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2015, Vol.1 Num.6
Online: 2015-11-10

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 268 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1139KB] ( 843 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 4- [Abstract] ( 226 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 60 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 148 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 27 )
6 Qian Hongdao Du Weichao
On Experimentalism Rule of Law:A Methodological Approach ofChina Practical School of Rule of Law

The research on the practice of rule of law in China has focused on three areas: target, structure and methods. However, most of the existing research is limited to a certain area. If the practice of rule of law is to be regarded as an integral and institutionalized systematic behavior, then a coherent methodological framework will be required to provide a scheme which combines theory with practice. Experimentalist governance, an emerging theory, may offer an adequate answer to this question. The theory of experimentalist governance is an alternative scheme for the traditional “command-control” model of governance. It has four steps: (1) central departments, local authorities and external stakeholders jointly establish temporary framework goals and evaluation criteria; (2) local authorities are given broad discretion to achieve these goals in their own ways; (3) the discretion acts on the premise that local authorities must report regularly and make peer reviews on the methods they use to achieve the same goal; and (4) the goals, metrics, and decision-making procedures themselves are periodically revised in response to the results of the review process. This way of governance has three outstanding merits: (1) it is adaptable to diversity; (2) it provides a mechanism of collaborative learning from local experience; and (3) the target itself and the way to achieve it can be corrected in the next cycle. China has met the basic requirements for the experimentalist governance model. From a longitudinal perspective, China has formed a tradition of experimental governance in the process of revolution and construction. From a lateral perspective, China's local autonomy and initiative have been continuously improving. The local practice and experiment gave birth to China practical school of rule of law, for experimentation is one of its core methodologies. The school proposes that the goals, structures and methods of a practice system of rule of law should be reconstructed from the experimentalist perspective. In terms of the purpose of rule of law, dogmatic theories should be replaced by framework goals. There are three existing theories on the values of rule of law: the rights theory, the utilitarian theory and the order theory. Experimentalism opposes a unified theory and the establishment of a static objective of rule of law, but calls for the establishment of temporary and modifiable framework goals. In terms of the body structure of rule of law, the dominant structure in China is hierarchic and departmental. Experimentalism requires a network relationship between the central government and local government, i.e., the two can compete with and learn from each other, with the central government functioning as a platform of policy transfer. In terms of the practice of rule of law, the assessment of rule of law should be regarded as the key one in the experimentalist system to evaluate regional differences in practice and to facilitate learning-oriented decision-making. The idea of experimentalist rule of law needs continuous improvement, but it will surely provide some theoretical impetus for the rule of law with Chinese characteristics.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 6- [Abstract] ( 616 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1413KB] ( 1087 )
20 Hu Ming Zi Zhengfa
Judicial Transparency Index: Theory, Limitations and Improvement——Taking the Practice in Zhejiang Province as Example

Judicial transparency index improves the openness and transparency of judicial system via quantitative assessment, and has become an important measure in China nowadays. The legitimacy of judicial transparency index includes: first, procedural openness, procedural rationality and practical rationality, According to the practice in the countries over the world, procedural openness has three aspects, open trial, open evidence and open judgment,i.e., the reason and basis of judgment should be fully explained. Second,rule of justice under mutual functions of the subject and object. The formation of judicial transparency index focuses on the supervision, moderation and the response of justice. This paper contains some empirical studies based upon the Judicial transparency index of Zhejiang courts and Wuxing district court. We may find limitations of judicial transparency index as: the arbitrarinessof setting up of index, the subjective tendency in index weight and assessing subject, the unreliable questionnaires, the imbalance between subjective and objective index, the limitation of methodology. Based on the analysis of the local practice, four measures can be taken to improve the designs. First, managing the relation between high-level design and local practice. Second, building scientific index evaluation system by general method for quantitative assessment of social science. Third, stress on the key point of index evaluation, that is to say, installation of index should focus on the evaluation of the use of new media, the reasoning of written decision, and quantitative assessments should be centered on the trial. Fourth, a balanced use of Judicial transparency index requires the dialectical treatment and reasonable explaining the information revealed by the index in certain circumstance. Building the scientific judicial transparency index is a technical improvement per se,which is a gradual reform process rather than institutional innovation. China is at the start-up phase of rule of law, still lack of some basic conditions supporting the classic rule of law. So, judicial reform may not be expected to be prefect. In this context, gradual technical improvement has more feasibility and realistic possibility. In the long run, there is room for us to move from technical improvement to the institutional innovation.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 20- [Abstract] ( 612 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1356KB] ( 1260 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 33- [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 47 )
35 Sun Jie Sun Jinghao
The Regional History Approach as Methodology

