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2014, Vol.44 Num.6
Online: 2014-11-10

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 389 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 527KB] ( 934 )
5 Sun Zhong Bao Limin
New Approaches to the Study of Classical Democracy
Democracy in the West is far from the incontrovertible ″orthodoxy.″ Rather, both participatory democracy and representative democracy have been criticized by philosophers for bringing about vulgar personality and social scientists for lacking of efficiency. Many believe that the success of the West comes not from democracy, but from the rule of law and other things such as market economy. However, proponents of democracy, especially of classic democracy, stand up from time to time. In answering the criticisms, they have developed various interesting approaches and new arguments, which help to discover the significance of classical democracy for today's theory and praxis. These new models of democracy, such as ″performance,″ ″knowledge economy,″ ″democracy as watching,″ and ″philosopher citizen,″ have deepened our understanding of democracy, political theory and human values.  First, the model of ″performance politics,″ started by Arendt, still attracts the attention of political theorists. One of its new forms is Farenga's theory of performance as democratic citizenship. Taking performance as the best unified perspective, he stresses its meaning as illocutionary act. Through different kinds of speeches, citizens can carry out three kinds of selves: communitarian self, individualist ego and deliberative self. A good citizen must know all of them and switch back and forth smoothly among them. To use ″knowledge economy″ as a model to explain the success of the Athenian democracy is an ingenious idea posed by Ober. To him, the institutions such as the council of the 500, the assembly and the jury can be seen as means for collecting information dispersed among the masses for efficient use. The numerous public monuments, buildings and theaters can serve the formation of common beliefs. Finally, codification and rule following in Athens makes the citizens a learning group. All these contribute to the surprising high performance of classical democracy in Athens. Green does not think that the vocal model of democracy works. He proposes a visual model instead and argues that democracy can be done by watching the leader's performance in accordance with the principle of candor. If scholars all above have tried to revive the importance of classical democracy, cautious people like Villa have pointed out the potential danger of this communitarian zeal. A new type of philosopher-citizenship, based on Socratic praxis, will check the uncritical obedience. For Socratic philosophy can be seen as saying that ″unexamined citizen life is not worth living.″ Such a philosophical mentality will help sustain the health of democracy. Put together, these efforts of justifying democracy from different angles have touched upon its inner values and outer benefits. The internal justification may be more significant, given that we are facing the new trend of ″naturalism″ and functionalism supported by neuroscience, new evolutionism, gene-biology and strong AI. Moreover, some scholars have tried to prove that the inner goods of democracy can bring about external flourishing. If this argument turns out to be sound, it will have profound implications for philosophy of history, for it confirms the belief that goods can bring forth goods, rather than evils bringing forth goods, as both Adam Smith and Hegel have shown.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 932 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1504KB] ( 1566 )
16 Yao Dazhi
Equality of Capability: Is It the Third Way?
In the contention of contemporary egalitarian theory, the focus of issue is ″equality of what.″ There are two basic approaches to the issue, that is, welfarism and resourcism. However, some egalitarians are not content with either of them, and try to open up a third way, which may draw on the strengths of both approaches while minimizing its exposure to their weaknesses. The most significant representative of the third way is Amartya Sen's conception of equality of capability. We will put forward three questions to examine Sen's conception of equality of capability. First, what is meant by Sen's capability? There are two possibilities: it may refer to some capabilities of a human being, or it may refer to all his capabilities. In Sen's major works, we can find two different formulations. In some of his earlier works, Sen employed the term ″capability″ to refer to human being's ″basic capability,″ which obviously means some capabilities of a human being. But in his some of his later works, Sen used the term ″capability″ to refer to ″freedom,″ which seems to refer to all the capabilities of a human being. Whichever possibility Sen's formulations provides, his conception of equality of capability would face some serious difficulties. Second, is Sen's conception of equality of capability a pluralism? When Sen commented on welfarism and resourcism, he criticized that both theories only uses one index (welfare or resource) to evaluate things, which is why their respective informational base is too limited. On the contrary, Sen argued that the equality of capability has a pluralist position in evaluating things and uses more indexes to evaluate the equality of things. These indexes are well-being achievement, agency achievement, well-being freedom and agency freedom. However, if we take a further analysis of Sen's major works, we will find that his conception of equality of capability is dualist or monist rather than pluralist. Third, is the capability the standard or the currency of equality? According to Sen, the capability should be not only a standard which is used to evaluate equality or inequality between people, but also a currency with which the disadvantaged could get the compensations based on distributive justice. However, Sen's equality of capability faces a problem here: Ever if the capability can play a role of the standard of equality, it cannot play a role of the currency of equality. We try to prove that it is not only undesirable but also infeasible to use the capability as the currency of equality.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 16-23 [Abstract] ( 998 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 867KB] ( 1303 )
24 Zhou Ke Teng Yanjuan
Deliberative Democracy Mechanism in the Rule of China's Environmental Law
The development history of deliberative democracy itself, as a form of democracy, has only a short span of thirty years. With the rapid development of economic globalization, regional integration discussions and information technology, interest-related parties tend to be pluralistic and interest demand tends to be diversified, hence multiple stakeholders need to reach a consensus. Therefore, deliberative democracy itself is also drawing more and more attention of Eastern and Western scholars. The academic research of deliberative democracy mainly focuses on the researches of the basic theory, the connotations of deliberative democracy theory, the orientation of the deliberative democracy theory in the whole democratic system, and the relationship between deliberative democracy theory and freedom, equality, fairness, justice etc. With the more prominent environmental problems in China, environmental protection has aroused increasing concerns. Environmental protection involves the conflicts of multi subject and multi interests, so a mechanism is needed to reach a consensus on the environmental interests, and the best way to establish this mechanism should be deliberative democracy. Deliberative democracy is the inevitable choice to break through the bottleneck of environmental legal system. This paper holds that the environment coordinating democracy should not be a single principle, rule or system, but a dynamic operational mechanism throughout the whole process of environmental legislation, law enforcement and legal supervision can realize its own functions of adjustment and repair. Through the operation of the democratic mechanism of environmental negotiation, consultations or negotiations are needed for the vital interests related to environmental problems, and a consensus will be reached for such major issues as the