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2022, Vol.52 Num.2
Online: 2022-02-10

5 Jia Keqing
Socialism and Equal Opportunity: John Roemer's Theory of Justice Hot!
John Roemer made many amendments to the exploitation theory by using methods of analysis, model construction and game theory. According to his game theory, one person is supposed to withdraw from his community with per capita property. If his life gets better later, he was exploited in the community before. If his life gets worse, he was the exploiter before. Roemer proposed that people should pay attention to the actual distribution of property but not the exploitation in the production process which was difficult to calculate. Though the relationship of control and dependence in the employment is neglected by Roemer, it is still a serious problem to be solved. Furthermore, game theory depends on the fixation of external factors, but in reality we must consider those variable external factors such as the macroeconomic environment which affects the given community. Roemer’s game theory is effective to the question of the unemployed exploiting the employed, but not effective to those people who totally lost their labor capacity.Realizing that property rights are the source of exploitation, Roemer turned to the study of distributive justice and proposed that equal opportunity is an essential characteristic of socialism. He advised to divide people into different types according to factors that people cannot control. The inequalities inside each type are acceptable and the inequalities between the same percentiles across different types should be eliminated. People making same level but not same amount of efforts will get same incomes. This is the equal opportunity which Roemer meant. However, it is one-sided to define socialism with the term of equal opportunity. Secondly, Roemer’s equal opportunity theory based on different types does not make a distinction between positive and negative effects of certain external factors. Thirdly, no subject is affected by only one single external factor. It is difficult to divide people into different types according to luck and responsibility. This doesn’t mean that Roemer’s work to clarify the responsibility is wrong, but the definition of responsibility must be clear and operational.To fulfill equal opportunity, Roemer designed a stock market socialist model which is committed to balance equality and efficiency. In such a model, public coupons are distributed equally to each adult. People can invest in the stock market with these coupons and get certain profits. These coupons cannot be sold and the government will take them back when the adult passes away. With such arrangements, equal opportunities to share economic profits can be ensured and the inequalities between generations can be avoided. This model is based on the structure of modern stock market, on the experiences of welfare countries and on the lessons of transformation of the former Soviet Union and East European states. It is surely fairer than traditional capitalism and more efficient than traditional socialism. However, Roemer’s model of stock market needs extensive intervention of the government, which costs high and may cause corruption. In addition, the model of stock market socialism aims at equalizing capital incomes but doesn’t attach enough importance to different labor capacities and labor incomes.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 5-13 [Abstract] ( 638 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 665KB] ( 448 )
14 Wang Lirong, Chen Xiangge
A Century of Innovation and Progress: Theoretical Innovations of the Communist Party of China Hot!
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has celebrated its centenary and it is still full of vitality. The reason for this is that it has a strong sense of innovation and an excellent ability to innovate. This innovative consciousness and ability mainly depend on three factors. Firstly, Marxism provides a profound theoretical foundation for innovation. Marxist philosophy of materialistic dialectics is a philosophy of innovation and creativity. Secondly, the revolution has afforded a good environment and a strong impetus for innovation. Revolution by its very nature is an innovation. The revolutionary movement carried out by the Chinese Communist Party in the past century has greatly enhanced its sense of innovation and improved its ability to innovate. Thirdly, the mass line has provided a broad and deep base for innovation. The reason that Mao Zedong “advocated that the revolution should rely on the people” and adhered to the mass line is that he believed “the masses have great creative power”. Deng Xiaoping, on the other hand, said that some of the “very excellent methods” and “inventions” of reform and opening up had been proposed by the masses. The above-mentioned three factors have made the CPC an outstandingly innovative political party.As an innovative party, the history of the CPC is a history of continuous innovation. In the history of the Party’s innovation, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping are three representative figures with outstanding results.Mao Zedong is a leader with a strong sense of innovation and an extraordinary capacity for innovation. The concepts including “localization of Marxism in China”, the “Chinese revolutionary road” and “paper tiger” are Mao’s main innovations.Deng Xiaoping, the “chief architect” of China’s reform and opening up, characterized it as China’s “second revolution”, thus setting off another innovative climax in the history of the Party. His innovations are the “Marxist Quintessence Theory”, the “Socialist Essence Theory” and the “Market Economy Methodology”.At present, the Communist Party of China is facing a critical situation in which the world is marked by changes unseen in a century, and China’s reform has entered a deep-water zone. All this has greatly enhanced Xi Jinping’s sense of innovation and enabled him to achieve many significant innovations in the governance of the country. “Remaining True to Our Original Aspiration” is the theme of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The concept of “a community with a shared future for mankind” is the “Chinese Solution” at a time when human society is facing common challenges such as the ecological crisis. The “Two Combinations Theory” calls for “insisting on combining the basic principles of Marxism with Chinese reality and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture”. The “Two Combinations Theory” makes the combination of Marxism and Chinese society more comprehensive and profound, thus making Marxism further Sinicized.The essence of the theoretical innovation of the CPC is the localization of Marxism in China. In the history of the Party’s innovation, theoretical innovation is the premise and foundation. The study of the Party’s theoretical innovation achievements in the past century is based on the historical perspective of the localization of Marxism in China and scientifically analyzing the Party’s theoretical innovation achievements in different historical periods represented by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping. These achievements include putting forward many landmark new categories and concepts and adding new contents to “constructing Chinese theory” and “building China in Theory”. As a result, they help to further enrich and develop theoretical researches on the history of the CPC and the localization of Marxism in China, and to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the road and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 14-27 [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 704KB] ( 254 )
28 Huang Xianhai, Wang Handi
Imports of Digital Products, Knowledge Stock and Digital Innovation of Enterprises Hot!
