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2020, Vol.6 Num.1
Online: 2020-01-10

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 363 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1424KB] ( 448 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 3- [Abstract] ( 249 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 17 )
5 Dong Xuebing Pan Deng Zhou Guping
National Governance System and Governance Capacity Building: Development and Sharing

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China marks a significant milestone in the history of the institutional construction of China. The socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's systems of governance are formed in the long-term practice of revolution, construction, and reform. The practices made in Zhejiang Province, Huzhou City, and Zhili County of the socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's systems of governance demonstrate the value of China’s governance in this epoch. Historical experience has shown it is correct, effective and successful for China to uphold and improve the leadership of the CPC, the socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as the people-centered philosophy of seeking truth from facts. The construction of the socialism with Chinese characteristics and its governance system and governance capacity guarantees the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, improves social productivity, and safeguards social equity and justice. Chinese governance, by setting an example of “non-Western modernization” for developing countries, promotes and supports the global governance programs of multilateralism, boosts mutual learning among civilizations, and provides reference for the countries and nations who want to accelerate development and maintain their independence at the same time. The pattern of Chinese governance is of considerable significance all over the world.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 5- [Abstract] ( 488 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1407KB] ( 579 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 13- [Abstract] ( 198 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 18 )
30 Ma Shuzhong Cao Xinsheng Zhang Hongsheng
The Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on Cross-border E-commerce Exports and Its Spatial Spillover Effect

Exchange rate plays a price-converting role in international trade and is an important tool for regulating trade balances. Exchange rate changes will have a profound impact on international trade activities. Cross-border e-commerce is an emerging and global business pattern. Exchange rate changes will also affect the trade costs, pricing and profit margins of cross-border e-commerce, thus affecting the overall development of the cross-border e-commerce industry and long-term growth of international trade. Exploring the impact of exchange rate changes on cross-border e-commerce is important for dealing with exchange rate risks, promoting the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce and the steady growth of international trade. Researches on exchange rate and traditional trade have been systematic and comprehensive, while there are few studies on exchange rate changes and cross-border e-commerce, but the topics related to cross-border e-commerce have received more and more attention from academic circles. Based on the data from SUNYOU data base, this paper takes the emerging cross-border e-commerce as the research object. This paper first uses the spatial statistical method to analyze the basic situation of Chinese cross-border e-commerce export trade, and describes the specific spatial layout of the trade flows by the amount of trade and the volume of trade. Subsequently, this paper uses the panel regression model with multi-dimensional fixed effect to estimate the effects of exchange rate fluctuations and other factors (such as price level, geographical distance and economic development level) on Chinese cross-border e-commerce export trade, and make a comparison between the differential impact of exchange rate changes on cross-border e-commerce export trade and traditional export trade, both of which can extend the research area related to cross-border e-commerce and international trade. Based on the spatial layout characteristics of Chinese cross-border e-commerce trade flow, this paper also introduces the spatial estimation method in empirical analysis by making use of the Spatial Durbin Model, and uses the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method to explore the potential spatial spillover effects of exchange rate changes on cross-border e-commerce export trade from the two dimensions of geographical proximity and economical proximity. This paper draws the following conclusions: (1) Consistent with the influence of the exchange rate on traditional export trade, the depreciation of the target country’s currency exchange rate will lead to a reduction in Chinese cross-border e-commerce exports to the target country, though the degree of impact varies; (2) The spatial distribution of Chinese cross-border e-commerce export trade is wide-ranging, but the intensity of different regions varies greatly. From the two dimensions of geographical proximity and economical proximity, there is a relatively stable spatial correlation between the cross-border e-commerce exports to different destination countries, regardless of the amount of trade or the volume of trade; (3) There is a spatial spillover effect in the impact of exchange rate changes on Chinese cross-border e-commerce export trade, that is, exchange rate changes will not only affect Chinese cross-border e-commerce export to a certain destination country , but also affect Chinese cross-border e-commerce export to other countries in the geographical proximity or economical proximity of the destination country. The policy implications contained in this paper mainly have three aspects: Firstly, in the process of promoting the transformation and upgrading of international trade, it is required to strengthen economic cooperation(especially over the exchange rate system arrangement)with other countries, and maintain the stability of the exchange rate from the institutional level; Secondly, while developing cross-border e-commerce export trade, it is necessary to implement a target market diversification strategy to diversify and weaken the influence of currency exchange rate changes of major trading partners. Thirdly, while boosting the cross-border e-commerce, it is of great importance to strengthen the awareness of exchange rate risk management and improve the exchange rate risk management system,and avoid the expected risks brought about by exchange rate changes by settlement currency adjustment and exchange rate-related financial derivatives.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 30- [Abstract] ( 554 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1846KB] ( 545 )
36 Zhu Xiaofeng
Labor Rights Protection in the Digital Age

The digital revolution caused by the rapid advance of digital technology has profoundly affected the social, economic and legal policies of modern countries. In China, in line with the background of the digital age, the state stresses the positive impact of digitalization in the economic field at the macro policy level, and strives to further promote the development of the digital economy through institutionalized measures. In contrast, the negative effects of the digital revolution, especially the potential hazards digitalization poses to the protection of labor rights, have been intentionally or unintentionally ignored. In fact, only by paying adequate attention to the adverse impacts of the digital revolution on the protection of labor rights and eliminating it as much as possible through legal methods can we ensure the healthy development of the digital economy to the greatest extent and benefit most people. The first challenge of the digital revolution to the protection of labor rights is that it has changed the traditional work model, making the standards for defining labor relations in the traditional labor law unable to apply in the new work model. As a result, the labor protection rules established by traditional labor law cannot provide protection for workers in the new work mode. In this regard, the labor law should be transformed from a rigid requirements essentialism standard to a moderately open equality factorism standard, so that the definition of labor relationship standard in the digital age can maintain stability while also being moderately flexible. On the basis of establishing a new standard for defining labor relations, the labor law should take the protection of labor rights as the basic purpose, and be improved in a timely manner, in order to adapt to the changes in the time and space structure of working models brought by digital technology. Firstly, the labor law should recognize the right of teleworking timely, so that workers can enjoy the convenience of digital transformation as much as possible; secondly, the labor law should fully protect the right of workers’ right to rest, so that workers will not suffer physical damage due to digitization; thirdly, the labor law should explicitly recognize that workers have the right not to respond, in order to distinguish workers’ working hours from rest time, so as to provide legal protection for the recovery of labor capacity, maintenance of physical health and the development of free personality. As for the contradiction between the employer’s innovation in working methods and the protection of workers’ personal data rights caused by the rapid development of digital technology, the law should take the full protection of personal data as the premise and properly take into account the effective use of data. In this regard, for the protection and use of laborer personal data, the labor law should follow the principle of giving priority to workers’ personal dignity, the principle of public interest, the principle of appropriate tolerance of workers, and the principle of necessary restrictions on employers. As far as labor law is concerned, finding a balance among laborer, employers and the social public interests is conducive to maintaining and promoting the healthy and orderly development of the digital economy. On the whole, the rapid development of digital technology is both a challenge and an opportunity to protect labor rights.Therefore, if the labor law wants to provide more adequate protection for the realization of labor rights in the digital age, to solve problems more efficiently, to formulate and be accepted by more people, and to become more integrated, profound and far-sighted, it must also embrace change to improve itself.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 36- [Abstract] ( 669 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1588KB] ( 966 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 50- [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 18 )
52 Ni Xing Zhang Jun
The Differences and Its Reasons of Corruption Perceptions from Social Strata at All Levels:An Empirical Analysis Based on the 2016 Survey Data of the Situation of the National Anti-corruption

