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2020, Vol.6 Num.5
Online: 2020-09-10

2020 Vol. 6 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 270 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 17 )
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 3- [Abstract] ( 256 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 22 )
5 Zhang Yan Chi Fengqin
Communalization: A New Dimension of Contemporary Moral Education
Communalization, aiming at the unity of free people, refers to the voluntary and active connections between subjects in terms of lifestyle and values, guided by the normative value of the community and based on common emotions and mutual assistance behaviors. The communalization of moral education is targeted at cultivating public qualities with community spirit as the core, i.e. enabling people to play a conscious role in community life by moral education, not only by caring about others, but also having positive concerns about society and the country. Conceptually, the communalization of moral education is an important embodiment of relational thinking. From a practical level, it is the practical cultivation of responsibility ethics. Communalization conforms to the basic requirements of “people as human beings”, helps resolve the ethical risks of “stranger society” and bridges the gap between “community form” and “community consciousness”, so it is an inevitable trend of contemporary moral education. The individualization of moral education focuses on the demonstration of individuality and the confirmation of the free identity of moral subjects, giving birth to values of “living for oneself”. Although breaking through the dogmatic understanding of moral authority, individualized moral education does not remodel moral standards in a rational way or find a moral space for people to relocate themselves. The educational mechanism with competitive individualism at its core advocates exclusive individual success and marginalizes the cultivation of community spirit. In response to the dilemma of individualized development, the communalization of moral education advances the rectification of moral standards. It replaces “moral choice without standard” with “moral choice with standard”, which fundamentally breaks through the dilemma of value-nihilism contained in individualization and consolidates moral order. Meanwhile, the communalization of moral education takes value rationality as guidance, communication, understanding and interaction between subjects as the approach, and attaches importance to the positive construction of mutual moral relationships. In addition, it emphasizes the overall moral consideration, advocating the integrity rather than one-sided development of human beings. Relying on a collaborative education system of all staff education, whole process education and all-round education, it establishes a concept of general development in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor education, and casts an integrated and systematic moral education mechanism in the growth of the educated, so it goes beyond the fragmentation dilemma contained in individualization. The communalization of moral education standardizes membership in public life and moral behavior in public space. Therefore, moral education must enrich the public life practice of the educated in every link and element via public space, and facilitate the development of community spirit. Secondly, the communalization of moral education introduces the research perspective of “value ordering”, follows the value cultivation sequence of moral individuals, adopts the step-by-step moral education method, and constructs the value system and education mode from the moral bottom line to the high moral standard. Specifically, it encourages the educated to seek greater exercise of public morality on the basis of adhering to the most basic moral bottom line and following moral obligations, and promoting the unity of public moral standard consciousness and public ethical virtue. Thirdly, the system shapes the behavioral patterns of the social community. Establishing a sound institutional moral education mechanism and promoting the rational construction of an institutionalized and organized moral order constructs an important approach for the development of a discrete and fragmented moral education system to the communalization.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 5- [Abstract] ( 417 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1514KB] ( 757 )
10 Xiao Lang
Immanuel Kant’sPedagogical Lectures and Educational Thought in the Age of Enlightenment: A Study Based on the Reform of Pedagogical Lectures at Modern German Universities
In the second half of the 18th century, with the rise of the Enlightenment and educational reform in Germany, the Prussian government reformed the pedagogical lectures at German universities which centered around Konigsberg University. The reform aimed at weakening the church’s control over school education and teacher training, and promoted the establishment of the national education system. In 1774, according to the special instruction issued by the Prussian government, Konigsberg University decided that the professors of the College of Philosophy should give pedagogical lectures in turn. These lectures were included in the teaching system of the university in the form of ″public lectures″. All the students of the College of Philosophy could take part in this course without extra payment. In this context, eight professors of College of Philosophy of Konigsberg University, including Immanuel Kant, took turns to give pedagogical lectures, establishing pedagogical lectures at German universities as an important base for teacher training. In this process, Kant not only absorbed the theoretical resources of J.J.Rousseau’s educational thought, but also referred to the educational practice of Philanthropinism represented by J.B.Basedow in the Philanthropinum school. At the same time, combined with his own critical philosophical system, Kant systematically expounded his own educational thought and theory, thus further promoting pedagogical lectures at German universities as an important base of pedagogical research. In fact, the reform of pedagogical lectures at Konigsberg University in 1774 was only the beginning. It led to further reforms of pedagogical lectures at German universities during the 18th and 19th centuries. For instance, the University of Halle set up an independent pedagogical lecture in 1779, and appointed E.C.Trapp, a disciple of Basedow, as a full-time professor. Konigsberg University also appointed S.G.Wald as a full-time professor of pedagogical lectures in 1790. In 1809, J.F. Herbart was appointed as professor of Kant’s philosophy lecture at Konigsberg University. On the basis of pedagogical lectures, he set up the pedagogy research class ″Seminar″ and an experimental school to carry out teaching experiments. Thereafter, German universities gradually developed into one of the centers of pedagogical research, which profoundly influenced Europe, America and the world. From this point of view, a specific and systematic study of the reform of pedagogical lectures at modern German universities centered around Konigsberg University is helpful for the academic circles to grasp the formation and characteristics of Kant’s educational thought, and to further understand the historical significance and influence of Kant’s pedagogical lectures.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 10- [Abstract] ( 440 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1641KB] ( 1074 )
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 18- [Abstract] ( 225 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 16 )
20 Huimin Dong Réka Markovich Leendert van der Torre
