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2016, Vol.2 Num.6
Online: 2016-11-10

2016 Vol. 2 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 419 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1228KB] ( 753 )
4 Zou Xiaodong Wang Kai
University-Industry Knowledge Synergy Innovation in Regional Innovation Ecosystems: Practical Issues, Theoretical Basis and Research Agenda
In the transition from efficiency-driven to innovation-driven economic growth, owing to inadequate capabilities of synergy in the production, acquisition, diffusion and application of knowledge, China is still facing challenges that need to be addressed urgently, such as the ″islanding phenomenon,″ the ″knowledge paradox,″ and other problems in science, technology and innovation. Meanwhile, the administrative decentralization and the economic reform in China have a localizing trend in knowledge flows in recent years. Therefore, in the new normal economy, it is not only possible but also necessary to look into the ″black box″ of university-industry synergy innovation from a regional perspective to encourage the flow of material, energy and information in the regional innovation ecosystems. However, most of the extant research on university-industry collaboration or on the university technology transfer has focused on the ″one-way flow of knowledge,″ such as licensing and contract research, overlooking the synergy innovation model of ″two-way dynamic flow of knowledge,″ such as joint research and consulting. Other researches are fragmented for lack of coherent frameworks and conceptualizations which fully depict the dynamic and evolving nature of knowledge synergy innovation. While comprehensive research on knowledge network has confirmed with plenty of solid evidence that embedded ties have significant positive effects on inter-organizational collaboration innovation performance, they tend to focus on the ″consequences″ of knowledge network and neglect its ″determinants,″ such as the knowledge networking capabilities of organizations and the institutional environments for network development.On the basis of China's actual conditions and the existing body of research, we adhere to the economic and social development concept of ″Innovation, Coordination, Green, Opening up and Sharing″ to raise the essential question of this study: Is it possible to fill the gap between the knowledge innovation level of university and regional innovation-driven development by activating the university potential in the evolution of regional innovation ecosystems? To answer the research question, we proposed a theoretical framework based on the regional innovation ecosystems theory, the knowledge innovation theory, the knowledge network theory, the embedded ties theory and new institutionalism. This framework takes the embedded ties of knowledge network as the breakthrough point as the ties are key links which impact the performance of university-industry knowledge synergy innovation. In light of the theoretical logic of ″the regional institutional environments and the university knowledge networking capabilities, the embedded ties of the knowledge network, knowledge synergy innovation performance″ constructed for the co-evolution of university and its region, future research questions are suggested as follows: (1) How can knowledge synergy innovation performance be impacted by knowledge network embedded ties? For example, future research needs to examine the concrete mechanisms of how mutual trust, mutual commitment, information sharing and joint problem-solving (which constitute the knowledge network embedded ties) impact knowledge synergy innovation performance; (2) How can knowledge network embedded ties be impacted by the knowledge networking capabilities of a university, e. g. For example, future research may focus on the constituents of the knowledge networking capabilities of a university and the relational mechanisms of these elements and knowledge network embedded ties in accordance with the university organizational properties; And (3) how can knowledge network embedded ties be impacted by the regional institutional environments. For example, future research may explore the constituent elements of the regional institutional environments in China and the role that these elements play in the development process of knowledge network embedded ties. The results of theoretical analysis and empirical study will not only promote the functional view of a university, the mechanisms of knowledge valorization, the social network theory and the embedded ties theory, but also have significant policy implications for knowledge synergy innovation and the evolution of regional innovation ecosystems and further support the national innovation systems in China.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 4- [Abstract] ( 758 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1399KB] ( 2830 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 29 )
6 Wang Xiaolu Guo Xiaoqun
Neuropsychological System for Chinese Non-literal Language Processing
The previous studies on non-literal language mechanism did not treat different forms of non-literal language as an entire and coherent system,but as segmented and isolated entities. Besides certain deficiencies in methodologies,those researches failed to distinguish the similarities and variances of processing mechanism between different non-literal language forms.Non-literal language understanding, one of the advanced cognitive activities, presents a more abstract performance of language and mind.Taking conventionality as the axes,this study tries to place conventionalized metaphor(such as conventional metaphor,idioms)and novel metaphor(such as humor,irony)on a continuum of conventionality. The features of a particular non-literal language form as well as the comparisons with other forms in the non-literal language system from both temporal and spatial dimensions have been discussed and analyzed,so as to bring light on the continuum of Chinese non-literal language mechanism and to build a model of Chinese non-literal language cognitive processing.In terms of temporal dimension,there are three models,namely the multi-step model,the direct access model and the parallel competitive model for non-literal language processing.The multi-step model and the direct access model give extreme answers to the debate of whether literal meaning is activated in the non-literal language understanding.The former holds that literal meaning should be activated initially,while the latter believes that regardless of literal meaning activation,non-literal meaning could be accessed with the contribution of context,salience,etc. The parallel competitive model does not illustrate the direct or indirect processing of literal meaning,but focuses much on the factors influencing the process,discussing the context effect in terms of time and means of processing in understanding. Regarding spatial dimension,the right brain theory,the left brain theory and the whole brain theory are the three main prevailing views on the argument of the role the brain plays in non-literal language processing.The right brain theory argues that most right-handed and some left-handed people's language comprehension and production rely heavily on left hemisphere,but their understanding of non-literal language and other complex language forms mainly depends on their right hemisphere.On the contrary,the left brain theory goes against this view by insisting in the left hemisphere's participation in non-literal language processing. Different to these dichotomous categories,the whole brain theory suggests that corresponding to different language forms,processing tasks and processing difficulties, the bilateral hemispheres cooperate and interact with each other instead of limiting to the isolated performance of either left or right hemisphere. Since the non-literal language processing is a whole system,instead of staying in some particular model or hypothesis to conclude non-literal language processing mechanism segmentally,we should integrate and optimize the different theories in terms of different understanding stages to build a general and dynamic model under a uniform cognitive frame. Besides running through different non-literal language forms in terms of the degree of conventionality and synthesizing various influence factors, this model could incorporate information similar to or different from the processing system for literal meaning provided by time course and spatial regions to flexibly explain how non-literal language be understood from the temporal and/or spatial dimensions.This study will be helpful for our attempt to find the processing features of particular forms of non-literal language under the cognitive framework,and to give a reasonable explanation for these features in a particular context.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 6- [Abstract] ( 915 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1364KB] ( 1563 )
