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1. 文章由以下几部分组成:标题、摘要、正文、参考文献、作者简介(包括所在单位、职称职务研究方向、e-mail地址等)
2. 4000字符左右的摘要一份。提供论文内容梗概,表达文章中有创新意义的内容,体现结论,不须评论,应具有独立性与自含性。
3. 提供3-8个关键词。
4. 提供以下内容:(1)资助项目内容;(2)作者简介:第一作者姓名,性别,单位(详细到系一级),职称,学位(博士),主要从事……研究(方向);第二作者姓名(以下同前)……
5. 参考文献格式(参考文献序号请标在文中):
   [1] T.H.Aston & C.H.E.Phlipin,The Brenner DebateCambridge:Cambridge University Press,1985.
[2] H.B.Chamberlain,On the Search for Civil Society in China,Modern China,Vol.19,No.2(1993), pp.199-215.

 Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Science)

Submission Guidelines

1.The article is composed by the following elements:title,abstract,text,reference and profile of author.
2.The Abstract is a synopsis of your entire paper, about 4000 characters. It should confer the main messages in paper to your reader. A well-prepared abstract should enable the reader to identify the basic content of a document quickly as well as accurately, so as to determine its relevance to their interests.
3.Please provide three to eight key words.
4.Please provide the following elements:(1) sustentation fund ;(2) profile of author:which consists of gender,work unit,title, research direction and email address.
5. Notes should be labeled in the papernot footnote stylewhen applying the reference into your works.
For example:
Olympic Games and the Power Ritual
Robert Cummings Neville[]
(School of Theology, Boston University, Boston 02215, U.S.A.)
Abstract:When the Olympic Games began, ancient Greece was a land of warring city states, ethnic groups, and social classes. Yet through carefully devised rituals, worked out with much difficulty, the Games provided a context in which all of these, mainly hostile, groups could compete together cooperatively...
Key words: Olympic Games; ritual; competition; harmony

The social harmony required for the Games[1]35, however crude it might have been, was an astonishing creation in the midst of a conflictual society. To hold the next Olympic Games in Beijing is particularly interesting in light of the long tradition of ritual analysis and practice in China[2]200.From ancient times...


   [1] T.H.Aston & C.H.E.Phlipin,The Brenner DebateCambridge:Cambridge University Press,1985.
[2] H.B.Chamberlain,On the Search for Civil Society in China,Modern China,Vol.19,No.2(1993), pp.199-215.

[] [sustentation fund]
[profile of author] Robert Cummings Neville, Prefessor of Boston University。
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