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2018, Vol.4 Num.5
Online: 2018-09-10

2018 Vol. 4 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 217 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1433KB] ( 393 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 2- [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 38 )
5 Gong Yanming
On the Dual System of the Military Prefectures in the Song Dynasty
The origin of the Military Prefecture can be traced back to the early Tang Dynasty. After its transformation and development in the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty, the military prefecture gradually became an administrative division which administered the affairs of the people in certain districts(县). During the Song Dynasty, three levels of local administrative units were defined: the circuit(lu 路), the prefecture (zhou 州), the superior prefecture(fu 府) or the military prefecture or the industrial prefecture(jian监)), and the district. The administrative division was quite stable though somewhat out-off-balance. Among the administrative divisions in the Song Dynasty, the system of the prefecture and the superior prefecture was stable, continuable and mature. Compared with the prefecture and the superior prefecture, the administrative system of the military prefecture was immature and unstable, though the prefecture, the superior prefecture and the military prefecture were at the same administrative level. During the period of Song Zhenzong, the military identity of the military prefecture diluted, notwithstanding the original intention to establish it was to satisfy military requirements. Although the situation afterwards was different to some extent, the system of military prefecture was preserved. According to Yuanfeng Jiuyu Zhi, there were “twenty-three circuits, four capital prefectures(jingfu京府), ten superior prefectures(次府), two hundred and forty-two prefectures, thirty-seven military prefectures, four industrial prefectures and one thousand two hundred and thirty-five districts”. It is obvious that the number of prefecture-level military prefectures (zhouji jun 州级军) and the prefecture-level industrial prefectures (zhouji jian 州级监) was extremely small. In the meantime, unlike the prefecture and the superior prefecture, there were several district-level military prefectures (xianji jun 县级军) which were affiliated to the prefectures or the superior prefectures instead of to the circuit, and district-level industrial prefectures (xianji jian 县级监) affiliated to the prefectures, the superior prefectures or the military prefectures. The district-level military prefecture was derived from the prefecture-level military prefecture. It was a process of gradual change to mutation of the official system that resulted in the establishment of the district-level military prefecture. In the Song Dynasty, some military commanders(junshi 军使) held the positions of district magistrates(知县) in former central districts of the military prefectures after the executive functions of the military prefectures which governed some districts were cancelled. Those military prefectures were not prefecture-level military prefectures, but district-level industrial prefectures. Furthermore, they were not senior officers of military prefectures, but commissioners of the districts. The only difference between a military district and a normal district was that the former had military personnel. The academic circles take different views on the nature of the military commander's appointment and they regard it as a district magistrate from a military prefecture to a military district. For example, based on their document analysis, some scholars argued that the “military commander” was an administrative division between the prefecture and the district. However, the “military commander” was an official title of a district-level military prefecture governor and it was obviously not the title of an administrative machinery. Thus the opinion of these scholars is clearly a misinterpretation. Established in the Northern Song Dynasty, the district-level military prefecture continued in the Southern Song Dynasty and the number of the district-level military prefecture was higher. All in all, the coexistence of the prefecture-level military prefectures and the district-level military prefectures was a historical fact which can be demonstrated by the existing historical materials. From Qin and Han Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties, the prefecture and the superior prefecture remained. However, the commandery (jun 郡), the circuit, the prefecture-level military prefecture and the industrial prefecture in the Song Dynasty lost the opportunity to maintain their positions as administrative divisions in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Based on the above cited situations, it can be concluded that the system which adapted to the management system survived; otherwise, it would be eliminated. This is also an objective law in the development of the institutional history. The dual system of the military prefectures in the Song Dynasty was a notable political phenomenon, and the principal topic of this paper is to discuss this issue. The purpose of this paper is to determine what the true system was in the Song Dynasty, and to invite scholars to make careful and comprehensive research on the system.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 545 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1537KB] ( 712 )
19 Li Ying
The Dual System of the Prefecture-Level Industrial Prefecture and the Non-Prefecture-Level Industrial Prefecture in the Song Dynasty
Although the industrial prefecture (jian 监) was established in the Tang Dynasty, and in the Later Jin Dynasty, the industrial prefecture started to administrate prefecture-level agencies, the coexistence of the prefecture (zhou 州), the superior prefecture (fu 府), the military prefecture (jun 军) and the industrial prefecture which played important roles in the political operation as local secondary administrations was still a pioneering undertaking by the government of the Song Dynasty. The industrial prefecture was recognized as a local administration in the Song Dynasty when scholars perused the historical materials of the Song Dynasty. However, in-depth research shows that only a small number of the industrial prefectures operated prefecture-level agencies. In other words, the quantity of the prefecture-level industrial prefectures was extremely limited during the Song Dynasty. As a matter of fact, the organization system of the prefecture-level industrial prefecture was not merely unstable but also immature. In the initial period of the Song Dynasty, twelve industrial prefectures that were at the same level with the general prefectures were successively established. The figure was a little bit higher than that in the period of Song Shenzong, which was only four. In the Southern Song Dynasty, with the reduction in land area and the upgrade of some prefecture-level industrial prefectures, the number continued to decrease. In the first year of Emperor Xiaozong (1163), Xianjing Industrial Prefecture (仙井监)of Chengdu Superior Prefecture Circuit (成都府路) upgraded to Long Prefecture (隆州). The outcome of this historical event was that only Daning Industrial Prefecture (大宁监) and Fushun Industrial Prefecture(富顺监) were preserved as prefecture-level industrial prefectures. The prefecture-level industrial prefecture oversaw several districts (县) and established a series of bureaucratic institutions. Meanwhile, many industrial prefectures were prefectures of monopolized goods (wuwu jian 物务监) attached to the prefectures, the superior prefectures and the military prefectures. According to the retrievable historical materials, forty-eight industrial prefectures such as the Coinage Directorate (qian jian钱监), the Foundry Directorate (ye jian 冶监), the Salt Marsh Directorate (yanchi jian 盐池监), the Directorate of Horse Pasturages (muma jian 牧马监) and the Directorate of Bamboo Crafts (sizhu jian司竹监) were successively established in the Song Dynasty. These governmental agencies administrated various affairs, for example, coinage, iron smelting, silver smelting, salt boiling, horse keeping and bamboo production. The head of the non-prefecture-level industrial prefectures was generally referred to as the director of the directorate (jian mou jian 监某监). The director of the directorate was a state monopoly agent (jian dang guan 监当官) rather than an administrator. During the Song Dynasty, two kinds of industrial prefectures ? the prefecture-level industrial prefecture and the non-prefecture-level industrial prefecture existed simultaneously. The difference between the industrial prefectures in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty was that the prefecture-level industrial prefectures were affiliated to the circuit while the non-prefecture-level industrial prefecture were affiliated to the prefectures, the superior prefectures or the military prefectures. The commonality between the prefecture-level industrial prefecture and the non-prefecture-level one was that their numbers both decreased with the elapse of time. The number of the prefecture-level industrial prefectures was over ten in the early period of the Song Dynasty. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the figure dropped to just two. Unlike the military prefectures which finally became local centres of administrative power, the historical data recorded the marginalization of the prefecture-level industrial prefectures. This historical fact should not be ignored by the researchers. Moreover, the prefectures of monopolized goods, affiliated to the prefectures, the superior prefectures and the military prefectures, also decreased in quantity, down to 18 in the late period of the Southern Song Dynasty from a peak of forty or fifty. Moreover, 18 non-prefecture-level industrial prefectures that remained were all Directorates of Coinage. To summarize, as the number of the prefectures of monopolized goods was several or even ten times more than that of the prefecture-level industrial prefectures during the same period, the industrial prefecture in the Song Dynasty should not be simply regarded as secondary administrations inferior to the circuit alongside the prefecture, the superior prefecture and the military prefecture. In short, the above situations demonstrate that a dual system existed in the organization structuring of the industrial prefecture. This issue deserves careful attention from those who read or study the history of the Song Dynasty.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 19-33 [Abstract] ( 623 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1545KB] ( 676 )
34 Zhang Xingwu
A Study on the Talent Selection of Cike and the Revitalization of Parallel Prose in the Southern Song Dynasty

The revitalization of parallel prose in the Southern Song Dynasty at the culmination of Taoism was closely related to the institutional protection of the Boxue hongci ke (Eruditus Literaturus examination). Under the guidance of the idea that ″the most important subject in the Southern Song Dynasty was the Cike″, not only the examinees study style of ″consulting literary allusions, extensively reading classics and history, and exploring every natural and supernatural thing″, but also the relevant aesthetic orientation gradually matured, and a large number of famous writers on parallel prose emerged in the world of literature, such as Sun Di, Lü Zuqian, Zhen Dexiu, Ni Si, Zhou Bida, Hong Shi, Hong Mai, and Wang Yinglin In terms of historical facts,the narrow but promising path to the bright future of being an official set unusual requirements to the candidates such as ″extensive knowledge″,which stimulated all scholars desire to be an ″erudite scholar″. The internal track of how the Cike on talent selection promoted the revitalization of the parallel prose of the Southern Song Dynasty can be found in the following aspects. First of all, the parallel prose of the Cike emphasized ″genres″.In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Cike had twelve styles, such as edict, whose evaluation criteria had strict requirements on the ″genre″ and ″degree″ of articles. The ″genre″ requirements for writers composition can be traced back to ″Yan Xu″, a great writer at that time, and celebrities such as Xia Song, Wang Gui, Yuan Jiang, and Wang Anshi in the Northern Song Dynasty also complied strictly with the ″method″ and contributed a lot to the improvement of parallel prose. This is how the strict system requirements on the parallel prose of the Cike were formed.. Secondly, the parallel prose of the Cike put great emphasis on the use of quotations and couplets. In the opinion of the famous writers such as Sun Di, Zhen Dexiu and Wang Yinglin, the use of historical events in the classics, or the organization of the rhetoric was the key to improving parallel prose writing. The proper use of quotations was not only related to the author's erudition, but also determined the elegance and persuasiveness of the parallel prose. Of course, the ultimate purpose of the proper use of quotations was to improve the quality and level of the parallel prose. For this reason, the famous writers often summarized the writing experience of the parallel prose. After years of accumulation, they finally summed up the rules of the genre of parallel prose, such as the parallelism between the ″Classics, History, Buddhist story and Taoist story″. All of these played a positive role in improving the parallel prose writing. Thirdly, parallel prose also particularly placed weight on the harmony consonant and the strict rhythm. The Cike in the Southern Song Dynasty attached great importance to the synergy between rhythm and consonance in order to form a tone of grace, pitch, and fluctuations. The ultimate goal was the so called ″rigorous rhythm and perfect choice of words″. In the actual examinations, the key to success was to comply with the rhythm requirements of parallel prose; otherwise it would be regarded as a failure. In short, the writings of the best writers with good training in the Cike Poetry worked hard would naturally have an exquisite and unique style of perfect quotations and couplets. It is indisputable that the parallel prose of the Southern Song Dynasty benefited from the Cike, so it can be compared with the prose of Six Dynasties.

