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2023, Vol.53 Num.9
Online: 2023-09-15

5 Xu Xiaozhou, Jiang Zengyu
Strategic Conception of Internationalization of Higher Education in the New Era Based on AIMS Model Hot!
The internationalization of higher education (IHE) is not only a research hotspot since the wave of globalization but also a support point for the modernization of education in the new era. The theoretical basis, international trends, and empirical research on the IHE in the new era are insufficient in ideological, strategic, and empirical research. Especially in the new era of globalization, a series of important theoretical and practical issues such as the goals, concepts, mechanisms, and strategies of China’s higher education internationalization urgently need to be thought deeply, systematically planned, and solidly advanced. Focusing on the problems, challenges, and strategies faced by the IHE in China, it uses the Delphi method to carry out empirical research, puts forward the aim-idea-mechanism-strategy (AIMS) integrated development model and key elements of the IHE. This model analyzes the strategic vision and development path of high-level opening up of China’s higher education, and attempts to provide a theoretical reference for the international innovation and development of higher education in the new era. According to the AIMS development model, the IHE in the new era urgently needs to promote the identification of aims and Ideas in the reconstruction of vision, improve the internationalization mechanism in solving development problems, and promote the priority development that is conducive to common development strategy. Through empirical research, the authors put forward the AIMS integrated development model and key elements of the IHE. From the three dimensions of value pursuit, interest considerations, and development logic, it expounds the evolution of the goal from the benefit-sharing entity to the community with a shared future. From the perspective of promoting value-added and sustainable development, it describes new development ideas such as mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, multilateral diversity, competition and sharing, inclusiveness, and mutual learning. It is supposed to complete the internationalization mechanism of higher education by improving the power and responsibility distribution mechanism, quality assurance mechanism, and legal education mechanism. Finally, the study proposes to improve the internationalization level of higher education through key strategies including deepening internationalization capacity building, focusing on high-tech in-depth cooperation, and strengthening intelligent internationalization construction. The paper points out that the AIMS model is a systematic strategic design and overall reform plan for the IHE, which implies that AI is the direct guidance and theoretical basis, and MS is the system guarantee and practical plan. The vision and path of the IHE reconstruction are realized through the integration of aim, idea, mechanism, and strategy. There is neither a ready-made path nor a model to replicate in the IHE. In the face of major changes unseen in a century, the internationalization of China’s higher education shoulders lofty new missions and new requirements. A new journey is opened up in the innovation of theory and practice. International higher education will lay a solid intellectual foundation for realizing the modernization of Chinese-style education and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. To sum up, it should open up a new journey of IHE through theoretical and practical innovation and lay a solid intellectual foundation for realizing the modernization of Chinese-style education and the construction of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 61 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1527KB] ( 230 )
18 Zhuang Tengteng, Hong Huaqing
Internationalization of University-Industry Collaborations: What Can We Learn from Singapore’s Institutes of Higher Learning? Hot!
Singapore’s higher education sector has made strides in integrating industry and education on an international scale. The country has implemented various strategies to advance the internationalization of university-industry collaborations (UICs). These strategies include attracting globally recognized multinational corporations to partner with local universities on research, incorporating multinational initiatives into university curricula to increase relevance and global orientation, jointly developing multifaceted talent development programs with regional and global companies, and facilitating student participation in local infrastructure projects undertaken by multinational firms. The successful implementation of these initiatives is enabled by several factors: proactive government support and coordination, university departments dedicated to industry partnerships, mutually beneficial university-business collaborations built on complementarity, and Singapore’s highly internationalized, multicultural society. Singapore’s approach offers profound insights. These encompass imperatives such as fortifying the intrinsic evolution of higher education quality to broaden the spectrum of industry stakeholders participating in this integration, optimizing government-industry-academia relations to foster a more conducive environment for applied universities’ industry-education collaboration, enhancing universities’ receptiveness to engage international corporations in talent development and scientific inquiry, and incentivizing the diversification of educational practices to progressively pioneer diverse trajectories for the internationalization of UICs.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 18-28 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 769KB] ( 315 )
29 Xue Ke, Zhang Xinyuan, Shao Peiren
Transfer and Return of Media Gatekeeping Power: A Study on the Factors Influencing Users’ Perception of Media Social Responsibility in Algorithmic Recommendations Hot!
