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2018, Vol.4 Num.6
Online: 2018-11-10

2018 Vol. 4 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 312 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1617KB] ( 648 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 2- [Abstract] ( 221 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1306KB] ( 679 )
5 Shen Manhong Yu Xuan
The Study of Xi Jinping's Important Discussion on Building a Maritime Power

In the long-term theoretical thinking and practical exploration process, Xi Jinping put forward a series of important views on building a maritime power. Xi Jinping's important views on building a maritime power have experienced three phases: being the first to issue the call to ″go to the sea″ (1985-1999),clearly proposing the construction of a strong marine economy province (1999-2012),and solemnly declaring the construction of a maritime power (2012-). The development from economic construction to marine economic construction is a major expansion of the construction field from land to sea,of the construction vision from domestic to international, and of the strategic thinking from passive to active. From the construction of a marine economy to the construction of a strong province of marine economy, it is the process of expanding the construction scope from the local city to the provincial province, the construction level from the prefecture level to the provincial level, and the construction goal from a big marine economy to a strong marine economy. From the construction of a strong province of marine economy to the construction of a maritime power, it is the process of improving the development level from the provincial level to the national level. It is the process of expanding the development content from marine economy to marine ecology, marine science and technology, and maritime rights and interests. It is the process of changing the development mode from bottom-up to top-down. Xi Jinping's important views on building a maritime power mainly include the development of the marine economy, the protection of marine ecology, the innovation of marine science and technology, and the maintenance of maritime rights, etc. The main arguments for the development of the marine economy include the expansion of the ocean economy, the optimization of the marine industry structure, the strengthening of marine infrastructure, the cultivation of strategic marine emerging industries, and the advancement of the marine economic system. The arguments for the protection of marine ecology mainly include four theories: ″marine ecological life″, ″blue sea silver beach resources″, ″marine ecology for the people″, and ″co-ordinate land and sea″. The main arguments for the innovation of marine science and technology include four theories: ″marine science and technology bottleneck″, ″key science and technology innovation″, ″marine science and technology transformation″, and ″smart ocean construction″. The arguments for safeguarding maritime rights and interests mainly include enhancing marine sovereignty and security awareness, negotiating maritime disputes, improving marine rights protection capabilities, and promoting ocean-friendly cooperation among nations. Xi Jinping's important exposition on building a maritime power has three distinct features: In terms of the purpose of the construction of a maritime power, he has proposed an overall plan for the co-ordination of the country's prosperity and the people's benefit. In terms of the methodology of the construction of a maritime power, he has provided us with the co-ordination methods such as contradiction and system theory. In the governance of the construction of a maritime power, he has guided us to the co-ordination of international governance and state governance. Therefore, Xi Jinping's maritime power thought has great significance. On the one hand, his view guides the coastal provinces in China to create demonstration zones for strong marine provinces. On the other hand, it strongly promotes the construction of a maritime power and has achieved major breakthroughs. Moreover, it provides ″China Program″ and ″China Experience″ for global marine governance. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's important view on building a maritime power, the quantity and quality of China's marine economy have risen steadily, the marine environment has begun to improve, marine technology has achieved major breakthroughs, maritime rights has been effectively maintained, and global marine governance has accelerated.

2018 Vol. 4 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1567KB] ( 1053 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 7- [Abstract] ( 158 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 23 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 12- [Abstract] ( 224 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 27 )
18 Xiao Lang Li Yuliang
“Framing and Seasoning of Youth to Moral Virtues”: A New Exploration of Francis Bacon’s Thought on Youth Education
Proposed as part of education of youth in the late 1590s, the idea of “framing and seasoning of youth to moral virtues” was gradually developed by Francis Bacon in his later works. Drawing on thinking resources of ancient Greek and Roman humanism, as well as the tradition of faculty psychology, Bacon transformed the issue of moral education of youth into an interaction process of multiple psychological faculties, including reason, imagination, will, affection, and appetite etc., taking the collective education of Jesuits on the Continent as the ideal model of youth education. He specifically provided detailed analysis of the psychological and behavioral features of youth, and different means of “framing and seasoning youth to moral virtues”. The main points of this paper are as follows: (1) the starting point of Bacon’s thought concerning youth education is the factor of age in affecting human nature, rather than an abstract theory of human nature itself, and in contrast with the classical image of youth featuring moral corruption driven by appetite, his youth psychology provide more positive evaluation of youth’s morality, which indeed can be counted as his unique contribution to the youth education in the western intellectual tradition; (2) following the perspective of “culture and cure of mind”, Bacon’s idea of “framing and seasoning youth to moral virtues” is more positivist, which [太口语化了]is closely related to his empiricism and materialistic epistemology, and which distinguishes him from educators whose doctrines of moral education of youth were prescriptive; (3) by placing emphasis on the superiority of school education, Bacon showed his keen awareness of the main trend in European educational history compared to other educational thinkers who still favored home education (represented by John Locke). Such thoughts on the moral education of youth were ahead of his time. To sum up, in integrating various psychological aspects in the process of moral education, Bacon continuously attached great importance to the roles of moral judgment and moral habit in the cultivation of virtues. He even laid down certain precepts and rules to obey for shaping the customs and habits of youth. All of these make his thought on the moral education of youth outstanding, and to a certain degree contribute to the development of modern moral educational ideas in the western world. The systematic examination of Bacon’s thought on moral education of youth in this paper will not only bring a new recognition of the characteristic and contribution of his ideas, but also a deeper understanding of the issue of youth education in the history of western education. Besides, it may serve as a reference for grasping the psychological features of the Chinese youth and for adopting adequate measures of moral education in contemporary China.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 18- [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1568KB] ( 692 )
36 Huang Jie
Supplementary Proof of the Great Nuo Painting Based on Folk Ritual and Symbol Interpretation
