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2018 Vol. 4 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 352 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1507 KB] ( 565 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 4- [Abstract] ( 198 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 28 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 5- [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 33 )
13 He Baogang Wang Feng
Democratizing the Practice of ″Letters and Visits″ in China: A Deliberative Democracy Perspective
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 13- [Abstract] ( 367 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1564 KB] ( 646 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 16- [Abstract] ( 207 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 34 )
17 Zhu Xinli Zhou Xuyang
Balance of Utilization and Protection of Personal Data in Big Data Era: The Proposal of Resource Access Model
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 17- [Abstract] ( 626 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1561 KB] ( 1057 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 25- [Abstract] ( 196 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 33 )
31 Liu Zhaofeng
Materialization, Reification and Marx's Critique of Fetishism
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 31- [Abstract] ( 684 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1570 KB] ( 1039 )
43 Wang Duanxu Pi Xin
The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Team Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 43- [Abstract] ( 614 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1564 KB] ( 984 )
55 Cai Ning Zhang Yuting Shen Qitaisong
How Do Political Ties Affect the Effectiveness of Social Organizations: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Autonomy and the Moderating Effect of Institutional Support
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 55- [Abstract] ( 644 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1560 KB] ( 851 )
67 Liu Zhiqi Li Junkui Liang Deyou
Finiteness and Validity: Sublation and Reconstruction of Social Governance at the  Grassroots Level in Traditional Rural Regulations
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 67- [Abstract] ( 455 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1528 KB] ( 751 )
77 Chu Zhaogen
Ideas Coopetition and the Transformation of International System
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 77- [Abstract] ( 486 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1560 KB] ( 882 )
91 Wang Ting Shi Jinchuan Yaorong Lowan
The Role Played by Social Network on the Risk of Informal Finance: A Study Based on Theoretical and Empirical Analyses of Social Network Structure
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 91- [Abstract] ( 514 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1632 KB] ( 678 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 105- [Abstract] ( 204 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 38 )
106 Hu Kexian Xu Huan
A Survey of the Newly Excavated Tablet and Epitaph of Li Kuan in the Tang Dynasty
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 106- [Abstract] ( 931 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1624 KB] ( 1375 )
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 125- [Abstract] ( 197 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 29 )
126 Jiang Chengyong
Calling for Theory after “Theory Heat”: Reflections on the Reception of Modern and Contemporary Western Literary Theories in China
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 126- [Abstract] ( 473 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1537 KB] ( 665 )
138 Cao Danhong
Study on the Western Literary Theories and the Perspective of Translation
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 138- [Abstract] ( 579 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1523 KB] ( 784 )
147 Xiao Lang
A View of Eastern Culture and Western Culture and Modern Sino-Japan Cultural Exchange: Focusing on the ″Alternative″ Modern Japanese Enlightenment Thinker Nakamura Keiu
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 147- [Abstract] ( 693 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1589 KB] ( 954 )
165 Hsiung Bingyuan Ye Bin Cai Bihan
The Needham Puzzle: Evidences?
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 165- [Abstract] ( 539 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1537 KB] ( 1300 )
175 Ruan Jianqing Li Yao
Natural Disasters Facilitate the Evolution of Grain Markets: Evidences from the 18th Century China
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 175- [Abstract] ( 395 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1570 KB] ( 746 )
191 Zhao Liming
The Politics of Time and the Historical Fate of Xueheng School`s View of Literature Development
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 191- [Abstract] ( 385 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1557 KB] ( 637 )
203 Hu Zhenming
Books, Market and Society: The Formation of Literary Public Sphere
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 203- [Abstract] ( 479 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1533 KB] ( 748 )
213 He Shanmeng Li Shanshan
Lü Liuliang’sConnotation?Explanation of “Zhi Zhishan”
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 213- [Abstract] ( 423 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1548 KB] ( 538 )
222 Wang Jun
From Phenomenology to Philosophy as Art of Life
2018 Vol. 4 (1): 222- [Abstract] ( 420 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1533 KB] ( 904 )
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1682 KB] ( 379 )
5 Graham Smith
The Institutionalization of Deliberative Democracy: Democratic Innovations and the Deliberative System
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 552 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1629 KB] ( 561 )