Since the 1980s,regional history studies have developed steadily in Mainland China, and more and more researchers have been drawn to theoretical issues concerned. The regional history approach contains significance of methodology, especially as manifested in acknowledging the exact meaning of a ″region,″requesting a close relevance to social history, and revealing certain historical rules in imperial China, and so forth. First, the regional history approach asks researchers to not only delineate the region in terms of scientificity and normality but also treat the region as results of historical evolution,and then think about the region’s formation and changes. Second, as far as methodology is concerned, the regional history approach should be applied with approaches of social history and integral history. It makes great contribution to focuses on geographical space, whereas its down top perspective acquires more importance in methodology. This integral perspective stresses history as a whole, quite different from the national-history vision of grand narratives. On the one hand, the regional history approach emphasizes integral consideration of various factors that affect the course of history. On the other hand, its goal sharply differs from nature-seeking orientated studies. Finally, the ultimate objective of the regional history approach is to reveal certain rules of historical development in imperial China by presenting logics of historical developments of all regions. It asks researchers to pay close attention to the relationship between different regions as well as the region and the empire. On the one hand, researchers should examine the relationship between one region and other regions, especially in its adjoining areas, important regions(e.g. the capital) and even ones beyond the empire. On the other hand, researchers should deal with the relationship between the region and the empire. Researchers should not be satisfied with discussing the local region exclusively. Based on an entire understanding of the regional historical development, they further need to look into the variety and changeability shadowed by the grand discourse of a ″unified″ China.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 35- [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1288KB] ( 1246 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 35- [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 28 )
40 Yang Yulei
A Review of Studies on the History of Jiangnan Foreign Relations

The history of Sino-foreign relations has received less attention in terms of the studies of the history of the Jiangnan area, south of the Yangtze River. From the perspective of Jiangnan regional history, there are two deficiencies regarding the studies on the history of Jiangnan foreign trade and foreign cultural exchange. One is that the research results of the history of Jiangnan foreign relations including overseas trade in Song-Yuan and Ming-Qing China, Jiangnan foreign cultural exchange such as book communication, as well as Western Learning flowing toward the East, etc. have been constrained to the field of the history of Sino-foreign relations, rather than being extended to the discussion of Jiangnan regional history itself. The other is that most scholars whose research interest is Jiangnan regional history have paid little attention to the progress of the studies of the history of Sino-foreign relations. Therefore, from the angle of the history of Sino-foreign relations, studies on Jiangnan regional history would be improved furthermore in the following two aspects. On the one hand, the impact of Jiangnan’s foreign trade activities to its socio-economic changes and cultural life should be given more attention and be explored more deeply. As revealed by the existing study, the opening-up of Jiangnan in the Song Dynasty had been related to adjustments of its regional social development that evolved from an enclosed agricultural society to an opened commercial community. In Ming-Qing China, private sea trade in Jiangnan had been prosperous, even when the government banned maritime trade. Meanwhile, Jiangnan was the main supplier of export goods for foreign trade in Guangzhou during the Ming-Qing maritime prohibition period, as well as had been the ocean-oriented hinterlands of foreign trade ports in Guangdong and Fujian for a long time. Foreign trade influenced the economy and culture of Jiangnan so much that the studies of the history of Jiangnan area should not neglect its foreign trade activities. On the other hand, the vision of global history should be introduced into discussing Jiangnan regional history, that it is to say the Jiannan regional history society should be analyzed against the background of East Asia or the World rather than just limited to traditional China. As we know, Jiangnan had been one of the most dynamic regions in China in terms of Sino-foreign relations. It was a very important area in Asian trade circle before the Age of Exploration and then became an indispensable region in the world trade networks after the Exploration. Thus, in order to examine the historical process of the Jiangnan society, the region should neither be treated exclusively, nor just be limited to China. Researchers should not only detect its local and regional features in the context of traditional China, but also observe its cross-cultural and trans-regional cosmopolitan characteristics with regard to its political, economic and cultural aspects beyond the national boundary. As such, researchers should further explore its historical role in East Asia and the world and how it was connected with other areas in East Asia and even the world and merged into East Asian and world historical courses through tributary system, commercial ports and immigrants. In doing this, the regional characteristic and development of the Jiangnan society could be manifested in East Asian and global contexts.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 40- [Abstract] ( 973 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 2711 )
67 Lang Youxing Da Yang
Arche:Platonism and the Demise of Politics