Under the background of China's anti-corruption campaign in recent years, the research on public corruption perceptions has become a hot topic in the field of anti-corruption. Existing researches mainly explain and analyze the differences of public corruption perceptions of government from the perspectives of politics, economy and culture, government anti-corruption performance and source of media information channels, but ignore the influence of class differences within the public on their corruption perceptions and their internal mechanism. Based on the empirical analysis of 2016 survey data of the situation of the national anti-corruption,the resultsindicate that:holding the other constants, (1)there is a significant correlation between the public social class status and corruption perceptions, which shows the characteristics of the “U” type on the whole, (2) and public inthe middle class has a significantly lower level of corruption perceptions. In the ordinal Logit regression model of central, provincial, municipal and county/district governments, the probability that the middleclass would significantly decline their perceptionslevel of corruption to the corresponding level of government is 13.20%, 67.03%, 49.03% and 68.88%, respectively, compared with the public who rated themselves as lower-class. At the same time, compared with the lower-class, the lower middle-class and the upper-middle class are also more likely to think that governments at all levels have a lower level of corruption. Except for the model of county government, the perceptionsdifference between the upper class and the lower class is not significant. This result is still true even after controlling the mediating variables such as corruption tolerance and anti-corruption satisfaction. Therefore, the internal reason may be closely related to the conservative tendency of the middle class in political character. Subsequently, the results of robustness check of larger samples are basically consistent. Further analysis of mediating effect by Sobel test methoddemonstrates that the differences in corruption tolerance, anti-corruption satisfaction, corruption experience and perceptions information source of different social strata and etc., are the important internal influencing mechanism that causes the differences incorruption perceptions. In particular, the degree of anti-corruption satisfaction and corruption tolerance are relatively high in mediating effect of each model, while the mediating effect of corruption experience and perceptionsinformation source is relatively low and unstable. The above results indicate that although the anti-corruption efforts of the government have been acknowledged by middle class in recent years, the fact that the lower-class have highercorruption perceptions of governments at all levelsuggests that the government should optimize its anti-corruption strategies in the future and pay more attention to solving the corruption problems which are in close proximity to the people.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 52- [Abstract] ( 409 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1752KB] ( 539 )
70 Ma Chunbo Pang Guiming Zhang Dongliang
An Analysis of the 2019 U.S. College Admissions Bribery Scandal and Its Inspirations to China

This paper analyses the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal of America in detail, sorts out the criminal networks and fraudulent practice, and reveals the causes of corruption in the U.S. college admissions. It reflects on the American college admissions system, whichtends to be simplisticallypromoted as the standard approach for its much-cited advantages such as "multiple selection criteria" and "well-established social integrity system".The paper deeply uncovers the origin of such corruption in terms of both the internal institutional system and the external social environment. Firstly, the diversification of evaluation criteria hides power imbalance in the enrollment process. As a result, power restriction and balance in college enrollment management can be easily neglected under the slogan of "university autonomy". Secondly, over-reliance on social credit system rather than power of balance system, overconfidence in a system which relies heavily on moral self-consciousness, and lack of restriction in the operation system make power rent-seeking possible. Thirdly, the lack of information disclosure in the college enrollment process may lead to the lack of public supervision, creating the soil for exchange of benefits. Lastly, vested interests under money politics seek intergenerational continuity of superiority. Rich families in the U.S. may use their economic strength to obtain special pathways in college admissions, to make sure that their children gain competitive advantages over peers. In its ongoing college enrollment reform, China should learn the lessons of the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal of America. While the American college admissions practice is considered a model for its diversified criteria and comprehensive evaluation, particular attention should be paid to its potential corruption risks due to the loss of power restriction and balance. While expanding university autonomy, college enrollment policies should be in line with the national reality of societal development, attach paramount importance to power balance and supervision, and improve the system and mechanism so as to effectively curb corruption. Firstly, a college enrollment scheme should be constructed which follows the principle of equilibrium and separation of decision-making power, enforcement power, and supervision power. Based on the division of decision-making functions, executive functions, and supervision functions, an effective separation structure of the college enrollment powers could be built to ensure that the division of different departments and processes in college admissions is exactly clear and harmonious with each other. Therefore, a system dependent on power balance and restriction could be well established. Secondly, the system for prevention of interest conflict should be built. It is important to strengthen preventative education for admissions staff and clarify the moral and policy risks of power trading, so that the possibility of power rent-seeking could be reduced. Thirdly, the disclosure of college admissions information should be promoted. Disclosing non-confidential information of college admissions policies helps to break down information barriers, strengthen external restrictions and supervision, and therefore minimize the grey area for power rent-seeking and benefit exchange. Last but not least, any offenders in college admissions should be severely punished. It is crucial to strengthen legal education for examinees and inflict high-pressure punishments on illegal and criminal behaviors, in order to raise the cost of corruption and ensure fairness and justice in college admissions.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 70- [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1379KB] ( 649 )
90 Wu Xiaobo Zhang Haoyu
What Latecomer Firms Can Do to Deal with Organizational Crisis Caused by Competition? A Case Study Based on Huawei’s Experience