An fMRI Study on the Cognitive Processing of Different Types ofChinese Metaphoric Sentences
Metaphors are, not only frequently used in daily communication, but more importantly,also a critical element in human cognition and thinking processes.Research on the cognitive processes for metaphor comprehension is of great significance to cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.The main question investigated here is where there is a unique cognitive process underlying metaphor comprehension,compared to literal language.Or,what is the specific cognitive processing in metaphor comprehension and brain network concerned? Existing research on this question has produced inconsistent results,leading to different theories about metaphor processing. We propose that metaphors can be divided into two different categories,namely derived metaphors and evoked metaphors, associated with different cognitive processes and neural mechanisms. Controversies among theories and empirical data may possibly be due to non-differentiation between different types of metaphors.Using both behavioral methods and fMRI techniques,the present study was intended to compare the cognitive processes and neural mechanisms of these two types of metaphors at the sentence level. Results showed that,reaction times of derived metaphoric sentences and evoked metaphoric sentences were both longer than that of literal sentences.More importantly,compared with literal sentences,there was more activation in both left middle temporal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus and left inferior frontal gyrus for derived metaphoric sentences.For evoked metaphoric sentences, left inferior frontal gyrus was more activated compared with literal sentences.The results indicate that cognitive processes and neural mechanisms of derived metaphoric sentences are different from those of evoked metaphoric sentences. For derived metaphoric sentences,the process involves activating several word meanings and selecting proper meaning to make sentence semantically integrated. Given that contexts in sentence are complicated,it is more difficult to inhibit the literal meaning of metaphoric words.Therefore, increasing competition between the literal meaning and the metaphoric meaning of metaphoric words leads to deep semantic processing and longer reaction time for derived metaphoric sentences. More importantly,complex processing results in specific activation in left middle temporal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus reflecting competition between multi-meanings,and activation in left inferior frontal gyrus reflecting depth of semantic processing.As a contrast,with support from sentence contexts,semantic searching in evoked metaphoric sentences is a directed search process,and it is not necessary for a nondirective search in a much broader semantic field like that in evoked metaphoric words. Similarly, compared to literal sentence processing, evoked metaphoric sentences need to extend meanings to related information rather than to directly select word meanings,which resulted in longer reaction time and also specifically activated left inferior frontal gyrus. The findings as a whole show that metaphor comprehension involves unique cognitive processes different from literal language comprehension. However, cognitive processes and neural mechanisms of metaphor do not operate in a single mode,as the type of metaphors can modify metaphor processing and associated brain activities.The present study indicates that distinguishing cognitive processes and neural mechanisms of different metaphors can resolve some conflicts in metaphor processing studies and help to integrate different empirical studies for a deeper understanding of metaphor comprehension.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 8- [Abstract] ( 616 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1363KB] ( 1533 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 9- [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 28 )
10 Chen Wei Li Hengwei
Direct Social Perception and Understanding Other Minds:A Neurophenomenological Proposal
The″problem of other minds″and its? derivative model of″mindreading″have become an important topic of central concern to philosophers of mind, psychologists and cognitive scientists.The problem of other minds can be described as follows:if the mind is a very private entity that can only be accessed by oneself,then how can I possibly understand the minds of other people? How can I possibly share the world with others and how can people possibly share their own mental states with each other? Epistemologically speaking,the research on the problem of other minds has followed a path formulated by the traditional Anglo-American analytic philosophy,and have realized its systematic integration and scientific confirmation with various knowledge of brain sciences.However,it is worth noting that this path has relatively neglected Continental philosophy's reflections upon the issue of intersubj ectivity.Abundant phenomenological heritages have been found in the works of Husserl,Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty,Sartre,Stein,Gurwitsch,Scheler,and Schutz as they described and interpreting the ideas of other minds.Over the past decade or so,accompanied by the naturalization of phenomenology,many phenomenologists began to pay attention to the debates over those models of mindreading grounded in first-person and third-person perspectives,which indicated an absence of the experience of intersubj ectivity from second-person perspective. These models of mindreading have two representatives,namely the Theory-Theory(TT)and Simulation Theory(ST)as well as various sub-versions and hybrids.Based on third-person perspective,TT states that our understanding and explaining of other minds are based on a folk psychological theory which consists of a framework of propositional attitudes.On the contrary,ST denies that we come to understand others through deployment of a theory.Instead,we adopt first-person perspective to understand other minds that we put ourselves in others' shoes to consciously simulate,predict,and even explain others'minds. Accordingly,as proponents of″Phenomenological Proposal″(PP),Zahavi and Gallagher discerned that although the epistemological affinity between TT and ST seems not evident,it is more profound than what people has expected.Two epistemological presuppositions are shared by TT and ST.Firstly,the mentalistic supposition suggests that the problem of other minds is the problem to explain how we can access the minds of others.It is a problem of access because other minds are internal,hidden,closed,and behind the external and observable behaviors.Both TT and ST regard gaining access to other minds as a problem,and both adopt these terms concerning access to precisely explicate social cognition.Secondly,the supposition of universality holds that our reliance on some versions of theory or simulation(or combination of both)is close to be universal,that is,this folk psychological way of understanding and interacting with others is pervasive in our daily life. One of the most landmark contributions of cognitive neuroscience during the past 20 years was the discovery of″mirror neurons,″which are located in the premotor and parietal cortex of the monkey.They were activated not only when the monkey executed a particular action,but also when