2018 Vol. 4 (5): 34-43 [Abstract] ( 463 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1537KB] ( 475 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 44- [Abstract] ( 188 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 26 )
45 Wang Weihui
On the Origins of Words Denoting Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow in Ningbo Dialect
There are altogether nine words denoting days with ″today″ as the reference point in Ningbo dialect: ″dadaqianri / toutouqianri(大大前日/头头前日)″, ″daqianri / touqianri(大前日/头前日)″, ″qianri ( zi ) / qianmo ( zi ) (前日(子)/前末(子))″, ″shangmo ( zi ) / zuomo ( zi ) / shangri ( zi ) / zuori ( zi ) (上末(子)、昨末(子)/上日(子)、昨日(子))″, ″jimo ( zi ) / jinzhao ( zi )( 即末(子)/今朝(子))″, ″mingzhao ( zi )( 明朝(子))″, ″houri ( zi )( 后日(子))″, ″dahouri / touhouri(大后日/头后日)″, and ″dadahouri / toutouhouri(大大后日/头头后日)″. These words fall into two groups of ″ri″ (日, the Sun) group and ″zhao″ (朝, morning) group according to different core morphemes: ″zhao″ group including only ″mingzhao″ (明朝, tomorrow) and a semi ″jinzhao″ (今朝, today) while ″ri″ group including the rest. In general these words are ancient with ″ri″ group dating from archaic Chinese and ″zhao″ group from the Six Dynasties. In ″ri″ group there is a variation ″m??″ as a result of sandhi of an early ″kim?ie? (今日, today)″:?iem??ie? → ?iem?mie? → ?ie??mie?, which is even earlier than the change of ″-m→-n/-?″ in ″jin(今)″ ,but the exact time is difficult to date. This variation can also be detected in dialects in southwest Shanxi, southwest Shandong and the Pearl River Delta while in Wu dialect it exists only in the Yongjiang area and the distribution diversity indicates that the variation is possibly a result of individual changes instead of language contact. ″M??″ is also in ″z??m?? (?i)″ (上日(子), yesterday) and even in ″?im?? (?i)″ (前日(子), the day before yesterday) by analogy, which is rarely seen in other dialects. It is difficult to find when ″jimo ( zi )″ , ″shangmo ( zi )″ and ″qianmo ( zi )″ came into being and ″qianmo ( zi )″ seems to appear in the recent 90 years for it is not documented in Chao (1928). ″Jinzhao″ can be found in northern Wu(吴) dialect and has an influence on Ningbo dialect. In the early missionary literature both ″jinzhao″ and ″jinri″ are in use and it is also documented in Chao (1928). On the other hand, ″jinzhao″ has not taken the place of ″jimo″ in Ningbo dialect, which indicates that the word denoting ″today″ is steadier than the word denoting ″tomorrow″. For the word denoting ″tomorrow″, ″mingri″ is used in early Ningbo dialect; ″mingzhao″ in use nowadays is obviously a loanword from the northern areas. Compared to the words that have undergone changes due to sandhi ( ″jinri″ ), language contact ( ″mingzhao″, ″jinzhao″ ), effects of folk etymology ( ″shangri″, ″touqianri″ ) and analogy of other forms ( ″shangri″, ″qianri″, ″touhouri″), the word meaning ″the day after tomorrow″ ″????ie? (后日)″ is of the least change. In research of the history of dialect lexicon, the chronological order of words can be revealed through historical-comparative method, but the exact time is difficult to date due to the lack of accurate proof in ancient literature.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 45-52 [Abstract] ( 654 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1587KB] ( 1128 )
53 Zhen Dacheng
Motives behind Genre Variants: An Analysis of the Two Editions of Mahāparinirvā?a-sūtra
The forty volumes of the Mahāparinirvā?a-sūtra translated by Dharmak?ema in Northern Liang were called the "Northern Edition", which was passed down to Jianye in Yuanjia years (424-453 AD) of Liu Song Dynasty (or Former Song, or Southern Song) . Huiya, Huiguan, Xie Lingyun and others who modified it into the thirty-six volumes of the “Southern Edition” . In The Memoirs of Eminent Monks, the author, Liang Huijiao in the Southern Dynasties believed that the reason for this revision was due to Northern Edition’s “simple arrangement of chapters” as well as its “plain writing style”. "To be elegant or to be plain" was an important topic in the history of Buddhist translation. However, comparing the revisions in the Southern Edition with its Northern counterpart, we can find that the editors’ understanding of “plain writing style” cannot be limited to a choice about rhetoric, but for more complex and diverse reasons of genre motivation. By comparing the variants between the Northern and Southern editions, we can detect their different styles which enable us to examine the motives behind the modification. Specifically, the motives for the revision in Southern Edition include avoidance of the vernacular, preference for retro expressions, and standardization. Avoidance of the vernacular refers to avoiding the vernacular expressions of Medieval Chinese, most of which newly emerged in Northern China. The editors usually deleted those colloquial words or replaced them with classic expressions.The “retro” attempt of the Southern edition was to replace the new expressions in the Northern edition with classical literary Chinese of the pre-Qin period. In different historical periods, the Chinese language had different expressions to convey the same concept, and those language elements of different ages may represent different writing styles. In general, the old expressions are solemn and elegant, while the new ones are more lively and plain. In order to present the Buddhist translation in a gorgeous style, the Southern edition often changed the new vernacular elements of the Northern Edition into more classical expressions. The “standardization” work of the Southern Edition was to delete and change the hybrid Buddhist Chinese in the Northern Edition in order to make the language of translation more grammatically correct and closer to the language of native Chinese literature. There are many words and syntaxes in the Northern Edition that are exclusive to Buddhist Chinese, which have never been found or are very rare in the non-Buddhist Chinese texts. These expressions with characteristics of Buddhist Chinese can be regarded as variants of standard Chinese. The Southern Edition replaced these unique expressions with the common expressions in standard Chinese at that time. The purpose of such a modification was to pursue a classic writing style so that the language of the translated version was more in line with the general rules of morphology and syntax of standard Chinese of that period.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 53-69 [Abstract] ( 654 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1590KB] ( 637 )
70 Liang Jingming Zhao Qian
A Study on the Land Survey of Zhejiang Province in the Modern Times
Land survey is the basis and prerequisite for effective land management, and also the starting point and cornerstone of land administration. Since land taxation has been the main source of state revenue, land survey is highly valued by the government of each period. The purpose of the land survey was not to get accurate land data, but to provide basis for levying taxes. Since modern times, besides its fiscal and economic significance, Chinese land administration has become significant in the transformation of modern national construction and grass-roots social governance. Land survey has also entered a new stage of transformation from the traditional to the modern. However, the overall achievement of land survey in the early 1900s was limited, so it has not received sufficient attention from the academy for a long time. This paper takes Zhejiang province as the research object and selects Lanxi, Pinghu, and Wenling for analysis and comparison. Based on local documents such as modern archives, chronicles, and investigation reports, this article analyzes the background, organization, method, technology and capital of the land survey in Zhejiang from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, and tries to explain the land survey in the transformation significance of the modern state construction and the grass-roots social governance.  The land survey in Zhejiang province has a long history. From the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the method and system of land survey had been constantly improved. Nevertheless, grass-roots land survey was always dependent on tax agents, gentry and other groups, resulting in the phenomenon of hidden fields, evading taxes and cadastral misconduct. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to the impact of Taiping Rebellion on the man-land relationship, the scale of fish scales was rebuilt in parts of Zhejiang, but the problem of cadastral confusion was not fundamentally solved. After the foundation of the Republic of China, the land survey was carried out in Zhejiang by combining the "temporary solution" (land report) and the "radical measure" (land survey). Trapped in frequent wars and financial shortages, the land survey, which was costly to implement, progressed slowly. Accordingly, the land report with better maneuverability was usually preferred by the national government. In 1930s, the Lanxi county government experiment county and the Pinghu land administration experiment county appeared in Zhejiang, whose land survey results were remarkable with different characteristic in the survey methods. In addition, in view of the existing achievements, the results of land survey in Wenling county during wartime were also outstanding.  