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2024 Vol. 54 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 84 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1420 KB] ( 204 )
5 Fu Jiajia, Zhang Guoqing
Cosmopolitanism and Beyond: Global Justice from the View of China
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 5-20 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 801 KB] ( 192 )
21 Wang Xin
The Other Modernization: China in the Eye of Western Modernity
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 21-31 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 720 KB] ( 186 )
32 Zhang Bairong
Civilization Narrative and World Significance of the Belt and Road Initiative
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 32-41 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 726 KB] ( 382 )
42 Luo Weidong, Wang Qixuan, Xu Bin
Belief Correction and Investment Contest: The Dual Mechanisms of Information Effects on Educational Investments
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 42-60 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1190 KB] ( 237 )
61 Jin Xuejun, Shi Yunhui, Wu Peng
Does Local Financial Institutions Promote the Efficiency of Financial Resource Allocation?
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 61-79 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1269 KB] ( 312 )
80 Yu Xiaofen, Zhang Jinyuan, Zhang Yanjiang
Impacts of GMTZ Policy on Scarcity of Admission Places of Good Public Junior Middle Schools: Evidence from Housing Price
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 80-98 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1618 KB] ( 179 )
99 Zhao Yun
A Study of the Construction Models of World Cultural Heritage Value Interpretation and Spatial Expression
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 99-111 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1115 KB] ( 225 )
112 Zhang Rouran, Wang Jianing
A Study of the Recognition of the Integration of Cultural and Natural Values of World Heritage from the Tourist's Perspective: A Case Study of Guilin Karst
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 112-128 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 13581 KB] ( 320 )
129 Liu Huimei, Chen Xian
Leisure’s Nature of Freedom in Modern Society
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 129-137 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 705 KB] ( 244 )
138 Qi Hao
The Cross-boundary Style: The Special Changes of Fu Outside the System of Ancient Literary Writings
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 138-155 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1120 KB] ( 251 )
156 Xie Jing
Old Wine in New Bottles: The Value and Path of Integrating Traditional Culture into Judiciary
2024 Vol. 54 (1): 156-168 [Abstract] ( 76 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1112 KB] ( 191 )
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1299 KB] ( 329 )
5 Fan Bonai, Sheng Zhonghua
Dimension Identification, Feature Extraction and Layered Model of Digital Economy Security: A Mixed Research of LDA Thematic Analysis and Grounded Theory Coding
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 5-29 [Abstract] ( 66 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3431 KB] ( 193 )
30 Zhou Yunheng, Wu Lei
Global Energy Governance Transformation and China’s Strategic Choice
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 30-40 [Abstract] ( 76 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1315 KB] ( 294 )
41 Wu Yinglong, Zeng Shirong, Shen Manhong, Hu Zitao
How Does the Impact of Corporate Emission Reduction Demand Induce Green Innovation at Universities? —— From the Perspective of Industry-University Integration
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 41-59 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1656 KB] ( 311 )
60 Li Yongming, Xiang Ludan, Zhang Yining
A Study of Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights under Open Innovation Paradigm: Based on the Inherent Characteristics of Typical Practices of User Innovation and Peer Innovation
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 60-74 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 943 KB] ( 228 )
75 Huang Yunping
An Analysis of the Copyrightability of AI-Generated Content
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 75-90 [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 754 KB] ( 122 )
91 Zuo Hong, Yang Mo
A Study of the Change of Social Mobility and the Influencing Factors in China
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 91-106 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1375 KB] ( 521 )
107 Zhang Dongliang, Yu Shuqi, Zhou Guping
A Study of Transdisciplinarity in the Context of the Transformation of Knowledge Production
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 107-118 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2059 KB] ( 212 )
119 Dou Huaiyong
A Study of the Six Dynasties’ Popular Characters and the Tang Taboo Characters
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 119-130 [Abstract] ( 72 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1331 KB] ( 190 )
