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2023, Vol.53 Num.8
Online: 2023-08-31

5 Wang Fengming, Wang Shujun
“Life Alienation” or “Labor Alienation”? Hot!
In his early Economic and Philosophical Manuscript of 1844, the alienation of labor products, the alienation of labor process, the alienation of human Gattungswesen, and the alienation between people constitute the basic definitions of Marx’s theory of alienated labor. These definitions are both different and related, and can neither be confused nor discarded.In the history of thought, Hegel proposed the alienation theory of “self-awareness” as the essence of the world spirit, while Feuerbach proposed the alienation theory of human “prior essence”. The common ground of the two is that they both view alienation as the loss of a predetermined prior essence, and overcoming alienation means the reacquisition (i.e. restoration) of this prior essence. Marx regarded labor as a free and conscious activity and the essence of human beings, the loss of human (labor) essence and the reduction of people to “non-human” are therefore the core and essence of Marx’s theory of alienated labor. Moreover, this theory has the function and significance of explaining paradigms.In contrast, in his mature works German Ideology and On Capital and its preparation manuscripts, Marx retained and continued to use the concept of alienation, but it no longer means a “non-human” state that renders people incapable of being human but rather a description of specific individuals in specific situations in reality. In this sense, alienated people are also a type of persons reflecting the essence of a person. Human labor, whether free or not, conscious and intentional or unconscious and spontaneous, all reflex and reflect the essence of human reality. Alienation is no longer related to the transcendental nature of human beings, and the alienation theory no longer has the role and significance of explaining paradigm. Instead, it is a historical materialism that reveals the movement law of basic social contradictions.Real people are not “human” but “human” is not real, which is a theoretical dilemma that the alienation labor theory is difficult to overcome. When a person is a real person, he is not human but “non-human”; when a person exists as “human”, he is not a “real” existence or rather lacks reality.From this perspective, the so-called “existentialist” interpretation of the decomposition of alienated labor into labor alienation and life alienation is questionable. It confuses alienation as separation, putting aside the presupposition and loss of human prior essence to discuss alienation and labor alienation. The understanding of the concepts such as labor and nature, or the understanding of the relationship between nature and labor products, as well as the various definitions of alienated labor, are all inconsistent with Marx’s thought. It overlooks the rupture that occurred between Marx’s early theory of labor alienation and the concept of alienation in the mature period.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 155 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 686KB] ( 385 )
18 Yang Xiaotong, Bao Dawei
Identifying the Revolutionary Subject: The Intrinsic Purpose of Marx’s Ideological Critique and Its Contemporary Value Hot!
This paper contends that the emancipation of the proletariat and human subjects is the ideological theme and practical goal of Marx’s ideological criticism. Based on an investigation of the relationship between material production activities and the spiritual interaction of “real people”, Marx discovered that there is a most oppressed and revolutionary class in civil society, that is, the proletariat, which has suffered widespread sufferings but has given birth to the most thorough revolutionary passion. It is precisely because the proletariat has the essential prescriptiveness that it represents the general interests of human subjects that it can become a revolutionary subject with the mission of human liberation. The proletariat can only liberate itself and thus ultimately all mankind by raising the consciousness of individual resistance to the consciousness of the entire class, and by eliminating alienated social relations and false ideas attached to them with certain class actions. It can be seen that the emancipation of the proletariat is completely consistent with the emancipation of human subjects, and this process of emancipation also highlights the inherent logical relationship and dialectical tension between the criticism of false ideology and the formation of revolutionary subjects and the construction of revolutionary ideologies.After returning from abstract self-consciousness to the real world of life, Marx not only exposed the illusory nature of Hegel’s limited realm of pure speculation and regarded the intermediary element of particularity as the connection between civil society and the state, but also pointed out the inverted logic of the bourgeois political economics that inverted the relationship between people to the relationship between things. This critical process is not the rational arbitrariness of the subject’s empty field, and it is in this process that the theoretical image of the proletariat and the status of the revolutionary subject have been transformed from emerging to taking shape. Correspondingly, Marx’s critique of Hegel’s philosophy of law and bourgeois political economics “inverted image” based on the objective dilemma of the proletariat losing the means of production and engaging in wage labor has also become the rationale for the social illusion of the proletariat transformation of ideas and reality, the reversal of the subject and object of labor and capital, and its “superstructure of ideas”. However, the actual conditions for the proletariat to be “put in complete chains” do not necessarily prompt it to launch a class struggle to abolish the old relations of production. Only by realizing that there is a fundamental class difference between itself and the bourgeoisie that insists on the supremacy of individual interests and that it is necessary to overthrow the root cause of private ownership that causes its misfortune, can the historical inevitability of the revolutionary ideology that was aimed at realizing the all-round development of human freedom be manifested, and can the revolutionary subject status of the proletariat from “man in the grave” to “gravedigger” be shaped.In the digital age when artificial intelligence is increasingly replacing the main labor. the proletariat is not only trapped in the dilemma of being excluded into isolated naked lives in terms of living conditions but also faces the ideological banter such as “class extinction theory” and “useless class theory” that challenge its revolutionary subject status. In this context, the proletariat, only by awakening its consciousness of self-reliance that dares to struggle, adhering to the ideological leadership of the proletarian party, and exploring the possibility of collective coexistence based on the unity of class unity and community construction, can it tear down all kinds of ideological labyrinthine and restore and eliminate the exploitative facts concealed by it.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 18-29 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 774KB] ( 477 )
30 Pi Jiancai, Li Zixin
Vertical Structure, Public Environmental Awareness, and Overcapacity Hot!