19 Zhou Lingqiang, Zhou Bo
Social Capital, Knowledge Transfer and Community Residents’ Support for Tourism: An Empirical Study Based on the Samples from 3 Rural Communities
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 19-32 [Abstract] ( 188 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1634 KB] ( 365 )
33 Wang Jianying, Huang Zuhui, Kevin Z. Chen, Thomas Reardon, Jin Ling
Stage Outsourcing Behavior in Rice Production under Rapid Transformation: An Empirical Study Based on Evidences from Rice Farmers in Jiangxi Province
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 33-54 [Abstract] ( 949 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1675 KB] ( 758 )
55 Han Hongyun, Li Hanning
Contract Economics: Origin, Evolution and Its Development in China
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 55-71 [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1665 KB] ( 1396 )
72 Xiao Wen, Li Lan
A Study on the Impact of Trade Barriers on Inter-Provincial Diffusion of OFDI Reverse Technology Spillovers
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 72-86 [Abstract] ( 773 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1612 KB] ( 1045 )
87 Wang Chunye
On the Retrial Reasons of Administrative Litigation: Comment on Relevant Provisions of New Administrative Procedure Law
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 87-97 [Abstract] ( 573 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1576 KB] ( 404 )
98 Weng Li, Yu Shanshan
On Protecting the Suffrage of Overseas Chinese According to Law
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 98-105 [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1555 KB] ( 792 )
106 Wang Xiaojun
Legal Mistakes in the Award of South China Sea Arbitration: Historic Rights and Identification of Rocks
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 106-116 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1584 KB] ( 774 )
117 Gong Wanqi, Guo Qin, Jiang Crystal Li
The Dilemma of Chinese Single Women: Understanding Oppression and Discrimination from an Intersectional Perspective
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 117-128 [Abstract] ( 917 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1614 KB] ( 1823 )
129 Chen Caizhi
Between the Xing, Ying, Shen and the Shen, Xin, Yi: Based on Su Shi Compared to Tao Yuanming and Bai Juyi
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 129-137 [Abstract] ( 502 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1609 KB] ( 579 )
138 Sun Liyao
On the Allusive Formulae of Huang Tingjian’s Poetry
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 138-150 [Abstract] ( 509 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1630 KB] ( 681 )
151 Li Hangchun
Teaching and Preaching: Ma Yifu and National Chekiang University
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 151-163 [Abstract] ( 477 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1619 KB] ( 629 )
164 Xu Yongming
Some Visualization Approaches to the Study of Classical Chinese Literature: A Case Study on Tang Xianzu
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 164-174 [Abstract] ( 1537 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1680 KB] ( 1861 )
175 Wang Bing
Lin Shu as an Anthologist and Reviewer
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 175-183 [Abstract] ( 883 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1583 KB] ( 1761 )
184 Zhang Helong
Paradigm Shifts in China’s Studies of Anglo-American Literary Modernism: A Historical Perspective
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 184-193 [Abstract] ( 446 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1599 KB] ( 869 )
194 Zhao Hongjuan, Ellen Widmer
Fiction, Gender, History and Culture: An Interview of Professor Ellen Widmer, a Famous American Sinologist
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 194-201 [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1588 KB] ( 503 )
202 Zhang Kai
Neo-Confucianism of Qin and Han Dynasties and the Reconstruction of Confucianism in Modern China
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 202-213 [Abstract] ( 560 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1616 KB] ( 1032 )
214 Chen Jianmei
A Study of the Political Geography Pattern of Emperor Yuan’s Jiangdong Regime: With a Discussion on the Spatial Structure of the State Co-governed by Wang and Ma
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 214-226 [Abstract] ( 639 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1607 KB] ( 819 )
227 Chen Lin
Socialist Transformation of Handicraft Industry and Its Efficiency (1953-1956):A Case Study in Zhejiang
2018 Vol. 4 (2): 227-239 [Abstract] ( 488 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1727 KB] ( 931 )
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 308 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 31 )
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 5-6 [Abstract] ( 314 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1023 KB] ( 695 )
7 Ding Xiangshun
The Reform of the People's Juror System in the Perspective of Comparative Law
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 7- [Abstract] ( 728 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1571 KB] ( 1030 )
20 Kang Lanping Qiao Hongdao
Big Data Method in Judicial Transparency Evaluation
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 20- [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1580 KB] ( 824 )
35 Que Weimin
World Heritage Perspective on Temporal and Spatial Interpretation of ″B & R″
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 35- [Abstract] ( 405 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1538 KB] ( 765 )
44 Qin Hualin
Further Discussion on Event of the Beijing Academia Banqueting Paul Pelliot in 1909:  Concurrently Discuss Wang Guowei and Early Stage of Dunhuang Studies
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 44- [Abstract] ( 416 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1599 KB] ( 941 )
