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2010, Vol.40 Num.3
Online: 2010-05-10

5 Alan Hunter
An Early World-Wide Web :Religions of Eurasia

A rich ,abundantly creative ocean of religiosity developed between 4000 BC and200 AD across large areas of Eurasia . Ideas , art and practices were intensively shared .For historical reasons , contact between the Christianity of the Western end of the cultural corridor and Buddhism at the Eastern end was much reduced from about the 5th to the 15th centuries ,and by the time contact was re-established , the two″separate″religions looked quite different to one another .Although every religion has its own history ,in essence , there are so many connections between them . The inter-faith dialogue is unnecessary and Eurasian religion is best seen as an intricate web of which the currently institutionalised″r eligions″are″s ervers″.The religious ″symbol blocks″could be regarded as something akin to DNA coding blocks .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 5-14 [Abstract] ( 3646 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1230KB] ( 3890 )
15 Whalen Lai
Resurrecting the Case of the Thomist Mission :Seeing the 21st Century in the 1st
A methodology for Dialogue as Cross Talk whereby the parties allow their different ways of being-in-the-world collide as to open up avenues of exploration .The first of the East/ West dialogue of ancient civilization , namely , the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism firstly happened on Silk Roadin the1st century .It is still alleged from the Christian side that the Thomas Mission changed the character of Buddhism and took it (henceforth as Mahayana) towards the Theistic side .However ,thereis enoughcounter theses from theBuddhist side where it is the Asokan Mission that exported the Buddha Dharma to the West…inspiring the Essenes from where John the Baptist came and broke away…after which Jesus so baptized by John took the message to another direction . Both sides have some truth in it . The Parables of the Lotus Sutra speak could be regarded as a testimony to a dialogue among ancient Silk Road civilizations to create a multi-vocal civilization of dialogue today .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 15-20 [Abstract] ( 3780 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1198KB] ( 3410 )
21 Chan Kim-Kwong
Lotus and Swastika in Chinese Nestorianism :Buddhist Legacy or Aryan Heritage ?
The Assyrian Branch of Christianity began to appear in China in the 7th century . With the introduction of thisformof Christianity ,the Assyrianmissionaries appeared toutilizeseeminglyBuddhist symbols ,such as Lotus ,tospreadthis newbelief totheChineseaudience .Scholarsgenerally maintained that the Lotus Symbol which appeared in Assyrian Christianity in China suggested a close link between Buddhist expressions and Assyrian Christianexpressionsin China ,as these two faiths seemed tointeract closely with each other . The Assyrian Christianity had declined in China since the 9th century and did not reappear until the beginningof the YuanDynastyin13th ,as many of the MongolswereChristiansof the Assyrian Church .These Christians in the Yuan Dynasty usually carried a Bronze Cross (commonly yet wrongly referred toas Nestorian Cross) and many of these crosses contained the Swastika symbol . Based on the Buddhist - Christian relationship during Tang Dynasty , many scholars believe that the Swastika design in the Nestorian Cross further evidenced the continual close relation between Assyrian Christians andBuddhists just as they had done several hundred years ago with the Lotus symbol . The appearance of Lotus and Swastika in Assyrian Christians in China became the strongevidence to support such hypothesis . However this paper would like to suggest that the Lotus and Swastika found in the Assyrian Christian artifacts in China might be a legacy of the Aryan tradition carried over by Persians fromCentral Asia than syncretic integration from Buddhismin China .Such hypothesis may suggest that thereis far less exchange between Assyrian Christianity andBuddhismin China than scholars wished to acknowledge .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 21-29 [Abstract] ( 1873 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 8553KB] ( 4484 )
30 Lai Pan-chiu
Timothy Richard's Response to Mahayana Buddhism :From the Perspective of the Postcolonial Critique of Orientalism
Though Timothy Richard is a Christian missionary to China ,his response to Mahayana Buddhism aims at neither the conversion of the Chinese Buddhists to Christianity nor the justification of Western colonialism .On the contrary , he aims at building up the friendship and cooperation between Christians and Buddhists in the fight against militarism and the establishment of world peace and justice . Unlike many of his contemporaries ,Richard regarded Mahayana Buddhism as a higher Buddhism rather than a distortion of Buddhism . Instead of highlighting the superiority of the West through stereotyping the contrast between the East and the West ,Richard emphasized the similarities and historical interactions between Christianity and Mahayana Buddhism . Richard's response to Mahayana Buddhism can be said to be a counter-example challenging the theory of Orientalism articulated by Edward Said .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 30-39 [Abstract] ( 1466 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1233KB] ( 3039 )
40 Perry Schmidt-Leukel
Toward a Buddhist-Christian Theology of Creation
