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2016, Vol.2 Num.2
Online: 2016-03-10

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 420 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 540KB] ( 1001 )
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 2- [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 25 )
5 Wang Yong
From Silk to Gold: A Study of Ancient International Currency in East Asia

The research on the history of East Asian ancient currencies has been long receiving attention from domestic and overseas scholars. The studies of the history of the currency in individual countries of the East Asian region have attained a great amount of achievements, while the studies of the international currency among countries in East Asian mainly focus on the overseas distribution of Chinese currency during the Song and Ming dynasties; there is very few studies that discuss the common currency in the East Asian region during the Sui and Tang dynasties. In the period of Sui and Tang dynasties, the East Asian Community, which was built on the interaction of tribute and investiture between imperial dynasty and other peripheral countries, on the one hand exhibited its distinguished political or diplomatic feature; on the other hand it possessed a strong aspect of cultural exchange. What’s more, it also showed a marked characteristic of official trade. As far as envoys dispatched from Imperial China to foreign countries and missions between Bo Hai, Silla and Japan are concerned, which kind of currency was used to facilitate trading? The answers to this question provided by the previous studies are unconvincing. A popular view in the academia of Japan is: since the beginning of the 8th century, the Japanese envoys to Tang China had already brought gold on them as currency to consume in Imperial China, and it hence left the impression on the Tang Dynasty people that Japan had large gold reserves. Even, this impression was passed on to the Islamic businessmen by Tang People, and caused the prevalence of the saying ′al-Wāqwāq′ (the country of gold) in Asian in the 9th Century. Was Japan rich in gold in ancient time? Was Gold the common currency in the East Asian Region back to the 8th century? The answers to these questions remain unclear. Firstly, it is until 749 A.D. that gold reserve was first discovered in Mutsu, Japan. Emperor Shomu stated clearly in imperial edicts that gold came from other countries since the creation of the world, and Japan never produced gold. Therefore, it is impossible that the Japanese missions to Tang China carried gold. On the contrary, Japanese envoys to Tang China even undertook the task of buying gold. Secondly, according to the records of the Jiu Tang Shu, Zhang Zhuo was a prestigious literate, the embassies from Japan and Silla to Tang China would purchase his works with ″gold″ every time when they were in China. It needs to note that ″gold″ here is not merely the gold currency; rather, ″gold″ should be interpreted as the general name of all forms of currency. Back then, there was no gold production in Japan, and the money given by the Silla court to Silla students in Tang China to buy books was called ″book-purchasing silver.″ Half century after the discovery of gold in Japan, the production in Mutsu could barely meet Japan’s domestic demand hence it could not be employed as currency in international trading. For the whole 8th century, the common currency in East Asian was ″silk.″ Engishiki documents the currency given by the Japanese court to the envoys to Tang China, Bo Hai and Silla is ′silk,′ which includes ′shi(絁)′ ′mian(绵)′ and ′bu(布).′ The fact that silk was the international currency form used in East Asian can be attributed to the threefold tax system of grain, cloth and corvee labour, which was held by Tang Empire and adapted by Japan and Silla. Silk had been used as the common currency in East Asian countries for a long time. However, the drawback of this form of currency is apparent: the size of silk is large, and it is inconvenient to handle. In 804 A.D., for the first time the Japanese envoys to Tang China used gold rather than silk as currency in China. This replacement is of milestone significance in the history of East Asian international currency. With small size and high value, and with production growing year by year in Japan, gold was brought by envoys, monks and merchants as travelling money for the century afterwards. The image of ′the country of gold′ of Japan was then formed.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 5- [Abstract] ( 798 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1409KB] ( 1799 )
17 Takata Tokio
Old Chinese Books Kept at Sanage Shrine

Sanage Shrine is an old shrine in the city of Toyota in Aichi Prefecture. It is well known that it houses a collection of old Chinese manuscripts of ancient books. The collection consists of classics such as: Guwen Xiaojing, Chunqiu Jingzhuan Jijie, Lunyu Jijie, Difan, Chengui, Historical Records, Wenxuan, and Baishi Wenji; they have been registered as an important cultural property. They are not especially rare; instead, these books are popular at that time. Nevertheless, each manuscript has an important characteristic: Guwen Xiaojing is the oldest copy among the many Japanese manuscripts of this missing work; Chunqiu jingzhuan jijie represents a title copied from a block print edition from the Song dynasty, and the manuscript itself is a traditional text handed down by the Kiyohara family; Lunyu Jijie leaves hints that allow us to use it as a reference material for the Yishu by Huang Kan; Chengui provides the date of the work and the annotator's name; Historical Records is a rare example of a historical text inherited by the Kiyohara family; two manuscript rolls from the book Wenxuan belong to the original version of Xiao Tong; Baishi Wenji, bound as a booklet, preserves only part of the″xinyuefu″ style, and is considered to be a textbook copied by a student. In Japan, from the Kamakura period onwards, the learning of cultural capital began to spread gradually to the East and other areas. Kanazawa Bunko and Ashikaga Gakkō are typical of the learning centers developed by the samurai class during the Kamukura period. However, the situation in the local temples and among the people remains unclear. In this sense, the Sanage manuscripts can be regarded as important materials to study the average and range of literary activities in the local area, from the Kamakura period through the early years of the Muromachi period.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 17- [Abstract] ( 637 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1397KB] ( 2333 )
28 Qin Hualin
A Study on the Edition of Chuxue Ji Printed Fragments Unearthed from Khara-Khoto:  Concurrently Discuss the Book Road from Jiangnan to Serindia in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