Based on the historical investigation of the modern land survey process in Zhejiang and the typical analysis of the above-mentioned three counties, this paper draws the conclusion as follows. On the institutional level, the modern transformation of land survey was manifested in the establishment of land management departments from the central to the local governments and the formulation of various laws and regulations. Then, the organization and standard of land survey tended to be unified in China, and governments gradually assumed the actual responsibilities of private land management. On the technical level, there is the essential difference between the modern land survey and the traditional one: the latter involves a strong empiricism, while the former means the development from experience to science. Not only the application of new technology and new instrument in land survey but also the introduction, cultivation, and enrichment of the professional talents of land administration greatly improved the professional level and accuracy of land survey. Therefore, despite the limited effect, the land survey of the Republic of China had far-reaching impact. Especially the result of land survey is closest to the real land number. Until the early stage of People's Republic of China, cadastral atlases of Wenling and other counties still played an important role as a scientific land data and the basis of property rights.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 70-83 [Abstract] ( 733 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1538KB] ( 877 )
84 Xiao Ruping
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 84-96 [Abstract] ( 501 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1527KB] ( 827 )
97 Tang Le Ming Dong Gu
Realist Film Theory and European Left-wing Thought
For a long time, the Chinese intelligentsia has understood realism based on the Marxist theory of reflection and considers realism as an aesthetic mode that reflects the world through the lens of certain media. In fact, as early as the 1930s, the well-known debate between Georg Lukács and Berthold Brecht had already brought to light realism's complex significance. As Lukács saw it, realism has a representational prowess which can penetrate the ″fashion″ of life and grasp totality in both temporal and spatial dimensions. By virtue of realistic representation, the artist may not only anatomize the present reality but also shed light on the probable trajectory of history. For Brecht, however, art forms should not only keep pace with the changing reality but also give expression to the progressiveness of history. Therefore, the Brechtian realism focuses on the receptive dimension of art and is dedicated to fostering the proletarian revolution on the practical level. Despite their different opinions, both Lukács and Brecht possessed a leftist stance and laid emphasis on the cultural politics embedded in realism. Based on their respective concepts of ″representing reality″ and ″influencing reality,″ the present article aims to analyze realism's aesthetic and political significances and further investigate the relationship between realist film theory and European left-wing thought. Specifically, Dziga Vertov thought that film may not only document the physical world but also reveal the transcendental significance of reality. His kino-eye cinematography connects technological progressiveness with historical progressiveness and serves as a cultural means by which the proletariat may penetrate the surface of the everyday and grasp the authenticity of life. For Vertov and his comrades, it is the leftist filmmaker's duty to reveal the most authentic truth and fight against the banal bourgeois culture. In contrast to Vertov's ecstasy, Walter Benjamin unraveled the dialectics of film's political significance. On the one hand, he echoed Horkheimer and Adorno's theory of Cultural Industry in finding that indoctrination takes place in cinematic screening. On the other hand, he pinned political hopes on the film for its potential emancipatory force and envisioned a new cinema that might contribute to the working class's political consciousness and solidarity. For Benjamin, the advancement of productivity engenders a superstructure that allows human beings to adapt themselves to the social condition resulting from modern technology. Thus, the film may serve as a ″training program″ which counteracts the booming totality of capitalism through cinematography. Overall, Benjamin had an ambivalent opinion on cinema and relied on the film to actualize an ″aesthetic redemption″ in resistance to the social totality of modern capitalism.  Under the influence of Vertov and Benjamin, filmmakers associated with Italian neorealism and the French New Wave further explored the agency of cinematic realism from a combined perspective of theory and practice. For Cesare Zavattini, the foremost theorist of Italian neorealism, the verisimilitude of representation is expected to engender a reflective moment which invites the audience to reassess his or her social identity in the milieu. It is in this sense that cinematic realism potentially serves as a means to awakening people's class consciousness and enhancing the working class's solidarity. As for the French New Wave, Andre Bazin downplayed the problematic effect of indoctrination and gave prominence to the revolutionary potentiality of the film. For him, filmic images invite spectators to formulate their own visualizations and thus actualizes an ″aesthetic democracy″ in the cinema. Inspired by Bazin, Jean-Luc Godard aspired to challenge the audience's aesthetic norm by creating a unique sense of reality. For him, the film is not only a modality of self-expression but also a performative conduct aimed at social intervention. It is out of this political impulse that Godard massively deployed the Brechtian technique of alienation effect in his filmic productions involving the French Counterculture.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 601 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1488KB] ( 710 )
105 Huang Baozhong
A Shift from a Big Engineering View to a Big Textbook View: The Innovation of New Engineering Talents’ Training and Educational Publishing
With the development of new technology, there emerges a new wave of global industrial revolution in recent years. America took the lead to launch the Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing Countries, and Germany published the German Industry 4.0 Strategy.Britain released the 2050 strategy of British Industry, and China launched the “Made in China 2025” strategy. This is an opportunity for our country to transform from a big manufacturing country into a great manufacturing power, to gain the first-mover advantages, and to occupy the high ground of industrial competition. This has met with positive responses from tertiary education institutions where an “Emerging Engineering Education”(3E) campaign is in full swing. Relevant measures, such as the “3E Fudan Consensus”, the “3E Construction Plan (Tianda Project)”, and the “Guidelines of 3E Research and Practice Project”, have been released, providing systematic guidelines for 3E courses. Based on the “Made in China 2025” strategy and the new trend of 3E construction, new requirements and missions have been set up for the reform of higher education. The author believes that the 3E not only reflects the national strategy in nurturing talents, but also inevitably encourages the supply-side structural reform of educational publication. Traditional textbooks with fixed subject knowledge can no longer satisfy the demand of nurturing talents in the context of the big-engineering view The university publication system of textbooks is in urgent need of breaking conventions, making active adjustments and bringing forth innovative ideas to serve the overall purpose of nurturing 3E talents. The new textbooks in the big engineering paradigm should not only have digital versions of traditional textbooks and re-construct their contents, but also realize the systematic, constructive and processing features of engineering education. In view of this, the publication of textbooks in the 3E campaign should be innovated in concept, form and content in the context of big engineering view. The innovation paradigm of educational publication should be based on three aspects of big textbook view, the great textbook view, forming a new paradigm in which a big textbook view and a vivid textbook view integrate. The author believes that according to the curriculum development theory of Ralph Tyler, famous American education scholar and father of curriculum theory, the aim of education decides the content and form of education, which in turn decide the supply of educational resources. The educational publication which takes the supply of educational resources as its major mission should not only adapt to the teaching paradigm reform of the 3E curriculum, but also serve the strategic aim of nurturing talents in general. The international certified standards in the field of engineering education not only mean the high standard of the quality of talents and the new standard of educational and instructional methods, but also the high standard of the supply of educational resources and the new standard of educational publication in supplying support for students. Therefore, it is of utmost significance and value to study the transformation and innovation of educational publication in the context of constructing new engineering curriculum and from the perspective of international certification of the engineering education major. The author believes that domestic traditional publication mode of textbooks can hardly adapt to quickening paces of the educational reform of the new engineering curriculum. The educational publication industry needs to break the conventions and make bold innovation. The textbook publication paradigm must undergo the transformation from old to new concepts, from a small to an integrated macro concept, and from the fixed knowledge type to an ever-updating type of textbooks. Only in this way, can the concept advocated by the construction campaign of the 3E curriculum receive the support it deserves, and can the international standard certified by the engineering education be reached.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 105-116 [Abstract] ( 562 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1520KB] ( 573 )