The ever-growing influence of recommendation algorithms has positioned media platforms as potent guiders of information, raising pertinent discussions on the ethical dimensions of algorithmic recommendation technology. A pressing concern in contemporary academic research is aiding media corporations to uphold their social responsibility and scrutinize the new ethical dilemmas arising from emerging technologies. This study employs affordance theory and media social responsibility theory to examine the influence of affordance as the independent variables, perceived value as the mediating variable, and Chinese cultural perception as the moderating variable on users’ perception of media social responsibility when engaging with recommendation algorithms, based on a questionnaire survey and regression data analysis.The study reveals that under the mediating effect of perceived value, a higher users’ perception of content and algorithm affordance from algorithmic recommendations results in a more favorable perception of media’s fulfillment of social responsibility. The most significant affected aspect is brand image responsibility, followed by positive guidance and network environment responsibility. Content affordance impacts users’ perception of media social responsibility more profoundly than algorithm affordance. Among these, the integrity of content affordance and the accountability of algorithm affordance have the most significant impact, while the transparency of algorithm affordance plays a negligible role. Chinese cultural perception can effectively moderate users’ perception of media brand image and network environment responsibility, but it fails to simulate positive guidance responsibility directly.Firstly, this study introduces a technology-driven model for perceiving media social responsibility from the user’s perspective, anchored in affordance theory. In the era of algorithmic recommendations, media gatekeeping power, concealed by algorithms, strays and yet finds its way back to rationality. As developers and managers of algorithms, media entities must not only abide by traditional norms, including authenticity, integrity, and continuity, but they must also address new ethical issues arising from emerging technologies, such as novelty, diversity, fairness, and accountability. Considering the various dimensions of affordance can provide focused guidance for the implementation of media social responsibility.Secondly, algorithm affordance primarily impacts how users perceive media social responsibility in relation to accountability and fairness, rather than being influenced by the degree of transparency. Users are particularly concerned about the algorithm’s responsibility mechanisms, its ability to be held accountable for potential negative consequences of the technology, including the negative impact of pushed content and arising ethical issues. Accuracy and fairness also draw significant attention; users expect the algorithm to be unbiased, non-discriminatory, and precisely reasonable while arranging content. The issue of transparency, as perceived by users, can be redirected towards enhancing algorithmic logic. When users gain an understanding of how algorithmic recommendation systems operate, their demand for transparency tends to diminish.Thirdly, this paper uncovers a potential mechanism within Chinese culture that enhances users’ positive perception of media fulfilling its social responsibility. Instead of solely focusing on promoting Chinese culture for political obedience and public responsibility, media entities should recognize that Chinese culture provides an essential nourishment for constructing a robust brand image and fostering a positive and healthy online community. Media content management should transition from solely prioritizing commercial value and profits to actively recognizing the corporate utility and social value offered by Chinese culture, thus advocating a proactive approach towards change.Finally, the mechanisms by which content affordance and algorithm affordance impact users’ perception of media social responsibility differ. This paper addresses two key concerns. First, the media’s algorithmic logic should prioritize providing high-quality content to users rather than merely chasing traffic. Second, in an era of superficial reading, integrating the cultural superiority of past elite content production models and guiding users towards deeper cultural engagement pose a fresh challenge for the study of media social responsibility.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 29-44 [Abstract] ( 54 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3172KB] ( 186 )
45 Wang Qingbin
On the Judicial Review Standard of Administrative Non-litigation Enforcement Cases Hot!
By sorting out the non-enforcement rulings of administrative non-litigation enforcement cases in China in the past five years, while summarizing the realistic trend of judicial review of administrative non-litigation enforcement cases, we also discovered the problem of inconsistent judicial review standards in administrative non-litigation enforcement cases. In addition to the connotation of “obviously illegal”, the vagueness of the extension, the confusion of the examination standards of administrative non-litigation enforcement cases and administrative litigation cases, etc., the fundamental reason is the existence of the system of administrative non-litigation enforcement misunderstanding. Judging from the nature of the non-litigation enforcement system, the court’s review of non-litigation enforcement cases is essentially not exercising judicial power but exercising the administrative power entrusted by the administrative agency. Moreover, when the administrative agency applies for enforcement, the administrative counterpart has already given up the right to administrative relief, and the administrative act for which enforcement is applied has already become deterministic. Therefore, for the judicial review of administrative non-litigation enforcement cases, it is not appropriate to directly apply the “legality” review standard of administrative litigation but the “invalid administrative act” standard with less review intensity. Specifically, the court should proceed from the aspects of the subject, authority, content, procedure and form of the administrative act to be enforced. Only when the administrative act is “significant and obviously illegal” can it rule that it should not be enforced.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 45-59 [Abstract] ( 91 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1130KB] ( 201 )
60 Zhai Yi, Liu Jie
Determination of Starting Point of Time Limit for Litigation: An Empirical Study of “Knowing or Should Have Known the Content of Administrative Act” Hot!