allocation of power, the contents of rights and obligations and responsibility assumption. Based on a mechanism of equal consultation, this consensus will have a good effect. The frequent occurrence of environmental group events indicates the legitimacy crisis of environmental law, the lack of multi subject, multi equal consultations leading to the predicament of the administrative guidance of environmental protection, the role of companies not being fully reflected in environmental protection, environmental protection lacking public participation. Environmental protection needs a model of public governance, but governments, companies and civil society groups are not the only subjects in public governance. In order to achieve good governance in the public domain, a network governance mechanism with benign interactions between the three should and must be established, and the best way to establish this mechanism should be deliberative democracy. The Application of environmental deliberative democracy to China's environment law must confirm the ″law making″ function of environmental deliberative democracy, and the democratic consultation mechanism provides the basis of environmental legitimacy for the concept, principle and system innovation of environmental law; so a mechanism must be established to guarantee that all represent the interests of consultations in order to equal main body status, clarify the government, companies, civil society groups in the environmental protection responsibility scope, improve the accountability system and establish judicial linkage mechanism, guaranteeing the implementation of environmental laws and regulations. In this paper, the deliberative democracy is introduced into the field of environmental protection, so the application of the democratic mechanism of environmental negotiation to China's environmental rule of law, is not only a breakthrough of deliberative democracy, but also a breakthrough in China's environmental legal system. This paper attempts to construct an approach of the democratic mechanism of environmental negotiation in the environmental law, not yet mature. More concerns are expected from the circle of environmental law.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 24-34 [Abstract] ( 963 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1356KB] ( 1424 )
35 Gu Guoda Yin Jinghua
Measurement of Chinese Food Trade Safety from the Non-Traditional Security Perspective
As economic globalization deepens and food trade increases, it’s crucial to measure and evaluate China’s food trade security from the non-traditional security perspective. From a single country’s perspective, food trade security means a country can take effective measures to resist the impacts of external factors, such as sharp price fluctuations, grain embargo, international political and economical crisis, and obtain the needed food through trade to fill domestic food gap. In view of multiple countries, food trade safety is the superior co-existence between food trade subjects. Various food trade subjects gain sustainable development through mutual reciprocity and benefits by food trade.  Principal component analysis (PCA) was taken to measure China’s food trade security level. The conclusion is: First, from 1992 to 2011 the overall security situation of China’s food trade is mostly in the weakening and degradation survival state, involved between basic safety and basic insecurity, and wheat, rice and corn trade have higher security state than soybean. Second, wheat trade security has a small rise, the rice trade security has fallen slightly, corn trade security fluctuates around zero, and soybean trade security step down. Third, the main influences on China’s grain trade security, in sequence of importance, include the competitiveness of the industry, the domestic market, the external impact factors, industrial policy, the possibility of being controlled and the international market. This article may have three innovations. (1) The research contents focus on China’s grain trade security, which the existing research has not been carried out in depth. (2) The measurement thought marks a step in advance of traditional security concept, deeming the superior co-existence between China and her food trade partners as trade safety, extending trade safety’s boundary to multilateral security constructions, emphasizing on nationally, regionally and globally trade policy coordination and trade rules revision, and joint responses to global food crisis.(3)This article evaluates trade security from three dimensions, including ″security transformation,″ ″security threats,″ and ″security sense.″ First, considering the program from domestic and foreign perspectives, to what extent the factors leading to China’s grain trade ″safety″ problems are investigated, including world food gap, international food price volatility, domestic food gap and per capita food purchasing power. Next, how the factors threaten China’s grain trade security are examined, such as the volatility of international financial assets price, energy price and the exchange rate, and the domestic food industry’s competitiveness. Then, the possibility of being controlled is introduced as simple objective decision criteria for ″trade security sense″.  The deficiency of this article is the political changes and wars are not taken into account in evaluating food trade security because they are sudden and hard to quantify.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 35-49 [Abstract] ( 1210 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1653KB] ( 1805 )
50 Guo Jiqiang Chen Min Fei Shulan
Quantity and Wage Trends of Employed Migrant Workers

After many years of development since the reform and opening up, migrant workers begin to have internal structural differences. For example, the income, capital and social network of the employed migrant workers are different from those of the self-employed migrant workers, and yet most of the researchers treat them as a whole. Meanwhile, a problem of statistical criteria inconsistencies has come into being in the current researches, which makes the data inconsistent both synchronically and diachronically, greatly reducing the information value of the data. So it is necessary to use consistent statistical criteria for structural analyses. Our definition of the employed migrant workers is based on a survey by the National Bureau of Statistics. The variation trend of the numbers and earnings of the employed migrant workers come from the National Rural Fixed Observation and China Statistical Yearbook. The main findings are as follows:(1) The number of migrant workers has stabilized, because the rising proportions of the migrant workers and the decreasing number of the rural workingage population have reached a relative equilibrium. The underlying reason is that urbanization and citizenization have made the rural population decrease quickly. (2) The number of employed migrant workers has increased slowly and begins to become stable. On the background of the stable migrant workers, the increase of employed migrant workers is due to a higher proportion of employment, which has risen to a very high degree. On the other hand, rural depopulation continues. Therefore, the number of migrant employed workers will also be stable, and it will even reach a ″turning point.″ (3) The proportion of young employed migrant workers (under the age of 35) has been declining year by year. One reason is that the proportion of rural young population has been rapidly declining, and another reason is that young migrant workers have higher employment expectations, which increases their difficulty in finding jobs.(4) The earning of employed migrant workers has a significant rise and it will continue to increase, but their earnings are lower than the average of all the migrant workers. In addition, the relative gap between urban workers and employed migrant workers has not narrowed down, which makes the problem of inequality worse.(5) There is a significant earning gap between the one with a high school diploma and the one with a college degree, and the gap is still widening.  This paper provides relatively accurate information for studying employed migrant workers, and the findings contribute to a better understanding of the structure of the migrant workers. It is hoped that further researches will be carried out in this area.

