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2009, Vol.39 Num.6
Online: 2009-11-10

5 ZHOU Gu-Peng, ZHAO Shi-Hong
Overseas Students in Agriculture and the Development of Higher Agricultural Disciplines in Modern China

In the development of higher education in modern China,a group of agricultural teachers composed of overseas returnees in agriculture were active . At the beginning of 20th century,many young people from the coastal Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Guangdong,cherishing the ideals of″saving China through education″,″saving China through agriculture″,went to the institutes of higher agricultural learning in Japan and France to study sericulture,agronomy and horticulture .Since 1909,with the tide shifting to America,more young people went to the institutes of higher learning,e .g . Cornell University to study the disciplines relevant to agriculture and many got degrees . Since the mid and later 1910s,they returned to China successively and joined the teaching and research in institutes of higher agricultural learning . They introduced the modern collegeconcepts and disciplines of higher agriculturein the West and reformed them according to the actual Chinese conditions .In a sense,they made contributions to the formation anddevelopment of higher agricultural disciplinesin modernChina byestablishinga triple mode of″teaching,research and promotion″,exploring teaching theories,compiling new textbooks,cultivating better teachingfaculty,conducting scientific research,organizing academic groups and initiating academic journals.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 980 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1254KB] ( 2606 )
Review and Legal Thinking on Chinese Study Abroad Policy over Last Three Decades

The historical development of Chinese study abroad policy over last three decades demonstrates that Chinese study abroad policy was established to focus on supporting studying abroad,encouraging overseas Chinese students to return to China,and protecting their right to leave and return . It covers State-financed study abroad,self-financed study abroad and overseas Chinese students returnee . However,its legal deficiencies must be kept in mind in the fields of legislation thinking,legislative skills and legal foundation . These legal deficiencies is hindering the development of Chinese study abroad industry .Over last a few years,percentage of Chinese study abroad students among worldwide study abroad students is dropping,so do percentage of Chinese study abroad students among Chinese enrolled tertiary education students and academic staff . The key solutions of existedissues are toimproveChinese studyabroad policy to set up the study abroad legal system oriented international education law,make the study abroad policy under the legal system,and make full use of the function of market in the study abroad affairs.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 12- [Abstract] ( 1108 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 969KB] ( 4513 )
The Innovation of Local Governments and the Development of Prosperous Counties:A Study Based on Zhejiang's Phenomenon

Zhejiang's Phenomenon has been recognized as one of the successful examples in China's social and economic transitions since the implementation of reform and opening-door policies in the late1970s .The development of prosperous counties is one of the key factors in the Zhejiang's Phenomenon . On the one hand,the innovative policies emphasized by local governments have provided a good environment to promote the successful economic growth among these county governments .On the other hand,the success of the local economic development has resultedin new opportunities for thesecounty governments todevelop additional innovative policies to deal with new challenges . The interaction between government innovation and county development has created a good cycle to promote the successful economic and social transitions in Zhejiang's county governments.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 25- [Abstract] ( 1042 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 981KB] ( 2106 )
Employment and Maintaining Stable Economic Growth in Financial Crisis : A Study Based on Zhejiang

The global financial crisis of 2008 has made huge impacts on China's economy . Chinese government set Maintaining Stable Economic Growth as its top priority and target,enacting a series of macro-control measures to stimulate economy growth .In the second quarter of 2009,macro-economic recovery began and it has been improving steadily so far . However,unemployment is stilla tough issue : the trendof negativeincreaseof new jobs has not changed,demand for labor is decreasing dramatically,hidden unemployment remains high,and migrant-workers become the major group of corporate downsizing . The realization of securing economic growth could not bring about structure adjustment automatically,and it will aggravate structural problems even worse .As thecoefficient ofemployment elasticitychanges consistently,three industries'abilities to increase employment go on further differentiation . Investing fixed assets as the major approach to stimulate economic growth has further strengthened the original structure,resultingin a tense relationship between economic growth and people's livelihood . In order to achieve the coordination and mutual promotion of economic growth and the improvement of people's livelihood,the government should effectively focus on the issues of economic restructuring and updating,employment,social security systems and stimulating domestic consumption.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 34- [Abstract] ( 1061 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1038KB] ( 2072 )
2009 Vol. 39 (6): 46- [Abstract] ( 920 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1006KB] ( 2384 )
Christian Theology of Nature and Anthropocentrism :From the Perspective of Process Theology

