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30 Most Down Articles
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In last 3 years
1 Reciprocity as a Social Norm or Gift-giving as a Social Norm: From an Interdisciplinary Dialogue (1939-2013) to a Classic Model of Chinese Interpersonal Communication 2021 Vol.51(5):84-98
Yao Jinyun, Shao Peiren [Abstract] (458) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2109 KB] (927)
2 Origin, Connotations and Characteristics of Contemporary Western Gender and Transgender Theory 2021 Vol.51(5):110-118
Gao Fen, Wan Andi [Abstract] (395) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 663 KB] (886)
3 Accountability Research in Organization Management: A Literature Review and Prospects 2021 Vol.51(5):197-210
Yan Shimei, Wang Qi [Abstract] (664) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 756 KB] (804)
4 A Discussion on the Synchronous Word-formation of Chinese Time Words from “Lingchen (凌晨)” 2021 Vol.51(5):53-70
Wang Yunlu [Abstract] (338) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1092 KB] (749)
5 A Research on the Digital Development and Communication Strategy of Translating Cultural Genes by Innovative Design 2023 Vol.53(1):5-18
Luo Shijian, Wang Yao, Zhong Fangxu, Guo Qin [Abstract] (177) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1851 KB] (741)
6 Resolutions to the Dilemma of Criminal Law Protection of Virtual Property in the Perspective of Digital Assets 2022 Vol.52(12):40-56
Gao Yandong, He Zihan [Abstract] (193) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 828 KB] (704)
7 The Significance and Influence of the Xiunü Selection System on Banner Women: A Study Based on the Xiunü Selection Archives of Qing Royal Palace 2021 Vol.51(5):130-138
Mao Liping [Abstract] (349) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 778 KB] (704)
8 Anti-intellectualism in Europe and America as a Reflection of Changes in Social Stratum Structure 2022 Vol.52(4):82-93
Kan Daoyuan, Liang Jingyu [Abstract] (538) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 911 KB] (679)
9 Strengthening Cognition of Digital Economy and Promoting Iterative Innovation of Economy and Society 2021 Vol.51(5):149-156
Shi Jinyi, Wang Zhikai [Abstract] (439) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 675 KB] (664)
10 Challenges and Responses of Personal Information Security in the Era of Artificial Intelligence 2021 Vol.51(5):157-169
Guo Xuehui [Abstract] (430) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 698 KB] (663)
11 Editing the Fragments of the Lotus Sutra from Li Shengduo's Dunhuang Collections 2021 Vol.51(5):5-19
Feng Guodong, Qin Longquan [Abstract] (321) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 35691 KB] (652)
12 A Study on Reconstructing Dunhuang Manuscripts of Mahāpraj?āpāramitā-sūtra Collected in Kyōu Shooku 2021 Vol.51(5):20-41
Xu Hao, Zhang Yongquan [Abstract] (303) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 54262 KB] (639)
13 "The Main Line Grandson Bears the Burden": Zhu Xi’s Proposal for Emperor Ningzong's Mourning Rites and the History of the Qingyuan Proscription 2022 Vol.52(3):46-61
Wang Yu [Abstract] (414) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1054 KB] (628)
14 Developing Heating Systems in Southern Cities: A New Option of High-quality Development 2021 Vol.51(6):167-186
Zhang Xiaomeng, Wei Chu [Abstract] (537) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] (624)
15 International Dissemination of the Core Concepts of Diplomatic Discourse of Contemporary China: Status Quo, Problems and Strategies 2021 Vol.51(5):99-109
Hu Kaibao, Zhang Chenxia [Abstract] (267) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 680 KB] (618)
16 A Conversation by Writing on the Theme of “Common Prosperity” 2022 Vol.52(1):6-21
Li Shi, Chen Zongsheng, Shi Jinchuan, Liu Tongfang, He Wenjiong [Abstract] (589) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 768 KB] (593)
17 Modeling for Neural Processing of Chinese Logogriphs 2022 Vol.52(2):100-109
Wang Yizhen, Wang Xiaolu [Abstract] (389) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 678 KB] (591)
18 Coproduction and Perceived Public Service Performance: A Multi-level Analysis on Chinese Environmental Governance 2022 Vol.52(1):22-38
Wu Jiebing, Qian Qianyanhui, Cheng Yuan [Abstract] (291) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 881 KB] (572)
19 Surpassing or Co-advancing: Reflections on the Relationship Between Service-oriented Government and Developmental Government 2021 Vol.51(5):170-182
Wu Jinqun, Liu Huahua [Abstract] (395) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7177 KB] (563)
20 Logical Changes of the Knowledge Form of Western Literary Text Theory: Classical, Modern and Post-modern Text Theories 2021 Vol.51(5):119-129
Fu Changling [Abstract] (363) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 692 KB] (555)
21 Distinct Translations of The Doctrine of the Mean, the Confucius Classic and the Translator’s Cultural Identity 2022 Vol.52(3):62-71
Shisheng Lü [Abstract] (243) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 792 KB] (547)
22 Asian Civilization Research from the Perspective of the Linguistics 2022 Vol.52(2):87-99
Cheng Gong, Liu Jiaqi [Abstract] (430) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 777 KB] (543)
23 Research Themes and Future Prospects of First-generation College Students Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on WoS Database During 2001-2020 2022 Vol.52(3):135-149
Mei Weihui, Yu Chenxin [Abstract] (271) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3400 KB] (531)
24 The Change of Meanings of “Origin” from the Perspective of Emphasizing Literati Policy in Song Dynasty 2021 Vol.51(6):18-28
Zhou Jia [Abstract] (402) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 788 KB] (523)
25 The Impact of Rising Costs on Labor-intensive Industries: Based on Ningbo Textile and Garment Industrial Cluster 2021 Vol.51(6):119-133
Ruan Jianqing, Zhao Lühang, Zhao Zuoxiang, Li Jiewei [Abstract] (262) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 828 KB] (520)
26 Digitalized Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Empowered by Metaverse: Field Architecture, Key Technologies and Ethical Reflections 2023 Vol.53(1):19-29
Liu Zhonghua, Jiao Jipeng [Abstract] (164) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1198 KB] (518)
27 An Analysis of Plurilateral Agreements Approach to Revitalize the WTO Negotiation Function 2021 Vol.51(5):211-226
Tu Xinquan, Shi Xiaojing [Abstract] (306) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 761 KB] (509)
28 Relationship Between International Law and Domestic Law in the New Era from the Perspective of the Rule of Law Application of Integration and Coordination Thinking 2022 Vol.52(11):5-25
Zhao Jun, Xiao Yuqin [Abstract] (187) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 912 KB] (501)
29 A Review on Residents’ Green Consumption Research 2022 Vol.52(9):57-68
Zhou Jiehong, Han Fei, Wei Ke, Yan Zhen [Abstract] (236) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 745 KB] (501)
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