it saw or heard someone else perform the similar action.It was discovered in the ensuing research that the mirror neuron system exists in humans as well.Based on the functions and properties of mirror neuron system,we suggested the″neurophenomenological proposal″(NPP)in an attempt to reexamine the mentalistic supposition and the supposition of universality. Gallese's theory of Embodied Simulation(ES)is expected to provide an integrated theoretical framework for understanding other minds. It assumes that our social interactions become effective through reusing our own mental states or processes,and attributing the mental states and functionalities of processing to others. In this context, simulation is conceived of a non-conscious,pre-reflective functional mechanism of the mirror neuron system whose function is to model obj ects,agents,and events and can be triggered during our interactions with others.In most of our daily interactions, we have a direct social perception which can immediately understand the intentions of other agents,because their intentions are explicitly expressed in their actions.Consequently,when observing another agent's action,we can not only see a physical movement,but also″direct perceive″an intentional action.In conclusion,from PP to NPP,we not only criticize the two presuppositions of mind problem and mindreading, but also offer an epistemological and experiential remedy. Most proponents for mindreading suffer from the″Cartesian Anxiety,″which leads them to search for an absolute ground for understanding other minds.They believe that both first-person and third-person perspectives are using their″own-being″to support other beings.However,this dichotomy is problematic because it tries to cut off the interaction between inner and outer, experience and behavior,perceived body and inferred or simulated mind.Therefore,it is bound to fail in connecting self with others.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 10- [Abstract] ( 474 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1331KB] ( 1348 )
12 Jin Li Wang Man
A Study of Distinguishing Linked Structure from Convergent Structure:From Multidimensional Perspective of Argument Diagramming
Argument diagramming is an important tache in analyzing argumentation texts, which is also a universal analytical technique in the fields of argumentation theory, study on fallacy and critical thinking. The superiority of argument diagramming lies in that it can intuitively reveal argumentative endorsements to describe the macro structure in argumentation. However, the recognition of linked structure and convergent structure is a thorny and important problem in the process of describing argumentation structures confronted with complicated argumentations in the world. Scholars in logic intend to discriminate the two clearly. There are mainly four proposals to discriminate them in terms of discriminating standards: logic union, reasoning chain convergence, modal combination and relevance linkage. Nevertheless, the four proposals still have their own loopholes. The existing four proposals start from four aspects respectively: whether the premise is deduced alone, whether backward reasoning is workable, modality and relevance. Their loopholes result from their sole dimension, which fail to capture the nature of link and convergence structure. The proposed one in this paper centers on the ambiguity of the key concept of logic support and the intended downward arrow's ambiguity in argument diagramming. Two different logic structures may come from two different interpretations on logic support and the arrow. When the premise S supports the conclusion P via providing some evidence, that is, it is possible that there will be other premises support P jointly. This implicates the correlation of argumentation and link. When S provides sufficient reasons to deduce the conclusion alone, this implicates the correlation of argumentation and convergence. The assertion which is concluded from a set of premise or premises providing some strong reasons to support the conclusion or providing some weak reasons to support the conclusion is a modal assertion. The new proposal introduces argumentation strength into modality, which assumes the acceptance of the premise. Based on this, the conclusion supported via a premise or a set of premises and the assertion concluded from a weak support are modal assertions. While, the ambiguity between relevance and modality is the very problem for the terms in Thomas, Rowen and Yanal. The new proposal provides detailed norms for constructing linked structure and convergent structure, in which we combine three aspects of ″whether in accordance with the premise that can be launched separately″, ″every premise's contribution is balanced″ and ″when a premise is false, if other premise can deduce″ with five argument diagrammings of ″strong combination″, ″combination of differentiation″, ″equilibrium convergence″, ″differentiation of convergence″ and ″weak convergence″. The five diagrammings cover five situations in determining linked argumentation and convergent argumentation. A matrix graph is worked out based on the analysis of five argument structures of three norms. It can be concluded form the graph that considering the adequacy of the premise is essentially the discussion of modality, discussing modality to some extent concerns the strength of premise supporting the conclusion, namely the balance of the contribution. As analyzing modality, we also have to take into account correlation. We could come to the conclusion through analyzing the correlation of premise and conclusion and the weight of premise. 1.When the premise's contribution is balanced: if the conclusion can be deduced from promise solely, the structure is convergent structure; if the conclusion can not be deduced directly, the one is linked structure. 2.When the premise contribution is not balanced:(1) if the conclusion can be deduced from the promise solely, under the condition that one of premises is false, the remaining premises can still deduce the conclusion, the structure is convergent structure;(2) if the conclusion can be deduced from promise solely, and when one of premises is false, the remaining premises can not deduce the conclusion directly, the structure is linked structure.(3) if the conclusion cannot be deduced from promise solely, the structure is linked structure. In a word, there exists a clear demarcation between convergent structure and linked structure, but the demarcation is full of disputes and is different on intuition judgment. In accordance with our analysis, correlation and solid arguments provide a clear reason for distinguish convergent structure from linked structure. Starting from distinguishing link and modality, the new proposal reaches a definite reason to diversely express that premise supports conclusion through multi-dimensional consideration and analysis. It further offers detailed norms to discriminate the two via reasonably revising argumentation diagramming of linked structure and convergent structure.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 12- [Abstract] ( 536 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1323KB] ( 954 )
14 Wang Xin He Zhe
A Study of the Japanese Particlesマデandマデニwith Error Analysis from the Perspective of Boundedness Theory