Developing AI Logic for Social Reasoning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) logic formalizes the reasoning of intelligent agents.With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, questions are raised about how to describe the reasoning patterns of autonomous robots and other intelligent systems, especially about their capacities to reason in social interaction scenarios. When the intelligent system of a self-driving car is required to reason according to traffic rules in a social context, it can make judgments about whether or not its planned driving path will work. Reasoning, or how to balance their actions, desires,and goals with the legal and ethical norms of society has become a new challenge for the development of intelligent systems, and therefore, a new research program of social AI logic is required to respond to such demands for social reasoning in intelligent agents. In this paper, we discuss how an argumentation-based AI logic could be employed to formalize important aspects of social reasoning. Besides reasoning about the knowledge and actions of individual agents, social AI logic can also reason about social dependence among multiple agents with the rights,,and permissions of the agents. We discuss four aspects of social AI logic. First, how rights represent relations between obligations and permissions of intelligent agents. Second, how to argue about the right-to-know, a central issue in the recent discussion of privacy and ethics. Third, how a wide variety of conflicts among intelligent agents can be identified and (sometimes) resolved by comparing formal arguments, includingfallacious arguments, which can also be represented and reasoned.. Fourth, how to argue about free movement for intelligent agents. Examples from social, legal,and ethical reasoning are used to highlight the challenges in developing social AI logic. The discussions of the four challenges leads to a research program for an argumentation-based social AI logic, contributing to the future development of AI logic. This paper also has two technical contributions. First, we propose a systematic way to express epistemic rights in terms of a modal language of AI logic, including actions, obligations, permissions, and knowledge. The modal language is essential for the formal representation of social reasoning. It provides a simple and compact method to formalize the possible information used by the intelligent system, via axioms and inferential rules possibly employed in their reasoning. For instance, the language can illustrate the reliable differences and interactions between ‘permission to know’ and ‘permission to do’, which is the key to understanding the debate regarding privacy in law and ethics. Based on the modal representations, we further develop a feasible argumentation framework to reason about the various facets of social dependence. It is a deontic epistemic action logic (DEAL) for AI to address social reasoning. The second technical contributionis to model the reasoning among social intelligent agents,and to argue that argumentation-based AI logic is an efficient formal tool of representation.. It can clearly present the conflicts among the complex and complicated social phenomena, for example, pointing out in which situation one’s sensitive and classified information shall be known without violating ethical norms of the law. We further demonstrate how argumentation-based AI logic (DEAL) naturally explains each solution of solving social conflicts, by picking out the decisive elements during the argument procedure. A conclusion for an agent to reason some social phenomenon might then need to be withdrawn when the hypothetical information or the inferential rules are defeated. The case for protecting an individual’s privacy can similarly be dismissed when there is another stronger and more prudent legal or ethical reason that attacks its background information or the reasoning procedure. An example of this might be to protect public safety. The DEAL logic can be viewed as a computational and logical system to model explainable AI for social reasoning.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 20- [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1890KB] ( 612 )
30 Olivier Roy, Piotr Kulicki
Legal Permissibility and Legal Competences in Hierarchical Systems with Strong Permission
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 30- [Abstract] ( 506 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1616KB] ( 777 )
40 Fenrong Liu Xiaoxuan Fu
On the Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Preference: A New Attempt
The preference relation is mathematically expressed as a binary“-relation”. For any two objects and , says that “ is at least as preferred as ”. This paper first reviews the research of preference relations in two directions, from qualitative to quantitative, and vice versa. On the basis of the review, we illustrate how to represent the“-relation” with a probability function in a quantitative way. In the other direction, the quantitative method in decision theory is explained in detail. After that, we introduce the pure qualitative way that logicians adopt to capture the quantitative interpretation of the“-relation”. We argue that there is a clear connection between these two approaches, but that what makes them differ from each other are their underlying methodologies. Keeping in mind the above-mentioned differences, we propose a novel approach called the “probabilistic preference comparing method”. It introduces a -function to record the number of occurrences of “-relation” and “≥-relation” between members in two separate sets. Then, the total probability of occurrences of both “-relation” and “≥-relation” is calculated in terms of the probability function. Consequentially, the “-relation” between these two sets can be defined. Clearly, this method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. It reflects the qualitative “-relation” between members, but also takes the probability of their occurrence into account. We illustrate how this new method can be used to explain some paradoxical scenarios. Finally, we propose a probabilistic preference model using the “probabilistic preference comparing method”,. By exploring its logical properties, we highlight the connections and clarify the differences between the new method and qualitative/quantitative ones. We believe that our attempt creates an example for further research in combing logic and probability in general.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 40- [Abstract] ( 353 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1509KB] ( 537 )
50 Shi Chenwei
Potential Group Belief
A key question in (social) epistemology is whether a group can have belief and knowledge as an individual agent does. Moreover, how should we understand the belief and knowledge of a group if it can have them; what are the relations and differences between a group's belief and an individual agent's belief? To answer these questions, several different theories have been proposed. They can be roughly divided into two categories: summativism and non-summativism. According to summativism, group belief can be completely reduced to each individual group member's belief and a group cannot have belief as an individual agent does. According to non-summativism, a group has its own agency so its belief is not a simple aggregation of its members' beliefs. The division between these two categories seems to implicitly assume that a group's agency necessarily follows from the irreducibility of its belief to individual agents' beliefs. In this paper, we propose a new theory of collective belief — potential group belief, which cannot be classified into the two categories. Our theory also demonstrates that the above assumption does not necessarily hold. According to our theory of potential group belief, a group's belief can be taken as the group members' tendency towards consensus which is enforced by the social influence on a social network. So potential group beliefs cannot be reduced to individual agents' beliefs. The core of our theory is that the tendency to consensus has resulted from the social interaction between the group members.. Moreover, there is no need to assume group agency in our theory. We take a group as a dynamical system whose belief thus serves as a description of the status of the system. By taking social influence on a social network into account, we analyze how structural properties of social networks can take effect in the formation of potential group belief. Our analysis shows that two properties of a social network can guarantee the formation of the potential group belief,namely, strong connectedness and aperiodicity. Strong connectedness requires any two nodes in a network to be connected by a path, namely a sequence of edges. In a strongly connected network, one reflexive node can ensure the network is aperiodic. In addition, we show that potential group belief as a modal operator satisfies almost all axioms and inference rules in the K axiom system except for the principle of closure under conjunction. This ensures the mutual consistency of potential group belief. To better illustrate the theory of potential group belief, we compare it with three theories of group belief in the literature, i.e. aggregate belief, common belief and corporate belief. While all these three theories can be classified as either summativism or non-summativism, the theory of potential group belief cannot. Compared to aggregated belief, potential group belief is not simply the aggregation of individual agents' beliefs. Compared to common belief, it does not require higher-order belief in other group members' beliefs. Compared to corporate belief, it allows the modelling of groups other than organizations and does not have any requirement of group agency. All results demonstrated in the paper have been achieved by formalizing potential group belief in a mathematical framework and logical system with rigorous mathematical proofs. We chose to leave out the technical content and focus on elucidating the intuitive idea and revealing the relevant philosophical issues behind the mathematical analysis. In summary, the theory of potential group belief takes a social group as a dynamical system and highlights the role of the social network in determining the status of the system. It provides a new perspective on the problem of how to understand collective belief by integrating philosophical issues, concepts from social science and methods from mathematics and logic.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 50- [Abstract] ( 521 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1524KB] ( 659 )