There is a wide variety of unearthed manuscripts. The woodblock printing Chinese books are an important part of the unearthed manuscripts besides inscriptions of bronze and oracle bone, bamboo and silk documents and manuscripts. Woodblock printing Chinese books, as one of Chinese Four Great Inventions, are the strong evidences of the typography. The unearthed woodblock printing Chinese books are mainly found along the Silk Road, especially in Dunhuang Turfan and Khara-Khoto. The Silk Road is not only an ancient trade route linking China with the West, but also a culture route blending the eastern and western civilizations together. A lot of woodblock printing Chinese books, which have been unearthed along the Silk Road from 20th Century, are the best testimonies. Wang Yong put forward ‘the Book Road’, a similar concept to ‘the Silk Road’. This concept originally mainly referred to the cultural exchanges between China and Japan, China and Korea, but the concept itself has its own reasonable core. On the focus of the circulation channels and communication process of books, the concept of the Book Road is very instructive and applicable. The two names——Silk Road and Book Road——are not contradictory to each other, though they have different focuses. The ancient merchants also played as the ambassadors of cultural exchanges. Meanwhile, the Silk Road was a hub in the cultural exchanges between China and the West. The Book Road arises accompanying with the Silk Road. This paper focuses on studing a few pieces of the printed fragments of Chuxue Ji unearthed from Khara-Khoto.They are one of cultural heritage of the Book Road in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. On the basis of denominating and dejoining,this paper observes version features of the printed fragments and points out the mistakes in previous papers.There is a close relationship between the book unearthed from Khara-Khoto and the editon of the Southern Song Dynasty collected in Japan. The Chuxue Ji unearthed from Khara-Khoto should be printed in Jianyang ,Fujian,between 1134 to 1147.In combination with other unearthed fragments, this paper discusses the northwest line of the Book Road from Jiangnan , especially Zhejiang and Fujian, to Serindia in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Along with the development and expansion of the Book Road, Chinese culture continues spreading to the Serindia by the woodblock printing Chinese books. The Book Road has played an important historic role in the process of Chinesization in Serindia.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 28- [Abstract] ( 903 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1447KB] ( 1937 )
39 Sun Jie Sun Jinghao
Jiangnan History Study and Problem Awareness: A Reexamination of Theories on Chinese Socio-economic History

The research on the regional history of Jiangnan has yielded fruitful achievements in the past half century, which is related to the ever-present problem awareness. The problem awareness is usually related to grand narratives, and is dominated by paradigms summarized from Western historical experience. So the research on Chinese socio-economic history, with a focus on Jiangnan, has always been influenced by Western experience as frame of reference, as in the discussion of the so-called ″capitalist sprouts,″ and the disputes over the early modernization and industrialization issues, and has been making progresses by overcoming one bottleneck after another. Jiangnan history study has been closely related to the discussion of the so-called capitalist sprouts as Jiangnan has been treated as the key testing site of the validity of the capitalist sprout discourse of late imperial China. This discussion started from the social history debate in the 1930s. It became one of the so-called ″Five Golden Flowers″ for historians in Mainland China since the 1950s, and attracted a great number of Marxist historians thereafter. In the late 1970s, the capitalist sprout discussion was in its heyday when it was unprecedentedly questioned, debated and challenged. In the meantime, non-Marxist paradigms such as rational capitalism and capitalist spirit by Max Weber spread widely, and some scholars even denied the existence of ″capitalist sprouts″ and the validity of the capitalist sprout discourse. Consequently the mid-1980s saw the decline of the capitalist sprout discussion and the rise of more concrete studies of regional history (Jiangnan history in particular). From then on, studies of Jiangnan regional history were no longer limited to socio-economic realms (such as the narrow vision of relations of production), and was comprehensively and intensively extended in terms of field, perspective, content, and spectrum.  The core question of the capitalist sprout discussion is how capitalism came about. The researches of Gu Zhun and Ray Huang deserve special attention. In spite of the differences in academic background and life experience between these two scholars, they both turned their attention to the specific conditions and factors in Europe that incurred and nurtured substantial transformation which led up to capitalism. The conditions and factors of European style were lacking in late imperial China, even in Jiangnan where commercial economy was highly developed.  Since 1990s, the research on premodern Chinese socio-economic history has laid particular stress on empirical approach. However, this trend has not overwhelmed the strength of theoretical explorations. For example, as early as in the mid-1980s, Yu Ying-shih started a heated controversy over Chinese citizen/townspeople culture in line with Max Weber’s Protestant ethics. In the 1990s, the American hot topic of public sphere/civil society provoked strong reactions in Mainland China, which shows that ″grand narratives″ only changed in conceptualization and paradigm. During more recent years, with the waning of ideological discourse such as class struggle, the capitalist sprout theory was replaced by modernization discourse. Accordingly, American scholars of Chinese history, with activists of the California School as their backbone, and anti-European centralism as their stronghold, are reevaluating Jiangnan’s dynamic significance in the economic history of China and in the world from a global comparative and integral perspective. There is no doubt that empirical approach is the foundation of all historical research. However, Jiangnan history study has manifested that progresses in historical study must also rely on innovations of t problem awareness and improvements of theoretical thinking.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 39- [Abstract] ( 778 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1417KB] ( 2609 )
53 Zhang Kai
Path and Purport: The Evolution of Researches on the History of Zhejiang Modern Culture

