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2018, Vol.4 Num.4
Online: 2018-07-10

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 1- [Abstract] ( 431 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1670KB] ( 740 )
5 Lin Ka Li Hua
A Review of International Literatures on Intergenerational Care

This article reviews and analyzes the studies conducted by European and American scholars regarding the issue of intergenerational care reflecting the general features and situations of the intergenerational care in these advanced industrialized countries. On the basis of it, this study extends the scope of these studies to the fields of social policies and social support to family care, and reveals the inspiration of these experiences to the Chinese readers to think on the issues. In China, the increasing number of left-behind children, the elderly of rural areas, the shrinking size of urban families, and the shortage of public care resources for admission of children at the daycare centers, all reinforce the need for an understanding of the nature of the grandparents' care. However, most researchers in China are not familiar with the theoretical hypotheses and research methods for the study of intergenerational care, even ignoring this discourse. For all these reasons, it seems necessary to learn the international experiences in order to deepen our understanding of the related issues. This study will explore the theoretical premise and analysis of the framework of the conception of intergenerational care through a method of literature review reflecting the current situation of intergenerational care in European countries. The study evaluates the conceptions in the context of the production and reproduction system, and also, concludes the ways of research among these articles, including the use of statistical analysis based on survey database; discussing the effects of intergenerational care on the physical and mental health of the child development, and the quality of life approach of the elderly as the caregivers. As a result, studies of these literatures provide thought and nourishment for our thinking about social policy regarding this issue. It shows that this type of family care does not disappear in the advanced industrialized countries after deteriorating the family functions and the development of the public service system. The influencing factors of intergenerational care are not only cultural but also related to the social systems of production, reproduction, and social policies. In the end, the implications of these studies for the Chinese readers are assessed, emphasizing that the support of social policies has a positive effect on the social welfare of grandparents and grandchildren, and advocates the adoption of policies and service measures to support the alternative care for the elderly.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 5-13 [Abstract] ( 1092 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1510KB] ( 1366 )
14 Dong Hongya
Rethinking the Reform of Public Pension Institutions in the Process of Marketization

The reform of public pension institutions involves the relations among many subjects such as government, market and society. This paper studies the development process of the reform of public pension institutions in China and analyzes its effectiveness and problems by using property rights and principal-agent theory. In the context of the fact that the pension service market is fully open, this paper has an important practical significance. 1.The course of development of the reform. Taking the Urban Social Welfare Institute as the focus, this paper divides the 40-year reform process of public pension institutions since the Reform and Opening Up into four stages as follows. The first stage is the establishment of president responsibility system and the permission of the privately-run welfare institutions(1979-1986). The second stage is the establishment of the artificial person system and the socialization of social welfare(1986-1997). The third stage is the general promotion of pan-marketization and the socialization of social welfare(1997-2007). The last stage is the proposal of public welfare and the adjustment of the socialization of social welfare(2007 to date). This paper points out that we must start from the two dimensions, in which one is public institutions and another is socialization of social welfare if we study the reform of public pension institutions. 2.Review of the reform. There are three specific themes throughout the 40-year reform: the pursuit of independent institutional artificial person, the clear direction of efficiency and a socialized development mechanism. These topics refer to the nature, basic attributes and operational mechanisms of public pension institutions. However, due to insufficient theoretical preparation and insufficient research, these topics have not been completed. The main reason is the unclear boundary of responsibilities of the government and public institutions, the contradiction between public welfare properties and public institutions' goal of economic benefits, and the lack of regulation of socialization so that public welfare can hardly be realized. The essence of these reasons is the handling of the relationship between fairness and efficiency. 3.Interpretation of the reform from the perspective of property and principal-agent theory. After the reform and opening up, public pension institutions nominally became the independent artificial person, forming the second tier of commission-agency. However, under the institution management system, there are some problems such as the lack of legal validity of decentralization, the deviations of the commissioned goals and the lack of professionalism of the management team, resulting in the inefficiency or failure of the principal-agent. Afterwards, the state made adjustments, promoting the state-building and privately-run forms and formed the third tier of commission-agency. However, due to the lack of awareness and regulation of state-building and private-run forms in practice, the principal-agent relationship has been distorted. The third layer is not necessarily better than the second layer. The key is to clarity the public welfare of public pension institutions and their functions, including regulating the market and resolving the risk. 4.Deepening the reform of the target path. There are three major goals: becoming a truly independent artificial person; comprehensively strengthening the commonweal property; regulating the market and resolving risks in the development of pension services. In order to achieve these goals, we must take the construction of modern pension institutions as the focus of reform, improve the governance structure of the institutional artificial person, build the council, the management and the board of supervisors, strengthen the regulation of state-building and privately-run forms and improve the governance structure of the legal entity. At the same time, government's power should be restricted and the spirit of contract should be established.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 14-26 [Abstract] ( 778 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1695KB] ( 1154 )
27 Gu Qingqing Zhang Yan
The Three Questions of Arguing about Marxism and Morality