In the catch-up process, latecomer firms frequently face targeted threats from external competitors due to competition and sometimes even fall into organizational crises, which has a very severe impact on the survival and development of such enterprises. However, current catch-up research field has not paid enough attention to this phenomenon. By conducting in-depth exploratory single-case analyses of major crisis events in the development of intellectual property competitiveness of the high-tech company Huawei, three research questions were resolved. (1) Why do the crises occur? (2) How could latecomer firms better survive the crisis? (3) How could latecomer firms learn and grow up from the crisis? This study finds:(1) The combined effects of external targeted hostilities from incumbent companies and the lack of alertness and competitiveness weaknesses within the latecomer firms make them more likely to fall into (competition-induced) organizational crises.(2) Systematic scanning and analyses of the internal and external environment to accurately perceive and identify external threats and internal competitiveness deficiencies are the basis of crisis management for latecomers, and this action can increase the vigilance of the organization and provide necessary information for the organization’s further actions.(3) Appropriate ″crisis adaptation behaviors″ can help latecomer companies mitigate external threats and escape from crises at a lower cost, thereby winning a suitable development space, ″crisis adaptation behaviors″ include the comprehensive use of necessary compromises (cooperation) and counterattacks (competition). (4) Systematic organizational change is an important means for latecomers to enhance organizational competitiveness, which is a fundamental approach to mitigate the possibility of all future crises. By emphasizing the significance of crisis management in the catch-up process of latecomers, this research primarilycontributes to the field of catch-up research of latecomers. The conclusions of this article show that it is very dangerous to ignore the possible crisis (caused by competition) in the catch-up process of latecomers, because even if ″all parameters are set″, one organizational crisis could still easily destroy all the hard works of the enterprises overnight. By analyzing Huawei’s case, this study provides a template for latecomers, explaining why a crisis occurs, how to better survive the crisis, and how to learn from it and get stronger. In addition, the importance of IP management for latecomers has been highlighted. This article integrates IP resources and IP management capabilities into the IPC structure and considers it as an important independent component of the company’s overall competitiveness. Finally, this study also enriches theories on crisis and crisis management. This study finds and proposes another factor that increases the possibility of a crisis: internal competitiveness (resources and capabilities).For latecomer firms with weak internal competitiveness, the crisis is largely due to low resistance to external threats. Therefore, the fundamental way to prevent crisis from happening again is to enhance organizational competitiveness. In addition, the research conclusions of this article also have made important practical implications for the catch-up process of Chinese manufacturing companies in a turbulent environment.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 90- [Abstract] ( 371 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1714KB] ( 408 )
100 Jin Xuejun Xiao Yixin
CEO Career Concern and Peer Effect in Corporate Investment

With the development of behavior finance, mutual influences and learning among the firms in the same industry has been a research hotspot. It is shown by a fact: the companies’ investment strategies are influenced not only by their financial status, but also by their peers’ investment decisions. Indeed, the impact of peer effect on corporate investment is nonnegligible. Career concern is one of the main motivations of the peer effect. Investigating the influence mechanism of the concern to that peer effect can help investors and companies accurately identify and effectively reduce the managers’ haphazard investment. Moreover, how to measure the career concern is a key point to our research. Based on the three dominant proxy variables for the career concern, we draw four conclusions: Firstly, CEOs who desire to establish reputation in the industry are less likely to follow their peers(mimic their peers’ investment decisions), while those who intend to maintain a great reputation they have owned in the industry are more likely to follow their peers. Secondly, young and newly appointed CEOs prefer personal investment strategies. Thirdly, CEOs are more likely to follow their peers when the firm’s investment performance is worse than the median of the industry. Fourthly, CEOs tend to follow their peers if they could increase the probability to reappointment. According to the rational herding model, most CEOs imitate their peers’ investment decisions to relieve their career concern. In the labor market, CEOs’ rewards and promotions are correlated with their relative performances rather than the absolute performances. Foreign scholars suggest that it is occasional to draw a successful personalized decision while a failure personalized decision will be attributed to the CEO’s ideas. Hence, it is much wiser for CEOs to follow others rather than conducting independently. To compare with it, the structure of CEOs’ rewards is defective and the ratio of performance reward is quite low in Chinese companies, which gives the CEOs no incentives to make personal investment decisions. Another stress is from the serious information opacity and policy uncertainty in the Chinese market. Under this condition, the optimal decisions are more time-consuming and difficult for them. Thus, mimicking peers’ decisions can shrink the decision costs and reduce the risks. By referring to most literatures in this field, the existing ones are merely reaching the level of discovering this phenomenon. However, nobody explores the generation mechanism of the peer effect. Our paper is the first to investigate the influence of the career concern on the peer effect. Through grouping the sample based on the CEO age, we find that an inverted U-shaped correlation between the peer effect and the CEO age, which means that only the CEOs who want to maintain their reputations in the industry are more likely to follow the peers. In contrast, for the CEOs who want to establish the reputations in the industry, personal strategies are more suitable. This finding suggests that peer effect is caused by the career concern pursuing stable relative investment performance and lower investment risks. In other words, not all the career concerns cause peer effect. Further, we respectively use CEO tenure and the performance pressures to measure career concern. According to the results, we find that CEOs who have been successfully reappointed or taking less performance pressures are more likely to follow their peers. These results are consistent with the conclusions from the basic regression, these CEOs need low-risk and stable relative performances to sustain their reputations in the industry. Furthermore, we classify the sample into four groups based on the CEO tenure and the performance pressures simultaneously. We find that only the CEOs who are reappointed and facing less performance pressures are more likely to take the follow strategies. For the CEOs who are newly appointed prefer personal investment strategies to establish their reputations regardless of the performance pressures. All the results provide the evidence that the career concern to maintain the reputations in the industry leads to the peer effect. Thus, our research confirms the correlation between the peer effect and the career concern and fills up the blank in the field of the generation mechanism of the peer effect. Indeed, there is a serious endogeneity issue when using average investment as the independent variable. To solve this problem, we apply the 2SLS model and select idiosyncratic stock return and its standard deviation as the instrument variables. To construct the instrument variables, we apply the four-factor model to eliminate the impacts of external factors. To ensure the quality of the instrument variables, we examine the relevance criterion and exclusion criterion respectively. We believe our methods have minimized the effect of the endogeneity issue.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 100- [Abstract] ( 487 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1585KB] ( 538 )
110 Wang Zhikai Zhu Wenjie Lu Yangyang Zhang Siming Wang Xuesong
Solving the Structural Problem and Supporting High-Quality Economic Development Through the Mixed Ownership Reform

