The Risk of Losing Discourse Power of Socialist Ideology in the Digital Age and the Coping Mechanism |
Yan Song |
School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract This paper mainly discusses how the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government deal with the risk of inevitable loss of the discourse power of socialist ideology in the changing digital age, and how to use digital technology to strengthen the control of the discourse power of socialist ideology, which involves the viewpoints as follows:The power system includes three levels, i.e. the power of expression, the power of interpretation and the dominant power of discourse: as the socialist ideology construction subject, it has the power to express and explain the basic content of socialist ideology, form the power of discourse expression and interpretation, and dominate the construction and dissemination of socialist ideology in various fields through the coercive force and deterrent force of its political power, and then transform this power of expression and interpretation into the dominant power of people’s thoughts. At present, the interpretation of the discourse power of socialist ideology in the academic field makes a general reference. Based on the investigation of the transformation logic and essentials of the discourse power of socialist ideology, this paper draws the concept and specific content of the right (force) above the discourse power of socialist ideology.Based on the structural characteristics of the digital age and the essentials of the discourse power of socialist ideology, this paper accurately elaborates on the dialectical content of variables and invariables of the discourse power of socialist ideology in the digital age, explores the coping strategies of the risk of the loss of discourse power caused by variable factors based on invariable factors, follows the principle of dealing with variables with invariables, and responds to the crisis of variables on the basis of strengthening invariable factors, making this paper innovative in both research methods and structure.On the structure and content of socialist ideological discourse power:The discourse power of socialist ideology refers to the construction of a power system that will lead and dominate the discourse object in the ideological field and realistic life through the production and expression of the discourse system of socialist ideology, based on the thought-carrier feature of the discourse power as well as its power of communication, to support, consolidate and improve the socialist system. On the response to the risk of the discourse power of socialist ideology:the digital age has brought about the transformation of discourse construction carrier, communication subject and expression mode. The dominant power and influence, interpretation power and credibility, expression right and attraction of socialist ideology discourse are facing severe challenges, which leads to the risk of loss of socialist ideology discourse power in the digital age. The anti-infiltration and strong consolidation of socialist ideology discourse power are particularly important. First, we should sort out the invariable factors of socialist ideology discourse, so as to clarify the criterion of discourse judgment and prevent the infiltration and invasion of various trends of thought to socialist ideology; Second, we should study the risk of the loss of the discourse power of socialist ideology caused by various variables, and then find the strategy to strengthen the discourse power of socialist ideology. On the basis of exploring the dialectic principle of variables and invariables of socialist ideology discourse, this paper lists some strategies to deal with the dilemma of the loss of socialist ideology discourse power: First, ensuring the value orientation of discourse and seizing all kinds of discourse communication channels; Second, following the fundamental part of discourse and optimize the expression of discourse content; Third, highlighting the discourse construction subject and integrating the multi-discourse communication subjects.
Received: 13 October 2022
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