In the 1970s, a debate on ″Marx and Justice″ has given rise to the heated study of Anglo-American Marxist ethics. The general debate was around the arguments of ″Marxist Immoralism″ and ″Marxist Moralism″. Immoralists, mainly represented by Robert C. Tucker and Allen W. Wood, argue that Marx's critique of capitalism does not resort to moral goodness such as justice and equality, but is rather based on a comprehensive analysis of the inner working procedures of capitalism. While moralists, mainly represented by RG Peffer, Kai Nielsen, and George G. Brenkert, argue that Marx adopted a morality discourse and criticized capitalism as injustice, inequality, or illiberalism. Further, moralists not only clarify the normative moral value of Marxism, but also endeavor to construct a complete Marxist moral theory. An examination of the argument foci indicates their disagreements mainly lie in being lack of consensus in three aspects, namely, whether morality is necessarily an ideology, whether facts can accommodate values, and whether historical materialism has eliminated the objectivity of morality. First of all, in the view of immoralists, the moral notions of justice, equality and liberalism are just concepts of legal right in Marxism and construction of ideology by Marx. These concepts are not substantively critical in the evaluation of capitalist society.According to moralists, the ideology of Marxism doesn't necessarily suggest the distorted epistemology but instead explicitly or implicitly confirms the existence of the ideology as science of ideas. In fact, the Marxist concept about the relationship between morality and ideology is based on special contexts. What he opposes is only the reversal of the relationship between morality and social existence, which cannot legitimize his general argument about the relationship between ideology and morality.  Secondly, according to the immoralists, the Marxist concept of justice is the highest expression of the rationality of social facts from the juridical point of view. That is to say, as long as it corresponds to the existing mode of production, it is just. This is not a value judgment about ″what it should be″ but a factual judgment about ″what it is″. On the contrary, moralists try to bridge the dichotomy between reality and value, but they come to the extreme that value greatly outweighs fact. However, Marx manages to go beyond the dichotomy between the fact and value by adopting the historical dialectics and returning to practice.  Finally, immoralists hold that social existence determining the social consciousness, a fundamental proposition of the historical dialectics, endows morality with the features of dependence and variability. It eliminates the moral objectivity. However, moralists believe that the Marxist theory inherently contains the objective criteria of moral judgment, which points to a concept of moral progress. Therefore, the Marxist theory does not slip to moral relativism. In short, only by clearly defining and effectively identifying the above three major issues can we effectively deal with different criticisms and a better understandings of the interpretation and internal structure of Marx's moral philosophy.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 27-36 [Abstract] ( 848 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1511KB] ( 1063 )
37 Zeng Lingjian
Practical Paradigm of Legal Study

With the trend of interdisciplinary studies on law, it's necessary to advocate one named practical paradigm of legal study. It consists of research strategies, study methods, and analytical frameworks. Though practical paradigm of legal study doesn't distinguish the essential attributes between theoretical level and practical level in legal study, why we emphasize the significance of the practical dimension is that legal practice is never a purely academic issue, which innately bears practicalness. The issue-oriented research strategies should emphasize ″issue as a center″, focusing on ″china issues″, and paying attention to ″theoretical ideal″. ″Issues″ in this context should include extensively those problems existing in social practice and theory discussion for a long time, to which the latest theories of this subject lack sufficient explanatory power, and which could have such energy to run through the whole study and to generate theoretical increase. The character of ″china issues″ is to make scholars comprehend the relationship of law and society in China, discerning the current situation and regular pattern of China judicature, and pursuing the wisdom and knowledge increase for China jurisprudence in the end. In order to employ the extended case method as the main way of analyzing legal practice, it's vital to integrate its meanings in legal anthropology with those in legal sociology. The case could display legal practice intuitively, vividly and truthfully, and outline the deep structure of law operation directly. In the perspective of practical paradigm of legal study, legal practice isn″t the sole object, and it isn″t the fate for theory to be deduced, refined or amended, which has methodological significance in the study of legal practice. Under such circumstance, an issue is not only the departure point for legal study, but also the basis for deepening research. ″Theoretical ideal″ is not only scholars″ academic sentiment and aspiration, but it also has a methodological significance, through which we could integrate analyses into descriptions in order to ″go beyond the case″. Achieving the co-existence of microscopic analytical perspective and macroscopic one, it's important to use those analysis frameworks synthetically, such as ″event-relationship-process″, ″actor-structure″, and ″state/legal practice/society″. ″Event-relationship-process″ could be useful to revealing the micro-structure of dominant and theorizing it, and could overcome the bug in causality analysis to some extent, avoiding a certain determinism or finalism. ″Actor-structure″ aims to show how structure limits, dominates and motivates action, and how actor makes use of structure, influence and reshape structure. As to ″state/legal practice/society″, it is ″legal practice″ as life fact that links the government and the society (people). With this analysis framework, we can have a penetrating insight into the interactive process between the government and the society, the government and the masses, and inside the populace around the legal practice. We can even induce a cognitive system with middle range theoretical meanings from this interactive process. China School of Rule of Law Practice takes ″practice″ as a symbol all the time, and the manifestation of ″practical study″ from this school could be epitomized as ″some project-based and participatory practical study″. Though practical paradigm of legal study inclines towards qualitative research, and China School of Rule of Law Practice quantitative research, they could form a lot of synergy in studying legal practice, in that they are highly harmonious and complementary in terms of method advocacy and value pursuits.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 37-53 [Abstract] ( 733 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1586KB] ( 994 )
54 Xie Huiming Qiang Mengmeng Shen Manhong
Structural Rectification of Industrial Water Rate in China: A Perspective of Water Resource Fee

In China, the three main sources of industrial water are surface water, ground water, and tap water, and the consumption of surface water dominates. The consumption of industrial water by state-owned and large non-state enterprises accounted for 70.18% in 2008. There are varying water rates for surface water, ground water, and tap water. The price for tap water, which consists of resource fee and project and environmental charges, has a significant impact on the demand of tap water while the surface and ground water demands are mainly determined by the resource fee. Thus, rectifying the water price structure in the industrial sectors regarding water resource fee is important for China to achieve the target of industrial water conservation and a water-saving society. Two methods of rectification are provided: one is to revise the level of resource fee and the other is to adjust the rate of resource fee charged on the tap water. When the demand for industrial water is negatively correlated to the surface water resource fee, the impact of the resource fee for surface water on the demand for surface water is larger than the impact on the demand for ground water; the impact of the ground water resource fee on the demand for surface water is larger than the impact on the demand for ground water if the industrial water demand is positively related to the ground water resource fee. Meanwhile, given a negative relation between the industrial water demand and the surface water resource fee, the positive impact of the relative weight of surface water resource fee on the demand offsets the impact of surface water resource fee; if a positive relationship between the industrial water demand and the ground water resource fee holds, the positive impact of the relative weight of ground water resource fee enhances the impact of ground water resource fee on industrial water demand. Based on a panel data of 30 Chinese provinces between 2000 and 2013, this paper uses a simultaneous equation model to analyze the impact of water price structure on the demand for industrial water. We find a substitution effect between the consumption of surface water and the consumption of ground water, and both surface water resource fee and ground water resource fee have large impacts on the demand for surface water demand. Further, the water price structure characterized by the surface or ground water resource fee over the tap water price has enhanced the impact of water resource fee on industrial water demand, which suggests that the demand for tap water could be reduced by cutting down the relative weight of ground water resource fee. In sum, in order to promote conserving industrial water, while it is effective by adjusting water prices and resource fees, rectifying water price structure is more important. Specifically, with the strictest water resource regulations (e.g. the strictest policy of ground water mining), regulators should improve the efficiency of the management of the demand for surface water and increase the relative weight of the surface water source fee and/or reduce the weight of the ground water resource fee.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 54-73 [Abstract] ( 663 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1612KB] ( 1145 )
74 Yang Liuyong Feng Yitian
Corporate Life Cycle, Corporate Disclosure, and Executives' Resignation and Equity Cash-out: Evidence from Listed Companies on ChiNext