As an important part of the general cognitive mechanism, the bounded-unbounded opposition is one of the most fundamental conceptions in human cognition. According to the cognitive grammar, language competence is part of the general cognitive capabilities; therefore, the bounded-unbounded opposition in human consciousness is necessarily reflected in their language structures. The correlation between boundedness in things and that in action is, for example, visible in the English language, where an indefinite article of “a,” or “an,” is put in front of a nominalized verb to indicate a bounded action, while for an unbounded action no such article is needed whatsoever. In Chinese, the nature of action described by a verb can be changed from unbounded to bounded by inserting a numeral word one in front of the verb, as happens to a noun. In Japanese, likewise, an unbounded action is made bounded by the case particle of “マデ.” For instance, the sentence “本を読む/Read books” expresses the idea of an unbounded action, while in the sentence “5時まで本を読む/Read books till 5 o’clock” the action is understood as bounded; conversely, “マデ” must be used together with unbounded verbs, by which rule none of the following expressions can be accepted in Japanese: “*5時まで殺す/Kill someone till 5 o’clock,”, “*5時まで行く/Go till 5 o’clock”, “*5時まで結婚する/Wed till 5 o’clock ,”, “*5時まで死ぬ/Die till 5 o’clock”, simply because the verbs in all those sentences are bounded. On the other hand, predicates in マデニsentences are mostly of bounded nature. For instance, the verb “帰る/return ” in the sentence “十時までに帰る/Return by 10 o’clock” is typically bounded ; the verb “読む/read” in the sentence “来週までに三冊読む/Read three books by next week” becomes bounded because of the numeral phrase of “三冊/3 books”, though the verb is unbounded by itself — in other words, the sentence sounds naturally and comfortably acceptable because it has narrated an event that is complete, which makes it “free”, while expressions like “*来週までに読む/Read by next week(○来週までに読むことは無理だ/the correct expression ought to be: It is impossible to read by next week)” are “bound” (or dependent) because they are structurally incomplete. It is exactly like the situation in Chinese, where a structure can be bounded by the use of a numeral word. As an extension of the rule, the durative aspect in “シテイル” sentences requires a “マデ” case in deep structure, as “シテイル” is normally unbounded, while the perfective aspect in “スル?シタ” sentences requires a “マデニ” case as they are usually bounded. The requirement is conditional, because durative aspect is by no means the only expression of unboundedness, which can also be indicated by the non-durative aspect of other unbounded expressions, such as verbs and phrases that are for unbounded actions and go with マデ. Violations of such rules cause errors in language use, which can be corrected by either adjusting the boundedness of predicates or switching between “マデ” and “マデニ”.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 14- [Abstract] ( 559 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1323KB] ( 1124 )
16 Mao Zhenhua
Annotation Method and Its Academic History Significance of Chunki’u Tso Chuan Kaoyi Written by Kamei Nammyeong
Chunki’u Tso Chuan Kaoyi is an important book of annotations written by Kamei Nammyeong in the Edo period of Japan. In this book, Kamei focused on annotating the ambiguous text of Tso Chuan. Kamei was good at empirical research, and paid close attention to the interpretation of content, argumentation and semantic associations. For what couldn’t be interpreted accurately, Kamei offered various annotations by different scholars for reference, or left the questions open. Such remarks as "Du’s interpretation seems invalid", " It seems better than Du’s interpretation", "Whether Du’s interpretation is better or not is uncertain", "Du’s interpretation is probably wrong", "Perhaps that’s not the case", and "Du’s interpretation seems better" show his doubts on some notes, but he himself did not give conclusive remarks. This attitude is cautious and scientific, and ensures the objectivity and fairness of the annotation. Kamei Nammyeong criticized various mistakes in Du Yu’s interpretations-mistakes resulting from Du’s inadequate study of Tso Chuan’s context and lack of a thorough analysis of the words and sentences, neglects resulting from the arbitrary use of materials and from the misunderstanding of pronunciation, connotation and rules of diction. He criticized Yu for his subjective and groundless interpretations and far-fetched personal views. Kamei’s revisions and supplements to Du’s interpretations are multi-angled and multi-dimensional. His exploitation and innovative use of the available materials and his original interpretations and elaborations on relevant documents show Kamei’s solid skills in textual research and unique academic insight. Influenced by Ogyu Sorai’s research method, Kamei Nammyeong inherited and developed the Puxue tradition of the Han Dynasty. He not only cited original examples from Chunki’u, but also the linguistic examples before the Western Han Dynasty to correct Du Yu’s interpretations. Meanwhile, he stressed the availability and reliability of the materials. Expressions such as “No clear citation”, “The source cited is unknown”, “Not sure whether the citation exists”, “No citation”, etc. are frequently used to question Du Yu. In order to recover the original features of Tso Chuan study, Kamei illustrated his research and analysis with concrete examples. Consequently, Kamei laid the foundation of Tso Chuan study in Japan by combining textual research with content, argumentation and semantic associations. It is remarkable that Kamei was intact from Ogyu Sorai’s thoughts such as “the recognition of the words of ancient Chinese should come first,” “the Six Classics can be talked about”. Kamei regarded the materials of and after the Western Han Dynasty as something important as those before Han. He adopted what was adoptable, and refuted what was refutable, which was obviously a big step forward from Ogyu’s academic views. Kamei’s way of annotating had a profound impact on the academic atmosphere in the early Edo period, which has been dominated by Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties when Yili was emphasized but textual research was underestimated. Furthermore, Kamei’s way of annotating broke through the academic limitations of Japanese sinology, to the periods after Song dynasty. The prominent achievement of Kamei’s textual research made the Tso Chuan studies in the Edo period more scientific. His research method and the academic value of his work also have great influence upon Tso chuan zuan kao written by Kamei Akiyo and Tso shih hui ki’an written by Tzu ti’en ku’ang hung. The systematic analysis of Chunki’u Tso Chuan Kaoyi in its ways of annotation and use of materials, bring out its unique academic value. and its important position and significance in the Tso Chuan studies in Japan.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 16- [Abstract] ( 653 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1354KB] ( 1908 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 17- [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 32 )
18 Lin Ka Hou Baiqian
Discussions and Evaluation on Social Policy Programs from the Value Perspective: On the Proposal Requiring the Retirees to Pay Social Security Premiums for Their Health Care
Social policy proposals and the policy-making actions are all value-embedded. The debate about a proposal asking retirees to pay attribution to the social insurance program of health care could disclose the nature of values, both as the instrumental means and guiding ideals, in the evaluation of social policy program. This policy proposal, initiated in the beginning of 2016, requests the pensioners to pay their attribution to the statutory healthcare insurance program. This could, in the view of some supporters, increase the financial sustainability of this program, and for some supporters, this may help to prevent inequality occurred if the retiring pensioners spending more costs in health care than young workers, do not pay for the program but young workers as current employees pay for. On the other hand, some scholars claimed that this policy proposal violates the Social Insurance Law, and it runs against the state's commitment of insuring employees. Considering the low level of income for pensioners and their limited capacity of earning, we may assume that this policy proposal will increase retirees' difficulties in living. To assess the rationale of this policy proposal, we need to evaluate its significance from the approach of values. Three key notions are involved in this assessment including social equality, social fairness, and social justice. The norm of social equality requires us to look at the redistribution effect of social insurance in terms of equality cross-groups and cross-generations. In particular, in the current pay-as-you-go system, the effect of cross-generation distribution of income transfer is evident. This implies