The determination of the starting point of the time limit for administrative litigation is of great significance for protecting the litigant’s right to sue and maintaining social order. However, this issue has often been overlooked as a technical problem and has not received sufficient attention from theoretical circles. There are several possible starting points for the time limit for administrative litigation, such as the date of receipt of the reconsideration decision, the expiration date of the reconsideration period, the implementation date of knowing or should have known about the administrative act, the implementation date of administrative act, the date of knowing or should have known about the time limit for litigation, the date of knowing or should have known about the content of the administrative act. Through empirical research, it has been found that the starting point of “the date of knowing or should have known about the content of the administrative act” is widely used in judicial practice, appearing in 260 out of 535 collected judgment documents. However, judicial trial adopting “the date of knowing or should have known about the content of the administrative act” has resulted in many disputes between courts, between courts and litigants, and among litigants, with the most prominent dispute being the scope of the administrative act content that the litigant knows or should have known.In this paper, we propose to consider the functional positioning of the system of the time limit for litigation, which is to balance the stability of social order and the protection of citizens’ rights and interests. So taking the date of knowing or should have known about the content of the administrative act as the starting point aims at making the litigant aware that they can initiate administrative litigation. Therefore, the view of knowing the necessary content has more explanatory power. According to the general theory of litigation law and the relevant principles of administrative law, the elements of the necessary content should include the “subject of the administrative act” and the “possible damage to rights and interests”. Only when these two elements are satisfied, the litigant has the possibility to initiate administrative litigation.There are three major views on this issue knowing all the content, knowing the necessary content, and knowing the specific content. The view of knowing all the content holds that the time limit for administrative litigation can only start when the litigant knows all the content of the administrative act. The view of knowing the necessary content argues that the litigant only needs to know a necessary part of the administrative act to initiate administrative litigation. The view of knowing the specific content suggests that the litigant should refer to the specific and substantive content of the administrative act obtained through normal channels. However, these theories are less explanatory and persuasive, because they all fail to expound on the scope of “all content”, “necessary content” and “specific content”.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 60-72 [Abstract] ( 61 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 720KB] ( 182 )
73 Chen Guoquan, Yuan Guinan
State Characteristics of China: A Comparative Analysis Based on Chinese and American State Systems Hot!
The state is a fundamental concept in social science, but China and the West have different understandings of what is “state” in terms of public power. In the West, “state” is equivalent to public authority, including the legislative, executive, and judicial institutions. However, state in China is composite and unique, which is a unified whole in the form of a constitution and party. The government of the compound state, the general government, not only includes the institutions of the state in the sense of the Constitution but also the Party. As the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and local Party committees at all levels also assume public responsibilities and exercise public power, these Party organizations objectively have the nature of the state and integrate with the state institutions in the sense of the Constitution into an organic entirety, constituting the true government with Chinese characteristics. The objective difference in the concept of the state makes it difficult for the state theory of the West to accurately explain the Chinese phenomenon. A comprehensive understanding of China should not come entirely from the Western social science system. Perhaps understanding differences and combining reality is a more important theoretical approach to understanding China. To clarify the characteristics of China’s “state”, we offer a comparative framework containing three dimensions—the environment of the system, the power configuration, and the power operation process. Ten aspects are compared, including economic base, political attitude, relationship between state and society, horizontal & vertical power structure, internal separation of power system, source of legitimacy, representation way, selecting officials, and modes of controlling power. These give a comprehensive understanding of the government in China—the general government. The theory of the general government builds a set of national theories that reflect the objective reality of China. On the one hand, it can have a dialogue with Western social sciences. On the other hand, it can be used to guide the practice of Chinese modernization construction. In theory, the composite state and the general government reflect what is the real state and government in China, which is a knowledge system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese localization. The comparison between China and the United States is helpful for an objective understanding of the structure and dynamic operation of public power in the context of China. The pursuit of building a productive government is an obvious external feature of the broad sense of government, while the dual attributes of party and state are an internal feature of the broad sense of government. From the perspective of practice, the theory of general government has a strong guiding significance for promoting the modernization of national governance capacity and governance system. Specifically, having a view on government power does not mean that the government can always play a positive role. Effective measures must be taken to control power, balance the two values of efficiency and power limitation, and deal with the tension between the attributes of the state and the party in a broad sense so that the state power can better serve modernization.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 73-85 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1201KB] ( 366 )
86 Xu Hao
Determining the Original Appearances of the Scrolls from the Dunhuang Library Cave Based on Their Inventory Records Hot!