Over the last one hundred years, researches on the history of southern Yangtze River region have witnessed and played a role in the social and cultural transformation of modern China, but as far as the modern cultural history of Zhejiang is concerned, there is still much room for study when compared with Shanghai and southern Jiangsu. Researches on revolution versus events, structure versus identification and scholars versus academic schools should lead to a retrospect of the modern cultural history of Zhejiang. In this context, possible issues of future research emerge. Firstly, due to the trend of de-ideological and multi-dimensional approach, revolution can be interpreted from pluralistic perspectives, and the cultural tension between revolutionary groups and events can be highlighted. Secondly, the focus of social and conceptual changes is shifted to the exploration of hidden factors behind cultural phenomena, including society and power, structure and mentality, collective memory and cultural identity. Thus, the dynamic elite-public, central-local and state-society relationships are renewed, and the modern society of Zhejiang, in terms of the internal context and distinct historical experiences, can be probed into. Finally, the examination of the academic thoughts and practice of the Zhejiang scholars can demonstrate their key transitional role in the evolution of modern academics and the interaction between values, concepts and reality. These researches become important resources for rebuilding modern Zhejiang learning.  How to construct a dynamic relation among virtue studies, the political and education system and social order has been the subject of historical development since Song dynasty, as well as the root cause of the debate on ″ancient versus modern and China versus West.″The modern cultural transformation is derived from this relation. An open, tolerant and sincere attitude, properly combined with pluralistic paradigms and Chinese issues will surely promote the studies on the modern cultural history of Zhejiang. If we return to humanism, start with the theme of historical development, take a pluralistic perspective in the context of Chinese history since Song dynasty, and explore Chinese principles based on the knowledge of the variable and the invariable, we might be able to reorient academic research and integrate it with the fundamental issues, linking the past, the present and the future. The Chinese principles and values should be found in the day-to-day but unrevealed experiences and events. An event serves as the starting point of individual and group behaviors. The revolutionary events and their inherent mechanism should be interpreted from pluralistic perspectives and a sense of the times, because this can demonstrate how a profound understanding of the expression and practice of modern cultural concepts can be achieved. Living space and social network are constructed by the interwoven social structure, public psychology, system frame and cultural identity, constituting the foundation and background of historical events. Scholars and academic schools, with the obligation of cultural inheritance and value promotion, tend to actively reflect and respond to the changes of the times and the society and suggest the standpoint and direction for the changes. The modern cultural evolution of Zhejiang should be examined through an integration of events, structures and theories. New historical materials, expanded theoretical paradigms, plus the merging of the ancient and the modern, China and the West, will provide effective knowledge and intellectual resources for the exploration of Chinese principles.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 53- [Abstract] ( 695 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1430KB] ( 1681 )
67 Koichiro Shimizu
An Overview of Research in Japan on the History of the Jiangnan Region: Focusing on Studies since the 1980s

This purpose of this paper is to present a summary of the research in Japan on the history of the Jiangnan region, especially focusing on the studies of the history of the Jiangnan region since the 1980s. In Japan, historical studies, especially historical studies after World War II, focused mainly on socio-economic history. The research on Chinese history was not an exception, which were primarily based on the specific historical perspectives represented by keywords such as ″class struggle″ and ″development stage theory.″ Such research started from a ready conclusion, which would naturally lead to a dead end. It was roughly around the 1980s that researchers having expertise in studying each period of history ranging from the Pre-Qin period to Ming and Qing Dynasties began to overcome these constrains. It was also in the 1980s that research focused on the history of regional societies, including research on the history of the Jiangnan regional society, began to prevail. Based on this trend, this study focuses on research especially relevant to the history of the Jiangnan regional society and introduces the studies mainly by era and period. At the same time, in order to elucidate the logic relation between the research around and before the 1980s, this study also involve s the mainstream arguments regarding each era and period of Chinese history. From the abovementioned perspectives, the study of the research trends in each era and the study of the history of the Jiangnan region were introduced , and the following two characteristics can be cited as specific to the history of research on the Jiangnan region in Japan. First, as far as dynastic history of each period is concerned, because of the lack of documentation, Scholars avoided taking the history of Jiangnan region as the specific research subject. For Japanese researchers, Chinese history is the history of a foreign country. In this sense, with few historical records related to the Jiangnan region, it is difficult to draw scientific conclusions by verifying the history of a region in another country through inferences based on fragmental documents. That is why the specific research of Jiangnan region is rare. Second, the number of the studies focusing on the history of the Jiangnan regional society decreased. This does not imply that research on the history of the Jiangnan region is being neglected. Rather, by setting a larger framework, such as a coastal region as the research target, the Jiangnan region itself is being relativized. These research trends reflect the changes of the problem awareness in studies on Chinese history in Japan. In other words, one can say that the changes originate in the positioning of the structure of the study as the central focus of the research problem rather than in starting the research from the perspective of how the country or region developed.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 67- [Abstract] ( 596 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1463KB] ( 3284 )
87 Xu Dai Wang Ruocun
Ethical Experience and Poetic Meaning: Rethinking Dewey’s Aesthetics and Its Values