that in this system, employees should pay the program for the pensions of the last-generation employees, while their pension in the future should be sourced from their next-generation employees. From the prospective of social fairness, the principle of social insurance assigns the payers a duty of making contribution, whereas the state takes a duty of program operation. Therefore, no matter the fund runs a deficit or surplus, the state should take this operational duty alone, not to shift the financial burden of program operation to the payers or contributors. The value of social justice requires consistency between social policy design and social development trend. In the contemporary world, most developed countries in Europe have achieved free health care or universal coverage of public health care service, and in the same way, Taiwan and Hong Kong in Great China region are also striving for universal coverage of the public health care system. In this global context, a voice that asks retirees to pay medical insurance as a ″duty″ is quite unpleasant to hear, and run against the development trend. Hence, discussions over social policy schemes should be examined from the prospect of ″what should be done,″ and reflect upon underlying values. At present, the Chinese levels of pubic spending on health care, education, and social protection stand low in international comparisons, efforts should be made to increase the pubic spending on these areas in order to reach at the stand of ″bottom-line fairness.″ However, the policy proposal that asks retirees to continuously contribute to the health care program is contradictory to the principle of the ”moderate inclusiveness″ Still, we should also remind that the pressure of health care cost mostly come from those problems in hospital administration and the patient-doctor relationship, etc. And therefore, the right way of handling with these problems is to resolve these problems and to decrease abuse of medical resources by the advantaged groups, instead of the way of increasing the burden of pensioners for charging fees.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 18- [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1309KB] ( 1485 )
22 Hao Junfu
Poverty Characteristics of Global Aging Population and Anti-poverty Public Policies
Aging population is more vulnerable to the risk of poverty. In the context of population aging, based on the poverty characteristics of aging population to carry out anti-poverty management is one of the important reform aspect of the government’s public policies. Through international comparative analysis, the poverty of the world’s aging population can be characterized by six major differences: (1) Significant ″regional″ difference: the poverty rate of aging population in different countries is significantly different. This is influenced by three factors: the development level of macro economy, the fairness of income distribution and the completeness of the public pension system. (2) Significant ″gender″ difference: the poverty rate of the female aging population is higher than that of the male. Since women account for the main part of the aging population, the poverty of the world aging population is mainly the poverty problem of women, which is called ″feminization of poverty.″ (3) Significant ″age″ difference: the poverty rate of the ″older old″ is higher than that of the ″younger old.″ The present trend that the aging population itself is aging will further exacerbate the seriousness of the aging population’s anti-poverty problem. (4) Significant ″family structure″ difference: the poverty rate of the ″single″ age population is higher than that of the ″couple″. In recent years the number of the single elderly households is increasing, and the single aging population is mainly made up by women whose poverty rate is higher than men, all these factors will further exacerbate the seriousness of the aging population’s anti-poverty problem. (5) Possible ″race″ difference: the poverty rate may be different among different ethnic groups especially in multi-ethnic countries. (6) Possible ″urban and rural″ difference: in the countries with urban-rural dual economic structure, the aging population’s poverty rate in rural areas will be higher than that in the cities. Based on the analysis of the difference characteristics of global aging population, public policies to reduce the poverty rate of the aging population mainly include: (1) To provide a ″social safety net″ to the aging population through the public pension schemes: to further expand the coverage of ″contributory schemes″ to provide income security for more senior retirees; to construct ″non-contributory schemes″ in order to build the ″social safety net″ for the vulnerable old age groups, such as the female, the older old, the single, the rural aging population etc. (2) To delay retirement age in order to maintain the financial sustainability of the public pension system, in the meanwhile to enhance the pension income security for the retirees to reduce the risk of aging poverty. (3) To optimize the mechanism design of pension system based on the perspective of ″gender equity″: to provide exemption for scheme women who have career interruptions due to childbirth and child care in the pension scheme; to implement the gender equalization of the statutory retirement age and raise women’s statutory retirement age; to establish ″derived pension rights″ including the ″survivor’s pension″ and ″divorcee’s pension″ etc. (4) To achieve the ″availability″ of universal health care: the aging population can have access to quality health services at affordable price which could reduce the risk of the increase of the poverty due to illness. (5) To enhance the quality of employment and reduce the ″informal employment″: to support the transformation of the informal sectors to the formal sectors; to help women and other vulnerable groups to realize the conversion from informal employment to formal employment through the labor market policies. (6) To implement ″inclusive growth″ macro-economic strategy, and to promote the social equity continuously.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 22- [Abstract] ( 769 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1422KB] ( 1213 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 23- [Abstract] ( 188 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 31 )
25 Zhu Boming Cao Dan
Fiscal Burden Analysis for Citizenization of Immigrants from Rural Areas
With the accelerated development of urbanization and industrialization in China, an increasing number of immigrants from rural areas prefer to have their employment and residence in cities and departments of non-agricultural industries, rather than to maintain their rural lives, which not only benefits cities in wealth and the vitality but also promotes the rural economy as the effective carrier of industry promoting agriculture, the urban guiding the rural development. Therefore, the citizenization of immigrants from rural areas become the core of the new-type urbanization. However, local governments usually provide social welfare and basic public services in the light of the local registered population, which brings worries of the potential fiscal burden caused by the process of citizenization to the governments of inflow-areas. Moreover, the reduced motivation of promoting the citizenization will become a major obstacle in the process of citizenization of immigrants from rural areas. This paper studies the fiscal burden caused by the citizenization of immigrants from rural areas on the inflow-area governments. Taking Jianggan district, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province as a typical case, the author estimates its fiscal cost from 2010 to 2013 by means of defining indexes of the relevant cost estimation to let the immigrants from rural areas receive the same level of social welfare and basic public services with urban residents.. After comparing the index of fiscal cost of the citizenization of immigrants from rural areas with other relevant indexes, such as total fiscal revenue, net fiscal expenditure and the imbalance between revenue and expenditure of the