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2015, Vol.1 Num.3
Online: 2015-05-10

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 295 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 669KB] ( 1102 )
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 4- [Abstract] ( 149 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 27 )
5 Hu Shuigen Shan Lidong Xu Jingrui
Characteristics of Big-Data-Based Smart Public Decision Making
As the world is changing fast and as the economic and social issues are getting more complicated,the traditional governance models of every country can no longer deal effectively with the challenges,complexities,and risks of the new era .The new generation of information technology,such as big data,cloud computing and internet of things have created necessary conditions for the transformation of governance models .Big data,the natural product of information technology,has introduced new ways to cognize data and opened up more space of imagination in utilizing data . Smart public decision making refers to a big-data-driven public decision-making model which assists decision makers in making more scientific and effective decisions in order to realize public benefit in complicated economic and social conditions .The model is supported by the new generation of information technology which utilizes big data resources featuring full range,quick speed,high value and diversity for real-time perception,analysis and prediction of the trend of development,and streamlining the decision-making process .Essentially,smart public decision making is a new big-data-driven public decision-making model of maximizing public interest .Supported by the new generation of information technology,it has the characteristics of comprehensiveness,objectivity and transparency,real-time and continuity,and autonomy and decentralized governance . Based on an analysis of the four basic elements of decision making,namely the body,process,means and goal,the internal logical relationship between big data and smart public decision making becomes clear .From the perspective of the body,big data facilitates the simultaneous experience and the logic of action of collaborative governance .As for the process,big data shows an entire chain of real-time consecutive decisions,on the basis of which predictions are made .As for the measures,big data can solve the technical problems that usually occur in data-driven decision making .In terms of the objective,big data can effectively guide and motivate public benefits . Smart public decision making has many new features such as comprehensiveness,objectivity and transparency,real-time and continuity,and autonomy and decentralized governance .Comprehensiveness means that with big data,public organizations are able to perceive a comprehensive range of social issues and public needs,discover the hot spots of demand,classify customer needs and provide accurate and customized service .Objectivity and transparency means that with this scientific model and consistent criteria,public organizations can involve the public in the objective and fair process,the scientific and effective system,and the open and transparent outcomes .Real-time and continuity means that the whole process from data collection,information transmission,knowledge mining,to decision-making and feedback is accomplished real-time and continuously .Autonomy means that smart public decision making exploits the features of data and makes predictions through the analysis of related data .It tackles the problem of both uncertainty and limited certainty by bringing greater certainty .Equipped with the structural systematic sensing network,the interactive data-visualization and automation of decision-making,it makes retrospective and predictive data analysis .Decentralized governance means that public organizations take the democratic decision-making mechanism as the kernel,the public interests,and the dominant values .Big data ensures the diversity of participants,democracy and scientificity of decision making,and the fairness of participation and outcome . Smart public decision making is a new development of public decision-making theories and paradigms in the data-driven era .Smart public decision making should not only emphasize instrumental rationality,but also pay more attention to its practice and value rationality from the disciplinary perspective .As far as practice is concerned,smart public decision making should do more detailed analysis of the topic applicability of policies .As far as policy innovation,and the handling of public crisis and administrative supervision are concerned,smart public decision making has rare technological advantages .However,in other policy areas,its applicability is still in doubt .Will contradictions actually occur between the policy-making process as political gaming and its nature of profit sharing on one hand,and the application of the outcome of big-data analysis on the other ? How to guarantee the implementation of the policies ?All these questions need deeper research in order to provide guidance for practice .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 1696 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1347KB] ( 3735 )
16 Li Qilei
Management of Shipping Big Data and Its Applications in Public Service

Big data is gaining increasing attention from the ports and shipping industry . The analysis and exploitation of shipping data can provide government departments and functional state-owned enterprises with elementary data so that they may play a better role in public service . However,the exploitation of shipping data faces several difficult problems . Firstly,the government and state-owned enterprises do not have enough qualified human resources to process big data,so they have to rely on universities and research institutes .Secondly,since shipping data are of great commercial value,data security and business privacy are of extreme importance during its storage and transmission .Thirdly,the data assets of the shipping enterprises need to be evaluated,and an equitable mechanism of profit distribution should be set up on the basis of the ownership of data . Finally,the efficient employment of shipping big data involves the integration of various sources in order to realize the sharing of data and resources,which requires the establishment of relevant policies by the government to promote data sharing in public service . Managing big data will bring greater profit to various sections of public service and lead to broader application prospects once the above problems are solved .Firstly,realtime data mining on the shipping data will make the shipping index more accurate as it reflects the changes of the industry more quickly than traditional shipping indices .Secondly,the containers at different container yards can be dynamically allocated and distributed when the data are monitored and processed in realtime,so that the operation efficiency of shipping enterprises is raised and social cost is saved .Thirdly,the shipping data can be used to inspect enterprises' credit rating and provide information on the actual operation of enterprises at fast speed and low cost,assisting the development of the supply chain finance .Fourthly,realtime monitoring of customs application data will facilitate the discovery of questionable products and missing information and give pre-warning to export-oriented enterprises,greatly reducing their risks and losses . In the future,shipping big data should be firstly integrated with the cloud infrastructure by benefiting from standard software and hardware and elastic computing resource allocation . Secondly,the data governance architecture inside the organization needs to be improved . Shipping data from variance sources should be cleaned and mended before further analysis and processing .Thirdly,data inside the organization should be grouped and partitioned in order to fulfill different requirements .Finally,a shipping big data ecosystem is proposed to realize the sharing of data among all interested individuals and companies . With big data technology developing at fast speed,the supervision departments and relevant service enterprises should adopt reliable and well-established solutions to construct an analytical platform for big data .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 16- [Abstract] ( 1186 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1378KB] ( 2067 )
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 22- [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 28 )
25 Qi Yinping Liu Hailing
On Chinese Silk Piece Goods in Macau-Japan Trade in the Late Ming Dynasty