An argument can be made that futureinter-faith dialogue shouldmove toward the directionof an inter-faith theology ,whichforms an attempt tointegrateinsightsfromdifferent faithperspectivesand ask for their eventual compatibility . Apparent contradictions can and should—according to W.C. Smith—be seen as an″invitation to synthesis″. There is a need for an interreligious theology to have interreligious dialogue . The Buddhist denial and the Christian affirmation of a Divine Creator show that despite the seemingincompatibility ,acloser hermeneutical investigationcanindeed reveal that both sides have much in common in terms of motives and concerns .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 40-50 [Abstract] ( 1289 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1391KB] ( 1991 )
51 Gong Pengcheng
Reflection on and Ethical Renewal of Modern Civilization
Modern civilization has cut the time into two sections : the traditional and modern . In order to be preserved , tradition must prove or show that it has the modernity and can adapt to and combine with the constitution , structure , values of modern society , or can have a positive rolein modern society .Otherwise ,tradition would be despised .Ethics in modern society has now been faced with criticismor reconstructionin Europeand the United States ,andit is no longer be able to maintain its hegemony and legitimacy outside the United States and Europe . Furthermore ,it has to meet challenges from other types of ethics . East Buddhism and other religions can provide many intellectual resources . Confucianism and Taoism in China could also accomplish a great deal in such situations .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 51-58 [Abstract] ( 1163 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1215KB] ( 2165 )
59 Liu Qingping
On the Implications of Righteousness in the Mohist Conception of″U niversal Impartial Love″
The Mohist conception of″u niversal impartial love″highlights the ancient precept of righteousness . The Mohist assertion of″harming no one and loving fellow humans″stresses the concept of equality and endorses the primitive idea of democracy . In these aspects ,it not only surpasses the paradoxical Confucian idea of″h umane love″in large measure ,but also helps us correct some defects in the modern Western ideas of″rights″a nd″equality″.
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 59-65 [Abstract] ( 1423 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1208KB] ( 3362 )
66 Park Young-Hwan
Reflection on Confucian Culture and Contemporary Korean Society
Because of Chinese cultural influences and Korea's own choices regarding its development , a Confucian society has developed in Korea that is even more typical of Confucianism than what currently exists in China . Since the 1960s Korea has been modernizing itself at an accelerated pace , resulting in a number of differences from China with respect to Confucianism and its effects on the country's economy and culture . It is obvious that Confucianism has many positive aspects , but unfortunately Korea has had few opportunities to properly reflect upon Confucianism . From ancient times , Korea has attached importance to not only formalities and a rigidadherence to social status ,but also to the strengthening of the Korean ideals of family ,nation ,and community by stressing the concepts of Confucianism . This Korean style of Confucianismvalues blood ,local geographical ,and school relationships too strongly ,and what is more ,it reinforces the idea that males are more valuable to society than females . These elements are not at all conductive to contemporary pluralistic society's sound development;but instead ,they may form a biggest hindrance on Korea's path to becoming a veritable advanced society .Recently China has witnesseda marked revival of strongandpowerful Confucianculture . Facing such″C onfucius mania″in the current technology-driven21st century ,we should approach such movements rationally while learning lessons from history . This attitude may enable us to selectively adopt those beliefs that are best suited to a modern society .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 66-76 [Abstract] ( 1593 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1246KB] ( 5569 )
77 Jin Jianren Xu Xinhong
New Interpretations of Differences between Chinese and Western Thinking Patterns Based on Characters and Words
Based on a discussion of the differences between Chinese characters and Western words ,this paper challenges the current theories of″C hinese Characters—A Pictography″and″Image of Chinese Language″a nd presents the reasons whyChinese thinking patterns aredifferent from western ones .The paper first points out that the markedness identification ,number and rules of Chinese font are in agreement with its thinking pattern .More than 300 general-purpose Chinese indexing components constructs a structural system of Chinese pictophonetic characters which not only differs from any other language in the world ,but also shows its integral , empirical and stable features of Chinese thinking pattern in its overall positioning of the world .Concerning the smallest unit of Chinese language—font , the economic cost involved in the acquisition and application of characters should be elevated to the cognitive functionof theprecision andintensityof thinkingpattern .The meaninglessphonemiclettersand meaningful Chinese characters ,theinfinitenessof wordformation of Chinese Pinyinandlimitedcommon Chinese characters compose vital differences between Chinese and western thinking patterns .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 77-87 [Abstract] ( 1543 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1245KB] ( 3774 )
88 Wu Yongmin Hu Bin
A Reflection on and Reconstruction of China's Insurance System of Insurer's Explanation Obligation :Comments on Article 17 of New Insurance Law

