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2013, Vol.43 Num.4
Online: 2013-07-10

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 1055 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 536KB] ( 1124 )
5 Lu Wencong Yu Xinping
Agricultural Technological Progress and Farmers' Income Growth in China

The relationship between agricultural technology progress and farmers’ income growth has received much attention from scholars in domestic and international society. Since W. Cochrane proposed “Agriculture Step Hypothesis”, the view that agricultural technology progress is unfavorable for farmers’ income growth has been widely disseminated. Some empirical researches support this view, which makes some China’s agricultural policies that aim to increase farmers’ income by improving the agricultural technology into a confused position. But there are some important weaknesses of these empirical researches: Firstly, they emphasize merely analysis from a micro-perspective. Secondly, they are only base on some statistical data over a specific period of time. Thirdly, a large number of researches pay much attention to the effect of agricultural technology progress on farmers’ income, while few of them take farmers’ non-agricultural income into consideration. Since the Reforming and Opening, especially along with the increasing industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization, the rural labor force has presented non-agriculture transfer and the Chinese agriculture has apparent multi-development feature of “half farmers and half workers” and “male workers and female farmers”. Therefore, agricultural technology progress in China should have impact on farmers’ income on both agricultural income growth and non-agricultural income growth, the latter of which is influenced by technological progress indirectly. This paper calculates the rate of agricultural technology progress and its contribution based on the annual time-series data from 1980 to 2011 in China. The VAR model with Co-integration and impulse response functions are employed to explore the relationships between the agricultural technology progress and farmers’ income growth and non--agricultural income growth as well from 1986 to 2010. The result shows that the agricultural technology progress in China positively impacts farmers’ income growth not only in terms of the long term but also in terms of the short term. Additionally, it also increases the non-agricultural income of farmers to some extent and these two variables, that is agricultural technology progress and non-agricultural income, are mutual Granger causes to each other. This empirical result indicates, as the agricultural market reform and industrialization in China, the market of agricultural product gradually becomes open from the closed status at the beginning of reform and opening up and the macro environment of agriculture development in China has experienced profound changes. In this context, on one hand, by adjustment of agricultural structure, optimizing the allocation of agricultural resources, changing the pattern of agricultural economic development, agricultural technology progress has contributed to growth of agricultural economic thus promoting farmers’ income, on one side. On the other hand, agricultural technology progress has promoted non-agricultural income growth of farmers thtough the rural surplus labor force transfer. Apparently, the result denies the view that agricultural technology progress is unfavorable for farmers’ income growth but gives support to the policy hypothesis that agricultural technology progress could promote farmers’ income growth. The policy implication is as follows: with farmers’ income growth as the goal, the government should increase agricultural research investment, and carry forward agricultural technology innovation and perfect agricultural technology porpularization system. On the permise of promoting agricultural marketization as well as stabling and raising the agriculture product price, farmers’ income growth should be the main policy objective and essential evaluation mark of agricultural technology progress.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 5-16 [Abstract] ( 2306 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1966KB] ( 2470 )
17 Guo Hongdong Zhou Huijun
Previous Experience, Entrepreneurial Alertness and Farmers' Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification:A Mediating Effect Model and Its Implications

Entrepreneurial opportunity identification is a prerequisite for entrepreneurship. It is a cognitive process formed by the interaction of many factors, of which entrepreneurial alertness is one of the most critical. However, the mechanism of how previous experience affects entrepreneurial alertness and how it further influences entrepreneurial opportunity identification still remains unclear. Based on previous research, this study is designed to reveal the transition path between previous experience and farmers’ identification of entrepreneurial opportunity, as well as the intermediate role which entrepreneurial alertness plays in this process. A theoretical model of relationship between “previous experience-entrepreneurial alertness-entrepreneurial opportunity identification” was constructed by employing entrepreneurial alertness as an intermediate variable. Moreover, empirical studies were conducted on farmers who intend to start new businesses. The results show that a direct interaction between previous experience and opportunity identification does not always exist. Part of these two are embedded in the cognitive sphere, influencing opportunity identification through improving entrepreneurial alertness. Additionally, in its interactions with different previous experiences and entrepreneurial opportunity identification, entrepreneurial alertness displays different characteristics as follows: First, entrepreneurial alertness plays an intermediate role in the positive relationship between previous experience and entrepreneurial opportunity identification. Previous working experience has a direct influence on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. Rich working experiences are helpful to the improvement of farmers’ ability to properly evaluate information and identify the entrepreneurial opportunities that would be regarded as potential threats or risks by others. In addition, previous working experience affects farmers’ entrepreneurial alertness, which indirectly influences opportunity identification. Second, the intermediate role of entrepreneurial alertness between previous entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial opportunity identification was not verified in this study due to the limited sample size. Further study is needed to explore its intermediate role. Last, entrepreneurial alertness plays an intermediary role in the positive relationship between previous training and entrepreneurial opportunity identification. Previous training experience has a direct effect on opportunity identification. Training will greatly increase farmers’ stock of knowledge and improve their cognitive level, which will help them identify entrepreneurial opportunities. In addition, it sharpens their entrepreneurial alertness, indirectly improving their ability to identify entrepreneurial opportunities. This study has significant implications for farmers’ entrepreneurial practice and for government policy making: (1) Farmers may seek employment before starting their own businesses. They can try different jobs to accumulate knowledge and experience, and to develop their cognitive abilities and entrepreneurial alertness, which will improve their ability to identify entrepreneurial opportunities. (2) The government should increase its support for the training of farmers so as to improve their ability to identify such opportunities.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 17-27 [Abstract] ( 3117 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1903KB] ( 2952 )
28 Hu Xiaoyun Yu Yaofeng
Assessment and Decisive Elements of ″Brand of New Countryside″