In previous researches on the history of sino-foreign trade in the late Ming Dynasty,scholars mainly focused on the famous trade of raw silk .But it has been proved that in the same period,abundant varieties of Chinese silk piece goods as high grade fabric with considerable commercial value gradually became the major goods exported to Japan via Macau,and Portuguese merchants' important source of income as well . Westerners gained their initial knowledge on Chinese silk piece goods in the early 16th century when they first arrived in the East .Thereafter,as Jesuits and other Catholic missionaries gained access to the mainland China,along with the development of sino-foreign trade,Chinese silk piece goods were more and more frequently mentioned in their letters and reports .Those merchants and missionaries even made a detailed description about the way of trade and the export amount which could reach up to thousands of chests .According to some important historical materials (five trade lists),we can get a clear view of some details such as categories and sale prices of Chinese silk piece goods in Macau's export trade in the first half of the 17th century .By comparing it with raw silk and other goods,this paper intends to figure out the actual increase of silk piece goods in specific seasons in order to prove its growing significance in Macau-Japan trade as well as the overall foreign trade in China at that time . Different from raw silk,silk piece goods were of wide varieties and non-standardized shapes with varying length and width .Therefore,in Macau-Japan trade,following the tradition of the Chinese market,silk piece goods were sold at retail by weight according to corresponding qualities,rather than sold in pancada as raw silk . It's worth mentioning that Jesuits started investing in this beneficial trading activity a long time ago . In charge of business activities like a shrewd merchants,procuradors stayed alert to the market and would timely purchase profitable commodities in short supply .Moreover,in Nagasaki and other places they took part in the sales activities organized by Armacao,a kind of commercial organization in Macau . Inevitably,these highly market-oriented commercial activities would result in business risks .However,because of the shortage of missionary funds and the need for social activities,the huge investment in silk piece goods trade between Macau and Japan played an irreplaceable and unique role in the Jesuits' missions .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 25-35 [Abstract] ( 962 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1361KB] ( 1424 )
36 Lin Jinsong
Rethinking the Function of Chinese System of Evidence Classification:Focusing on the Criminal Procedure

Chinese system of evidence classification consists of the evidence classification provided by law . Compared with the western countries ruled by law,Chinese system of evidence classification has two distinctive characteristics:a special article of law is used to make a clear and definite list of evidence category and some peculiar categories of evidence are provided .Thought the view that there are some serious defects of logic in Chinese system of evidence classification has already become the consensus of the academic field of procedure law,the major elements of this system are still remained in legislation .The causes of this phenomenon must be found out from the perspective of the function of the system . The academic world generally thinks that it is the legal function of Chinese system of evidence classification to limit the admissibility of evidence . That means,according to the provisions for the legal forms of evidence,any evidence materials that do not belong to the legal categories of evidence will be inadmissible and must be excluded from the scope of evidence during the criminal procedure .However,this academic opinion is only an imaginable function of the system of evidence classification .The function of limiting the admissibility of evidence has never been realized in the practice of Chinese criminal procedure .It has hardly happened that some materials which have probative value were excluded just because of their forms not belonging to the legal forms of evidence .One reason for this is that,though Chinese law has provided the categories of evidence,the corresponding admissibility rules of evidence have not been established by law at the same time .Another reason is that the evidence categories provided by law can be interpreted to cover all forms of evidence . From the macroscopic perspective of legal background,Chinese system of evidence classification is coeval with the investigation-oriented doctrine and the trial mode of relying investigation files,which have existed in Chinese criminal justice for a long time .There are two obvious tendencies of applying evidence against this background:cognizing the evidence from the perspective of investigative subject rather than trial subject and presenting the evidence in written form .Through setting up a set of evidence categories that correspond to the investigative actions and confusing the investigative subject and the trial subject while interpreting the evidence categories,Chinese system of evidence classification provides a legal approach to applying the evidence materials in writing .And then,it caters for the above-mentioned requirements of the investigation-oriented doctrine and the trial mode of relying investigation files .As a result,the actual function of Chinese system of evidence classification is changed from limiting the admissibility of evidence to enhancing the admissibility of investigation files . This is very disadvantageous to improving criminal proceedings and establishing the rules of evidence in China . In order to realize the due function of Chinese system of evidence classification,which is to limit the admissibility of evidence and exclude the inadmissible evidence,evidence categories must be reasonably set up and a variety of admissibility rules of evidence must be established and improved according to the requirements of trial-oriented doctrine . At present,limiting the admissibility of investigation files would be the main approach to changing the function of this system .The concrete measures include defining the evidence categories from the perspective of trial so as to provide a theoretical basis of limiting the admissibility of investigation files,gradually restricting and reducing the use of investigation files in criminal trial through the method of judicial interpretation .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 36-46 [Abstract] ( 856 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1324KB] ( 1309 )
47 Li Youxing Feng Zeliang
On Perfecting the Information Disclosure System of Significant Assets Reorganization

Information disclosure is one of the most important systems in the market of securities . However,it faces many problems on significant assets reorganizations in China:state-owned listed companies lack liberty,and cannot respond to market rumors immediately|regular proclamations are of a mere formality,and cannot provide investors with essential information|people spread news through their own media,earlier than proclamations .The reasons are various .On the one hand,part of listed companies with bad motives use reorganizations for favouritism,therefore,they cheat over proclamations .On the other hand,information disclosure has its own defects:much too overloaded and specialized information|the challenge of identifying the importance of information|the inborn contradiction between information disclosure and business secrets|the complexity and gradualness of reorganizations,all of which lead to difficulties in information disclosure .In order to deal with these problems,the China Securities Regulatory Commission has revised the system on information disclosure continuously,paid more attention to risk reminding,and adopted regular proclamations,requested listed companies to publish news every week or every 30 days .Nevertheless,there are still problems,such as insufficient scope of obligors,too many proclamations,etc .These problems aggravate the burdens of disclosure obligors,information supervisors and investors . More importantly,these intensive proclamations do not provide investors with much essential information . When reorganizations fail suddenly,most investors are not well prepared .The disclosure system does not distinguish dramatic changes or turning points from regular progress,and is lacking in warning proclamation on reorganization failure,which makes investors wait for progress blindly .In addition,the current system is short of legal responsibilities,and imperfect in its coordinate mechanism .As a result,we should change the regular proclamation to staged proclamation . The latter has three stages:planning,implementation and accomplishment,which can reduce the burdens of all parties .If there happens to be the events that influence stock prices significantly,especially sudden accidents in reorganizations that may lead to failure or predictable failure of reorganizations,listed companies related should disclose information frequently,suspend stock trading and make temporary proclamations .We should also adopt the rule of simplicity,emphasize on investment risks|make special regulations on state-owned companies,add related policy-making institutions as information disclosure obligors|formulate rules on information disclosure through we-media,utilize information technology to tackle the cyber challenges .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 47-55 [Abstract] ( 1091 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1297KB] ( 1651 )