Promoting high-quality economic development is the goal of China’s macroeconomic policy in the current period and near future. To improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and broaden the development scope for private enterprises to achieve a simultaneous development of both SOEs and private firms in the mixed-ownership reform is undoubtedly an effective way to implement high-quality economic development. The executive meeting of the State Council has decided on Nov. 27th, 2019to make further steps to improve the business environment. One week after, on Dec. 4th, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council published ″The Guideline for Fostering a Better Environment to Support the Reform and Development of Private Enterprises″, which focused on the construction of business environment through marketization, institutionalization and internationalization, and the large opening up of economic sectors for private enterprises. This has provided an opportunity for a wide and substantial progress of mixed ownership reform, and the state and non-state owned economy will simultaneously grow in the reform through joint-stock cooperation. Now China has a state-owned, private-owned and foreign-owned ownership structure in the economy system, in which the non-state part, including private-owned and foreign-owned economy, has provided the motivation for innovative development, realizing substantial progresses in employment and people’s livelihood, nurturing and strengthening the enterprises and entrepreneurship in the economic development. As China has reached the level of a middle-income country, the challenge of middle-income trap and many other structural problems in the economy have gradually become more and more prominent. Recently the global rise of protectionism and unilateralism and the escalation of the trade war between China and the USA have joined forces with the economic slowdown in China, resulting in a downgrading of the traditional scale expansion development model that relies heavily on investment and export.Entrepreneurship has showed signs of shrinkage. China needs an urgent internal economic rebalance to achieve a structural transition, which can promote new motivations, transform and upgrade traditional motivations for a high-quality economic development. The promotion of mixed-ownership reform is to reform the state-owned economy with the competitiveness of the private economy, and incite a widespread social development of entrepreneurship, which are beneficial for the growth of new motivations as well as the transformation of traditional motivations. Solving structural problems with mixed-ownership reform will undoubtedly drive the sustainable growth of China’s economy to achieve the macroeconomic policy goal of high-quality development. The paths and approaches of the mixed ownership reform should now focus on these aspects: First, break the long-standing monopoly of SOEs in resource industries, and the cancel the SOEs’ monopoly privilege in certain markets. Second, fasten the marketization reform of public services, and provide better conditions for private enterprises to enter these areas. Third, reform the large and unified bank system, and create an economic system with bank industry and private enterprises collaboratively supporting the mixed ownership reform of SOEs. Eventually, the mixed ownership reform will solve the structural problem in China’s economy, activate the industrial network, market network, intellectual network and resource of SOEs, and release the resource and entrepreneurship of private enterprises and private investors, which can promote the innovative development in China and elevate China’s competitiveness, realize the high-quality economic development in China.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 110- [Abstract] ( 386 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1480KB] ( 376 )
120 Tan Huijuan Mei Feng
On Ethiopianisms as Beacon of Africana Anti-colonialist Traditions

European Renaissance and Enlightenment put an end to the superiority of God over Man, while Eurocentrism regards Greece, Rome and Europe as the origins of civilization and, accordingly endows them with some privileges. In contrast, Afrocentrism holds that human history and civilization originates in Africa, by stressing that black people and Egyptians made outstanding contributions to the evolution of human history and civilization, and thus provides some theoretical propositions for African countries' independence from their colonizers in the 1960s and also for postcolonialism theory. For more than half a century, Western scholars, especially those in the margins have tried to adopt history, anthropology, philosophy, archaeology, mythology and other disciplines to change the both/and, or either/or relations between Eurocentrism and Afrocentrism. But no significant achievements were made. New scholarship for African Studies in China is found increasingly important in the context that the Chinese people and the black people had the same destiny which facilitates the cultural and political exchange between China and Africa. Chinese scholars put aside not only the concepts of ″Eurocentrism″ and ″white supremacy″, but also the idea of ″Afrocentrism″ in their research, preferring the concept of the shared community of human destiny by Xi Jinping, who deems that in pursuit of their own country's interests, they should take the legitimate concerns of all other countries into account, so as to promote a world common development and prosperity. In 2000, China and 53 African countries that had established diplomatic relations jointly established ″the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation″, aiming at achieving mutually-beneficial cooperation to build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future for humanity. Ethiopia's population ranks the second largest and it is one of the oldest countries in Africa. Ethiopians boast that it is also the only country in Africa that has not been completely conquered by European colonists. However, how can Ethiopia be scrutinized in an all-round way in the context of modernism? To find the answer, the author tries to elucidate what is Ethiopia's historical position in Africa, and what leads Ethiopia to the road of rejuvenation, and what impact it has on Africa, Europe and even the United States. Ethiopian, known nowadays as an African version of China, possesses six forces of indigenous impulses, which not only facilitates an African Rise, but also plays an integral part in the construction of a new World Order and a global community with a shared future for humanity, and which are also the departure of research in this essay, namely, taking Ethiopian as the origin of African civilization, taking Ethiopian Movement as African political tradition, taking Ethiopian Amharic language--the only surviving language as African weapon against colonialism, taking Ethiopian philosophy as African existential sagacity, taking Ethiopian art as African cultural essence, and lastly taking Ethiopian Airs as aspiration of modernism of African literature. Ethiopia, as a successful evidence to prove itself,has also provided proof in support of China's idea of a global community with a shared future for mankind which embodies poly-centrisms instead of mono-centrism.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 120- [Abstract] ( 429 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1470KB] ( 1016 )
125 Cao Danhong
Early Reception of Russian Formalism in France and Its Influence