John Dewey was one of the greatest thinkers of Pragmatism, the American philosophy that attempted to re-balance the relationship between thinking and life. Although Dewey was not an aesthetician, his masterpiece Art as Experience (1934), derived from the revised version of his William James Lectures in 1931 at Harvard, won him fame in the field of aesthetics. Some experts consider it as one of the best English books on aesthetics. Prior to Art as Experience, Dewey had started to work on his aesthetic theory and an art theory in Experience and Nature, a book compiled from his Paul Carus Lectures in 1925.In order to have a comprehensive and accurate understanding of Dewey’s aesthetics, one should start with his metaphysics. Dewey noticed that there is no possibility to avoid thinking about metaphysics whenever a serious thinker encounters the question of ″being.″ But like another classic pragmatist Charles Peirce, Dewey was not a foundationalist. His standpoint of anti-foundationalism led him to a certain kind of inquiring metaphysics, which aimed to transcend both rationalism and empiricism, and to overcome traditional dualism. Dewey’s empirical naturalism was the theoretical result of this metaphysical inquiry, and it was via his empirical naturalism that Dewey further developed a theory of progress and a philosophy of wholeness. A better understanding of Dewey’s metaphysics of empirical naturalism makes it easier to understand his aesthetics. Dewey emphasized and focused on the continuity between art and everyday life. His definition of ″art″ showed that only when people interact with art products and engage in art activities, do true works of art come into being. That is to say, without human experience, art would not exist. Dewey’s concepts of ″an experience″ and ″aesthetic experience″ demonstrate the most consummate experience that makes it possible for art to provide meanings and values to human life. Dewey claimed that art and aesthetics are real ″intelligence″ essential for a good life, and true ″practice″ to give meanings to human beings. He considered art as the promise of the possibility of a consummate experience with which human beings can unite to pursue a real good life. A good life means an expressive, creative, free and intellectual life. For Dewey, art answered the question of ″what is the meaning of living.″ The greatest insight in Dewey’s aesthetics is the connection between art and democracy. Art, as open communication, fully realizes democracy. In other words, a democratic community enables a good life, and a democratic life is the ideal good life. Dewey noted that the philosophy of wholeness and the theory of process are the best ways to overcome dualism and foundationalism which are deeply bedded in traditional metaphysics. He also discussed the role of intelligence and emotion within the ideal ethical life. His discussion on ″meaning″ was the key point connecting his metaphysics and aesthetics, which resulted in an approach to the dimension of value in ethics. Hence, the conclusion of rediscovering Dewey’s aesthetics lies in two key terms: ethical experience and poetic meaning. Aesthetic experience arouses attention towards the ″presence″ and its situation, which is of highly moral value for human cultivation. In this sense, aesthetic experience is a sort of ethical experience, and art leads people back to life itself with a more profound understanding of life as a whole. Dewey’s end in view was to create a philosophy that directs the value theory for human beings, and reinforces their faith in the poetic meaning of existence, action, and creativity. Rethinking Dewey’s aesthetics today may illuminate us and bring us a broader vision of the future.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 87- [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1361KB] ( 1339 )
97 Luo Weidong Zhang Yaping
What is the Core of Adam Smith' s Moral Philosophy?— Interpretation of The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Last few decades have witnessed a growing interest in Adam Smith' s moral philosophy in worldwide scholarship. It is the same case in China. One indicator is the number of Chinese versions of The Theory of Moral Sentiments(TMS)in last fifteen years has increased to as high as more than 30. The large number of Chinese versions of TMS, however, does not guarantee the most thorough understanding of Adam Smith' s thoughts. On the contrary, some bad-quality translation has caused confusion instead of providing clarification. For example, the so-called ″das ′Adam Smith-Problem′,″ which has long been settled down in western scholarship, is still puzzling some of Chinese scholars. One possible reason that has led to this puzzlement is the improper Chinese translation of the title of TMS, which in turn is directly related to the understanding of the core of Adam Smith' s moral philosophy.  Besides, as a writer, Adam Smith is also famous for his responsible and strict attitude towards his own works. In one of his letters, Smith describes that he would write and rewrite five or six times to make himself satisfied with his own writing a little bit; and he made five revisions on TMS during his lifetime. What' s more,Adam Smith gives lectures on rhetoric and belles-lettres before he teaches moral philosophy. All these lead to the conclusion that in order to fully understand the theory of such a scholar, a detailed (even word-for-word) textual study of his works is a necessity. This thesis attempts to explore the core of Adam Smith' s moral theory through studying the diction of the title of his work The Theory of Moral Sentiments(TMS). This article begins with the discussion of the origin of the title of TMS. With the help of a detailed textual analysis, the exact meanings of the key words in the title have been explored. If it is right that Smith has got his inspiration of the title from Levesque de Pouilly' s ″The Theory of Agreeable Sensations,″ why does Smith adopt ″sentiments″ to take the place of ″sensations″? Are there any difference between ″sentiments″ and other terms related to feelings used in his work? Why does Smith use ″the″ instead of ″a″? How should ″the″ be understood with regard to Smith' s epistemological standpoint? Is ″moral sentiments″ a neutral term with the meaning ″related to ethics″ or a positive term with the connotation of ″righteous; virtuous″? Has Smith got different understandings concerning ″system″ and ″theory″? All these questions have been addressed in the thesis. Special attention has been focused on the differences between ″sentiment″and its synonyms, such as ″emotion″、″affection″、″passion″. It has been pointed out that ″sentiments,″ as one of the key words in Adam Smith' s moral theory has two essential layers of meaning: one is that ″sentiments″ derive from our ″senses,″ which is the similarity shared by all the synonyms related to ″feeling″; the other is that ″sentiments″ are also the ability to make moral conceptions and judgments based on ″emotion″ ″affection″or ″passion.″ The first layer of meaning shows us the connection between Smith' s thoughts with the long-lasting tradition created by Hutcheson;while the second layer of meaning is more directly related to the core of Adam Smith' s moral philosophy and is what Smith emphasizes most in his illustration. It is more like a judgmental faculty or mechanism instead of just a responsive emotion. In a word,″sentiments″ is a word of a more abstract and higher level than the other synonyms related to ″feelings,″ and could be regarded as the basis of the daily judgements.  A comparison has also been made between the use of ″moral sentiment(s)″ in Adam Smith' s TMS and Hutcheson' s and Hume' s works. The frequency and specific contexts of the use of this phrase has been counted and explored. It has been found that both Hutcheson and Hume have used ″moral sentiment(s)″ more or less with a positive connotation, that is,″righteous; virtuous″ ;while Smith has adopted a neutral stance, taking it as an opposite to ″natural sentiment(s).″ That is, to Adam Smith,″moral sentiments″ could be either ″virtuous″ or ″vicious″ in moral sense, and the psychological mechanism behind the moral judgment is the mechanism of ″sympathy,″ which is undoubtedly the core of Adam Smith' s moral theory. Based on these analyses, it is hoped that a thorough understanding of the connotation of the title could be achieved. The Chinese translation of the title ″The Theory of Moral Sentiments″ is always a disputable issue among the scholars. Although the two most popular translations,Daode Qingcao Lun(《道德情操论》) and Daode Qinggan Lun(《道德情感论》), seem reasonable to some extent, from what has been discussed, we could make a safe conclusion that Daode Qinggan Lun(《道德情感论》) is indeed more faithful to the core of Adam Smith' s moral theory, since″Qinggan,″ compared with ″Qingcao,″ is a more inclusive and neutral term in Chinese.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 97- [Abstract] ( 1797 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1423KB] ( 3614 )
110 Li Jinshan Yuan Bo Shen Nan
Specialized Farmers Cooperatives' Internal and External Collaborative Innovation —Evidence From 23 Specialized Farmers Cooperatives in Zhejiang Province