56 Chen Feiqiong Li Fei Yuan Susu
Industrial Investment Fund and Industrial Structure Adjustment:Mechanism and Path

Since the 21st century,deep-rooted structural imbalance and periodical problems have emerged in Chinese industrial development . Industrial structure adjustment becomes an era proposition,the key points of which are to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and to upgrade traditional industries .In this context,industrial investment fund has been growing and expanding steadily . Based on the literature review,studies could be extended as follows:firstly,studies have confirmed that extended industrial investment fund could accelerate industrial structure adjustment,but the conduction mechanism and the intrinsic link between them are not clear . Secondly,there is a lack of data mining and empirical test to support the fact that Chinese industrial investment fund could promote the upgrading and the rationalization of industrial structure . This paper discusses whether and how industrial investment fund facilitates industry structure restructuring .The research shows innovations in theoretical framework and empirical approach .As to the former,the micro-effect and the macro-effect of industrial investment fund are integrated into one unified research framework,which fills the gaps in this field . This research shows that industrial investment fund could promote industrial structure adjustment in the following paths .At the micro level,it can be achieved through value creation and R&D input of enterprises .At the macro level,it can be done by way of capital accumulation and employment growth .Meanwhile,the micro level effect will be passed on to that of macro level .As to the latter,Structural Equation Modeling (SEM ) is applied in the research . This paper uses inter-provincial data in China from 2010 to 2012 and simultaneous analysis of several groups in SEM to test the influence of industrial investment fund on industrial structure adjustment . The empirical results show that industrial investment fund has promoted industrial structure adjustment in China . The micro path from industrial investment fund to industrial structure adjustment is confirmed .The increase of industrial investment fund has a significantly positive influence on the micro-effect of value creation and R&D input,and finally boosts the upgrading and rationalization of industrial structure .However,the macro path of industrial investment fund is unremarkable .Industrial investment fund has a strong positive influence on the macro-effect of employment growth,while the coefficient of macro-effect and industrial structure adjustment is not obvious,which means that macro-effect of industrial investment fund is not fully effective . The research suggests that,to further strengthen the positive effect of industrial investment fund on industrial structure adjustment,policies should be focused on guiding rational development of industrial investment fund,constituting multi-level withdrawal channels and balancing the expansion of industrial investment fund across China .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 56-67 [Abstract] ( 686 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1507KB] ( 1705 )
68 Wang Wei Ye Jianhong
Investors Do Not Participate in the Vote:Information Asymmetry or Benefit Independency

The average shareholding proportion of the largest shareholders in Chinese listed companies exceeds 30%,and majority shareholders can make decisions directly based on superiority of control rights,while rights of minority shareholders are often ignored .To protect minority shareholders' rights,China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has guided the listed companies to implement internet voting system for shareholders' meeting,and encouraged minority shareholders to participate in corporate governance through attending shareholders' meeting .Up to now,the network voting practice has been carried out for nearly 10 years and the voting mechanism has been improved greatly .However,voting rates of shareholders' meetings are not high,and a large number of minority shareholders abstain from voting .Why have voting participation rates not increased while internet voting system for shareholders' meeting has improved ?Which factors affect the voting behavior of the minority shareholders ?There are few literatures focusing on minority shareholders participating in corporate governance,and researches on abstention behavior of minority shareholders have not been fully developed yet . Using the shareholders' meeting voting data of the companies listed on Shenzhen Securities Exchange from 2007 2012,this paper analyzes the factors affecting abstention rates of shareholders' meeting and reveals the internal mechanism of the shareholders' abstaining from voting . The empirical results show as follows:(1 ) reflecting the degree of information asymmetry index of voting resolutions″market attention″and benefit dependency index are two important factors for investors' participating in the vote . That resolution information of shareholders' meetings is open to the public can help reduce abstention rates,and investors can be driven by their benefit to participate in the vote .(2)Investors'participation in the vote is based on resolutions being concerned by the market .Abstention rates are high,even if resolutions relates to the rights of investors,unless the voting information is observed by investors .That is to say,benefit dependency can only influence voting rates of resolutions that draw high market attention . (3) According to the cumulative abnormal returns before the vote,resolutions are divided into two types,″good resolution″and″bad resolution .″The factors influencing abstention rates of these two types differ greatly . The benefit dependency has significantly negative impact on abstention rate of″good resolution,″but the impact of market attention on abstention rates is not significant .While market attention has significantly negative impact on abstention rates of″bad resolution,″ and benefit dependency has no significant influence on abstention rates . (4)Accordingly,based on analysis and conclusion,this paper provides policy suggestions about minority shareholders participating in shareholders' meeting . The innovative points of this paper are as follows:from the perspective of information asymmetry and benefit dependency of resolutions,this paper analyzes voting behavior of minority shareholders and their motivations . In order to explore the abstention behavior of minority shareholders properly,this paper uses the abstention rates data .Resolutions are divided″good resolution″and″bad resolution,″and different influences on these two types between information asymmetry and benefit dependency are compared .Quantile regression (QR) method is used to get reasonable conclusions . Since the conclusions of this paper focus on minority shareholders' participation in corporate governance,it deepens the theoretical research on the protection of minority shareholders' rights .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 68-83 [Abstract] ( 388 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2120KB] ( 1026 )
84 Chen Rudong
On Building a Global Discourse System:An Approach of Global Rhetoric in Cultural Conflict and Amalgamation

The globalization of economy and politics and the development of digital media create a global discourse field .A new global discourse system and order becomes true as the decline of the discourse power of the past dominator and the rise of new speakers in the international discourse system .The Internet has made the world into a whole in space and time .The territorial space of every nation has been replaced by a virtual space .A global communicative system has come into true .Internet discourse has become a new global ecology .Conflicts in the real world have been reflected by the network .They are resolved and extended through the network,and achieve the integration of global culture through words ultimately . Global discourse system is a comprehensive representation in media of global framework .It is not only a stage for displaying global discourse of politics,economy,culture,science and technology,education and others,but also a re-expressive discourse system of human civilizations as well as a representation system in media for nations in the whole world .The Global discourse system varies in different levels,regions,fields as well as history and reality .China is trying his efforts to become a builder of the Asian regional discourse order and a dominator of the new global discourse system . The world should adapt its attitude actively according to the new discourse position,role and action of China .The world should also re-think and recognize all of these aspects of China as well as being used to China's new discourse role and power .Building a global discourse system in international cultural conflicts and amalgamation is becoming a mutual subject of both global communication practice and discourse research . The conflicts between powerful discourse and peaceful discourse,national discourse and