A new generation of information and communication technologies has reshaped traditional innovation process and gives birth to the so-called digital innovation. By virtue of its strong penetration and wide coverage, digital innovation is bringing subversive efficiency optimization to all trades and professions. In the process of promoting high-quality economic development, digital innovation has become an emerging impetus to realize the transformation of economic growth from factor-driven to innovation-driven. With the support of a patent database, we find empirical evidences revealing the characteristics of China’s digital innovation. Digital patents account for less than 20% of the total applications but are much higher in grant rate compared with non-digital ones. When further comparing two types of digital patents, digital technology patents constitute an overwhelming majority of the digital patents while the proportion of digitized patents is getting higher and higher along with the diffusion of digital technologies. Therefore, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to fully explore the factors affecting all kinds of digital innovation and disentangle the specific mechanism behind it.This paper examines the impact of imported digital products on digital innovation using a panel of Chinese enterprises over the period of 2000-2014. We present three core results. First, our baseline estimates show that imported digital products can significantly promote two types of digital innovations in enterprises: digital technology innovation and digitized innovation. The conclusion remains robust to a series of tests, including treating imports of digital products as endogenous using the release of the “catalogs of encouraged technology and product imports” in 2007 as a quasi-natural experiment. Second, there is a positive interactive effect between the knowledge stock of enterprises and imported digital products. To be specific, both the depth and breadth of knowledge of enterprises can positively regulate the promotion of imported digital products to digital innovation. In a heterogeneity analysis, the positive and statistically significant interactive effect of knowledge depth and imported digital products is only found at the sample of export enterprises, local enterprises, and high-tech industries, while we detect a generally significant regulating effect of knowledge breadth on all samples other than non-exporting enterprises. Finally, the open innovation model serves as an important channel for imported digital products to affect digital innovation. The imports of digital products and knowledge stock of enterprises can synergistically promote cross-regional and cross-field cooperation, thereby increasing the digital innovation output of enterprises. In terms of policy, this paper proposes to deepen the opening up and cooperation in the field of the digital economy, guide enterprises to absorb and apply cutting-edge digital technologies, so as to fully stimulate the vitality of digital innovation in the whole society.The analysis in this paper contributes to the extant literature in several ways. First, while existing researches have conducted extensive discussions on digital innovation from a theoretical level, there is still a lack of detailed empirical evidence to support the theoretical analysis. This paper extends the analysis by measuring the intensity and describing the trend of digital innovation in Chinese enterprises. Second, we contribute to the literature on the determinants of digital innovation. Few studies have analyzed digital innovation from the perspective of an open economy. We instead make the point that the imports of digital products lead to the increases in digital patents of enterprises. Finally, this paper goes one step further by disentangling the open innovation model channel through which imported digital products and knowledge stock of enterprises affect digital innovation.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 28-43 [Abstract] ( 380 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 834KB] ( 349 )
With the in-depth development of trade globalization and international division of labor, the boundary between service and manufacturing has become more and more blurred, and service-oriented manufacturing, also known as servitization, has become an important theoretical tool for academics to explain industrial transformation and upgrading. However, some scholars have questioned the implementation of servicing strategies implemented by manufacturing companies, believing that increasing service input will only increase the operating costs of manufacturing companies and worsen financial performances, at least in the short term, resulting in the so-called “Servitization Paradox”.We used the 2001-2011 financial data and WIOD input-output data of listed Chinese manufacturing companies to conduct an in-depth research on the Servitization Paradox. Firstly, we verified whether the phenomenon of the Servitization Paradox exists in the listed Chinese manufacturing companies. Secondly, based on the typical fact of the explosive development of China’s Internet economy after 2008, we used the analytical method of quasi-natural experiments to construct a generalized triple-differential model to study the relationship between Internet economy, servitization and financial performance (expressed by return on equity). Finally, we further analyzed the moderating effect of the Internet economy in this progress of servitization, exploring the important role of two intermediary variables, personnel structure and industry productivity.The results of empirical analyses show that listed companies in China’s manufacturing industry do have a widespread Servitization Paradox problem after controlling the fixed effects of industry and year, which means increasing the proportion of service input will significantly deteriorate the financial performance of the company. However, after introducing the Internet variables into the model, increasing the proportion of service input no longer