As both domestic and international development experience of specialized farmers cooperatives indicated, innovation plays a vital role in improving the core competitiveness of specialized farmers cooperatives. With the increasingly obvious trend of integration of economy and science, the innovative activities of inter-discipline and cross-organization become more and more frequent. In order to enhance the competitiveness of specialized farmers cooperatives in domestic and international market, the open innovation mode should be implemented, applying its internal and external advantage to extensive cooperation in the aspects of co-innovation in agriculture products, production technology, service-providing and organization systems. At present, it has important significance to research specialized farmers cooperatives collaborative innovation, since domestic specialized farmers cooperatives collaborative ability is weak and related research is lacking. The framework of collaborative innovation development inside and outside specialized farmers cooperatives could be established based on ″strategy-knowledge-organization″ view. On strategic synergy, partners should maintain value convergence and same goals. With regard to the organizational synergy, partners should put highly attention to the organizational coordination and establish unified specialized farmers cooperatives innovation strategy alliance organization. As for knowledge synergy, partners should keep full communication and build knowledge collaborative platform. This study has Selected 23 specialized farmers cooperatives of three countries in Zhejiang province as case study object with the aim to judge the specialized farmers cooperatives collaborative innovation situation and existing problems inside and outside. Many aspects are thoroughly examined, which includes the willingness of collaborative innovation, organization alliance and method of information communication, method of taking shares for members , number of shareholders and membership, board structure, membership participation of specialized farmers cooperatives development, production costs and benefits, profit distribution, services provided to members and regulation operation. As the research result indicated, 23 specialized farmers cooperatives' synergy innovation strategic willingness is weak, and 95.6 percent of specialized farmers cooperatives dont have the willingness of synergy innovation, 94 percent of members lack of synergy innovation sense. The coordinated target among organizations is low. The more support come from government, the weaker specialized farmers cooperatives innovation is. There is a big heterogeneity between members' goals, the expectation between shareholders and ordinary members is different. Partners dont pay highly attention to cooperation, only one specialized farmers cooperative cooperates with scientific research institutions, the reason is that specialized farmers cooperatives are more concerned how to achieve more subsidy according to policy and ignore the collaborative innovation development. Organization lacks of synergy innovation alliance, the organization structure exist in name only. The communication of organization inside and outside is weak, 100 percent of specialized farmers cooperatives don't participate in making policy, 95 percent of ordinary members are not clear about policy which indicates government support specialized farmers cooperatives. The knowledge platform has little effect, 80 percent of specialized farmers cooperatives will not browse the website, and the publication system of specialized farmers cooperatives internal information has less effect.  Some factors will impact specialized farmers cooperatives' strategy, organization and coordination, which includes partner heterogeneity character, organizational structure, potential interest risk and incentive policy, communication, credibility and external regulatory environment. As a conclusion, we should build the collaborative innovation strategic vision both inside and outside the organization , enhance the collaborative innovation objective inside and outside the organization, increase the intensity of specialized farmers cooperatives innovation between organizations, improve the system in terms of organization personnel, equity structure and profit allocation, strengthen the communication between organizations, solidify the system of organization information sharing and enforce official supervision.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 110- [Abstract] ( 744 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1445KB] ( 1253 )
126 Shi Hong
Hedging Effect of Hog Insurance on Farmer’ s Revenue