The inventory records, which were written on the back of the scrolls by people from medieval China who counted Dunhuang manuscripts, often include the titles of the scriptures, number of the volume, their provenances, and whether they were complete. These records indicate the original appearances of the scrolls from the Dunhuang Library Cave as seen by people from medieval China. They can be used to determine the original appearances of the scrolls before the opening of the Dunhuang Library Cave. By analyzing five types of reconstructed Dunhuang manuscripts, this article illustrates the original appearances of the Dunhuang scrolls based on the locations, numbers, characteristics, and meanings of the inventory records. It also compares the original appearances of these scrolls with those reconstructed in the modern period, in order to depict the evolvements of Dunhuang manuscripts. The five types of reconstructions are as follows: Based on the fact that the status of the scrolls have been constantly changing, this paper argues that the original appearances of Dunhuang scrolls are time-sensitive, and that the original appearance of the same scroll is historically justified if it is different from that during the other periods. We must reconstruct and study Dunhuang manuscripts from a historical perspective, and pay attention to the whole evolution of manuscripts in order to promote the reconstruction of fragmental Dunhuang manuscripts.The five types of reconstructions are as follows:First, manuscripts split before the discovery of the Library Cave: for example, in the manuscript BD2333…Ф. 237+BD7587+BD8674 (Mahāpraj?āpāramitā-sūtra, Fascicle Twenty-nine), on the verso of the beginning of each fragment, there is an inventory record written by the same person, such as “the seventh” (diqi, 弟七), “the first” (diyi, 弟一), “the third” (disan, 弟三) and “the second” (di’er, 弟二). These records indicate that the scroll was torn into fragments before the Library Cave was sealed, and that people from medieval China, in order to arrange the fragments to repair them, wrote inventory records respectively on the fragments from the same long scroll that had been torn apart.Second, manuscripts damaged before the discovery of the Library Cave: for example, on the verso of the beginning of manuscript BD2543 in the manuscript S.69+Дх.1176+BD2543 (Lotus Sūtra, Fascicle Four), there is an inventory record “the fourth, lacking three and a half sheets of paper” (disan, qian sanzhiban, 弟四,欠三纸半), indicating that before the Cave was sealed, people from medieval China had noted that a large section of this manuscript was missing in front of BD2543, and the missing “three and a half sheets of paper” are S. 69+Дх. 1176.Third, manuscripts split after the discovery of the Library Cave: for example, on the verso of the beginning of manuscript BD1775+BD4194 (Lotus Sūtra, Fascicle Four), which is BD1775, there is an inventory record “the Lotus Sūtra, without the beginning” (Miaofalianhua jing, wutou, 妙法莲花经,无头). This record suggests that the end of the original scroll was not missing. Therefore, the split between BD4194 and BD1775 at the end of the extant scroll appeared after the opening of the Cave.Fourth, manuscripts damaged after the discovery of the Library Cave: for example, on the verso where fragments S. 12318 and BD4849 (Lotus Sūtra, Fascicle Three) can be joined, there is an inventory record, “Fascicle Three of the Lotus Sūtra, without the beginning” (Miaofalianhua jing juan disan, wutou, 妙法莲华经卷第三,无头). This record indicates that this damage had not occurred when people from medieval China did the survey. In other words, this split and damage happened after the discovery of the Cave.Fifth, scrolls that have been repaired at the beginning of the manuscripts before the Library Cave was sealed, and have been damaged after the opening of the Cave: for example, on the verso of the beginning of BD11106 in the manuscript BD7456+BD11106+BD1190 (Suvar?aprabhāsottama-sūtra, Fascicle Seven), there is an inventory record “the seventh”. This record indicates that the first sheet of paper in front of BD7456+BD11106 was previously missing. Since the format, script and status of the first sheet of paper of BD7456 are different from the other part, this sheet of paper was probably added later. The title of the sūtra, “Fascicle Seven of the Suvar?aprabhāsottama-sūtra” (Jinguangming jing diqi, 金光明经弟七), is written on a patch on the verso of this manuscript where the first and second sheets were joined. There is a symbol indicating the title of the sūtra, “”, which suggests that after this reconstruction, this manuscript became a complete scroll. It means that the current splits between these fragments, the loss of the lower part of BD11106, and the absence of a line of the commentary as well as the end title of BD1190 all happened after the opening of the Library Cave. The scroll has undergone complicated transformations from whole to fragmental, from restoration to re-damaged, which is a microcosm of the changes that have taken place in Dunhuang manuscripts over time.Based on the fact that the status of the scrolls have been constantly changing, this paper argues that the original appearances of Dunhuang scrolls are time-sensitive, and that the original appearance of the same scroll is historically justified if it is different from that during the other periods. We must reconstruct and study Dunhuang manuscripts from a historical perspective, and pay attention to the whole evolution of manuscripts in order to promote the reconstruction of fragmental Dunhuang manuscripts.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 86-103 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 12146KB] ( 159 )