60 Luo Weidong Cheng Chen
Alfred Marshall’s Discussion on ″Normal″ Conditions:A New Perspective on Principles of Economics
Alfred Marshall’s representative work Principles of Economics contains many discussions of ″normal″ and relative concepts. Marshall defines ″normal″ activities in economic studies, and uses this concept extensively in theoretical research. In the theoretical category, the discussion of ″normal″ has a static characteristic, because the condition of the ″normal″ state is an abstraction representing the most enduring and frequent causality in certain situations. However, the ″normal″ state defined by Marshall comes from the real world and is specific and contextualized and therefore has the ability to accommodate more realistic conditions. ″Normal″ is also part of the dynamic analysis. Using the non-fixed meaning of the word ″normal″ and the ″flexibility″ of the economic term itself, Marshall tries to build a bridge between economic theory and economic reality. This article examines Marshall’s connotation of ″normal″ in the Principles of Economics as follows: (1) Marshall attaches great importance to the use of economic terms. He spends a lot of time explaining that economic terminology should not be divorced from daily experience. His definition of ″normal″ has undergone a shift. In 1879, he equated the ″normal condition″ with ″the state brought about by uninterrupted actions in free competition″. But after the publication of Principles of Economics, he turned to emphasize that the normal state should be a tendency in specific situations. Therefore, normal motives may include altruistic motives, and there is no so-called ″economic man″ who is not constrained by moral power. (2) ″Normal″ is abstracted from real conditions and is related to a specific time, place, and economic agent. This article gives two examples to illustrate this point. First, Marshall defines ″normal″ enterprise, that is, ″representative firm″, which is a controversial concept in Marshall’s economic system. If we consider it from a static perspective, we will have doubts about the nature and role of representative firm. If we consider it in the context of the development of industry and the change in the internal and external economies, we will find that ″normal″ enterprise has a realistic basis. Second, according to different lengths of time, Marshall gives the term ″normal″ different meanings. The standard of distinction is not clock time, but the operating time of economic forces. Choosing ″normal″ conditions relies on the common sense and intuition of economist and entrepreneur, which include both judgments of empirical reality and logical deductions. (3) The concept of ″normal″ is an attempt made by Marshall to reconcile the conflicts of different methodologies. Marshall believes that the study of the ″normal state″ of modern life is derived from the abstraction of specific situations, is both realistic and abstract, and contains both static and dynamic meanings. Through this device, Marshall tries to construct an economic analysis system in Principles of Economics that is not excessively deductive but of practical significance. With the rapid development of economic science, mainstream economic theory has become more and more formalized and modeled. Marshall’s economic thought has been reduced to a static model assuming perfect competition. To truly understand Marshall’s thought, we should return to the specific text.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 60- [Abstract] ( 434 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1547KB] ( 680 )
70 Jiang Yuexiang Fu Tao
The Impact of Rural Inclusive Finance on Product Innovation: Based on the Channel of Regulating the Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Areas
The increase in financial depth is conducive to relaxing corporate financing constraints, that is, as a supply-side force, which affects corporate R&D activities; the increase in financial breadth may be conducive to narrowing the income gap, improving market size and the demand structure of innovative products, and then affecting companies’ R&D activities motivation. This paper studies whether the improvement of financial breadth affects demand-driven innovation by changing market characteristics, i.e., whether inclusive finance can affect enterprise product innovation by narrowing the income gap. Based on related theories and literature, this article puts forward three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1: The credit function of rural inclusive finance is conducive to narrowing the urban-rural income gap; the savings function is not conducive to narrowing the urban-rural income gap. Hypothesis 2: The narrowing of the income gap is conducive to increasing the demand for innovative products, that is, the impact of income gap on demand-driven product innovation is dominated by ″market scale effect″. Hypothesis 3: The credit function of rural inclusive finance promotes product innovation by narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas; the savings function inhibits product innovation by expanding the income gap between urban and rural areas. In order to verify the hypotheses, this paper uses China's inter-provincial panel data from 2006 to 2013 to conduct research. The empirical research is divided into three parts, corresponding to the above three hypotheses. Empirical study 1, using the urban-rural income gap as the explained variable, and rural inclusive finance agency indicators as the main explanatory variable, we study the impact of the development of rural inclusive finance on the urban-rural income gap. In order to verify Hypothesis 1, we distinguish the credit function and the savings function of rural inclusive finance, and test the impact of the two functions on the urban-rural income gap. Empirical study 2, using enterprise product innovation as the explained variable, and urban-rural income gap as the main explanatory variable, we study the dominant effect of the urban-rural income gap on product innovation. Empirical study 3, we introduce the interaction term of urban-rural income gap and rural inclusive finance into the equation estimated by empirical study 2, and determine the existence and direction of intermediary channels by observing the significance and sign of the interaction term. The main results are as follows: First, during the data observation period the development of rural inclusive finance in China's provinces has widened the urban-rural income gap. Further analysis shows that the saving function of rural inclusive finance has a positive effect on the expansion of the urban-rural income gap, and the credit function is conducive to narrowing the urban-rural income gap, and the savings function has a greater effect than the credit function. Second, there is a negative correlation between the urban-rural income gap and enterprise product innovation, and the expansion of the urban-rural income gap inhibits demand-driven product innovation. Finally, the test of intermediary channels shows that rural inclusive finance can curb demand-driven product innovation by expanding the urban-rural income gap. After carrying out the endogeneity test and robustness test, the conclusion is still stable. This article can draw the following conclusions: the development of the credit function of rural inclusive finance can improve the vitality of enterprise product innovation by narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas; but the excessive development of the savings function of rural inclusive finance will lead to further expansion of the urban-rural income gap and restrain demand-driven product innovation. The policy implication shows that rural inclusive finance needs to pay more attention to lowering the threshold for rural residents to obtain credit resources, and promote enterprise product innovation by narrowing the urban-rural income gap.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 70- [Abstract] ( 480 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1643KB] ( 644 )
Punctuated Equilibrium in China’s Public Budgeting An Empirical Study Based on Panel Data on China’s Budget Outlay Sat All Government Levels