The Great Nuo Painting collected by the Imperial Palace in Beijing can be regarded as a masterpiece of customs painting, and has attracted the attention of many scholars.This article traces back to the extant original documents, discriminates the original meaning of the Nuo, the Rain Praying, the Rain Stopping and the Shehuo, tabulates the symbolic decoration and props of the characters in detail, reveals the folklore belief factors, and concludes five conclusions: First, this painting depicted a team of Shehuo with the function of Nuo(exorcism), rain praying and entertainment. The flowers and branches worn by the characters are both vigor and power in the middle of the spring; the figure is twelve, which conforms to the twelve beasts of the Nuo; the characters all wear the false face, conforms to the Nuo; The decoration of the characters is the avoidance of evil; the props of the characters can exorcise the devil; The symbols of frogs, tortoises, thunder patterns, moire, and fret on the costumes are not only the demands of life, but also the water.Therefore, it is more accurate to rename this painting as ″the Shehuo″, it doesn't matter if we don't rename it. Second, adornments of the characters have ″Ximen″ color. ″Ximen″ , ″five Ximen ″, are the general name of the modern Miao and Yao ethnic groups since the Qin and Han Dynasties. But during the Tang and Song Dynasties, most Miao people from the middle and lower reaches of the Han River to Huaihe River had been gradually merged and disappeared. The characters in this painting are very keen on the patterns of maple leaves, butterflies, moths and birds, and give special significance to them, which are different from the records of the general literature, and echoes with Miao people's maple, butterfly mother and Jiyu bird worship. In addition,that man with butterfly cap,has some special story patterns on the chest and left shoulder of his dress. Each of these two patterns has an honorable man with a Guanjin scarf and a feather fan. We think the honorable man might be Zhu Geliang who has sacred prestige among the Miao people and other southern minority nationalities. In the pattern on the chest of the man with butterfly cap, there is a salute man with headscarf, dancing and playing the barrel of Lusheng, still a common image of the Miao people. Therefore, we believe that this painting has the color of ″Ximan″. It can also be considered that this painting retains the traces of ethnic integration in southern China since Tang and Song Dynasties. Third, the man with broom is generally regarded as the number one, but we think that the man with butterfly cap is the leader or the number one, and according to the characters and the state, we restore characters formation as anti S shape, like ″the Rise of the Dragon″, actually also belong to the Tai Ji schema. They act as they walk.The team is in a bit of a mess because the leader changed the way forward temporarily. The painter painted the noisy moment of the team, not only expressed the profound implication of ″the Rise of the Dragon″, but also conveys that strong festive funny, his originality is very praiseworthy. Fourth, it is doubtful to set the painting as the Song Dynasty. Clearly, figures 1, 6, 7, 9, and 11 have ″Buzis″(patches) on the chest.In particular, there is a ″Buzi″(patch) on the chest and back of the figure 7 and 9 respectively.This is the real ″Xiongbei″ (chest-back)(the alias of the Buzi).But according to the unearthed cultural relics and related research works on Chinese clothing, the Buzi was formed in the Ming Dynasty, and a new grade symbol of the Ming Dynasty official uniform.Therefore, the scenery painted in this painting should belong to the Ming Dynasty, the painter also seems to be a man of Ming dynasty. Fifth, the black symbols on the masks of this characters still exist in the facial expressions of the Shehuo and operas, and should be the early form of the facial makeup of Chinese operas. In the painting, except for No.4 ,No.7 and No.10, the other characters have black dots and tadpole points on their false face. These black symbols seem to be related to water, seem to be suggestive of facial features, and still exist in the facial makeup of the opera in the later generations.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 36- [Abstract] ( 476 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1711KB] ( 806 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 47- [Abstract] ( 224 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 27 )
50 Gao Like
From Nietzsche to Marx: The Transition of Lu Xun's Thought
As the father of post-modernity, Nietzsche's philosophy contains double ambiguousness of Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment, which constructs the dialectics of anti-Enlightenment. The Enlightenment thought of Lu Xun was deeply influenced by Nietzsche's philosophy and also attached with anti-Enlightenment element. Lu Xun advocated the noble radical individualism, anti-slavery ethics, and anti-model as well as anti-tradition spirits. Lu Xun also admired the ″rise above the common herd″ fortitude of Nietzsche's philosophy. However, there is a significant difference between Lu Xun and Nietzsche. Nietzsche's philosophy upholds the life philosophy consisting of absolute individualism and will of power, which, in essence, opposes politics and nation. Instead, Lu Xun adopted Nietzsche's life philosophy as Enlightenment theory, using ″building human dignity″ to establish the ″country of people″. In this way, Lu Xun's thought inevitably causes tensions between individualism and nationalism, and between life philosophy and enlightenment. Lu Xun's thought which mixs enlightenment with anti-enlightenment, modernity and post-modernity is meshed into profound paradox: On the one hand, people need ″Superman″ to enlighten; on the other hand, the emergence of ″superman″ exclude the mass people.  The paradox of Nietzschean ″anti-Enlightenment Enlightenment″ individualism of Lu Xun stems from the tension between his conflicting roles as critics of civilization and enlightener. Nietzsche's superman philosophy was a powerful weapon to China where Enlightenment Movement was seeking individual liberation. But after all, it is a post-modern critical theory. ″Superman″ is a detoxicant of slavery tradition, and contains profound critical value to improve nationality. However, ″Superman″ is aesthetic utopia rather than the model of modern citizens, which lacks practical and constructive value to foster human dignity. It is the profound paradox of Nietzschean individualism Enlightenment of Lu Xun, and also leads to Lu Xun's confusion and alienation from Nietzsche after May Fourth Movement. Because of the disillusion onNietzschean noble individualism, Lu Xun's though shift from the radicalism on Nietzschean power thought to radical Marx's wealth thought (anti-capitalist private ownership), from admiring ″superman″ to upholding ″proletarians″. From Nietzsche to Marx, the transition of Lu Xun's thought is attributed to the common ground shared by Nietzsche and Marx which is they were both critics of modernity. The communism of Marx and the individualism of Nietzsche provide two remedial proposals to correct modernity. Nietzschean's ″Superman″ is vague aesthetic utopia, whereas Marx's ″proletarians″ has the real power to reshape world. Lu Xun is a critics of modernity, he criticized the Capitalism ″19th century civilization″ full of problems and looked forward to the 20th century new civilization. When Nietzsche's Individualism of Lu Xun disillusioned, the Communism of Marxism provided an alternative new vision of human liberation.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 50- [Abstract] ( 1018 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1504KB] ( 1112 )
60 Shen Guoqin
An Analysis of H?ffe's View on Technology
Germany is the birthplace of technological philosophy. In the long historical process, the study of German technological philosophy has formed several directions and a number of famous technological philosophers have emerged. The Chinese academic community has carried out some research on them. H?ffe is an influential contemporary German philosopher. Chinese scholars have mainly studied his political philosophy and moral philosophy. So far, no one has studied his technological philosophy. This paper intends to fill this gap by analyzing H?ffe's technological philosophy with a combination of hermeneutics and comparative philosophy: Firstly, on the basis of studying the classic works of H?ffe's technological philosophy, the roots and appeals of his technological philosophy are examined and traced. Secondly, through a comparative investigation of H?ffe and other German technological philosophers, the theoretical origin and characteristics of H?ffe's technological philosophy are revealed. The core ideas of H?ffe's technological philosophy, condensed in this paper, are mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. In his reflection on the concept of "technology", he agrees with the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers, especially German technological philosophers, that technology is supported by knowledge and aims for purpose. But being not limited to this, he focuses more on rethinking technology from the perspective of the fact that technology is an effective way of self-realization and self-transcendence. He emphasizes that technology enables people to constantly trace back to their former selves, release their potential, and ultimately achieve themselves.  