Under the threat of the globalecologicalcrisis,Christianity theoreticallyconstructs the theology of nature in response. The theology of nature transcends the traditional theology's historical view and extends its care to the wholecreature world,which makes us abandon thedualismof mankindandnature,andovercome theanthropocentrismat the same time .Process Theology as Christian theology of nature is basedon Whitehead's philosophy and puts much emphasis on the continuity between mankind and nature froma pan-experimentalist perspective to provide the Churches with a philosophical demonstration for the latest phrase″the integrity of creation″. Meanwhile,Process Theology insists on theocentrism instead of anthropocentrism from a Biblical perspective and explains the interaction between God and the world according to the pattern of internal relations . When it comes to the field of practice,Process Theology contains both theecological and sociological cares as a trulyinclusive theologyof nature.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 58- [Abstract] ( 1016 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1264KB] ( 4101 )
Culamalunkya Sutta and Religious Dialogue

In Culamalunkya Sutra,Buddha deals metaphysical questions with an attitude of empiricism and pragmatism .He gives noanswer to such questions as whether theworldis eternal or not,whether the body is identical with the soul,if Tathagata exists after death,etc . This approach could be applied to religious dialogue . Concerning metaphysical questions,our reason cannot draw an ultimate result . The most reasonable way is to discard our exploration and practically turn to our experiences . In the intra-Buddhist dialogue,this approach could help Buddhists of different sects avoid a good many estrangements and focus on liberation to make a contribution to the human world on which all sects target . Similarly,in this approach,the relationship between different religions,such as Buddhism and Christianity,could turn away from doctrinal conflicts and cooperate with each other in promoting world peace and step into the Second Axial Age.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 65- [Abstract] ( 1030 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 954KB] ( 1983 )
On the Functions of Interpretational Argumentation of Judicial Official Reply and Its Limitations

Joint judgment of difficult cases bycourts at twolevels throughcases request systemis oneof the main features of China's judicial regime. For the division of judgment and argumentation,judicial reply plays an important rolein clarifying doubtful points in laws and creating judgment rules . For the methodology of judgment and argumentation,the main body of judicial reply directly provides detailed interpretations/argumentations and guarantees the verification effect of the judgment rules via the leverageofthecollectiveauthorityofjudicialcommittee .Judicial replyhelps toensuretheinner unityand political correctness of the criteria applied . However,it lacks methodological introspection on and development of possible scope of the interpretation for itself and the elaboration on the reasoning of its argumentation .Consummation of existing cases request system may start from consolidation of the argumentation of reply .Thesupremecourt mayenclosethemainbodyof thecourt verdictsfor thecases requesting for instructions while publicizing the official replies.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 72- [Abstract] ( 1070 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1001KB] ( 1753 )
The Negative Effects of Verification by Overlapping Written Evidence in Criminal Trial

The mode of adjudication based on files causes verification by overlapping written evidence in criminal trial . Verification has the function to find out the truth of a case . In the meanwhile,it has the effect of increasing errors on adjudication . As verification by overlapping written evidence infracts the rule which all evidence of a case shall only be overlapped after each piece of evidence has been examined independently,the effect of increasing errors on adjudication is difficult toavoid .Verification byoverlapping written evidencecan also bringabout theeffect of reverse encouragement that investigation organs are promptedor encouraged to makefalsefiles or records .At present,it is impossible to abandon verification by overlapping written evidence in a short period . The ways to decrease these negative effects lie in raising judges'consciousness and ability to examine each piece of evidence singly,and establishing the system of testifying in court on doubtful points,the priority of examining testimony in court,and the system of discovery of evidence before trial.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 81- [Abstract] ( 946 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 978KB] ( 1808 )
The Standards of Securities Inside Information