Currently in China, environmental pollution and overcapacity are problems in urgent need of solutions on the path to high-quality economic development. There is an intrinsic link between environmental protection and overcapacity reduction. A large number of studies try to use China’s data to support the positive effect of environmental regulation on overcapacity reduction. However, the impact of autonomous environmental regulation, which is represented by public environmental awareness on overcapacity, is not clear. Since the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee adopted “green development” as one of the five major development concepts, the Party and the government have paid much attention to the establishment of an environmental governance system involving all people, and with the rapid development of information technology, the role of the public in environmental regulation has been more and more important. To explore the impact of public environmental awareness on private firms’ overcapacity and environmental taxes, this paper constructs a vertical structure model and incorporates five parties: the central government, the local governments, upstream state-owned enterprises, downstream private enterprises and the public. To measure the core variable “public environmental awareness”, this paper adopts the method of adding a relevant parameter in the residents’ utility function. Such treatment can reflect the direct influence of public environmental awareness on the behavior of individuals, the influence on the demand and price in the product market, and finally the influence on the firms’ capacity and output decisions. The results show that the effect of public environmental awareness on downstream private enterprises’ overcapacity exhibits an inverted-U shape, where overcapacity will be aggravated with the enhancement of public environmental awareness before its level reaches the threshold. However, after the level of public environmental awareness crosses the threshold, its further enhancement will alleviate overcapacity. Under a specific level of public environmental awareness, the central government does not need to intervene, but when public environmental awareness reaches that level, the government should tax private firms on their polluting behaviors; otherwise, the government should provide subsidies to private firms. The optimal environmental tax rate decreases as public environmental awareness increases, while the optimal subsidy rate of local government increases as public environmental awareness increases. The government should promote environmental information disclosure, guide the public to legally express their environmental demands, and develop a pluralistic environmental governance system with government intervention as the mainstay and public participation as the supplement. Since there is uncertainty in the direction of the impact of public environmental awareness on the governance of overcapacity, it is necessary to regularly measure the level of public environmental awareness, determine the interval in which it locates, find out the direction of its effect on overcapacity, accordingly formulate reasonable and effective economic and environmental policies, and consequently make comprehensive use of different types of environmental regulation instruments to realize the double positive effects of environmental regulation in both eco-environmental protection and governance of overcapacity.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 30-41 [Abstract] ( 144 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 751KB] ( 511 )
42 Chen Lifeng, Zheng Jianzhuang
Can Green Credit Policy Promote Enterprise Green Innovation? A Study of Chinas 730 GEM Listed Companies Hot!