ChiNext, a NASDAQ-style board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China, has been running for more than six years since October 2009. As an important supplement to the main board market, ChiNext attracts abundant venture capital, provides new financing channels and growing space for middle and small-sized enterprises and start-up companies which cannot be listed on the main board for the moment, and signifies the gradual improvement of China's capital market. Due to the initial enthusiasm in the capital market and the problem of high issue price, high PE ratio and abundant funds, ChiNext's stocks were generally overvalued, so that many people's fortune had an overnight boost. However, this boost was followed by an abnormal trend of the massive resignations. Most executives intended to take advantage of resignation to avoid the strict equity cash-out restrictions. Their action triggers massive public concern and media coverage. According to the statistics of this study, a total of 1,730 executives of 406 companies which had been listed on ChiNext by 2014 resigned between 2009 and 2015. And the number of resignations has been increasing year by year. The Company Law of the People's Republic of China provides that the shares held by the directors and supervisors of a listed company shall not be transferred within one year from the listing date and shall not be transferred within six months from the resignation date. In order to realize the stock returns as soon as possible, executives often choose to resign precisely six months from the company's listing date and wait for cash-out. To control the situation, China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange introduced a number of policies. Unfortunately, statistics show that these policies exerted limited binding effects. The wave of departure of executives adversely impacts not only the development of the companies, but also the ChiNext market and the main board market, and forces ChiNext to deviate from its original intention of supporting middle and small-sized enterprises and start-up companies. Compared with companies on the main board, listed companies on ChiNext are younger and are at the growth stage characterized by high growth and high risks. Therefore, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the relevant regulatory authorities put forward more stringent regulations for the corporate disclosure of these companies, such as establishing investor relations columns, putting multiple telephone lines into operation for investors' consultation, disclosing preliminary earnings estimates when annual reports are not available on time, and holding an explanation session within ten trading days after the annual report disclosure. The strict requirements of frequent information disclosure may be used by executives to convey more signals to investors so as to improve liquidity and to correct undervaluation, thus increasing their own returns. Under the abovementioned circumstances, we raise some crucial questions demanding immediate attention. Will the stages of corporate life cycle of the listed companies have an impact on executives' frequent resignation and equity cash-out? Is corporate disclosure a potential incentive for executives to resign and cash out? What is the role of corporate disclosure when corporate life cycle impacts on executives' departures? To answer these questions, we propose the following approaches. Focusing on the resignation and equity cash-out of executives in listed companies on ChiNext, this paper mainly studies how corporate life cycle and corporate disclosure affect the companies whose executives resigned between 2009 and 2015. Based on corporate life cycle theory, asymmetric information theory, principal-agent theory, and signaling theory, we used manually collected sample data and panel logit regression models for an empirical analysis. Our conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) Companies at the growth stage will more likely suffer from executive resignations and equity cash-out than companies at the mature stage or the declining stage. (2)The higher the level of corporate disclosure, the higher the likelihood of executive resignations and cash-out. (3) Companies at the growth stage have significantly higher levels of corporate disclosure, which increases the likelihood of executive resignations and equity cash-out (i.e. corporate disclosure demonstrates the mediating effect). (4) Robustness tests further verify that companies at the growth stage tend to have problems of heterogeneous management teams and poor management, which may cause executive resignations and cash-out. The tests also reveal the executives' motives for stock compensation owing to voluntary information disclosure. Based on these conclusions, suggestions are provided to listed companies and market regulators. The two major contributions of this paper are as follows. First, compared with the existing literature which studies the various motivations and factors of executives' resignations or turnover, this paper focused on executives who resign primarily with the purpose of equity cash-out. This kind of resignation not only leads to the company's brain drain, but also damages its short-term image and hampers its long-term development by the subsequent cash-out. This narrower scope allowed for more in-depth study of the topic. Second, in view of the unique features of the listed companies on ChiNext, that is, they are mostly at the growth stage with a high level of corporate disclosure, this study made an empirical analysis of the impact of these features. Furthermore, we verified the mediating effect of corporate disclosure while the stage of corporate life cycle impacts on executive resignations and equity cash-out. The above analysis is a supplement to the existing literature.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 74-93 [Abstract] ( 723 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1609KB] ( 1012 )
94 Li Yang Yan Lei Zhang Tianxiang
The Opening Up of China's Producer Service Industry and the Promotion of Total Factor Productivity in Manufacturing Industry: Based on the Study of Industry Heterogeneity

