Abstract Because of Chinese cultural influences and Korea's own choices regarding its development , a Confucian society has developed in Korea that is even more typical of Confucianism than what currently exists in China . Since the 1960s Korea has been modernizing itself at an accelerated pace , resulting in a number of differences from China with respect to Confucianism and its effects on the country's economy and culture . It is obvious that Confucianism has many positive aspects , but unfortunately Korea has had few opportunities to properly reflect upon Confucianism . From ancient times , Korea has attached importance to not only formalities and a rigidadherence to social status ,but also to the strengthening of the Korean ideals of family ,nation ,and community by stressing the concepts of Confucianism . This Korean style of Confucianismvalues blood ,local geographical ,and school relationships too strongly ,and what is more ,it reinforces the idea that males are more valuable to society than females . These elements are not at all conductive to contemporary pluralistic society's sound development;but instead ,they may form a biggest hindrance on Korea's path to becoming a veritable advanced society .Recently China has witnesseda marked revival of strongandpowerful Confucianculture . Facing such″C onfucius mania″in the current technology-driven21st century ,we should approach such movements rationally while learning lessons from history . This attitude may enable us to selectively adopt those beliefs that are best suited to a modern society .
Received: 10 January 2010
Published: 30 April 2010