2. Different from the synchronic study of technological ethics conducted by most German philosophers, H?ffe uses diachronic research methods to examine the relationship between technology and ethics, and proposes five stages of ethics in the development of science and technology. He points out that the development of science and technology requires a continuous dialogue with philosophical ethics to avoid splitting technological ethics from reality. At the same time, he stresses that only by continuously availing ourselves of value rationality so as to correct the instrumental rationality of technology can we ensure that technology effectively serves human progress as well as social and cultural development. This is also the value of technological philosophy. 3. H?ffe agrees with many German technological philosophers that the relationship between technology and human existence can be examined from the perspective of anthropology. In addition, he discusses this issue from the following four dimensions: First, the means of uncovering: technology is the place where the meaning of human existence can be clarified by itself. Second, the attribute of nature: the two attributes of nature, namely the attribute of lack and that of destruction, threaten human existence. Each relationship between man and nature is branded with technology. Third, the responsibility for justice in existence: humans should rely on technology at their own discretion to develop a capacity to sustain production. Fourth, the relationship between man and nature: people should take ethical principles as the guide and use technology rationally, ensuring that the other nature created by the means of technology lives in harmony with innate nature. 4. H?ffe divides luxury into two kinds: quantitative luxury and qualitative luxury. The former refers to squandering, while the latter is the high-quality life he admires. He emphasizes that there is a benign interaction between technology and luxury and advocates using technology to promote people's rational pursuit of luxury. H?ffe's technological philosophy provides a new source of thought and a theoretical basis for people to gain an understanding of the essential and eternal nature of technology.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 60- [Abstract] ( 361 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1476KB] ( 737 )
69 Liu Jianpeng Hong Ming
A Language Network-based Approach to Semantic Prosody
In corpus linguistics, semantic prosody is defined as a linguistic phenomenon in which one word attracts others with the same semantic features to form some habitual collocations imbued with a certain semantic aura. The general approach to semantic prosody is corpus-based and corpus-driven with word frequency, T-score and M-score as the means to attain a quantitative description between words and spans. Since semantic prosody is the co-occurrence of words with similar semantic preferences, it is suitable to be dealt with from the perspective of words' co-occurrence network. Linguistic data used to weave a network were retrieved and collected from the British National Corpus, with ″influence″ and several other words as keywords. The network-based research shows that semantic prosody is an stable, objective and regular bi-stratified structure and has two correspondent modes of semantic diffusions. As for bi-stratified structure, both network graphic typology and its attached analytical parameters show that a radiating hub is produced between a keyword node and its neighbours. Observed from the network and supported by the parameter of the low clustering co-efficient of the keyword node, the structure of the hub with its neighbours is a concentrative, radiating, related (between the hub and its neighbours) core, in which, however, neighbours are much less connected to each other. In addition, the core can also be analysed semantically by observing the semantic meanings of both the hub and its neighbours. By observing the hub ″influence″ and its neighbors in semantic meanings, it is derived that, out of that structure, a relatively clear and concrete semantic unit comes into being in the section covering the core. The central semantic meaning diffuses out of the radiating connections between the hub's semantic meaning and those of its neighbours because the meanings of all nodes are closely related and intensified by the co-occurrence of the semantic meanings with similar preferences. It is observed that the holistic meaning coming out of the core diffusion is the cornerstone of the whole semantic prosody, which is proved stable and objective by trying other keywords. Meanwhile, the network and its attached analytical parameters also illustrate the second stratification of semantic prosody, that is, the structure in which the peripheral nodes outside the neighbours of the hub form cliques. A clique works as a holistic unit to a certain extent and is weakly related to the hub through its neighbours. A specific investigation into the semantic meanings of the peripheral nodes indicates two points: the peripheral nodes create cliques only to produce a holistic meaning unit to a certain extent before they are related indirectly and loosely to the hub through its neighbours; the peripheral nodes are rarely related in semantics, and accordingly the meanings of cliques are vague. Compared with the core with a clear and concentrative meaning in semantic prosody, the peripheral nodes and cliques diffuse a hidden and unclear meaning expressing uncertain illocutionary purposes to expand the core's meaning in more than one way and make it full and complete. Therefore, the core and peripheral cliques have different structures that diffuse distinctive meanings respectively. All the above structures and meanings diffusions have been supported by the study of other keywords' semantic prosodies based on co-occurrence network. It is concluded that semantic prosody has both an stable, objective and regular bi-stratified structure and two correspondent modes of semantic diffusions. The basic meaning of semantic prosody is created in the core, while the cliques convey the vague and unclear illocutionary meanings like attitudinal meaning, pragmatic functions, communication purposes, evaluations etc. Furthermore, the stable and regular bi-stratified structure of semantic prosody can be interpreted, at a deep level, as a pragmatic cognitive inertia in which semantic prosody diffuses its meaning through steady and regular patterns. Based on a co-occurrence network approach to semantic prosody, the derived structure and semantic patterns not only expand and deepen the traditional approach to semantic prosody, but also reveal more to the formation, semantic diffusions and pragmatic cognition process of semantic prosody. Working as a new approach to semantic prosody, language network can give a holistic and systemic description of and penetration into semantic prosody, which helps to expand, improve and refine the study on semantic prosody.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 69- [Abstract] ( 740 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1592KB] ( 1078 )
83 Zhang Huifang
The Japanese Translation of Chinese ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ Questions
The ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ question has long attracted scholars' attention who study question types in Chinese. Along with the gradual deepening of the research on mood expressions in Japanese since the 1980s, the Chinese-Japanese contrastive study on mood expressions has extended as well. While scholars generally agree that the Japanese mood form ′nodewanaika′ corresponds to the Chinese ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction, a survey into corpus data of natural conversations revealed that in 675 minutes of conversations altogether, there are only 38 cases of ′nodewanaika′ used by 25 groups of Japanese females. On the contrary, a single group of Chinese females would use more than that number of ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction in their natural conversations. In order to find out some underlying reasons for the difference, we investigated the Japanese translations of the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction in different contexts: Ⅰ.When the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction is used as a focus marker:Its corresponding Japanese construction is ′no(da)ka′ . For instance(AM=agglutinative morpheme):(1)是不是′你明天到车站去买票?(1′)′あなたが明日駅へチケットを買いに行くのか。(2)你是不是′明天到车站去买票?(2′)あなたは′明日駅へチケットを買いに行くのか。 There are two means of expression in Chinese that can mark the interrogative focus: either position shift of the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction, or stress of the following syllable. But only the syllabic stress can be used in Japanese to mark the focus, for ′no(da)ka′ appears only at the sentence end. An additional ′ga′of the ′sōki′ is needed to mark the subject focus if necessary. That Chinese uses word order and Japanese employs some agglutinative morpheme for the same purpose fully demonstrates their different characteristics in linguistic typology. Ⅱ. When the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction is used as a question with an affirmative inclination. For instance:(3)老师,您是不是也去杭州啊? ′nodewanaika′ with an affirmative inclination in Japanese is considered to be the corresponding expression with the Chinese ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction. Yet the two are used with widely different frequencies in natural conversation. This is because ′nodewanaika′ always implies the speaker's speculation about the hearer's private activity and the speaker's intention to get the hearer's confirmation, which is usually considered to be rather impolite. Since this is the ″pragmatic constraint″ of a question with ′nodewanaika′, a different interrogative strategy should be used to translate ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ questions. (3′)先生も杭州へいらっしゃるのですか。 Ⅲ. When used in the ″vp (,)Shi-Bu-Shi″ question without an accent. For instance:(4)最近天气有点怪怪的,是不是? This type of ″vp (,)Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction usually begins with a statement of either common knowledge or common understanding of the present circumstance, suggesting that the speaker uses the ″vp (,) Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction to get the hearer' empathy. ′yone′ is the word in Japanese for seeking the Hearer's empathy, sympathy. More importantly, ′yone′ is very close to the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction in both frequency of use and the seeking for communicative empathy. (4′)最近の天気はちょっとおかしいよね。 Ⅳ. The ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction is used as a question with an accent. For instance:(5)昨天的蛋糕′是不是不好吃?(6)A:跟你那时候的反应一模一样。 B:′是不是 啊。 ′desyō′ in Japanese has two pragmatic features:One is to stress the speaker's personal claim;The other is to emphasize the effect on the hearer. It therefore has pragmatic similarity to the “Shi-Bu-Shi” construction. (5′)昨日のケーキ,おいしくないでしょう↑(6′)A:あなたのその時の反応と全く一緒だった。 B:でしょう↑ Through the study on Japanese translation, we have discovered that the ″Shi-Bu-Shi″ construction in Chinese diversifies its synchronic usage in terms of sentence location, sentence accent, and so on. In contrast, Japanese with a fairly tight constraint on position shift has developed a variety of mood forms to express different moods so as to meet different expressive needs. Forms of mood usually appear at the end of a sentence. This discovery can be directly applied to both Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) and Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language to Chinese students. It may also provoke new reflections on the methodology for contrastive study in Chinese and Japanese.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 83- [Abstract] ( 409 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1549KB] ( 545 )
96 Chen Donghui
Exploration of the Ways to Obtain Academic Information by Scholars in Qing Dynasty
During the periods of Qianlong and Jiaqing, Qing Dynasty when communication and traffic was slow, so a worthy question to ask is how scholars obtain academic information. Previous research upon this issue is rare, let alone monographs on this subject. After exhaustive investigation, the author finds that there were basically five ways for scholars in Qing Dynasty to obtain academic information. First, by face-to-face communication. Face-to-face communication was the most direct and unique way when there was no telephone nor broadband service. A large amount of academic information was obtained by face-to-face discussion of related issues or even gossips. Second, by letters. Communicating by letters was a simple, economical and effective method to exchange information, and it could be more thorough and more concrete than face-to-face communication. Moreover, many valuable academic achievements were first published in the form of letters.. To a large extent, communication by letterexpanded the space of academic exchange, which was helpful in the formation of the knowledge community during Qian Jia period. Moreover, communication by letter was not limited by space, time or other factors, and merited the name of ″floating academic media″. It was the most convenient method among the five to obtain academic information. Third, by writing prefaces and postscripts. Compared with letters, prefaces and postscripts often had more insightful and systematic comments. In addition to evaluating a piece of work, prefaces and postscripts may include discussion of academic issues. Preface-writers were among the first readers of a book or an article after it was finished but before it was published, becoming the first recipient of academic information. The writer, or the preface-requester, also learned new academic information from the preface. Fourth, by purchasing and borrowing books. Most of the scholars in Qing Dynasty had many collections of books. They acquired academic information mainly from their own collections of books, and also by reading other people's books. The books were mainly purchased at bookstores, sometimes at temporary stalls, floating book-ships and so on. Communication in bookstores was frequent among scholars, and among scholars and shopkeepers. Fifth, by giving books as gifts to each other. While the handed-down books were mainly acquired from purchases, a large proportion of the newly published books of contemporaneous scholars were gifts. Famous scholars had more opportunities to receive books, so they could read the books of their peers at the earliest time. Books as gifts were not limited to block-printed editions, but also manuscripts, drafts and so on. Besides their own writings, other books might also be given as gifts. The number of scholars in Qing Dynasty was limited, and the scholars in the same field were often more or less associated. Moreover, there were not many academic works at that time. Therefore, the ways to acquire academic information as described above basically matched the situations of academic study, culture, economy, transportation in Qing Dynasty (especially in Qian Jia period).The greatest advantage of acquiring academic information in time is to avoid duplication and unilateralism in research, and to make full use of the existing results. The greatest advantage of acquiring academic information in time is avoiding duplication and unilateralism in research, and making them able to make full use of the existing results.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 96- [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1592KB] ( 1301 )
112 Chen Jun Pang Jixian
Professionalization in International Journal Article Titles in Applied Linguistics
Titles of journal research articles (RAs) serve the function of promoting new knowledge claims made in articles. They have been analyzed from the perspectives of length, syntactic structures, punctuation marks, and discourse functions, and have attracted considerable attention in applied linguistics and discourse studies in recent years. Professionalization embedded in journal article titles, a feature that is relatively overlooked, performs the promoting function by means of conceptual density and genre mixing.  