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 117- [Abstract] ( 302 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 43 )
118 Luo Zhimin
On the Relational Attributes of University-Alumni Relation
Compared with the traditional research approaches, which focus on alumni donations and alumni resources in the past, the university-alumni relation should be a new perspective. Not only can it contribute to slipping the leash from the original research framework, and alumni issues including alumni donations, extended from single subject (academy or alumni) to two or more subjects (academy, alumni associations, alumni, teachers, students and so on) , but also be beneficial to decoding the intrinsic mechanism of alumni donation or the development of alumni resources. Meanwhile, it can provide some different ideas for the improvement of university alumni work in reality. However, it is necessary to turn to the relational study of the relationship between university and alumni, if you want to clarify the operating mechanism and internal rules.  For the special social relationship of university-alumni relations, educational relationship is the most intuitive and the most pictorial description. But educational relationship is mostly psychological level, just offering a kind of emotional connection for the production of the Alma Mater nostalgia and consciousness with the consequent behaviors; it means that Alma Mater nostalgia and consciousness are hidden in the bottom of the heart ordinarily, usually not spontaneously. Only in a certain external incentive conditions can they be germinated or touched off.  The university-alumni relations are also characterized by the structural relationship which consists of interactions about two types of subjects (institutional subjects and life subjects). These two types of subjects are composed of actors with different characteristics, action logic and action mode, such as alumni affairs managers, alumni, university students, teachers, etc. The direct expression of the process of university-alumni relations is the continuous interaction between different actors. Whether they are educational relationship, the mutual support behavior or Alma Mater nostalgia or alumni consciousness caused by educational relationship, or the mutual support behavior triggered off by the Alma Mater nostalgia or alumni consciousness, they are produced in this subject interactive structural relationship.  University-alumni relationship is also a kind of institutionalized structural relation which requires practical operations. On the one hand, the need for resources provides the most primitive driving force for the construction of relationships among actors. On the other hand, the different occupancy of resources also provides feasibility for all actors to construct relations. Therefore, as for the construction of the relationship between the university and the alumni, it can be expressed as an interactive process, in which actors with certain relationship cognition are relying on a relationship structure to obtain resources in a certain environment situation. And the acquisition of resources in turn affects relational cognition, relational structure and relational context. This sustainable interaction process will ultimately produce and reproduce the resources needed by all parties.  To sum up, university-alumni relationship is not only a structural relationship, but also a constructive one. In other words, the resources contained in this relationship are both structural and constructive. The significance of this relationship attributing to the realistic work of college alumni lies in the long-term benign relationship construction practice between the University and the alumni. In this way, the university and the alumni can continue to obtain the resources needed for survival and development in order to improve the quality of the relationship and can eventually share a more promising prospect.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 118-132 [Abstract] ( 509 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1564KB] ( 724 )
133 Liu Zhijun
Emotional Compensation and Intergenerational Effects of Left-behind Experience During Childhood
It is a universal phenomenon that parents work or do business away from their hometowns while leaving their children back in their hometown. As the most populous country in the world, China has the largest number of left-behind children. The estimated number in 2010 is 61 million in rural China. Previous studies have showed that being left-behind by parents would lead to the problems related to emotion, mentality, behavior, education, health, and so on. But these studies usually focused on the current or short-term influences of left-behind experience. Very few of them explored the long-term consequences of left-behind experience during childhood. Based on the survey data of 2,385 post-1980s migrant workers working in 19 cities of Yangtze Delta and Pearl River Delta, the present study aims to explore the long-term consequences of left-behind experience during childhood by analyzing the effects of emotional compensation, intergenerational compensation, and intergenerational transmission.  Indicators used are whether these post-1980s migrant workers are currently living with their parents, or living with their children, and whether they are leaving their first child back in their hometown. Based on the psychological mechanism of ″unrealized wishes″ of Gestalt psychology, this paper proposes the first hypothesis that those who have had their own left-behind childhood experiences would have higher intention to live together with their own parents. Based on the phenomenon of intergenerational compensation, we put forward the second hypothesis that migrant workers with left-behind experience during their childhood would be less willing to leave their first child back in their home town. Based on the phenomenon of intergenerational transmission proposed by social learning theory, our third hypothesis is that those who have had such left-behind experiences during their childhood would be less likely to live together with their children. Several dual logistic models were constructed by using the statistical software SPSS 19.0. The results showed that the left-behind experience during one's childhood has significant influences on migrant workers in their decision of whether they would live together with their parents. The results indicate that the number of those with left-behind experience living together with their parents is 2.09-2.85 times that of those without such left-behind experience. Further analysis showed that the effects are contingent to the different life stages of their left-behind experience. The largest significant impact on the left-behind experience appears in the primary school stage, followed by the middle school stage, and then the pre-school stage. Yet, the left-behind experience has no significant influence on whether or not migrant workers live with their own children. The study also did a ″robustness check″ by using Bootstrap Method or applying alternative variables, which has verified the stability of the above findings that the left-behind experience during one's childhood will result in a remarkable effect of emotional compensation, but such experience will not cause the effect of intergenerational compensation, nor the effect of intergenerational transmission.  The phenomenon that migrant workers who had left-behind experience during their childhood tend to live together with their parents can probably be explained by Gestalt psychology. Because of the absence of parent-child interactions and family care during their childhood, these migrant workers tend to live together with parents in their adulthood if possible. In this way they could realize their ″unrealized wishes″ to a certain extent and make up for their psychological regret formed in their childhood, which is similar to the ″compensation effect″ or the ″compensation phenomenon″ of biology. In addition, according to general psychological theory, if the emotional compensation is not sufficient, migrant workers with left-behind experience during their childhood would try to compensate it by intensifying their parent-child interactions with their children. Thus, relatively fewer of them would leave their children back in their hometown and relatively more of them would probably live together with their children to achieve their whole Gestalt. But these hypotheses are not supported in the present study. There are two kinds of possibilities. One is that the left-behind experience actually has no such effect. Another possibility is that the effect of intergenerational compensation and the effect of intergenerational transmission are mutually offsetting in this case. To verify the latter, we need further research by using more suitable instrumental variables.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 133-151 [Abstract] ( 650 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1563KB] ( 890 )