With high subsidy and the intervention of local government,Chinese agricultural insurance market has become the second largest in the world. It is estimated that more than 80 billion subsidy has granted to farmers. Therefore, the hedging effect of agricultural insurance on farmers’revenue risks becomes one of the key issues that researchers and policy makers are concerned of. In addition,the performance of agricultural insurance becomes an important index of the efficiency of subsidy. The study investigates the hedging effect of hog insurance on farmers’revenue risks by using farmer-level data. Two-period panel data regression model is adopted to examine whether agricultural insurance can significantly reduce farmers’revenue risks. Standard deviation of farmers’hog revenue is used to measure their revenue risks. Our results would shed light on the performance of Chinese agricultural insurance,pointing out its shortcoming and helping improve agricultural insurance system. Empirical results show that farmers’revenue risks are not significantly reduced after their purchasing of hog insurance. One of the reasons is that the sum insured of hog insurance contract is too low to compensate farmers’losses when an insured event occurs. During the past 5 years,the average revenue per hog is between 1 170 to 1 430 Yuan. However,it is stipulated in hog insurance contract that the sum insured is only 400 Yuan, which is far below the average revenue. Therefore,the indemnity paid by insurers is not enough to compensate farmers’losses,thus the hedging effect of hog insurance is weak. At the meantime,the survey shows most farmers complain that sum insured of hog insurance is too low and some of them are unwilling to purchase hog insurance in the coming year. Most farmers wish the sum insured of hog insurance to be raised. To investigate the hedging effect of hog insurance with higher sum insured,we assume a full coverage contract, which implies that all losses occurred could be covered by hog insurance contract. The results of two-period panel data regression model show that farmers’revenue risks are reduced significantly if farmers purchase full coverage insurance contract. That is, the hedging effect is greatly increased when the sum insured is raised to a level that insurers would compensate all losses occurred. Therefore, raising coverage level of agricultural insurance is one of the reform directions in China, especially under the circumstance that farmers’willingness to pay has greatly increased.On the other hand,it also is a challenge to government and insurers. As far as government is concerned, more subsidies are needed when sum insured is increased while the subsidy rates keep unchanged. As for insurers,higher sum insured may induce more adverse selection and moral hazard which would do harm to insurance company performance. Thus,raising sum insured needs the cooperation of all parties,and could be accomplished step by step.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 126- [Abstract] ( 545 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1352KB] ( 1450 )
136 Mi Hong Li Hua
Re-examining Population Security : A Security-based Perspective

The theoretical studies of population security have been on the decline in recent years. This paper conducts a literary review of the birth, development and decline of the theory, examines the causes of the decline and proposes a new perspective – population securitization -- to revive, enrich and revitalize the theory. The theory of population security was born in China and it is a branch of the non-traditional security-management theory put forward by Zhang Weiqing during the period of SARS. After the birth of the theory, there was a heated discussion in the academic circle, and “population security” was a high-frequency keyword both in policy reports and in academic research papers. The amount of literature reached its peak in 2005 in CNKI’s database, covering the concept, application and significance of population security. However, after SARS died down, academic research went into decline as well, as is evident in the amount of literature in CNKI’s database after 2006. This is not because China had fewer population problems, but because scholars were turning to other concepts instead. On one hand, population security is an abstract concept which covers all the threats to population and is therefore not an ideal concept for empirical research which is typically multi-topical and specialized. On the other hand, even though population security highlights threat, it can be easily replaced by other terms. However, during the formation of the theory, the process of speech acts constituting threat, i.e., the process of securitization, was neglected. This is a concept which cannot be replaced by other concepts. The problem of population security can thus be understood as a “securitized” population problem, while the population problem which has not been securitized is a silent one. The danger of the silent security problem lies in people’s neglect of population-related threats, and the significance of securitization is to raise people’s awareness of and alertness to such threats and to take due action. There are two approaches to securitization: politicalization and socialization. The former constructs threat by policy and law, while the latter does this by constructing a civil society. The advantage of the former is the authority of the government, while that of the latter is its flexibility. These two approaches can be applied simultaneously so that their different roles can be exerted.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 136- [Abstract] ( 573 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1393KB] ( 1296 )
147 Li Yongming Zheng Jinjing
Research on the Qualitative Analysis and Reproduction Problems of CAD Files on 3D Printing