Inside information is the core of insider trading . Therefore,establishing the standards of securities inside information is the key to defining the act of insider trading . The standards of confirming insideinformation shouldinclude three major elements :non-publicity,preciseness and materiality . Such standards in our country appear to be impeccable but defective actually : non-publicity is too general;preciseness is still unestablished;materiality is comparatively vague . The reconstructive standards possess the same elements but need to be reified : non-publicity and preciseness from the perspective of a qualitative screening as well as materiality from the perspective of the scope . Non-publicity should adopt the form combined with substance asking for period of market impound;preciseness should emphasize the importance of information source and content;materiality should choose the more practical criteria of″rational investors″at present.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 91- [Abstract] ( 1004 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 977KB] ( 2138 )
Protecting Exit & Entry Rights of Overseas Chinese by Law

Overseas Chinese,as a special group among the Chinese citizens but a little different from the residentsin Hong Kong,Macaoand Taiwan,have becomeoneof theimportant forcesin China's socialist modernization .The migration history of overseas Chinese lasted for a long time,but in resent years more and more new overseas Chinese go abroad or return to China . Their migrant activities have caused a series of legal problems,such as the problems ofidentifying their overseas Chinese status,their family members'residence,jobs,nationalities,household registers and soon .In order to solve these problems,theauthor suggests that the new Exit & Entry Law of People's Republic of China should concern about the present conditions of the overseas Chinese and it should make a clear definition on″overseas Chinese″. The Police Department should be in charge of issuing″Temporary Resident Permit″or″Resident Permit″to returning overseas Chinese,etc . This might help improve the present migration law of China as well as modify and perfect the rules or policies on″the right protection of overseas Chinese and their family members".

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 101- [Abstract] ( 973 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1475KB] ( 2428 )
Signifier of Chinese Language and Its Effect on Chinese Literature and Culture

The biggest difference between Chinese Language and Western Language lies on the difference of their signifier . Chinese Language mainly characterizes its numerous homonyms (same phoneme and different character) and sound-character mixed signifier,which led to its developed written language . Wenyan ( classical Chinese language) becomes a symbol of high culture . Calligraphy,then,became a form of art . Recognition of written Chinese delays the progress of immediate perception of words,and it leads toa thinking way which is full of tasteful apprehension . Homonymy produces metaphor . This is why China has been called a poetic nation and Chinese a poetic language . Such culture as well as literature can avoid drawbacks of metaphysics,being-to-beings change,the popularity of scientism for instance . However,People who speak Chinese holds the idea that thenatureoflanguageisfor use,whichenablesChineseculturetosafeguardandcontain some final values,Tao,for example,instead of the nihilism .What role Chinese culture will play in the eraof globalization depends on whether it cancreatea newethicvalue . TheambiguityofChinese word based on its special signifier causes pluralism and protects final values,and it should bring out an active answer to what is goodness in human life .Chinese culture as well as its logic working will make special contribution to the modern world.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 112- [Abstract] ( 947 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 948KB] ( 2308 )
The Principles of Cognitive Semantics :A Brief Analysis of Hierarchical Semantics

Synthesis of the viewpoints of generative semantics and cognitive semantics on a higher level and construction of an explanatory theory of normal science of generative syntax and phonology in the semantic field are the principles of cognitive semantics : hierarchical semantics is proposed by Nakau Minoru,afamous scholar of theJapanesecognitivelinguisticsin the20thcentury .Hierarchical semantics proposes theautonomyofsemanticsstructure .Thescholar'suniquepoint ofviewis that thesemanticsof the sentenceis composed of a hierarchical structure of its own semanticfactor .Theconclusions are that the formationof thesemanticsof thesentencehasacertainimmutablestructureand that this structureis independent of the existence of the syntax structure . These conclusions are made after a detailed empirical study and deduction.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 118- [Abstract] ( 962 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1243KB] ( 2858 )
A Brief Discussion on the Necessity to Establish the Chinese Buddhism Philology