We are living in an age, whose base has been shadowed. The affluence of world has been thrown into the darkness by das Gestell der Technik. Men have been uprooted, as well as the age. It has been diluted by the extension of scientism, rational calculation and hedonism so that no one can touch and feel the real world in it. In the desert of modernity, focusing on the input and output of the interest, politics has transformed into housecraft and shapes our life as economics and statistics do. It has degraded to a special administration technology. However, just the moment politics was given a birth in Greece, it was a great platform for opinions to be raised and spread, and us, the mortal human being, by being ourselves, to win virtue and honor. Modern politics subjected more to some kind of businessman’s logic, therefore, in the sense of morality and politics, we live in a dwarfed age, namely a fundamentalism of Machiavellism. How come this situation comes? How does our great political tradition fade away? In this paper, the author will give some tentative explanations to these questions by paying attention to the role of the Theory of Forms played in the fall of public sphere and the rise of science and technology.  In the first section,with reference to the comments on the Theory of Forms given by Hannah Arendt, the author will describe the process of the demise of the public sphere and discuss the result of it. In sectionⅡ,against the background of modern politics being reined by the paradigm of scientism and economics ,the author will take Heidegger’s thought of das Gestell der Technik and its connection to Platonism as start point and discuss the relationship between the Theory of Forms and the origin of modern politics. Moreover, since Hannah Arendt was one of the students of Heidegger, she, just like her teacher, laid the emphasis on the change the modern politics suffered with the emerging of the Theory of Forms, namely the deviation from the ancient Greek political tradition.  We will begin with the discussion about Arendt’s theory of public sphere. The core of her political theory is communicative action and public sphere. By illustrating the Aristotle’s politics in polis, she distinguished public sphere and private sphere, technology and action, thus revitalized the pragmatism of Aristotle. As far as Hannah Arendt concerned, the nature of politics could only be understood in the memory of the life experience in polis, where people could receive the real experience of politics by communicating and discussing public affairs in the public sphere. In her opinion, liberty and the meaning of life had much to do with political life. Human beings are discrepant and may think and act differently. Therefore, a communicative world must be formed. That is to say, we need to lead a political life. On the base of Arendt’s comments on the tradition of western classic politics, Arendt’s thought of action and liberty and the complexity of human action will be illustrated. The comment ′It is men, not Man who live on this earth.′ indicates that people who are equal and different come together and form a public sphere, revealing the nature of the living world. Thus, the complexity can be seen as a background against which action and public sphere exist. In this way, the unity of action and public sphere can be proved, as well as Aristotle’s famous comment on the ontology of politics that we are creatures of politics by nature. In the second section, the author will illustrate the connection between the mathematics in Platonism and the modern scientific experiment. Based on Heidegger’s thought of mathematics and the deconstruction of the essence of technology, the author will describe the path of digitization and modernization of politics. Politics has been drew into a part of metaphysics since Platonism, which results in thinking for politics, instead of thinking politics as politic. In this paper, the author will discuss the reason why politics will be shadowed during the history of metaphysics after philosophy.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 67- [Abstract] ( 543 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1344KB] ( 872 )
81 Duan Zhiwen Shi Ran
The Logic Formation of China's Road to Democracy