For the purpose of the present study, a specialized corpus was constructed consisting of 250 data-based RAs' English titles from five international journals in the field of applied linguistics (IJAET) (2009-2013). The journals are Applied Linguistics (AL), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Modern Language Journal (MLJ), Language Learning (LL) and Journal of Second Language Writing (JSLW). From the perspectives of intertextuality and interdiscursivity in genre theory, the data were analyzed focusing on basic syntactic features of titles (including length and punctuation marks), the relationships between mean conceptual density of titles per journal, the journal's impact factor per year, and the roles that genre mixing plays in titles' compound constructions. To examine the mean conceptual density of titles per journal, professional vocabularies and terminologies that appear in the IJAET were extracted. The results show that there are intra- and inter-disciplinary differences in the titles, and there also exists a close relationship between the mean conceptual density of professionalization in titles and the journals' impact factors. Specifically, as for the mean conceptual density, there is a significant difference between the international applied linguistic journal article titles and the international economic journal article titles. A comparison of the mean conceptual density of each journal title in IJAET with a full consideration of the mean length and tokens of the titles indicates that the shorter the length, the fewer the tokens, and the higher the mean conceptual density, which mirrors the intertwined influence of the nature and preference of journals as well as the authors' individual writing styles. The Spearman correlation analysis performed on the data also shows that the mean conceptual density of each journal titles is significantly correlated with annual impact factors of each journal (r=0.321, p<0.05); however, the highest impact factor of AL may indicate that a modest conceptual density of titles may be more helpful in promoting the new knowledge claims made in articles. Genre mixing is mainly found in compound constructions of article titles and is low in frequency in the data. Although it may weaken the professionalization reflected in titles, genre mixing can arouse potential readers' curiosity, thus ″luring″ readers to read on to learn and understand more about the articles.  Article titles, as a carrier for explicit and implicit interactions between authors and readers in addition to setting an initial persuasive and promotional stage for new knowledge construction, stick to the following principles, i.e. they are concise in structure, appropriate in expression and conspicuous in topic, maximizing the promoting purpose through a synergy effect. Degrees of the density of professionalization of article titles are contingent upon authors' awareness of target readers' expectations and the academic conventions of journals, reflecting the characteristic features of intertextuality and interdiscursitivity in titles. In terms of intertextuality, the effort to concentrate on the key points of the target research in titles by drawing on professional vocabularies, terminologies and quotations strengthens the appropriateness and professionalization in titles and stimulates potential readers' resonance and interests as well. Meanwhile, the dynamic and static characteristics of mixing in titles breed academic genre's affinity, flexibility and innovativeness. In terms of discursivity, article titles, as a ″win-win″ interactive space between authors and readers, call for the adherence to academic conventions of discourse community while highlighting the authority and research values. Genre mixing may blur the boundary of different genres, but it helps readers to understand research reported in articles through titles.  Considering knowledge as an outcome of socially context-dependent construction process, we argue that the conceptual density of professionalization and genre mixing in journal article titles, while following specific communal conventions, are important discourse strategies authors pursue for promoting research reported in their articles. By exploring the conceptual density of genre mixing, we are more capable of revealing the promotion nature of discourse strategies RA authors adopt for making new knowledge claims in journal research articles.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 112- [Abstract] ( 551 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1544KB] ( 677 )
125 Chen Le; Pei Jiamin
Interpreting Cybersecurity Law: A Semiotic Perspective

In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet and Information Technology and the subsequent cybersecurity problems, it appears to be of particular significance to provide legislative guarantee to cybersecurity by establishing the legislative system. Therefore, various jurisdictions have introduced cybersecurity laws and regulations and supporting polices to regulate cyberspace behaviors so as to safeguard national cybersecurity and public interests. With three specially created corpora of cybersecurity laws and regulations of the United States, China and European Union, this study integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches: on one hand, the corpus analysis software, Sketch Engine, is utilized to deal with the data in three corpora; on the other hand, from a semiotic perspective, this study attempts to investigate the convergence and divergence of cybersecurity laws in the United States, China and European Union respectively and to probe into the potential reasons for this so as to provide enlightening insights into legal interpretation and transplantation concerning cybersecurity and the improvement of the China cybersecurity legal system. Through preliminary data analysis, a semiotic interpretation and empirical research, several conclusions are drawn as follows: First of all, ″information (data)″ is a high-frequency word in three corpora, which indicates that ″information (data)″ is the key regulated object of cybersecurity law in the United States, China and the European Union. Furthermore, the collocations of ″information″ ″data″ “信息” and “数据”,are examined. It is found that the legal hierarchy of Chinese cybersecurity laws and regulations is relatively low with fewer epistatic laws, which is evidenced by the legal constitution of each corpus and laws and regulations concerning ″sensitive information″. Moreover, the types of information regulated by law are distinct from one another in the three corpora, and even for the same information type mentioned by different jurisdictions, its legal meaning may be constructed in various ways, such as ″sensitive information″ and ″copyright management information″, which is mainly attributed to distinct legal systems, ICT levels as well as social development situations in different jurisdictions. Therefore, as legal signs, the cybersecurity law and its legal terms are spatial and their meanings can be interpreted in various ways in different jurisdictions. Only in a particular jurisdiction can the meanings of cybersecurity law and its legal terms exist. In addition, due to its temporality, a cybersecurity law and its legal terms may change with the times and technological innovations, which results in the occurrence of new types of information. It is mainly reflected in three aspects: the lawmaking based on new cybersecurity challenges and crises arising in the society; the lawmaking or revision relevant to new technologies and business; and the formulation of basic cybersecurity law. For instance, due to the technological advances and social development, the content ranges of ″special categories of data″ and of ″personal data″ prescribed in the 1995 European Union Data Protection Directive are expanded in the European Union's 2016 General Data Protection Regulation. Thus, it can be concluded that the meanings of cybersecurity law and its legal terms should be reconstructed to accommodate the creative and dynamic society. Additionally, due to the conflict between the traditional legal system and terms and the rapid development of virtual cyberspace, the system of accusation and the standard of criminal penalty should be contextually reconstructed to adjust to the cyberspace. Thirdly, the imbalance of social development, law development and a country’s Internet technology levels decides the necessity of legal transplantation, during which the spatial feature of cybersecurity law and its terms, national conditions as well as the compatibility between foreign law and domestic law need to be taken fully into account, and foreign law and its terms cannot be deemed as texts in a vacuum. The legal meanings of the traditional cybersecurity legal system and legal terms should be reconstructed to adapt to the development and changes of the virtual cyberspace. Additionally, every construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of cybersecurity law and its legal terms serving as legal signs is the interaction between law and society. The roles of relevant social institutions should be given full play through social surveys in order for specific issues to serve as proof or evidence for defining and revising the law. Last but not the least, the quantitative corpus approach contributes to mining new contents and analytical methods for traditional scientific research, which is conductive to digging out the textual meanings of legal signs and to a better understanding of the divergence and convergence of meanings of legal terms in different jurisdictions.