The evolution of budgeting processes records the conflicts between various policy-making preferences as well as the outcome of political struggle. Public budgeting is about allocating fiscal resources, which clearly reflects policy tendencies, focal points and priorities of public affairs. Theoretical studies on budgetary decision-making have gone through three stages, i.e. rationalism, incrementalism, and punctuated equilibrium, the last of which explains not only the small gradual changes in budgeting but also the sudden radical ones. Punctuated equilibrium replaced incrementalism as the mainstream theory in 1990s. Abundant empirical evidence from Europe and the United States has supported the punctuated equilibrium theory on budgeting. Then, what about China’s total budgets at all levels and the classification of provincial budget outlays by function? Can they also be characterized as punctuated equilibrium? If so, then what is the reason for this? What are the affecting factors? Theoretical tests and explanations in a systematic manner are still absent in this regard. Although the Chinese institution is different from those of the western world, we do share similarities in the information processing mechanism for policy images and institutional friction, which affects the changes in China’s budgeting. Therefore, China’s budgetary changes could fall into punctuated equilibrium. It is on these grounds that the following hypothesis is made: changes in the total budgeting at the state, central, provincial and locality levels fit with the punctuated equilibrium model, so do changes in the classification of provincial budget expenditures by function; but the degree of punctuation varies at different levels and between different expenditure categories. We analyzed data on the total budgets of the state, central, and local governments and data on budget outlays of 31 provincial units on 12 items of different functional categories, to test whether or not the punctuated equilibrium theory can be applied to China’s budgeting evolution, by using histograms, kurtosis analysis, regression analysis and normality tests. In addition, we used vertical analysis and cross-disciplinary comparative analysis to study the model of shift in budgeting at different levels and in different functional categories, as well as the variance in punctuation degree. Our hypothesis is proved by the analysis. To be specific, punctuations of the central level budgeting are far less than those at the local governments. Punctuation degrees vary between the 12 expenditure categories, and can break down into three range zones: seven categories fall into the first zone,320, covers two categories, i.e. expenditures on national defense and urban-rural community affairs. For most categories of expenditures, the degrees of punctuation are relatively small, which indicates that even though occasional drastic changes might occur on the basis of incremental adjustments, the overall number of times when such reforms happen is quite small with only minor punctuations. Study results show that punctuated equilibrium theory, under the framework of interaction between policy images and policy venues, can be applied to explain the external validity of policy changes, by using attention of organizations and individuals and the institutional friction mechanism.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 80- [Abstract] ( 350 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2341KB] ( 594 )
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 85- [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 18 )
90 Zhou Qichao
″Outsideness″ and the Humanitarianism of Literary Studies
″Outsideness″ has similar significance as ″polyphonic dialogism″ in the construction of Bakhtin's literary theory. As a perspective, a notion, as well as a theory, the use of ″outsideness″ has accumulated in discussions which can be traced through Bakhtin's whole academic life. It has been approached from different perspectives and can be further categorized into aesthetics, ethical , and cognitive outsideness, which are studied from those perspectives respectively. Bakhtin's concept of ″outsideness″ starts from his literary studies, in discussions about the relation between an author and their protagonist in narrative art. In this context, ″outsideness″ refers to the situation in which the author exists as a form-constructor in terms of time, space and meaning. Outsideness can also be developed from artistic creation, from which the author can actively build up an aesthetic power. The outsideness that an author acquires with respect to their protagonist can function as a basic condition under which an artistic world is created. The aesthetic outsideness constructed by Bakhtin in his early studies on the relation between an author and the protagonist in artistic creation has been extensively studied by academicians. In his later years, Bakhtin emphasized cognitive outsideness in particular from the perspective of cultural philosophy, and yet this has not been fully explored. The cognitive outsideness constructed by Bakhtin in cultural philosophy has great potential.to provide insightful and doctrinal support for literary studies, especially in the field of comparative and world literature,, and it can also provide guidance for cross-cultural studies in general or practices in particular. ″Outsideness″ was regarded as a precondition for studying the ″cultural other″ by Bakhtin, and it is a powerful leverage to promote creative understanding of cultural outsideness in the humanities.. As a scholar, Bakhtin is not only a constructor of outsideness, but also a practitioner who has contributed an exemplary interpretation of Rabelais's novels. His adoption of ″outsideness″ as a means of leverage into the other's culture in order to achieve creative understanding can be regarded as a conscious application initiated by a critic of foreign literature. Dialogue in the sense of Bakhtin's researches cannot be willfully simplified. His concept of dialogue possesses its implication with humanistic spirit, and it is a dialogue in contrast with a monologue. If retrieved back to the system and context of Bakhtin discourse, dialogue calls for a creative understanding proposed by Bakhtin, and can only be conducted from the perspective of outsideness. Based on the creative understanding from the standpoint of ″outsideness″, we could enter into the dialogues implied by Bakhtin. We should conduct dialogues from the perspective of the other and pursue creative understanding, for they are helpful in preserving the humanistic character of literary studies. Meanwhile, it is crucial to follow Bakhtin's ″polyphonic dialogism″ from the perspective of ″outsideness″, for it is conducive to ″hearing″ the living voices that a subject is expressing and speaking, and beneficial to the pursuit of humanitarianism of literary studies as well.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 90- [Abstract] ( 372 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1371KB] ( 601 )
100 GalinTihanov
The Style of Bakhtin’s Theoretical Construction
Bakhtin is adept at exploring the diverse aspects of multiple theories and touches on the extremes by transcending their boundary. His originality as a great thinker lies in the originality as a great synthesizer who has the talent for the employment of specified discourse from different disciplines, i.e. the concepts in linguistics, artistic history and theology. He can change and expand the field of these concepts while presenting new ones quietly but particularly appealing. It is these concepts that transcend the conceptual limits of their respective disciplines, endow them with a new life and change their previous identity. It is this transformation that makes the term conform to the inner growth. During the process , the concepts expand their coherence scale and even evolve into the metaphor. This transformation can be typical of Bakhtin’s theoretical construction and characteristic of Bakhtin’s writing especially in the 1930s. It is this transformative energy that distinguish Bakhtin from other possible or conspicuous pioneers in such different disciplines as linguistics, sociology, theology and art. In Bakhtin’s application of “dialogue”, we can become aware of its linguistic substratum different from Soviet linguist Lev Jakybinskii who presented the earliest “dialogue” issue and Mykarovskii, Czech literary critic, the writer of Dialogue and Monologue. Bakhtin did not confine himself to the contrast between “dialogue” and “monologue” and his interpretation of “dialogue” is broader. Bakhtin invites us to hear the dialogue inside every discourse uttered, the dialogue expressed among the voices of constrasting world views, and the dialogue fundamental to different cultural typology with multiple and broad aspects. Bakhtin displaces dialogue to “ranges” of different disciplines, applies it to a set of narrative “spectrum” and uses it for the culture as a whole. If we focus only on the linguistic origin of the “dialogue”, we can not acquire the power and the charm of the Bakhtin’s “dialogism”. The reason why Bakhtin can do this is that he’s steeped in the cultural philosophy especially from his earliest writing of ethics and aesthetics to later matured cultural philosophy. In the evolution, his new humanism without subjectivity is not only his own distinguished achievement in the 1930s but also the source of vitality in the intellectual history.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 100- [Abstract] ( 323 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1452KB] ( 600 )