Democracy is not unique and its development is characterized by its diversity. Since there are ideological differences and the value bias, some scholars in the West do not believe that China has the socialist democracy with its own characteristics. Therefore, based on the history and the current situation in China, research into logic formation of China's democratic road is conducted to eliminate the differences and prejudices, which has its important practical significance, theoretical value, and implications for the countries that choose the development of democracy. China's road to democracy is the socialist democratic road with Chinese characteristics which helps to achieve the party's leadership, enables people to be masters of the country, governs the government by law and brings about the centralization on the basis of democracy and democracy under centralized guidance. Democracy in China's style has a profound historical and cultural background and ideological and cultural origins, which constitutes the unique logic clue of its formation. Such a clue is included in the internal guidance to the development of Chinese traditional democratic thought and in the spreading of the western democratic thought as well as its historical influence. Besides, it is also included in the guidance of Marxist democratic theory and the fundamental orientation. Chinese traditional political culture has some of the basic factors that lead to the democratic development, which is the cultural basis for the formation of China-style democracy.  The spreading of Western democratic ideas in modern China has broken the fate of China's democracy growing in authoritarian, and has promoted the formation of relatively complete democratic ideas in modern China. The practice of Western democracy failed in modern China. Chinese traditional democratic thoughts set up the interrelationship between Chinese people and socialist democracy, which acts as a bridge for Chinese modern democracy to socialist democracy. Marxist theory of democracy, in particular, has brought a new direction to China's democratic practice because it is systematic, mature and feasible. Marxist democratic theory points out the road to the socialist democratic development in oriental countries, which is the inevitable choice for China's democratic development.  The formation of China's democracy road is based on the Chinese specific historical conditions and its economy, which results from the internal effect of China's traditional democratic thoughts, historical influence of western democratic thoughts and the decisive impact of Marxist theory. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, Chinese people have been constantly promoting the China-style democracy to conform to the historical trend and go forward along the specified way of the political development.  With the socialist cause with China's characteristics being constantly promoted, more and more China-style democracy has come into being and has been developing gradually, and it continues to be perfected and mature.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 81- [Abstract] ( 1040 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1313KB] ( 1856 )
91 Wei Lu Ding Fangzhou
Global Communication Landscape in the Social Media Age: A Social Network Analysis of Media Organizations on Twitter

This study aims to investigate international communication relationship and global communication landscape in the social media age. Based on social network analysis and the visualization of global media organization network on Twitter, this study examines and visualizes the structure of the global media organization network on Twitter, explores factors that influence the social capital and reciprocal relationship of media organizations, reveals the position of Chinese media organizations in this global network, and provides insights for China's international communication practices in the social media space. The results of this study show that global media organizations form a highly connected network on Twitter. While media organizations from developed countries still hold dominating positions in the network, those from developing countries begin to change their peripheral status in the global communication landscape by strategic social media use. The extent of economic development of the continent and the degree of social media use are positively associated with the social capital of media organizations. The country, an indicator of geographical and cultural proximity can also predict reciprocated vertex pair ratio of these organizations. Chinese media organizations, including the Xinhua News Agency, China Daily and CCTV, have opened English verified accounts on Twitter, indicating China's active motivations and practices to enhance international communication capacity in social media field. The number of Chinese transnational media organization accounts on Twitter ranks the third globally. The social capital of these accounts, however, is relatively low, and these accounts only have reciprocal relationships with media organizations from Asia or Africa. It indicates a huge room of improvement for China's international communication power. In this sense, Chinese media organizations should take the following steps: (1) improve its verified account number and operation on global social media, and increase news reporting about international affairs that employs the reporting style of Western favored journalism professionalism to spread China's voices through international news flow|(2) enhance the close connections with media organizations from Asia and Africa, develop reciprocal relationship with developed countries to strengthen the social capital of Chinese media organizations;(3) independently develop global and international social media platforms, and in doing so, seek advantageous positions in the global digital communication arena.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 91- [Abstract] ( 1552 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1472KB] ( 3716 )
106 Li Yan Li Saike
Data Journalism: Tell a Good Story?
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 106- [Abstract] ( 521 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1440KB] ( 2673 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 128- [Abstract] ( 255 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 45 )
129 Shang Lihao Ge Fuqiang
Exploration:The Evolution of the System of Sponsoring Faculty at Higher Education Institutions to Study Abroad by Public Funds in the Republic of China