As China’s manufacturing industry and economic volume reached the first and second place respectively in 2010, stable development of economy has become a major strategy of China, where maintaining the sustainable development of enterprises is becoming particularly crucial. In this context, a rapidly increasing number of listed companies in China have started to issue sustainability reports and environment, social and governance (ESG) ratings since last decade. This fact implies that green economy and sustainable development are not only valued by advanced countries but also by developing economies. China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) proposed the “green credit guidelines” (GCG) in 2012, and issued the “notice on submitting green credit statistic” in 2013. The implement of the “key evaluation indicators for green credit” by CBRC in 2014 represents a further progression of regulatory system as well as a formal application of green credit policy, with the main purpose of promoting green transformation by adjusting the credit structure. However, can green credit policy really promote the green transformation of companies, or facilitate the incremental investment towards green innovation and sustainable development? This paper employs 4,516 annual observations of China’s Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) listed companies from 2010 to 2019 as research samples, combing the regression models of difference in difference (DID) and fixed effect (FE) to examine the impact mechanism of GCG on green innovation and ESG performance. We aim at investigating whether GCG can induce green innovation behavior, as well as exploring the internal mechanism between green innovation and ESG scores. Our research findings are as follows: (1) In fact, GCG has inhibited the green innovation of China’s GEM listed companies; (2) Green innovation of GEM listed companies has an internal mechanism for improving ESG performance; (3) Both political connection strength (PCS) and regional innovation capability (RIC) of GEM listed companies can moderate the positive effect of green innovation on ESG performance. Particularly, the connectedness shows the dynamic patterns by two stage general moment method (GMM) regression with instrumental variables, highlighting the risk of PCS and RIC are the shock transmitters from green innovation to sustainable development (ESG) of GEM listed companies.The general direction of green credit policy is advocating environmental protection, green transformation, as well as sustainable development for enterprises. However, GCG have a negative impact on the green innovation and sustainable development performance of China’s GEM listed companies, which provides new practical inspiration and reflections for deepening the green transformation strategy of China’s manufacturing industry. As for those emerging markets and products, it is a wiser transition to the new business mode, especially considering new investment trends such as green and sustainable performance considerations. Stakeholders of GEM listed companies will confront with the dual pressures from social and environmental regulations, thus they should give priority to adopting long-term and green-development strategies, attaching more importance to the social value of listed companies. Meanwhile, the government also needs to promote entrepreneurial companies to abandon traditional business strategy and adopt new development strategies to balance the economic, social and environmental benefits. Therefore, China’s GEM listed companies have to make new strategic decisions, not only to pursue the new products that can meet the marketing requirements but also to accommodate new investment trends and financial policies. Furthermore, investors have also begun to measure the financial value of ESG indicators in their lending strategies, while expecting financial institutions to surpass their main function of maximizing profits from emerging industries. In general, both banks and professional investment institutions should fully adopt the sustainable investment strategies and firmly believe that improving society and environment is more important than pursuing short-term profits. That is, investors should focus more on the sustainable financial performance.The main contributions of this research can be summarized from the following aspects (1) In terms of theoretical thinking, although existing studies found that the financing structure can affect the innovation activities of enterprises, the internal mechanism is still not yet clear, especially for the impact mechanism on sustainable development performance, our paper provides broader space and practical reference for future researches in related fields. This paper further explores the mechanism of GCG affecting ESG performance of innovation-driven startups in view of green innovation, which enriches and expands the sustainable development theory. (2) In terms of research methodology, we manually acquired the patent data, employing the number of green patents authorized to measure the quantity of green innovation and employing the number of forward citations of green patents to measure the quality of green innovation, with an attempt at filling up the gaps on previous quantitative researches of innovation. (3) In terms of policy practice, this paper analyzes the mechanism of green credit policy on sustainable development indicators from the perspective of green innovation, providing a new practical enlightenment and decision-making support. Our study also contributes to a better understanding of the ESG practices for GEM listed companies and startups in emerging countries based on the green credit scenario.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 42-62 [Abstract] ( 107 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1473KB] ( 444 )
63 Lu Jing, Wang Taoxuan, Pan Xiuyang
The Construction of High-standard FTA Network System and Dynamic Evolution of China’s Multi-product Enterprises Exports Hot!
