The Essence of Concepts: The Interconnection of the Eight-legged Essay and the Regulated Verse in the Examination |
Wang Tao |
The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China |
Abstract In the 22nd year of the Qianlong reign (1757), after the imposition of the imperial decree on the examination system for poetry, the study and practice of regulated verses in the sphere of scholars became essential. However, the hasty reform of the system led to the inadequate preparations of both the imperial court and the public. There was no consensus about the poetic characteristics, developments, and changes related to regulated verse in the poetic examinations. During the early Qing period, only the scholars of the Hanlin Academy’s Shuchang Hall were involved in monthly examinations and examinations for the positions in different departments to test the regulated verses. As most scholars at a later time often served as examiners for the imperial Provincial Examinations, they naturally became the key figures in determining the standards of poem writing. These scholarly examiners initially aimed to enhance the value of regulated verses in the examination. The literary discussions of poems in the Ming and Qing dynasties largely adhered to the traditional approach, which considered expressing personal feelings as the primary function of poetry, but the prescribed topics of poems in the examination contradicted this tradition. Although there were examining poems since the Tang dynasty, they were not highly valued by literary critics. To transform this situation, the scholarly examiners tried to broaden the range of poetry. In addition to expressing personal sentiments, they reintroduced traditional poetic education and emphasized the praise of the prosperous era, and all these features should be essential parts of the examining poem. However, there was an obstacle in elevating poems to the status of other poems. Once a topic was assigned, writers had to revolve around the given theme, which made poems prone to forced sentences and repetitive meanings. To address this, scholars found it convenient to establish the writing rules by drawing inspirations from the eight-legged essay format. While using the eight-legged essay format to guide poem writing in the examination, examiners had different interpretations of the relationship between the eight-legged essays and the examining poems. In the early Qing dynasty, some scholars like Mao Qiling, considered examining poems in the Tang dynasty as the origin of the eight-legged essay based on the chronological order and believed that the format of introduction-development-turn-conclusion of eight-legged essay came from poems in the examination, suggesting that examining poems did not need to follow the eight-part essay format completely. Instead, writers should learn from past masters of poetic writing, become proficient in various poetic forms, and naturally master the skills of the poem writing. However, scholars like Jin Shen, who represented the officials of the Shuchang Hall, thought the poem in examinations was a branch of the eight-legged essay. They argued that examinees could write a successful poem by breaking down the topic and elaborating on it as per the rules of the eight-legged essay. From his perspective, ordinary learners did not need to understand other poetic forms. These seemingly contradictory views resulted from the effects of using the eight-part essay format to guide the poem writing. Mao Qiling believed that poetry and essays had inherent differences. Even though referring to the eight-part essay format, it should serve the essence of poetry, focusing more on contemplating words and sentences and creating a poetic image than presenting arguments in a sequential pattern like an essay. On the other hand, Jin Shen argued that examining poems should stick to the rules of the eight-legged essay, contributing ideas in line with the essay format and determining the quality based on the precise topic exploration and skilled use of techniques such as comparisons and allusions. Later, Ji Yun eliminated the confusion caused by these two conflicting views, integrating their superior strengths. Building on accurate topic exploration, he focused on creating the “spirit” of examining poems, establishing a new standard for poem writing. This demonstrates that, although there were some criticisms of the writing format of introduction-development-turn-conclusion in the examination, the format as the writing knowledge was unaffected by the concepts and became increasingly popular in the poetic examination. It became an effective means of deriving enjoyment from poems.
Received: 03 August 2023
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