The cultivation of native faculty was an important approach to the independent and initiative developments of the new higher education institutions in the modern China during its transplantation of the western cultures. In the very beginning, the development of the government-sponsored faculty studying abroad program in the Republic of China was motivated by the need of the higher education institutions to learn advanced international knowledge effectively from the USA and Europe, to maintain faculty's international academic level and to inspire native faculty's endeavor into research. Afterwards, this system was under the influence of the efforts by the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, which aimed to cultivate China’s local science and technology leading talents, and the influence of the governmental promotion, which proposed to elevate higher-education quality and foster senior experts. Due to the fact that the faculty studying abroad exhibited more advantages and benefits than the general students studying abroad in the advanced academic fields, this system of supporting the high education institutions faculty to study overseas continued to develop, and it grew to complement the system of sponsoring others to study abroad. Under the promotion of government, universities and CFPEC, the way of sending faculty abroad with public funds gradually became diverse and layered, and elitism was enhanced with an aim to further project-oriented disciplinary developments, which resulted in that the system of sponsoring the high education institutions faculty to study abroad eventually differentiated from the general students studying abroad program in terms of sponsorship strength and means. The prominent characteristics of the government-sponsored faculty studying abroad system in the Republic of China was further strengthened and hence elevated the faculty's academic level in higher education.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 129- [Abstract] ( 652 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1310KB] ( 1321 )
138 Liu Zhengwei Huang Junyan
Curriculum Knowledge Imagination and National Identity Construction during the Anti-Japanese War: With Chiang Kai-shek’s Personal Orders as the Focus

After the Anti-Japanese War thoroughly broke out, the community rethought and reviewed the problems in the implementation of the new education and explored the possible path of the education reform. The intellectuals put forward the proposals of increasing Chinese culture knowledge, cultivating national consciousness, strengthening science education, implementing civic education and building modern nation-state. Chiang Kai-shek gave eleven personal orders successively instructing the Ministry of Education to restore the old morals, construct national morality with traditional ethic and cultural resources and construct rural-centered society based on political education. Promoted by the appeals of reform and the instructions of Chiang Kai-shek, the Ministry of Education actively explored the curriculum reform in the national special historical period and constructed modern nation-state identity under the policy of ″military resistance and national reconstruction″. The curriculum imagination of different social stratums and forces reflected the different paths and views of nation-state construction during the Anti-Japanese War.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 138- [Abstract] ( 540 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1346KB] ( 1273 )
153 Yang Ming
A Study on the Public Resources Allocation for Migrant Childrens Compulsory Education under the Locallymanaged System
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 153- [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1308KB] ( 829 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 163- [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 36 )
164 Chen Guoquan Chen Xiaowei Sun Shaoyang
Selective Enforcement, Illegal Competition, and Systematic Corruption