With the continuous development of the economic globalization and the gradual deepening of the international industrial division, China is more and more involved in the global production and operation system. After performing the reform and opening up policy, China has greatly developed its economy and become the world's largest manufacturing country. Although China has made huge achievements, its production efficiency and the added value of its products are very low. China's manufacturing enterprises are in urgent need of improving TFP and upgrading. Many studies show that producer service plays a role as a ″propeller″ and ″adhesive″ in the development of the manufacturing industry. This paper discusses the mechanism of the opening up of producer services to the total factor productivity of manufacturing industries. The opening up of producer services can provide quality intermediate inputs for local manufacturing industries; the outsourcing of producer services can enable companies to abandon their disadvantaged sectors, focus on their core business, transfer capital risks, and reduce the production costs of manufacturing enterprises. The opening up of producer services can attract large amounts of foreign high-quality intellectual capital and human capital into domestic enterprises, bringing in spillover effects. All of the above can enhance TFP of manufacturing enterprises. This paper uses the data of Chinese Industrial Enterprise Database from 2001 to 2013 to establish a model which empirically analyzes the impact of the openness of different types of producer services on the total factor productivity of manufacturing enterprises. 〖JP2〗The dependent variable is TFP calculated by using the LP method; independent variables include the openness of China's transportation services, insurance services, financial services, post and telecommunications 〖JP〗services, computer and information services, patent royalties service, consulting services, and other business services; the controlled variable includes enterprise ownership, capital-output ratios, average annual salary of employees, enterprise age and its squares. The result shows that the opening up of transportation services, financial services, patent royalties service and other business services can promote the productivity of the whole manufacturing industries. The opening up of insurance services, post and telecommunications services, computer and information services and consulting services have a negative effect on the productivity of whole manufacturing industries. The capital-output ratio of enterprises and the average annual salary of employees also have a significant positive effect on the total factor productivity of enterprises; the state-owned ownership has a significant negative effect on the total factor productivity of enterprises; the enterprise age and its squares have no significant effect on the total factor productivity of enterprises. In addition to the benchmark regression analysis, this paper uses the TFP calculated by the OP method (capital depreciation rates are 15% and 10% respectively) as the proxy of the dependent variable (TFP calculated by the LP method) in order to make the measurement results more robust. The result of the robustness test is consistent with the result of the benchmark regression. This paper divides the manufacturing enterprises in China into three categories: 〖JP2〗labor-intensive enterprises, capital-intensive enterprises, and technology-intensive enterprises. The result shows that transportation services have the greatest positive impact on technology-intensive 〖JP〗firms; financial services have the greatest positive impact on labor-intensive firms; patent royalties services have the greatest positive impact on capital-intensive firms. Also, insurance services and consulting services have the greatest negative impact on labor-intensive firms respectively; post and telecommunications services, computer and information services have the greatest negative impact on capital-intensive firms respectively. Finally, this paper puts forward some proper policy recommendations. For example, the government should open up different producer services according to different types of manufacturing industries; raise the barrier of the service industries which have a negative impact on enterprises; raise the capital-output ratio of enterprises and the average annual salary of employees; continue to promote the reform of state-owned enterprises, and break down the industry monopolies. Thus the total factor productivity of manufacturing industries in China can be further promoted.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 94-110 [Abstract] ( 646 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1577KB] ( 1103 )
111 Wang Gang Song Kaiye
Multiple Resistance: Multi-dimensional Scanning of the Causes of NIMBY Movements:  Taking the Movement of the Anti-nuclear Power Plant in R City as an Example

Much of the facilities sitting literature is concerned with the phenomenon that certain services are in principle considered as beneficial to the majority of the population, but those proposed facilities to provide these services are in practice often strongly opposed by local residents. This phenomenon is popularly known as not in my back yard (NIMBY) movements. It made a start in the Western countries, but with the fast development of China's economy and its rapid urbanization in recent years, the NIMBY movements have also increased correspondingly in China. The movements that draw social concerns are the Panyu trash incinerators of Guangdong province, the Xierqi eating leftover garbage landfill project and the PX projects in Xiamen, Dalian, etc. Although most researchers in the Chinese and Western academic circles now seem to agree that this phenomenon is rather complex, and that the ″right of action,″ perception and profit are the three main reasons why people may oppose a particular local development. It is not still satisfactory on the practical level. In fact, previous studies of the causes of the NIMBY movements have always uphold the explanation framework of ″right-perception-profit.″ Although traditional framework has provided many beneficial and constructive messages for us to comprehend and overcome the NIMBY movements, there are still many problems and inadequacies. On the one hand, it has a simple and one-sided tendency, on the other hand, traditional framework ignores the new trend of extended thinking and the specific situations in China. Through the study of R city, we find that the causes of NIMBY movements has at least three dimensions of ″identity based motivation,″ ″risk opportunity motivation″ and ″media construction motivation.″ The aim is to show that it is more likely to lead to the generation of resistance behavior under the help of high mobilization characteristics, lower resistance risk, and the booster of medium. After comparing the traditional interpretation framework, we find that neither ″right″ nor ″perception″ or ″profit″ is the core motive to promote the cause of NIMBY movements. In view of this, this paper puts forward a new framework of ″Multiple Resistance.″ Under this framework, the identity of the NIMBYists, the size of the risk of the NIMBY movements and new media mobilization are the basic structure of the ″Multiple Resistance.″ And ″hierarchical trust in government″ is the deep mechanism of this framework. Firstly, ″hierarchical trust in government″ promotes the generation of resistance; secondly, ″hierarchical trust in government″ regulates the border of resistance. Compared with the traditional framework, ″Multiple Resistance″ has increasingly become the norm and priority incentives. It is also more persuasive than the traditional interpretation framework. At the practical level, it is helpful to identify the people and regions that may be able to fight against the NIMBY facilities, so that the local government can take more targeted measures. These results demonstrate that the identity of the NIMBYists, the rationality of the NIMBY facilities and the new media mobilization will play a significant part in the NIMBY movements. This finding advances the understanding of the cause of the NIMBY movements.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 111-126 [Abstract] ( 418 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1598KB] ( 1176 )
127 Wang Yueting
On the Expression of ″Completion″ in the Variant Pronunciation System of Old Chinese