Initially introduced into France by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Tzvetan Todorov, Russian formalism is recognized as one of the most important sources for French contemporary poetics and literary theories. The legacy of Russian formalism is reflected in French poetics in mainly three aspects. First of all, Propp’s research on the basic structure of folk tales and his interpretation of the concept of function, Tomas?evskij and other formalists’ distinction between the concept of fabula (Story) and Sjuzhet (Plot) and their discussion of the relationship between these two terms largely inspired French scholars and laid the ground for the establishment of structuralist narratology by offering perspectives of both narrative structure and narrative discourse. Secondly, the Russian formalists’ reflections on the nature and function of literature were always carried out within a certain literary genre. On the one hand, supported by the concept of system, they tried to logically classify literary genres. On the other, in their studies of prose, they focused primarily on the organization of the plot. By delineating the distinctive features of this genre, they managed to produce the first narrative studies. Their theory and points of view inspired the French scholars, especially Todorov in his research of literary genres, leading to progresses that could not have been accomplished by classical poetics. Finally, a prominent feature of French contemporary poetics is the centrality of the notion of “literariness” which was then vigorously explored, but French scholars’ use of the term “literariness” and their understanding of the concept were directly indebted to the Russian formalists, particularly from Jakobson’s research. However, the reception of Russian formalism among French scholars did not simply stop at the introduction of several terms and concepts. To delve deeper, they further developed Russian formalists’ idea to make literary studies a science. Like many Russian formalists, they borrowed numerous linguistic concepts and methods, and promoted the development of literary theory with enthusiasm and confidence. Their work established the whole conceptual framework for contemporary poetics, contributed to the change of paradigms in literary studies, and, by highlighting the importance of literary theory, made the latter one of the fundamental components of literary studies alongside literary history and literary criticism. The earliest reception of Russian formalism in France introduced new research subjects and methodologies for French poetics during the 1960s and 1970s and largely determined its orientation. Meanwhile, the research results obtained in this period have become important sources for theoretical and methodological renewals in the fields of poetics and literary studies. Their far-reaching impacts have continued to this day. With regard to the early reception of Russian formalism among French researchers on poetics, scholars within/out China usually focused more on the spread and evolution of structuralist poetics, and thus lacked an overall understanding of the general situation of such influence. This paper aims to conduct a more comprehensive examination of such a history of reception. By inventorying the French translations of Russian formalists’ works, comparing them with the works published by French scholars in the same period, and making use of researchers’ own explication of the reception as well as other scholars’ historical research, this paper attempts to find out exactly on which aspects, and in what ways the French poetics has inherited Russian formalism. The paper aims to clarify the intricate relationship between contemporary French poetics and Russian formalism, to apprehend the extension and intension of the former, to understand the applicability of its theories and methods, to grasp the roots of its problems and their possible solutions, and also in the meantime to reach a reinterpretation of Russian formalism. With all these, this paper wishes to demonstrate what French poetics and Russian formalism can offer us at the present.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 125- [Abstract] ( 546 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1475KB] ( 597 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 128- [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 22 )
130 Liao Weimin
Constructing a Global Media City with Merging Communication Strategies: A Theoretical Enlightenment from Thoughts on Building ″a Community of Shared Future for All Humankind″

In the context of a new globalization, the globalization of Chinese cities and the global communication of global cities in China have become new phenomena in the new era. Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) at Loughborough University have continually upgraded the rank of Chinese cities in its reports. In the charts of The World According to GaWC 2018, there are 44 Chinese cities among 374 cities listed from ″alpha++″ to ″sufficiency″, accounting for 11.76%, compared with 2012 only 18 cities listed. The pattern is like sports competition, showing that the Chinese national team for urban agglomeration has entered the international arena, and has made a huge progress.  In the meanwhile, it is the thought of building ″a community of shared future for all humankind″ proposed by President Xi Jinping, which is an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with rich connotation, provides a new approach for urban global communication researches, and shows a new realm in global media studies. Starting from the question of global governance, this study pursues the theoretical concerns and value implications of the thought of building ″a community of shared future for all humankind″, which is a five-in-one thinking providing valuable theoretical enlightenments for the construction of a global media city from the perspective of New Cosmopolitanism. The main value is actually manifested in the city to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. To reach this goal, it is necessary to integrate domestic and foreign situations, achieve win-win cooperation through positive-sum game.  From the perspective of media geography, this study also examines the interaction between local and global factors in the following four categories: human interaction, media communication, government governance, and geographic representation in urban space, thus constructing a research model for urban global communication research against the background of new globalization. From the perspective of global communication, these four levels of factors usually have mutual competition, cooperation, mixed coexistence, harmonious symbiosis and future development between their locality and globality. How can Chinese cities better adapt to the tide of global communication and construct a global media city with a global vision and a Chinese style? The essence of this problem is to make the media scale of Chinese cities jump from the local to the global level, or to make the global scale and the Chinese native local scale coexist in a city. Within the urban space of China, many interesting cases or phenomena can be observed and explained by this model. For example, the Syrians in Yiwu, a city with fabulous e-commerce and small commodity market in China, which has no artillery but only business. In this case, it is a contrasting urban media global communication landscape, and it is also an organic tolerance and flexible transformation between locality and globality in a geographical media scale.  Under this model, this study clarifies the era orientation of global communication in Chinese cities, and proposes five strategies: 1) Following the tides of development; 2) Promoting the circulation by breaking through the blockage; 3) Rooting in local community; 4) Forming a local climate by gathering resources; 5) Warming people's heart and making their dreams come true. Through the discussion of urban media and global communication issues, it can be found that its theoretical framework is completed in the perspective of new cosmopolitanism. Finally, this study predicts that there will be more Chinese cities moving to the upper position of the global urban system, realizing the new cosmopolitan and the win-win situation, and realizing the ″world dream″ to build ″a community of shared future for all humankind″.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 130- [Abstract] ( 421 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1535KB] ( 566 )
140 Lai Liangtao
Principles for the Construction of China's Diplomatic Discourse from the Perspective of Discursive Power