110 V.Tyupa
Dialogue of Consensus :On metalinguistic features of Bakhtin's theory of dialogue

The academic thought of Russian Soviet scholar Bakhtin has exerted farreaching influence on the worldwide humanities since the second half of the 20th century. Dialogue is the core discourse of Bakhtins humanistic thought. In Bakhtins view, dialogue is everywhere in the field of human society and consciousness, including literary texts, even ″between two separate expressions, which may be far apart in time and space, not knowing one another. However, as long as there is a little convergence in meaning, the dialogic relationship will be revealed...″. Different from monologue and dialogue, the concepts of ″monologism″ and ″dialogism″ proposed by M. Bakhtin belong to the category of ″metalinguistics″, since this dialogic relationship is broader than that of conversational speech.The concept of consensus is the key to understand the dialogue relationship, and the idea of consensus dialogue runs through its theoretical elaboration. If the significance of dialogue lies in differences, divergences and value pluralism, consensus will be the premise and foundation for the existence of dialogue relationship. Dialogue of consensus, or consensus in dialogue, is a communication strategy, which is also regarded as the cornerstone of Bakhtins dialogue theory.The degree of consensus is a genealogy ranging from zero to an infinity including monologue. The monologue is not in opposition with dialogue, but belongs to an extreme dialogic relationship.Even in monologue literary works and sentences, there is a dialogic relationship, which embodies the basic connotation of Bakhtins ″dialogism″.Only in communication can the meaning of ″person in person″ be revealed. Monologue is a kind of distortion of the real relationship between people. It is the suppression of individual content in communication with the help of function role form. Consensus determines the nature and development direction of dialogue relationship, and this situation exists not only in the dialogue between countries, but also in various characters and ideas in literary texts. From the perspective of Christian cultural tradition, if the Old Testament is monologue, then the New Testament with many hidden texts is dialogic. For each individual, there is not only a basic consensus, but also differences and divergences between the two sides of the dialogue. This is the basic state of human existence, and ″convergence″ is the mechanism for reaching greater consensus and mutual understanding. From the perspective of consensus dialogue, various communication and cultural phenomena can be explained, including the tension of literary texts. The ″polyphonic consensus″ emphasized by Bakhtin as ″ethically oriented″ can be applied to analyze all kinds of possible world pictures. And from the perspective of Russian and all other similar cultural traditions, various dialogues based on autocratic hierarchical communication can be used to analyze various communicative situations in the modern society.

2020 Vol. 6 (5): 110- [Abstract] ( 376 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1473KB] ( 616 )
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 115- [Abstract] ( 244 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 20 )
120 Zhao Jing
Auspicious Beast: The Traditional Chinese Lion Image from Tribute Lions along the Silk Road
China is not the birthplace of lions, but lions are a household name to Chinese people. They have special auspicious meanings in traditional Chinese culture. Their images are ubiquitous in paintings, sculptures and architecture; and their status is even higher than that of tigers, the ferocious beasts which are common in China. The the traditional Chinese lion image is influenced by three sources, the first being various lion artworks introduced from the Western Regions. The lion image in Buddhist stone carvings since Wei and Jin Dynasties, could always be found to have originated from those in Central Asia, South Asia and other places. Secondly, while tigers and leopards and other large beasts are common in China; it is rare to see a real lion. Therefore, Chinese artists often refer to images of tigers and leopards while creating lion art pieces, a practice which was quite popular before the Tang Dynasty. Thirdly, a small number of tribute lions from the Western Regions were kept in royal palaces. In many ways, the image of the lion in China reflects the characteristics of tribute lions, to which not much academic attention was paid in the past. Quite different from wild lions, tribute lions had certain features. First, they were all adults, not cubs. The main reason for this was to ensure the survival rate in the transportation and to obtain greater rewards. Second, tribute lions were tamed since childhood again for the convenience of transportation and management. Third, most tribute lions were trained to perform dances and play with balls. Fourth, tribute lions were exclusively adult males, who were considered handsome and attractive, and who could not breed more lions in China, thus protecting the lion trade. Even with these distinctive features, tribute lions were the only kind of real lions that could be seen in China, and exerted profound influences on the shaping of the traditional Chinese lion image. The lack of distinction between sexes in traditional Chinese lion images was related to the fact that tribute lions were all adult males. The absence of lionesses or cubs among tribute lions led Chinese artists mistakenly to believe that lions were similar to tigers and leopards, in which the male, female and cub bore the same appearance, and confer the androgynous characteristics to the Chinese lion image. After the Liao and Song dynasties, male and female lions were distinguished by supplying females with cubs and males with colorful balls. The toys and decorations usually seen with Chinese lion images, such as bells and embroidered balls, are directly derived from the performances of tribute lions, and not imagined by Chinese artists. Last of all, the appearance of the lion-keepers, who came to China with the lions and settled down to feed them, proved the fact that those infant lions were hand-fed. In ancient Chinese history, whenever tribute lions came, realistic lion artworks also appeared, similar to the images of the real lions, but these images were mostly confined to court art. Due to the rareness of tribute lions, realistic lion artworks never entered the mainstream of Chinese lion art works and did not change the fixed Chinese lion images fundamentally except that these artworks may have made the viewers who were unable to see the real lions sigh that they were so different from the popular lion image.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 120- [Abstract] ( 666 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 38885KB] ( 547 )
130 Dai Yuncai Ying Yiwen
International Publication of Theoretical Literature of Ancient Chinese Painting
