A Study of the Important Expositions on Education Equality in Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law |
Guo Jingyi, Jiang Fen |
School of Law, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China |
Abstract As a foundation of social equality, education equality is an important connotation of the People’s good life. In the exploration of building the rule of law in China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized that “it is necessary to continuously promote the achievements of educational development to benefit all people more and more fairly, and promote social equality and justice through education equality”.Education is the great plan of the nation, and the nation prospers when education prospers. The important exposition on education equality in Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law is an inevitable result of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law implementing in the field of education. It is founded on the Marxist theory of education equality. It abandons the defects of the contemporary Western education equality theory, scientifically summarizes the beneficial experience of the CPC’s century-long struggle in education equality, and provides new solutions to cope with the new challenges in the new era.Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law scientifically understands and accurately analyzes the main contradictions in the field of education, guides the reform of education through rule of law thinking and rule of law methods, builds and improves the education system, and ensures that the people have the right to “better education” through “the most reliable and stable governance” method. “Upholding the leadership of the Party” is the political guarantee for achieving education equality. “Adhering to the people as the centre” is the fundamental purpose of practicing education equality. “Persisting in advancing the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance” is the interpretation of revealing the characteristics of the times of upgraded education equality.Standing at the new starting point in the second century of the Party’s history, the education system needs to accelerate self-innovation, to lay a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and building a great socialist modern country in every dimension in the new era, and strive to support the future of the country and the nation. The imbalance in the development of education has changed from the imbalance between regions and the populations into the imbalance between different categories and different sectors of education. At the same time, the inadequacy of the development of education has also shifted from the inadequacy of the total supply of educational resources to the inadequacy of the supply categories of educational products and the inadequacy of the supply level. In order to build an education system that is “equal to everyone”, “suitable for everyone”, “accompanied by everyone’s life” and “flexible and open”, a series of changes need to be made in the construction of the rule of law in education. Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law points out the path and direction for developing education equality. It proposes to enhance our own epochality, inclusiveness and scientificity, and answer the fundamental questions of “for whom to cultivate people, what kind of people to cultivate, and how to cultivate people” with actions. The key to listening to the people’s voices and answering the “people’s questions” lies in encouraging the participation of multiple parties, reforming the pattern of education supply, improving the quality of education products, and enriching the categories of education products. The core of answering the “question of the times” lies in scientifically understanding the law of social development, governing the country and education according to law, and then promoting the transformation of our country from a “big country in education” to a “strong country in education”. The focus of answering to the “China question” is on procedural justice, effectively restricting the exercise of power, smoothing the path of remedies for rights, and opening up a more effective dispute resolution mechanism in the field of education.
Received: 17 February 2022
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