Three dimensional (3D) printing, an emerging technology, may have significant impact on the current copyright system, especially in the type of works, the concept of reproduction and the judgment criteria of fair use, etc. This paper studies the problems about the nature and reproduction of 3D printing works from microcosmic to macrocosmic perspectives by means of comparative research, empirical research, and literature research. According to the technical principle of 3D printing, it can be divided into input link and output link. The input link contains modeling by CAD software and compiling into the executable printing files for STL format. In the output link, the paper considers the process of the production of printing device outputs on the basis of the section information of STL files. And exactly, the CAD file is crucial to the connecting bearing of the input link and output link. In the part of ″input″, according to the modeling methods, the generation ways of CAD files can be classified into ″independent design modeling of CAD″ ″CAD modeling by drawings″ and ″modeling by scanning.″ Therein, only the first generation way is the original acquisition, its CAD files meet the elements of objectivity, replicability and originality, and it also possesses the possibility of copyrightability. Copyrightability is restricted to any digital model that only exists on account of its practical function without constituting a work. The opinions of academic circles on the type of works of CAD files are mainly concentrated on the computer software, graphic work fine art and model work, etc. The premise to distinguish the graphic work from the model work is to define ″three dimensions (3D).″ The authors adopt visual criteria, i.e., ″3D″ design can not only reflect a single perspective, but also have the ″rotatable″ function. It is an innovation point in the paper, and pushes the behavior of ″printing CAD files to material object″ to uncontroversial ″reproduction from 3D to 3D″ under the condition that the foreign copy has not been expressly stipulated. Therefore, the showing digital model of CAD file is more approximate to model work, rather than being considered as graphic work. However, there is a self-contradiction in the legal definition of model work. Fortunately, the legislature has noticed the problem and has revised to ″3D works″ in The Copyright Law Amendment Draft (Draft for Approval). Under the current copyright law system, people can temporarily take the idea of ″fine art+model work″ to regulate CAD files and their printout material objects.  According to the above analyses from microcosmic perspective, CAD files and their printout objects can be quickly spread under the support of technology development. In the network environment, the uploaded CAD files from users, the downloading or printing others’ digital model without permission may constitute infringements. The utilization of the technological measures can help control the illegal spread of the works and greatly reduce copyright infringement disputes. In the private copying problems of printout material objects, 3D printing technology will produce a great deal of decentralized private copying, and its accumulation inevitably involves the copyright owners who originally enjoy the monopoly interest. Therefore, the authors hold that people can adopt ″three-step test″ and take example by the four factors considered in ″rationality judgment standard″ of the United States to understand ″unreasonably prejudice″, i.e., the purpose and character of the use, nature of the work, the proportional amount and substance of the use , and the effect on the original author’s economic market.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 147- [Abstract] ( 609 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1377KB] ( 1482 )
160 Dai Zhimin Lou Jieyun Zhou Jianfeng
Long-term Debt Maturity Structure,Cash Holdings and Split-Share Structure Reform

The preference of short-term debt financing and high cash holdings have changed gradually for the listed companies in China since the Split-Share Structure Reform. Meanwhile, long-term debt plays a more important role in external financing than before. More specifically, the term mismatching of debt and asset have existed for a long time in China, which therefore increases the weight of long-term debt and will improve this situation and reduce mismatching risk. Besides that, based on the prior literature, cash holdings are crucial to preventing liquidity risk when long-term debt comes due, which requires a higher efficiency in capital turnover. The previous studies about debt maturity structure in China mainly distinguish long-term debt from short-term debt. They actually ignore the heterogeneity of long-term debt with different maturities. Thus, it is necessary to further research the trend of long-term debt maturity structure as well as the impact of long-term debt maturity structure on cash holdings. This paper manually collects the data of long-term debt maturity structure, and conducts an empirical research based on 2002—2014 data of Chinese A-share nonfinancial companies which were listed before 2002. Before we do empirical tests, it is important to account for the likelihood that cash holdings and long-term debt maturity structure are endogenously determined. Thus, we use Two-stage Least Squares (2SLS) to investigate the relationship between long-term debt maturity structure and cash holdings, including the impact of Split-Share Structure Reform on this relationship.  The empirical results show that the weight of long-term debt due after three years has increased monotonously from 23.88% to 30.56% between 2002 to 2004 and 2011 to 2014. This phenomenon is conducive to matching the maturity of asset and liability. Meanwhile, the ratio of long-term debt to asset has increased from 5.39% to 11.09% between 2002 to 2004 and 2011 to 2014, and is close to the level of developed counties. We also find that firms with larger scale of long-term debt due within three years tend to have larger scale of cash holdings to hedge the liquidity risk. The estimate indicates that, after excluding the extreme impact of financial crisis in 2007—2009, a 1% increase in the fraction of long-term debt due within three years has led to a 4.721% increase in cash holdings. After the Split-Share Structure Reform, however, the sensitivity between long-term debt due within three-year and cash holdings has significantly decreased. This is because, as the prior literature put it, the tunneling problem and controlling shareholders opportunism before the Split-Share Structure Reform led to high cash holdings and high short-term debt (phenomenon of ′two high′) which resulted in a large coefficient of long-term debt due within three-year and cash holdings. After the Split-Share Structure Reform, the deficiencies of corporate governance relief and the coefficient of long-term debt due within three-year and cash holdings falls back to the normal level which faithfully reflects the impact of liquidity risk. The estimate indicates that the coefficient decreased from 8.246 before the Split-Share Structure Reform to 4.893 after that reform.  Our findings provide a more detailed empirical result about long-term debt maturity structure of listed companies in China, and also imply that the Split-Share Structure Reform has made great contributions to listed companies in China in respect of debt maturity selection and capital turnover efficiency.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 160- [Abstract] ( 632 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1411KB] ( 1379 )
175 Wang Zhikai
China Economic Structure Rebalancing and Long Term Economic Growth