local governments, this paper analyzes the fiscal burden that citizenization has on Jianggan district. With the estimates of net revenues, the paper verifies its hypothesis and draws the conclusion: in the short term, the process of citizenization of immigrants from rural areas does bring a certain fiscal burden to inflow-area governments, but the burden will be gradually reduced with the emergence of the benefit and the improvement of the relevant system and facilities, and finally the process of citizenization will promote the development of the local economy. Therefore, this paper proposes that the inflow-area governments should get the fiscal funds ready with an open and positive mind, and with the assistance of the central government, play the major role in promoting the process of citizenization of immigrants from rural areas. Besides, it is also important to make clear the administrative rights and financial power in the issue of citizenization of immigrants from rural areas between the central and local governments, and ensure the available financial resources of the inflow-areas governments. In comparison with the previous researches, this paper is innovative in the following aspects: in terms of purpose, this paper attempts to verify the positive significance of citizenization in the development of local economy and society, and intends to change the inflow-area governments' attitudes towards citizenization through the estimation of the fiscal cost caused by the citizenization of immigrants from rural areas, thus supplying the fiscal cost basis for the local governments and helping them to adequately prepare the process of citizenization; in the research scope, this paper differs from previous researches in that it covers the farmer workers along with their supported population instead of limiting to the farmer workers, which makes the research scope wider and more realistic. As for the content of the research, this paper aims to propose some relevant suggestions according to the analysis of the fiscal burden of the inflow-areas governments based on the estimation of the fiscal cost brought by the citizenization of rural migrants from the perspective of concrete case-study.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 25- [Abstract] ( 665 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1330KB] ( 1191 )
28 Ma Shuzhong Liu Mengheng
Does Agricultural Insurance Promote Agricultural Productivity?— A Case Study Based on China' s Inter-provincial Panel Data
Since 2007, China has begun to focus on developing agricultural insurance. The Promulgation of Agricultural Insurance Regulations in 2012 means that China' s agricultural insurance has achieved a larger breakthrough during the standardized and institutionalized process. The first rule of the agricultural insurance regulations tells us that, agricultural insurance' s goals are to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties who are involved in the agricultural insurance activity and to improve the anti-risk ability in agricultural production. These two goals reflect the two effects of agricultural insurance, welfare effect and efficiency effect. The first goal of agricultural insurance is to improve the level of peasants' welfare, and the second goal is to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. However, the researches on agricultural insurance pay more attention to the welfare analysis while neglecting the efficiency analysis. The empirical research in this paper finds that the development of agricultural insurance has a significant inhibitory effect on agricultural productivity, and the inhibitory effect is conducted through agricultural technology progress. It shows that at present there is some kind of distortion in China' s agricultural insurance market. That is to say, moral hazard and adverse selection problems have emerged in the development of agricultural insurance. The greater the risk, the more obvious the inhibitory effect of agricultural insurance development on agricultural productivity. Research suggests that while considering the design of agricultural insurance products, the governments should not blindly subsidize farmers, but they should pay certain attention to the occurrence of moral hazard and adverse selection problems. And only in this way can the agricultural insurance ensure the function of agricultural production. In addition, the related department needs to increase investment in agriculture of fixed assets and promote the agricultural technology progress so as to increase agricultural productivity. Compared with the existing researches, the contributions of this paper lie in the following two points. First, it is a tentative study of the relationship between agricultural insurance and agricultural productivity, while most existing literature focuses on agricultural insurance welfare analysis but ignore the efficiency analysis. Second, based on the calculation and decomposition of agricultural productivity, it empirically studies the relationship between agricultural insurance and agricultural technology progress and the relationship between the agricultural insurance and agricultural technology efficiency, and further analyzes the internal influence mechanism of agricultural insurance on agricultural productivity. Thirdly, based on the introduction of agricultural insurance and risk interaction variables, this paper reveals the role of agricultural risk in the relationship between agricultural insurance and agricultural productivity.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 28- [Abstract] ( 675 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1356KB] ( 1528 )
30 Wu Xiaobo Bai Xubo C hang Xiaoran
The Study of Chinese Enterprises ' International Market Entry Mode Choice: A Resource-based Perspective under Multidimensional Institutional Environment
In recent years, institutional theory has been increasingly applied to the explanation of the influence of international environment and its difference in entry mode choice. However, most of researches based on institutional theory only discover the direct influence of institutional difference in different dimensions, while comparative analyses are lacking. In fact, international environment is complex, and institutional factors, such as regulation, norm, cultural cognition etc., are not consistent all the time, which sometimes have uncertainties and are in conflict with each other. Furthermore, China, which is influenced by Confucianism, is relatively similar to East Asian countries like Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan in terms of culture, and are distinctively different from Eastern European countries. On the other hand, it is relatively similar to Eastern European countries in terms of regulation, which is different from East Asian countries. Therefore, existing studies cannot sufficiently explain the complexity of the effects of international institutional environmental on entry mode choice. Therefore, in order to determine the applicability and explanatory power of institutional difference in different dimensions, it is necessary to apply them to each distinctive context. On the other hand, it is necessary to observe the moderating effect of them on entry mode choice. The resources view regards firm-specific resources as the core of firm, and divides them into technical resources and marketing resources. Hence, this study explores the influence of international institutional environment on entry mode choice from the perspective of resources. For this purpose, the data of outward foreign direct investment activities and host countries are collected from the List of Overseas Investment Enterprises (Institutions) from Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation of Ministry of Commerce, People 's Republic of China, the annual reports and announcements of listed companies, and the book ″global competitiveness report.″ Finally, we acquired 538 foreign direct investment activities of 210 listed companies during 2008—2012, and classified the samples in two groups according to their relative institutional value to China 's institutional value. The analysis results have confirmed that the moderating effect of regulation difference in the relationship between technical resources and entry mode choice is more significant than marketing resources, while that of cultural distance on the relationship between marketing resources and entry mode choice is more obvious than technical resources. Namely, although firms have more technical resources and marketing resources, large regulation difference and cultural distance will make them tend to choose joint venture. When Chinese firms enter into other host countries which have higher score in term of institutional environment, cultural difference has more significant impact on the relationship between resources and entry mode choice, which explains the different entry modes when Chinese firms face different institutional environments. To sum up, these findings have provided a theoretical basis for understanding the influence of institutional theory on the entry mode choice comprehensively, and also provided practical guidance for the choice of entry mode for Chinese enterprises.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 30- [Abstract] ( 659 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1375KB] ( 2473 )