With the development of the research on ChineseBuddhismliterature,it is necessary to establish the subject by which Chinese Buddhism literature is dealt with,namely Chinese Buddhism philology . The Chinese Buddhism philology,taking the Chinese Buddhism literature and the work of Buddhism literature as the object,studies the history and rules about Buddhism literature and provides the theories for the work of Chinese Buddhism literature . The Chinese Buddhism philology is different from the study on Chinese Buddhism historical data,the reorganization and the research on the Chinese Buddhism literature . On the other hand,it has many relations with the latter two . There are three reasons to establish the Chinese Buddhism philology :First,the western methods of Buddhism philology are not suitable for the Chinese Buddhismliterature .Second,therearemany differences between theChineseBuddhismphilology and the common philology . Finally,the Chinese Buddhism literature is important in the entire history of the Chinese philology.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 125- [Abstract] ( 1006 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 964KB] ( 2994 )
On the Issue of Public Goods and Its Solution : A Review on the Public Goods Theory

In a narrow sense,public goods are non-competitive and non-exclusive goods,while in a broad sense,public goods are non-competitive or non-exclusive goods including pure public goods,club goods and pool resources .Such issues as free-riding,exclusive cost,tragedy of the commons,financing and allocating have been considered as the issues of public goods in a broad sense by Samuelson,Buchanan and Ostrom,who have already built up their own classic theories of publicgoods based on different publicgoods andeconomicissues,such as pure theoryof public goods,club theoryand theoryof thecommons .Recent researches on publicgoodsin general have shifted to the issue of supply,governmental supply,private supply,joint supply,voluntary general supply andanycombination of which are the basic supply modes .Studies on theseaspects have also shown that future researches on public goods might mainly focus on the combination of ecological economics,spatial economics or welfare economics with public goods theory.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 133- [Abstract] ( 1457 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 997KB] ( 9572 )
Advanced Technology Industry and Its International Specialization Status:Literature Review and New Analytical Framework

The development of intra-product specialization and trade in a global economy has changed the international specialization pattern dramatically,and many developing countries took the opportunity to″embedin″the global″industrial chain″of advanced technologyindustry andits international competition . However,the traditional″total export statistical method″may over-evaluate the specialization status of developing countries in the new international specialization pattern,for this method does not consider the imported intermediate value of exported goods . This may lead to the so-called″statistical illusion″. By reviewing related research,and using a refined″non-competitive input-output model″,we developed a new instrument : the″added value-productivity index″. This index examines the international specialization status of a country's advanced technology industry,or the impetus of per unit exported advanced technology product on domesticeconomic growth and employment .This index prevents″statistical illusion″and facilitates transnational comparative analysis,revealing the true international specialization status of a country's advanced technology industry.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 145- [Abstract] ( 938 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 989KB] ( 2506 )
The Role of Human Capital in the Import Related R&D Spillovers : An Empirical Research Review