57 Lu Jianming
The Problem with the Basic Construction of Language and Words in the Implementation of National Security Language Strategy and Possible Solutions
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 57- [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1536 KB] ( 834 )
65 Han Han
National Cultural Innovation and National Language Security in the “Internet +” Era
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 65- [Abstract] ( 382 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1540 KB] ( 828 )
74 Shen Qian Wang Ziqian Zhang Guoqing
The Revival of the People: A New Evaluation of the Third Populist Wave
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 74- [Abstract] ( 1036 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1560 KB] ( 1554 )
86 Zhang Qianming
The Equitable and Reasonable International Order in China's Vision
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 86- [Abstract] ( 552 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1587 KB] ( 795 )
102 Chen Xinyong Ye Zengsheng
The Application of Liabilities of Breach of Duty to Inform in Case of Negligence in the Contracting Phase
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 102- [Abstract] ( 623 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1546 KB] ( 683 )
114 Jin Xuejun Xu Kaixiang
Financial Crisis, Monetary Policy and Corporate Lending Behavior: A Study from the Micro Perspective of Corporate Risk-taking
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 114- [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1598 KB] ( 655 )
133 Chen Weiying Xie Li
The Effect of Verbs' Implicit Causality and Discourse Topicality on Anaphoric Choice
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 133- [Abstract] ( 527 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1573 KB] ( 903 )
147 Zhen Dacheng
On the Value of Tongjiazi in the Chinese Translation of Buddhist Scriptures for the Research on Words of Buddhist Sutras
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 147- [Abstract] ( 928 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1576 KB] ( 1201 )
160 Zhao Jing
A Brief Survey on the Ming Dynasty Royal Collection of Paintings and Calligraphies
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 160- [Abstract] ( 680 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1607 KB] ( 1545 )
173 Hu Xingming
Skepticism and Epistemic Value
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 173- [Abstract] ( 691 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1536 KB] ( 922 )
182 Huang Qing Yang Yan
Involutionary Narrative of Chuanqi and Eileen Chang's Nonlinear Viewpoint on Development
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 182- [Abstract] ( 777 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1580 KB] ( 1127 )
193 Sun Minqiang Huo Dongxiao
A Study on the Gathering and Responsorial Activities in Commemoration of Su Shi's Birthday Conducted by Qing Poets and Their Cultural Psychology
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 193- [Abstract] ( 527 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1557 KB] ( 1263 )
201 Wu Xiaobo Zhao Ziyi Liu Zisheng
The Mechanism of Ambidextrous Learning in Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effect of Intra-organizational Collaboration Network
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 201- [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1597 KB] ( 1028 )
217 Yan Shimei Chen Lizhe Zhang Gang
Leadership Prototypicality and Upward Trust in the M&A Context: The Moderating Role of Organizational Identity Salience
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 217- [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1579 KB] ( 734 )
231 Zhang Weifang Chen Dingwan Zhou Huan Zhao Zhengyan
A Study on the Survival Rate in Children Based on Family Socio-economic Status
2018 Vol. 4 (3): 231- [Abstract] ( 510 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1521 KB] ( 888 )
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 1- [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1670 KB] ( 591 )
5 Lin Ka Li Hua
A Review of International Literatures on Intergenerational Care
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 5-13 [Abstract] ( 997 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1510 KB] ( 1166 )
14 Dong Hongya
Rethinking the Reform of Public Pension Institutions in the Process of Marketization
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 14-26 [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1695 KB] ( 907 )
27 Gu Qingqing Zhang Yan
The Three Questions of Arguing about Marxism and Morality
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 27-36 [Abstract] ( 803 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1511 KB] ( 845 )
37 Zeng Lingjian
Practical Paradigm of Legal Study
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 37-53 [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1586 KB] ( 801 )
54 Xie Huiming Qiang Mengmeng Shen Manhong
Structural Rectification of Industrial Water Rate in China: A Perspective of Water Resource Fee
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 54-73 [Abstract] ( 604 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1612 KB] ( 965 )
74 Yang Liuyong Feng Yitian
Corporate Life Cycle, Corporate Disclosure, and Executives' Resignation and Equity Cash-out: Evidence from Listed Companies on ChiNext
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 74-93 [Abstract] ( 670 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1609 KB] ( 795 )
94 Li Yang Yan Lei Zhang Tianxiang
The Opening Up of China's Producer Service Industry and the Promotion of Total Factor Productivity in Manufacturing Industry: Based on the Study of Industry Heterogeneity
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 94-110 [Abstract] ( 590 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1577 KB] ( 900 )
111 Wang Gang Song Kaiye