deteriorates the financial performance of the enterprise, but it can significantly improve the financial performance as well. Compared with low-Internet service-consumption industries, high-consumption enterprises will improve their performance by 6.18% for every additional unit of service input, according to the estimation results of the triple-difference model we built, and this shows that the Internet economy can effectively alleviate the Servitization Paradox problem encountered by manufacturing companies. We believe that the Internet economy may have broken through the mechanism of the Servitization Paradox. It can effectively alleviate the financial difficulties after the rapidly soaring service input through the way of increasing the proportion of highly skilled workers and then the ensuing high economic benefits. Another important finding of this paper is that the Internet economy may not be able to alleviate the Service Paradox problem by increasing the total factor productivity, although the development of the Internet economy has increased labor productivity at the industry level.In this paper, we provide a new theoretical explanation for the government’s implementation of servicing and digitalization policies to cultivate new business forms for economic and trade development. We believe that the government should pay more attention to the implicit costs of enterprises, as well as doing a good job in optimizing the supply of human resources and cultivating Internet talents, in the process of implementing servicing strategies.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 44-56 [Abstract] ( 242 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 912KB] ( 295 )
57 Ding Shouhai, Xu Zheng, Jiang Xiaopeng
A Research on China’s Energy Sustainable Development Evaluation in the New Era Hot!
In 2021, China entered the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. However, the post-pandemic era is a crucial strategic one for the country. The process of economic globalization and world multi-polarization will make profound adjustments and changes. Recently, due to the soaring coal prices and insufficient energy supply, power outages have attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Consequently, economic uncertainty has increased, and the international environment has become unprecedentedly complex. The issues of energy security and sustainable development are particularly important. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee also emphasized these issues, it is urgent to achieve a sustainable development of the energy industry with green, clean, safe, reliable, innovative and high-quality supplies. Then, the conference further proposes the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Understanding the level of sustainable development in the country is the first step. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a systematic framework to evaluate the energy development level of China based on the energy utilization status.Hence, we construct an analytical framework with 35 indicators from three aspects of the energy supply side, demand side and affordability. We use the entropy method to analyze the energy sustainable development level of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2018. The following conclusions are drawn. From the perspective of weight, the energy supply side has the highest weight and the demand side has the lowest weight in the first-level indicators. Beijing, Liaoning, Jiangsu, and Guangdong rank high in the overall index, while Jiangxi, Guizhou, Ningxia, Hainan, Qinghai and other provinces have relatively low levels of sustainable development. From the perspective of regions, the energy development of the eastern regions are all in the leading position, while the western regions lag behind, but there is an upward trend in recent years. From the perspective of administrative divisions, different geographical regions have different endowment advantages and development characteristics. The northern regions have abundant energy resources. Therefore, resources and thermal power infrastructure have a relatively large comparative advantage in energy supply. The eastern regions have a relatively low-carbon position because of their financial revenue and expenditure, population sizes, energy infrastructure, and cleaner production. They have a relatively low-carbon and sustainable demand development prospect. From the perspective of economic development level, the demand and affordability index of developed regions are much larger than that of the other regions, while the supply side index is slightly lower than in other regions. From the perspective of population density, the results of densely populated areas are much larger than those of other regions.Finally, based on the above-mentioned detailed comparative analysis, we put forward these suggestions. In terms of clean transformation, it is necessary to accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity. The government should promote a gradual transformation of the energy structure to a clean and low-carbon industrial chain. In terms of technology application, the government should accelerate the implementation and application of advanced technologies, such as green hydrogen and carbon capture. It is necessary to implement policies in accordance with digital means, which can create a new growth space for a sustainable development. In terms of strategic planning, provincial governments should effectively decompose their carbon emission reduction targets as based on local reality, formulate detailed rules for energy structure transformation and use fiscal policy, financial policy and other policy tools to complete the dual control of energy consumption in an orderly manner.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 57-72 [Abstract] ( 279 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2832KB] ( 316 )
73 Fan Wenjing, Pan Xian, Xiao Wen
China-EU Service Trade and the Servitization of China’s Manufacturing Industry: An Empirical Study Based on Industrial Panel Data Hot!
