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30 Most Down Articles
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In last 2 years
1 A Research on the Digital Development and Communication Strategy of Translating Cultural Genes by Innovative Design 2023 Vol.53(1):5-18
Luo Shijian, Wang Yao, Zhong Fangxu, Guo Qin [Abstract] (177) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1851 KB] (741)
2 Resolutions to the Dilemma of Criminal Law Protection of Virtual Property in the Perspective of Digital Assets 2022 Vol.52(12):40-56
Gao Yandong, He Zihan [Abstract] (193) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 828 KB] (704)
3 Digitalized Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Empowered by Metaverse: Field Architecture, Key Technologies and Ethical Reflections 2023 Vol.53(1):19-29
Liu Zhonghua, Jiao Jipeng [Abstract] (164) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1198 KB] (518)
4 Relationship Between International Law and Domestic Law in the New Era from the Perspective of the Rule of Law Application of Integration and Coordination Thinking 2022 Vol.52(11):5-25
Zhao Jun, Xiao Yuqin [Abstract] (187) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 912 KB] (501)
5 A Review on Residents’ Green Consumption Research 2022 Vol.52(9):57-68
Zhou Jiehong, Han Fei, Wei Ke, Yan Zhen [Abstract] (236) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 745 KB] (501)
6 Chinese Science Fiction on Climate Change since the 1990s 2022 Vol.52(12):141-151
Zhu Yuting [Abstract] (160) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 781 KB] (483)
7 Exploring the Psychological Mechanism of Fan Worship and Its Multi-causality 2022 Vol.52(8):70-84
Guo Qin [Abstract] (271) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1013 KB] (478)
8 A Research on the Digital Development and Communication Strategy of Translating Cultural Genes by Innovative Design 0 Vol.():1-
Luo Shijian Wang Yao Zhong Fangxu Guo Qin [Abstract] (93) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1826 KB] (464)
9 A Study of Design for Digital Cultural Innovation under the Integration of Culture and Technology: A Knowledge Graph Analysis Based on Citespace 2023 Vol.53(1):30-43
Guo Yinman, Ji Tie, Tian Qijun [Abstract] (168) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4914 KB] (454)
10 A Study of Unilateral Modification Made by Standard Terms Providers 2022 Vol.52(10):84-96
Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Jianghong [Abstract] (177) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 761 KB] (439)
11 Passions and Order: Burke’s Sublime Theory and the Establishment of Political Order 2022 Vol.52(8):85-96
Zhu Xin [Abstract] (264) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 815 KB] (430)
12 To Frame the Framing Research:Three-decade “Fractured Paradigm” and Four-decade “Ferment in the Field” 2022 Vol.52(11):129-146
Wang Yan [Abstract] (239) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1985 KB] (420)
13 Boudoir Writings in the Qing Dynasty and a New Interpretation of Confucian Norms of Women’s Virtues 2023 Vol.53(7):160-168
Wu Lin [Abstract] (88) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 990 KB] (414)
14 Penetration of Chinese Civil Society Ethics into the Contemporary Historiography: A Tendency of Historical Revisionism in the Recent Qiu Jin Studies 2023 Vol.53(1):144-159
Liu Xiaoyi [Abstract] (198) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1135 KB] (403)
15 A Study of Cultural Heritage Protection and Urban Renewal Strategy: The City of Xi’an as an Example 2023 Vol.53(4):5-15
Zhao Rong, Wu Zhengzheng [Abstract] (122) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 810 KB] (398)
16 A Study of the Change of Social Mobility and the Influencing Factors in China 2024 Vol.54(2):91-106
Zuo Hong, Yang Mo [Abstract] (42) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1375 KB] (397)
17 Family School Education in the Song Dynasty 2023 Vol.53(8):111-123
Jia Fangfang [Abstract] (77) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1279 KB] (377)
18 A Study of the Function Mechanism of Zhejiang Economic Associations on Grassroots Governance in the Qing Dynasty 2022 Vol.52(8):147-160
Zheng Beijun, Zhao Xinyue [Abstract] (376) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1040 KB] (373)
19 Rural Collective Property Rights System Reform and Trust Enhancement in Villages: An Empirical Study 2022 Vol.52(8):28-46
Hu Weibin, Huang Zuhui [Abstract] (211) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1787 KB] (373)
20 China’s Education Reforms Through Policy Experimentation: An Analytical Framework 2022 Vol.52(8):109-121
Han Shuangmiao, Xie Jing [Abstract] (287) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 966 KB] (369)
21 Heterogeneous Effects of Praise and Criticism on Students’ Academic Performance: Teachers’ Reinforcement and Students’ Self-attribution 2022 Vol.52(12):88-103
Yao Dongmin, Cui Mengqi, Xu Yixuan, Zhao Jiangwei [Abstract] (143) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1253 KB] (362)
22 Rise of Eastern Zhejiang Literary School in the Southern Song Dynasty and Its Significance for Literary History 2022 Vol.52(11):147-160
Xu Heya [Abstract] (172) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 908 KB] (356)
23 Does the Development of Digital Economy Improve Regional Economic Resilience? A Research Based on Intermediary Effect, Threshold Effect and Spatial Spillover Effect 2022 Vol.52(12):21-39
Li Xiaozhong, Wu Wenhao, Gu Guoda [Abstract] (250) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 871 KB] (353)
24 An Overview of Recent Ten Years Studies of the Attribution of the Chinese Buddhist Translation from a Linguistic Perspective 2023 Vol.53(2):5-28
Fang Yixin, Lu Lu [Abstract] (115) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1158 KB] (343)
25 Broad-mindedness and Passion of the Publishers 2023 Vol.53(4):88-91
Liu Binjie [Abstract] (135) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 580 KB] (342)
26 A Study of the Newly Unearthed Epitaphs of Music and Dance in the Tang Dynasty 2022 Vol.52(8):97-108
Hu Qiuyan [Abstract] (353) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1376 KB] (333)
27 Memory Poetics in French Literature since the 20th Century 2023 Vol.53(8):139-154
Weng Bingying [Abstract] (59) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 904 KB] (329)
28 Doubts on “Cao Wei Xingzhuang” by Wang Anshi 2023 Vol.53(2):53-66
Liao Yin, Li Daxiu [Abstract] (86) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1227 KB] (326)
29 A Study of the Influence of Urban Business Environment on Enterprise Innovation Efficiency 2023 Vol.53(5):62-78
Lin Saiyan, Liu Jun [Abstract] (78) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 770 KB] (322)
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