2018 Vol. 4 (6): 125- [Abstract] ( 619 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1583KB] ( 868 )
140 Wang Yake Gao Chengyu
The Redistributive Effect of Social Security: Income and Wealth
Since China’s market reforms in 1978, together with the rapid development of the economy, the household income and the wealth gap in China have also gradually expanded. According to the data, the Gini coefficient of household income in 1988 was 0.382, but it rose to 0.474 in 2007 and 0.451 in 2013 and reached 0.465 in 2016, each of which is at a relatively high level. Meanwhile, the Gini coefficient of household wealth also increased from 0.538 in 2002 to 0.739 in 2010. At the same time, the public and the academic community had a major controversy on this issue. In response, the central government has repeatedly proposed to improve the redistribution mechanism of the social security system and narrow the gap of income distribution in China. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to evaluate the latest achievements and developmental trends in the studies of the social security redistributive effect, and to summarize and carefully review the theoretical and empirical analysis of the redistributive role of social security.Generally speaking, this field mainly studies the redistributive effect of social security based on three perspectives. Firstly, it analyzes the current redistributive effect of social security system’s contributions and benefits based on the residents’ annual income. The social security funds come mainly from the contributions of employees, employers and financial support. The contributions are generally paid as a certain proportion of an individual’s initial income and are redistributed according to the degree of risks. The groups with lower initial income can receive higher benefits, so social security will change the current income distribution of households at a certain point and has a certain redistributive effect. The second is to analyze the long-term redistributive effect of lifetime net benefits of social security on the basis of individual lifetime income. The pension system will redistribute the lifetime income of the same generation in different life cycles or of different generations, that is, the redistributive effects within and between generations. The third is the redistribution effect of the pension wealth available to social security in the future on the distribution of household wealth. The hidden wealth from the social security system can have an impact on the distribution of household wealth. Compared with the pension income, pension wealth can reflect the benefits from a pension system more comprehensively. The vested pension rights have an impact on the distribution of household wealth. The existing literature on the redistributive effect of China’s social security system still has some limitations. Future research needs to be done in normative studies, empirical studies and policy effects to assess the redistributive effect, and to provide the policy basis for narrowing the income inequality in China.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 140- [Abstract] ( 598 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1553KB] ( 771 )
155 Dou Junsheng; Zhang Gang
Organizational Ambidexterity: How Far Is It from a New Organizational Research Paradigm?

Ambidexterity has been regarded as an emerging research paradigm in the organizational field. The current literature has reached some consensuses that effectively broaden and deepen our understanding of ambidexterity, but has also brought us some confusion about the construct itself and raised issues about what we know and don't know. Based on a systematic review of 79 papers published in mainstream organization and management journals, this paper summarizes and analyzes the evolution of this research field from five aspects: conceptual connotation, measurement, value effect boundary, implementation mechanisms and impact factors. This systematic review indicates that exploration and exploitation can be conceptualized either as the two poles of the same continuum, conflicting against each other, or as discrete activities, orthogonal and complementary to each other. Corresponding to the conflicting view, ambidexterity can be captured by computing the absolute difference of exploration and exploitation. In line with the orthogonal view, scholars tend to capture a firm's ambidexterity by computing the multiplicative interaction between exploration and exploitation or by adding the two. However, no matter which measurement strategy is employed, scholars failed to obtain adequate and consistent empirical evidence on the positive relationship between organizational ambidexterity and firm performance. Thus, recent researches have emphasized the importance of examining the boundary conditions of organizational ambidexterity. The mixed results of prior researches did not weaken the academic passion to explore the mechanisms that managers adopt to achieve ambidexterity at multiple organizational levels. In the extant literature, three mechanisms are identified, that is, structural ambidexterity, sequential ambidexterity, and contextual ambidexterity. More recently, given the importance of ambidexterity, a number of studies have attempted to understand its antecedents. Previous literature maintained that environmental conditions in terms of dynamism and competitiveness, organizational attributes such as structural differentiation, coordination, and organizational context, as well as attributes of top managers such as transformational leadership enable firms to balance the conflicting demands of explorative and exploitative activities and thus to achieve ambidexterity. Based on the paradigm framework, this paper presents four important avenues for future research, and points out that future work on ambidexterity must: (1) focus on the organizational level of analysis; (2) look at the essence of ambidexterity as an organizational ability; (3) capture the organizational ambidexterity based on the explicit organizational behaviors; and (4) identify the value intervals of ambidexterity and punctuated equilibrium or organizational vacillation. This paper makes three major contributions to the literature. First, it bridges the gap between the ambidexterity literature and the resource-capability view of the firm by emphasizing its ability nature, which will promote the inheritance and development of organization theory. Second, by articulating the differences between organizational ambidexterity and punctuated equilibrium, this paper provides a point of departure for the clarification of the confusions in extant literature about the implementation mechanisms of ambidexterity. Third, this paper serves as a starting point to effectively integrate the research findings obtained from different levels of analysis by clarifying that ambidexterity is an organizational level phenomenon and by emphasizing that future research must focus on the dynamic processes underlying its emergence.