35 Chen Limin Wang Xiaoxia
Influencing Factors of Chinese Firms' Merger & Acquisition Performance: An Empirical Study Based on the Resource-based View and Institution-based View
Mergers and acquisitions have become the main strategy of enterprise expansion with the advent of 21st century, whether to the developed economies or to the emerging economies. Therefore in-depth study about M&A activities becomes particularly indispensable, and two of the most critical and urgent questions to the point are: (1) Did the M&A behavior play a positive or negative role in these M&A firms? (2) What important factors are influencing the firms' M&A performance? Based on these two key questions, this paper collects 424 merger & acquisition events as research samples from 366 Chinese firms which are listed in A-share market of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, to study the change of firm performance due to M&A, and the key factors influencing M&A performance from the integrated perspective of resource-based View (RBV) and institution-based View (IBV) in strategic management theory. Empirical results show that: (1) The firm performance of post-M&A is significantly lower than the level of pre-M&A, indicating that M&A activities damage the value of Chinese firms generally. And it also serves as a warning to those firms' M&A behavior: Though M&A is a feasible method to expand the enterprise rapidly, it is accompanied with a high risk simultaneously. (2) The results of multivariate regression turn out that both factors from RBV and IBV have significant impacts on firms' M&A performance. Specifically, the internal resources endowment of firms, the resource-utilizingability, the involvement degree of government in a firm and the degree of regional marketization are all positively significant to firms' M&A performance. The better internal resources endowment of firms and resource-using ability, the higher government involvement degree and regional marketization degree, will all result in significant positive impact on M&A performance of Chinese firms, which illustrates that RBV and IBV are suited to explain Chinese Firms' growth strategy of M&A. (3) Further analysis on the institutional factors indicates that the government involvement not only has a direct impact on Chinese firms' M&A performance, but also moderates the relationship between resource factors and M&A performance. Besides the positive role as ″supporting hands″ in the main effect, it shows the negative role as ″robbing hands″ in moderating effects. According to the multiple relationships in main effect and moderating effects, we can draw the following conclusion: if a firm occupies good internal resource endowments, it should reduce the degree of government involvement, so that to get good performance; if a company has a bad internal resources endowment and weak resource-utilizing ability at the same time, government involvement is more likely to play a positive role. The main contributions and innovations of this study are as follows: (1) Different from most of previous studies which only focused on unilateral internal factors influencing the M&A performance, this paper takes into account various factors influencing the M&A performance, such as the external macro institutional environment which should not be ignored, and thus sets up four independent variables based on the integrated perspective of RBV and IBV, to explore the influence on M&A performance generated from the firms' internal resources endowment, the resource-utilizing ability, the degree of regional marketization and the involvement degree of government. This is not only different from previous research focused on the internal factors unilaterally, but also takes important institutional factors that Chinese enterprises are facing such as government involvement and the degree of regional marketization into study, to fill the related research gap. (2) The dual-theory perspective not only helps to account for the multiple influence factors of Firms' M&A performance, but also connects RBV with IBV of enterprise strategy in theory, making beneficial theoretical exploration and attempt on the view ″to solve problems of firms' growth strategy based on integrated theoretical perspective.″ (3) This research, combined with institutional factors of firms' M&A performance, practically proves that the government involvement played a positive or negative role in current firms' M&A activities, and points out that government involvement presents two different functions of ″support″ or ″rob″ on Chinese enterprises' M&A in different situations.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 35- [Abstract] ( 886 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1363KB] ( 2878 )
40 Zheng Guan Xu Wei Xiong Bingyuan
On the Great Division of Continental Civil Law
A unique feature of continental civil law is its basic division of real rights and creditor’s rights. The cause of this division,however,seems to have escaped the attention of legal scholars for generations,even centuries. This study provides a plausible explanation for this fundamental feature of continental civil law.  Specifically,in continental law countries the basic structure of transactions and contracts is a division into two distinct rights: real rights and creditor’s rights. Real rights are defined by physical units,whereas creditor’s rights are defined with respect to interpersonal relations or personal behavior. For instance,in the simple transaction of buying a newspaper,the buyer assumes real rights over the newspaper and the seller obtains creditor’s rights over the payment. Creditor’s rights are defined with respect to the creditor,but the same legal relationship can also be defined with respect to the debtor,in which case it is called the debtor’s obligations. In the example above,the buyer of the newspaper bears the debtor’s obligations over the payment. It is evident that creditor’s rights and debtor’s obligations are two sides of the same coin. In the following analysis,the term creditor’s rights are used in most of the discussion,but debtor’s obligations are used where warranted. This inquiry is meaningful for several reasons. First,it hopes to provide an intuitive,straightforward,sound,and convincing answer to the question of why continental civil law developed this structure. The reasoning is based on the idea of letting ″the evidence speak for itself.″ Second,we use relevant materials from other social sciences to help illustrate the division,as insights from non-legal sources can shed light on legal issues. The major thrust of the analysis can be summarized as follows. The fundamental reason for continental civil law’s twin-right structure is that transactions are often associated with a time lag. If no time lag is involved,there are no enforcement problems and consequently there is no need to separate real rights and creditor’s rights (to deal with any enforcement problem).  