As a major form of international communication, diplomatic discourse is saturated with the culture of national countries and full of struggles for discursive power between multiple cultures on the basis of their unique access to and deployment of discursive resources. Thus, in order to set the basic principles for the construction of China's unique diplomatic discourse, we should take into consideration the struggles of multiple cultures for discursive power, and the construction and maintenance of China's advantageous discursive power in the world. This requires us to break the limitations of Western dualist view of discursive power characterized by zero-game antagonism, uphold a dialectical and social constructionist view, and fully understand the role of diplomatic discourse in the construction of China's international discursive power, so as to make the construction of our diplomatic discourse conducive to the protection of our righteous interest and the promotion of international peaceful development and win-win cooperation. The dialectic intercultural competition analysis advocated by Cultural Discourse Studies (CDS), when adopted as one of the basic theoretic approaches for the construction of China's diplomatic discourse, can help us overthrow the discursive hegemony of Western countries, learn from the diverse cultures in the world, and develop an all-embracing diplomatic discourse system with Chinese characteristics. As discursive power can only be created through the effective possession, selection and utilization of discursive resources, we can decide the principles for the construction of China's diplomatic discourse according to the control and usage of the elemental resources in discursive communication. Specifically, as for the construction of discourse contents, we should create a scientific theory of China's diplomacy based on the in-depth exploration into traditional Chinese culture and integration with the merits of other cultures in the world, and timely proffer topics and solutions of international affairs in accordance with the changing world situations, so as to enhance our content authority over international diplomacy. In terms of participant resources, in addition to continued efforts to improve official, formulaic communication between governmental institutions and persons, efforts should also be made to encourage our non-governmental organizations, institutions, enterprises and common people to engage in public diplomatic activities, and to implicitly popularize our policies and solutions among the mass people of the target countries in their favorite ways. As regards the communication channel resources, while improving the use of traditional media resources such as official press conferences, newspapers and speeches, we can make full use of public mass media resources such as popular books, magazines, movies, TV shows, advertisements and self-media, so as to improve our control over the media channels of our diplomatic discourse. In addition, all the principles and tactics should be integrated into a whole discourse system, so as to ensure that the construction of China's diplomatic discourse system will help improve our discursive power in the world.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 140- [Abstract] ( 622 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1434KB] ( 554 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 141- [Abstract] ( 143 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 21 )
142 Pang Xuequan Cheng Xiang
The Development Status Quo and the Future of Leisure Studies in Western Countries: A Research Conducted in the Perspective of Disciplinary Institution and the Method of Knowledge Mapping

The scientific knowledge mapping method in the field of Scientometrics is introduced in this paper. With the assistance of the literature analysis software CiteSpace and the self-contained analysis tool of Web of Science database, a quantified and visualized analysis has been conducted on three elements (i.e., journal, researcher and research institution) that have constituted the core contents of the disciplinary institution based on the past 21-year Western literature on leisure studies. Efforts have been made to objectively evaluate and judge the status quo of Western leisure studies as far as possible with an attempt to adopt the perspective of the disciplinary institution and knowledge mapping method, hence to provide predictions and suggestions for the development of leisure studies. The research found that there are seven professional journals on leisure studies, including Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, Annals of Leisure Research, Leisure/Loisir, Loisir et Société/Society and Leisure and World Leisure Journal, among which the first three journals are core journals on leisure studies together with Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Management, both of which are tourism journals. The knowledge source for researches on leisure studies has been formed by a great combination of studies of leisure, tourism, marketing, psychology, sociology, sports and management. Scholars such as Karla A. Henderson, Susan M. Shaw, Douglas A. Kleiber, Robert A. Stebbins, Edgar L. Jackson, Yoshitaka Iwasaki, John L. Crompton, Duane W. Crawford, Seppo E. Iso-Ahola, John R. Kelly, David Scott, Roger C. Mannell, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and so forth, have made outstanding contributions in establishing the discipline of leisure studies. The Department?of Recreation & Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo, the Department?of Recreation Park & Tourism Management at Pennsylvania State University, the Department?of Recreation Park & Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University and the Department?of Recreation Sport & Tourism at the University of Illinois are key research institutes on leisure studies globally. In other words, leisure studies have basically achieved the establishment of discipline in Western countries by being equipped with specialized academic journals, researchers, educational and research institutes. The disciplinary institution of leisure studies is presented with inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary tendencies and an obviously regional centralized trait, which reflects a cluster-based disciplinary development model. Although cluster-based disciplinary development model advances the growth of leisure application and practices, and provides many significant questions at a practical level for the theoretical research of leisure studies, the problems and contradictions arising therefrom cannot be ignored: scattered distribution of research literature on leisure studies and the high-quality articles not necessarily being published in leisure journals all affect the academic influence of these leisure journals. Scholars in this field have a wide range of research interests. Limited energy in its study which results in the low output of theoretical research results affects the systematic theory construction of leisure studies and its influence as an independent discipline. Besides, there are basically no independent disciplines on leisure studies among the educational research institutes. Above all, the contradiction hidden in the cluster-based development model of leisure studies and other related disciplines -- a conflict between the entity establishment of leisure organization at the institutional level and the developing requirements of researches on leisure studies at the academic level. The development of industry-oriented and cluster-based discipline has barricaded and restricted the basic theoretical progress of leisure studies, while the relevant practical study and application have been increasingly enriched. Fortunately, scholars have started in recent years to engage in the study of basic theories consciously, pushing the disciplinary construction of leisure studies in a theoretical way by exploring its core concepts and frontier developments in the perspectives of sociology and philosophy. In the future, disciplinary institution of leisure studies should be further improved. Respects should be paid to the law of discipline development, with the continual practice of making full use of the advantages of cluster-based disciplinary development model, to push a deep integration of leisure studies and other disciplines. Consciousness of discipline self-reinforcing shall be established, exploration and construction for basic theories of leisure studies shall be emphasized, and persistent efforts shall be spared to promote applied researches and the development of leisure business.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 142- [Abstract] ( 530 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 7822KB] ( 507 )
150 Liu Huimei Jia Shengzhi
How Does Leisure Define Who I Am? — Leisure and Personal, Social and Cultural Identity