2018 Vol. 4 (6): 155- [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1563KB] ( 936 )
171 Jiang Zhonghui Luo Junmei Meng Chaoyue
A Study on the Path of Dual-perception to Overcoming Organizational Inertia
In a business environment of increasingly frequent and violent changes, small and medium-sized enterprises can quickly change to adapt themselves to the environment with their own flexibility, and large enterprises often suffer from inertia, including routine rigidity and resource rigidity, which makes them unable to make timely changes and leads to their loss of competitive advantage. Although previous researches have found that enterprises' perception of the external environment affects organizational inertia, the research on how enterprises use this perception to overcome organizational inertia is still insufficient. On the one hand, previous researches divide organizational perception into threat-perception and opportunity-perception, in accordance with the results of the enterprises' perception of the external environment. This division ignores the fact that factors used to be taken as threat factors may turn into opportunity factors with the accumulation of enterprises' resources and capacity. On the other hand, findings and conclusions from previous researches about the influence of organizational perception on organizational inertia are contradictory. In order to fill the gap of previous researches, this article takes Haier group as a research sample and uses the grounded theory method to study the path of organizational perception to overcoming organizational inertia.  Through the longitudinal study of nearly 20 years of managerial innovation of Haier, this article draws the following conclusions. First, the organizational perception of the external environment is the dual-perception which perceives both threats and opportunities. When an enterprise's ability and resources are insufficient for it to seize opportunities, 〖JP2〗its perception of threat overpowers its perception of opportunity, forming a threat-dominated dual-perception. When the enterprise's ability and resources are sufficient to seize the opportunity, the threat-perception becomes less significant than the opportunity-perception, forming an opportunity-dominated dual-perception. Second, 〖JP〗when an enterprise faces discontinuous changes in the external environment, the threat-dominated dual-perception triggers off the behavior of internal marketization, which includes establishing a flat organization, implementing internal market accounting, and adopting full-value management. 〖JP2〗Internal marketization helps the enterprise to propel process reform and overcome the routine rigidity by spreading threat-perception to every trading subject within the enterprise. The opportunity-dominated dual-perception triggers off the behavior of intrapreneurship,〖JP〗 which includes establishing an organizational platform, implementing a small and micro-enterprise autonomy, and adopting the ″Integrating Order with Personnel″ mode. Through these tactics, intrapreneurship promotes employees to explore external opportunities and encourages enterprises to put resources into emerging opportunities. In this way, enterprises can effectively overcome the resource rigidity caused by their reinvestment in securing market leadership and their dependence on the existing capital markets and customer markets. Therefore, this article argues that internal marketization and intrapreneurship are mechanisms which connect organizational perception with organizational inertia. The dual-perception of the environment can be diffused effectively to each employee in enterprises through internal marketization and intrapreneurship, which inspire employees to make changes and promote enterprises to overcome organizational inertia.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 171- [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1587KB] ( 651 )
189 Huang Yuye He Rong
Dilemma of and Solution to the First-sale Doctrine in the Digital Era
As a substantial component to copyright restriction, the traditional first-sale doctrine plays a necessary part in balancing the interests of the author and the consumers and in clearly defining the relationship between the distributing right and the ownership. With the arrival of the digital age, the disseminating and the utility of works have been significantly changed. Courts in the United States and the European Union both reaffirmed in their written judgments their positions on whether the first-sale doctrine could be applied to digital occasions, in which the resale of digital works do not apply the first-sale doctrine due to its infringement of the reproduction right; or that it be unnecessary to distinguish the traditional tangible carrier from the digital intangible carrier since they both should apply the first-sale doctrine. There is no exact item in the Chinese copyright law as the doctrine for the first-sale of distributing rights, nor any case of digital work reselling in the judicial practice. Nowadays, the industry of digital works has boomed in China, both the transaction forms and the utility forms having shown a trend of developing in multiple directions. In addition, the rising trade of second-handed digital works will greatly influence the digital publishing industry. At the time of making the third revision of the copyright law, the in-depth studies are of magnificent value both academically and practically. Through control study and case analysis, this essay makes an insightful analysis on whether the first-sale doctrine could be applied to the digital field, challenges of and solutions to applying it. It is concluded through the analysis on the causes and the jurisprudential basis of the first-sale doctrine that this doctrine supplements and explains the exercise of the distribution right as far as tangible material carriers are concerned, not yet in the digital ones. From a point of essential view, digital network is a system transferring information mainly by copying it, or digital information transference is done by making copies and is a combination of distribution and copying. The resale of digital works is not distribution, but e-transfer instead; therefore it cannot adopt the first-sale doctrine. In the digital age, the adoption of the first-sale doctrine for digital works is related both to the consumers' right protection and to the survival and development of the second-handed digital works industry. Based on balancing the interests of the copyright owner and the consumers and on promoting the digital works industry, the first-sale doctrine should be reformed regarding to the easy-copy-no-loss feature of the digital products. The limited exhaustion principle of information network dissemination right should be set up, allowing the consumers resell the digital products under certain conditions and with certain time limits. Meanwhile, there should be legislative regulations on the resale of digital works, clarifying the hard line between the distribution right and the information network dissemination right and setting up the first-sale doctrine of distribution and the limited exhaustion principle of information network dissemination. In addition, in order to safeguard the application of the limited exhaustion principle of information network dissemination, the burden of proof should be specified and the rule of access control measures should be polished. By integrating the forward-looking and efficiency of legislation, the e-copyright industry and the second-handed digital works industry of China will be convoyed. The innovations of this article are as follows: firstly,it's a system innovation. According to the nature of digital technology, limited exhaustion principle of information network dissemination must be set up as the way-out of the first-sale doctrine application under the digital circumstances, namely the limited exhaustion principle of information network dissemination, i.e., conditions and valid durations are attached to such rights. The essay also made a detailed design for such a mechanism. Moreover, considering the amendment of China's copyright law, the essay puts forward some legislative suggestions correspondingly. Secondly, it is a research made from the first-handed data. This article set forth the realistic need of reform and legislation of the first-sale doctrine under digital circumstances, and analyses its applications in some American and European cases, according to the latest reports about the Chinese digital works industry, namely, The Report of the 2016 Chinese Music Industry Development, written and issued by the Music Industry Promotion Committee under the guidance of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, and The Panoramic Data Interpretation of the 2016 China's Digital Content Production, written and issued by the Tencent Research Institute. Thirdly, the essay holds a new viewpoint and view angle. This article makes an in-depth analysis on the nature of digital work resale in terms of semantics, history, legal hermeneutics and ownership transfer, holding that digital work resale be information network dissemination and that the right exhaustion mechanism be set up for information network dissemination.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 189- [Abstract] ( 549 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1516KB] ( 718 )