The following two questions have long been much discussed: 1. Are there both perfective aspect and past tense in Old Chinese? 2. Do the voiceless-voiced alternation and non-falling-falling variance in materials with variant pronunciations mean perfective aspect or past tense? Starting with such examples as Jie(解)and Zhu(著)which boast the features of voiceless-voiced alternation and non-falling-falling variance, this paper finds that these two features both express the meaning of “completion” but with different emphases. One emphasizes the state following the action completion and the other one emphasizes action completion before a reference point. In light of the latest research results on tense and aspect category in modern linguistics (For instance, some research scholars on English point out that past tense usually takes the utterance time as the reference point, but this view can not account for some linguistic phenomena, and actually past tense is relative to deictic center), we can see that Old Chinese expresses perfective aspect through voiceless-voiced alternation, for example, “Jie(解见上-匣上)”,“Zhu(著知入-澄入)”,“Bai(败帮去-並去)”,“Huai(坏见去-匣去)”,“Shu(属章入-禅入)”,“Zhe(折章入-禅入)”,“Juan(卷见上)/Juan Juan Quan(卷蜷拳群平)”,“Jin(尽精上-从上)”,“Hui(会见去-匣去)”,“He(合见入-匣入)”,“Ji(戢庄入) /Ji(集从入)” etc, and we also can see that past tense through non-falling-falling variance, for example, “Guo(过见平-见去)”,“Ran(染日上-日去)”,“Guan(贯见平-见去)”, “Liang(量来平-来去)”, “Chen(称昌平-昌去)”,etc. In conclusion, there is clear correspondence between phonetic form and grammatical meaning, and they should not be mixed with each other. The pronunciations of both the voiced initials of voiceless-voiced alternation and the falling tone of non-falling-falling variance boast additonal noun meanings and serve as attributes and adverbials, but have different manifestation forms: 1. The additional noun meanings of the former refer to things with the feature of a certain state. For instance, “Shu(属禅入)” refers to things that are joined together; The additional noun meanings of the later often record the results of action completion. For instance, the product of action completion of “Zhi(织)” is called “Zhi(织去声)”. 2.The former serves as attributes with the emphasis on the state following the action completion. For instance, “She Yang(折浊疡)”means the state of fracture after the action of breaking-off; The later serves as attributes with the emphasis on the action occurring and completing before a reference point. For instance, “Xuan Shi(选去声士)”means selecting the better ones from talents, and the action of selecting occurs before the completion of “Xuanshi”.3. It’s more common that the former functions as adverbials and refers to the state following the action completion, such as “Tong-Tong(通-同)”,“Bing-bing(并-並)”; The later generally serves as adverbials without state meaning and is more similar to pronunciation variance resulted from grammaticalization, like “Geng(更)”,“Chong(重)”,“Fu(复)”. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish them from each other.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 127-139 [Abstract] ( 526 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1554KB] ( 1375 )
140 Bian Tiangang Huang Xiaoshan
Geographical Dialect Categories of the Relationship between *e,*i and *? in Late Ancient Chinese Dialects

The three rhyme categories *e(支部),*i(脂部) and *(之部)were mutually independent in the early Ancient Chinese, and this proposition has been confirmed by different kinds of materials. But the dialects in late Ancient Chinese were indeed showing a number of mixed cases. Some scholars claim that the three rhyme categories were a whole at an early stage. This skepticism neither recognizes the fact that the three rhyme categories were clearly demarcated, nor does it offer a scientific explanation for the mixed cases from the perspectives of time and space. In fact, the mixture was the result of historical development and was gradually realized through conditional sound evolution. The evolution process was not only diachronic — connecting the earlier ancient Chinese dialects with the later ones, but also synchronic — displaying the unbalanced regional development in the geographical dialect categories. The most significant regional difference is the one between the Southern and Northern geographical categories. In North China, the *e(支部) and *i(脂部) categories are interlinked, and are therefore grouped under the ″Northern Category″. The ″Northern Category″ can be divided into two stage subtypes — ″Qin Jin Category″ and ″Qilu Category″, according to the differences of sound conditions. In the southern region, the *i(脂部) and *(之部) are closely related, and are grouped under the ″Southern Category″. The essence of the rhyme transformation in dialects is sound change, which is restricted by specific phonological rules and phonetic conditions.(1)*e(支部)>i/C[+acute] was the essence of the phonetic evolution of the ″Qin Jin Category″.(2)Chain change ->-n,-n>-/V [-back occurred in the Qilu region, thus *e>en(耕部),and *en> e(元部). Under this sound change pressure, *e(支部) had to rise to(高化) i. Consequently, *e>i (支部)merged with *i(脂部) when the front sound was an unlabial initial.(3) Expansion of the ″Northern Category″:″Qilu Category″ might have evolved from the ″Qin Jin Category″. Based on the ″Qilu Category″ it expanded the ″Qin Jin Category″ and merged ie(支韵)and i(脂韵) in late ancient Northern China. (4) *?(之部)>i/C[+acute]〖CD#1〗 is the essence of the phonetic evolution of the ″Southern Category″.(5) Regional overlap of the Southern and Northern categories: as Qilu and Bashu had been impacted by both the Northern Classic Dialect and Southern Chu Dialect, the two regions showed an overlap of the Southern and Northern geographical categories.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 140-157 [Abstract] ( 547 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1607KB] ( 1360 )
158 Zhang Chunyi
The Relationship of the Revising Music Book's Fashion and Rising of Elegant Ci-poets Group in Southern Song Dynasty:Textual Research on the ECG's Musical Background from the Angle of Music Book's Spread