104 Dou Huaiyong
A Discussion on the Form Distinctiveness of Tang Taboo Characters Hot!
The formulation and implementation of the ancient Chinese taboo character system represents the efforts to subtly safeguard the emperors’ names by flexibly using the properties of form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters under the combined effect of factors in different eras. Since the Jin Dynasty (265-420), the accumulation and superimposition of various factors such as the popularity of paper, the prevalence of written texts and the proliferation of characters in popular forms, led to a shift in the focus of the Tang taboo character system towards the “form” of Chinese characters, giving rise to a new taboo character system with the transformation of the form at its core, thus making the Tang taboo characters distinctive. This distinction is manifest horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, the Tang taboo characters have developed systematic overall differentiation in practical application; vertically, they are typical of the Tang Dynasty focusing on the transformation of the form.Through the spoken and written words, the ancient Chinese taboo character system aims at upholding the names of emperors and avoiding their use. From the overall atmosphere to the actual implementation of the system, the Tang taboo character system promoted and maintained by the institutional arrangers achieved a relatively binding effect on the members of the society at the level of institutional utility, and established the fact that the system emphasized the morphological form of the taboo characters at the level of institutional characteristics. Moreover, it facilitated the in-depth implementation of the taboo character system and shaped the overall image of the Tang taboo character system that focused on the morphological distinction of the characters. Therefore, from the perspective of institutional implementation, the significance of the form distinctiveness of the Tang taboo characters lies in two aspects. One is the basic principle and value that underpin the practical effects of the Tang taboo character system, and the other is the core form that manifests the laws and external features of the Tang taboo character system itself.The reasons for the form distinctiveness of the Tang taboo characters are complex and include at least three aspects. First, the written text, with paper and handwriting as its basic features, was the soil that gave birth to the form distinctiveness of the Tang taboo characters. Paper not only combined the advantages of the large size of silk and the low cost of bamboo slips, but also happened to overcome the innate shortcomings of the two. The writing instrument, represented by the writing brush, was given more than ample scope to develop on paper. Writers from any social class with any cultural background could achieve their writing and communication purposes in a convenient way, naturally resulting in the distinctive forms of taboo characters. Second, the unprecedented proliferation of characters in popular forms in the middle ancient times (from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty) was an important source of emulation for the distinctive Tang taboo characters. The convenience of handwriting, the easy availability of paper, and the effective combination of production method and production vehicle increased the number of Chinese characters produced and the area of dissemination, as well as the number of characters in popular forms. The path of production and proliferation of characters in popular forms in the middle ancient times also provided references and lessons for the effective implementation of the taboo character system, so that the distinctive nature of the Tang taboo characters contained the genes of the characters in popular forms in the middle ancient times. Third, the creation and popularity of taboo character system featuring the change of the form was the driving force behind the retention of the distinctiveness of Tang taboo characters. Influenced by the conventions of characters in popular forms, the newly invented form-changing method of taboo characters in the Tang Dynasty achieved its purpose simply by shifting the components of a Chinese character, making it more easily accepted by all levels of the society. Newly formed characters were gradually added with the attributes of characters in popular forms in circulation and went through multiple transmission as daily written characters in popular forms, reinforcing the distinctiveness of the Tang taboo characters.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 104-115 [Abstract] ( 72 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 827KB] ( 216 )
116 Huang Jing, Feng Guodong
“打 (Da)” and “拓 (Ta)” Hot!