The 21st century is the era of brand consumption when brand competition and brand marketing activities are emerging in endless streams in various trades and industries. During the construction of the new socialist countryside in China, it is necessary to apply the brand concept to the building of the Brand of New Countryside in step with the development of the times. In fact, there is a small number of villages that not only have new-countryside branding awareness, but also have launched a series of brand concepts like Beautiful Village and so on. These efforts have effectively promoted the building of a Beautiful China. However, what is the brand identity of the new-countryside branding? What elements should we take into account in shaping it? What is the relevant element system? What are the key elements which play a decisive role in it? Also, how can we evaluate the level of new-countryside branding? Yet, until now the above questions have not been properly answered from targeted researches. Applying a branding perspective to China's construction of new countryside, this paper proposes the following viewpoints: the Brand of New Countryside is a special brand type which is quite different from other general business brands or product brands, so it is a regional public brand; as a regional public brand, the Brand of New Countryside should be regional, public and integrated in nature. In order to guide the construction of new-countryside branding in China, and to promote the overall construction level, there is an urgent need to develop a corresponding scientific index system and to sort out the relevant decisive elements. Based on the above point of view, this paper then tries to build up an index system and to sort out some decisive elements for the construction of Brand of New Countryside by means of documentary research, the Delphi Method, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The research results indicate that the decisive elements are composed of brand foundation, brand intensity, and brand contribution, with 13 secondary indices and 39 tertiary indices. This index system not only covers the various dimensions of new-countryside branding, but also presents their relevant significance. Among them, the most important one is the index of brand contribution (0.418 3), the secondary indices of which are the contribution to regional economy (0.172 3), the contribution to regional culture (0.114 4), and the contribution to regional image (0.131 6). The index of brand intensity (0.331 9), consisting of brand fame (0.089 1), brand reputation (0.098 5), brand loyalty (0.073 3), and brand potential (0.071 0), comes in second place. The last one is brand foundation (0.249 9), including the six secondary indices of village appearance (0.041 9), natural environment (0.051 6), level of economic development (0.059 7), villagers (0.030 4), autonomous management (0.030 2), and infrastructure (0.036 1).

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 28-38 [Abstract] ( 2278 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2168KB] ( 2259 )
39 Zhang Xiaodi Deng Juan
Study on the Efficiency of China's Ports and Its Enhancement

With the deepening of international labor division and accelerated flows of products and factors, ports are playing a significant role in the global logistics network. As the key hub of resources allocation within the whole economic system, ports are supposed to be an increasingly more important breakthrough in terms of enhancing comparative advantage. It is urgent that China should endeavor to improve the efficiency of ports in order to enhance comparative advantage. Therefore, it is important to probe into the key factors affecting the efficiency of China’s ports and the efficiency-enhancing methods accordingly. As a result of the new pattern of international labor division and evolvement of ports functioning, ports’ economic relationship are no longer confined within inside. Accordingly, the concept of port efficiency should not be confined to the functioning efficiency of a port per se. Instead, a new concept system of port efficiency should involve the Operative Efficiency within a port per se, the Network Configuration Efficiency between a port and other ports, and the Radiant Efficiency between a port and its hinderland, namely Port Efficiency I, II and III respectively. These three levels of port efficiency are inseparable, and interact with each other. From this perspective, research on port efficiency will have a strong explanatory power of reality. Based on the above-mentioned concept system, the three levels of efficiencies of China’s main coastal ports are measured and assessed via DEA. It’s found that the efficiency indexes of Yangtze River Delta and Shandong ports, Jin-Ji and Pearl River Delta ports, Southwestern and Liaoning ports, can be respectively regarded as high, medium and low. Among them, only the efficiency of Yangtze River Delta ports has been strengthened level by level, while most of China’s ports, port clusters and port-hinderland are inefficient to some extent. Furthermore, the DEA projection shows that most of China’s ports suffer from inefficiency as a result of input congestion and output deficiency. Such inefficiency stems from X-inefficiency within the ports system per se, which in turn results from the distortion in port’s equity structure, and is closely relevant to several factors, including the overwhelming dominancy of state-owned shares in ports’ equity structure as well as the unicity of resources allocating equities during the economic transition. Therefore, the impediments to the enhancement of port efficiency such as the distortion in equity structure can be resolved via the following countermeasures. Firstly, the equity structure should be diversified rather than singularized, with the predomination of private enterprises in resources allocation. Secondly, a contestable market should be established to ensure the free flows of factors. To this end, it is especially important to eliminate miscellaneous barriers to market for private enterprises. Thirdly, incentive comparability between port enterprises as well as between the governments and enterprises should be ensured with the aim of sustainably enhancing the efficiency of China’s ports.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 39-51 [Abstract] ( 3658 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2389KB] ( 8874 )
52 Jiang Yuexiang Jiang Ruibo
Regional Financial Innovation: Efficiency Evaluation,Environmental Effects and Disparity Analysis