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 50-62 [Abstract] ( 808 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1804KB] ( 1282 )
63 Liu Xuxia Liu Yuanbo
The Legal System in Safety Supervison about Animal Transgenic Scientific Research and Experiment

Animal gene transfer technologies are more and more widely applied with fewer obstacles due to the decrease in cost and technical requirement of transgenic research and the increase in success rate. This situation on the one hand makes it easier for the production of transgenic animals, and on the other hand makes it harder for supervision and management. Since transgenic animal technology has risks in itself and the malicious abuse of it is likely to pose increasing security threats to the human society, safety control of transgenic research at its experimental stage is absolutely necessary. Along with the risks, there are broad application prospects of transgenic animals in areas such as new animal variety breeding, bio-pharmacy, disease research, organ transplantation, environmental protection, landscape ornamental, and gene function research, which mirrors that this technology has great potential values to promote social development. Once the research is to be put into production, the successful regulation of it largely ensures the national economic development and social stability. Therefore, it is important to conduct safety control on transgenic researches at its experimental stage. As required by the public, the supervision and administration should focus on guaranteeing the safety of transgenic animals, and the safety assessment should follow at least three criteria: firstly, the maturity, stability and precision of transgenic techniques; secondly, the characteristics of animal populations, which determine the diversity of security risks; thirdly, the purposes and methods of application, which may give rise to different safety problems. The three criteria suggest that transgenic animal safety is not a problem that can be easily solved by one or two conclusions, but rather a long-lasting issue faced by the society. Again, as risk prevention and control at the experimental stage is the crux of the matter, a well-established system of laws is needed to regulate the supervision and administration of relevant research with both effectiveness and efficiency. However, the current legal system concerning safety control of transgenic animal research seems to be inadequate to fulfill its mission, given some existing problems and developmental problems. To be specific, the laws and regulations are not clear-cut enough; the standards for hierarchical management are not strict enough; safety assessment is not brought into full play; there is a lack of cooperation and coordination between supervision subjects; and there lacks guidelines for supervision and inspection, emergency management, and control measures. To cope with these existing problems, it is necessary to clarify the fundamental principles of safety control, to adjust the scope of objects for regulation, to overall plan and put on record the inspecting and detecting techniques, and to regulate the system of register and trace management. This paper, based on the analysis of the advances and applications of transgenic animal technologies coupled with the tree criteria for transgenic animal safety assessment, summarizes and puts forth some tendencies of the laws and regulations on safety control of transgenic animal research, namely the clarification of supervisory and regulatory principles, the adjustment of supervisory and regulatory scope, the optimization of safety assessment system, the construction of a coordinated supervisory and regulatory system, and the enhancement of legal certainty. The innovation of this paper lies in three aspects: first and foremost, it is a cross-disciplinary (animal science and law science) study of transgenic animal safety related laws based on the development of animal gene transfer technologies; what is more, it provides a comprehensive analysis and a scientific conclusion of the problems and deficiencies of China’s current legal system on transgenic animal research; last but not least, it objectively puts forward a set of “precautionary principle” centered supervisory and regulatory principles, discusses the logical relations among “deeper scientific investigation principle”, “hierarchical and classified supervision principle” and “individual case assessment and regulation principle”, and explicitly denies the applicability of “Substantial Equivalence” in China in view of the international trend, social demand, and safety problems.