universal discourse,local discourse and external discourse,official discourse and folk discourse are great threats to the building of a global discourse system .Equality,freedom,openness,tolerance,benevolence of speech is the safeguard and important conditions of building a global discourse system . Global rhetoric is the important means and ways for building a global discourse system .The global rhetoric is the globalization of rhetorical practice as well as a global social system,and a universal code and approaches to them .Global rhetoric means to defuse international conflicts,to deal with all the developmental problems of all the human beings by rhetorical conversation rather than violence and war,to unify the global public wills,to realize the common interests as well as to build a Great Unity .Global rhetoric is also a mean and a way for managing human souls and gathering common will of human beings,as well being a world order and one form of human civilization . The building of an Asian discourse system especially eastern Asian discourse system should be done by Asian nations themselves .It should be built on regional conversation and rhetoric with the aim to form discourse community .Asia should be returned to its classical harmony and civilization .This is a new choice of Asian civilization .The discourse system building of the globe and Asia should all absorb classic wisdom .Chinese classic wisdom,such as″speech rituals,″″speech humanity,″″speech loyalty,″″speech truthfulness″of Confucianism and″universal love,″″no attacking″of Monism are important strategies for building of global discourse system,solving global cultural conflicts,realizing cultural amalgamation and regional peaceful development .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 84-94 [Abstract] ( 904 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1351KB] ( 1940 )
95 Lu Jianping
The Monitoring and Control of the National Cultural Security of China's International Academic Publishing in the Digital Age

The issue that digital publishing is closely related to national cultural security has increasingly aroused public concern .In the context where English is employed as an″international language,″in order to improve the effect of international dissemination and to let the world understand China further,more and more China's publications are published in English or with English translation .However,languages of different nations and different cultures follow different grammatical rules and pragmatic usages .In the process when Chinese is translated into English,because some authors and editors are not proficient enough in English,or they are negligent in doing their job,there occur from time to time some errors involving issues of national cultural security in the realms of territory,ideology,ethnic relationship,religion and others .When network helps deliver information widely and timely to recipients,featuring high speed,multi-dimension and globalization,it is highly possible that it might convey data infected with erroneous elements and implant them in the recipients' decoding process,resulting in misunderstanding and misinterpretation,and thereby impacting their attitude and behavior .The project group 13BXW016 of China's National Social Science Fund,when completing their research on″the Standardization of China's Academic Publishing in the Process of Internationalization,″found that in a number of academic journals,including the journals published by colleges and universities in China there are some hazards involving issues of China's national cultural security and China's national image .How to change the situation and how to urge the authors of″going abroad″academic publications to enhance their sense of responsibility and improve their quality of English language become an important proposition of national strategic significance concerning the protection of national cultural security and national interests . The research group has proposed that the state government should establish a mechanism,namely″The Monitoring and Control of the National Cultural Security of the National Academic Publishing,″in which SAPPRFT (the State Administration of Press,Publication,Radio,Film and Television of the People's Republic of China) plays the key role in taking direct responsibility to the Central Committee on National Security and the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department . SAPPRFT should work collaboratively with other ministries where there are relevant academic publications to set up a real-time monitoring system named″The State's National Cultural Security Monitoring Platform″by providing institutional guidance and supervision for its subordinate units such as the Publication Quality Supervision and Inspection of SAPPRFT,Bureaus of Press and Publication of each province,city and autonomous region and related institutes,associations and seminars to entrust third parties with the duty of scrutinization on a regular basis . Meanwhile,improvement of corresponding working conditions in technique,such as developing effective software for checking,must also be sponsored by the above-mentioned monitoring platform .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 1008 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1307KB] ( 1179 )
103 Wang Zhikai Shi Jinchuan
The Adjustment of Administrative Divisions and the Economic Space of Urbanization:An Empirical Study on Local Administrations of Hangzhou and Xiaoshan

Along with the market development and urbanization after the implementation of the reform and open door policy,China has been adjusting the administrative divisions at the sub-provincial level so as to accommodate the scale expansion of market economy and the agglomeration of factor flowing .In the process of transition from a planned economy to a market economy in China,there is a close link between the administrative divisions,economic development and urbanization .China's administrative divisions,which were shaped by the planned economy,set the boundaries for the development of regional and urban economies,which is a typical mode of China's″economy of administrative divisions .″ With the cross-boundary mobility of urban and regional elements brought about by the market economy,administrative divisions have to undergo necessary adjustments to support the agglomeration of the market economy and the development of economic scale .Such adjustments to adapt to the breakthrough of boundaries of the market economy and to expand economic space are certainly the result of the games of competitions and compromises between/among the given local governments in their pursuit of benefit maximization .The provincial and central governments have also played their role in bringing about the necessary adjustments .There have been stories of success and failure in the reform of administrative divisions .In each adjustment of Hangzhou-Xiaoshan administrative divisions,we found that the regional economy and urbanization were updated,and the economic space for the development of Hangzhou as a metropolis was expanded .The basic reasons can be seen in the fact that such adjustments did not result from the orders of higher-level administrations,but from the games of competitions and compromises between the two local governments .The adjustments of the administrative divisions of Hangzhou and Xiaoshan are not only a case in point of the functional transformation of the local government,but also the important content of the reform of the governmental system . In fact,at first Hangzhou and Xiaoshan did not voluntarily or consciously implement the adjustment of administrative divisions and economic integration .However,the two local governments gradually adapted to the market in their games,giving up the confrontational competitions in favor of win-win cooperation .As a result,the adjustment was timely,appropriately and maturely completed on the premise of respecting the development law of market economy .Moreover,it was not a simple adjustment of the administrative divisions,but an integration of government reform and the transformation of governmental functions .Against the background of the reform of the provincial governmental system,the local governments of Hangzhou and Xiaoshan have a strong sense of serving the market economy . The regional market economies compete in a relatively fair environment and have strong impetus for endogenous growth,contributing to a steady and healthy process of urbanization . The significant revelation from the paper is that the reform of administrative divisions cannot cure the stubborn disease of″economy of administrative divisions″of China .The cures are system reform,a clear distinction between the government and the market,and the change of an″omnipotent government″ with direct control of economy into a public service-oriented government .Only in this way can the local governments have more space for the development of urban economy and urbanization .The case study of the development of regional economy and urbanization of Hangzhou and Xiaoshan administrative divisions has significant theoretical and practical significance for future study .