As a matter of fact, the fashion of revising music book gradually emerged from Xiaozong Emperor to Guangzong Emperor and approached a climax during Lizong Emperor to Duzong Emperor in South Song Dynasty. For example, it is definite that in 1183 A.D., as was recorded by the privately compiled history of Song Dynasty, Shi Hao, a retired Premier settling down in Mingzhou County, deputed his sons and nephews to revise the old music book, and assigned Zhou Zhu, his wife's nephew, to compile the Qingzhenpu, a music book for the collection of Ci-poetry of Zhou Bangyan, his great-grandfather. Shortly afterwards, Zhang Zi devoted most of his time to revising music book, as a nobility settling down in Lin' an County, the capital of South Song Dynasty. From 1194 to 1201, Jiang Kui, as a houst-guest, tutor and friend of Zhang Zi's family, finished two pieces of music about ″Jiaozhao″ and ″Zhengzhao″, composing according to the musical style of Xingzaipu, a collection of old music books. From 1195 to 1204, Zhang Yan consigned his house-guests to compile new music book of Guqin(a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument), by collating the Gepu, a music book collection of Dasheng Musical Ministry(DSMM). During Lizong Emperor and Duzong Emperor, a tidal wave of literary association was actively started among the members of Yinshe(a literary group), including Yang Zuan, Xu Yu, Mao Xun, Xu Li, Zhang Shu and so on. These literary associations were devoted to revising music book, the work of which can be devided into four periods namely from 1241 to 1252, in 1256, from 1259 to 1264 and after 1267. Essentially, revising music book was practised by a private group instead of by an official institution, and handled by the house-guests, instead of by the nobilities, which were serving as the leaders. The music books being revised were usually original pieces, some of which may come from Dasheng Qupu(DSMM's music )book, but the origins of most of the pieces were concealed. However, revising music book produced a lasting effect on the rising of Elegant Ci-poets Group (ECG) in South Song Dynasty. Although the revisers of music book fixed their attention on the Dayue, the Guqinyue and the Shiyue, three names for the types of court music, but also invovled the music of Ci-poetry. For example, Shi Hao's family compiled the Qingzhenpu, Zhang Zi's family printed and published their collection of Ci-poetry with music book, Zhang Yan and his house-guests discussed about music of Ci-poetry, Yang Zuan compiled the Xiaweng Cipu(a music book of Ci-poetry named after Yang Zuan's esteemed name)and the Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci(a new Qingzhenpu), and so on. With the spread of Qingzhenpu via the political power of Shi Hao's family over generations, the whole style of Ci-poets World had been made to change. Meanwhile, the Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci, not only consolidated the Ci-poetry reform achievement, but also ultimately helped to shape the ECG. In fact, it was the most important criterion for the ECG to write according to the music book, rather than according to the four tones of Ping, Shang, Qu, and Ru of ancient Chinese, as was misunderstood by contemporary scholars. Originally speaking, compiling new Music book on the basis of old music book, including Dasheng Qupu and Qingzhenpu, was the fundamental cause of ECG's rising. For example, it was nearly a general thing of the Yinshe to compose their Ci-poetry based on some given tunes of three music books, including Yang Zuan's Xiaweng Cipu, Zhang Shu's Jixianji(a music book of Ci-poetry followingZhang Shu's esteemed name),Wu Wenying's Shuanghuayu(a selections of Ci-poetry with music book named after Wu Wenying), especially Yang Zuan's Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci, which was accepted as a prototype and regarded as a vital evidence of the beginning of the ECG. Moreover, it was by revising music book that many musicians and Ci-poets came together,for discussing how to compose their Ci-poetry with some given tunes, and gradually developed a literary formula describing how to practise writing, for which the Zuoci Wuyao(a book of guidelines for creating Ci-poetry)was createded by Yang Zuan, grounded on his Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci. Actually, the Zuoci Wuyao provided a summary of creating Ci-poetry's methods, which included four rules concerning the consonancy of music and Ci-poetry, such as ″ze qiang″(selecting the proper tunes), ″ze lü″(selecting the proper mode), ″tian ci an pu″(creating Ci-poetry based on music books) and ″sui lü ya yun″(correctly using the four tones), and which presented the relationship between revising music book and creating Ci-poetry based on music books. Generally speaking, it was only the fifth rule of Zuoci Wuyao involving the Ci-poetry's content, which briefly described how to design and organize their writings, and which indicated that the Yinshe laid special stress on the musical form and relatively neglected its content. With development of the ECG for decades, the successors attached greater importance to writing technique and style of Ci-poetry, rather than stressed importance of revising music book. Hence the connection between Ci-poetry and music book had gradually been weakened.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 158-172 [Abstract] ( 773 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1577KB] ( 1242 )
173 Chen Jie Wu Shenlun
Exerting the Effect of Community Network in Constructing New Participatory Publishing