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 63-74 [Abstract] ( 736 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1547KB] ( 1342 )
75 Zhu Xinli Wei Xiaoyu
The Regulatory System of Internet Service Providers

The Tencent Inc.’s lawsuit against Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. for unfair competition is a typical network event which epitomizes “the tragedy of the commons.” In the verdict, the court cited unprecedentedly the related provisions both issued by the government and the guild, indicating the function of major participants, especially those of social self-organization, on the regulation system of Internet service providers, based on whose characters, it is therefore necessary to innovate and develop its regulation system. The regulation on Internet service providers involves three major participants: the government, the public and Internet service providers including their guild. Currently in China, the Internet service providers are regulated from top to bottom, i.e., the government plays the role of the leader, the dominator and the supervisor while the other participants the follower. With the evolution of its definition and function as well as innovation in regulatory means, problems of the mode arise. The government relies heavily on self-judgment in decision-making, lacking in mutual communication, demonstration and negotiation with other main parts due to its complete dominance in the regulation model. However, Internet service provision deals with interest appeals from multiple subjects, which deserve equal opportunity to express their value standards. In the meantime, defects exist in the statute law on which the government is dependent, such as the absence of market incentive and self-regulation, the weak legal basis for the others in the controlling and the incoordination of the standard system. In addition, the guild lacks autonomy resulting from the strict control of the government and its strong directivity in member selection fails to promote self-development. As the pact for self-discipline in the industry, the “soft law” also has problems in quantity, operability and deterrent force. The public has little access to partake and the public rules are unorganized and dispersed. Besides, the value standard of public participation is affected by various factors, thus requiring measures to adjust personal preference developed in unreasonable conditions so as to promote scientific rationality. To solve the problems in the current pattern, we should set up a “Polycentric Governance” theory based Internet service providers system, which is stipulated by multicenter collaboratively and characterized by mutual trust, openness, compatibility and interactivity. As the key function shifts, the government should impel other participants to intervene in the regulation, keep a harmonious relationship among principal parts and actively leave the right to social self-organization. The guild serves as the bridge between the government and the public and develops itself by coordination and collaboration, thus improving the two-way communication between the internal Internet service providers and the external Internet users. Under the premise of more approaches to participate, the public gains full access to information and exchanges with other major bodies using the institutional arrangement and Internet service platform, which renders the suggestions more scientific and feasible. The new regulation system is in accordance with not only the tendency of social governance but also the features and requirements of the stipulated. It continuously exerts positive influences on the participants, which boosts the overall development of the industry chain and considerably increases the effectiveness of the regulation.

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 75-84 [Abstract] ( 774 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1391KB] ( 1139 )
85 Li Jinshan Hu Fengqiao
The Transition of the European Tariffs Institution and the Evolution of Free Ports' Function and Form under International Relations System

Free port is an ancient economic phenomenon, born from cross-regional commodity exchange. As a part of the international trade system, free ports’ development is under the influence of the international system reform and institution transition. At different stages of human history, the forms and functions of free (port) zones are changing and expanding, complying with diverse international political and economic rules. Among all the institutions that are designed to maintain the polity, the tariff system has the closest relation with the evolution of free ports. The history of original free port and original tariff can be traced back to ancient Europe. With decentralized powers and non-universal tariff system, the original tariff was hardly able to play a role in trade restriction, let alone the trade facilitation of original free ports in ancient Europe. The public authority in medieval Europe was based on a combination of universal theocracy and divided feudal hierarchy. The latter made it difficult for an integrated and standardized national tariff system to be established. The heavy exploitation caused by internal tariff systems gradually impeded market economy development. The emerging merchant class was eager to breach the tariff restriction. Some Commerce Guilds bought special permission of tariff exemption from feudal lords. Therefore, free ports and free cities were founded based on such franchise.  With the enhancement of European Monarchial Power and the decline of Feudal System, European local tariffs had developed into modern national tariffs which were more systematic and standardized. After the opening of new sea routes, rapidly accumulated commercial capital promoted the unification of domestic markets around Europe and the formation of overseas markets. With European capitalism expanding into the whole world, some countries in advantage positions began to open their port cities or harbors in their colonies as free ports or free trade zones to promote external trade. After World War Ⅱ, the development of economic globalization, trade liberalization and regional integration created a favorable international environment for free ports and free trade zones. New free ports/zones were established worldwide in new forms such as EPZs and SEZs, and existing free ports continuously improved themselves to adapt to new international trade rules. Compared with other regions focusing on the vast construction of new free ports or free trade zones, the EU put more emphasis on the enhancement of efficiency. The environment of European free ports has changed a lot owing to the foundation of European Customs Union,European single market, as well as multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements signed under the rules of WTO. The publishment of New Union Customs Code by EU in 2008 put an end to the tariff exemption privileges in European free ports. The close of free port zone in Hamburger Harbor shows the fading of free ports in Europe. Though it seems to be an inevitable outcome due to international trade liberalization and the European tariffs integration, free ports’ function and form will still evolve as long as the international tariff, non-tariff barriers and national customs security threats exist. From an innovative perspective, the evolution of free ports will be regarded as a historical process and be analyzed in the international system. We try to reveal the correlation between free ports evolution and European tariff system transition, and outline the development trend of free ports with methods of historical analysis and system level analysis. As the interactive relation of the elements within the international system facilitating free ports’ evolution is also an important complementary, related research can be conducted on the next stage. With regard to further work, the study of the correlation between the world free ports and the existing international systems and national institutions, especially international trade order and modern customs policies can be non-negligible topics.