152 Miao Qing Shi Hao
Levering Social Resources: Venture Philanthropy Evaluation and Empirical Application of Social Return on Investment
The government needs quantitative indexes to evaluate the effectiveness of the Venture Philanthropy Program, which finances the non-government organizations to run the socially valuable projects where the public demands have not been satisfied. We revise the SROI (Social Return on Investment), a method originally developed from the Stakeholder Theory, by offering six core indexes ″Operation Value, Social Value, Blended Value, Rate of Operation Return, Rate of Social Return, Rate of Blended Return″ through the course of ″Input-Activity-Output-Outcome″, in order to strengthen the objectiveness of the evaluation and enrich the existing indexes. We then employ the revised SROI indexes to evaluate two cases financed by the Venture Philanthropy Program , one is ″the Migrant Workers' Kids Education Aid Program″ and the other is ″Work Integration Program for the Mentally Disabled″, through the steps including: (1) establishing a detailed name-list of the relevant stakeholders; (2) ensuring the benefits generated from the program; (3) identifying a group of measurable indexes; (4) deducing the ″loading effects″ and ″substitution effects″; (5) calculating the core six indexes, and (6) communicating the results with the stakeholders and subject matter experts. The findings shed light on the fact that the revised SROI is able to systematically observe the interests of beneficiaries and objectively evaluate the performance of the project by generating a group of comparable indexes. Additionally, the revised SROI may better the understanding of the sustainability of the non-government organizations and the real needs of the beneficiaries, which in turn, help the government to further realize the unmet public welfare and the extra resource to be leveraged. The challenges and strategies of using the modified SROI are further discussed. First, selecting the indexes from the complex context where the stakeholder's daedal interest is hard to distinguish and measure. Second, generalizing the evidence from numerous data is a tough task, especially when the sample's representativeness is questionable. Third, calculating the loading effects and substitution effects which are difficult to measure is not simple. In summary, it is necessary to deeply look into the projects before using SROI. Furthermore, we find that the project performance is impacted by the NGO's relationship with the government, the clarity of the project goal and the vulnerability of the beneficiaries. Thus, we suggest that the government maximize the utility of financial resource in terms of SROI. Besides, the government should not only differentiate the non-government organizations by measuring SROI of the project they are working on, but also measure and archive the SROI indexes of the venture philanthropy projects.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 152-165 [Abstract] ( 510 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1539KB] ( 627 )
166 Chen Jianjun Chen Jingjing Chen Huaijin
A Study on the Collaborative Industry-City Governance of Metropolitan Group in China
The urbanization in China is not a simple choice of the city sizes--large, medium, or small, but the urban agglomeration. Unlike the metropolitan areas, a metropolitan group is composed of a number of metropolitans that are relatively independent and balanced in terms of urban functions, yet, are distinctive, and complementary in terms of industrial links. Hence, the industry of the metropolitan group is an optimized platform on which multiple industrial chains coexist densely and orderly, and supported by a diversified cluster of industries. It mainly works as the constructive platform and organizational structure to co-agglomerate modern diversified industrial clusters. It is a competitive world-class industrial agglomeration as well as the major supported field and leading areas when large countries mean to achieve their national strategic goals. The key of the governance of metropolitan group is the collaborative governance of industry-city or industry-space, dictated by the interactions between the cities, industries and the population. As the platform for population agglomeration, the cities develop in accordance with the scale of their populations. In turn, population grows in accordance with the industrial development and the opportunities for development and self-realization of the urban residents. Therefore, industry development in the city is the key factor among the ones leading to the population agglomeration and urbanization. Nowadays, the development and the transformation and upgrading of modern industries manifest as the penetration and integration between the diversified industries and industrial chains, impelled by the knowledge spillover and scale economies . All the above means that the integration of complicated modern industrial chains needs a space, namely, an urban system composed by large, medium-sized, and small cities with the reasonable densities, ordered distributions, different functions, and complementary endowments, a space that is called modern metropolitan groups. This paper reviews the theories and evolution logics related to the collaborative governance of urban agglomerations, such as metropolitan government theory, public choice theory, and the new regionalism. Having compared the collaborative governance mechanisms of several metropolitan groups in the world, we find that currently in China, the collaborative governance model of the Yangtze River Delta metropolis group is the closest to the advocated new regionalism model. However, from the perspective of collaborative governance of Industry-City, the existing collaborative governance model of the Yangtze River Delta metropolis group still faces two challenges. First, it lacks of legislative protections and of related legal mechanisms as support; second, it lacks of the key elements of Industry-City collaborative governance—the networks connecting various market forces such as firms, industrial organizations, social organizations, and non-government organizations, neither of their active involvement in the collaborative governance process of metropolitan groups. At last, this paper proposes an Industry-City collaborative governance framework of China's metropolis groups that are composed of a series of goals and a supporting framework. The main goals are connecting, reacting, coordinating, and sharing. The supporting framework for realizing these goals contains three collaborative governance structures -- the urban system, the industrial system, and the social infrastructure of transportation integration and ecological environment protection. This paper gives a second thought on the development concept of the collaborative governance of China's metropolitan groups. The possible new ideas are as follows. Firstly, it classifies urban clusters into two categories: metropolitan area and metropolitan group by identifying their main characteristics, differences, and connections, defining the industrial space characteristics and functional characteristics of the metropolitan group. Secondly, it proposes that the key of the collaborative governance of metropolis group is that of Industry-City, and presents such a framework.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 166-176 [Abstract] ( 508 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1499KB] ( 746 )
177 Zhang Weiwen Zhuo Hejia Ma Yuqi
Path of Integratiing Characteristic Towns into the Development of Urban Agglomerations