2015 Vol. 1 (3): 103-111 [Abstract] ( 1947 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1305KB] ( 2284 )
112 Nagato Sato
A Study about Enchin:Founder of Jimon School of Tendai Sect in Japan
Enchin,the fifth Tendai zasu in Japan,went to China in Tang Dynasty in 853 .There exist various explanations for his visit .Some scholars have ascribed it to the conflict within the Japanese Tendai Sect which was split up into the Sanmon school (Enryakuji Temple ) and the Jinmon school (Onjoji Temple) in the 9th century .Because of the conflict,Enchin couldn't get adequate knowledge of China from Ennin's trip there as the latter belonged to the other school .Others have attributed it to the ″stimulus″from the elder monks who thought that since Ennin of Shana-gyo (a study of esoteric Buddhism) had already contributed greatly to the completion of esotericBuddhism of the Japanese Tendai sect,then Enchin of Shikan-gyo (Tendai meditation) should make much greater achievements than Ennin .Yet one more explanation goes to″question and answer″:The Japanese Tendai Sect consulted the Tendai Sect of Tang Dynasty about the role of″Dainichi-kyo Sutra″(Mahavairocana Sutra) in Tendai studies,but failed to get a satisfactory answer .In order to find the answer,Enchin went to China . However,none of the above explanations is totally sound .Even the″question and answer″explanation,which seems to be the most convincing one,cannot turn out to be self-evident,for the time Enchin spent on finding answers amounts to only one fifth of his whole journey in China . After Enchin entered China,he stayed in Guoqing Temple in Tiantai Mountain (Mt .Tendai) from December,853 till March,855,visiting historical sites and copying classics of Buddhism .He stayed in Chang'an from May to November,855 and was enlightened (Denpo-kanjo) by the two scriptures Vajradhatu and Garbha .He also visited the temples in Luoyang and Longmen,as well as Yuezhou Kaiyuan Temple .He returned to Guoqing Temple in June,856 and built the Zhiguan Hall .He set off on his return journey to Japan in June,858 .This list of events indicates that Enchin had a good knowledge of Chinese Buddhism at that time before his arrival in China . He went on different pilgrimages for different Buddhist scriptures and practices,for example,practicing Shana-gyo and visiting historical sites in Tiantai Mountain,while practicing Shikan-gyo in the temples in Chang'an . After returning to Japan,Enchin became Tendai-zasu in June 868,but still maintained contact with Chinese monks by exchanging letters and collecting classics with the help of the businessmen of Tang Dynasty .In December,890,Enchin became the first Shosuzu on the recommendation of Dajo-daijin Mototsune Fujiwara .In October,891,he entered nirvana .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 112-123 [Abstract] ( 660 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1364KB] ( 2104 )
124 Qian Zhaoming Ou Rong
Achilles Fang:A Chinese Friend and Pound's Late Translation of Confucian Canons
Ezra Pound,the American modernist poet,had a career-long interest in Chinese culture,especially Confucianism .In addition to extensive use of Confucian sayings and other Chinese cultural and historical materials in his poetry and critical prose,Pound translated into Italian two of the″Four Books,″The Great Digest and The Unwobbling Pivot,and translated into English The Unwobbling Pivot,The Analects (also one of the″Four Books″),part of Mencius (the last of the″Four Books″),and The Book of Songs or Classic Anthology Def ined by Conf ucius .When he was confined to St .Elizabeths Hospital in Washington D .C .in the 1950s,he befriended Achilles Fang (Fang Zhitong ),an erudite Chinese scholar at Harvard . Their correspondence from 1950 to 1958 (consisting of 108 letters from Pound to Fang and 106 from Fang to Pound) brings to light some of the world's most vigorous cross-cultural exchanges on Confucian ideas in the past century .The mere fact that the two learned men carried on this dialogue on Confucianism for eight and half years has effectively refuted the common belief that Pound relied totally on eighteenth-and nineteenth-century Western Sinologists' versions to study and translate Confucian classics .Pound's late Confucian translations have proven to be different from his early Confucian translations in three key aspects:first,they have shifted away from the early focus on the Confucius' emphasis on the individual and social responsibility|second,they have expanded in scope beyond the″Four Books″to reach classics such as The Book of Songs and The Book of History|and,third,they have cast off the widely criticized disregard for the Chinese sound .These breakthroughs in Pound's late Confucianism have for decades eluded Pound scholars' attention .Archival materials reveal that Achilles Fang actually collaborated with Pound on Pound's late Confucian translations,notably his 1951 bilingual edition of Confucius:The Great Digest & The Unwobbling Pivot (New Directions ) and his 1954 trade edition of Shih-Ching:The Classic Anthology Def ined by Conf ucius (Harvard University Press) .As a Chinese scholar immersed in the Confucian tradition,Achilles Fang played an indispensible role in the preparation and publication of Pound's late Confucian translations .In their correspondence week after week for eight and half years they alertly discussed key Confucian terminologies such as jing or respect,the″Four Tuan,″ren,yi,li,zhi,or four virtuous beginnings of human nature,and so on,resulting in Pound's profound understanding of the relevant Confucian concepts and expansion in scope of Confucian studies beyond the″Four Books″to include The Book of Songs .Achilles Fang was involved in virtually every aspect of Pound's The Book of Songs translation project,from the design of the book cover,composition of its introduction to galley proofreading before publication .Achilles Fang's introduction to Pound's trade edition of The Book of Songs not only succinctly sums up the origin and development of the 305 ancient songs,but also emphasizes the importance of equal attention to the formation,the sound,and the tone of the characters in each song .Without Achilles Fang's assistance,Pound would not have insisted that his ideal non-trade edition of The Book of Songs be accompanied by an original Chinese text and a Wade sound key .Due to Pound's lack of patience with his publisher's work,his non-trade edition of The Book of Songs with an original Chinese text and a Wade sound key fell apart .But the fact that he once insisted on such an edition proves to the world that he did not disregard the sound in the Chinese character throughout his life as some scholars argued .Achilles Fang's contributions to Pound's late Confucian translations are far greater than Pound's scholarship has hitherto been acknowledged .Without his remarkable help Pound could not have achieved what he did in his late Confucianism .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 124-132 [Abstract] ( 907 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1325KB] ( 1687 )
133 Lv Changhong
The Nature and Construction of Thematic Hierarchy
