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30 Most Down Articles
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Most Downloaded in Recent Year
1 The Existence of Western Theory and the Existing Theory in China: An Analysis Based on the Text of Habermas's Public Sphere 2013 Vol.43(5):82-102
Shao Peiren Zhan Ning [Abstract] (3035) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1633 KB] (13561)
2 A Study of the Translation Philosophy and Subj ectivity of Translators Reflectedby the Prefaces in the English Versions of RickshawBoy 2016 Vol.2(5):105-
Jin Jie Wu Ping [Abstract] (715) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1615 KB] (2779)
3 The Faith Aspect of Jin Yong's Novel 1999 Vol.29(2):22-27
[Abstract] (802) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 510 KB] (2510)
4 On the Great Division of Continental Civil Law 2016 Vol.2(6):40-
Zheng Guan Xu Wei Xiong Bingyuan [Abstract] (1070) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1308 KB] (5047)
5 A Study of Prices ,Cost ,and Commercial Value of Imprints in Ming Qing China 2010 Vol.40(1):5-
[Abstract] (1893) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1211 KB] (8875)
6 Wittgenstain's Critique on Socrates' Philosophical Thinking 1999 Vol.29(5):64-72
[Abstract] (854) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 709 KB] (2554)
7 Resolutions to the Dilemma of Criminal Law Protection of Virtual Property in the Perspective of Digital Assets 2022 Vol.52(12):40-56
Gao Yandong, He Zihan [Abstract] (193) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 828 KB] (704)
8 Reflections on French Revolution 1999 Vol.29(2):5-10
[Abstract] (1104) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 481 KB] (8779)
9 The Historical Value and Theological Meanings of 1-2 Maccabees 1999 Vol.29(2):16-21
[Abstract] (987) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 472 KB] (9881)
10 The Limitations of Governance on Voluntary Failure: A Multi-case Study on Government Purchase of Service Contracting 2017 Vol.3(5):184-195
Wang Shizong Yang Fan [Abstract] (549) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1417 KB] (1004)
11 On the Issue of Public Goods and Its Solution : A Review on the Public Goods Theory 2009 Vol.39(6):133-
[Abstract] (1376) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 997 KB] (9205)
12 Research on the Elegy of the Newly Edited from the Epitaph in the Tang Dynasty 2009 Vol.39(3):175-
[Abstract] (1823) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1501 KB] (3764)
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