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 85-97 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1694KB] ( 1389 )
98 Jin Xuejun Zhou Jianfeng
The Dynamic Relationships between Investor Attention and Market Return: Evidences from a Bootstrap Rolling-window

This paper examines the causal relationships between investor attention and market return, using the residual bootstrap Granger non-causality test and a fixed-size rolling-window estimation approach. After comparing multiple indicators, we choose Hexun Attention Index as proxy indicator for investor attention. In order to retrospect the historical data, we develop a VBA program for web data extracting, and the final data sample covers the period from March 10,2009 to October 31, 2013. The full-sample bootstrap-LR test suggests the existence of a unidirectional causality running from market return to investor attention. Whereas, the parameters stability tests unveil that both the short-run and the long-run relationships between investor attention and market return estimated by full-sample data are unstable over the sample period, which in turn suggests the results of full-sample causality tests are unreliable. Hence, it motives the application of bootstrap rolling-window estimation to revisit the dynamic causal relationship between the two variables. The results indicate that investor attention has a significant effect on market return among some sub-samples, but over time such causality connection becomes weak. While market return has a great impact on investor attention in the rolling-window model, which is similar to the full-sample tests. Especially during 2009 and 2010, a vast majority of the sub-sample test results show that the market return is Granger cause of investor attention. Meanwhile, we average the estimated coefficient of VAR model of all sub-samplesto measure the mutual impact degree between investor attention and market return. The results confirm that the effect on market return by investor attention is negative, namely, high investor attention will lead to low market return. And market return has a significant positive effect on investor attention. At last, we adopt Hurst index to analyze the possible reasons behind the change of dynamical relationships between investor attention and market return. We find that it is the improvement of market efficiency that cripples the negative influence of investor attention on market return. It can be seen that predicting market trends and getting excess returns via investor attention index will gradually be impossible in the future. What’s more, with the volatility of the A-share market falling, the positive effect of market return on investor attention is also fading.  The creative points of this paper lie in: (1) using statistical data scraped from large financial website as an indicator of investor attention, which can minimize the measure bias; (2) the application of rolling-window estimation approach allows us to study the dynamic relationships between investor attention and market return. On the other hand, without establishing a dynamic window model based on listed companies’ data and shorter sample span limit the depth of this study.

2014 Vol. 44 (6): 98-111 [Abstract] ( 1188 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2827KB] ( 2046 )
112 Chen Hui
Mandarin Chinese of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Described in Monnou's Books on Chinese Phonology
At the turn of the Qing Dynasty from the Ming, a large number of antiQing opponents, including scholars, monks and merchants fled to Japan and became perfect Chinese teachers to teach Chinese culture in Japan. Lots of Japanese at that time were so fond of studying Chinese that in Japan came into being a special subject Toingaku, which facilitated the Japanese to read Chinese classics directly with Chinese pronunciation (namely Toin in Japanese). In the mid18th Century, Toingaku developed from practical Chinese teaching to theoretical studies of Chinese phonology. Monk Muso Munnou was the most outstanding scholar in the field as he wrote many books on Chinese phonology, such as Mako Inkyo, San On Sei Ka, and so on. He regarded Inkyo published in the late Tang Dynasty as a reference book which could be used to examine the correctness of pronunciation for Chinese characters. However, the book was not only ignored by the Chinese but also misunderstood by most Japanese scholars for its obscurity and obsolescence even though it had been republished many times in Japan. Thus, he labeled Inkyo with Katakana, explained it in Japanese, and published it with a new title Mako Inkyo so that the old book took a new look, shedding light on the field of Chinese phonology. Affected by traditional Yi Xia debating thought, Munnou and other Japanese sinologists at that time took the view that the pronunciation of Chinese language had been polluted by the languages of the northern minorities, and that its phonetic system had strayed away from the orthodox Chinese rhyme system after Wu Hu Chaos (the five barbarian tribes during the Wei and Jin Dynasties), and the ruling of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties. The influence was so great that even the Japanese pronunciation of Goon and Kanon for Chinese characters was ruined, resulting in a lot of distorted pronunciations. Therefore, it was necessary to correct the Japanese mispronunciation of Goon and Kanon, and Chinese mispronunciation of Huayin as well according to the phonological reference book Inkyo, The work led to the publication of his important book San On Sei Ka. Taking the language policy of the Qing Dynasty and the actual situation of Mandarin Chinese into account, Munnou marked the Mandarin pronunciation with Japanese Katakana for most Chinese characters in Inkyo. Based on the literature reviews concerning Chinese phonology of his teachers and students, especially Munnou himself, we can understand Japanese sinologists' awareness about Chinese language at that time, and also learn the fact of Mandarin Chinese in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially after Emperor Kangxi's reign. There were two kinds of generallyacknowledged Mandarin Chinese Guanhua or Dushuyin (reading pronunciation). One of them carried four tones, Ping, Shang, Qu, Ru, represented by Nanjing Mandarin and the other was Zhongzhou Yun, which had no entering tone, and was used as singing sound. However, neither of them was better than Hangzhou dialect, which had alternation of voiced and voiceless initials, and was more suitable for rhyming dictionary and closer to old Chinese pronunciation in the Tang and Song Dynasties. This is the main reason why most Tang Tong Shi (Japanese interpreters for Chinese language) preferred to learn Nanjing Mandarin, and some of them even learned Hangzhou dialect besides Nanjing Mandarin before 1870s.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 112-123 [Abstract] ( 878 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1741KB] ( 1740 )
124 Li Wuwei
Classical Chinese Grammar: The Pedigree of Classical Chinese Grammar in China and Japan in Late Qing Dynasty