In recent years, the servitization of the manufacturing industry has become a significant trend in industrial evolution. Increasing service inputs in the process of manufacturing products is transforming the industrial structure and becoming a new engine of global economic growth. At present, the quality of services offered by China’s manufacturing industry is insufficient and thus servitization remains at a low level. Improving the servitization level of the manufacturing industry is essential to promoting the status of China’s manufacturing industry in the global value chain and in establishing a “dual circulation” development pattern. In this article, we examine theoretically and empirically whether the China–EU service trade can promote the servitization of China’s manufacturing industry. We focus on the impact of heterogeneity in the manufacturing industry and use a threshold effect model to explore the internal mechanism of the impact of heterogeneity.Theoretically, the China–EU service trade can promote the input servitization of China’s manufacturing industry through direct effect, competition effect, and technology spillover effect. It accelerates the output servitization via resource transfer effect, technology spillover effect, and Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) effect. The empirical results reveal the following three conclusions. (1) On the whole, the China–EU service trade can significantly promote the input and output servitization of China’s manufacturing industry. (2) The impact of the China–EU service trade varies for different factor-intensive manufacturing industries. Although the China–EU service trade can promote the input servitization of labor- and technology-intensive manufacturing, it has no significant impact in the case of capital-intensive manufacturing. Moreover, the China–EU service trade has promoted the output servitization of labor-intensive manufacturing but has no significant impact on the output servitization of technology-intensive manufacturing, and it has even hindered that of capital-intensive manufacturing. (3) Based on industrial heterogeneity, we further explore the nonlinear characteristics of the impact of the China–EU service trade on the servitization of the manufacturing industry. We find that there are threshold effects for investment in research and development (R&D) and the level of nationalization. The contributions of this paper to the existing literature lie in the research perspective, research methods, and some new findings. First, this paper enriches the related research results by examining the China–EU bilateral trade, and simultaneously considering rapid changes in international trade and the deepening of the China–EU trade relations. Secondly, this paper focuses on the impact of the heterogeneity of the manufacturing industry and uses R&D intensity and the nationalization level as threshold variables to explore the internal mechanism governing whether service trade can promote the servitization of the domestic manufacturing industry. The third contribution is that the conclusions are explained from the perspectives of ownership characteristics, the resource curse effect, and the technological gap.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 73-86 [Abstract] ( 336 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 840KB] ( 391 )
87 Cheng Gong, Liu Jiaqi
Asian Civilization Research from the Perspective of the Linguistics Hot!
This paper explores the possible ways that linguistics, broadly construed as the study of both the spoken and written forms of human language, can contribute to the understanding of Asian civilizations. It is argued that insights may be gained by investigating the following fields of research. The first one concerns the genesis and disposal of language families. One striking fact about Asia is that it was the homeland of some of the most important phyla of languages, as 7 out of the world’s top 10 language families originated from two regions at the two extremities of this continent. One is the Futile Crescent, with Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European, Caucasian, and, possibly, Dravidian (which may be traced back to the now extinct Elamite) families; and the other is the Yangtze-Yellow River Basin, with Sino-Tibetan, Tai-Kadai, Austro-Asiatic, Austronesian, and the Miao-Yao (Hmong-Mien) families. These families together command 5.3 billion speakers, accounting for about 74% of the world’s population today. Moreover, the top 10 languages with the largest number of speakers all belong to these families. This prominence in language can be profitably employed in the studies of Asian civilizations, especially if we take the well-known Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis as a guideline, according to which early civilizations were brought about by the advent of agriculture, which offered better substance economy than hunting-gathering, leading to a dramatic increase in population, sedentary villages and towns, and the essential social and productive foundations of the first civilizations.The second area that linguistics may shed lights on the study of Asian civilizations is language contacts, by which speakers of different languages (or different dialects) interact with one another, leading to a transfer of linguistic features in various degrees. Such contacts offer a glimpse into the intimacy and the frequency of the interactions between and among different population groups, and more importantly, the nature of loanwords and other features into the contacting languages. The study of contact-induced areal diffusion, where similarities of linguistic features in terms of construction types, grammatical categories and organization of lexical and grammatical meaning, is also a helpful source of information about the communications of different populations as in the well-known case of Mainland Southeast Asian area. Moreover, interethnic communications are also evidenced by special languages which mixed features from different languages such as pidgins and creoles, as well as mixed languages generated in multilingual settings, including Sri Lankan Malay, and some varieties of Chinese like Daohua, Wutun and Tangwang languages. Intimate connections between population migration and language contacts can also be profitably investigated in the study of Asian civilizations.Writing, widely considered as one of the most important products of human civilization, is undoubtedly yet another area that linguistics can contribute to the study of civilizations in Asia. Early Asian civilizations and their writings may be deciphered in tandem as Asia is the land that witnessed the invention of the world’s first writing system, the cuneiform script, as well as the ancestor of most alphabetic systems, the Phoenician alphabet. Major script families can unveil a lot about the spread and spheres of different civilizations. There are three of them: Brāhmī, Arabic, and Chinese, representing Hinduism-Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism respectively. Moreover, the huge amount of literature in the form of translation testifies the intensity of cultural exchanges on the continent.Building on a demonstration of the significance of linguistics in the field of Asian civilization studies, the present paper further examines some possible directions that linguistics can be better integrated into the study of Asian civilizations. It is suggested that while an increased willingness and greater efforts are needed, a synthesis with adjacent disciplines is required, as each discipline has its own advantages and limitations. So far as linguistics is concerned, its advantage over some other disciplines such as archaeology and genetics lies in the fact that it has a complete database in living languages and a reconstructed database from anciently written languages. Its limitations, however, are obvious, given the fact that present technologies do not permit the reconstruction to go too far beyond preliterate times. It is therefore argued that linguists need to update their technology, and, more crucially, take a multidisciplinary approach with which they can build in-depth cooperation with scholars from adjacent disciplines such as archaeology and genetics, so as to make greater contributions to the study of Asian civilizations.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 87-99 [Abstract] ( 430 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 777KB] ( 547 )
100 Wang Yizhen, Wang Xiaolu
Modeling for Neural Processing of Chinese Logogriphs Hot!
