A Research on the Value of the Only-Existing-Copy Books in the General Collection of Jinwen Leiti |
Xu Yongming, Qian Lixiang |
School of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Jinwen Leiti (《今文类体》) is a general collection of Ming Dynasty books with the largest number of the only-existing-copy books, which has extremely high literary and historical values. There are 138 volumes (including 6 catalogues) in this general collection, which contains 31 kinds of only-existing-copy books written by 17 literati in the Ming Dynasty, and is now kept in the Zhejiang Library. This general collection collects a large number of personal anthologies of the Ming Dynasty, and then directly breaks them up and rearranges them in stylistic categories, which reproduces the original appearance of the editing activities. Two issues have been of great concern: the editor of this general collection and the value of the only-existing-copy books. This paper focuses on the second issue. Its value as only-existing-copy books lies in three aspects. The first is the literary value. The only-existing-copy of Yungong Wenji (《云公文集》) reveals to the researchers the ambition of the famous literati Yuan Hongdao to make achievements in the office of the Ministry of Personnel (吏部). Jiangnan Chun provides researchers with the poetic materials of Zhao Qimei, a famous dramatist, and is also beneficial to the study of the poetics and ballads in “Jiangnan Chun” (《江南春》). Kuangshan Sheji (《匡山社集》) records the literary materials of the Kuangshan Party, a literati group which gathered in Mount Lu of Jiangxi Province during the Wanli Period. These materials are not mentioned in the two books that comprehensively record the Ming Dynasty literati groups, entitled Literati Groups and the Evolution of the Ming Literature written by He Zongmei, and Investigation on the Literati Groups of the Ming Dynasty written by Li Yuxuan. The second is the value of historiography. “Yunjian Guild Hall Record” (《云间会馆记》) notes that the earliest Shanghai guild hall in Beijing was built during the Wanli Period (1573-1620) of the Ming Dynasty. “A Gift-preface to Wang Daxing on His Diplomatic Mission to Ryukyu” (《送王大行使琉球序》) records the establishment time, visiting time, member composition and preparation work of the 16th diplomatic corps of the Ming Dynasty and Ryukyu. The Records of Baoning Castle Reconstruction (《保宁堡修城记》) systematically revealed the diplomatic status of the short-term border trade during the long-term war between the Ming Dynasty and Mongolia at the three levels of border defense, military training and Gongshi (贡市). The third is the value of edition collation and collection, which provides a reference version for the compilation of personal anthologies, and at the same time provides materials that can be edited for the compilation of the general collection of poems, Ci, and essays in the Ming Dynasty. For example, Zou Yuanbiao, the author of The Sequel of the Selected Works of the Taiping Shanfang (《太平山房文选续集》), was a famous philosopher and writer in the late Ming Dynasty. He was the representative of the Jiangyou Wangmen (江右王门) and the early leader of the Donglin Party. After investigating domestic and foreign libraries, we found that this book is only preserved in Jinwen Leiti. Based on this book, we can compile Zou Yuanbiao’s anthologies and study his political ambition, moral character, Wang’s thought and literary influences.
Received: 11 June 2020
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