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82 Kan Daoyuan, Liang Jingyu
Anti-intellectualism in Europe and America as a Reflection of Changes in Social Stratum Structure
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 82-93 [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 911 KB] (682)
19 Guo Jingyi, Jiang Fen
A Study of the Important Expositions on Education Equality in Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 19-27 [Abstract] ( 522 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 634 KB] (301)
16 Liu Shaoming
On Marx's Inheritance and Transcendence of Kant's Theory of Transcendental Time
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 16-29 [Abstract] ( 506 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 702 KB] (361)
105 Hu Kexian
The Expounding of the Newly Excavated Epitaph of Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan Written by Yan Zhenqing
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 105-116 [Abstract] ( 494 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 905 KB] (403)
1 Wang Xianyong
A Study of the Historical Changes of Ancient People’s Concept of “Yi Wen Wei Ci”
0 Vol.  (): 1- [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 959 KB] (65)
144 Fu Changling
Epistemological Study of Textual Interpretation Pattern and Meaning Generation
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 144-154 [Abstract] ( 381 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 625 KB] (328)
147 Zheng Beijun, Zhao Xinyue
A Study of the Function Mechanism of Zhejiang Economic Associations on Grassroots Governance in the Qing Dynasty
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 147-160 [Abstract] ( 376 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1040 KB] (379)
1 Tian Lin Zhang Shijie
Research on the Measurement, Spatial Differences and Convergence of Virtual Agglomeration in China
0 Vol.  (): 1- [Abstract] ( 358 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4312 KB] (86)
97 Hu Qiuyan
A Study of the Newly Unearthed Epitaphs of Music and Dance in the Tang Dynasty
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 97-108 [Abstract] ( 354 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1376 KB] (336)
155 Song Haocheng
Lu Xun and Natsume Soseki in the Perspective of Comparative Literature
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 155-162 [Abstract] ( 346 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 658 KB] (333)
50 Yang Dong, Hou Chenliang
Anti-competitive Regulation of “Banning” Behaviors on Social Platforms
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 50-66 [Abstract] ( 320 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1510 KB] (355)
146 Fan Jiayang
Transformation of Family Role in Family Law: From the Perspective of State Integration
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 146-160 [Abstract] ( 320 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 817 KB] (317)
1 Wang Yan
To Frame the Framing Research:Three-decade “Fractured Paradigm” and Four-decade “Ferment in the Field”
0 Vol.  (): 1- [Abstract] ( 318 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1982 KB] (43)
17 Fu Wenjun
Theoretical Research on Marx’s Social Revolutionary Thought and Its Contemporary Significance
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 17-31 [Abstract] ( 311 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 795 KB] (393)
32 Deng Huihui, Zhou Mengwen, Cheng Yujiao
Digital Economy and Urban Agglomeration Coordinated Development: A Research Based on Night-Time Light Data
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 32-49 [Abstract] ( 308 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 948 KB] (344)
58 Wang Zhikai, He Chong, Wang Xuefan
High-quality Development and the Innovation Path of the Private Economy in Zhejiang Province in the New Era
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 58-69 [Abstract] ( 298 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 703 KB] (320)
102 Liu Danqing
The Inventorial Effect on Synonymous Loanwords: The Case of Tizi-Putao Grape and Beyond
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 102-111 [Abstract] ( 296 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 813 KB] (285)
53 Gai Junfang, Huang Baozhong
Artificial Intelligence in Education: The New Revolution
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 53-65 [Abstract] ( 292 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2713 KB] (302)
117 Yu Zixia, He Yunfei
The Colonization Tendency of Preparatory Education for Chinese Students at the East Asian Higher Preparatory School
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 117-129 [Abstract] ( 289 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1036 KB] (246)
5 Zhang Yan, Zhao Xinshu
The Fog Around Subject Liberation of Cyberspace and Its Dispersion: From the Perspective of Historical Materialism
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 289 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 684 KB] (343)
109 Han Shuangmiao, Xie Jing
China’s Education Reforms Through Policy Experimentation: An Analytical Framework
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 109-121 [Abstract] ( 289 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 966 KB] (376)
47 Zhao Guochao, Yu Xiaofen, Xu Luyuan
Residential Satisfaction among Rural Migrant Workers under the Concept of “Homes for All Workers”: A Study Based on the Migrant Population of Zhejiang Province in 2020
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 47-57 [Abstract] ( 287 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1110 KB] (221)
5 Bao Dawei
The Objective Structure and Ideology of Consumption
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 5-16 [Abstract] ( 286 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 852 KB] (407)
30 Zhu Xiwei, You Yong, Wu Yiyun, Luo Deming
University Knowledge Spillover and Research Fund Allocation: A Balance Between Funding for Frontier Research and Funding for Regional Development
2022 Vol. 52 (6): 30-52 [Abstract] ( 285 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 943 KB] (389)
1 Jin Pengnian Tao Yang
On the Application of Conflict of Law Rules for Tort in China: From the Perspective of the First Shipboard-Tort Case wherein the Damage was Sustained on a Cruise Sailing in International Waters
0 Vol.  (): 1- [Abstract] ( 280 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 755 KB] (71)
5 Duan Fan
Theoretical and Practical Logic of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 273 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 667 KB] (217)
70 Guo Qin
Exploring the Psychological Mechanism of Fan Worship and Its Multi-causality
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 70-84 [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1013 KB] (487)
85 Zhu Xin
Passions and Order: Burke’s Sublime Theory and the Establishment of Political Order
2022 Vol. 52 (8): 85-96 [Abstract] ( 264 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 815 KB] (432)
163 Wang Youliang
Construction of Hierarchical Relationships among Elements, Space and Interacting Process of Network Society
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 163-173 [Abstract] ( 264 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 731 KB] (423)
67 Jiang Yuexiang, Guo Junfei, Sun Rui
Toward Building a Hierarchical Medical System for Major Infectious Diseases in China: Based on an Incomplete Information Mechanism Design
2022 Vol. 52 (4): 67-81 [Abstract] ( 258 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 796 KB] (346)
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