Labor System in the Song Dynasty Construction Industry as Evidenced by the Labor of Craftsmen |
Li Hequn |
School of History and Culture, Henan University, Kaifeng 475000, China |
Abstract The Song Dynasty is a prosperous period of the construction industry which formed a set perfect labor system. The laborers in the construction industry were often called “dingjiang” (丁匠) in historical documents, including unskilled laborers and skilled craftsmen. The latter is the focus of this paper because it is related to building quality and the prosperity of the industry. Based on abundant historical and archaeological data, this paper systematically discusses these dingjiang who served in the capital and local areas of the Song Dynasty, in terms of their source, dispatch, labor, payment, vacation, medical treatment, old-age care, rewards, and punishment, etc. This is an important part of the labor system of the Song Dynasty, and it can also be used as reference for today’s project management. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Jiangzuo jian (将作监), a central building management agency, was formed. There were also some building construction agencies, such as the East and West Eight Construction Institutions (东西八作司), Imperial Palace Construction Institution (提举修内司), Building the Capital City Wall Organization (修完京城所), etc. as well as building material processing organizations, such as Shicai chang (事材场) and the East and West Kiln Administration (东西窑务) and so on. The dingjiang of these institutions had lifelong employment in the capital. Some of these craftsmen were leftovers from the Later Zhou period of the Five Dynasties, and some came from the destroyed Ten States. Others were recruited from all over the country. The criteria for recruitment were youth, strength, and skill. In addition to the lifelong craftsmen of these official institutions, local craftsmen were also recruited every year to supplement them, as well as temporary recruitment in case of large projects. The employment period should not go beyond the completion of the project and overtime employment was not allowed. In addition, the criminals and the Imperial Guards (禁军) also participated in the construction of the capital Kaifeng, which complicated the identity of dingjiang.In comparison, the main force of local construction was xiangjun (厢军), among which zhuangcheng jun (壮城军) specialized in building the city wall. In addition, there were also local recruits, temporary hiring, and some criminals serving exile, etc. How these local craftsmen were recruited was not directly recorded in the official history. However, according to some personal records of that time, the craftsmen were mostly recruited according to the craftsmen’s register. They implemented a rotation system, which was different from the craftsman households of the Tang Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, there was a clear division of labor among craftsmen in the construction industry, such as carpenters, bricklayers, stonemasons, bamboo workers, painters, etc. In addition, the craftsmen in the same type of work were divided into grades to highlight their skills and were linked with their remuneration. Carpenters, the bulk of construction craftsmen, had a more detailed division. According to the available historical data, from lower grade to higher grade, they may possibly be divided into craftsmen, zuotou (作头), duzuotou (都作头), and duliao jang (都料将).The title of this article uses the word “labor”, which indicates that they were paid, including rice and copper money. The payment differed greatly in terms of region and time. Moreover, dingjiang enjoyed a labor protection system, such as winter and summer vacations of a certain kind. They also had holiday leave, sick leave, rain leave, funeral leave, etc. The government also had treatment measures for patients during work and the assignment. When they were old and weak, some could also enjoy pension treatment. In addition, in the construction process, if a dingjiang encountered a casualty accident, the supervisor would be punished.
Received: 15 March 2022
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