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162 Xu Wanlong
Reflection and Rectification of the “Rule of No Excessive Defense under Serious Injury”
2022 Vol. 52 (3): 162-176 [Abstract] ( 765 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 873 KB] (429)
197 Yan Shimei, Wang Qi
Accountability Research in Organization Management: A Literature Review and Prospects
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 197-210 [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 756 KB] (808)
5 Jia Keqing
Socialism and Equal Opportunity: John Roemer's Theory of Justice
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 5-13 [Abstract] ( 638 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 665 KB] (448)
6 Li Shi, Chen Zongsheng, Shi Jinchuan, Liu Tongfang, He Wenjiong
A Conversation by Writing on the Theme of “Common Prosperity”
2022 Vol. 52 (1): 6-21 [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 768 KB] (596)
167 Zhang Xiaomeng, Wei Chu
Developing Heating Systems in Southern Cities: A New Option of High-quality Development
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 167-186 [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] (627)
104 Pan Xiaxing, Liu Haitao
Evolution Track of Chinese Poetry Writing: System, Word Class, and Information
2022 Vol. 52 (1): 104-115 [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 799 KB] (489)
128 Jin Xiangrong, Chao Songlei, Luo Deming, Sheng Peifeng
Promotion and Academic Production in Chinese Universities
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 128-145 [Abstract] ( 504 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 910 KB] (467)
84 Yao Jinyun, Shao Peiren
Reciprocity as a Social Norm or Gift-giving as a Social Norm: From an Interdisciplinary Dialogue (1939-2013) to a Classic Model of Chinese Interpersonal Communication
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 84-98 [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2109 KB] (932)
145 Teng Lin, Yang Yuxin, Zhang Yuyang, Nathan Thomas, Lawrence Jun Zhang
Self-regulated Learning in Second Language Education: A Synthesized Method of Bibliometrics and Scoping Review
2024 Vol. 54 (4): 145-160 [Abstract] ( 456 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2056 KB] (152)
149 Shi Jinyi, Wang Zhikai
Strengthening Cognition of Digital Economy and Promoting Iterative Innovation of Economy and Society
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 149-156 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 675 KB] (667)
134 Wu Hang, Chen Jin
The Innovation Mechanism of Cross-border M&A Integration from the Perspective of Institutional Logic: Mediated by M&A Synergy
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 134-148 [Abstract] ( 433 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 764 KB] (411)
157 Guo Xuehui
Challenges and Responses of Personal Information Security in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 157-169 [Abstract] ( 430 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 698 KB] (667)
87 Cheng Gong, Liu Jiaqi
Asian Civilization Research from the Perspective of the Linguistics
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 87-99 [Abstract] ( 430 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 777 KB] (547)
46 Wang Yu
"The Main Line Grandson Bears the Burden": Zhu Xi’s Proposal for Emperor Ningzong's Mourning Rites and the History of the Qingyuan Proscription
2022 Vol. 52 (3): 46-61 [Abstract] ( 414 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1054 KB] (633)
187 Jiang Fen, Zhou Wei
A Review on CPTPP Rules of State-owned Enterprises and the Chinese Response
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 187-200 [Abstract] ( 408 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 744 KB] (428)
18 Zhou Jia
The Change of Meanings of “Origin” from the Perspective of Emphasizing Literati Policy in Song Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 18-28 [Abstract] ( 402 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 788 KB] (526)
110 Gao Fen, Wan Andi
Origin, Connotations and Characteristics of Contemporary Western Gender and Transgender Theory
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 110-118 [Abstract] ( 396 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 663 KB] (891)
170 Wu Jinqun, Liu Huahua
Surpassing or Co-advancing: Reflections on the Relationship Between Service-oriented Government and Developmental Government
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 170-182 [Abstract] ( 395 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 7177 KB] (568)
149 Zhou Guping, Ni Hao, Dong Xuebing
The Concept That Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets Promoting Regional Coordinated Development: Three Paths and Supporting Elements
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 149-156 [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 610 KB] (442)
53 Huang Jie
Images Carrying Meanings: The Political Proclamation and Source of Forms in Six Paintings of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 53-66 [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4608 KB] (268)
100 Wang Yizhen, Wang Xiaolu
Modeling for Neural Processing of Chinese Logogriphs
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 100-109 [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 678 KB] (597)
28 Huang Xianhai, Wang Handi
Imports of Digital Products, Knowledge Stock and Digital Innovation of Enterprises
2022 Vol. 52 (2): 28-43 [Abstract] ( 380 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 834 KB] (349)
39 Zhang Bingbing, Shen Manhong
Fiscal Policies to Promote Ecological Innovation: A Literature Review
2022 Vol. 52 (1): 39-50 [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 694 KB] (382)
136 Li Meng, Huang Zhenyu
The Phenomenon of “Club Convergence” of the Return of Capital in Chinese Cities and Its Causes
2022 Vol. 52 (1): 136-151 [Abstract] ( 376 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1031 KB] (365)
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 370 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2144 KB] (557)
227 Jiang Chengxu
How to Punish Administrative Violations: The Function and Positioning of Administrative Compensation and Its Philosophical Foundations
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 227-240 [Abstract] ( 367 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 810 KB] (434)
119 Fu Changling
Logical Changes of the Knowledge Form of Western Literary Text Theory: Classical, Modern and Post-modern Text Theories
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 119-129 [Abstract] ( 363 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 692 KB] (558)
5 Zu Hui, Fei Xikuan
The Reform of the Imperial Examinations in the Northern Song Dynasty under Civilian Politics
2021 Vol. 51 (6): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 353 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 820 KB] (406)
130 Mao Liping
The Significance and Influence of the Xiunü Selection System on Banner Women: A Study Based on the Xiunü Selection Archives of Qing Royal Palace
2021 Vol. 51 (5): 130-138 [Abstract] ( 350 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 778 KB] (708)
84 Dong Zhaoyingzi, Wang Xiaoliang, Zhang Weiwen, Tang Jinsong
Does the Policy of "Staying Put During the Spring Festival" Encourage People to Return Home at Another Time?
2022 Vol. 52 (3): 84-99 [Abstract] ( 348 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1307 KB] (376)
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