Abstract Intercultural communication is unavoidable in this increasingly globalizing world, which highlights the importance of, and presents new requirements for intercultural competence. Therefore, it is important and necessary to construct an appropriate model for intercultural competence development to cater to the requirements of globalization. In the context of globalization, we can never be so certain of our communicative partners and their cultures. Our communicative environment is more diverse than ever before. And there is no corresponding relationship between languages and cultural norms because of the dynamic characteristics of cultures in this globalizing world. Thus, intercultural competence is no longer the communicative competence of adapting to the target language culture, but intercultural personality with multicultural awareness. It requires the interactants to engage in intercultural communication beyond any particular culture and maintain their cultural identity at the same time. Accordingly, a progressive-interactive model for intercultural competence development is proposed. This model incorporates motivation, knowledge, skills, contexts and outcomes, with a focus on cultivating learners' intercultural personality in a globalizing context. It argues that knowledge, motivation and skills should be learnt in a progressive mode, and the interaction between interactants should play an essential role in the achievement of outcomes and in the development of intercultural competence. In detail, knowledge refers to language knowledge and culture knowledge which includes target language culture knowledge, original culture knowledge and other culture knowledge. The acquisition of culture knowledge should be kept in pace with that of language knowledge. The motivation training aims at cultivating learners' self-awareness, cultural awareness and positive motivation to communicate. Skills practising puts emphasis on developing learners' verbal communicative competence, nonverbal communicative competence and strategic competence. Moreover, the core emphasis of this model is that from a dyadic interactive perspective. The interaction between interactants retains an important role in the development of intercultural competence, and communicative outcome should be evaluated by interactants together instead of taking effectiveness and appropriateness as standard measurement of intercultural competence for granted. This model clarifies the relationship between knowledge, motivation and skills, and the progressive mode of their development from the individual perspective. Besides, the role of the interaction between interactants in the measurement of communicative outcome and development of intercultural competence is emphasized from the dyadic interactive perspective. The corporation of these two perspectives embodies the requirements of individual quality and the essence of intercultural communication. However, this model is only an attempt in the construction of intercultural competence development. Its rationality and feasibility needs further testing by large-scale teaching and training.