A Chinese logogriph is a type of word riddle with the answer of a single Chinese character. The Mimian of a logogriph is usually a conventional phrase, but vividly implies the graphic, phonetic or semantic traits of the Midi character. Making and solving logogriphs reflect the complexity of human cognition, so it is necessary to explore the cognitive mechanism of Chinese logogriph processing. Although there are some empirical studies on logogriphs, almost all of them use a logogriph as a tool to examine the phenomenon of insight rather than interpret it as a linguistic phenomenon. However, by analyzing the procedures and results of these experiments, we can use them as a basis to explore the cognitive neural mechanism of logogriphs comprehension.Some studies divide the process of logogriph comprehension according to a “four-stage model of the creative process”: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. With reference to this classification criterion and based on the results of previous empirical studies, this paper attempts to construct a dynamic cognitive model of logogriphs and further explore the linguistic features reflected therein. By analyzing the brain regions activated, EEG components and their corresponding cognitive features involved in the four stages, the article finds that the cognitive process in the above stages can outline the whole process of Chinese logogriph comprehension, in which the illumination period is the critical period for successful logogriph solving. However, since guessing logogriphs is a word game, it is not only a matter of insight in the traditional sense, but also a subversion of conventional linguistic processing. If the logogriph solver is inspired and her/his insight occurs, s/he can figure out the unconventional meaning (Midi) by inhibiting the conventional meaning (Mimian).Therefore, the cognitive mechanism of logogriphs is closely linked to language processing, in which there are three key points: First, the core of logogriph insight lies in the competition between character-centered meaning and word-centered meaning: only by transcending the traditional conception based on word and returning to the meta-linguistic conception based on single character, and by splitting and combining words in the meta-linguistic sense, can we understand the essential skill of creating and understanding logogriphs, which is the core of logogriph’s insight. However, unlike non-literal language constructs such as metaphor, irony, or humor, whose non-literal meaning is often metaphorical, the non-literal meaning of a logogriph is in essence a retreat to the meta-linguistic forms in the beginning of character-creation. This is precisely how the logogriph processing mechanism innovates the non-literal language framework, i.e., the meta-linguistic meaning can exist at the same level of non-literal meaning as the metaphorical meaning. Second, the focus of logogriph insight is on the encounter between conventional and novel meaning: logogriph insight involves the conflict and transformation between the conventional literal meaning of the Mimian phrase and the novel non-literal meaning needed to get the Midi, and the focus of logogriph solving is to suppress the former meaning as well as to discover and verify the latter, i.e., a process of creative thinking in terms of word slicing and meaning construction. Third, the achievement of logogriph insight is by the cooperative work between the right and left hemispheres: the process of logogriph comprehension is a leap from the left brain to the right brain. The left hemisphere is often related to basic linguistic processing such as comprehending sentence structure and meaning, but the right one is responsible for the associative and analogical functions to make logogriph insight truly successful, and both parts work in synergy to accomplish the logogriph comprehension. In summary, the logogriph processing has similarities of other Chinese non-literal language processing as well as its own specificities.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 100-109 [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 678KB] ( 597 )
110 Xiao Lang
Qiong Li Xue in the History of “Western Learning Spreading to the East” in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties Hot!