To deepen financial reform, China’s financial policy displays more regional characteristics and the expansion of financial innovation to the regions has a far-reaching impact. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of financial innovation in 30 provinces in China. By using the panel data of 30 provinces in China, we apply the three-stage data envelopment analysis (Three-stage DEA) to regional financial innovation with environmental constraints taken into account. The application of Three-stage DEA that involves environmental factors and statistical noise enables us to assess the innovation disparity in the financial industry of each province in terms of technology. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Technical efficiency and scale efficiency are significantly reduced except for pure technical efficiency in the intermediary-oriented model compared with that before adjustment. The main reason for the decrease in overall efficiency is that the real level of financial innovation declined after the external environmental factors have been excluded. And the overall level in the market-oriented model is lower than that in the intermediary-oriented model. (2) External environment variables, including the regional economic basis, government loan intervention, the founding of the regional financial market, will affect the input of regional financial industry in accounting technical efficiency. Firstly, with a higher level of economic development, the quantity of personnel employed in the financial industry tends to rise. Secondly, the intervention from the local government is positive in the slack model of capital investment input, indicating that more government intervention in one area will lead to the inefficient use of capital investment in the financial industry. The estimated value of personnel input is negative, implying that personnel redundancy is negatively correlated with government intervention. Finally, the effect of the regional dummy variable is significantly negative in the slack of capital input, indicating that the regional financial market can improve the efficiency of capital investment in the financial sector. (3) The efficiency gap between provinces and districts still exists. It is revealed in our finding that there are efficiency disparities between coastal and interior regions, and between eight economic zones as well. It is suggested that fostering a good external environment is beneficial not only to promoting the efficiency of regional financial innovation, but also to bridging the gap between developed and developing provinces. Expanding the perspective of financial innovation research, this paper extends efficiency evaluation from traditional manufacturing to financial industry. Specifically, in this paper, regional financial innovation refers to the ability to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of input factors in financial industry. However, there is still plenty of room for research in this field, such as the characteristics of financial innovation in organizational structure, the external environment of financial competition and cooperation, and the growth effect of financial innovation. These are the directions for further research.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 52-65 [Abstract] ( 3720 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2731KB] ( 3116 )
66 Zhang Guoqing Liu Teng
Fragmentary or Comprehensive: Comparative Study of Dewey's and Rawls' Social Governance Theories
Among the philosophical origins of John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, one figure has always been ignored—W. T. Stace, the doctoral supervisor of Rawls at Princeton. As an expert in mysticism, Hegelian philosophy and moral psychology, Stace is decisive in the formation of Rawls’ philosophy. Richard Marius attributed Rawls’ loss of faith partly to his intellectual engagement with Stace's essay Man Against Darkness. As Hegel was unwelcomed in western academic world at that time, Rawls’ intentional concealing of his relationship with Stace is a manifestation of his attitude towards Hegel. Religion is perceived positively in Dewey’s work and plays a pivotal role constructing democratic communities. In contrast, Rawls discards religious elements such as loyalty, universal fraternity and tolerance in designing the principles of justice, his ideal society is based on a wholly new foundation. Dewey advocates a gradually progressive way of reform, following the intellectual line of Locke-Hume-Smith. Education is employed as a main means. Whereas Rawls proposes a radically fundamental social transformation, following the line of Hobbes-Rousseau-Kant-Marx, These two ways may provide some far-reaching insight for China in its social and political reform at a critical turning point. In the process of Chinese social and political reform in the new century, it is of much significance to learn from these two scholars mentioned above while adhering to Marxism. Dewey’s gradual approach to social reform might be of a great help in the social construction at grassroots level, whereas John Rawls’ theory of justice is valuable in Chinese political reform. Finally, a well-ordered society with democracy, freedom, fairness and justice is what Chinese people really needs today. The major inspiration which can be drawn form these two political philosophers is: political and social reform should accord with the aspiration of people and human nature.
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 66-76 [Abstract] ( 2200 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2489KB] ( 1803 )
77 Wang Jiangli
The Historical Turn of Contemporary IR Study in China