As Ancient Chinese painting exhibits classical and special characteristics of art, notably aesthetic conceptions, theories and techniques of painting, and the lasting appeal and charm of uniquely Chinese brush work. These characteristics have for some time been accepted and appreciated by Western audiences. Based on Chinese classical textual research and generalization, this paper advances three major characteristics of the theoretical literature of Chinese ancient painting. Firstly, traditional Chinese paintings are based on a continuous lineage of broader Chinese culture. Most ancient Chinese painters were proficient in poetry, calligraphy, literary creation, appreciation of arts and other artistic specialties in order to improve their integrity and artistic taste. They paid special attention to records and writings about painting generally and particular paintings, often recorded in short comments and annotations on a scroll of painting. Secondly, abundant documents related to the discussion and appreciation of the theoretical literature of Chinese ancient paintings could provide consistent evaluation standards and a basis for a consensus of appreciation. Thirdly, Chinese ancient paintings have unique modes of expression to observe figures, objects and landscapes, employ different painting procedures and equipment, and decorate Chinese paintings with special forms of mounting. Much valuable experience lies hidden and undeveloped in the treasure house that is the literature of ancient Chinese painting , and as this can be traced to the same origin, it can provide a foundation for intergenerational inheritance. Overseas discussion and publication of the literature of ancient Chinese theories of painting have been motley and intermingled since the rise of Sinology in the early 19th Century. Based on foreign textual studies in international publications, this paper set out to research the impacts of different regional cultures and humanistic geography environment. on artistic aesthetics, cultural heritage, interpretation and appreciation of literature of ancient Chinese painting on the application of literary geography for overseas scholars. Through the analysis of geographical distributions and evolutions of the research of overseas scholars , who have scattered in European, American, and Asian geographic regions, this paper focuses on the research hotspots of overseas scholars on literature of ancient Chinese paintings from the geographical culture and publishing status of multilingual works, analyzing the development of international publications on the literature of ancient Chinese paintings with respect to different regional and cultural factors. In light of the uneven distribution of literature of Chinese and Western paintings, authors bring forward ways to deal with international publishing problems and necessarily open up the publishing field of the theoretical literature of ancient Chinese paintings. Firstly, it could learn from the high-grade and high-level Chinese culture and appreciate inner beauty, accurately translate works of Chinese calligraphers and painters, theories of paintings and appreciation, academic art ideas, and Chinese painting annotations and postscripts, and communicate painting techniques and effective methods. Secondly, according to different regional and cultural characteristics, Chinese painting classics could pay much attention to the translation of professional terms in the painting documents and be selected to publish new and significant findings of Chinese traditional painting. Thirdly, the theoretical literature of Chinese paintings mainly contain aesthetic ideas, painting methods, creative concepts, research on theories of painting and form the academic contexts of Chinese painting texts. So, it is necessary to strengthen text and literature reviews and give consideration to painting text editions in accordance with international publishing standards and academic norms, which could bring forth new ideas, expound and publish multilingual editions of ancient Chinese painting texts to enhance international influence by exhibiting Chinese culture in the new era.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 130- [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1519KB] ( 860 )
The Wisdom of Traditional Human Settlements and Reshaping of Place Spirit: Inheritance of Ancient Villages in the Sustainable Landscape Design of Urban Residential Areas in Zhejiang
With the development of urban settlements, human concerns are gradually shifting from housing conditions to the ecological and cultural environment of settlements. Facing the decline of the natural and cultural climate of Zhejiang’s urban residential areas, we seek to draw inspirations from the wisdom of traditional human settlements for the transformation and upgrading of residential areas. The human settlement wisdom of the ancient villages in Zhejiang is an art of field construction highly conforming to the environmental consciousness and ideal pursuits of the ancestors, externalized as the overall artistic conception of ″harmonious coexistence″ of the ancient village space with the place spirit of nature and humanity complementing each other. On the other hand, Zhejiang’s ancient villages and urban settlements are both affected by Zhejiang’s human geography and social economy, and their relationship is homogenous in origin but heterogeneous in forms. Therefore, based on the theoretical background of traditional human settlement wisdom and place spirit, this paper explores the role played by the art of field construction in creating a spatial artistic conception reshaping the spirit of place, in order to provide a feasible solution to the improvement of people’s lives and sustainable landscape design for urban settlements. To this end, this paper first reviews the concepts of ″atmosphere and artistic conception″ in Chinese and Western contexts. Then, from the expression mechanism of space artistic conception and humanistic value, it demonstrates the connotation of traditional human settlement wisdom in Zhejiang’s ancient villages: a field construction art that realizes a harmonious coexistence of human and land in the context of farming and reading culture. Then, it analyzes in detail four types of spatial artistic conception in ancient villages in Zhejiang: the ancient villages are integrated into the natural landscapes, presenting a harmonious artistic conception mediating nature and man; the size of the villages and the development of resources are balanced and harmonious, rendering a poetic atmosphere of physical and mental balance; diverse cultures are integrated into the life of the ancient villages, depicting the harmonious but distinctive local customs; integrity, goodness and beauty are revealed in the life scenes of the ancient villages, promoting the sustainable value of ethical spirit. Thus, the art of field construction is summarized as ″integration, balance, harmony and inheritance″, forming a whole system, which is both the concept and the result and the organic process of natural circulation. Finally, it discusses the application of the art of field construction in the sustainable landscape design of Zhejiang urban residential areas from three aspects: the ecological space in the residential area making a safe and comfortable artistic landscape conception; the humanistic space reproduces the rural artistic conception of local customs; the social space conveys the ethnic artistic conception in the life stories. It is emphasized that the three spatial artistic conceptions are an organic unity of mutual superposition and dynamic continuity, and their cohesive ″natural symbiosis, cultural heritage and ethical sustainability″ and other place spirits will eventually become the core driving force for sustainable development of residential areas. In summary, this paper aims to make contribution from two aspects. First, from the perspective of field construction art, it builds a theoretical bridge between traditional human settlement wisdom and urban settlement construction, and enriches the research literature of traditional human settlement culture and urban settlement. Second, the core strategy of creating a spatial artistic conception with field construction art shows people how to condense the place spirit of urban settlements by creating a spatial artistic conception of local taste under the background of globalization, so as to build an organic core of power, providing a practical approach for the sustainable landscape design of urban settlements.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 140- [Abstract] ( 674 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1896KB] ( 742 )
150 Wu Zhengqiang
Transition and Mutually Embeddedness: Evolution of Court Records in Modern Civil Procedures: A Research Based on Longquan Judicial Archives