The character “打” with the meaning of rubbing went through three periods, i.e., the prominent period in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the obscure period in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and the comeback period in the Qing Dynasty. A total of nine examples in the existing Tang Dynasty literature can prove the use of “打” with the meaning of rubbing, spanning the entire Tang Dynasty and recording a number of rubbing activities. There were four officially sponsored rubbing activities, involving three imperial inscriptions. These rubbing activities marked a continuation of the political landscape function of the stele, with the person in charge and the participants being high-ranking officials, and the resulting rubbings were either presented to the imperial court, posted for the courtiers to appreciate, or given to powerful courtiers. Some of the unofficially sponsored rubbings were used for private appreciation, such as the Stone Classics in Three Scripts and the Shigu Wen, which were valued highly by the literati of the Middle Tang period for their epigraphic value; others were associated with religious activities. The Buddhists, for example, used the rubbing technique to achieve a rapid reproduction of the U??ī?a Vijaya Dhāra?ī Sūtra.Many variant texts for the character “拓”, which is now commonly used, exist in such core documents used frequently by former and contemporary scholars as the Suishu: Record of Classic Works, hence they are insufficient to prove the meaning of “拓” as rubbing in the Tang Dynasty. Based on the records of early character books such as Shuowen Jiezi and Yupian, and given the actual use of “拓” in manuscripts and stone inscriptions, it is certain that the original meaning of “拓” was to pick up, its common meaning was to open up, and was not associated with the rubbing activities before the Northern Song Dynasty. The postscripts on bronze wares or stones in the Northern Song Dynasty still used such characters as “摹 (mo)”, “打” and “搨 (ta)” to denote the meaning of rubbing. It was not until the late Northern Song Dynasty that the word “椎拓 (zhuita)” in the meaning of rubbing appeared in the literature and the meaning of “拓” as rubbing began to be established.The popular character “打”, which was created at the end of the Han Dynasty, was a common character used to denote the meaning of “strike”. Around the 8th Century AD, the pronunciation of “打” was influenced by the northern dialects and changed from a yangsheng rhyme to a yinsheng rhyme. A possible reason for “打” to denote rubbing was the evolution of its original meaning of “strike”. Most of the currently found rubbing activities associated with “打” occurred in the north, where the later yinsheng rhyme of “打” was similar to the pronunciation of “搨”. Meanwhile, the two characters “打” and “搨” both had the meaning of “strike”, and were also common expressions for ancient copying techniques, making them easily confused. The character “拓”, which represented the meaning of rubbing, was probably a variant for “打”. In later times, “拓” became more widely used due to its semantic right side “石” that means “stone”, to the extent that it gradually replaced “打” as a proper name for the rubbing technique.The advent of the rubbing technique realized the transfer of texts from stone materials to paper and facilitated the dissemination and transmission of stone inscriptions. However, in relation to the chronological origins of the rubbing technique, scholars have focused on the now commonly used character “拓 (ta)” to find literature evidence while ignoring the significant value of the character “打 (da)” as an ancient name for rubbing.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 116-131 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2974KB] ( 189 )
131 Zhu Yuyang
Re-examining the Basis of Philosophy from the Perspective of Modernity: Focusing on Hegel, Marx, and Habermas Hot!