With the purpose of confirming the pedigree of Classical Chinese Grammar (Han Wen Dian), a series of classical Chinese grammar books published in China and Japan in late Qing Dynasty, the thesis is focused on four aspects: the theories in the user's guide or preface, the logical structure of compilation, the presentation of linguistic elements and the functional system, which are the basic criteria of judging and confirming the pedigree. An explicit lineage exists in Chinese and Japanese Classical Chinese Grammar, which can be embodied into three types: (1) Explaining Chinese functional words within a western grammar system, such as Oka's Classical Chinese Grammar (Oka-shi no Shina Bunten) by Oka Sankei, Classical Chinese Grammar: A Secondary Textbook by Ueda Minoru and Intermediate Chinese Grammar (Zhongdeng Guo Wen Dian) by Zhang Shizhao. The characteristic of these books is that the explanations of words refer to the research findings of Chinese scholars, for instance, quotations are taken from Usage of Function Words (Xuzi Yongfa), a book written by Tang Biaoyi, in Yongzi Mingbian, a chapter in Oka's monograph, on the other hand the theoretical framework is derived from western grammar, like Analytical Grammar of the English Language (Eibunten) by Neo. (2) A combination of traditional philology and grammar, such as Classical Chinese Grammar (Kanbunten) by Igari Konosuke and A Diagrammatic Classical Chinese Grammar (Kanbunten Hyoukai) published by Rokumeikan. These books, with grammar as the main subject investigated, are interspersed with paleography, phonology and exegesis study, showing the tendency of a promotion from philology to modern linguistics. (3) Combining grammar with writing theory, such as Classical Chinese Grammar (Kanbunten) by Kojima Kenkichirou and Classical Chinese Grammar by Lai Yuxun. These books are written in a synthesis of writing theories like words using, sentence making and paragraph organizing with grammar as the main line. The originality of Lai's monograph lies in Chapter 4: ″Literary Theory (Wen Lun),″ which involves the ″theory, definition, classification, transformation, correction,″ making it move away from Kojima's rhetoric study in the linguistic category to the field of literary technique. By confirming the pedigree of these books, the complex relations between Chinese and Japanese Classical Chinese Grammar can be effectively clarified, the academic connection between them can be highlighted, and the significance of the formation and creation of its academic system can be understood. In the history of Chinese international education, the pedigree has an orthodox position in grammatical teaching methods of classical Chinese. Whereas due to the asymmetry in institutions between China and Japan, the Japanese system shows more maturity. The vitality of Classical Chinese Grammar lies in its continuity. Most of the subsequent classical grammar monographs has a close theoretical relation with it. Studies on the pedigree will help us find the interlaced and separative symbolic traits in Orient Chinese.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 124-140 [Abstract] ( 1140 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2325KB] ( 1788 )
141 Jiang Tao Xiong Wei
Redefinition of the Revolution of Organizational Routines : A Perspective Based on Organization Immunity
The matching between organizational routines and changing environment is the key to the research on whether an organization can adapt to environmental changes. Although both the performative view of routines and the theory of organization immunity describe an initiative ability of organizations to adapt to environmental changes, both have their own shortcomings. The performative view of routines unfolds the black box of organizational routines with the aid of the distinction between the ostensive aspects and performative aspects of routines but ignores the complexity of environment in which the routines are implemented. The theory of organization immunity puts forward that organizations possess the function of immune response to environmental changes based on the theory of immunity in medical science, but it lacks the support of microscopic theory. Therefore, on the basis of the above two theories, this paper proposes the theory of organizational routines-immune response by introducing the ″generative grammar″ hypothesis which Jerne put forward in the theory of organizational immune network. On the basis of the ″immunologicalrecognition″ and ″homeostasis″ in the theory of organization immunity, we view organization as a human immune system that possesses good learning, recognition, memory and feature extraction abilities. We also make an analogy between the evolutional process of the matching of organizational routines with environmental changes and the process of immune response in which the antibodies with proper mirror images of antigen are chosen at the idiotope of antibodies by the immune system and their corresponding antigens. Besides, our theory views the evolutional process of routines as an interactive circulation pattern among the specific situations of the executive, ostensive and performative aspects of routines. Among them, the specific situations refer to those associated with the execution of routines at a certain time point when organizations continuously modify the routines to deal with the changes in environmental stress; the ostensive aspects are the combination of a series of heuristics, and the performative aspects refer to the specific behaviors that specific persons adopt at a particular time and place. We apply the three subprocedures, namely immune surveillance, immune defense and immune memory in the theory of organization immunity to summarize the path relationships among the three. Finally, this paper explains the organizational ″generative grammar″ in the new theory and organization immunity. The former is the organizational schemata that continuously guide the modification of the routines in the organization in order to deal with the environmental stress. The schemata are composed of the espoused interpretive schema that guides the routine practitioners to recognize and explain the execution of routines on environmental changes and the enacted schema that guides them to modify or develop new routines by combining the cognition and action. Both schemata will also undergo changes along with the trial-and-error learning process of organizational routines. Organization immunity is an ability to effectively recognize the environmental changes in routine executions and to generate and retain new behavioral patterns. This explanation offers a new theoretical basis for the study of the capacity of routines. The theory of organizational routines-immune response offers a brandnew perspective for the matching research between routines and the changing environment. However, two shortcomings still remain in the theory. One is that it completely ignores the important political dimension in the research on routines and the attention to the importance of power. The other one is that it also ignores the non-specific immune dimension in the original theory of organization immunity. To overcome these two shortcomings, we will try to improve our research work in the next stage.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 141-152 [Abstract] ( 876 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1315KB] ( 1425 )
153 Sun Fuxuan Zhou Jun
″Fu Originated from The Book of Songs″ versus ″Fu Is Part of The Book of Songs″: The Political Connotations and Poetic Dimension of Fu Criticism