Regarding the transformation of the civil trial system in modern China, there is a transitional stage between the traditional meticulous trial mode and the transplantation of the Japanese civil procedure law of adversary system, that is, the civil trial of authority principle. As a product of judicial reform in the late Qing Dynasty, it originated from the Criminal and Civil Procedure Law of the Qing Dynasty revised by Shen Jiaben and Wu Tingfang in the Guangxu 32nd year (1906). The legislative technology of the Trial Regulations of Tianjin Provincial Trial Hall promulgated in the following year (1907) is considered to be the most complete. The Trial Regulations of Trial Halls at All Levels issued in the same year were in force for more than ten years and assumed far-reaching influence. Nevertheless, the above three procedural laws of the combination of criminal and civil law released in the late Qing Dynasty demonstrated obvious defects in legislative technology, while the legitimacy of them was insufficient as well. During the Beiyang period, the adoption of these laws and regulations led to a long period of confusion and entanglement in the rules of civil procedure. According to Longquan Judicial Archives, the court records of civil litigation in Longquan County witnessed three changes during the Republic of China. In spite of the seemingly clear outline of changes, there were actually great ambiguities in their forms and essence. As confessions after 1916 were not presented in a complete narrative way, they were essentially no longer the traditional ″confessions″ but answers in the interrogation records. Since 1922, the interrogation records discarded the form of confessions, which seemed to be true to the name, but judges were allowed to try in accordance with their authority and adopt the adversary system and the procedure of verbal debate. After 1930, records of interrogation were changed into those of verbal debates, while the procedure of verbal debate was strictly adopted in court trials. However, given that the parties involved generally lacked the ability of independent presentation and debate, they had to complete the verbal debate at the prompt of the judges’ questions. Hence, the content of verbal debate records was mostly the questions and answers between judges and parties involved, which was similar to the interrogation records in form. The confusion and entanglement of litigation system brought about the complex relationship between tradition and modernity, such as transition, overlap and mutually embeddedness. The transition is characterized by the fact that it can neither abandon the former customs nor realize the complete transformation to the new system, which leads to a blank zone that may also be regarded as a breakage as well. Overlap means that, in view of the complex vertical stratification structure or horizontal regional characteristics in the huge society of China, there is an imbalance of the influence of modernity on different regions in the process of modernization. Mutually embeddedness means that, rather than being completely replaced by modernity, tradition and modernity permeate and reconstruct each other. The evolution of court records is embodied in all the three relationship modes above: (1) The deformation of confession is a prominent case of transition and breakage, as it had separated from the traditional trial mode without having adopted a new trial form yet. (2) The interrogation records are typical manifestations of the overlap state, because they are produced in the crack between the verbal debate procedure and the traditional litigation concept of ″confession″. (3) Every change in court records presents amutually embeddedness structure of tradition and modernity. The deformed confession is to embed modern litigation procedures in traditional forms. The interrogation records embed both verbal debate procedure and traditional confession concept into the court records of authority principle. As for the statement of question-and-answer form in verbal debate, it also cannot exclude the embedding of traditional litigation ideas such as ″confession″ of parties involved.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 150- [Abstract] ( 576 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1896KB] ( 544 )
160 Ye Junjian
Research on Chinese Fishery History: A Review and Reflection on Academic History
The fishing industry is a part of the social economy and its significance has loomed large in modern times. Research into the history of the Chinese fishery began in the late Qing dynasty, with History of Chinese Fishery by Shen Tongfang considered the first book in the field. The Chinese Fishery History, co-authored by Li Shihao and Qu Ruoqian in the Republic of China, had even greater influence. However, writing on fisheries in modern China speak more about the present than the past. Influenced by national crises, the modern books focus more on practical rather than historical value. After the 1990s, influenced by historical studies, research on fishery history has been more scientific and rational, gradually presenting the richness and significance of fisheries in Chinese history. Affected by narrations of general history, traditional researches on fishery history mostly take the perspective of industry, divided into ancient fishery history and modern fishery history. Ancient fishery history emphasizes the development of the fishing industry in different time periods and various locations, focussing on fishing taxes, management of fishermen and fishing boats. Great changes have taken place in Chinese fisheries in modern times, and many researchers characterise these changes as ″modernization″ or ″transformation″. The modernization of the Chinese fishery is not only closely associated with local changes of politics, economy and society, but also largely a result of the introduction of western-related institutions as well as the spread of knowledge and technology. Correspondingly, modern fishery history focuses on ″transformation″, mainly discussing the development of fishing technologies, government impact on circulation of aquatic products, the changes of fishermen's organizations and fishing conflicts between China and other countries. In the last decade or so, developments in environmental history, cultural history and historical anthropology, has expanded the research on Chinese fishery history from perspectives to objects. Some of the related achievements combine environmental history with fishery history. Some discuss the exploration of fishing resources in Chinese history and consumption of fish products. Some care more about survival conditions of fishermen and how they earn their living. Modern scholars have actively promoted research on water ownership and fishery rights, associated closely with the livelihoods of fishermen. the most remarkable recent researches have mainly focused on Hubei and Hunan area and the Poyang Lake area. On the whole, the academic foundation of research on Chinese fishery history is still weak. Research literature on Ming and Qing dynasties are rich, but modern fishery history is not yet mature, while research on the collectivization period is growing slowly. Despite its obvious importance, research into the objects, markets and technologies are neglected by scholars. The trends of international study, influenced by environmental and global history, have also just begun its path and fisheries have become a significant perspective of reviewing human civilization. Therefore, as the research on Chinese fishery history improves, it can offer important reference to grasp the meaning of fisheries in the development of human civilization.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 160- [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1625KB] ( 1030 )
170 Chen Xinyu
Vernadsky's Thinking Patterns and Their Impacts
This paper represents the first time that the double identities of Vernadsky as a great natural scientist and a bright thinker have been showcased in Chinese academic circles from the perspective of his thinking patterns discussed in previous studies. One finding is that Vernadsky’s humanistic literacy played an imperceptible role in the formation of his scientific worldview. In addition, two great Russian masters, chemist Dmitri Mendeleev and mineralogist Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchayev had a direct impact on his interdisciplinary thinking. The philosophical tradition of “Russian cosmism” was reflected in Vernadsky’s thinking paradigm. From his academic studies and thinking, it is discovered that Vernadsky’s philosophical thinking gave birth to his worldview and methodology and guided his scientific practice; his engagement in cross-border interdisciplinary research was not only related to his broad interests, but driven by his holistic thinking. An innovative part of this study is to introduce the notion that the achievements of Chinese scholars in biogeochemical research echo Vernadsky’s interdisciplinary thinking. Vernadsky’s studies on the history of science were not only a part of his academic studies, but played a methodological function In this paper. By dividing his studies on the history of science into three areas, natural science, the history of scientific celebrities, and the history of ideas and knowledge, we aim to reveal the methodological significance of each part and the integration of three parts as a holistic model of Vernadsky’s scientific studies and his innovative contributions to the Science of Science, reflecting the innovations of this study. Out of his concern for the destiny of humanity, Vernadsky put forward some prescient scientific claims or theories. The initiative of establishing a worldwide academic community was precisely the development of Vernadsky’s ideas on the shifting of the center of science and the concrete representation of “scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon”, a core idea in noosphere theory. The progress from his affirmation of individual subjectivity to the scientific thinking on cultivating communal subjectivity is what