chengxu
How to Punish Administrative Violations: The Function and Positioning of Administrative Compensation and Its Philosophical Foundations
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 227-240 [Abstract] ( 367 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 810 KB] ( 434 )
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2409 KB] ( 319 )
5 Zu Hui, Fei Xikuan
The Reform of the Imperial Examinations in the Northern Song Dynasty under Civilian Politics
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 353 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 820 KB] ( 406 )
18 Zhou Jia
The Change of Meanings of “Origin” from the Perspective of Emphasizing Literati Policy in Song Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 18-28 [Abstract] ( 402 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 788 KB] ( 526 )
29 Wang Xiaochen
The Imperial Examination Policy Adjustments of the Southern Song Dynasty: Focusing on Exam Subjects, Exam Essays and Official School Education
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 29-41 [Abstract] ( 222 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 767 KB] ( 299 )
42 Li Ruohui
The Origin of the 81-Chapter Edition of Laozi
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 42-52 [Abstract] ( 283 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 784 KB] ( 471 )
53 Huang Jie
Images Carrying Meanings: The Political Proclamation and Source of Forms in Six Paintings of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 53-66 [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4608 KB] ( 268 )
67 Wang Yueting
A Study of the Formation of Phonetic-Semantic Matching of “Ting ()” from the Perspective of the Phonetic Notions in Jingdian Shiwen
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 67-78 [Abstract] ( 263 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 885 KB] ( 306 )
79 Zhong Ying
Ying Zhong and His Yong Yan Ji Gu
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 79-92 [Abstract] ( 302 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1233 KB] ( 289 )
93 Yang Zonghong
"Taking Stories as Evidence": Stylistic Features and Causes of the Preaching Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 93-104 [Abstract] ( 340 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 795 KB] ( 476 )
105 Guo Yongjian
As a Kind of Relationalism's Ontology of Art Works
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 105-118 [Abstract] ( 275 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 891 KB] ( 340 )
119 Ruan Jianqing, Zhao Lühang, Zhao Zuoxiang, Li Jiewei
The Impact of Rising Costs on Labor-intensive Industries: Based on Ningbo Textile and Garment Industrial Cluster
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 119-133 [Abstract] ( 263 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 828 KB] ( 523 )
134 Wu Hang, Chen Jin
The Innovation Mechanism of Cross-border M&A Integration from the Perspective of Institutional Logic: Mediated by M&A Synergy
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 134-148 [Abstract] ( 433 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 764 KB] ( 411 )
149 Zhou Guping, Ni Hao, Dong Xuebing
The Concept That Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets Promoting Regional Coordinated Development: Three Paths and Supporting Elements
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 149-156 [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 610 KB] ( 442 )
157 Xu Weimin, Pan Yixiao, Zhang Li
From Liberal Education to Integration of General and Special Education: The Evolution and Enlightenment of Zhu Kezhen’s Educational Ideology
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 157-166 [Abstract] ( 344 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 689 KB] ( 337 )
167 Zhang Xiaomeng, Wei Chu
Developing Heating Systems in Southern Cities: A New Option of High-quality Development
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 167-186 [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] ( 627 )
187 Jiang Fen, Zhou Wei
A Review on CPTPP Rules of State-owned Enterprises and the Chinese Response
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 187-200 [Abstract] ( 408 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 744 KB] ( 428 )
201 Li Boxuan
The Spillover Effect of Treaties on Business Actors
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 201-214 [Abstract] ( 262 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 776 KB] ( 258 )
215 Wu Hanyu
Two Dimensional Functions and Indigenization Path of the Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 215-233 [Abstract] ( 333 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 779 KB] ( 288 )
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 234-240 [Abstract] ( 172 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 616 KB] ( 472 )
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