In the course of practice ,China's Insurance System of Insurer's Explanation Obligation is frequently abused by the insured , who tends to take it as a universally applicable tool when defending himself/herself against the insurer for interest . However , the range of this legal system is only restricted toinsurance clauses ,and its jurisprudence basis should be the restrictive principle of contract law for standard form contract .In this paper , the reconstruction of China's Insurance Systemof Insurer's Explanation Obligationis proposed .The basicideas of the proposal include the following points :the explanation targets should be″clauses of rights and obligations″and″clauses of quasi rights and obligations″rather than″legal exemption clauses″;the explanation method in principle ought to be″oral and written″,with″hold harmless clauses″a s an exception;the explanation criterion should be″the understanding of an ordinary reasonable person″on an active explanation basis , and″the understanding of the insured″on a passive explanation basis;and the legal consequence should″not be laid into the insurance contract″. Therefore , it seems that Article 17 of the new Insurance Law still needs the following amendments :″legal exemption articles″s hould be excludedin the explanation target;thelegal regulation of″passive explanation″should be included in the explanation method;and the rule of″disintegration of contract″should be adopted when the legal consequence is taken into consideration .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 88-96 [Abstract] ( 1380 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1228KB] ( 2605 )
97 Li Shouchu
On the Legitimacy of State Power in Modern Times
Although there are many opinions on the legitimacy of state power in different countries and periods ,akey problemis whether thelegitimacy is acknowledgedby the wholenation .Thelegitimacy of state power in modern society is based ,conceptually ,on the consensus of popular sovereignty and the rule of law;formally , on related laws , and in reality , on justice to the interests of the people . The conceptual ,formal ,and real foundations of legitimacy exist independently , but each affect the others . Their differences couldreflect the real situation of a state's power in a country; the fewer the differences , the better the situation . Modern state power will exist harmoniously only if the three are adjusted continuously with social development .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 97-106 [Abstract] ( 1403 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1299KB] ( 2287 )
107 Li Jinshan Ye Tuo
Incentive Structure for County Economic Development and Its Costs : A New Perspective on the Reform of″E xpanding the Powers of County Government″of Zhejiang Province

Over the past 30 years , the Zhejiang Provincial Government has made reforms to expand the powers of the county government , by increasing the number of sub-provincial governments through afinancial systemof province directly-administrated counties ,implementing growth-oriented fiscal policies , enlarging the economic power of rich counties , and reforming personnel management system . The reform measures have built an incentive structure for sub-provincial governments .Thereis a mutual coupling effect between the incentive structure for the sub-provincial government and the development of a private economy such that the county-level economies of Zhejiang Province have been sufficiently rapid .In such circumstances , the county-level economies of Zhejiang Province are shaped by many prosperous massive economies ,each divided alongcounty boundaries .This led to regional segmentation and weakened cities'a bility to gather production factors . In the meantime , the shortage of market supply has been replaced byexcess productioncapacity ,andcapital scarcity replaced bycapital spillover .For the purpose of achieving an economic transformation and upgrading industry , it is essential to design a new incentive structure for sub-provincial governments .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 107-115 [Abstract] ( 1338 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1237KB] ( 2331 )
116 Zhao Wei Jiang Dong
ODI and China's Industrial Upgrading :Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Checking