Qiong Li Xue compiled by F. Verbiest has an important position and significance in the history of “Western learning spreading to the East” in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The subject knowledge system it introduced was basically what F. Verbiest had learned at European Jesuits colleges in his early years, mainly including Aristotle’s formal logic, Western mathematics centered on Euclidean geometry in the 16-17th Century and various natural science and technology knowledge. This subject knowledge system has some basic characteristics, such as attaching importance to systematization, highlighting the role of formal logic expounded by Aristotle, and emphasizing mathematics as the theoretical and applied basis of all science and technology.Facing such an ancient civilization with long historical traditions and rich cultural accumulation like China, M. Ricci and other Jesuits coming to China in the late Ming Dynasty adopted and established the cross-cultural communication policy of “adaptive missionization”. However, the Ming Dynasty was declining at that time,and the above policy was later implemented as the strategy of “academic missionization”, which means introducing Western learning mainly through translation and other literal work, in order to win the favor of Chinese scholar-officials and achieve the purpose of missionization. In contrast, Jesuits such as J. A. S. von Bell and F. Verbiest came to China at the early Qing Dynasty when the new regime was in the ascendant. They no longer took winning over and persuading Chinese scholar-officials as their main task. Instead, they focused on directly providing secular services centered on science and technology for the Qing government, which made the strategy of “academic missionization” develop into “science and technology missionization”. In order to meet the needs of the establishment and development of the regime in the early Qing Dynasty, F. Verbiest served in the Qing government for many years, and participated in activities such as manufacturing astronomical instruments, casting cannons and trial-producing steam engines, which helped him accumulate rich practical experience. To a large extent, Qiong Li Xue was compiled based on the above practical activities and experience, and its main content can be regarded as the theoretical elaboration of F. Verbiest’s practical experience in activities like calendar revising, instrument manufacturing, cannon casting and transportation during his service in the Qing government.Corresponding to the cross-cultural communication policy of “adaptive missionization” adopted by the Jesuits coming to China in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the Qing rulers headed by Emperor Kangxi adopted a “selective absorption” policy. In order to consolidate the new regime internally and resist external aggressive forces, Kangxi redressed J. A. S. von Bell’s unjust case and put F. Verbiest in important positions with multiple commendations and rewards, indicating that he trusted F. Verbiest politically. Meanwhile, Kangxi strongly advocated absorbing Western scientific and technological knowledge, and he himself took the lead in studying Western science and technology such as mathematics and astronomy. However, F. Verbiest was rejected when he presented Qiong Li Xue to Kangxi and hoped that it would be published. The main reason was that Galen’s view on human brain memorizing knowledge compiled in Qiong Li Xue was inconsistent with traditional Chinese concepts. Obviously, Qiong Li Xue was denied not for political but cultural reasons. It shows that cultural factors such as historical tradition, concept of values, modes of thinking and national psychology are often taken as the yardstick of acceptance or rejection and play a decisive role in the process of cross-cultural communication.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 110-127 [Abstract] ( 278 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1069KB] ( 434 )
128 Jin Xiangrong, Chao Songlei, Luo Deming, Sheng Peifeng
Promotion and Academic Production in Chinese Universities Hot!
Since the beginning of this century, there have been fierce debates in the field of Chinese higher education research over the quantity-based professional evaluation system in Chinese universities. Unfortunately there is no empirical evidence to assess either positively or negatively the performance of this reform. This paper tries to provide some empirical evidences on how academic promotion affects academic production at the individual faculty level in Chinese universities in an era of quantity-based evaluation system. We examine how an individual faculty member changes his/her academic output after the adoption of the quantity-based promotion system in his/her three sequential academic positions of lecturer, associate professor, and full professor respectively, with respect to both the quantity and the quality of research publications.We manually collect the individual career and academic output data of 114 professors of economics at 12 top universities who went through three sequential academic positions from lecturer to full professor between the years of 2003 and 2019. For each faculty we construct the quantity and quality indicators using information of the authors’ position in the research paper and the impact factor of the journal in which the paper is published. We also manually collect the eligibility information of the quantity-based promotion system in each stage of promotion from each university’s website. We construct the pressure index at the position and university level using the eligibility information of promotion. The lecturers’ (associate professors’) pressure index measures the difficulty for them to be promoted to associate professors (full professors respectively) at their university. And we let full professors pressure index be 0. We find that associate professors face the highest promotion pressure.First, for each economist the quality of academic output increases with academic positions. In the stage of associate professor, he/she faces fierce promotion pressure, while the quality of his/her academic output is not at the highest level. After he/she becomes full professor, he/she has the least promotion pressure and produces high-quality papers.Second, the economics professors exhibit no significant difference in the number of academic publications at each stage of their academic position. They always pursue the quantity of publications at each stage. Even in the stage of full professor with minimum pressure, low-quality papers still account for nearly 70% of their publications. With the promotion to the more advanced position, there exists no fundamental change in distortions. These professors of economics pursue the quantity of publication with low quality. The promotion pressure is a crucial reason to distort economists’ academic production in Chinese universities. We test this mechanism by introducing the promotion pressure index into the mediating effect model. Empirical evidences show that high-quality academic output mainly comes from the relaxation of the promotion pressure. Professors produce high-quality paper in the low-pressure environment. The environment with high promotion pressure shaped by the quantity-based evaluation system is an important reason of the short-term behavior of academic production in Chinese universities.These empirical findings exhibit very significant policy implications. It is important to relax the promotion pressure and provide a liberal academic environment for academic staff for the improvement of academic research quality in Chinese universities. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce reforms of the quantity-based evaluation system in Chinese universities.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 128-145 [Abstract] ( 504 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 910KB] ( 467 )
146 Wu Xiuming, Chen Bijun
How to Rewrite Contemporary Literary Classics: A Case Study of Chexiang Gorge, A Child's Soul in the Depth of Night, and The Cock Crows at Midnight Hot!