131 Wang Yueting
Distinction Between Object and Patient Arguments in Old Chinese Based on Formal Markers
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 131-141 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2628 KB] ( 192 )
142 Wang Linfu, Zhu Huiguo
A Textual Study of Ci Gu: A Rare Cipu of Zhexi School Written in the Early Qing Dynasty
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 142-151 [Abstract] ( 78 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1197 KB] ( 213 )
152 Han Shu’an
“Kite-flying and Fish-jumping”: Generation of a Neo-Confucian Metaphor
2024 Vol. 54 (2): 152-160 [Abstract] ( 91 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 733 KB] ( 163 )
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 923 KB] ( 247 )
5 Wang Xiaochao
The Element Theory of Marx and Engels
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 5-12 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 612 KB] ( 245 )
13 Wu Xuping, Zhang Dandan
The Triple Interpretation of German Historicism and Its Theoretical Contribution to Historical Materialism
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 13-25 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 737 KB] ( 313 )
26 Yuan Jinghua, Chen Yuhui
Place Empathy: Trans-border Emotional Pathways Bridging the World Through “Huadi” in Huallywood Films
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 26-45 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2410 KB] ( 276 )
46 Liang Jian, Yuan Yujie
Data Compliance Supervision Obligation of Network Platform and Its Criminal Imputation Approach
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 46-63 [Abstract] ( 44 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 798 KB] ( 292 )
64 Zhao Yiting, Dou Junsheng, You Xialei, Sun Dongliang
A Review and Cross-level Integrated Analysis of Organizational Resilience Research
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 64-85 [Abstract] ( 99 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2127 KB] ( 268 )
86 Li Chengqing
Bi Tie: A Tradition of Literature Incorporating Textuality and Materiality
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 86-99 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5589 KB] ( 231 )
100 Sheng Yu
Same Origin but Different Trends: A Comparative Study of Chinese Blue Calico and Japanese Komon
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 100-111 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7169 KB] ( 259 )
112 Lyu Zhifeng, Zhang Kailu
A Study of the Explanations of Characters in Unearthed Eastern Han Dynasty Documents and Related Issues
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 112-126 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5153 KB] ( 273 )
127 Jing Miaochun
Development of Irrigation and Water Conservancy and Evolution of the Relationship Between Canals and Lakes: With the Reclamation of Linping Lake During the Tang and Song Dynasties as an Example
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 127-137 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 986 KB] ( 278 )
138 Li Cheng
The Pursuit of Chun (Taste) in Classical Chinese Poetics
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 138-149 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1034 KB] ( 283 )
150 Wu Chao
A Study of the Relationship Between the Newly Unearthed Bronze Artifacts of Zeng State and The Book of Songs: Odes of Shaonan
2024 Vol. 54 (3): 150-160 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1797 KB] ( 269 )
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 65 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 925 KB] ( 230 )
5 Sun Xuefen
The Scientific Connotation and Value Implication of Xi Jinping’s Important Statement on National Financial Security
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 65 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 781 KB] ( 149 )
18 Zheng Gang, Zhu Guhao, Mo Kang
Institution-led Market Utilization, Dynamic Capabilities and Technology Catch-up
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 18-36 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1765 KB] ( 272 )
37 Wang Weian, Xie Zhubin, Chen Mengtao
Local Government Debt, Land Use Efficiency and Housing Prices: Empirical Evidences Based on Panel Data from 255 Cities
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 37-54 [Abstract] ( 70 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1054 KB] ( 149 )
55 Nan Ri
An Empirical Study of the Promotion of Happiness by Anti-graft from the Perspective of Policy Framework
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 55-69 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1235 KB] ( 137 )
70 Zou Yinuo, Wu Cifang, Gu Wei
Cognition and Approach of Territorial Spatial Planning Inspired by the “Mind Is Principle” Perspective
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 70-85 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2900 KB] ( 130 )
86 Wang Yating, Zhang Huiyu
On the Evolution of Language Rights in Chinese Laws and Regulations from 1949 to 2022