Modernity is a narrative paradigm that delineates the key characters of the modern world. Diagnosing the problems of modernity is a crucial topic in philosophy. Only by examining the basis of philosophy can we clarify the rationales and divergences behind different discourses on modernity. Hegel, Marx, and Habermas proposed three distinct schemes of modernity: the scheme of self-consciousness, the scheme of material practice, and the scheme of intersubjectivity.In the First Philosophy of Spirit (1803-1804), Hegel introduces the concept of consciousness and attempts to establish a modern ethical order where self-consciousness and universal consciousness coexist and reinforce each other, leading to the compatibility of the individual and the community. The intermediary structure of consciousness serves as Hegel’s means to reconcile the relationship between subject and object, particular and universal, and individual and others. The greater the universality of self-consciousness, the more compatibility there will be with others, and the more likely a unified social normative structure can be achieved. Hegel identifies language, work, and family as three progressive stages in which self-consciousness and universal consciousness are formed and transformed. Accordingly, the development of social ethical norms, ranging from natural family relations to the public sphere, becomes possible. However, Hegel’s sequence aims at rational and absolute consciousness and dismisses direct and empirical human activities. This is refuted by Feuerbach and others.Unlike Hegel, who derives the constitutive power of social order from the three stages of consciousness in language, labor, and family, Marx formulates in German Ideology the theory of historical materialism based on the three factors of productivity, social conditions, and consciousness, where productivity plays a decisive role in shaping the social order. Without access to Hegel’s Jena manuscripts, Marx discovers the central role of labor in the practice of material production and social relations. Marx also recognizes that Hegel’s category of labor is draped under the cloak of idealism. His rejection of Hegel’s concept of self-consciousness is a crucial theoretical impetus for establishing the foundation of material practice. On the one hand, Marx praises Feuerbach for reducing Hegel’s concept of self-consciousness to the sensual person. On the other hand, Marx further transforms Feuerbach’s naturalistic interpretation of humans into a practical and realistic determination of human activities. By restoring the basic status of material practice, Marx demonstrates that the concept of consciousness is not a constant but a variable that can only emerge under the historical material premise. This refutes Hegel’s understanding of self-consciousness as a given conceptual structure.In Labor and Interaction, Habermas develops the intermediary structure of Hegel’s concept of consciousness and transforms the interactive relationship based on the language medium into the conditions of social order, where interaction is regarded as superior to labor. This involves two aspects. First, according to Habermas, the Hegelian knowing subject undergoes a movement of detranscendentalization and enters social space. Second, by distinguishing between labor and interaction, Habermas criticizes the instrumentalization of Marx’s labor theory. However, this approach of interpretation not only deviates from Hegel’s context but also encounters another theoretical difficulty when Habermas criticizes Marx’s concept of labor for lacking interaction. Communicative interaction denies any given pragmatic premise and cannot transcend the premise of the lifeworld. Although these three theories differ from each other, they open a dialogue with each other from the perspective of modernity, which is instructive for us to comprehend the multiple possibilities of modernity approaches.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 131-139 [Abstract] ( 105 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 667KB] ( 257 )
140 Xie Wenhui, Sun Minqiang
Jizhou”: Figurative Thinking and Artistic Interpretation of Ancient Chinese Grammar Theory Hot!
The original meaning of “Jizhou (机轴)” refers to the part on the loom that rolls up the cloth or silk. It is because “Jizhou” is in a position of great significance on the textile machine that it is often used as a metaphor for the critical part. Furthermore, as “Jizhou” features the warp and the weft interweaving, just like works of literature do, this term extends in meaning to the principle of literary creation. Considering the poetry and prose of late-comers heavily plagiarized the ancients, literary critics began to reflect on the success or failure of poetry and prose, hoping to reverse such situation and get rid of the disadvantages through new changes. In this process, scholars in the Song Dynasty mostly compared the ancient and modern prosers, and put the word “Jizhou” in the position of the cornerstone of the theories of grammar, so as to apply the innovative meaning contained in “Jizhou” to interpret or appreciate grammar. From the specific practice of literary creation, “Jizhou” is manifested in the conception, layout, diction, syntax, rhetoric, structure and even momentum of the text, with emphasis on variation and innovation. Thus, using the term “Jizhou” to evaluate articles and emphasize innovation gradually became a trend, and “Zichu Jizhou (自出机轴)” became one of the main values of writing in the Song Dynasty and subsequent periods. In this sense, “Jizhu (机杼)” and “Jizhou” mutually support each other, both pointing to the grammar and structure of innovation and change in literary works. The relationship between the two was defined during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.Later scholars using water as a reference expanded the scope of “Jizhou” to “Shuiji (水机)”, giving emphasis to “Wenxin (文心)” and