The reform and opening up in the new era requires the construction of a high-standard free trade area network facing the world and a mutually beneficial, multi-balanced, safe and efficient open economic system. The construction of a multi-level and diversified free trade area network system is the strategic focus of the new pattern of opening up to the outside world at this stage. China has signed 17 free trade agreements and their applications to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), showing that the construction of China’s high-standard free trade area network system is moving to a new level. In the current international trade system, participation in the international market with the help of the free trade area network has become an important way for enterprises to improve their internationalization level. Enterprises can realize the reallocation of internal resources by adjusting the scope, concentration and product quality of export products to cope with changes in the exogenous environment. Therefore, in a world pattern dominated by regionalization, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to deeply explore the construction of China’s high-standard free trade network system and the dynamic evolution law of Chinese enterprises’ exports.This paper uses the combined database of Chinese industrial enterprise data, customs product data, patent data and WITS tariff data, and applies the high-dimensional fixed-effect Poisson Pseudo-maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimation to investigate the effect of China’s implementation of free trade agreement strategy on the export dynamics of multi-product manufacturing enterprises. The results show that after China concludes a FTA with its trading partner countries, the export scope of multi-product enterprises is expanded, the product concentration is reduced, and the product quality at the enterprise level is significantly improved. By introducing three adjustment variables of enterprise, region and FTA’s own quality, it is found that the higher the quality of the free trade agreement, the higher the production efficiency of the enterprise, the more perfect the institutional environment of the region where it is located, the more significant the dynamic optimization of the enterprise’s exports. Enterprises are more inclined to expand the boundary of export products and produce more kinds of high-quality products. The research results of transmission mechanism show that FTA mainly affects export dynamics through three intermediary channels: the scope of imported intermediate products, the quality of imported intermediate products, independent R&D and innovation. FTA will encourage enterprises to import more kinds and higher quality intermediate products, and stimulate enterprises to improve their independent R&D and innovation ability through technology spillover effect. By further decomposing and refining the effect of product quality change, this paper finds that the change of product quality at the enterprise level mainly comes from the replacement of old and new products and the improvement of surviving products’ quality in the enterprise. The results of heterogeneity analysis show that the economic level of the destination country, industry capital intensity and enterprise nature have a significant heterogeneous impact on the export dynamics: after signing a FTA with high-income destination countries, the effect of export product scope expansion and quality improvement of Chinese enterprises is more obvious; FTA will promote more significant optimization of product dynamics of enterprises in technology-intensive industries. Compared with state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, private enterprises suffer from more restrictions and have less dynamic changes in their products. The high-standard free trade area network in our country brings quality improvement effect and boundary expansion effect to enterprises. Therefore, signing more high-level, high-quality and deep-seated free trade agreements and reasonably constructing China’s high-standard free trade area network will be an important way to effectively promote China’s transformation from a large trading country to a powerful trading country and realize a high-level opening up to the outside world.The marginal contribution of this paper is first, using PPML technology to describe the impact of participating in FTA on the dynamic effect of multi-product enterprises’ exports, and through empirical research to prove the transmission mechanism of FTA’s dynamic effect on enterprises’ exports; second, this paper explores the regulatory role of enterprise production efficiency, regional institutional environment and FTA quality from three dimensions of micro enterprise level, macro regional level and FTA itself; third, the effect of product quality change is further subdivided through the internal quality decomposition of enterprises, which confirms the dynamic effect of FTA on enterprises’ export.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 63-84 [Abstract] ( 123 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1490KB] ( 333 )
85 Guo Xuehui
A Study of the Punitive Compensation System of Food and Drug Safety in Civil Public Interest Litigation Hot!
In the current situation, safety problems of food and drug are prominent. Consumers are reluctant to file lawsuits for compensation. Some places begin to grant consumer associations and procuratorial organs the right to file punitive damages in public interest lawsuits. However, in the field of food and drug safety, there are still legislative confusions in which consumer associations and procuratorial organs file punitive damages in public interest lawsuits. Whether they have the subject qualification to file punitive damages in public interest litigation, how to determine the amount of damages, whether punitive damages can be offset with criminal fines and administrative fines, and how to manage punitive damages are all the problems. It is necessary to further clarify the subject qualification of consumer associations and procuratorial organs to bring punitive damages in civil public interest litigation, and determine the recognition, attribution and management of compensation amount. Therefore, we can learn from foreign systems that have tended to be perfect, and summarize the problems in the light of our national conditions.In the field of food and drug safety, punitive damages in civil public interest litigation have the effects of compensation, deterrence and sanctions. The recognition of the amount of punitive damages should be based on the legal multiple compensation and considerations of the subjective fault of the illegal actor, the damage caused and the profit from the illegal gains. In addition, the economic affordability of the wrongdoer should be considered. The punitive damages of public interest litigation should follow the principle of moderation, and the standards of punitive damages should be scientific and reasonable. Punitive damages and administrative fines and criminal fines cannot be applied at the same time after all. To follow the principle of no penalty for one thing, the calculation of punitive damages, criminal fines or administrative fines should be deducted. Adhering to the principle that administrative fines, criminal fines and punitive damages can be offset not only reflects the protection of social public interests but also reflects the principle of proportionality, and takes into account the protection of the defendant.It is difficult for the management and use of punitive damages to achieve its public welfare and neutrality by relying on any department, so it is most appropriate to use and manage the remaining damages by establishing an independent compensation fund for public interest litigation. We need to strengthen the top-level design. With the application of punitive damages in public interest litigation in practice, it can not only deter the illegal actors but also curb the illegal actors and further to realize the protection of social public interests in our country. In short, through the implementation of civil public interest litigation system of food and drug safety, it not only helps to enhance the sense of happiness and security of the people, but also enhance the credibility of the government and promote the harmonious and stable development of society effectively.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 85-100 [Abstract] ( 103 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 690KB] ( 361 )
101 Zhou Jia
The Rise of Official Titles in the Tang and Song Dynasties Hot!