For a long time, work has been regarded as an activity for people to define themselves and be perceived and defined by others, while leisure is thought to play a subsidiary role to the economy. However, with the advent of the leisure era, leisure is no longer a privilege for the leisure class but becomes the right and daily lifestyle for common people. On the other hand, the high-speed development of globalization and urbanization makes people's life more unstable and alienated. The intrinsic values of leisure such as freedom and social connection thus provide people with an important way to deeply know themselves and their relationships with the outside world. Against the theoretical background of leisure and identity, this paper examines the role played by leisure in constructing and developing identity to provide people with a feasible scheme to achieve and lead a good life. To achieve the above goal, the paper first reviews the concepts of leisure and identity that have long been discussed in both Chinese and Western contexts, especially the three aspects of identity, namely, personal identity, social identity and cultural identity. Then, the fact that people nowadays have gradually turned their eyes from work to leisure related concepts such as self-fulfilling, happiness, life satisfaction to define themselves is pointed out. And freedom, as the most important feature of leisure enables people to freely explore and flexibly reflect on themselves in the context of leisure. On the other hand, the symbolic meanings contained in leisure activities benefit people in affirming themselves. With the enhancement of self-concept, self-esteem and the like, leisure gives central meaning to people's life, thus becoming a way of defining oneself. what’s more, leisure is also a social space in which people explore and seek interpersonal relationships and belongingness. The types of leisure activities demonstrate that leisure has an obvious nature of social connection, which helps people find social identity in a mass society. In addition, people act according to the social norms and behaviors regulations behind certain social roles to express and maintain their social identity. Leisure has also become a tool to challenge the essentialist view of social identity.  Lastly, leisure's role in shaping cultural identity since antiquity till now is referred to. The development of globalization promotes global tourism which makes leisure a tool of political consciousness package, culture dissemination and culture identity shaping. But in the violent collision of different cultures, people are also actively constructing a global cultural identity in their local ways. At the same time, in the constant immigration waves, engaging in some leisure activities enables those immigrants to reserve and diversify their cultural identity in the subsequent acculturation process. In summary, this paper makes contributions in two ways. Firstly, it builds a theoretical bridge between leisure and identity from a comprehensive perspective of philosophy, sociology and psychology, enriching the existing literature on leisure and identity. Secondly, combining theory with reality, it shows people how to construct a stable identity against the backdrop of globalization, urbanization and leisure age from the angle of leisure and offers people a practical way toward a beautiful life which is being highlighted by the Chinese government and enthusiastically pursued by the Chinese people at present. Future researches may extend the ways in which leisure contributes to identity construction and explore in depth on how identity is related to people's leisure motivations, choices and behaviors, etc.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 150- [Abstract] ( 613 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1475KB] ( 526 )
2020 Vol. 6 (1): 169- [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 19 )
170 Wang Cheng Wang Yunlu
On the Underlying Mechanism of Morpheme Combination of Coordinative Compound Words: From the Perspective of Core Meaning

The mainstream study of Chinese compound words adopts the principle of parallelism between morphology and syntax while overlooks, to some degree, the function of semantics in word formation. The purely formal method-based approach, with its own limitations, is unable to offer explanations for the morpheme combination and semantic evolution of compound words. In light of this, it is proposed to adopt an approach in the tradition of Chinese linguistics which makes full use of materials and methods of exegesis and pays more attention to the semantic factors in the study of word formation. The practice of exegesis indicates that core meaning, derived from the original meaning, is a kind of abstract meaning in the deep semantic structure running through and governing the various surface meanings of polysemy. It can also play a unique role in the analysis and explanation of compound words.  Coordinative compounding is one of the most productive methods of generating new words in the Chinese language. Compared with other types of compounding, it is more associated with the semantic relation of monosyllabic words. Hence, coordinative compounding of synonymous morphemes is a ″semantic″ rather than ″grammatical″ mechanism. Previous studies seldom discuss the coordinative compounding at the deep semantic level. As a matter of fact, in many cases, core meanings of monosyllabic words (morphemes) and their relations are the fundamental and deciding factor in the formation of coordinative compound words. From the perspective of core meaning, the deep reason for coordinative compounding and other related word-formation issues can be better explained. As to compound words formed by morphemes with same or similar meaning, the underlying reason for the combination of morphemes lies in the commonality of their core meanings. Cognate words share the same core meaning and the words formed by cognate morphemes, such as ″chun cui (纯粹)″, ″cu shu (粗疏)″ and ″ku he (枯涸)″. They constitute a special type of coordinative compounding. More common are the words formed by non-cognate morphemes with similar core meaning. Three aspects are discussed. Firstly, though the original meanings of component morphemes are different, they have similar semantic features which are the base of word formation, for example ″jin gu (靳固)″. Secondly, it is a prerequisite to distinguish between the original character and phonetic loan character in order to recognize the consistency between core meanings of component morphemes, for example ″rao xi (扰习)″. Thirdly, the commonality of core meanings of component morphemes also lies in the semantic relevance in some aspects, for example ″du mi (笃密)″. As to compound words formed by morphemes with related meanings, the core meanings of morphemes, despite sharing few similarities, are able to determine the relatedness between component morphemes in the surface semantic structure. Three examples are presented. Firstly, the word ″huang huo (惶惑)″ illustrates that the analysis of core meanings helps reveal the correlation between component morphemes in the deep semantic structure and thus provides an explanation for their correlation in the surface structure. Secondly, the word ″jing shuang (竞爽)″ illustrates that the combination of component morphemes is determined by the connection between their core meanings. Thirdly, the word ″qiao qin (翘勤)″ illustrates that the analysis of core meaning is also helpful in revealing the motivation of word-formation of compound words of low-transparency. As to compound words formed by morphemes with opposite meanings, the analysis of core meaning serves to facilitate our understanding of the antonym between component morphemes and the evolution of word meaning. Since the relation between the meaning of a word and its components can be conjunctive, alternative or generative, examples are provided to illustrate different situations: Firstly, in most cases, the core meanings of component morphemes are contradictory to each other and they directly determine the word meaning in the first two kinds of coordinate compound words (conjunctive and alternative), as in the case of ″chong ti (崇替)″. Secondly, in the latter kind of coordinate compound words (generative), word meaning is indirectly determined by the core meanings of component morphemes, as in the case of ″yi wei (依违)″. Thirdly, in certain cases, the core meanings of component morphemes are not directly contradictory to each other. However, they are opposite in certain aspects or dimensions, as in the case of ″you ju (优剧)″. In sum, core meaning is embedded in the deep structure of word meaning. It functions as the more fundamental and decisive factor in the combination of lexical morphemes. The analysis of core meaning contributes to a deepened and expanded synchronic and diachronic study of Chinese polysyllabic words.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 170- [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1523KB] ( 400 )
180 Zhang Wenguan
On the Bird Name “Sheng Sheng” (“猩猩”, “狌狌” and “生生”): Semantic Changes of Loanwords with Buddhist Origin

