A Discussion on the Synchronous Word-formation of Chinese Time Words from “Lingchen (凌晨)” |
Wang Yunlu |
Research Institute for Ancient Books/Research Center for History of Chinese Language, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract As we all know, language is a kind of system, which is not only reflected in the whole language but also in each unit of the language. In semantics, the study of the core meaning of Chinese lexicon reveals the internal relationship among entries. In grammar, Chinese disyllabic words have specific diverse structural relationships. How do language units relate to one another? At the same time, various units of language do not exist in isolation, but interact with each other. There is a profound correlation between semantics and grammar, i.e. the synchronous word-formation law of disyllabic words on the basis of the same word formation mode is a manifestation of the systematic interrelatedness among multiple units. Its production mechanism lies in the consistency of word forming morphemes’ core meaning or other meanings, and in the imitation and analogy mechanism of word creation.At the same time, through a combination of synchronic and diachronic research, it is argued that verb-object time words exhibit identical development directions and word-formation sequences, i.e., initially a verb object phrase structure, which means “approaching dawn” or “close to night” develops into a word structure, which means early morning or evening.Above all, we argue that disyllabic time words exemplify the law of synchronous word formation, that is, they all generate words according to a same word formation mode, which also confirms the concept of coordination and systematicness of word meaning and morphology. From a diachronic point of view, the extension tracks of different words are roughly parallel, which does not mean that the extension of meaning or the speed and era of word formation are completely the same, that is, the synchronization process itself is not necessarily identical, but they are completely equivalent in sequence of word formation; According to morphemes, it can be concluded that there are three types and levels of synchronous word formations such as the following:(1) Same morpheme+synonymous morpheme=synonymous synchronous word formation (narrow sense)(2) Same morpheme+same morpheme=same synchronous word formation (basically)(3) Synonymous morpheme+homogeneous (semantic) morpheme=homogeneous synchronous word formation (broad sense)In a nutshell, when a disyllabic word is put in front of us, it is as a matter of fact a kind of phenomenon, a micro synchronous word formation system, and could be possibly made sense of the synchronous word formation theory. With the result that this systematical and coordinated theory is not only a summary, which will make the interpretation and teaching of disyllabic words more scientific and reduce a blind subjective interpretation of the text, but also a formulated prediction, which can help us take an eye of a series of related words as a whole, rather than treating each one of the words in isolation. The impact of the synchronous word formation on Chinese has been fundamental.
Received: 18 August 2020
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