he contributed to the Science of Science. In analysing the impact of Vernadsky’s noosphere theory on the future, we are aimed at conducting and establishing dialogues between the views of Chinese scholars and those of Vernadsky’s, and interact with the literature on Vernadsky’s thinking patterns to advance or discard elements of his academic legacy. This is another part of our innovation. Vernadsky’s impact on Russian scholars of humanities was another dimension reflecting his thinking patterns. Terms such as the semiosphere, logosphere, conceptosphere and homosphere are spatial semiotic phenomena influenced by biosphere or noosphere theories. They are significant as they are not only methodologically instructive but also interdisciplinary. An innovative analysis of the connection between Bakhtin’s logosphere, Likhachev’s homosphere and Vernadsky’s theories is attempted. In addition, this is the first study in the academic circles of China and Russia to make a systematic analysis of the intrinsic relationship between Bakhtin’s “Great Time” theory, Lotman’s cultural spatial structure, Prishvin’s idea of “the unity of all things”, Gumilyov’s passionarity and Vernadsky’s historicist methodology, time and space theory, biosphere theory and biogeochemistry principles. It should be indicated that the findings of the inner connection between Bakhtin’s “Great Time” theory and Vernadsky’s academic thoughts have brought us great surprise. The study of Vernadsky in China in the new century is not only inspiring for scientists to engage in interdisciplinary research, but also has far-reaching significance for young students to cultivate scientific thinking, scientific spirit and seek innovation.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 170- [Abstract] ( 425 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1680KB] ( 973 )
180 Meng Fanjun
The Enlightenment of Cognitive Neuroaesthetics to Imagery and Illusion: A Study on Zeki's Neuroaesthetics
Cognitive neuroaesthetics is an emerging branch of science that combines Western neuroaesthetics with Chinese cognitive aesthetics. The latest achievements of cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology and neuroscience are sources of inspiration to aesthetic research, especially to the material substrate for understanding the basic category of aesthetics. Cognitive neuroaesthetics provides a pivot for comparing and analyzing the imagery in classical Chinese aesthetics and the illusion in contemporary aesthetic category. There is a possibility of multiple comparisons between the two in terms of brain abstraction, sensory perception and cognitive-emotion processing. By contrast, imagery, a classical Chinese concept, is of great hermeneutic value to contemporary Chinese and Western aesthetic phenomena. Illusion, as a contemporary aesthetic concept, continues to enlighten future aesthetic emotion. Semir Zeki, the founder of neuroaesthetics, combines the study of neurons, neurotransmitters, and functional brain regions with artistic creation and appreciation, and provides a thorough analysis of neuroscience ininterpreting the artworks of Cézanne, Gauguin, Picasso, Magritte, Malevich, Duchamp, etc. Zeki offers an in-depth analysis of key concepts—essential, ideal, inherited, acquired, ambiguity, perception, micro-consciousness, neurons, modular and functional brain regions. The analysis is a key inspiration to understanding imagery and illusion. Neuroaesthetics and cognitive neuroaesthetics serve to reveal the similarities and differences between imagery and illusion. Based on the aesthetic and objectification process of brain abstraction and sensory perception, imagery and illusion undergo the same process of information processing in the brain, including perceptual processing, memory processing and cognitive-emotion processing. Their difference lies in the fact that the object of imagery processing is an objective image in history and in reality, which is original, constant, unfinished and ambiguous; the object of illusion-processing and presentation is the potential possibility in reality and in the future, with a stress on human existence which is abstract, novel, evolutionary and utopian. Therefore, the two categories reveal different interests in aesthetic emotion. The microscopic exploration of an aesthetic material substrate by cognitive neuroaesthetics is inseparable from influencing factors in social history. The generation of aesthetic emotion is bound to be swayed by factors such as the historical practice of macroscopic politics and economics, the evolution of living beings, and the customs and institutions of collective organizations. Therefore, the reductive discussions of neuroaesthetics must be combined with philosophical thinking or with social, historical realities. Taking the analysis of classical Chinese imagery and contemporary aesthetic illusion as an example, a holistic approach to aesthetic study is necessary and it promotes the development of aesthetics and neuroscience. As Zeki puts it, neuroaesthetics does far more than borrowing from the latest science—the thinking style and main categories of aesthetics should also be able to boost neuroscience with the exploration of the principles of love, creativity and happiness and the understanding of the relationships between language, images and intentions.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 180- [Abstract] ( 541 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1644KB] ( 788 )
190 Qiu Ge
The Origin and Boundaries of Communication: Based on the Thinking of Habermas, Husserl and Levinas
The initial interaction is shown as the interaction between people. In the process of communication, people will form a specific communication model, form small groups, and eventually constitute a community. Although communication was subject to some explicit social conditions and norms, Habermas further emphasized the ontological status of communication as a procedure--the premise of validity of communication generated through argumentation in communication, including authenticity, reality, correctness, appropriateness, sincerity, intelligibility and comprehensiveness and other effective requirements, which is the core of the rationality of communication--corresponding to the essence of things, and a basic human quality. In this light, Habermas considered the communicative behavior and procedures as the hints of the intrinsic characteristics of humans to deal with the limits of the theory of “keeping communication through communication”. However, Husserl pointed out that given the typification and idealization caused by the common experience between subjects in the daily life, rationality was just a grand conceptual model. So how could such common activities be carried out and the synchronic experience be obtained? In response to this question, Husserl addressed that it is the transcendental subject that impresses others by means of intentionality, and makes up a "transformed self" in the other, thus establishing the first community within the self, which constitutes the foundation of the inter-community of all other subjects at a higher level. However, it is reasonable for us to consider it a paradoxical matter that Husserl faced the threat of solipsism but publicity originated from the dark and unclear interior of the transcendental ego. According to the contradiction between the transcendental ego and multiple transcendental subjects that Husserl couldn’t handle, Levinas proposed “facing others”, the principle of communication dynamics. Levinas believed that others were the bearers of the cold and oppressive existence in the void, the beings who have never been defined, while death was similar to the other and God was the optimal face of the other, which was a question with the characteristics of infinity and uncertainty. When facing others, being responsible for others, setting the direction for a sustainable exchange, providing the original kinetic energy and putting morality before existence were defenses of human goodness, which was the ultimate foundation of the possibility of public communication in the context of Western rational thought. From the perspectives of the three thinkers above, communication was only possible in the highest real world of life and on the premise of distinction between others, thus forming the basic structure of self-world-other with its basic motivation intentionality from consciousness. However, none of the above three thinkers solved the problem of deeper source of communication. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the structure of human self-consciousness in-depth, and this study offers an analysis of symbol and language regarding the suspension of consciousness.
2020 Vol. 6 (5): 190- [Abstract] ( 538 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1685KB] ( 791 )


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