In the New Normal Economy, China is pursuing quality growth of economy instead of the original high speed growth, which is inevitable in terms of China 's economic restructuring and industrial upgrading. Resolving the prominent structural problems of China 's economy, and rebalancing/restructuring national economy, it is a guarantee of the long-term sustained economic growth in China. China 's economic rebalancing is to achieve economic restructuring and upgrading, which has long been Chinese government's commitment over the past years. It is a long-term goal, and the efforts to rebalance economy are always ongoing but will never be ended. Transition and upgrading of economic structure, plus industrial upgrading, is the content of economic structure rebalancing. Transition has to be depending on the longer-term economic growth and development. China has to create the situation of a longer-term economic growth and prolong the economic growth cycle, could then China be able to provide enough time and essential space for economic restructuring and industrial upgrading. Chinese government of all levels and whole Chinese society should firmly catch hold of the chance of the implementation of the national policy of ″the new urbanization″ and the globalizing strategy of the ″Belt and Road,″ supporting private enterprises to participate in the spatial balance of China 's economy in accordance with the requirements of the strategic layout of ″Four- Completion,″ comprehensively promoting Chinese economic structure rebalancing/restructuring according to the rule of law, stimulating long-term economic growth in China. The paper firstly examined the related theories of economic growth mechanism, mainly Lewis 's ″dual economics theory″ and the ″two stages theory″ of economic development, matched proposed strategies with China 's relevant development stages, then further clarified the fact that China has to balance the mechanism of scale expansion and technological progressing so as to maintain sustained economic growth. Secondly, the present study explored the five fundamentally structural problems of China 's economy, and made conclusion that the five fundamentally structural problems were/are bottlenecks of China 's long-term economic growth, and defined the rooted reasons for why the economic structural problems have been increasingly accumulated. Thirdly the paper suggested that China has to rely on the support of sustained economic growth to achieve the goal of restructuring Chinese economy. Rebalancing of China 's economic structure cannot be achieved merely via unilateral policy of ″structural adjustment″ or ″promotion of transformation.″ The room for structural adjustment of economy during a period of recession is very limited. The currently existing level of China's economic development and per capita GDP growth is far lagging behind that of western countries. China wants to build a well-off society in the 13th Five-Year Plan; it needs the support of longer term economic growth. Fourthly the paper emphasized that China should help the private sector participate in rebalancing Chinese economy; this would be the guarantee for pushing forward the strategy of new urbanization and the strategy of ″the Belt and Road.″ Finally the paper argued the importance and drew an outline of rebalancing Chinese economy and pursuing long-term economic growth by rule of law.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 175- [Abstract] ( 827 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1385KB] ( 1466 )
186 Fan Liangcong Lu Jiankun
Exit, Voice and Local Public Governance: An Integrated Framework

China has been severely criticized on its poor performance in public sectors although it has achieved great economic performance since 1980s. To interpret this paradox, economists tend to emphasize the key role of local government competition by relying on the Tiebout Model. On the other hand, political scientists and sociologists prefer to address the role of sectors other than the government and the power of voice. In this paper, we construct a synthesized game theory model based on the “exit-voice” theory proposed by Hirschman (1970), combining both the “vote with your feet” mechanism and the “vote with your hands” mechanism to identify the critical conditions that decide the equilibrium. According to the model, the possible outcomes depend on the relative cost/benefit of exit and voice. Specifically, the model suggests that exit would become the equilibrium strategy when its cost is lower than that of voice. Yet, exit would turn to be the last resort after voice if voice cost is lower than exit cost. In other words, exit and voice are substitutes for each other when voice cost outrides exit cost, otherwise they are complementary. However, if the cost of exit is so high that it discredits the threat of exit, then keeping silence would become the equilibrium outcome. Based on the model, we further explore the mechanisms of voice in promoting local public governance when voice becomes the equilibrium strategy. We employ the concept of co-production (Ostrom, 1996) to the whole process of local public governance, including public policy making, public goods provision, as well as performance evaluation and monitoring public administration, and propose an integrated framework to capture the indispensability of the residents’ contributions in updating the performance of public sectors. We argue that the contributions of residents are indispensable to the following aspects: first, in public policy making because they possess important local knowledge which is necessary for high quality policy making; second, in public goods provision because the inputs of residents are essential for the successful delivery of most of the public goods; and third, in the performance evaluation and monitoring public administration because residents possess the most valuable information that is necessary for performance evaluation and they can substantially improve the detection of local government’s misbehavior by involving countless potential monitors. Using internet penetration rate as a proxy variable, we test the effect of voice on anti-corruption by using China’s provincial panel data from 1998 to 2010 with a GMM model. We identify a significantly negative relationship between internet penetration rate and corruption level after controlling for important variables indicated by previous literature. We thus argue that there is both theoretical and practical significance in combining “vote with your feet” with “vote with your hands”. In theory, how to define the role of the citizen in a society is one of the central questions of the modern theory of democracy and the public administration. In this paper, by proposing the citizen as co-producer, we show how the role of the citizen could be expanded in public governance. From the perspective of co-production, citizens are not only entrustors, voters, clients, consumers or even volunteers, but also active and indispensable subjects of rights who could make constructive contributions to the welfare of the society. Nevertheless, it is worthy of noting that the power of voice relies heavily on the threat of exit. On the other hand, moving toward theoretical synthesis indicates that we should balance exit and voice when considering relevant institutional designs in practice. Typically, in order to strengthen the power of voice, we should place voice before exit, support voice with the threat of exit, and commit ourselves to designing institutions that can improve the public’s willingness to voice and reduce the cost of voice.

2016 Vol. 2 (2): 186- [Abstract] ( 743 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1414KB] ( 1487 )


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