The term “official title” was adopted during the Tang Dynasty for the first time and was widely used during the Song Dynasty. The emergence of this historical phenomenon is not accidental, which has not been, however, given due attention in the academia. This paper discusses the meaning of the term “official title” and the reasons for its emergence in the Tang and Song Dynasties.The earliest explanation of the term “official title” in historical records comes from the book Fengshi Wenjian Ji written by Feng Yan in the Tang Dynasty. Feng Yan had lived in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. He recorded the emergence of “official title” as a new phenomenon of his days.“Official title” has twofold connotations. The first is the continuity of the new official names and old official names. When the central government grants official titles, the new official names must be in connection with the old ones without interruption. The second is for the control on the part of the central government over the appointment and removal of officials throughout the country.There are three main historical conditions for the emergence of “official titles”. First of all, the central government centralized the appointment and removal of officials throughout the country. Only the central government had the power to grant official titles, and all the power of officials came directly from the central authority. Therefore, the awarding and receiving of official titles had a bipartite significance: the central government, through granting official titles, recognizing the identity and power of officials and an official by accepting his official title showing his recognition and obedience to the central government. Secondly, officials had a bureaucratic rank that pertained to himself and would not be lost upon the interruption of the post. Thirdly, qualifications acquired through background, years of official service, service experience and merits became the most important criteria for the assignment of the posts.It was not until the Tang Dynasty that all the above conditions appeared, and were recognized and accepted. By the Song Dynasty, they had become the principles generally accepted by the officialdom. As a result,“being an official” no longer merely meant someone working for the government, but a social status that was almost never lost once acquired.Official titles are a condensed reflection of historical changes. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, no matter when and where an official was, his “official titles” should be written in accordance with the official certificate issued by the central government. The number of words could not be increased or decreased, and the ranking order could not be changed.In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the number of dispatch duties increased. Whether a certain dispatch duty could be a permanent official title became a subject of frequent discussion of the time. For the imperial court, whether a special dispatch duty should become part of an official title mainly depended on whether it had the necessity of long-term existence. For officials, if their dispatch duties became their official titles, their service experience on this dispatch duty can then be recorded and counted as seniority, hence giving momentum to future promotions.The Tang Dynasty needed dispatch duties to cope with the ever-changing sociopolitical circumstances but was unwilling to institutionalize these dispatch posts. Compared with the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was faster in the process of the creation of new posts or titles. Later, the imperial court would adjust the diction of official titles at any time as the situation changed. On the one hand, official titles in the Song Dynasty were numerous and complicated. On the other hand, the bureaucratic system of the Song Dynasty was flexible and pragmatic, and it adjusted itself quickly in the face of social changes.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 101-110 [Abstract] ( 130 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 968KB] ( 493 )
111 Jia Fangfang
Family School Education in the Song Dynasty Hot!
