On Qing Scholars’ Theory of Verse-Prose-Commonness |
He Shihai |
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China |
Abstract Verse and prose as two major literary forms have differed from each other since their birth, but the issue regarding the distinction between verse and prose is not discussed as a significant conceptual question until the Song Dynasty. The Ming literati inherited and continued this discussion: they examined the differences between verse and prose in terms of their stylistic dispositions, emphasizing the importance of observing the stylistic regulations of literary forms, arguing against using prose elements in verse writings, and thus bringing the criticism of stylistic distinctions to a climax. On the contrary, most of the Qing theorists believed that prose and verse share some common features. Those theorists probed into this issue by investigating the stylistic characteristics, origins, functions, objectives, art skills, aesthetic goals of both literary forms. They also applauded those who broke the dividing line between verse and prose and used prose elements in verse writing. Though these theories may not have originated from the Qing scholars, it is through the Qing scholars’ repeated efforts of theorization and discussion that they gradually prevailed over the theory of verse-prose-distinction, and turned into the mainstream literary thought. This turn is not a return to the ancients of literary ideas, or a manifestation of conceptual degradation, that is, going back to the Pre-Qin and Han Periods when literary production was not yet independent and literary forms were not clearly formulated. As a matter of fact, it is some new elements, which are not available in early periods that helped bring about the change of the theories of criticism. Specifically, it refers to the background of literary history that the long-standing discussion about the superiority of Tang or Song poetry and the continuous improvements of the status of the Song poetry that made the difference. Tang poetry, with all its unrivaled accomplishments, is labeled as top model of verse writing. However, theoretically, this model is established by the way of stylistic criticism, identifying stylistic characteristics, distinguishing between orthodox and alternative styles and discriminating literary works hierarchically. Accordingly, since the Song Dynasty, scholars arguing for strict differences between verse and prose were generally steadfast followers of the Tang poetry. They argued against using prose elements in verse writing, and depreciated and even went so far as to drastically deny the values of the Song poetry. While those who advocated the commonness of verse and prose were generally dissatisfied at the bias of the Tang poetry followers, on the basis of the theory that verse and prose have some commonality connotatively and technically, they were in favor of breaking the line between verse and poetry, and regarded the value and status of the Song poetry as positive. In other words, the core issue of the Tang-Song debate is whether to emphasize the distinction, or to seek the commonness between verse and prose. This is also a touchstone of poetical standpoint for a scholar. During the period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the followers of the Tang poetry were generally criticized for their narrow-mindedness and inadequacy in theory and formalistic practice of imitating ancient writings. Song poetics now became a vogue. Thus, in this background, not just the Song advocators, the Tang followers also, to a certain extent, accepted the Song poetry and agreed with using prose elements in verse writing. And that is the main reason why the theory of Verse-Prose-Commonness could prevail over that of Verse-Prose-Distinction in the Qing Dynasty. Besides, the academic atmosphere in the Qing Dynasty is generally filled with erudition and against sectarianism, which allowed scholars to be more broad-minded to accept the changes of literary criticism and the beauty of heterogeneous writings. And the expression of this academic atmosphere and ideological change in the relationship between verse and prose indicates that the Qing scholars were able to see the distinction while they paid more attention to the commonness and the connection between verse and prose, with the aim of breaking the barriers and making full use of the advantages of different literary forms, which infused new vigor into the highly mature art of poetry. These factors also promoted the popularity of the theory of Verse-prose-Commonness in the Qing Dynasty.
Received: 23 February 2020
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