China's digital publishing industry is currently large in both output value and the number of users but it has difficulty in transforming the ever-growing reading data into commercial profits, which curbs its development in depth and quality. Therefore, a new developmental pattern of digital publishing is required to address this issue and keep its growth. The extensive use of mobile terminals and social applications has created a community network for users to find, support, share and discuss digital content products in groups. The effect of the community network amplifies individual behaviors to be a community will which makes the consumption of users possible. Hence publishers need to construct a new publishing pattern based on the community network as well as the effect of community networks. Media theorist Paul Levinson proposed the concept of a ″new new media″ to describe this media-social environment and thought that free expressing was the fundamental attribute of the ″new new media″, which indicates that the mobile Internet technology can strengthen real interpersonal relationships. Henry Jenkins, a fan culture scholar, deemed ″participatory culture″ an important part of social culture, which means consumers show strong and independent desires to participate in the production, consumption and meaning construction of content products. Although the former pays more attention to the comfort of physiology demands while the latter emphasizes the fulfilling of psychological needs, these two theories have a similar human-oriented intrinsic logic, which is also consistent with the user centralism of digital publishing. Therefore, they point to a participatory publishing mode to make profits by making full use of reading data. Participatory publishing claims that the decision, creation and sharing behaviors of users caused by the effect of community network should be incorporated into each link of publishing. The products of participatory publishing reveal personal ingenuity and integral appreciation of community network correspondingly. Participatory publishing consists of collective decision-making, users generating and media convergence distribution. Collective decision-making appears when users of community networks play as gatekeepers of publishing via spreading, evaluation and payment functions in the ″new new media″, so that users can choose which works are first-class or can to be printed. Thus, the duties of traditional editors gradually shift to providing services, building platforms and playing roles as ″lighthouses″. Crowdfunding publishing, as a typical form of collective decision-making, can gather the power of fans quickly and assess the market risk of selected topics. Users generating is that users' personal experience and non-professional works released on ″new new media″ are adopted as publishing resources. The accumulation of users' participation behaviors enables users generating to be a permanent mechanism from individual practices. Fictional writing and knowledge sharing are two major forms of user creation. Fiction writing, similar to authors' writing, owns large potential commercial value for Intellectual Property design. Knowledge sharing shows an entirely different way of obtaining and using knowledge to solve problems. Media convergence distribution, as one of the key promotion means currently, is a marketing strategy emphasizing the convergence between new media and old media as well as online and offline. Media convergence distribution is usually achieved through man-man sharing and brand-stuck consumption based on the credit of community network. There are three common convergent methods for publishers. Traditional publishing houses recommend new books on platforms of ″new new media″, traditional newspapers and periodicals take advantage of community network to shape purchase channels, and we media sell physical products, especially books with the help of the effect of community network from fandom. In conclusion, messages, knowledge and talents presumably flow from high to low, minority to majority when participatory publishing reflects the best capacity and wisdom of community members, considering that community network is an open, flowing and interactive system. To some extent, it shows a trend of democracy, equality and freedom in the cyber-world. Crowdfunding decision-making, co-writing and collective wisdom, as factors of participatory publishing, may improve the quality of the whole community.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 173-184 [Abstract] ( 698 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1547KB] ( 1256 )
185 Liu Huimei Yao Yuanyuan
Writing, Space and Identity: A Review of Cultural Memory Studies in the Past Two Decades in China
Memory studies with their unique temporal and spatial attributes, cultural tension and social concern, have become a focus of international humanities and social sciences studies in the twenty-first century. From collected memory to collective memory, the foundation and development of cultural memory theory reveals records the evolution of memory studies. During this process, the social foundation, constructiveness and inheritance of memory are constantly clarified and strengthened. Based on the theoretical thinking of collective memory and social memory, cultural memory has gradually become the focus of memory researches with its abundant cultural representation, historical consciousness and social function. However, domestic studies of cultural memory show a relative lack in the development of local theories, place-based practice and social phenomenon analysis. We suggest more efforts be made in interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary cooperation and academic platform construction in domestic cultural memory studies and deeper examination and demonstration should be made of existing research and important thoughts. Focusing on the theory of cultural memory founded by the German scholars, Jan Assmann and Aleida Assmann, this paper traces the development of western memory research, and combines it with the status quo of cultural memory research in China in the past twenty years, and reviews the domestic interdisciplinary studies from three perspectives, i.e., cultural inscription, space and function of cultural memory. Firstly, cultural memory is represented in various forms of cultural images and forms, of which text and ritual are two major forms of memory. Poetry, novels, folk legends and other literary works belong to the textual representation of cultural memory; traditional festivals, customs, local ceremonies and folk dances are ritual forms; television, news and other media also contribute to memory inscriptions with their vivid techniques; international cultural heritage practice focuses on the preservation and inheritance of memory in different places; new media, We media and other forms of memory are expanding the boundary of cultural memory inscriptions. Secondly, memory is cultivated and generated in specific time and space. With its capacity of containing and evoking individual and collective memory, place is also the bearer of cultural writing and reconstruction. The field of memory not only includes the physical space that can be touched and sensed, but is also rooted in the invisible space of cultural tradition and past. In the process of urbanization, urban public space, villages, ancestral halls, museums and other places have become the specific research objects of memory field. Thirdly, the concretion of identity in cultural memory can contribute to the historical inheritance in temporal dimension and also can generate collective constraints in social dimension. The traces of historical transformations, cultural introspection of nostalgia and consumption, and traumatic memory research all reveal the social concern and cultural integration trend of contemporary memory research. This study suggests that in the space of memory meaning generation, cultural memory may be functioned as the starting point for the related essential issues or as a constructive force in the study process, or as specific cultural symbols at the end point, and the study on cultural memory is an interpretative process of development, generation and deconstruction of meaning. The research trend of interdisciplinary interaction and the emergence of current social problems gradually expand the research field of cultural memory in China. Future research may extend beyond specific cultural symbols and spaces, examining a broader range of research themes, employing a broader range of research methods and deepening the memory theoretical studies cultivated by the traditional Chinese culture. Particularly, the functions of education, individual’s subjective well-being and community integration should be paid more attention to, and the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research methods is also preferred in these research topics.
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 185-203 [Abstract] ( 1137 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1617KB] ( 2783 )
204 Ding Han

Suichu Fu by Liu Xin marks the beginning of the history of poetic travelogues in rhapsody (fu) which originates from earlier travelogues in The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu and the Han fu. It prospered in the Eastern Han period during which its literary conventions including the way of recounting journeys and expressing feelings in both historical and geographical contexts were stabilized. Despite abiding by its conventions there was a tendency in this genre of fu to record the wars, demonstrate the military forces and compose under the same titles in the Jian'an Era. These stylistic changes in motifs, tones, and functions were closely associated with the thriving of the Literati Group at the Court of Ye and the lasting effects of wars during the late Eastern Han. First, the social unrest caused by continuous military operations in the Central Plain near the end of the Han Dynasty created the right environment for poetic travelogues-writing activities. It not only made the source materials of the fu, but influenced the literary style. This involves two aspects: i. The authors' personal experiences of living in troubled times and going out to battle provided them with opportunities for producing this sort of literature. ii. The military and power reshuffle gave fresh impetus to the fall of the Confucianists from aristocratic families and the rise of the Legalists from humble families. Confucianism correspondingly lost its dominance on the spiritual level. Instead, the shift of focus from annotating Confucian Classics to paying attention to reality meant literature was no longer treated as an instrument for Confucianism. Grand and heroic writing styles were inextricably linked in these literary works, which embodied the combination of the authors' sublime ideals and aesthetic standards. Second, the humane atmosphere pervading Yecheng (the city served as the headquarters of the warlords Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty) acted as a catalyst for the formation of Literati Groups at the Court of Ye, which fostered the group literary composition and the interchange of ideas. This includes the following contributing factors: i. Literature, together with Confucian hermeneutics, took the center stage in Yecheng where Cao Cao loosened restrictions on politics, literature and art. Additionally, talented people were selected for the government regardless of their background. ii. At that time, the decline of Confucianism forced the literati to look beyond the rule of justice and force in order to seek alternative official career paths for personal fulfillment. iii. The authors of the poetic travelogues in the Jian'an fu held the positions in the Literati Group at the Court of Ye, as well as the posts in the office of the Cao family. Their success would never have been achieved without the patronage of the powerful Cao family and the concerted efforts made by the literati group. iv. Based on the fact that this group of literati gathered at Yecheng to get themselves involved in various literary competitions, the group literary compositions under the same titles became a cultural phenomenon during the Jian'an period.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 204-215 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1566KB] ( 1125 )
216 Pan Guoqi
A Study on the Local Bonds during the Period of Northern Warlords Government