The rewriting of classics is a practice in which theoretical analysis interacts with the retelling of old stories. Such interaction provides a new angle for interpreting contemporary literature of China. The rewritings of classics which were mostly limited within speculative remarks in the 1980s and the 1990s did not reveal its butterfly effect in the realm of literary works. Based on this, it is significant to compare three rewriting texts, namely Li Feng’s Chexiang Gorge, Kou Hui’s A Child’s Soul in the Depth of Night, and Ge Fei’s The Cock Crows at Midnight, with their “pre-texts”, namely Yao Xueyin’s Li Zicheng, Liu Qing’s History of Entrepreneurship and Gao Yubao’s The Cock Crows at Midnight.Chexiang Gorge published by Li Feng in Harvest is claimed to be a “subversive” writing of a peasant hero Li Zicheng who was previously represented in the first volume of Yao Xueyin’s Li Zicheng. The so-called “subversion” writing means to “dismantle” the original narrative of class and motive power, and replace it with an expression of extreme self and extreme humanity that despises the “living life”. Distinguished from Yao Xueyin’s idealistic and essentialized narrative of history, Li Feng absorbed visions of history from the “new historicism” and “dehumanization”. By “subverting” in his “avant-garde writing” of peasant heroes constructed by Yao Xueyin, he regarded human desires and selfishness as the whole of human beings and history, which results in the lack of richness and depth of the characters in his work.Kou Hui’s A Child’s Soul in the Depth of Night is a short story rewritten from Liu Qing’s History of Entrepreneurship. As far as its deep connotation is concerned, it can be called a “continuous” rewriting of “adherence to tradition”. Following Liu Qing’s artistic logic and according to the demanding of subject, the novel focuses on the family, rewriting the ideological, psychological and emotional content that was hidden by the politicized perspective and the role of the characters in continuity. The “continuation” here refers to the “extension” of the rewritten object and creative tradition on the one hand, and the “persistence” on the other. The author not only discovered the “traditional latent structure” that was neglected in the 1949-1966 Chinese literature, but also provided an important consideration for how to carry out creative transformation and innovative development now.By absorbing and transforming a great number of folk resources, Gao Yubao creates his novel The Cock Crows at Midnight which is based on the historical figure Zhou Chunfu, whereas Ge Fei’s rewriting of this story presents a parody which returns to the folk. By re-organizing folk elements, especially imitation and comicality which co-work as the core forms of folk art, he overturns the rigid class-narrative of the story. With a stance on the folk, Ge Fei’s rewriting not only makes a resonance in style with its pre-text, but also deconstructs the gap between the two texts, achieving the aesthetic effects of irony and humor and the narrative direction manifested in anti-form and anti-essence. The rewriting of classics seems to be a “breaking” behavior, yet it reflects the richness of creative resources and the plasticity of inner quality. The original work and the rewritten text form an interlocking and non-repetitive “art chain”, namely a “circular interpretation” or “eternal historicalization” in Fredric Jameson’s sense. Of course, the rewriting of classics undoubtedly cannot be simplified or polarized. It is necessary to have a correct historical outlook and dialectical thinking on how to rewrite and what principles should be followed.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 146-156 [Abstract] ( 260 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 852KB] ( 388 )
157 Duan Guozhong, Gu Mingdong
Transcendentalist Subjectivity and Confucian Role Ethics: A New View of Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman’s Writings of Self Hot!