Up to now, there is still no IR theory in China that can be compared with the three main IR theories of realism, liberalism and constructivism, or with the English school. The Chinese IR community has a keen interest in IR theories since the end of the 1980s. And from the begining, the discussion on the ''IR theories of China'' has already been at the centre of the controversy, which involves topics such as whether there is a Chinese theory or not, what name such theory should be given, which approach should be taken to develop the IR theory of China or the Chinese School of IR theories. Among different approaches, there is a consensus that theoretical sources lie in traditional Chinese political theories. It has become a notable characteristic and trend in the contemporary〖JP〗 IR study in China to discover and explain the traditional Chinese international relations ideas (TCIRIs).  This article focuses on the trend in IR research of China which seeks to find theoretical sources in traditional Chinese ideas. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the main body of this paper can be divided into three sections. The first part briefly reviews the Western research on TCIRIs, pointing out that the Chinese scholars paid little attention to TCIRIs. The second part discusses four types of research of TCIRIs in the Chinese IR academia: the theoretical innovation research represented by Zhao Tingyang and Qin Yaqing|the explorative explanatory research represented by Yan Xuetong and his Tsinghua group|the ChineseWestern comparative research|and the application research. The third part analyzes the problems and possible difficulties in the research on TCIRIs, arguing that the study of TCIRIs makes academic attainment of scholars in heavy demand, and there are also some difficulties in the respect of analytical tools as language and methodologies as well.  Chinese IR academia going back to history to seek theoretical sources since the mid 1990s is similar to today's IR study in Western countries, which also tries to find their theoretical roots in Western political classics, e.g. Thucydides, Hobbes, Kant, Locke, Grotius, Rousseau, Marx, etc. In this sense, China's turning to its own classics is a natural thing to do, parallel to what is a common practice in the West research, but it turns to its own Chinese source. This turn shows that Chinese IR scholars are gradually becoming more selfconfident in finding independent foundations for its research, which is helpful to make the direction clear for construction of Chinese IR theory or Chinese School of IR theories. At the same time, the turning back to history and traditional thoughts is a response from Chinese IR academia to the great change that China has gradually returned to the world political and economic centre from the isolation in the past since the reform and opening policy in 1978. It can be regarded as the dual effects of glocalization in IR study, that is, in the Chinese context, adopting Western IR theories and meanwhile seeking for local traditional thought sources as well, which is essentially an attempt to answer the two questions that have been bewildering China academia for more than a century: how to deal with the relations between China's studies and the Western studies, and the relations between the ancient thoughts and the modern research in China.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 77-92 [Abstract] ( 2417 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3660KB] ( 3495 )
93 Wei Lu Ding Fangzhou
The Transformation of Communication Studies in the New Media Age

The emergence of new information and communication technologies and new social communication practices has called for the transformation of communication studies. Communication researchers have been asking a number of questions: Can the new information and communication technologies lead to a paradigm shift in communication theories? Are classic communication theories still applicable to the new media environment? What are the new research questions that emerge in the new media age? What are the interactions between the new information and communication technologies and new media research? How do the new media studies transform the current communication research? How should Chinese new media research be developed under the background of globalization and unique context of Chinese society and culture? Based on the review of previous research, this study analyzes three approaches to new media studies, namely social scientific, critical, and interpretive paradigms, and reveals three findings. First, it is the changing communication activities and practices in which people engage that lead to the changing views of communication, such as a shift from ''mediaaudience'' study to ''new mediauser'' study. Moreover, the development of new media industry not only generates new research objects and theories, but offers new perspectives and methods to test classic theories. Second, in examining the relationship between new media technologies and social change, this study concludes that technological determinism is usually a dominant paradigm in the early phase of new media technologies. As these new technologies diffuse, researchers will turn to a social shaping perspective that focuses on how new media technologies are shaped by various social forces on the one hand, and are shaping social life in sociohistorical contexts on the other. Third, the emergence of new media events has become a unique and influential communication phenomenon that attracts the attention of a large number of Chinese communication researchers. Nevertheless, most of these studies are case studies and are limited to the application of western theories to the Chinese society, thus failing to provide any insight into the communication mechanism in the Chinese new media environment. Against such a backdrop, this study suggests a possible direction for Chinese scholars to facilitate a ''cultural shift'' of new media research, to adopt the ''thick description'' method of cultural sociology to reveal the specific implications of new media events, and to uncover the sociopsychological consequences of these events and their associated social factors in the Chinese context. The goal is to highlight the interplay of different social forces in new media studies in transitional China. Meanwhile, scholars should take advantage of new media technologies to develop new research methods and procedures, to explore unique research questions in the Chinese social and cultural context, and to generate new theories that can facilitate the development of communication research.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 93-103 [Abstract] ( 3390 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2865KB] ( 7405 )
104 Wang Duanxu Zheng Xianwei
An Integrated Study of Workplace Aggression: Combining the Multiple Dimensions