making the connotation of grammar theories more refined and broader. In short, using “Shuiji” as a metaphor for “Wenxin” aims at highlighting the key points of the article in terms of content and emphasizing the diversity of form. To be specific, literary critics use the metaphor of “Shuiji” to explore the relationship between water and literature, seeking a kind of “similarity”. First, the meaning of crux carried by “Shuiji” corresponds to the meaning of the key points of the article contained by “Wenxin”. Second, the emphasis on the characteristics of constant change in “Shuiji” coincides with the creative techniques and methods of literary creation. On the basis of such interpretation and understanding, although “Wenxin” and “Shuiji” are heterogeneous, they are identical in spirit and both point to the ultimate principle of literary creation and criticism. Whether as a standard for weighing grammar or as a metaphor for flexible ways of literary creation, “Shuiji” and “Jizhou”, using water as a reference, reveal the inseparable relationship between grammar innovation and creation. As a concrete mode of thinking and expression derived from “Jizhou”, “Shuiji” reflects the idea of literary critics communicating their own life activities with the operation of the natural world, expressing the pursuit of the state of unity between man and nature.In conclusion, the scope of “Jizhou” is rooted in the form of poetry and prose, allowing for the development of an innovative approach to poetry and prose writing. In the process of logical generation to connotation evolution, its categories are refined to include words, phrases, sentences, and chapters, constructing a relatively complete system of grammar categories. This system is rooted in the creation and writing of literary works, which are not only related to the text but also rely on the momentum of the text. Its research objects initially focus on the pure textual level of grammar theories, but gradually deepen to the aesthetic information contained within the text. Its internal context and artistic interpretation demonstrate the “Chinese nature” of grammar theory and even the entire unique ancient Chinese literary theories.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 140-147 [Abstract] ( 68 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 730KB] ( 254 )
148 Chen Yufeng, Ma Lihua, Hui Xiaoxiong
Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Improve Firm’s Productivity? Hot!
Economic policy uncertainty, as one of the important sources of external risks for enterprises, inevitably has an impact on enterprises behavior. The volatile external policy environment makes it challenging for entrepreneurs to form stable expectations of the macroeconomy, and they can only adapt to the environment by adjusting enterprise’s productivity. Therefore, it is essential to explore the impact of economic policy uncertainty on China’s enterprise total factor productivity. To more accurately reflect the relationship between economic policy uncertainty and firm productivity, this paper constructs a provincial-level economic policy uncertainty index, which differs from the existing literature that uses either the China economic policy uncertainty index constructed by Baker et al. or the national-level economic policy uncertainty index synthesized from provincial party newspaper data by Wang et al. This paper adopts the LP method to measure the productivity of each enterprise and innovatively constructs corresponding theoretical and empirical models to examine the changing relationship between provincial-level economic policy uncertainty and firm productivity from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, which expands the research scope of micro-enterprise behavior under economic policy uncertainty. The research findings indicate that after adding control variables and controlling fixed effect, economic policy uncertainty significantly increases firm productivity. Furthermore, when distinguishing between high and low economic policy uncertainties and different regions, it is found that economic policy uncertainty promotes enterprise productivity more significantly under low economic policy uncertainty. The impact of enterprise productivity in the mid-west regions of China is positive, while that in the eastern regions is negative. The productivity gap between the mid-west and the eastern regions is gradually narrowing, and there is an obvious catching-up effect in the mid-west regions. It is worth noting that, after using the realized volatility method to distinguish between good economic policy uncertainty and bad economic policy uncertainty, it is obvious that the improvement of enterprise productivity in the mid-west regions is the result of the combined effects, and the good economic policy uncertainty caused by favorable policies is the key factor for the productivity improvement of enterprises in the mid-west regions. Further analysis shows that the supply-side structural reform has promoted the improvement of enterprise productivity. Moreover, the mediation effect model reveals that enterprise investment efficiency and R&D expenditure are crucial in driving changes in enterprise productivity. Finally, the robustness of the regression results is tested by using the OP and ACF methods to measure enterprise productivity, treating the endogenous problem. Overall, the improvement of enterprise productivity relies on continuous technological innovation and high investment efficiency. The government should strengthen favorable policies, especially those that encourage technological innovation, and strive to create a good business environment. Additionally, institutional mechanisms should be established to promote the improvement of enterprise investment efficiency.
2023 Vol. 53 (9): 148-160 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 991KB] ( 226 )


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