The positive writings of self by Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman, the three most brilliant writers in the American Renaissance of the 19th-Century, laid the foundation for the establishment of American identity and national literature. American individualism is believed to be rooted more in their transcendentalist vision of the self, but because of ego-centrism and transcendence, it fell into an awkward position that demanded reflections and rectifications. The awkwardness is shared by all ontological theories of subjectivity in the Western tradition, which prioritize the correspondence between the inner mind and the transcendental principle, paying little attention to practical experiences and existential embeddedness—the inter-relatedness between a subject and the other, society, and nature, etc. Descended from a similar line of intellectual thought, the American philosopher and sinologist Roger Ames, assimilating ideas from both the Chinese and Western traditions, has proposed a theory of Confucian role ethics, which holds that an individual exists as a relational and “becoming” moral subject rooted in concrete social roles and inter-connections. This theory, departing from the Western ontological view of the subject, is conducive to exposing the problematic aspects of individualism and may serve as a viable way out of the ego-centric trap for individuals. The 19th-Century writings of the self and Roger Ames’ Confucian role ethics are actually addressing the same issue and their ways out seem to be fundamentally compatible. The Emersonian transcendentalism fails to deal with the problems of ego-centrism, abstractness, and transcendence rooted in the Western metaphysics. It intensifies the awkwardness of individualism while promoting the abstract moral subject in America, and hence it becomes one of the major thoughts with which Roger Ames’ theory of the Confucian role ethics is engaged in a dialogue. In Thoreau’s writings of the self, the nature, the body, and a variety of the “other” are recovered with the breakdown of the ME-NOT ME dichotomy, demonstrating Thoreau’s motive to decentralize the abstract self and to locate the self in a concrete existence. Meanwhile, Thoreau values both the Western ontological question of “what am I” and the Confucian practical and ethical question of “What can I do”. Thoreau’s idea concerning the self and moral subject casts doubt on metaphysical subjectivity by problematizing its essentialist stand with an insight that the self does not exist as a self-sufficient being, but rather as a constructed subject endowed with the relational and processual characteristics, thereby possessing a compatibility with the theory of the Confucian role ethics. Whitman’s writings of the concrete moral subject as man-en-masse goes beyond Thoreau’s prioritization of nature, and seeks a true self in the concrete interactions with the body, other, masses, and society, etc. Whitman’s self differs sharply from Emerson’s in that his foremost concern lies in real self-mass interactions, rather than the divinity and principles or Ideas precious to the idealistic tradition. His location of the self in the concrete relations in the mass suggests an inner similarity with Confucianism preoccupied with human relations in social ethics. Inspired by Roger Ames’ theory of Confucian role ethics, we have located in Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman’s writings of the self an implicit tendency that turns away from abstractness to concreteness, from individual interiority to corporeal, natural, and social exteriority, distancing itself from the Western ontological assumptions of subjectivity and coming closer to the Confucian role ethics. An inquiry into this turn not only helps deepen our understanding of American transcendentalism and American Renaissance, but may also enable us to be further aware of the universal significance of Confucianism and inspire us to find a way out of the trap wrought by the ego-centric individualism that troubles the world and societies.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 157-166 [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 746KB] ( 364 )
167 Han Qinzhao
Subjectivity Construction of Cultural Self-confidence by Cultural Self-behavior Hot!
Cultural self-behavior is a rational stage of cultural development, a conscious state of existence in which the cultural subject recognizes and constructs a culture with conscious awareness or a way of thinking and transcendence of the unconsciousness and purposelessness of cultural self-activity. Its core lies in the reflective cognition and creative leadership of the cultural subject to the national culture. Among them, reflective cognition of culture is the recognition of cognition by the cultural subject, which includes both the active awareness and examination of the culture in the unconscious state of self and the inner grasp of the law of cultural development and the actual state of culture by the cultural subject. The creative leadership of a culture is the unfolding state of cultural self-behavior. Based on the abandonment of a certain culture and the contribution of wisdom to the world, it is the fusion of critical inheritance and creative development of culture.Cultural self-behavior makes culture move from an unconscious state of self-consciousness to a conscious state of consciousness and promotes cultural development from spontaneous and blind perceptual activities to planned and purposeful rational practice. It promotes cultural self-confidence by enhancing cultural subjects’ autonomy, consciousness, and creativity in their cultural development. Specifically, cultural self-behavior determines the national cultural identity and establishes the prerequisite for cultural self-confidence through the awakening of cultural memory and the appropriate promotion of cultural nationality. Cultural self-behavior enhances cultural stickiness through the enhancement of cultural cohesion and attractiveness to consolidate the identity foundation of cultural confidence. By enhancing the right to express cultural discourse, the right to set up cultural issues, and the right to lead cultural discourses, cultural self-behavior enhances cultural discourse power to respond to the needs of the times for cultural self-confidence.The key to the realization of cultural self-confidence lies in transforming the cultivation object of cultural self-confidence from a passive and blind other-regulated object to a conscious and active self-regulated subject. By awakening individual historicality and the “inner self ”, introducing cultural governance concepts, and cultivating the double consciousness of Chinese cultural discourse, cultural self-behavior can activate individual subjectivity, condense collective subjectivity, and forge discourse subjectivity, thereby realizing the subjective construction of cultural self-confidence.As an advanced stage in the development of cultural subjectivity, cultural self-behavior has been discussed in academic circles for a long time. However, there is a lack of a clear definition of its connotations. The core connotation of cultural self-behavior is summarized as the dual structure of reflective cognition and creative leadership of cultural subjects, realizing the interpretation of the concept of cultural self-actualization from two levels of cognitive reality and value contingency. In addition, among the many discussions on the generation of cultural self-confidence, no in-depth study has been found from the philosophical perspective of cultural self-behavior. Cultural self-behavior not only realizes the evidence of cultural self-confidence from three aspects of cultural identity, cultural stickiness, and cultural discourse, but also realizes the construction of subjectification of cultural self-confidence from three aspects of individual subjectivity, collective subjectivity, and discourse subjectivity, and promotes the generation of cultural self-confidence.
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 167-176 [Abstract] ( 329 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 655KB] ( 335 )


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