Family school was an important institution which was used to educate children and grandchildren in the middle and upper class families in the Song Dynasty. According to different family situations, family school teachers included three kinds of persons, father and brother, learned friends, and relatives or employed private teachers. Father and brother acted as family school teachers when they were waiting for official duty or at other special time. Families that owned a long tradition of learning usually had some learned friends and relatives and they could be hired as temporary teachers. Most family school teachers were hired. Some families spent a huge sum of money in order to hire a famous teacher, but common families usually hired nearby poor scholars according to their family economic situations. The evaluation criterion for family teachers was the student’s imperial examination outcome and the teacher’s morality.Most family school students were children of the family and relative orphans. Some parents who had great insight invited bright non-family children into their family schools. The purpose of the parents was that these bright students could be good company for their children. Such parents existed among both the high officials and the common people families. There were male and female students in the family school. Family schools were open the whole year round with holidays on the basis of the local customs. Class time was elastic. The students were usually five or more than ten years in age.Family schools contributed to the grassroots scholar enlightenment and full growth, especially for women. The education would be useful not only to themselves but also to their children. Family schools also fostered many political talents for the emperors. At the same time they were useful to the inheritance of family learning and cultural development in the Song Dynasty. Family school’s main disadvantage was that both its teaching and learning aimed at the imperial examinations. Education could not be a free stage in feudal imperial autocracy in ancient China, especially in the Song Dynasty which was the peak of the imperial examination system.Family school curriculum in the Song Dynasty included two parts according to the student age primary and adult education. The main courses were set up for learning rules and cultural knowledge. The rules concerned not only learning and life habits but also family, state and world rules and moralities. Reading and writing, especially some common knowledge, were acquired in the primary part. With the students growing up, Confucianist courses were added, including Confucian classics reading, essay and poetry writing, and other contents that would be required for the imperial examination. Some family schools also compiled textbooks in order to keep up with their own teaching process. Some of these textbooks reached a very high level.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 111-123 [Abstract] ( 119 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1279KB] ( 816 )
124 Li Wuwei, Li Xun
The Eye of East Asia: Several Ways of Examining the History of Chinese Phonology Hot!
How to change the way of examining the history of Chinese phonology from the single perspective of East Asian countries to the way of examining from the holistic perspective of East Asia? It is worth noting to examine from radiation and other ways. Radiation refers to the observation angles of the spread and radiations of the Chinese phonology classics to neighboring countries in the process of studying the history of Chinese phonology in East Asia, which constitutes an important way to examine the compilation and writing of Chinese phonology classics in neighboring countries with Chinese phonology classics at the center. Choi Se Zin’s Interpretation of Four Tones (1517) in North Korea is related to the influence of rhyme books such as Hongwu Zhengyun in China. “New domain” means to find another way. Fumio’s Polishing Rhyme Mirror regards the one-dimensional plane pattern of Rhyme Mirror as a two-dimensional pattern of diachronic and synchronic combinations, that is, the overlapping pattern of synchronic Chinese characters phonology and the dynamic evolution pattern of diachronic Chinese characters phonology. The “hufa” theory of Zhi Tu and Heng Tu, which are attached to Vocabulary, was introduced as a breakthrough point of theoretical construction. If it is applied to the history of Chinese phonology in East Asia, a new way should be found. It also needs to cover the “cross-border” and compatible perspective. This kind of compatibility is examined with the mentality of openness, equality and an attitude of “all rivers running into the sea”. Toraseki Ishiren’s Jufen Yunlue (1303) is a rhyme book that should be examined from the perspective of compatibility. There are three scales to study the evolution of the history of Chinese phonology in East Asia: macro history, that is, the study of Chinese phonology in East Asia. What we should pay attention to is how Chinese phonology transits from nothing to something, and how it solidifies and evolves, and then becomes today’s form. Taking the discovery and research of East Asian Chinese phonology history documents as a macro-examination framework, a sub-project system of discovery and research of East Asian Chinese phonology history documents in East Asian countries is established. Looking at Chinese history, this paper explores how East Asian Chinese phonology has changed its development with the change of the century, which is influenced by vertical or horizontal transmissions and contacts. Variation is the focus of attention, for example, in the history of Japanese Chinese phonology. Micro-history, that is, to directly study the discovered documents or individual forms of Chinese phonology in East Asia, to see the whole leopard from the individual spot, and to convey the spirit with one eye. For example, the history of Rhyme Mirror, or circulation, refers to the Chinese phonological literature or academic theory, point of view, which goes round and round in East Asia. In this circulation process, scholars from all over the world will constantly deepen their understanding of the research object, forming an “upward spiral” situation. Lu Fayan’s Qieyun in the Sui Dynasty was introduced to the neighboring countries with an important influence on their phonological researches. Studying it again today will enrich the connotation of Chinese research on Qieyun. To promote the relational study of Chinese phonology history among East Asian countries with integrity should not be limited to the proposed methods of examination. More innovative theories and methods of studying Chinese phonology history are expected to come out.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 124-138 [Abstract] ( 114 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 959KB] ( 665 )
139 Weng Bingying
Memory Poetics in French Literature since the 20th Century Hot!