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 86-99 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 864 KB] ( 240 )
100 Wu Huixin, Wang Yunlu
An Examination of “Zuoru” in Fayan
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 100-108 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1433 KB] ( 253 )
109 Yue Xiaofeng
The Examination of the Lexicon Value of Combined Evidences of Texts, Documents and Cultural Relics: The Name of the Flat Pot and Its Homologous Relationship as an Example
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 109-118 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 14695 KB] ( 255 )
119 Liu Zehua, Peng Guozhong
Confronting Anxiety: Consciousness and Evolution of the Identity Concept of Ci Writers
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 119-131 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1331 KB] ( 143 )
132 Song Ziqiao
Regret for Flowery Expressions: The Self-repentance Mentality and Literary Activities of Literati in the Ming Dynasty
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 132-144 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1265 KB] ( 196 )
145 Teng Lin, Yang Yuxin, Zhang Yuyang, Nathan Thomas, Lawrence Jun Zhang
Self-regulated Learning in Second Language Education: A Synthesized Method of Bibliometrics and Scoping Review
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 145-160 [Abstract] ( 473 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2056 KB] ( 207 )
5 Pang Hu, Jin Yaokai
The Implication of Chinese Civilization in Chinese Path to Modernization
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 69 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 771 KB] ( 246 )
18 Wu Yile, Chen Jiaming
How Capital Tames Labor Power: A Foucaultian Powerism Interpretation of Marx’s Capital
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 18-28 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 778 KB] ( 244 )
29 Shao Peng, Zhao Ruoyi, Pan Zhongjing
Digital “Fields of Memory”: The Reconstruction of Heroic Commemorative Space in Social Media
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 29-41 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1794 KB] ( 224 )
42 Lu Jianping, Dang Ziqiang
Manufacture and Dissemination of Fake Information vs. Protection of National Security and People’s Rights and Interests in the AIGC Era
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 42-58 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2316 KB] ( 205 )
59 Liu Jingwei
An Explanation of the "Reference of Regulations to Standards": Centered on Keywords
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 59-70 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 852 KB] ( 218 )
71 Ruan Jianqing, Zhang Yuwei
Research on the Realization Path of Agro-industrial Clusters Enhancing Migrant Workers’ Settlement Willingness from the Perspective of Inclusiveness
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 71-86 [Abstract] ( 34 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1030 KB] ( 195 )
87 Zhang Xingwu
A Study of the Reform of Tang Literature Based on "Yan-Xu"
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 87-96 [Abstract] ( 36 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1396 KB] ( 212 )
97 Shen Wenfan, Xie Mengying
Clan and Official Career Life of Tang Poet Cui Bei
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 97-114 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1278 KB] ( 233 )
115 Ying Yiwen
An Intertextual Comparison of Chinese and Western Poetics of Ekphrasis in the Sixteenth Century
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 115-121 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1067 KB] ( 215 )
122 He Lianzhen, Zhang Juan
Theoretical Perspectives on Fairness: Implications for Fairness Research in Language Testing
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 122-130 [Abstract] ( 33 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 662 KB] ( 198 )
131 Li Zhouyuan
An Analysis of the Engraving Process of Sixi Canon in Huzhou during the Southern Song Dynasty
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 131-146 [Abstract] ( 54 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5658 KB] ( 202 )
147 Xu Huan
Early Tang Dynasty Literati and the Evolution of Political Career Advance via Literature
2024 Vol. 54 (5): 147-160 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1028 KB] ( 210 )
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 0- [Abstract] ( 29 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1284 KB] ( 117 )
5 Deng Huihui, Liu Yujia, Wang Qiang
How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Supply Chain Resilience: Evidence from Listed Companies
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 5-23 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1253 KB] ( 160 )
24 Yao Yao, Yang Gaoju
Does Import Conversion of Digital Products Affect Enterprises’ Continuous Digital Innovation: “Accomplished Overnight” or “Day and Month Cumulative”
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 24-43 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1433 KB] ( 138 )
44 Zhang Hong, Liang Kaijing, Zhao Tianna