Driven by the introduction and popularity of Buddhism, a great number of Buddhist scriptures have been translated into Chinese since the Eastern Han Dynasty. Those translations, with strong colloquial characteristics, are the products of language contact and possess some features that differ from the traditional Chinese literature. Therefore, Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures are significant materials for studying language contact and the ancient Chinese used from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Song Dynasty. For the past few years, the language of Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures has been a hot academic topic in the studies of history of Chinese language. Its semantic changes, particular use of words and the interior system behind it are especially favoured by scholars. In some dictionaries for Buddhist scriptures, such as Xuan Ying Yin Yi (《玄应音义》) and Hui Lin Yin Yi (《慧琳音义》), there are records of a bird called “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) , which has a “human head” and has “the ability to speak”. The meaning of the bird name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) is totally different from that of the mammal name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”, which means the orangutan) commonly used in Chinese. Through investigation, it is found that the bird name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) is recorded in Buddhist scriptures like Fo Shuo Hua Shou Jing (《佛说华手经》), Shi Song Lv (《十诵律》) and Chu Yao Jing (《出曜经》). Different translations of the same word in Buddhist scriptures provide clues for exploring the exact meaning of the bird name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) and its origin. In the Buddhist scriptures like Fo Shuo Bodhisattva Xing Fang Bian Jing Jie Shen Tong Bian Hua Jing (《佛说菩萨行方便境界神通变化经》), Fang Guang Da Zhuang Yan Jing (《方广大庄严经》) and Da Tang Xi Yu Ji (《大唐西域记》), “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) is also translated as “ming ming” (“命命”), “gong ming” (“共命”) and “gong ming bird” (“共命鸟”). All those words are loanwords from the Sanskrit word “Jīva?-jīvaka”. In scripts, engravings and stele inscriptions of different ages, the bird name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) is also written as “sheng sheng” (狌狌”), “sheng sheng” (“生生”), or “sheng sheng” (“??”), among which “sheng sheng” (“生生”) was perhaps the first loan translation adopted by Buddhist translators. As “sheng sheng” (“生生”) represents a bird, the Chinese character component “鸟” which means a bird was added to “生” (“sheng”) to create the new word “?” (“sheng”). In no later than the Tang Dynasty, “sheng sheng” (“生生”), and “sheng sheng” (“??”) were copied and printed as “sheng sheng” ( “狌狌”) or “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) because they shared the same pronunciation. There is a bird name “sheng sheng bird” (“生生鸟”) in Dunhuang documents which refers to a kind of bird that have been caught because of drinking. Among the native vocabulary of Chinese, the mammal name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩” or the orangutan) can also be written as “sheng sheng” (“生生”) or “sheng sheng” (“狌狌”). In no later than the Han Dynasty, the word “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”) in Chinese culture has been given the characteristics of “being addicted to alcohol and thus being captured”. As they have the identical pronunciation and writing and share the characteristics of “the ability to speak” and “a human head”, the bird name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”, “狌狌”, and “生生”)in Buddhist scriptures and the mammal name “sheng sheng” (“猩猩”, “狌狌”, and “生生”)in Chinese language mixed their meanings to form the word “sheng sheng bird” (“生生鸟”) that means “a bird caught after drinking”. This special word, as a combination of Sanskrit and Chinese in semantics, can be regarded as a compound word of Sanskrit and Chinese at the semantic level. Its emergence embodies the Sinicization of the Buddhist words, that is, the Buddhist words with the Sanskrit origin transplant the semantic elements of some Chinese words and show a trend of sinicization in semantic changes under the influence of Chinese culture and Chinese vocabulary. The internal mechanism for the emergence of such special words is that certain foreign words and Chinese words have the same pronunciation and writing. Those special words are typical materials for us to study the semantic changes of foreign words and their internal laws, and the cultural exchange and contact between Chinese and foreign languages.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 180- [Abstract] ( 830 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2163KB] ( 590 )
220 Li Zhehan
Discipline Rite and Law Order vs. the King’s Two Bodies: On the Traditional Justification of the Ancient China Imperial Power Legitimacy

How to, theoretically and effectively interpret the relationship between the emperor and the mandarins in the context of Chinese history is for sure a very important academic subject, which points to the legitimation of the emperor’s sovereignty, namely the fact that the emperor obtained and sustained his sovereignty legitimately according to a kind of normativity. The normativity is defined as the order of Li & Fa, or discipline rite and laworder in English. Conflicts between the emperor and mandarins would break out when Li & Fa is in disorder. The legitimation of sovereignty has to be proved appropriate, or need a self-reference, namely, the internal justification. In the context of Chinese history, sovereignty legitimation could be justified by claiming it as the ″mandate of god″ or as conformed to the ″expectations of the people″. More specifically, such claims could be classified into mysterious resources (god’s will or god’s order), blood line, (the emperor’s) good morality, or benefiting to his people, etc. These specific principles were interwoven with each other, and thus combined as a whole. Especially since the Song Dynasties, when the Confucians and the intellectual officials were virtually the same group of people, they tend to think that they were authorized to interpret Li & Fa order, so that they could get involved in gaming the emperor. To some degree, the mandarins became an important counter-balance in this political system or institution. Moreover, as a primary ideology, Li & Fa order was always highly ambiguous, leaving plenty of room for diverse interpretations. The ambiguity was the very battlefield for different political forces. A comparison between the sovereignty in ancient China and ″The King’s Two Bodies″ (as what Ernst Kantorowicz said) or the monarchy in the Middle Ages of Europe could be helpful for a better understanding of the so-called Li & Fa order. What should be stated ahead is that even though the disenchantment was halfway done in Chinese history, the comparison between Confucianism and Catholic doctrines, and that between Confucians and Catholic priests in terms of sovereignty legitimation is still valid. Through the comparative study we could find that there is a sort of ″homogeneity″ or similarity between the two. From the viewpoint of Li & Fa order, we could understand better in the context of Chinese history the legitimation of sovereignty and the relationship between the emperor and mandarins. After the disenchantment (as defined by Max Weber), even though this traditional way of legitimizing sovereignty had left some prints, it could no longer be practiced in the contemporary world. The modern sovereignty legitimacy is acquired in a more reasonable, secularized and innate manner instead of seeking to any heteronomous resources other than its self-ustification, such as natural or super-natural forces or Li & Fa. This article, by discussing the Li & Fa order in Chinese history, aims to prove that although Li & Fa order had restricted the sovereignty and forced it to restrain itself by making the best of political and moral justifications after its disenchantment, though incomplete, such a significance of Li & Fa order, instead of being overrated, proposes an understanding in a new perspective of the relationship between the emperor and mandarins in the context of Chinese history.

2020 Vol. 6 (1): 220- [Abstract] ( 349 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1400KB] ( 486 )


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