203 Chen Zhaoyu
The Regulatory Approach to Proventing False Transaction in Internet Economy
The trust in Internet economy is directly related to the credit of network service providers. Credit rating has become one of the information factors in the allocation of market resources. In order to compete for market share, many network service providers conduct false transactions, aiming to increase their credit rating. False transaction disrupts the trust-generating mechanism in the Internet economy, and therefore necessitates effective regulatory instrument to curb it.  However, from a preventive perspective, the current regulation on false transaction reveals a number of problems. According to the logic of prevention theory, the deterrence of legal structure depends on the probability of punishment for illegal conducts and the severity of punishment. Under this theory, there is a reverse-causality relationship between these two indicators. When a certain deterrent force needs to be maintained, if the probability of investigation and punishment is not high, severe punishment must be matched with the corresponding low probability; otherwise, when the probability of investigation and punishment is significantly increased, it is possible to match the corresponding lower disciplinary tools. In the current regulatory system, the punishment for false transaction is too light and the probabilities of investigation and punishment are low, which make the deterrent force largely inadequate. Because of these problems, the wrongdoings about false transaction continue to increase. The basic reason for the ineffective regulation is that the current regulatory instruments do not keep in pace with the system of Internet economy. The core of the Internet is information economy. The marginal cost of the operation of the Internet is very low. The costly traditional regulatory instruments are unable to regulate the Internet market, which is unprecedented in scale. The Internet market necessitates new regulatory instrument with low marginal cost so that the latter can effectively achieve the regulatory objectives. Facing the rampancy of false transaction enforcement, the Chinese government needs to upgrade the regulatory instruments. A feasible approach to upgrading the existing regulations is to reconcile the system of Internet economy with effective regulatory instruments. More specifically, this article will use prevention theory as the analysis framework by applying its two indicators.  According to prevention theory, in the Internet economy, the limitation in enforcement resources and technology hinder the increase of probability of investigation and punishment, but the increase of punishment severity can focus on the multi-stage illegal costs of wrongdoings. Therefore, a comprehensive regulatory instrument that penetrates into different stages of punishment is helpful to improving the deterrent force under the real dilemma of low detection rate. In this sense, coordinated application of credit instruments could generate adequate deterrence that prevents the potential wrongdoing of false transaction. It is a low-cost regulatory approach with long-term and stable effects. The key of credit instrument is to effectively disclose negative credit information and to set up a joint-disciplinary system aiming to punish breach of trust. However, none of the current instruments is able to achieve this goal. Under the background of establishing the Chinese credit investigation system, this article proposes to establish a coordinated legal system covering collection, rating, disclosure and applying the information of false transaction. More specifically, the concrete requirements for creating such framework are comprehensive and effective information collection, unified credit rating system, effective flow of negative information, and lawful and effective use of negative credit information. This system aims to facilitate the flow of information regarding the subject's false transaction. By reputational punishment and joint-disciplinary system, a rational deterrent force can be generated.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 203- [Abstract] ( 630 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1519KB] ( 755 )
216 Zhu Zhujun Huang Xianhai Zhang Shengli
Does Cross-border Merger and Acquisition Improve Firm-level Markups: Theories and Evidences
With the rapid development of China's economy, the surge in foreign exchange reserves and the ″Going out″ strategy, the number and amount of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions(henceforth M&A)of Chinese firms have been on the rise. Existing literature mainly analyzes the changes of productivity after cross-border M&A. However, the micro decision-making base of firms is ″profit maximization″. The change of profits is an important index to evaluate the performances of cross-border M&As. Therefore, it is more realistic to study the changes of profits after cross-border M&As. Based on the theory of firm heterogeneity, this paper studies the changes of profits after cross-border M&As in depth. It also puts forward the mechanisms of markup effects after cross-border M&As from two channels: price and cost, analyzing the different markup effects of cross-border M&As when destination countries' culture is different. On this basis, this paper also studies the static and dynamic markup effects of cross-border M&As. Based on the matching data of Annual Survey of Chinese Industrial Firms (ASIF) and Zephyr's global M&A transactions, this paper studies the markup effects of China's cross-border M&As by using the PSM-DID method. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The full samples' results show that cross-border M&As have negative current markup effects and positive dynamic markup effects, which indicates that the current cross-border M&As have larger pro-competiveness effects and cost increasing effects than competition weakening effects and cost reduction effects; M&As have positive dynamic markup effects, which is large in one year, but weakened in two years. This may be due to the fact that the product innovation and process innovation behavior are imitated by competitors in the same industry and downstream industry chain. (2) The empirical test of different destination results show that the dynamic effects of M&As in developed economies are larger than that in developing economies. The markup effects in developed economies after one year are the largest. However, positive markup effects in developing economies are relatively smaller in the same period. Therefore, Chinese firms can grasp the core resources of firms in developed economies to improve the markups through cross-border M&As in developed economies. (3) Technology-R&D-type M&As and Production and processing-type M&As have positive dynamic markup effects, while Resource-development-type M&As have no significantly positive dynamic markup effects. (4) This paper also studies the heterogeneity in different types of transactions, which finds that Fully-held-type M&As have the largest positive static and dynamic markup effects. (5) Empirical tests have confirmed that cross-border M&A affect the markups though two channels: the cost channel and the price channel. This paper uses different TFP estimation methods, placebo test and quantile regression to check whether the result is robust or not. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the internal policy consistency of the ″Going out″ and ″Made in China 2025″ strategy.
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 216- [Abstract] ( 565 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1613KB] ( 976 )
2018 Vol. 4 (6): 240- [Abstract] ( 250 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1420KB] ( 716 )


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