Thematic hierarchies (THs) have been widely used to account for regularities in the linking of thematic and grammatical roles and adopted by proponents of a range of theoretical frameworks .But over them there have been controversies,most of which derive from the failure in understanding the nature a TH reflects or in ranking thematic roles properly .Essentially,a TH is the statement of a local empirical generalization (Levin & Rappaport Hovav,2005),so different THs reflect different generalizations and have different motivations for ranking thematic roles . To explore the nature of a TH,Fillmore's (1968) Subject Hierarchy″agent > instrument > objective (or patient in Levin & Rappaport Hovav,2005)″is taken as an example .In fact,the generalization it captures,i .e .″the structural prominence of causes over patients (Levin & Rappaport Hovav,2005),″is valid only for causatives,in which a causal chain must be formed among arguments .In causatives,there must be an entity undergoing the conversion from the entity acted on (Ground) into the entity that acts (Figure) (Frawley,1992),such as the INSTRUMENT shuibeng (water pump ) in sentence″Tamen yong shuibeng chou wushui (They are pumping the sewage) .″The conversion process involves the transmission of force and therefore endues shuibeng with the semantic feature of [+ force],which makes shuibeng possess some animate feature .A force-dynamic structure is thus formed in the event:tamen (they)→shuibeng (water pump)→ wushui (sewage) .Only under this condition,can the INSTRUMENT shuibeng become the subject if there is no AGENT,as in the sentence″Shuibeng zheng-chou-zhe wushui (The sewage pump is working now) .″On the other hand,the INSTRUMENT danjia (stretcher) in the sentence″Tamen yong danjia tai shangyuan (They are carrying the injured on a stretcher )″doesn't undergo the conversion from Ground to Figure,so no causal chain is formed in the second event:tamen (they)→danjia (stretcher)—shangyuan (the injured),and consequently tai (carry) can not constitute a causative event .Hence the sentence″ Danjia zheng-tai-zhe shangyuan ( The stretcher is carrying the injured)″is unacceptable . If a TH is simply the statement of a local empirical generalization,there is no underlying motivation for ranking the thematic roles of different event types in a hierarchy,like Chen's (1994) Subject Hierarchy:agent > experiencer > instrument > possessor > location > theme > patient .Otherwise,a false prediction about the linking of thematic and grammatical roles might arise . For example,according to Chens Hierarchy,the sentence″ Danjia zheng-tai-zhe shangyuan carrying the injured)″is acceptable but in fact it is not .The contradiction results from the fact that Chen's Hierarchy mixes types of event and does not respect the fact that″agent > instrument > objective″is only the local empirical generalization about a canonical causative . With the locality nature of THs,the framework for a particular TH must be local,too . Event structures are adequate frameworks for this purpose,but they should be defined relative to a verb because if the ranking of thematic roles is independent of the event structure defined by the verb,the failure of the TH to predict the result of argument selection might be unavoidable .Of the event-based construction of THs,Dowty's (1991) proto-role theory,″a reflection of the salience of event participants (Levin & Rappaport Hovav,2005),″is the right approach to the representation of a TH .The reasons are as follows:(a) it describes the essentially relational nature of thematic roles because what semantic roles define is a type of relations rather than categories,and relations can only be understood in an event|(b) it can more explicitly reflect shared nature or subtle differences between thematic roles,for example,the shared nature of [+ change of state] that both EXPERIENCER and PATIENT have|(c) it can avoid the difficulty in identifying and defining discrete roles or the problems caused by granularity of thematic roles . For example,there is no need to identify a new role″FORCE″to describe argument Yunshi (a meteorite) in the sentence″Yunshi ba wuding za-le yigedong (A meteorite smashed a hole in the roof)″as Yuan (2008) suggests,if Yunshi (a meteorite ) is defined in terms of a set of entailments of AGENT and INSTRUMENT:{[+ volition],[+ cause],[+ movement]}|(d) it has been empirically proved to have psychological validity . Requirements for a proper understanding and application of THs should thus be to determine the nature a TH reflects,the generalization it captures,and whether there is any underlying motivation for the ranking of thematic roles .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 133-142 [Abstract] ( 919 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1339KB] ( 2081 )
143 Chen Dusheng Wang Zhongming
The Effects of Role Overload on Employee Outcomes under Organizational Change:A Moderated Mediation Model
Large-scale organizational change,whether in the form of merger & acquisition,restructuring,or business transformation,shapes the current status of many Chinese companies facing intense competitive pressures from home and abroad .Organizational change has been seen as a primary source of workplace stress causing a lot of unpleasant results to employees both psychologically and behaviorally .Many employees in changing context feel role overloaded when the expectations of work go beyond their available time,resources,or personal capabilities .Role overload as well as other role stressors (e .g .role conflict and role ambiguity) is prevalent in many organizations under change but has not received enough attention in previous research .This study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the effects of role overload on key employee outcomes (i .e .turnover intention,task performance,and helping behavior ) . To reach this goal,a moderated mediation model was established and tested on the basis of role theory and social exchange theory . A sample of 380 employees from manufacturing,service and other industries in southeastern China was surveyed and data was collected from different sources .The employees all came from the companies that were undergoing or just completed organizational change . The model was analyzed with SPSS and SPSS PROCESS macro .Results revealed that employees' role overload was negatively related to their affective commitment to the organization .Affective commitment mediated the effects of role overload on turnover intention,task performance and helping behavior .More importantly,this study found that the extent of employee participation in the organization could moderate the relationships between role overload and these employee outcomes via affective commitment .Specifically,when employees had a high degree of participation,the positive effect of role overload on turnover intention and the negative effects of role overload on task performance and helping behavior both via affective commitment would attenuate .On the contrary,when employees had a low degree of participation,the positive effect of role overload on turnover intention and the negative effects of role overload on task performance and helping behavior both via affective commitment would amplify . This study contributes to the extant literature in at least three ways .First,it focuses on role overload which was less studied compared to other role