Workplace aggression refers to any behavior that is intended to harm an employee psychologically or physically within an organization. It not only damages the health of the victim directly, but also brings negative impact on the individual’s work and life indirectly, so it is an important issue in organizational management. In previous studies, scholars focused on influencing factors and outcomes of workplace aggression from different perspectives: the perpetrator, the victim and the third party. However, research on workplace aggression from a single perspective isolates the three parties and consequently overlooks the fact that they are interchangeable. Firstly, this paper defines workplace aggression and distinguishes this notion from antisocial behavior, social undermining, deviant behavior, incivility, workplace violence and abusive supervision. Secondly, it deeply analyzes the triggered path, the response style and the dyadic construct of workplace aggression, based on the perspectives of the perpetrator, the victim and the third party. Lastly, it establishes an integrated model to systematically reflect the dynamic relationship among the three parties. The perpetrator, the victim and the third party are all likely to conduct aggressive behavior. Therefore the triggered path is the same: the triggering event leads to the cognitive evaluation which in turn brings about the aggressive behavior. The aggressive behavior itself may function as the triggering event which may trigger another round of aggressive behavior conducted by the victim or the third party. All of the three parties may address the workplace aggression with same behavioral responses, either aggressive or non-aggressive. When the victim and the third party adopt aggressive behavior response, it will produce the dyadic construct, which involves the three parties attacking each other on a one-to-one basis and can be influenced by both the individual and situational characteristics. The integrated model of workplace aggression not only integrates the triggered path, the response style and the dyadic construct, but also reflects the workplace aggressions’ traits as a spiraling cycle . This paper provides a new perspective for the study of workplace aggression. However, there is no quantitative data analysis or case studies presented in this research. A follow-up empirical research on this subject is thus needed.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 2570 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1713KB] ( 22871 )
113 Xu LishengSun Shunü
Towards the Construction of a Progressive-Interactive Model for Intercultural Competence Development

Intercultural communication is unavoidable in this increasingly globalizing world, which highlights the importance of, and presents new requirements for intercultural competence. Therefore, it is important and necessary to construct an appropriate model for intercultural competence development to cater to the requirements of globalization.  In the context of globalization, we can never be so certain of our communicative partners and their cultures. Our communicative environment is more diverse than ever before. And there is no corresponding relationship between languages and cultural norms because of the dynamic characteristics of cultures in this globalizing world. Thus, intercultural competence is no longer the communicative competence of adapting to the target language culture, but intercultural personality with multicultural awareness. It requires the interactants to engage in intercultural communication beyond any particular culture and maintain their cultural identity at the same time.  Accordingly, a progressive-interactive model for intercultural competence development is proposed. This model incorporates motivation, knowledge, skills, contexts and outcomes, with a focus on cultivating learners' intercultural personality in a globalizing context. It argues that knowledge, motivation and skills should be learnt in a progressive mode, and the interaction between interactants should play an essential role in the achievement of outcomes and in the development of intercultural competence. In detail, knowledge refers to language knowledge and culture knowledge which includes target language culture knowledge, original culture knowledge and other culture knowledge. The acquisition of culture knowledge should be kept in pace with that of language knowledge. The motivation training aims at cultivating learners' self-awareness, cultural awareness and positive motivation to communicate. Skills practising puts emphasis on developing learners' verbal communicative competence, nonverbal communicative competence and strategic competence. Moreover, the core emphasis of this model is that from a dyadic interactive perspective. The interaction between interactants retains an important role in the development of intercultural competence, and communicative outcome should be evaluated by interactants together instead of taking effectiveness and appropriateness as standard measurement of intercultural competence for granted.  This model clarifies the relationship between knowledge, motivation and skills, and the progressive mode of their development from the individual perspective. Besides, the role of the interaction between interactants in the measurement of communicative outcome and development of intercultural competence is emphasized from the dyadic interactive perspective. The corporation of these two perspectives embodies the requirements of individual quality and the essence of intercultural communication. However, this model is only an attempt in the construction of intercultural competence development. Its rationality and feasibility needs further testing by large-scale teaching and training.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 113-121 [Abstract] ( 2627 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1755KB] ( 3275 )
122 Liu Yue
Words of Chinese Origin in German and Their Development Tendency

Intercultural encounters between China and German-speaking countries are vivid and this exchange continues to increase in intensity. While the phenomenon of language in interaction is very important for the examination of cultures and intercultural communication, it has never, until now, been a topic of research in any monograph in the field of cultural exchange between China and German-speaking countries. German words of Chinese origin are words borrowed from the Chinese language that entered German in whole or in part, and have the characteristics of German words. This paper deals with the process of the borrowing of Chinese words in German as an intercultural exchange process and analyzes those words in the modern German language using the methods of quantitative linguistics. Words of Chinese origin are understood as words which either originated directly or indirectly from Chinese as native language or have migrated to the Chinese language from a different language. The investigation shows that more than 160 words of Chinese origin are currently in active use in the modern German language. A lot of Chinese loan words were probably brought by the migrants from China to the West. Many of the first words borrowed from Chinese have migrated from Cantonese dialect via English to German and other European languages. The process of the borrowing of Chinese words should therefore not only be understood as the result of interaction between languages, but also as a process of intercultural and intersocial communication that was strongly associated with the history of overseas Chinese. We cannot yet determine whether the reception process of German words of Chinese origin abides by the Piotrowski law of quantitative linguistics. But there are still some interesting facts to be mentioned: the number of words of Chinese origin in German has increased constantly since the end of the 19th Century. Furthermore the spelling of words is increasingly influenced by the pinyinsystem which was developed in the 1950s in Mainland China. It should be emphasized that interlinguistic and intercultural connections and influences between China and German-speaking countries will certainly continue. We can expect that this tendency will lead to more Chinese borrowings in German in the foreseeable future and therefore will result in a better reception of the Chinese culture in German-speaking countries, as it has already happened in English-speaking countries.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 122-134 [Abstract] ( 4035 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2363KB] ( 16934 )
135 Shen Songqin Lou Pei
On Ye Shi's Innovations and Achievements in Epigraph Writing