China has now entered the stage of rapid urbanization. As an important spatial entity of new-type urbanization, an urban agglomeration has played an extremely important role in economic development and future urbanization. However, at present, in China's urban agglomeration,s there exists a serious problem of inadequate coordination in development with unequal exchange of factors between urban and rural areas. The capacity of resources and environment in large cities is limited while small and medium-sized cities and small towns are underdeveloped, and are caught in a vicious circle of economic inefficiency and waste of resources. The rise of characteristic towns has made it possible to break through this vicious circle and to explore a new model for small towns to serve urban agglomerations. Compared with traditional small towns, the characteristic towns not only feature the ″production″ concept with industrial development, industrial transformation and upgrading as the focus, but also feature the ″life″ concept of facility and service improvement and the ″ecology″ concept of improving the quality of human habitat. Adhering to the policy objective of ″three-concept integration″, the characteristic towns have both industrial support and employment attractiveness, which will maximize the ″production-city integration″, change the trend of excessive resource accumulation into large cities, and break fetters on the factor flow in the urban-rural dual structure. This is a huge boost to the formation of a new pattern of urban-rural interaction and regional integration within the entire urban agglomeration system and promotes the high-quality development of new urbanization. Based on this, this paper takes Zhejiang Province as an example and applies the theory of interregional divergence in categorizing the characteristic towns under construction into ″central″ towns, ″satellite″ towns and ″special″ towns according to their spatial layout. The paper elaborates on the spatial layout and functional differentiation of different types of characteristic towns based on the policy objectives of integrating production, life, and ecology: the ″central″ towns located in the central cities or important node cities are attracting high-end professionals while developing industries with high added value. They will ultimately complete industrial upgrading and ″gentlemanization″, and enhance the radiation capacity of the central cities. The ″satellite towns″ located on the outskirts of the central cities and within the metropolitan area will take in the industries and population of the main urban districts, attract labor from their surrounding villages and towns, thus expanding the radiation range of the central cities, and solving the problem of ″residence cities″. The ″special towns″ located in the development zone between urban agglomerations will take advantage of their natural resources or historical industrial foundation to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and attract labor to return. They will become new growth poles in the urban agglomeration in leading industrial development in their surrounding areas.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 177-187 [Abstract] ( 713 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1580KB] ( 780 )
188 He Jianjun Mao Dan
Social Embeddedness and Community Collective Economy Development: An Empirical Evidence of Chinese Urban Community
This paper focuses on the development issue of community collective economy in urban China. Community collective economy is an important part of community economy in urban China and its development directly determines the quality of community development in urban China. Currently, It is increasingly difficult to adapt to the requirement of new trend for the traditional development mode of community collective economy, so local governments successively shapes the market-oriented mode of community collective economy in the main form of community joint-stock company. Nevertheless, community collective economy development, from its origin, is not only economic development but also community development and social development. There is no doubt that the full market-oriented mode of community collective economy deviates from the track of community development, So community collective economy has the risk of disconnecting with the society. Polanyi, Granovetter and other scholars proposed social embeddedness theory of economic action and thus provided the theoretical ground for the argument that community collective economy was embedded in communities and society. Social embeddedness theory argues that economic action is deeply embedded in society. But these scholars failed to interpret how economic action is embedded, and embrace such static social factors as relationship, structure, culture and institution. Accordingly, they ignored action capability of human being as a social subject. Contemporary well-know British sociologist Anthony Giddens gave both social action of human being as a social subject and social structure as rule and resource the same importance. and so that Giddens attempts to construct society through duality scheme of action and structure, therefore, three concepts of action, rule and resource provide a new insight for social embeddedness of economic action. In this sense, economic action is embedded in society through action, rule and resource, that is action embeddedness, rule embeddedness and resource embeddedness. Theoretically, community collective economy is also embedded in society through action, rule and resource, that is action embeddedness, rule embeddedness and resource embeddedness of community collective economy. This paper deeply analyzes social embeddedness of community collective economy in urban China by using the three-dimensional framework, so we find that the development of community collective economy is faced with danger of action disembeddedness, rule disembeddedness and resource disembeddedness, which leads to the trouble that the development of community collective economy breaks away from community or society. According to judgment sampling, we develop case study for social embeddedness of CCE by selecting Gaosha community in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Community collective economy of Gaosha develops towards more market-oriented direction through reforming community joint-stock cooperative system, which Achieves the growth of community economy and then makes use of community collective funds solve community public issues and enhance social welfare of community residents, so that community collective economy of Gaosha, to some extent, achieves social embeddedness. However, community collective economy of Gaosha gradually deviate from direction of community development in the course of marketization, facing the risk of action disembeddedness, rule disembeddedness and resource disembeddedness. It is an important policy initiative that advocates development of community collective economy towards joint-stock cooperative system by formulated by Chinese government. However, joint-stock cooperative system of community collective economy brings about social disembed. At the same time, action disembeddedness, rule disembeddedness and resource disembeddedness of community collective economy limit its development and so the development of community collective economy need embed community and society. Therefore, local government must correct the direction of community collective economy development by policy intervene, so as to reduce the risks of social disembeddedness.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 188-204 [Abstract] ( 452 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1541KB] ( 700 )
205 Huang Yunping
Essence and Regulation of Remixed Creation
In the environment of digital network, the increasing prosperity of remixed creative production and the insufficiency of copyright system form a sharp contrast. The fine deconstruction and reasonable regulation of the remixed creative production has posed problems to the scholars. However, compared with the positive situation of seriously studying and considering amending copyright law to regulate remixed creative production in other countries or regions, the theoretical research and practical preparation in China are insufficient. This paper attempts to solve the following three problems. In the aspect of deconstructing remixed creative production, the paper reveals the essence from three dimensions by discriminating the similarities and differences among the remixed creative production, adaptation and compilation. In terms of the comprehensive ideas, though using the content of the previous works, it has changed the comprehensive ideas, such as thoughts, feelings, opinions, positions or methods. As far as the constituent elements are concerned, it creates new elements, such as texts, numbers, symbols, colors, light rays, notes or graphics, which constitute the substance of new works. In the form of expression, the creator uses his or her own wisdom to organically combine and express the contents including the previous works and the new elements according to the new rules and order. Regarding the legal controversy caused by the remixed creative production, it is based on the author's personality and still adheres to the principle of dichotomy of thought and expression. It doesn't shake the legitimacy of the copyright system. We can't simply classify the remixed creative production as legitimate or infringement act, but we should distinguish them as purely remixed creative production of public materials, 12 cases of remixed creative production in compliance with Article 22 of China's Copyright Law as well as other cases of remixed creative production. It can be judged from four elements whether remixed creative production is legitimate: the purpose and characteristics of the use, the