Corruption in the field of government law enforcement, which occurs more frequently in China, shows the characteristics of multiplicity and relevance. Local governments’ selective enforcement is not only related to officials’ rent-seeking behaviour, but also a method to balance the conflict between strict enforcement and sustaining economic growth. The conclusion based on long-term observation shows that, the non-benign interaction between governments and enterprises, caused by the local governments’ selective enforcement, brings two problems to the economic and social development: systematic corruption in the government at an invisible level, and illegal competition in the market at an explicit level. Systematic corruption, featured by multiplicity, institutional relevance and typical models, is mainly caused by the institutional environment of the political system, besides personal reasons of corrupt officials. Illegal competition refers to a status that competition in the market lacks of legalized infrastructure and protection for competitors’ legal rights. Under the condition of illegal competition, rules are not so clear or strictly obeyed, the arbitration will probably be unfair and inefficient when conflicts and controversies happen. This article focuses on the logic behind the non-benign interaction between governments and enterprises, and proposes four models to describe the mechanism and institutional reasons of systematic corruption, which are the win-win model, the risk model, the insurance model and the predatory model. The win-win model is based on the government performance assessment system, which takes economic performance as the main indicator. The risk model works when officials’ rent-seeking behaviour is beyond of constraints, and the power supervision is not efficient. The insurance model results from the insecurity of enterprises, which reflects the uncertainty and changing policies during the period of social transformation in China. The predatory model is related to the helpless of local governments in face of contradictions and tension brought by institutional transition. With the long-term influence of the non-benign interaction between governments and enterprises, based on the local governments’ selective enforcement and driven by the four models above, illegal competition forms in the market, which featured by regional segmentation in the market and vicious competition between different local governments at the macro level, and widespread illegal competition and enterprises’ non-institutionalized existence in the circumstances of law enforcement corruption at the micro level. Illegal competition leads to widespread bribery among enterprises, thus, resulting in multiple and relevant systematic corruption between different local governments and government departments. To aviodavoid systematic corruption and make the market competition under the rule of law, the scientificity of laws is needed, as well as a certain institutional environment. It is believed that sound institutions can change the situation of local governments’ selective enforcement, helping realize fair, transparent, and strict law enforcement, and create a healthy market competition environment.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 164- [Abstract] ( 706 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1345KB] ( 1153 )
177 Zhou Luyao
″Integrated Governance″: A Theoretical Explanation on the Operating Behavior of Local Governments in China

Since the reform and opening up, compared with the advantageous status of the market and society, the government powers have enabled local governments to ″integrate″ various resources within the domains for the targets of economic development. With the gradual adjustment of power allocation and fiscal relations between the central government and local governments, local governments have changed constantly from the operation on the enterprises during the initial stage of reform and opening up to the operation on the land as a main public resource.Local governments have become the connection between the governmental power and the marketable operation mechanism, expanding its own power both on external resource drawing and internal resource integration.  Expansion is an inherent feature of government power. However, the governmental power expansion in ″integrated governance″mode is the result of the mixed effects of multiple factors. In the ″general governance mode″ of the planned economy era, government as a single power center, the market power and society power depended on the governmental power. With the growth of market and society in the traditional planned economic system, the inherent power boundary of the government has rolled back constantly, and the governmental power couldn't directly dominate and dispatch various social resources according to the approach of the planning system any longer|instead, it is necessary to adopt the corporatization management system under the market system to integrate and obtain market or social resources. In this sense, the essence of the power expansion of the local government in ″integrated governance″ mode is a reverse motion of the governmental power facing the increasing growth of the market and social power. Although its formal presentation is an ″entry″ of the governmental power into the market and society, what reflects behind is the gradual retreating of the governmental power boundary and the constant growth of market and society since the reform and opening up. As the logical result of local governments make the greatest use of economic powers delegated by the central government, the power expansion of the local government in ″integrated governance″ mode roots in the special central-local power allocation relationship as″political power centralization and economic power decentralization″. Therefore, such power expansion complies with the logic of″political resource transforming into economic capital - economic capital transforming into governance performance - building political legitimacy through governing the performance″, and focusing on the target orientation of the political performance. In the ″integrated governance″ mode, the connection of the political mechanism and administrative mechanism with the operation mechanism of company makes the regularity constraint of the traditional bureaucracy structure towards the governmental powers not work properly, and the power restriction and supervisory mechanism in the enterprise governance structure have not been established synchronously. Therefore, at the same time of bringing about relatively high performance, this governance mode also increases the risk of governmental power abuse and rent seeking.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 177- [Abstract] ( 1286 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1328KB] ( 2168 )
189 Lu Dunji
″Analogical Thinking″ and ″One Divides into Two″: A Study on Two Dimensions in Chinese Classical Prose Writing