stressors,and prior research did not reach a consistent conclusion about its effects .This study argues that the effects of role overload may depend on organizational context .When companies are in a routine state,some extent of role overload may not lead to bad results . However,when companies are in a changing state,employees already have some unpleasant feelings .If they feel role overloaded simultaneously,the negative effects are very likely to become salient .Second,after demonstrating the unfavorable effects of role overload under organizational change,this study goes a step further to identify employee participation as an important moderator to mitigate such effects,which extends our knowledge on role overload and its boundary conditions .What's more,this study is among the first of empirical research in China to apply the latest approach to accurately test and depict the moderated mediation model,which implies its unique value in methodology .These findings also have several implications for practitioners . In order to enhance the change effectiveness,organizational decision-makers should try to reduce employees' role overload by sending clear messages,reducing the chain of command or taking other possible steps . And encouraging employees to participate in management is another feasible way . This study is not without limitations and future research is suggested to adopt a longitudinal design to establish causal inferences and consider other important HR practices as moderators .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 143-157 [Abstract] ( 1345 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1451KB] ( 2865 )
158 Xu Maijin Zhang Huwei
Exploring the Structual Origin of Risks in Internal Governance of Higher Education Institutions
With the advance of popularization,internationalization and marketization of high education,the social and economic activities that higher education institutions participate in have become increasingly multivariate,open and complicated,but in the meanwhile numerous potential risks frequently appear in their internal governance .As the basis of carrying out the risk prevention and control,identifying and judging characteristics,expressive types and degree of complexity of risk inducements will exerts great impacts on pertinence,enforcement,progress and effect of prevention and control practices . Implementation of inner governance depends on establishing an integrated network system that possesses complex,scientific and complete functions,with its inherent stipulation being able to realize reasonable allocation of authority and responsibility and adjust the conflict and game of interest groups .If governance structure is designed irrationally or power-responsibility has been in inappropriate and poor operation,negative deviations occur in governance goal and idea,which are called inner governance risks .The risks derive from the inertia and resistance in the condition that is present in the conflict between the operation of the power and responsibility system and the inner logic and value pursuit of the internal governance system . When the inertia and resistance go beyond the limit of self-organizing function in higher education institutions,it will produce disorder and chaos .Internal governance risks are essentially that core interest subjects can't share power and responsibility of governance effectively and jointly,so that equity and efficiency are barely realized .Internal governance risks are divided into strategic risk,managerial risk,financial risk,integrity risk and quality risk .Diverse kinds of risks are often hidden under every operation link of political power,executive power,academic power and power of democratic supervision,and then combine organically to constitute a risk cluster . Risk mechanism of action includes risk source,triggered behavior,risk point and conducting pathway .Risk experiences the evolution process from sprout,generation,diffusion to chain reaction,which shows the unification of asymptotic and mutational properties .Because of the evident academic feature,various power forms,intertwined and highly decentralized internal interests chains as well as loosely organized state of higher education institutions,inner governance risk has enhanced in terms of uncertainly,complex variability,interaction and chain reaction .There exist Environment factor and subject factor in risk sources,between which multiple penetration and influence under the tension come into play .Firstly,the catalyzing or formulation of risks can happen simultaneously,which will expand the risks in the internal structure and push the spread of risks like adding fuel to the flames . The second is that suppressing metabolism will lead to waxing and waning and make risk transmission produce deviating inflexion,the result of which would in turn cause risk source in accumulation and sedimentation to be deconstructed and released partly .However,the core elements of the old risk structure will not change fundamentally,and will continue to develop and extend when meeting some triggers again .Lastly and what really counts is that the accumulation or liberation of risk sources relies on the person's subjective initiative,which will inevitably fluctuate along with reciprocal game between environmental and subjective factors .It is the choices of actors that can radically transform the relationship in the risk structure .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 158-165 [Abstract] ( 783 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1609KB] ( 1562 )
166 Chen Luxi
On Ideological Conflicts in the School Choice Movement in America in the 1980s
Focusing on the rebuilding of the public school system that emerged in the late 1980s to the early 1990s,the research addresses the power redistribution in the U .S .school system and its expression in policy texts .The process is actually the production and the reinterpretation of the mainstream symbol of education policy texts—″Choice″in the 1980s by neoconservatives and traditionalists .Starting from questioning and exposing the low efficiency crisis of the″One Best System,″i .e .,the public school system,the neoconservatives and the traditionalists criticized the direct democratic control and hierarchical bureaucracy structure in contemporary public schools and proposed the″bottom-up″reform and rebuilding scheme,or the realization of the″Choice .″ They proceeded to concretize the abstract symbol of″Choice .