Cultural Shareability and Product-Market Fit: A Study of the Mechanisms of Chinese Original Television Formats Landing Overseas
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 44-57 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 813 KB] ( 133 )
58 Zhang Dongyang
Data Platform Organizational Structure as an Instrument to Personal Information Protection Compliance
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 58-72 [Abstract] ( 22 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 785 KB] ( 116 )
73 Shen Fangjun
The Risks and Governance of Generative Artificial Intelligence: Addressing the “Collingridge Dilemma”
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 73-91 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 844 KB] ( 135 )
92 Shao Xingjiang, Jin Qizuo, Gu Jianming
Rural Small School Space Construction: Value, Mechanism and Pathways
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 92-104 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1404 KB] ( 127 )
105 Guo Wenggang, Zheng Yaoli, Sun Yuan
The Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Academic Development for Outstanding Innovative Talents Cultivation: An Exploratory Study Based on Grounded Theory
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 105-119 [Abstract] ( 23 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1159 KB] ( 129 )
120 Bian Tiangang, Lu Lu
On the Great Vowel Shift as a Drag Chain Occurring During the Eastern Han Dynasty: Based on the Evidence of Phonological Classes and Phonological Values in the He-Luo Region
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 120-136 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4381 KB] ( 128 )
137 Wang Tao
The Essence of Concepts: The Interconnection of the Eight-legged Essay and the Regulated Verse in the Examination
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 137-150 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1030 KB] ( 133 )
151 Bai Shan
From Gender Role to Physical Situation: Interpreting the Image of “Mother” in Contemporary Chinese Feminist Art
2024 Vol. 54 (6): 151-160 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 769 KB] ( 121 )
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 0- [Abstract] ( 31 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1356 KB] ( 86 )
5 Wang Guiguo
Strengthen the Right to Development under International Law Through “Yi Ziran
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 5-26 [Abstract] ( 14 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1028 KB] ( 81 )
27 Huo Zhengxin, Yan Yuhong
The U.S. Sanctions Against China: Evolutionary Trends, International Law Analysis, and China’s Response
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 27-43 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1216 KB] ( 70 )
44 Yao Mingming
The Pattern and Mechanism of Party Building for Non-public Enterprises to Promote Common Prosperity
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 44-54 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1059 KB] ( 72 )
55 Peng Yuping
Wang Guowei’s Service in Nanshufang and His Political Attitudes
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 55-72 [Abstract] ( 13 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1158 KB] ( 71 )
73 Ma Yunjuan, Zhang Kai
The "Beijing Ancient Academy” and Chinese Classics Studies by the Old Scholars in the Republic of China
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 73-84 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 843 KB] ( 71 )
85 Zhang Wei, Wang Haizhu
Thick Translation and Academic Circulation of Discourse on Chinese Traditional Literary Theories: A Case Study of Stephen Owen’s English Translation of Wen Fu
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 690 KB] ( 85 )
93 Shi Jingpeng
An Exploration of the Commentaries on the Mahāparinirvā?a-sūtra in the Dunhuang Manuscripts from the Northern and Southern Dynasties
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 93-105 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 997 KB] ( 62 )
106 Xu Hao
The Evidence of Stealing Dunhuang Scrolls by Li Shengduo and the Others
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 106-125 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1490 KB] ( 68 )
126 Pang Xuequan, Zeng Yi
The Construction and Alienation of Leisure in the Era of Online Videos
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 126-135 [Abstract] ( 16 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 710 KB] ( 66 )
136 Liu Zhanzhao
The Song Version Features and Academic Values of the Wusilan Manuscript Version of Shitong in Ming Dynasty
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 136-146 [Abstract] ( 14 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 17200 KB] ( 77 )
147 Wang Jiegui
A Study on the Systematic Optimization of Village-level Power Supervision Mechanism: Based on the Research Path of Theoretical Basis, Policy Basis and Practical Analysis
2024 Vol. 54 (7): 147-160 [Abstract] ( 20 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 657 KB] ( 86 )
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