The Implication of Chinese Civilization in Chinese Path to Modernization |
Pang Hu, Jin Yaokai |
School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Civilization is the value identity formed on the basis of specific social practice. Modernization is the historical process of the evolution and replacement of the old and new social forms. The interactive development of civilization and modernization complements each other. On the one hand, modernization is essentially a process of profound deconstruction and reconstruction of the civilization system in a specific historical stage. From the perspective of universality, modernization is a concentrated reflection of the progress of civilization. From the perspective of particularity, modernization condenses the concept expression of specific civilization. On the other hand, the civilization form of a particular society directly determines the development trend of modernization. The difference between different modernization modes is essentially the difference between different civilization forms. Western civilization has opened up a new process of world modernization, but it does not mean that modernization is the patent of the West, nor can it include all the modernization of the world. While the internal worries of Western modernity are intensifying, the Chinese path to modernization initiated by Chinese civilization is showing unprecedented unique value.Chinese civilization contains rich modernity factors, constructs the Chinese gene of modernization construction, and opens up a new prospect of “alternative modernity”. As the cultural root of the Chinese nation, Chinese civilization has cast the spiritual soul of the Chinese path to modernization with its unique value thought and cultural gene. As a value system with a high sense of identity and strong cohesion, Chinese civilization has condensed the value consensus of Chinese path to modernization with its sense of “family-country” community formed in the long-term historical process. As an important treasure of world civilization, Chinese civilization not only maintains the vitality of the Chinese nation, but also promotes the renewal and improvement of world civilization, strengthens the historical responsibility of the Chinese path to modernization, and finally breaks the thinking pattern of “modernization equals westernization” and shapes the Chinese model of modern development.Through the practical exploration of the Chinese path to modernization, the Communist Party of China has activated the excellent genes of the Chinese nation and promoted the modern transformation of Chinese civilization. The Chinese path to modernization has promoted the Chinese nation to realize the historical transformation from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization and information civilization, and has consolidated the social foundation for the modern transformation of Chinese civilization. The Chinese path to modernization adheres to the guidance of Marxism, upholds the historical vision of learning from the past and the dialectical vision of integration, and enriches the connotation of the times for the modern transformation of Chinese civilization. The Chinese path to modernization has established a new framework of modern civilization with Chinese excellent traditional culture as the resource, revolutionary culture as the background, and advanced socialist culture as the guide. It has activated the innovation factor for the modern transformation of Chinese civilization, and made the cultural gene with the significance of the times burst out fresh vitality in the practice of the Chinese path to modernization.Based on the practice of the Chinese path to modernization, modern Chinese civilization has become a typical paradigm for creating new forms of human civilization in the “new axis era” due to its unique historical background and modern characteristics. In order to promote the reconstruction of the form of human civilization in the new historical journey, we should fully explore the empirical value of modern Chinese civilization, take the reconstruction of the subjectivity of the modernization model as the value standpoint, take the harmonious construction of the life community as the pattern, and take the mutual integration of civilization forms as the order orientation, so as to break the “Western civilization center theory” and create a new pattern of human civilization development, and contribute more Chinese wisdom.
Received: 02 November 2023
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