Upgrading domestic industries is one of the main objectives of the″g oing-out for development strategy″launched by the Chinese government and a new topic in the related research field as well . Through a careful checking on the existing related researches and typical cases , this paper tries to build a mechanism model about ODI effects on industries of the home country , clarify the logical links between ODI activities and home country's industrial changes , and suggest a simple empirical model for empirical work . In view of the late starting and limited size of the ODI made by the Chinese enterprises , the empirical work can be done with typical regions and typical industrial sectors . The empirical checking in the way of panel data analysis shows that ODI has some positive effects on industrial upgrading , and there is also a positive correlation between the scale of ODI and industrial upgrading .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 116-125 [Abstract] ( 3544 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1772KB] ( 6337 )
126 Huang Zuhui,Chen Linxing
Testing the Parametric Stability of the Demand System of Zhejiang Rural Residents
From1983 to2007 , the consumption structure of Zhejiang rural residents has gone through great changes . But parametric stability test shows that , among the eight consumption expenditure equations that comprise awholedemand system ,only the equationsfor clothing ,householdfacilities and services ,transportations and communications , miscellaneous commodities and services , as well as cultural ,educational andrecreational articles andservices have witnessedalocal and temporarystructural change . The other three equations—the equations for food , residence , and medical services—have remained quite stable .In general ,the consumption behavior of Zhejiang rural residents has not changed significantly during thisperiod of time .It is obvious that thechangesinconsumption structurearedueto changing prices and income rather than changing preferences of these people .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 126-137 [Abstract] ( 1464 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1536KB] ( 3433 )
138 Wu Huifang,Ye Jingzhong
Analysis on the Psychological Impacts of Husbands' Migration on the Women Left at Home in Rural China
By adopting a micro- sociological research perspective and a community study methodology , this paper analyzes the psychological impacts of rural husbands'labour migration on their left-behind wives and thein-depth causes .It reveals that most left-behind womenhave perceivedhigh mental stress , and the separated marital life have put women in sexual suppression and thus have a strong feeling of loneliness . Meanwhile , after the husbands'migration , women have obviously increased negative emotions . Endangering accidents , sexual harassments and worries about husbands lead to a very low sense of safety on the part of left-behind women .As a family strategy ,the marital relation of a floating husband andleft-behind wife weakens considerably the role of affectionate satisfaction in rural marriages . To reduce the negative psychological impacts on left-behind women , the paper recommends that husbands shall make efforts to provide more affectionate supports and comforts for their wives ,and rural communities shall organize mutual help groups among women , enrich public cultural life and enhance community security .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 138-147 [Abstract] ( 1380 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1227KB] ( 2860 )
148 Ge Dandong,Hua Chen
New Directions of Rural Planning :An Urban-Rural Integration Perspective
Urban-rural integration is the interactive development of the″c ity″a nd the″v illage″. Rural planning should take into consideration the general social background of urban-rural integration .With an analysis of current planning predicament , new directions for rural planning are proposed . These new directions have the following three characteristic features : villagers playing a leading rather than a receptive role ,planning improved with a systematic point of view , and the ″top-down″ blueprint replaced by an″interactive″ planning process .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 148-155 [Abstract] ( 1221 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1578KB] ( 3462 )
156 Wang Duanxu Chen Shuai
Does Workforce Reduction Actually Work ? A Multilevel Research on Contextual Factors

Workforce reduction has been increasingly utilized by enterprises as an approach to optimize staff formation ,andimprove the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises .Although many studies have been conducted concerning the relationships between workforce reduction and organizational performance , findings over the last three decades remain inconsistent . The effectiveness of workforce reduction may be influenced by many contextual factors . Therefore , efforts should be made to systematically identify and analyze the most important contextual factors at the levels of industry , organization and individual person . At the industrial level , industrial types , dynamism and growth can affect the effectiveness of reduction in different directions and to a different degree . At the organizational level , organizational slackness , human resources management system and downsizing strategies may moderate the relationships between reduction and performance . At the individual level , characteristics of leadership , victims and survivors mayinfluence the post-reduction performance to some degree . Practical suggestions are provided as to whether ,when and how enterprises should conduct an effective workforce reduction .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 156-163 [Abstract] ( 4358 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1246KB] ( 3366 )
164 Fan Bonai Long Haibo
The Credit Shortage Formation and Discipline Mechanism of Local Government in China