Human capital plays a very important role in the import related R&D spillovers . In foreign literature,methods employed in analyzing the role of human capital in R&D spillovers often involve the following ones . Analysis of interaction effects between human capital and technology import variables : it measures the size of foreign R&D spillovers by directly using technology import variables . Its results are ambiguous . Analysis of interaction effects between human capital and foreign R&D stock :it directly calculates the size of foreign R&D stock,Its results are ambiguous likewise .Estimating absorptive capability :it directly estimates the size of the absorptive capability to investigate the role of human capital .Its results indicate that raising the education level in developing countries is very conducive to improving their absorptive capability .Case study :it presents a case about the spread and spillover of computer technology across countries .One of the most robust findings of this method is that high levels of education attainment are important determinants of computer technology spillovers . Threshold regression : it analyzes the thresholdeffect of humancapital on theimport related R&Dspillovers byapplying a special endogenous nonlinear threshold regression model . Its findings suggest that human capital may function as a so-called threshold variable in the import related R&D spillovers . In order to spread existing literature,future research can start with such aspects as improving the measure of variables,paying attention to adverse effects that international technology spillovers exert on the human capital,modifying the technology by which the model is estimated,and so on.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 155- [Abstract] ( 1042 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 980KB] ( 2310 )
Digitalized Print Media and Changes in Cultural Transmission Pattern

There are a number of important technological changes in the history of human civilization . They often bring about revolutionary significance in the development of media . Mobile newspapers,digital journals,e-books and many other new media forms mark the arrival of the digital media age .New media technology has changed the form of newspapers,periodicals and books,as well as the way in which communication and cultural transmission take place .The great impact of new media turns out to be very similar to that of theory of cultural transmission pattern proposed by an anthropologist,Margaret Mead . The development of digital print media makes the experience of the new generation different from the previous ones,which reflects a reverse socialization procedurein Post-figurativeculture .The reasonfor Post-figurativeculture to turn into a new mode of cultural transmission is that changes in the world are always caused by the people who want to subvert the traditional ideas and concepts . In addition,the change in cultural transmission mode will influence the pattern of cultural production .

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 164- [Abstract] ( 1046 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 955KB] ( 2392 )
Productive Power of Moral Discourse and Rise of Chinese-Type″Cyber Manhunt″

″cyber manhunt″,a way of Internet search popular in China these years,is an″ask-and-answer″device to acquire search results by collecting comments from Internet users . With more and more netizens joining in and posting comments on an issue,this type of search,originally aimed for answers only,has now become a discourse event .Its main type is the moral discourse,which appeals to emotions and value judgments .Such an event not only describes and reflects an event as it is,but also pushes its later development in reality . This fact proves its productive power . The power does not come naturally without any motivation,but is generated by ″pan-moralism″of Confucianism in China and enabled by the advantage of netizens'anonymity allowed by the Internet . With″pan-moralism″in Chinese culture,the moral discourse was recognized and developed,and made prosper by anonymity of the searchers and their net-hooligan psychology of following thecrowd .Intended originally toprotect social moralityin the discourse,″cyber manhunt″conducts anti-moral actions in reality,causing the most serious damage to individuals searched . This may be the paradox existing in Chinese-type″cyber manhunt″that is difficult to be resolved recently.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 172- [Abstract] ( 978 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1302KB] ( 2802 )
Ethical Reflection on Moral Judgment on the Mass Media

In the current mediated society,all people expect the mass media should be morally accountable .It's out of question of the rightness of the expectation . Though,at the time when the obligation of the mass mediais emphasized,we should beawareof how thecurrent status has come into being,and whoor which should be accountability .We must learn about the following . Firstly,the basic function of mass media is information and public supervision .Secondly,the essence of the trivalization of the mass media is that the mass media is catering for the mass . That's to say,it's the mass's trivalization that makes the mass media trival .Finally,the deletion and weakness of relative basic theory in media ethics should be accountable,too . As we know,this kind of deletion and weakness would conduce inability of guidance upon correlative act.

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 181- [Abstract] ( 1342 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 944KB] ( 7897 )
A Strategic Approach to Contemporary Urban Planning in China :Assessment of Design-based and Strategy-based Planning in the Complex Urban System

A Strategic Approach to Contemporary Urban Planning in China :Assessment of Design-based and Strategy-based Planning in the Complex Urban System

2009 Vol. 39 (6): 192- [Abstract] ( 939 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1269KB] ( 2354 )
2009 Vol. 39 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 22 )


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