When information is complete,a transaction is completed in a split second,as no searching or bargaining is needed; furthermore,there will be no enforcement problems. In other words,when transaction costs are zero,transactions are completed instantaneously and no enforcement problems will ensue,as the idea of ex post has been ruled out by definition. As there are no enforcement problems,no concepts are needed to deal with any possible transaction imperfections. This simply means that in a world of zero transaction costs,the ideas of real rights and creditor’s rights would never have been developed. The very reason why the twin concepts are needed is because we live in a world of positive transaction costs,where transactions are normally not completed in a split second and a certain portion of transactions inevitably result in enforcement problems. To deal with enforcement problems,the concepts of real rights and creditor’s rights have been developed in the continental law tradition. In other words,if,and that is indeed a big if,transactions are all conducted in kind and a double coincidence occurs at each and every trade,then no money is needed. Similarly,if transactions are all completed instantaneously (i.e.,there are no enforcement problems) then there is no need to develop the concepts of real rights and creditor’s rights. Conversely,the mere existence of real rights and creditor’s rights suggests that certain interests in transactions have not been properly dealt with,and this in turn implies that a time lag exists between the point that such rights become relevant and the time that the (interests of) rights are properly realized or at least dealt with.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 40- [Abstract] ( 1176 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1308KB] ( 5830 )
45 Zheng Lei Chen Dui
A Study on the Implementation Status of the Right of Relief in Redressing Criminal MisjudgedCases: Based on the 23 Sample Redressed in the New Round of Judiciary Reform
Redressing criminal misjudged cases with high frequency in recent years is being deemed as ″the first key word″ in the new round of judiciary reform. There were 23 criminal misjudged cases being redressed between 2013 and 2014, which provide rich examples for investigation into the implementation status with regard to the right of relief of aggrieved parties. Redressing and state compensation, the two main aspects of relief, correspond rightly to the dual structure of the right of relief, right of complaint and charge and the right to state compensation, which are respectively provided in Article 41 (1) and Article 41 (3) of theConstitution of PRC (CRPC). From the perspective of the right of complaint and charge, the appearance of dependence on contingent factors has changed a little, however, some problems still exist as follows:(1) Long time consuming of redressing. According to statistic data, redressing of the 23 criminal misjudged cases averagely cost 10 .4 years, which means the defendant who were pronounced guilty by mistake have to suffer captivity for a virtually long time, which consists quite a part of his/her life. The reasons of this problem is complex. As for reasons in the facts, first of all, intervene from the former case-handling organs and staff who were in charge of criminal misjudged cases brings great troubles to the courts during the period of redressing. Meanwhile, the unreasonable pressures of maintaining stability and pressures from public opinions are other important adverse influences. As for reasons in the laws, some relative norms provided in Criminal Procedural Law are too abstract to ensure the right of complaint and charge.(2) Lack of motivation of courts, procurators in charge to correct the misjudged cases. Statistical data from the 23 criminal misjudged cases show that other external turning points of redressing the criminal misjudged cases reach up to 53%, which exceed the courts and the procurators portion clearly. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion that the involved court and procurators lack motivation to redress the criminal misjudged cases at hand. For this, the unreasonable misjudgments accountability system is an important reason. (3) The decisive effect of accidental factors to redress the misjudged cases. As statistical data show, redressing turning points were always related to some accidental factors. However, the criminal misjudged cases redressed in the new round of judicial reform are less dependent on accidental factors compared with the cases before, and it gives expression to the following two phenomenal signs: firstly, the redressing turning point such as ″emergence of true murder″ or ″returning of the dead″ is less prevalent than before; secondly, the factor of ″the misjudged offender still alive″ as an indispensability requirement has been changed. In criminal practice before, it was nearly impossible to redress the misjudged case once the misjudged offender had been executed. However, exception of this phenomenon appeared in these years, e.g., in the famous misjudged ″Hu Ge Ji Le Tu Case.″(4) The dual crisis of res judicata and trail obstacles. It took 108 times in all to open court sessions during the redressing of the 23 criminal misjudged cases, averaging 4 .6 times per case. Taking the factor that it took an average of 10 .4 years to redress the 23 samples into consideration, it was every 2 .3 years that judicial branches opened a court session. Comparing the two figures, we reach the conclusion that the redressing course experience both too many times of trials and the low efficiency of trials, which means that the related dual crisis of res judicata and trail obstacles still exists.  From the perspective of right to state compensation, the problems cant be ignored:(1) Durations of wrongly convicted persons to gain state compensation varied, most of which took a considerably long time. It took an average of 3 .6 years of wrongly convicted persons to gain state compensation, which exceeded the duration of 2 months stipulated by law by 80%, and in 16 criminal misjudged cases with duration data of state compensation, there are 7 cases (accounting for 44%) that exceeded the legal time limit drastically. The practical reasons hindering state compensation consist not only of immanent factors of the guarantee of sufficient financial fund, but also related external reasons from the involved organs and persons.(2) The great gaps between the claimed amount and the actual amount of state compensation. In the 13 samples with 2 kinds of related amount, only 5 cases could reach 30%. The reasons for the wide gaps could be listed as follows: firstly, the different orientation and understanding of scope and of standards of the state compensation. Secondly, the different orientation of mental damage compensation reduced the actual amount of claimed amount. Thirdly, according to Article 23 of State Compensation Law, the decision of criminal compensation is made by the organs under compensatory obligations, which obviously has negative effects on the adequate compensations the applicants could get.(3) Low proportion of mental damage compensation of the total compensation. The proportion of the actual mental damage compensation in the total compensation is as low as an average of 22 .7%. Regional factors have great influence on, even decide, the mental compensation proportion. From the analysis above, it's obvious that obstacles in running and starting criminal trial supervision procedure is most important not only for the crux problems mentioned above, but also for the indication of its improvement we could see in some of the 23 cases. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that to ensure the realization of the right of relief with dual structure adequately in criminal misjudged cases, the critical point is the institutional safeguard function of the rights, i.e. a trial-centered redressing system.
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 45- [Abstract] ( 532 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1356KB] ( 1688 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 150- [Abstract] ( 278 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1129KB] ( 1068 )


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