In the critical discourse of the ancient Fu studies, it is a classic narration that ″Fu originated from The Book of Songs.″ Sima Qian in West Han Dynasty first proposed this notion in his critical study of Fu in The Book of History. Liuxiang and Bangu developed this view which was finalized in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, making Fu one of the Liu Yi(six principles) which originated from The Book of Songs and leading to a universal proposition in the Chinese history of Fu criticism. Under the traditional framework of Confucian classics since Han Dynasty, the theory that ″Fu originated from The Book of Songs″ (henceforth the ″origination theory″) has always had the connotation of statecraft, which attaches great importance to political consciousness and the expression of ethics and morality rather than to the detailed stylistic and ontological explanations. This tendency was quite obvious in the origination theory between Han Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. The general acceptance of the origination theory resulted in the prolonged dependence of the ancient Fu studies on political ideology. The critical reaction to this theory demonstrated itself as the revelation and advocacy of such features as puchen (description at great length), limei(beauty) and shuqing(lyricism) and its transformation from political consciousness to the poetic dimension, or specifically, from the origination theory to the ″prosody theory.″ This process started in the awakening period of Six Dynasties, developed in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and reached its peak in Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. It was best represented by ″emulating the styles of Chu and Han″ and ″Style built on refined emotions ″ in Zhu Yao's My View of Gufu Style and by Li Dongyang's idea that ″Fu is part of The Book of Songs.″ They both advocated the expression of emotion in Fu and demanded that works of Ci and Fu should express emotions. This marked the comparative independence of the ″poetic style″ of Fu and was closely related with a strong consciousness of distinctive styles since Song Dynasty, with the criticism of Sao Style since the middle of Tang Dynasty, and with the changing cultural systems. Only when we view the origination theory and prosody theory in terms of the history of literature and art studies, can we expose its important value. 〖JP+1〗Based on the holistic perspective of history of Fu studies, the paper has made the following breakthroughs: First, it attempted a further analysis of the origination theory. Although literati of the past did a lot of research, this paper holds that the origination theory is the embodiment of Fu researchers' political consciousness rather than the root of text. This is the reason for the definitive conclusion offered here. Second, the paper discusses the poetic development of origination theory as well as the critical transition of prosody theory. At present, the academic circle has not provided too much new insight into the theory that ″Fu is part of The Book of Songs.″〖JP〗 The paper takes a stylistic and ontological perspective and points out the transition from ″Fu originating from The Book of Songs″ to ″Fu is part of The Book of Songs,″ which is a contribution to the research on Fu. The third is the innovation in methodology. Taking a twofold perspective of cultural politics and stylistics, the paper interprets the complete transition of Fu studies from a political to a poetic dimension and exposes the big transition in the history of Fu studies. The advantage is a broader perspective with a full view of the critical history of Fu. The paper still has much room for improvement. For example, the transition of Fu studies was not completed overnight, the clues were sometimes vague, and there are still uncertainties in determining the transition time and orbit. We look forward to comments from readers.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 153-165 [Abstract] ( 468 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2082KB] ( 1050 )
166 Zhong Yao
Rediscussion on the ″Qi Liang Style″ in the Test Poetry during the Kaicheng Period
″Poem for imperial examination (Keju tests) should be witten to the Qi Liang poetry style″ in the imperial edict of Emperor Wenzong of Tang Dynasty in Kaicheng Period, has constantly been a direct evidence for people in Tang Dynasty to use as imperial examination (Keju tests) with ″Qi Liang poetry style″ and the style of poem in Qi Liang revival in Late Tang Dynasty. But with the absence of rhyme characteristics ″Qi Liang poetry style″ and further research of connotation of restoring ancient ways in recent years, little research has been done on its deep historical background and poetic connotation. Based on the research of first-hand historical materials, and the research about the deep psychological motivation that played a key role in the innovation of imperial examination as well as the unique role of Wenzong, I think that the poem for imperial examination based on the ″Qi Liang poetry style″ is the products of complex factors, such as Wenzong's own political ideal, the innovation to imperial examination malpractices and partiality for ancient literature. The poetry style has a characteristic of Ze tonal rhyme and informal of Ping-Ze format as well as poem antithesis in pairs, ″graceful style, profound meaning″ of the poetry style, which is not just a ″variation style.″ What it chases after is not the original ″Qi Liang poetry style,″ but the poetry style since the Pre-Tang Dynasty, which has been a style adapt to imperial with freshness and elegant. The ″Qi Liang poetry style″ with the praise of beauty and grace is also a modification to ″Yuanhe style″ and its influences, such as Bai Juyi's, Liu Yuxi's poems with ″Qi Liang poetry style.″ In addition to Wenzong's personal factors and the unique system origins of poem for imperial examination, from the poet of Pre-Tang Dynasty avoiding its origins as taboo, to the glorious age of Tang poetry, when Cen Sen has a fancy of elegant style who imitate the ″Qi Liang poetry style,″ and finally to the imperial edict of Wenzong, the style is Tang poetry internal evolution as well as the continuous awareness of Qi Liang poetry in Tang Dynasty, and is also a result as the combined action of quaint rediscovery and imitation of ancient poetry style. The highlight characteristics of ″absence of rhyme″ is inseparable from the much severe rhythmic rules during Middle Tang Dynasty and the approval and imitation of the informal of Ping-Ze format of Qi Liang poetry style. From Pre-Tang to Middle-late Dynasty, poet has experienced a process from gilded to quaint, Qi Liang poetry style as a new acerbity has become an important way of delivering the poetry body in Late Tang Dynasty from hardship-chanting. When ″Yuanhe style″ and its influencing prevailed, Jiao Ran and Li Shen etc imitate Xie Tiao and He Xun's ancient poetry style, which is not only a bridge to connect the poetic tradition of imitating the Qi Liang poetry style during Middle Tang Dynasty, but also avoid the vulgar shallow of poems. Only in this way can we really understand the poetics and cultural connotations of ″Qi Liang poetry style″ appearing in the imperial edicts. Limited by professional qualification and space limitations, this paper tried to interpret from the perspective of macro evolution of poetics, but I still have not been able to have a more detailed study about the uncharted imitation of Qi Liang poetry style and its influence on the poetic style of Middle-late Tang Dynasty.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 166-173 [Abstract] ( 938 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1486KB] ( 1726 )