Multiple Resistance: Multi-dimensional Scanning of the Causes of NIMBY Movements:  Taking the Movement of the Anti-nuclear Power Plant in R City as an Example
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 111-126 [Abstract] ( 366 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1598 KB] ( 975 )
127 Wang Yueting
On the Expression of ″Completion″ in the Variant Pronunciation System of Old Chinese
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 127-139 [Abstract] ( 478 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1554 KB] ( 1192 )
140 Bian Tiangang Huang Xiaoshan
Geographical Dialect Categories of the Relationship between *e,*i and *? in Late Ancient Chinese Dialects
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 140-157 [Abstract] ( 495 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1607 KB] ( 1059 )
158 Zhang Chunyi
The Relationship of the Revising Music Book's Fashion and Rising of Elegant Ci-poets Group in Southern Song Dynasty:Textual Research on the ECG's Musical Background from the Angle of Music Book's Spread
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 158-172 [Abstract] ( 724 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1577 KB] ( 1056 )
173 Chen Jie Wu Shenlun
Exerting the Effect of Community Network in Constructing New Participatory Publishing
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 173-184 [Abstract] ( 632 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1547 KB] ( 1049 )
185 Liu Huimei Yao Yuanyuan
Writing, Space and Identity: A Review of Cultural Memory Studies in the Past Two Decades in China
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 185-203 [Abstract] ( 944 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1617 KB] ( 2473 )
204 Ding Han
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 204-215 [Abstract] ( 447 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1566 KB] ( 900 )
216 Pan Guoqi
A Study on the Local Bonds during the Period of Northern Warlords Government
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 216-226 [Abstract] ( 517 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1536 KB] ( 1025 )
227 Zhang Zhengping
Conjectural History and Contributions of Adam Smith to Historiography
2018 Vol. 4 (4): 227-241 [Abstract] ( 582 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1562 KB] ( 1022 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 213 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1433 KB] ( 365 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 2- [Abstract] ( 268 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 38 )
5 Gong Yanming
On the Dual System of the Military Prefectures in the Song Dynasty
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1537 KB] ( 664 )
19 Li Ying
The Dual System of the Prefecture-Level Industrial Prefecture and the Non-Prefecture-Level Industrial Prefecture in the Song Dynasty
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 19-33 [Abstract] ( 617 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1545 KB] ( 622 )
34 Zhang Xingwu
A Study on the Talent Selection of Cike and the Revitalization of Parallel Prose in the Southern Song Dynasty
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 34-43 [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1537 KB] ( 447 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 44- [Abstract] ( 182 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 26 )
45 Wang Weihui
On the Origins of Words Denoting Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow in Ningbo Dialect
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 45-52 [Abstract] ( 651 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1587 KB] ( 1096 )
53 Zhen Dacheng
Motives behind Genre Variants: An Analysis of the Two Editions of Mahāparinirvā?a-sūtra
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 53-69 [Abstract] ( 651 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1590 KB] ( 611 )
70 Liang Jingming Zhao Qian
A Study on the Land Survey of Zhejiang Province in the Modern Times
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 70-83 [Abstract] ( 727 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1538 KB] ( 844 )
84 Xiao Ruping
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 84-96 [Abstract] ( 494 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1527 KB] ( 798 )
97 Tang Le Ming Dong Gu
Realist Film Theory and European Left-wing Thought
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1488 KB] ( 681 )
105 Huang Baozhong
A Shift from a Big Engineering View to a Big Textbook View: The Innovation of New Engineering Talents’ Training and Educational Publishing
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 105-116 [Abstract] ( 554 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1520 KB] ( 546 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 117- [Abstract] ( 301 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 43 )
118 Luo Zhimin
On the Relational Attributes of University-Alumni Relation
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 118-132 [Abstract] ( 507 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1564 KB] ( 667 )
133 Liu Zhijun
Emotional Compensation and Intergenerational Effects of Left-behind Experience During Childhood
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 133-151 [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1563 KB] ( 851 )
152 Miao Qing Shi Hao
Levering Social Resources: Venture Philanthropy Evaluation and Empirical Application of Social Return on Investment
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 152-165 [Abstract] ( 507 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1539 KB] ( 576 )
166 Chen Jianjun Chen Jingjing Chen Huaijin
A Study on the Collaborative Industry-City Governance of Metropolitan Group in China
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 166-176 [Abstract] ( 506 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1499 KB] ( 691 )