Under the guidance of Pierre Nora, the French historian, the three-volume work Les Lieux de Mémoire (Realms of Memory) was compiled and completed in 1984. Since then, memory studies have triggered the Memory Turn in history circles, and even in the humanities and social sciences in the second half of the 20th Century. Memory studies have also provided a new perspective and a new method for exploring French literature.First, the concept of “memory poetics” can be put forward by tracing the basic concepts of “memory” and “poetics” to their origins. “Memory poetics” takes literary texts with memory writing characteristics as its object and focuses on the systematic study of memory writing’s artistic forms, narrative strategies, thematic intentions, and humanistic values.Second, based on this concept, a typological analysis of memory writings in French literature since the 20th Century can be undertaken: Marcel Proust induces “poetic memory of sensations” through sensory stimuli; Louis-Ferdinand Céline uses a colloquial, ironic and black humor style to carry out “carnival memory with the consciousness of appreciation of ugliness”; Michel Butor reflects on urban changes with the “artistic memory with conscious reconstruction”; Alain Robbe-Grillet collages and rearranges past events to create dynamic “hybrid memory of autobiography”; Jean-Marie Le Clézio constructs “Epic Memory in generative and developmental mode” to reconstruct home and self; and Patrick Modiano shapes a “déjà-vu memory in a detective style” to evoke the most ungraspable human destinies. This group of representative figures promotes the transformation of memory writing’s form, and also constructs a large-scale, vivid image of memory poetics.Third, by delving deeper into the texts and reading them closely, one can realize that the French literary memory writing is either based on one’s own story and subjective experience to carry out self-fictional memories, or combines family members, historical figures, marginalized individuals, or social cases, collective events, literary materials with imagination, fiction, subjective emotions, hallucinations and dreams to create mixed memories of reality and fiction, which connects literary creation and the exploration of identity, world history, and human destiny.Finally, through exploring the artistic forms, subjects, themes, gist, development contexts and future trends of French literary memory writing, this paper provides a theoretical reference for the creation, criticism, and dialogue of world literature. Literary memory, like a kind of literary ceremony, enables the French to participate in building a collective cultural memory, enabling them to carry out the construction of a French national culture and identity, and thus establishes the French nation with strong cohesion and centripetal force. It can be seen as a solid foundation of French cultural soft power; thus, it can also be regarded as an extremely important reference and inspiration for China, which advocates for “Chinese culture going global” and promotes “mutual learning among civilizations”.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 139-154 [Abstract] ( 184 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 904KB] ( 876 )
155 Huang Hai
A Study of the Rules Governing Ranks and Penalties in the Qin and Han Dynasties Hot!
Reward and punishment were the traditional measures of social governance in ancient China. They were connected by many specific rules. This research aims at the connections between the ranking system and the legal system in the Qin and Han Dynasties. The ranking system in the Qin and Han Dynasties was called Ershidengjue (二十等爵). The ranks in this system were acquired by meritorious military services. It gave various privileges to people who owned certain titles.Specifically, there were four basic categories of the rules in the Qin and Han Dynasties, which were Juejian (爵减), Juemian (爵免), Jueshu (爵赎) and Duojue (夺爵). Juejian, Juemian, and Jueshu were the rules that stipulated how to apply penalty privileges when a titled person violated the law. Duojue was the punishment only for the titled person. The specific meaning of Jueshu is unclear. It should mean transforming severe penalty to redemption based on the title.As is in Han Jiuyi (《汉旧仪》), there is a traditional impression that the penalties included ranking reduction and banishment, but this impression is not always true. There are exceptional cases. Based on “Jiejue Chuzishu Ling” (解爵除赀赎令) in the bamboo slips of Qin Dynasty kept in Yuelu Academy, we know that a title was possibly removed when the penalty was Zishu (赀赎).The penalty privilege rules were based on the Ershidengjue system which was connected with the formation of the centralized governing system. In its development process, the transformation of the military system was the key point. During the Warring States Period, noble private armies gradually disappeared. Almost all the armies of the state were directly controlled by the King. To encourage his soldiers to fight bravely, the King needed a reward systems, a military glory system called Ershidengjue in the Qin State, and it was extended to the Qin and Han Dynasties.
2023 Vol. 53 (8): 155-167 [Abstract] ( 166 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1448KB] ( 412 )


   · CNKI
   · Wamfangdata

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