174 He Gang
Interpreting the Cultural Deictic Modes: Instantiated by Contemporary American English Utterances
This paper discusses the issue of how cultural context can be indexed. The mode of deictics is proposed on the basis of our research in the variety of indexical expressions in utterances. Deixis is about acts or patterns of human directing or pointing to things or persons in relation to their particular locations, directions, orbits of motion, external and internal states or changes, most basic to man's ordinary life. Deixis, therefore, has caught the attention of early Greeks, and related discussions and terms are produced. Certain elements of utterances are uncertain in meaning, and to resolve such an uncertainty, the context or situation in which they occur is traced, just to get a definite message. Utterance ″pointing″ to its particular context becomes a reality. The actual deictic performances reveal verbal, non-verbal and non-linguistic forms, explicit indexing and implicit indicating. This obviously has to do with different types of contexts (immediate, social or cultural) and varying degrees of contextual complexity. This paper focuses on deictics in the cultural context of utterances. It wouldn't work if we just take a glance at the general features of cultural context, but we must take a particular cultural context for the instantiation of the cultural deictic modes. Therefore we have taken contemporary utterance deictics in the American context. We find that every cultural context has its unique information structure. This is especially true to the American one. The American cultural context is a system of mental information derived from American people's shared life experience and national development processes. It has a clear frame, a hierarchy of core assumptions: (1) core ideology (ideals, beliefs, values, and attitudes);(2) personal vs. interpersonal ideology (principles, norms, rules, patterns and models of behavior or interaction), and (3) rich stocks of cultural facts. These are the very characteristics that mark a mainstream American identity, guiding and regulating personal and social actions and interactions. Americans are particularly proud of their cultures and cultural traits, frequently uttering them, sometimes for self-rationalizing, making rich amounts of culture-sensitive utterances, and making a convenient path for our study of cultural deictics. The American context also reveals an Iceberg Model of cultural information, a small portion explicit while a larger part remains hidden and implicit. This definitely affects the ways of cultural pointing, indicating or indexing, complex expressions even beyond an utterance can easily be detected or inferred. This study also shows that cultural deictic expressions can't occur in a speaker-intention-free fashion. The speaker's cultural predisposition, cultural awareness and culture-related intention can often affect the types of cultural information to activate (pick out) and the way of picking. And it is cultural deictics that provides conditions for cultural projection into interpersonal situations, turning a culture's vitality into its situated vigor, driving participants to culturally feasible actions, and realizing its reconstruction and revitalization in real utterances.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 174-184 [Abstract] ( 1455 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1487KB] ( 2379 )
A Study on Misuse of he/she in Oral English: Effects of Attention
It is of great importance to understand the mechanism of language production by exploring the misuse of personal pronouns in English. Related empirical studies are rare in China although Chinese EFL learners are commonly found to misuse he/she in oral performance. Based on the Triangulation Model (triangulated testing with transcribed recording data, scores of students' performance, questionnaires and interviews), this paper attempts to address the following questions: (1) What constitutes the main reason of Chinese college students' misuse of he/she? (2) Will attention help reduce the misuse of he/she? What is the underlying cognitive motivation for its effective or ineffective reduction in he/she misuse? The questionnaire-based survey shows that up to 70% of the focus Chinese college students (with a beginning to intermediate English proficiency) consider lack of attention as the major cause of he/she misuse, especially in the case of the feminine pronoun she. Our inter-group comparison suggests that the misuse of he/she in oral English is highly related to the gender of personal pronouns, where the feminine pronoun she is much more frequently misused than the masculine pronoun he, but as against the attention circumstance, the production of such misuse is insensitive to genders. Furthermore, under both circumstances the frequency of self-repair of he/she misuse would not be significantly influenced by genders. The intra-group comparison indicates that: attention exerts a significant impact on the misuse of he/she, which is demonstrated in the significant effect of attention on both the production of she errors and the frequency of its self-repair|however, no such effect can be found with he errors. Our integrated analysis of subjective questionnaires and objective performance of students has confirmed that attention plays a significantly positive role in avoiding he/she misuse, which can be seen from the lowering of she errors and the increase of its self-repair. Thus, increasing attention is particularly helpful for Chinese EFL learners (with a beginning to intermediate English proficiency) to refrain from the misuse of he/she. According to the theory of self-monitoring, the cognitive motivation underlying our results lies in the fact that, attention as conscious and selective self-monitoring bear such multiple functions as alerting, orienting and detecting|for possible he/she misuse and particularly the misuse of feminine pronoun she. Therefore, English learners in the state of concentrating attention may develop forecast-type cognitive awareness, make preferable arrangement of cognitive resources, conduct emphatic cognitive detection, and finally effectively lower the production of he/she misuse. Pedagogical implications of this research can be found in the necessity of strengthening the noticing of attention in oral English teaching to help junior Chinese EFL learners effectively avoid he/she misuse, especially the errors of the feminine pronoun she. It should be noted that our research only focuses on Chinese EFL learners with a beginning to intermediate English proficiency and the misuse of he/she. Further research is expected to target Chinese EFL learners at different levels of English proficiency|hence a comprehensive investigation of the misuse of third person pronouns could be carried out.
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 185-196 [Abstract] ( 1117 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1280KB] ( 2118 )


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