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145 Teng Lin, Yang Yuxin, Zhang Yuyang, Nathan Thomas, Lawrence Jun Zhang
Self-regulated Learning in Second Language Education: A Synthesized Method of Bibliometrics and Scoping Review
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 145-160 [Abstract] ( 456 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2056 KB] (152)
154 Wang Jingwen, Wang Chunye
Construction of Authorized Legislation System under the Background of Expansion of China’s Pilot Free Trade Zone
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 154-168 [Abstract] ( 246 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 959 KB] (216)
144 Cheng Gang
Orderly and Comfort: Shao Yong’s Yi-ology and Poetics
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 144-153 [Abstract] ( 237 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 910 KB] (277)
57 Zhou Jiehong, Han Fei, Wei Ke, Yan Zhen
A Review on Residents’ Green Consumption Research
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 57-68 [Abstract] ( 237 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 745 KB] (507)
104 Huang Huaxin, Zhu Wensheng
A Study of Metaphor in Scientific Argumentation: Taking Metaphors of Synthetic Biology as an Example
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 104-113 [Abstract] ( 211 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 713 KB] (187)
86 Yuan Jinghua, Deng Jie
The Travelling Theory for "Huallywood" as Seen from the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 86-103 [Abstract] ( 207 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1501 KB] (226)
A Research of the Procuratorial Organ Participating in the Substantive Resolution of Administrative Disputes
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 25-36 [Abstract] ( 197 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 721 KB] (197)
5 Qian Hongdao, Kang Lanping, Shen Hui
The Basic Principles and Practical Approach of Digital Rule of Law
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 5-24 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 834 KB] (243)
114 Wang Qiuzhen, Ma Da, Yang Mengru, Peng Xixian, Zhu Qinghua
Neuroprivacy: A New Perspective of Information Privacy Research
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 114-132 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1534 KB] (242)
147 Sui Hongsheng, Zhao Jie
Men’s Studies in China from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Theoretical Path, Venation, and Outlook
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 147-160 [Abstract] ( 157 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 820 KB] (234)
133 Luo Changqing
Literary Perception, Acceptance, and Production in the Age of Experience Economy: Examination of the LARP Games Hotspot Phenomenon as a Case Study
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 133-143 [Abstract] ( 150 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 743 KB] (195)
69 Wei Lu, Li Jiarui
Government Trust through Expert Systems: How Does Media Exposure Affect Government Trust in a Major Public Health Crisis?
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 69-85 [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1250 KB] (258)
85 Lin Gangjian, Zhang Weiwen, Song Yang
State Mechanism of Equity Promotion in Neighbourhood Regeneration: A Case Study of the “Future Community Movement” in Zhejiang, China
2023 Vol. 53 (2): 85-100 [Abstract] ( 140 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1625 KB] (227)
29 Liu Shuhua, Lu Ke
Dynamic Balance Between Autonomy and Accountability: The Guarantee of Higher Education Governance Reform
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 29-39 [Abstract] ( 139 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 701 KB] (192)
5 Wang Ruilei
Silk Banner Paintings from the Library Cave of Dunhuang: Artistic Interactions Between the Tibetan Empire, Khotan, and Kashmir
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 132 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7632 KB] (192)
111 Ran Keping, Liu Bingyang
Effective Realization of Personal Information Consent Rule from the Perspective of Game Theory
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 111-130 [Abstract] ( 132 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 883 KB] (290)
37 Xie Huiming, Ma Jie, Shen Manhong
Environmental Tax Collection, Transfer Payment Bias and Policy Combination Effect
2022 Vol. 52 (9): 37-56 [Abstract] ( 129 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2855 KB] (265)
69 Chen Rong, Zhang Jie
Are Small Banks Conducive to Innovation?
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 69-87 [Abstract] ( 126 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 826 KB] (209)
98 Chen Lin
Legitimacy and Ideological Construction (1921-1957): Investigations Based on the Marxist Context
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 98-110 [Abstract] ( 122 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 735 KB] (214)
56 Gong Jushan, Chen Yuan
The Multidimensional Construction of Bakhtin's Subject Theory Poetics
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 56-68 [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 705 KB] (284)
5 Fang Yixin, Lu Lu
An Overview of Recent Ten Years Studies of the Attribution of the Chinese Buddhist Translation from a Linguistic Perspective
2023 Vol. 53 (2): 5-28 [Abstract] ( 116 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1158 KB] (346)
29 Ye Yuying
Historical Phonetic Strata of “Duruo” in Shuowen Jiezi in the Light of Excavated Texts
2023 Vol. 53 (2): 29-39 [Abstract] ( 115 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7009 KB] (172)
116 Wang Weian, Cai Kaixing, Yu Bin
Economic Policy Uncertainty, RMB Swap Agreements and International Stock Market Stability
2023 Vol. 53 (2): 116-132 [Abstract] ( 115 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1150 KB] (213)
124 Li Jianliang
“Yeon Heng” in the Poetry of Korean Envoys During the Ming and Qing Dynasties
2023 Vol. 53 (5): 124-135 [Abstract] ( 111 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1241 KB] (172)
136 Wu Jun
How to Become a Successful Poetry Critic: A Study of Poetry Critic Yu Ji and His Poetic Concepts
2023 Vol. 53 (5): 136-146 [Abstract] ( 110 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 850 KB] (138)
16 Chen Shuo
Intermediary, Media, History: The Materiality of Calligraphy and Its Canon Formation
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 16-28 [Abstract] ( 110 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1001 KB] (324)
67 Lian Fan
Evolution of the Concept of "Neo-Confucian(ism)" and Its Ideological Orientation
2023 Vol. 53 (2): 67-84 [Abstract] ( 109 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1192 KB] (238)
94 Liu Huimei, Zhou Yu
From Leisure to Leisure Philosophy: A Leisure Philosophy from the Perspective of Western Etymology of “Leisure”
2023 Vol. 53 (5): 94-106 [Abstract] ( 107 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1270 KB] (214)
137 Yuan Miaoxu
Kobzev’s Contribution to the Study and Translation of Ancient Chinese Philosophy
2023 Vol. 53 (7): 137-145 [Abstract] ( 106 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 740 KB] (245)
131 Zhou Xiang
Status and Participation Methods of Legal Experts in Judicial Digitization: A Case Study of the Procuratorial Organs
2023 Vol. 53 (3): 131-146 [Abstract] ( 106 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 774 KB] (175)
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