Like all the other literary works from the world, the writing of Chinese classical prose has its own rules. But these rules are often concealed and hard to be observed due to the great influence of the tradition from Han dynasty, which says that it would be better to practice rather than empty preaching. Excellent writers often avoid mentioning the rules they followed and dare not or would not speak up all the various consideration behind them, which sometimes makes it difficult for descendants to understand the secrets of success of their outstanding works. Yet, there are also some authors blindly following the old rules, regardless of the changes of the background behind them. This paper focuses on two pieces of prose — Jia Yi’s Guoqin Lun(Ten Crimes of Qin) and Qi Liaoshen’s Shitouji Xu(the Preface for Dream of the Red Chamber), trying to provide insight into two hidden rules in Chinese classical prose writing and discuss their unique thinking logic. The writing rules of Jia Yi’s Guoqin Lun benefited from analogical thinking,namely, in order to lay out a new thing and its principle, the author started from some old similar ones which were well-informed in his own experience. Based on the using of analogy speculations, Jia Yi turned to the new narration so as to grasp the new things and their theories completely. The implicit logic behind this rule is, as long as selected similar people or things in history are listed together, it would be quite clear and self-evident what would happen to someone or something nowadays that has much in common with them. This kind of analogy thinking became more common in Stratagems of the Warring States. Also there are a large numbers of examples in Records of the Historian. But fundamentally this narrative way cannot be fully trusted because it is not starting from the thing itself but from the analogy. Many examples revealed the absurdity of this writing method. It would be specially mentioned that although Jia Yi’s Guoqin Lunadopted this eloquent narrative method, it avoided the defect of the analogy argumentation. In this sense, it is one of the best model of the traditional Chinese classical essays. Today,this kind of thinking method is still taken by some people. But others tended to abandon it due to the prolix writing. Qi Liaoshen’s Shitouji Xu displayed the multi-meaning of Dream of the Red Chamber. Though it was a quite exquisite article, it had a fatal flaw. Originally, a preface for a book in old times had a one-thousand-word limit. Hence the content of an article must not be carrying too much. If there is only one meaning in an article, it can more easily makes it thin and ordinary. The application of dialectics from ancient times, coupled with the Chinese characters with the feature of duality, gave rise to the writing model of ″one divides into two.″ It helped an article to be refined but complicated, succinct but mixed. To the most sophisticated part, it grasped and unified the contradictory and its transformation. From the point of view of a writer, this way was not only sufficient in describing objects comprehensively and exhaustively, but also made the article variegated and diversiform. From this perspective, Qi Liaoshen’s Shitouji Xu was an excellent work undoubtedly. But in this article, the author misappropriated the writing models of ″one divides into two″ and ″two becomes one,″ ignoring the fundamental changes from a short prose to an extended narrative one, which makes his praise of Dream of the Red Chamberwas not so consistent with the actual situation. Literati in Ming and Qing dynasties got so wrapped up in diction that they couldn't go a step further in writing. It must be said, though, that short classical prose was not suitable for describing much more complicated social life of the times. As a new literary style, long prose would come out ultimately.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 189- [Abstract] ( 441 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1312KB] ( 1240 )
197 Xu Chunshan Liang Junying
Is dependency distance minimization (DDM) a universal property of human languages?

For decades, dependency distance/length minimization (DDM) has been pursued as a universal underlying force shaping human languages. In the early edition of PNAS, Futrell, et al. suggest that dependency length minimization is a universal property of human languages and hence supports explanations of linguistic variation in terms of general properties of human information processing. This research may be the very first effort which surveys the largest scale as many as 37 natural languages, and immediately draws great attention worldwide. However, questions still remain in their research, since dependency distance can be sensitive to many factors. Also in this line, eight years before, Prof. Liu Haitao of Zhejiang University has compared dependency distance of 20 natural languages with that of two different random languages, and pointed out that dependency distance minimization is probably universal in human languages. Altogether, these researches into DDM in human languages reveal that it is valuable to cognitively investigate linguistic universals through statistical analysis of big-language-data, thus suggesting that, to obtain truly scientific discoveries, it may well be essential for linguistic study to integrate efforts from multiple disciplines——cross-language analysis, big-data mining, language universals, and cognitive science.

2015 Vol. 1 (6): 197- [Abstract] ( 1596 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1149KB] ( 1557 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 199- [Abstract] ( 234 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1143KB] ( 911 )


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