Re-embedding of Surname Associations: A New Development of Kinship Networks in China |
Zhang Siying, Sun Yanfei |
Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Post-Mao China has witnessed not only the widespread resurgence of lineage organizations but also the rapid growth of same-surname associations, which transcend the blood ties and territorial foundations of traditional lineages. These surname associations in China draw on two distinct models: high-order lineage organizations, which developed during the late imperial China, and the surname associations prevalent among Chinese diaspora communities.These two models exhibit different institutional features and operational principles. Historical high-order lineage organizations unite lineage branches through explicit genealogical connections, the establishment of joint ancestral halls, and ancestor worship ceremonies. They adhere to hierarchical clan norms and forge alliances based on shared geographical interests. In contrast, overseas Chinese surname associations bring together individuals sharing the same surname, rather than collective lineage units. Membership in these associations is voluntary and does not require genealogical proof of shared ancestry. In other words, they are managed similarly as modern clubs. They actively seek to expand their networks globally, aiming at enhancing their capacity to provide economic benefits, educational assistance, and other resources to Chinese immigrants.Based on extensive fieldwork conducted since 2010 in a county in western Guangdong Province, this article reveals a new development among surname associations in China. Initially, the Wang Surname Association (WSA, the focus of our study) emulated overseas Chinese surname associations, functioning as an “elite club” primarily comprising retired officials and entrepreneurs. Its goal was to broaden networks beyond blood ties and territorial boundaries. However, a significant transformation occurred after 2014. During the construction of a joint ancestral hall for all Wang lineage branches in the county, the WSA adopted traditional clan rites reminiscent of historical high-order lineage organizations, thereby strengthening its ties to village-based lineage networks. This shift transformed the WSA from a trans-local network of affluent and influential elites into a hybrid organization that, while still connecting elite members, became more entrenched in local society and engaged with people from different social strata. This re-embedding can be attributed to its leadership, which is primarily composed of local retired officials whose social circles are confined to the county.The evolution of the WSA illustrates the social implications of re-embedding surname associations. On the one hand, this process reinforces members’ affiliation and delineates the group’s boundaries, endowing it with characteristics reminiscent of historical high-order lineage organizations. On the other hand, it retains significant traits of its overseas counterparts, such as voluntary membership, a resource-exchange platform, and a strong intent to expand its network. However, with the establishment of the joint ancestral hall, participation is limited to individuals residing nearby, effectively restricting the WSA’s influence to the county.The re-embedding of surname associations, as exemplified by the WSA, contributes to a deeper understanding of how traditional institutions like clans and popular religion can experience revival as well as reinvention in rapidly changing modern China. It also reveals the evolving interests and power dynamics among social actors and the shifts in social structures of local societies during periods of social transformation.
Received: 04 July 2023
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