Ever since the Eastern Han Dynasty, epigraph has been a common type of writing and the ways in which it is written or narrated have become increasingly formulaic. Ye Shi, while holding in esteem the epigraph style, inherits and carries forward the tradition of epigraph writing started by Han Yu, and manages to avoid the drawbacks of formulaic epigraphs and foreground the identity and individuality of the tomb owners by ''paying particular attention to their personality and their physical features'' so as to make unique and outstanding achievements. Ye Shi epitomizes the thought of Yongjia School which sets much store by historiography. Taking Confucius as a ''paragon,'' he integrates all things, past and present, into a continuously chronological order and starts to construct a genealogy of knowledge based upon historical and chronological sequences, which embodies an acute sense of history and enables him, while remaining reverently open to history, to actively record and preserve history and, furthermore, to ''exhaust'' the sediments of history, thus giving full play to his passion for ''devoting all his efforts'' to epigraph writing as a ''canon.'' In other words, Ye Shi proceeds from his empiricist theory of virtue and advocates epigraph writing which in his hands is unprecedentedly elevated to the status of ''men of letters' canon.'' He dedicates his efforts to the narration of various ''past words and acts'' of those tomb owners, who are his contemporaries from different backgrounds with different experiences, shedding light on what is similar, consistent and commensurate in their various types of virtue, which in turn contributes to the construction of knowledge pedigrees and enriches the intension of his empiricist theory of virtue. With his subtle and supple style, Ye Shi depicts to a nicety the looks and expressions of tomb owners from different backgrounds and with different character. Like Han Yu, he manages to shake off ''the formulaic conventions'' of epigraph writing which is thought to have originated in the Six Dynasties. Highly original, he creates new patterns and breathes into his style a sweeping imagination, hence ''winning respect from all quarters.'' Nearly half of The Collected Works of Shuixin is made up of the epigraphs written by Ye Shi, 13 volumes and 148 essays in all, such productivity being rare in all the other collected works by men of letters in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Ye Shi's style excels in flexibility, diversity, vivacity and novelty, at once innovative at his will and conformable to the principles of epigraph writing, aiming at bringing out in sharp relief the individuality of tomb owners by ''paying particular attention to their personality and their physical features.'' His writing therefore departs from the conventions not only in terms of the opening parts of his epigraph, but also in terms of specific narratives which lays great emphasis on particularities heightened in such a way as to shed light on the virtue and personality of tomb owners.  Ye Shi conscientiously deconstructs conventionalized patterns of epigraph writing, which results in extending the categories of value and function of epigraph. He succeeds in integrating into the whole prose system a ''secular type of courtesy writing'' arising from the need to ''beseech for epigraphs by celebrities from all quarters,'' thus pursuing an ''exquisite style'' as well as the norms and functions aiming at being ''instructive'' and ''edifying.'' The ''exquisite style'' pursued by Ye Shi presupposes innovation, namely the prerequisite that ''even fragments should be straight from the bottom of one's heart'' and that they be creatively transformative. A general survey of his various epigraphs reveals that his style varies from tomb owner to tomb owner, thus forever new in examples and momentum, and that his narrative keeps changing its shape so as to be faithful to the events and characters concerned. He even adopts a dual narrative mode of ''juxtaposing two tomb owners,'' which is boldly unique. His artistic style boasts ''a majestic sweep reminiscent of Sima Qian and a chanting effect redolent of Ouyang Xiu,'' an achievement which marks a fusion of various artistic styles. In a nutshell, Ye Shi's epigraph writing looms large as one more monument, after Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu, to which such tribute is paid: ''Of all the literary works in recent history, the writings by Ye Shi in Yongjia are the best|of all the existing epigraphs, his are the very best.'' His status and significance are not to be belittled in the history of the Song Dynasty literature, prose and essay writing in particular.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 135-145 [Abstract] ( 3089 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3029KB] ( 2417 )
146 Wang Dehua
A Study on the Selection and Description of the Capital Ye in Zuo Si's Sandu Fu: The Historical and Political Backgrounds of ''Luoyang Zhigui''