177 Zhang Weiwen Zhuo Hejia Ma Yuqi
Path of Integratiing Characteristic Towns into the Development of Urban Agglomerations
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 177-187 [Abstract] ( 707 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1580 KB] ( 769 )
188 He Jianjun Mao Dan
Social Embeddedness and Community Collective Economy Development: An Empirical Evidence of Chinese Urban Community
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 188-204 [Abstract] ( 450 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1541 KB] ( 669 )
205 Huang Yunping
Essence and Regulation of Remixed Creation
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 205-214 [Abstract] ( 437 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1482 KB] ( 554 )
215 Zhang Chi
Interpretations of d'Argenson's Considerations on the Ancient and Present Government of France and of the Origins of the Political Radicalism in the Eighteenth-Century France
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 215-227 [Abstract] ( 476 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1557 KB] ( 733 )
228 Liu Yuchen Yang Luhui
China's Role in the Transformation of International Order
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 228- [Abstract] ( 566 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1500 KB] ( 1339 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1617 KB] ( 566 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 2- [Abstract] ( 204 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1306 KB] ( 598 )
5 Shen Manhong Yu Xuan
The Study of Xi Jinping's Important Discussion on Building a Maritime Power
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 574 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1567 KB] ( 964 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 7- [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 23 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 12- [Abstract] ( 211 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 27 )
18 Xiao Lang Li Yuliang
“Framing and Seasoning of Youth to Moral Virtues”: A New Exploration of Francis Bacon’s Thought on Youth Education
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 18- [Abstract] ( 264 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1568 KB] ( 608 )
36 Huang Jie
Supplementary Proof of the Great Nuo Painting Based on Folk Ritual and Symbol Interpretation
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 36- [Abstract] ( 455 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1711 KB] ( 671 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 47- [Abstract] ( 214 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 27 )
50 Gao Like
From Nietzsche to Marx: The Transition of Lu Xun's Thought
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 50- [Abstract] ( 996 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1504 KB] ( 966 )
60 Shen Guoqin
An Analysis of H?ffe's View on Technology
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 60- [Abstract] ( 342 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1476 KB] ( 595 )
69 Liu Jianpeng Hong Ming
A Language Network-based Approach to Semantic Prosody
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 69- [Abstract] ( 719 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1592 KB] ( 991 )
83 Zhang Huifang
The Japanese Translation of Chinese ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ Questions
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 83- [Abstract] ( 396 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1549 KB] ( 455 )
96 Chen Donghui
Exploration of the Ways to Obtain Academic Information by Scholars in Qing Dynasty
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 96- [Abstract] ( 674 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1592 KB] ( 1148 )
112 Chen Jun Pang Jixian
Professionalization in International Journal Article Titles in Applied Linguistics
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 112- [Abstract] ( 528 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1544 KB] ( 591 )
125 Chen Le; Pei Jiamin
Interpreting Cybersecurity Law: A Semiotic Perspective
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 125- [Abstract] ( 608 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1583 KB] ( 790 )
140 Wang Yake Gao Chengyu
The Redistributive Effect of Social Security: Income and Wealth
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 140- [Abstract] ( 587 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1553 KB] ( 684 )
155 Dou Junsheng; Zhang Gang
Organizational Ambidexterity: How Far Is It from a New Organizational Research Paradigm?
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 155- [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1563 KB] ( 846 )
171 Jiang Zhonghui Luo Junmei Meng Chaoyue
A Study on the Path of Dual-perception to Overcoming Organizational Inertia
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 171- [Abstract] ( 525 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1587 KB] ( 564 )
189 Huang Yuye He Rong
Dilemma of and Solution to the First-sale Doctrine in the Digital Era
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 189- [Abstract] ( 527 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1516 KB] ( 631 )
203 Chen Zhaoyu
The Regulatory Approach to Proventing False Transaction in Internet Economy
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 203- [Abstract] ( 622 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1519 KB] ( 670 )
216 Zhu Zhujun Huang Xianhai Zhang Shengli
Does Cross-border Merger and Acquisition Improve Firm-level Markups: Theories and Evidences
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 216- [Abstract] ( 551 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1613 KB] ( 856 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 240- [Abstract] ( 238 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1420 KB] ( 627 )
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