During the rule of the Northern Warlords Government, there were constant wars among warlords, and military expenditure became an overwhelming burden and made local financial revenue decreased rapidly. To settle the fiscal difficulties, local governments resorted to every conceivable means to increase revenue, such as withholding the national tax, establishing new items of local taxes, and issuing local bonds. For lack of archives, there has been scant research on the local bonds during the rule of Northern Warlords Government. A study on the fiscal archives during that period shows that 17 provinces or cities issued 145,799,600 yuan of local bonds. The top 6 provinces were Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu and Zhili, which accounted for more than 72% of the total amount of local bonds issued during that term. About 24.95% of the money (36,384,100 yuan) covered military expenditure, about 24. 57% (35,817,000 yuan) made up the fiscal deficit, and about 17.18% (25,054,000 yuan) were used for the repayment of old debts. As most governors at that time controlled not only the army, but also the administration and judiciary, it is indisputable that about 66.7% of local bonds (97,255,100 yuan) were used for military expenditure. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that a large amount of the local bonds of the Northern Warlords Government ″served the warlords in their fights, and had a distinct feudal military nature″. On the other hand, since the Northern Warlords Government was a transitional period from a traditional Chinese society to a modern one, the issuing of local bonds was historically progressive. Firstly, compared with forced borrowing, blackmail and prepaying, the issue of bonds by the local government to cover military and government expenditure was undoubtedly a kind of progress, because bonds were conducive to the establishment of the concept of credit and the credit system, which was in accordance with the development of modern finance. Secondly, although 66% of the local bonds were used for military expenditure and made up the fiscal deficit, about 8% (11,644,500 yuan) went to industry and construction. About 22,800,000 yuan (15.64% of the total amount) were issued under the name of ″relief funds″ to help the refugees who escaped from the war or suffered from famine. Such local bonds should be viewed positively. Thirdly, local bonds played an important role in the establishment of local banks and the stability of local finance. In the early years of the Republic of China, every province was faced with financial difficulties. To solve this problem, most of the provinces established local banks to absorb funds. In addition, the local political power changed frequently, resulting in inefficient management and corruption. To cope with the frequent demands of advance payment from the local government, the banks resorted to the issuance of currency as its main business, resulting in inflation, run on bank, and disturbance to the local financial market. To maintain its effective rule after the financial crisis, the local government had to take emergency measures such as bonds issuing. This kind of local bonds were used for local finance stability. The establishment of local banks amounted to 14,100,000 yuan (about 9.67% of the total amount of this term). Objectively speaking, these bonds stabilized the local financial market to a certain extent.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 216-226 [Abstract] ( 581 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1536KB] ( 1313 )
227 Zhang Zhengping
Conjectural History and Contributions of Adam Smith to Historiography

Conjectural history is one important part of Scottish Enlightenment historiography. This term is closely linked to Adam Smith. It first appeared in The Life and Writings of Adam Smith by Dugald Stewart. When Smith discussed the origin of languages, he conjectured the first formation and the development of words because there were no direct evidences. This species of philosophical investigation is called ″conjectural history″. Smith wrote different conjectural histories when he demonstrated the principles of social and natural sciences. He never finished a complete historical writing, but applied the conjectural history to explain the principles of political economy and the revolutions in the history of astronomy, which enlarged the views of social and natural sciences, and in turn promoted the writings of Scottish Enlightenment historiography. This paper is divided into three parts, based on a close reading of Smith's works: Wealth of Nations, History of Astronomy, and Lectures on Rhetoric and Belle Lettres. Section One is conjectural history and the principles of political economy in a diachronic dimension; Section Two, the imagination and the revolutions in the history of astronomy, and Section Three, the criticism of traditional historiography and conjectural history of the Scots in the Eighteenth Century.  Smith explained the human principles of political economy from a diachronic point of view. In his Wealth of Nations, Smith wrote ″the progress of opulence″ as a chapter of conjectural history in Book III, and claimed there was a natural order of the economic growth, that is, firstly agriculture, secondly manufacture and lastly commerce. The real economic history of Europe, however, was contorted, and the end of European history was a commercial society. In this real history, Smith recited the foundation of human nature of political economy: the inclination of exchange and the enlarged market, the desires of market body in economic behaviors, and the protection of market order by laws. ″The invisible hand″ was always operating there. Smith demonstrated the ″perfect system of natural liberty″ in the tradition of natural law. And the conjectural history and European genuine history were the endorsement of his political economy. By interpreting the history of astronomy, Smith believed that imagination, which was the foundation of conjectural history, was the important motive of the revolutions of the ideas in the astronomical history. The history of astronomy is a good example of the history of passions and ideas. Smith claimed that the revolutions of ideas of astronomy were based on the transfer of these passions, such as surprise, wonder and admiration. Imagination bridges the gaps among the connections of things. By arguing the rationality of different astronomical doctrines, Smith revealed the changes of ideas and knowledge behind the history of natural sciences. This study chimes in with the new history of sciences in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn. To some extent, Smith's history of astronomy is a kind of history of ideas. Smith emphasized that the boundary of history should be enlarged to the whole society when he criticized the traditional historiography. He thought that the beginning of historiography, as well as philosophy, began from human passions. Authenticity is the first principle of writing history and education is its purpose. Historians should be impartial when they narrate the facts. Smith's historical criticism is a part of his system of moral philosophy. Conjectural history depends on the principles of human nature and the external circumstances to fill in the blanks of historical progress. The conjectural historians cannot write all the things and they should conjecture the ″history″ on the basis of the opinions of unfolded human nature and the different circumstances. Smith explained deeply and comprehensively the principles of political economy from a diachronic point of view. Smith's history of natural sciences is not the accumulation of knowledge, but a history of cognitive analysis of the human ideas. Thus, in this sense, the contributions of Adam Smith to the Scottish Enlightenment historiography are unique and distinctive in the Eighteenth Century.

2018 Vol. 4 (4): 227-241 [Abstract] ( 640 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1562KB] ( 1178 )


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