The arguments among the son of Xishu, the Prince of Dongwu and Mr. Wei in Zuo Si's Sandu Fu were actually the battle about the legitimacy of the regime in the Three Kingdoms' tripartite confrontation and the North-South confrontation. The point of the arguments was not about the location of the capital, but about what was legitimate, or the legitimacy of the regime that Jin inherited from Wei. Specifically, Shudu Fu stated the orthodox viewpoint of Shu-Han, the son of Xishu. Wudu Fu stated the cultural orthodox viewpoint of Zhou-Han, the Prince of Dongwu, while Weidu Fu represented Cao Wei's political stand that Jin descended from Wei. A record of the legitimacy of Cao Wei from the perspective of abdication must highlight the political achievements of the State of Wei, and therefore must start from the founding of the State of Wei. In terms of the location of the capital, Ye bore greater political and cultural significance than Luoyang. Therefore, in terms of legitimacy and the mandate of heaven, only Capital Ye could take on such a mission. From the perspective of cultural geography, the north-centered cultural mode of thinking which was shaped in the Zhou-Han unification period became Mr.Wei's theoretical basis of his criticisms of the son of Xishu and the Prince of Dongwu who boasted about their capitals, and of his praise of Cao Cao's establishing Ye as the capital. On the other hand, Luoyang's significance and value as the centre of a unified nation was not fully justified during the period of the Three Kingdoms. In fact, the historical mission of unifying the country was accomplished by the Western Jin Dynasty, which is another important cultural-geographical factor accounting for why Zuo Si selected Ye as his topic. In Weidu Fu , Mr. Wei gave an ''authentic'' description of Capital Ye's organizational system, local conditions and customs, and Emperor Wei and so on. The description centered round the ruler's righteousness and the ''legitimate capital and benevolent government,'' illustrating his political ethics that Jin descended from Wei.Mr.Wei's comment on Cao Wei is not only a historical evaluation of the Three Kingdoms, but also a major political issue of how the Western Jin Dynasty judged its regime. Using a literary form, Zuo Si successfully applied the political-cultural functions of Da Fu in his record of the fight for hegemony between the three kingdoms and disputes about the Western Jin Dynasty's lineage. It was an approval of the mainstream ideology of the political ethics that Wei was legitimate and Western Jin Dynasty descended from Wei. This explains Zuo Si's description of Capital Ye in Weidu Fu , and the historical and political backgrounds of the overwhelming popularity of Sandu Fu (the sensational effect called ''luoyang zhigui'' ).

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 146-156 [Abstract] ( 3716 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2866KB] ( 2723 )
157 Ma Shuzhong Zhang Hongsheng
Product Differentiation, Foreign Vertical Merger and Market Competition:An Analysis of Product Positioning and Market Share

Since China adopted the policy of "reform and opening up," attracting foreign investment has long been part of China’s "bringing in" strategy. The remarkable economic achievements in China over the past 30 years have proved this to be a right choice. However, with the gradual perfection of China’s market-oriented economy, problems caused by the foreign investment have been emerging. Foreign investment goes into the host country market mainly via greenfield investments and cross-border acquisitions. Since the late twentieth century, cross-border acquisitions have replaced greenfield investments as the major way for multinational companies to enter new markets. In their attempts to occupy the Chinese market and extend the industrial chain, foreign enterprises took vertical mergers of China’s upstream enterprises as one of their strategic choices. In this process, we noticed two typical facts: one is that multinational companies produce more high-end products than Chinese enterprises; and the other is that mergers do not immediately change the product positioning of acquired upstream enterprises. In other words, the short-term effects and long-term effects seem to be different. In order to better reflect these realities, we have constructed a theoretical framework based on the extended low-end to high-end distributed Hotelling model, which can be employed to explore the impact of foreign vertical mergers of the upstream enterprises on the downstream enterprises in China from the perspective of product positioning and market share. To the previous studies, this paper has made the following three contributions: First, we investigate the impact of mergers on China’s downstream enterprises under both monopoly pricing and single pricing. Second, we study both the endogenous decisions made by upstream firms and the sequential decisions made by both upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. Third, we divide the impact of merger into short-term effects and long-term effects according to whether the product positioning of upstream firms can be changed or not, which may better reflect the reality of poor compatibility between the foreign high-end downstream enterprise and the acquired upstream enterprise in the short-term after the merger occurs. We find that foreign vertical merger can lead to an improvement of the product positioning of China’s low-end downstream enterprises, and even an expansion of market share in the short run. The impact of foreign vertical merger in the long run is associated with the cost of the upstream enterprises: upstream enterprises’ lower costs will lead to a decline in the product positioning of China's low-end downstream enterprises, and the size of reduction will be in negative correlation with the cost of the upstream enterprises. The higher cost of upstream enterprises results in the upgrading of product positioning of low-end downstream enterprises and the size of upgrading is in positive correlation with the cost of the upstream enterprises. Whatever the cost of the upstream firm is, foreign vertical merger will bring about a decline in the market share of China’s low-end downstream enterprises in the long run. The conclusion is robust under quadratic transport cost. By calculating the boundary condition, we also find that foreign vertical merger only occurs in the upstream industry of higher production cost or more technology intensity, which can be explained by the stronger input price effect with the increase in the upstream production cost. Because of limited space and data availability, this paper does not discuss the issues of consumer welfare effects, nor has strong detailed empirical support. Nevertheless, the conclusions of our paper do have practical insight and significance.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 157-169 [Abstract] ( 2334 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2292KB] ( 1976 )
170 Chen Feiqiong Zhong Fangfang Chen Yao
Chinese OFDI and Technology Innovation