The credit shortage of local government has become the biggest obstacle in the construction of a social credit system . In order to effectively punish the credit shortage of local government ,it is necessary toinvestigateits formation mechanism .By applying theframework of credit shortage formation mechanism and the theory of dissipative structure , this paper analyzes the causes of credit shortage . The results of this analysis reveal that personal economic interests are the incentive of credit shortage formation and strong subject is its direct impetus . Public information asymmetry forms information gap , contributing to credit shortage . The lack of a credit culture leads to the deviation of administration value , and weak supervision leads to executive power abuse . When the total entropy of government reaches a certain threshold , the system will shift to a low- balance one ,resulting in loss of trust in the government .Basedon the study , this paper outlines a credit shortage discipline system from the perspective of management synergy , which involves opening information to the public ,evaluating the degree of credit shortage ,investigating accountability ,remedying faults ,encouraging credit adherence and reviewing complaint .

2010 Vol. 40 (3): 164-173 [Abstract] ( 1309 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1434KB] ( 2198 )
174 Chu Chaofu
Performance Mechanism of Scientific Research Team : A Model Based on the Transformational Leadership Theory
This paper conceptualizes a causal model of scientific research team performance mechanisms on the basis of the transformational leadership theory . The antecedent dependent variable of the model is the leadership behavior .The mediating variables have two stages .Oneis the team dynamic climate (shared vision ,teamcommitment ,interpersonal trust ,empowerment , and functional conflicts) . The other is the team behavioral features ( team cohesiveness , harmonious communication and conflict management ) . The outcome variables consist of innovative research findings ,and thecultivation of young researchers and team satisfaction .This model is composed of three causal points : (1) The inspirational effect of the transformational leadership is able to enhance the level of shared vision and team commitment , promoting the team's cohesiveness and performance as a result . (2) The individualized consideration of the transformational leadership can encourage the interpersonal trust , empower the teamwork , and promote the team communication ,finally increasing the team performance . (3) The intellectual stimulation of the transformational leadership will generate more functional conflicts than usual . With an increase in the capability of managing conflicts ,the team performance is enhanced .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 174-179 [Abstract] ( 1363 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1276KB] ( 2625 )
180 Cai Lesu,Liu Chao
Politics ,Intention and Academy : Pondering the Debate on Wang Anshi between Liang Qichao and Yan Fu
Liang Qichao and Yan Fu , the twin giants in the late Qing and early Republican era , while sharing many common intellectual and academic ideas , differ remarkably . Their concentrated critiques in1908 of theChinese historical reformer Wang Anshi provide a fairly good vantage-point for comparison . The two of them live in totally different circumstances :while Yan occupies a comparatively superior position , the middle-aged Liang , in overseas exile , hopes desperately for appointment from the government . Consequently their critiques of Wang differ . As concerns statecraft , Liang , with some criticism , mainly speaks positively of Wang's New Deal ,whileYanholds an everlastingbalanced praise-and-critiqueattitude .Concerning thecraft of mind , Liang sings the praises of Wang , while Yan speaks half in praise and half in critique , insisting that Wang's ideal itself was mistaken .Regarding scholarship ,Liang's focus is on Wang's thought about the canons ,laying emphasis on″seeking for′D a Yi′or′great rightness′to govern the world″, while Yan concentrates on Wang's literature and philosophy , examining Wang's thought from the viewpoint of philosophy with more criticisms than praises . Such differences demonstrate clearly not only Liang and Yan's different intellectual bottom-lines , but also their different attitudes and methods toward history , which further reflects the complicated truth of the late Qing intellectual community .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 180-191 [Abstract] ( 2200 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1268KB] ( 2982 )
192 Tan Xinhong
On the Wall Communication of Song Ci Poetry
Ci Poetry written on walls is animportant communication mode of SongCi Poetry .The authors were often likely to write their works on the walls of pavilions ,ancient post-houses , temples and houses for Taoist and stones beside bridges and roads . The Song Ci Poetry written on walls and stones will not only be appreciated by passengers ,but also have some good communication effects with its special endurance and wide coverage . However ,for the natural and man-made reasons ,the opportuneness of such communication cannot come up with that of the writing on papers or carved on the stones .
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 192-200 [Abstract] ( 1246 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1475KB] ( 2645 )
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 30 )
2010 Vol. 40 (3): 4- [Abstract] ( 131 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 27 )


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