nature of copyright works, used parts in proportion to previous works and substantive conditions, the impact of the use on the potential market or value of the previous works. In response to and regulation of remixed creative production, we should bring it into the evaluation field of copyright law, and take into account the forward-looking legislation in the step-by-step and classified approach. First of all, we should amend the system of fair use, by introducing ″four factor judgment method″ of the United States to regulate nonprofit acts of remixed creative production. Secondly, the legal license should be extended to permit the remixed use of published works without the permission of the copyright owner, but the corresponding royalties should be paid. Finally, we can adopt the voluntary licensing mode to regulate the acts of remixed creative production which is not applicable to fair use or legal license. The innovations of this paper are as follows. First of all, for the first time it reveals in China the essence of the remixed creative production from three dimensions: the comprehensive idea, constituent elements and the form of expression. It puts forward that the remixed creative production is ″different from the traditional creation methods such as adaptation and compilation, involving the dual changes in the comprehensive idea and expression of the previous works and the organic combination of the new elements″. Then the paper proposes a step-by-step, classified processing method, including ″revising the fair use system, expanding the situation of legal license, and the mode of voluntary license″. Last but not the least, it clarifies many legal disputes such as whether or not to subvert the legitimacy of copyright system.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 205-214 [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 602 )
215 Zhang Chi
Interpretations of d'Argenson's Considerations on the Ancient and Present Government of France and of the Origins of the Political Radicalism in the Eighteenth-Century France
René Louis de Voyer de Paulmy d'Argenson is one of the most creative thinkers in the early eighteenth-century France. His theories on local election and democratic monarchy presented in Considérations sur le gouvernement ancien et présent de la France have a profound and direct impact on Rousseau's theory of general will and physiocrats' legal despotism. But due to its multiple editions and the differences among different ones, and due to the destruction of the author's collections in a fire, the comprehension of the pamphlet becomes rather difficult. As a result, the political thoughts of d'Argenson have not yet been given enough attention to ever since. Hence it is of great significance to restore his thoughts, not only for understanding the transformation of the French political thinking at the beginning of 18th century, but also for dating back the origin of radicalism of the French Revolution. Deeply influenced by the doctrine of Laissez faire, d'Argenson creatively transforms this anti-mercantilist argument into an administrative principle, holding that the malpractice of absolutism is not the excessive centralization, but the state and society relationship distortion. The root of the national impoverishment lies in the fact that the king always puts his own interest above that of the state. d'Argenson's criticism overturns the doctrine of l'état,c'est moi, and shakes the institutional foundation of the absolute monarchy. Hereafter, the public interest, instead of the raison d'état, becomes the criterion for the governing. His radicalism is shown in his argument that what the French royalty needs is not the limitation of its power, but the enlightenment given by general will, the free expression of which can only be done under the condition that everyone can express his will freely. So d'Argenson tries to introduce democracy into monarchy. He believes the function of democracy is to assist the rule of the monarch via defining explicitly the general will. To elaborate his argument, he distinguished the communal interest and the public interest administered by the local officials elected by the local people and by the designated officials appointed by the king, respectively. He also conceives a completely new administrative structure composed of departments, district, and commune, which actually becomes the prototype of the modern French administrative system. Besides, d'Argenson strongly appeals for political equality and maintains that the property, instead of bloodline be the precondition for voting. He argues that public interest can only be achieved when all the subjects are equal. To him, a republic protected by king and constituted by equal citizens goes better to natural order. d'Argenson establishes the general will achieved by democracy as the genuine authority for guiding public affairs and as a useful complement to the royalty instead of its potential rival. His Considérations indicates the abolishment of privileges and corps as well as the attack on containing the crown power, which is in nature a généralité political culture. Formulated as well as developed by Physiocrats and Rousseau, this political culture is incorporated into the discourses of ever popular sovereignty, which later evolves into more radical and more rational political ideas, completely denying the significance of the history and tradition serving as the legitimate foundation for the nobility privileges, but believing that all the existing institutional malpractices can be eradicated simply by resorting to reason and general will. In view of all the above, d'Argenson's ideas can be regarded as one of the major origins of political radicalism in the French Revolution.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 215-227 [Abstract] ( 484 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1557KB] ( 796 )
228 Liu Yuchen Yang Luhui
China's Role in the Transformation of International Order
International order is the result of the power distribution, interest distribution and idea distribution among big powers. At present, due to the imbalance of major forces' development, the international order is at a historical stage of transition, and the major powers' international role is undergoing profound adjustment. With its peaceful rise, China's international status is rising and its international attitude is also more open and active. In the process of international order transformation, China is faced with a new opportunity for role change. The new role orientation is now the common concern of all countries in the world. The present international order is a monocentric order dominated by the hegemonic state. It is incompatible with the development of global governance due to its inherent structural defects, which is resulting in the fragmentation of the crisis and the turbulence of the international system, named after ″Atypical disorder″ state. The deconstruction of the monocentric order provides the basic scenario for China's role transformation in the international order. In this paper, we use a new role analysis framework to examine China's new role positioning. The method about role analysis is a common method of describing, explaining and predicting the behavior of actors. Position and attitude are two important dimensions to study the role of actors in the article. It is a rational choice for the roles of actors are set according to their own status and behavior. In general, there is a great relevance between the actors' roles and their positions in a particular field, the attitude of a particular topic. Due to the change of international status and attitudes, China's international role should be reconstructed during the evolution of the international order, and China should promote its role transition from a marginal participant to a leading manager. As a result, China should build a polycentric cooperative governance order, establish peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win inclusive symbiosis concepts, construct a multi-level partnership network to jointly reshape the balance of the global governance structure, enhance the rationality of global governance norms, improve the effectiveness of global governance mechanism, enrich the diversity of international public goods supply, promote the democratization process of international relations so as to promote fairness and justice in the international order. In the future, whether or not China's new role is recognized by international society will still be limited by many internal and external variables: (1) the overall reform process and effectiveness in China; (2) the construction of diplomatic capacity and resource allocation; (3) the trap in strategic overdraft and its avoidance; (4) hegemony's intent and ability of the balance to the emerging powers; (5) the international community's attitude on China's measures to cope with international challenges and so on. It is clear that there will still be a long way to go before we can make a true transformation of China's role and the transformation of the international order.
2018 Vol. 4 (5): 228- [Abstract] ( 569 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1500KB] ( 1367 )


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