There are two ways to improve a country’s technological innovation capability: one is the independent innovation based on local R&D investment, and the other is the secondary innovation through the introduction, absorption and digestion of foreign technology. Many empirical studies have proved that outward foreign direct investment can promote home country’s technological innovation capability. The related research has just emerged in China and there are a few of issues which require further exploration: first, some literatures took technological innovation capability as dependent variable of regression model and the foreign direct investments directly as explanatory variables which ignored that the foreign R&D capital stock is the key factor for technology spillover effect of outward foreign direct investment. Second, theoretical research has pointed out that the absorptive capacity of the home country is the important factor for technology spillover effect of outward foreign direct investment, while most of empirical research didn’t consider the role of technology absorption capacity. Third, a lot of researches in China devoted to the location choice of outward foreign direct investment, but few paid attention to the different effects of improving the technology innovation ability in different regions in China. Therefore, this paper attempts to extend the existing study in the above three aspects. Based on the criticle review of the relevant theoretical researches on technology spillover effect of outward foreign direct investment, this paper discusses how the outward foreign direct investment affects Chinese technological innovation capability, and presents a promotion mechanism of technological innovation capability through outward foreign direct investment. Multi-National Corporations mainly promote technological innovation ability of the home company by R&D elements absorption、R&D findings transfer and R&D personnel training. And we also analyze the impact of absorbing ability on the improvement of innovation capability through outward foreign direct investment. This paper uses China's inter-provincial panel data (from 2003 to 2010), and extends the L-P model by introducing the interaction term of absorption capacity and the obtained foreign R&D capital stock through OFDI. The results of the empirical test show: outward foreign direct investment can promote China's technological innovation capability. For China's eastern region, OFDI has positive impact on the reverse technology spillover, while for central regions, the effect is not significant, and OFDI may have negative impact on innovation capability of western region. Based on the above empirical results, we suggest that: firstly, we should increase technology-driven investment to developed country, since technology-driven investment is an important way to get leap forward in technology and improve the technological innovation capability. Secondly, in order to make full use of the foreign direct investment reverse technology spillover, we should improve our country’s absorptive capacity.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 170-181 [Abstract] ( 2544 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2157KB] ( 2701 )
182 Huang Genghua Mok Ka-ho
University Students' Perception on Social Stratification and Social Opportunities:A Post-Elitist Perspective

Since the comprehensive implementation of the market-oriented reform, China’s economic system has dramatically transformed, and its social structure has undergone similar transformation. Undoubtedly, social stratification is becoming one of the most striking phenomena in the transformation. Meanwhile, the Chinese higher education policy has also changed, turning from elite education to mass education and turning the university students from the “God’s favored ones” into “Post-elitists.” As a consequence, Chinese university students are destined to be the group that has complex and special feelings about the social stratification: as ordinary members of the community, they are inevitably affected by the macro-trend of social stratification; as a particular group which is impacted by the policies of higher education, they follow the same fickle wheel of fortune. The survey on university students in Guangzhou shows: firstly, they generally think that the inequality among social strata is severe; secondly, they also generally think that compared with the times before the market-oriented reform, the "upward mobility" channel in the society is narrowed down, and family background and resources are playing a great role in individuals’ development; thirdly, most of them assert that the current policy of university students' autonomous (or “two-way choice”) employment is a responsibility-avoidance policy of the government, which fails to help the students from impoverished families, and that the government has done little in advocating and maintaining equality in employment. The conclusion of this survey indicates that university students tend to think that social stratification has already been structuralized. Their available social opportunities are decreasing, while the social mobility bears a “reproduction” imprint. Although attitudes vary among students from different socio-economic backgrounds, there is high homogeneity in the group perception from a social statistical perspective. The discussion of social stratification or social structure at the level of subjective perception is an important perspective of research which is often overlooked in the domestic academia. The subjects of this study are university students. Their views on social stratification, on opportunities of social mobility and on government policies are expected to enrich the research in this field. The practical significance of this study is that it reminds us that, because of the rapid changes in economy and society, university students’ psychological counseling should become a critical issue in higher education. More targeted psychological counseling should be given to those university students who are pessimistic about social opportunities and social mobility. These students are usually from non-key universities and their parents belong to the lower social strata. It is also necessary to examine the current policy of enrollment expansion in universities and the employment problems of university graduates.

2013 Vol. 43 (4): 182-195 [Abstract] ( 1825 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2907KB] ( 2516 )
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 196-200 [Abstract] ( 1637 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1511KB] ( 1525 )


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