″The neoconservatives believed that the schools controlled by professional authority had the maximum efficiency and the″Choice″was to grant authority to teachers,while the traditionalists thought that the schools controlled by the market had the maximum efficiency and the″Choice″was to grant an authority to market .During the shift from the inexplicable to the explicable,although there emerged conflicts in ideology between the neoconservatives and the traditionalists,they compromised in policy text writing .As a result,″charter school″became one of the most highly recommended plans for school reform at that time .While conducting the text design for″charter schools,″both the neoconservatives and the traditionalists tried to incorporate professionalization and marketization .They introduced the marketized competition mechanism and the concept of″consumer″to the public schools while guaranteeing public funds and actualizing professional autonomy in schools,thus realizing the combination of professionalization,vocationalization and marketization . In this way,they completed the whole production process of the symbol″Choice″in their text compromise and got fully prepared for its entry into the field of symbol transmission .As a result of this,the policy texts and their symbol″Choice,″proposed in the″School Choice Movement,″were reduced to self-flattering political tools for the two groups of ideology .When the abstract″Choice″was materialized into specific policy texts,the original idea and concept of″Choice″were completely lost and were replaced by the value and the interest that the neoconservatives and the traditionalists desired .And the″School Choice Movement″thus became an elaborately-designed and inevitable″political performance .″This merits our critical reflection .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 166-176 [Abstract] ( 1185 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1347KB] ( 1814 )
177 Wang Lijuan Yu Zhanyu
The Effects of Cognitive Style and Cues Reminding on Event-based Prospective Memory in School-age Children
Prospective memory represents the ability of remembering to carry out an intended action in the future .So far,a large number of literature had proved that the event-based prospective memory ability of preschoolers kept increasing with age . By contrast,few studies had explored the trajectory of event-based prospective memory in school-age children and the results had not reached an agreement . Besides,the existing research results indicated that executive function was correlated with cognitive style and prospective memory respectively .The previous studies also verified the effect of cognitive style on adolescent's event-based prospective memory performance .In this paper,the school-age children were assessed systematically to conduct an in-depth analysis of this effect .Apart from the individual factor,the environmental factor of cues reminding is a special variable to promote the performance of event-based prospective memory in all probability . However,the available discussions failed to interpret its mechanism .Based on the above reasons,the present study has explored the effects of cognitive style and cues reminding on event-based prospective memory in school-age children from the viewpoints of individual factor and environmental factor,which would be the first attempt in the related field .Not only would this clear the developmental trajectory of event-based prospective memory in school-age children,but also could test the prospective memory theories from the development perspective . The whole experiment was composed of two steps .Firstly,two groups of the participants—field-independent group/field-dependent group were divided into two subgroups:one with the use of Embedded Figures Test (EFT),the other one without EFT .Each group consisted of one hundred 8-,10-,and 12-year-old students .In the second step,the classic paradigm of prospective memory was applied to test the event-based prospective memory performance in school-age children . The cues reminding information was offered or not during the break . The data analysis showed that:(1)the prospective memory performance continued to move forward with the growing of school-age children|(2)younger (8-and 10-year olds)field-independent children did better in finishing the event-based prospective memory task but 12-year-olds could complete this task successfully regardless of their cognitive style|(3)children,especially who were in the field-dependent group,performed better in the prospective memory task under cues reminding condition . In sum,cognitive style,as an individual factor,played an important role on the development of children's event-based prospective memory . What's more,external cues reminding could improve event-based prospective memory performance significantly as well as compensate the shortage of event-based prospective memory processes in field-dependent school-age children .In addition,combined with the data of ongoing task,this study indicated that 8-year-old children still could not distribute or coordinate their attention resources very well compared with 12-year-old children . Finally,the field-dependent children achieved better ongoing task performance at the cost of their prospective memory performance .The results supported multiprocess theory .In the follow-up research,it is necessary to control the difficulty of ongoing task perfectly to investigate the more detailed development trajectory of school-age children's prospective memory across the participants with successive ages .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 177-186 [Abstract] ( 807 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1358KB] ( 1819 )
187 Hu Liang Yang Min Wen Xu Zhu Lele
Development and Validation of Measures of Self-rating Behavior and Psychological Characteristics of″Zhai People″
With the fast-growing coverage of the Internet and substantial changes in people's lifestyle,the size of″Zhai People″(those who stay home most of the time) has dramatically increased in China .Increasing research attention has been directed to the impact of the″Zhai″ lifestyle on their physical health,psychological well-being and social adaptation .However,no validated measures of″Zhai″are currently available,which places a great barrier to accurately understanding″Zhai .″Therefore,the current study aims to develop and validate measures as regards″Zhai People .″First,a qualitative research revealed that behaviors,psychological characteristics,and attitude toward″Zhai″were related but independent concepts,hence specific measures of these different concepts should be developed to suit different research purposes .The theoretical framework and initial item pools of the two questionnaires,namely″Zhai Behavior Self-rating Scale″and″Zhai Psychological Characteristics Scale,″were designed . Following standardized procedures of the validity test,we examined the psychological properties of these two measures in two empirical studies . The results indicated that:(1) these questionnaires demonstrated excellent internal consistency,test-retest reliability,construct validity,convergent and discriminant validity,and therefore are recommended as the valid measures of″Behavior Zhai″ and″Psychological Zhai,″which can be used to sieve out″Zhai People″and investigate their behavior and psychological patterns|(2 )″Behavior Zhai″and″Psychological Zhai″were moderately correlated,but also independent from each other .These measures should be applied to future studies in larger samples,especially to those highly″Zhai″individuals,so as to better examine the validity and applicability of the measures .More in-depth investigations are warranted to explore″passive Zhai″and″proactive Zhai″in an effort to reveal the influence of″Behavior Zhai″ and″Psychological Zhai″on people's physical,psychological and social well-being .
2015 Vol. 1 (3): 187-200 [Abstract] ( 378 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1385KB] ( 1350 )


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