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2013, Vol.43 Num.1
Online: 2013-01-10

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 824 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 335KB] ( 1132 )
5 Zhang Qianming
A Study on the Impact of the Rise of Emerging Powers on the Transformationof International Order :An International Legitimacy Perspective

In recent years,the impact of the rise of emerging powers on the transformation of international order has been a focus for scholars at home and abroad . However,most scholars mainly remain to pay more attention to the importance of the distribution of international power on the transformation of international order,attaching less importance to the concepts and rules of legitimacy . In fact,the transformation of international order relates not only to the distribution of international power,but also relates tofunction of norms andconcepts of legitimacy becauseanyinternational order is the results of the interaction of these elements : the distribution of international power,international institution and the dominant ideas of values .International legitimacy involves two dimensions : the core principles of legitimacy and the practice of legitimacy,both of which have intimate relations with social consensus .Consensus is fundamental to international order because it is itself the product of the shared values of a society .As a dimension of legitimacy,consensus is not simply about procedural matters,it expresses the substantive values of the society more generally . Obviously,the degree of legitimacy present in any particular international order is directly related to the stability of that order .Whether the developing and developed countries will attain the basic consensus about the common interests and common values in international order relates not only to the legitimacy of the extant international order,but also concerns the stability of the extant international order . International order generally includes international political order and international economic order . The defects of the extant international economic order lie in not only its inability to cope with complex challenges posed by the contemporary global economy,but its outdated system which fails to reflect the reality of the shifting global economiclandscapein the ageof theemerging economies'rise .Thesedefects of thecurrent international order aredue to the instabilityof U .S dollar,the insufficiency of the decision-making mechanisms of IMF and the World Bank and the lack of financial supervision in these organizations andetc .As a result,the effectivenessandlegitimacy of the IMF and WorldBank have been seriously questioned .The rise of emerging powers and their demands tochange the unreasonablestateof the current international financial system and reshape such a system have strongly pushed forward the formation of common consensus of the international society on such questions as raising the representation and the voice of the emerging economic powers in IMF and World Bank . The concepts and principles advocated by the emerging powers will surely influence the transformation of international political order . The emerging powers argue that the new international order should be founded on respect for state sovereignty and other recognized principles and norms of international law .Some of the guiding principles they emphasize include the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and that international exchanges should be fair,just,reasonable,mutually beneficial,mutually respectful,and that negotiations should be done on an equal footing . The concepts and principles advocated by emerging powers are significantly different from the dominant mode of thinking found in those international order in history—the concept of balance of power—and they are also obviously different from the concepts and the norms of international order based on democracy,human rights as advocated by the Westerncountries after the endof the Cold War .Although all current parties hope theinternational order in favor of its own direction of development,the futureof international order will largely depend on the traditional powers and the emerging powers to obtain fundamental consensus on the principal norms and procedures governing international order . Whether the Western powers can meet the requests of the emerging powers about fair changes of international order to a certain degree,and whether they can further establish a global system though the cooperation of new and old powers based on equal status and extensive consultations,will decide on the success or failure of cooperation between the traditional powers and the emerging powers .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 5-12 [Abstract] ( 2250 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1104KB] ( 3095 )
13 Qian Hongdao Jiang Bin
Cyberkans and Ineffectvie Communication :A New PublicForum Doctrine in the Internet Era

From a global perspective,although the protection of freedomof expression will still be a problem in many countries,the new challenge of freedom of expression in the age of Internet is that people with ability and freedom to communicate freely tend to communicate only with people they agree with . This kind of ineffective communication leads to not only some negative consequences as″debates and communication cannot help people get close to the truth,″b ut also to some serious negative ramifications as political division and social contradiction . In 2004,Ronald Dworkin delivered his concern in his writings on political division in American democracy . He also put forward his theoretical solution—″return to the common background .″However,Dworkin's solution is more like an ideal one lack of practical strategy and workable operation . This article proposes a principle of″N ew Public Forum″and expects to solve the problem on a systematic,strategic and operational level .The principle of traditional public forum considers its main goal as solving the dilemma between the valuable role of mass media and the right of individuals to express freely and effectively .Today we have to deal with another dilemma because whereas the internet improves people's capability of sending and receiving information and expressing their opinions,the effectiveness of communication itself is still being threatened . Cyberkans,a phenomenon of worldwide network Balkanization,is the linchpin in this dilemma . Cyberkans results from complex factors such as political and legal policies,business strategies of Internet product manufacturers and a more crucial one that ordinary people as consumers tend to choose the internet product to help them filter for favorable information and opinions . In the Internet era,people not only rely on information filtration,but also prefer and actively choose filtering tools . They are fond of″p ersonalized″products,which inevitably lead to information ″cocoon″a nd″D aily Me .″That is why people with different values,different preferences and different interests are easily separated and divided into different groups . Furthermore,opinions and beliefs in divided groups tend to become extreme in the process of″G roup Polarization,″ which intensifies social contradictions and affects social stability because of the lack of effective debate and communication . Malfunction of the marketplace of opinions,group polarization and tagging tendency all manifest certain kind of ineffective communication resulting from Cyberkans . There are at least two solutions for these problems .The first one is to remove all separation institutes and integrate all information into one platform .This proposal fundamentally denies the network users'c hoices and overthrows market mechanismin the Network Economy,that's whyit can only be applied to some web sites of government and other public service departments . The second solution is to establish a new kind of″P ublic Forum″for effective communication meanwhile keeping commodity market of internet working by itself . This new Public Forum Doctrine includes the test of extensity,compatibility and,the most important,efficiency . Extensity Test requires the forum to reach as many opinion groups as possible . Compatibility Test requires theforum tocontain as many different opinions as possible .Efficiency Test requires political debaters to follow certain kind of regulations to make sure debates are reasonable and yield reasonable results . Considering the actual situation in China,the traditional mainstream media has the responsibility and capability to become the platform of the new public forum .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 2983 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1291KB] ( 2844 )
31 Tyler T .Yang Liu Feng Lin Chen
Isolating Bubble Impacts from the Housing Finance System :The Financial Innovation of Home Appreciation Participation Notes
This paper introduces the concept of decomposing housing ownership into two fundamental components : consumption and investment . When purchasing a home,most households wouldconsider both functions :if the house provides satisfactory shelter for thefamily and if it is likely toappreciatein value .We show that these two functions have conflicting natures and elaborate that such a conflict can exacerbate housing bubbles . The″full-bundle-of-right″l egal concept implemented in current system requires the bundling of these two conflicting functions in homeownership,which forbids homeowners to choose one or another . This manmade bundling system not only causes inefficiency in utilizing scarce housing resource but also directly contributed to the boom and bust of housing cycle . For example,the expected high house price growth rate,low consumption cost,high leverage financing,would increase the demand of houseinvestment,which would lead to housing boomand housing bubble . While the traditional housing subsidy programs for lower-income people do not have ability to distinguish the consumers with investors,which leads to not only Pareto inefficiency but also severe consequence of bubble burst . We demonstrate that a fundamental way of solving the housing bubble problemis to separate the investment function from the housing consumption function . Using Home Participation Appreciation Note as an example tool of a home consumption finance system stripped of the investment function,we analyzed the housing affordability and sustainability from the homeowner's perspective . The simulation results indicate similar financial engineering tool can effectively improve the household home affordability,control mortgage credit risk,reduce the possibility of housing bubble,and mitigate the impact of housing bubble to the supply and demand of housing consumption .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 31-42 [Abstract] ( 1960 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1720KB] ( 1924 )
43 Liu Hongyu Jiang Peiyan Wu Jing
Inventory,House Price Fluctuations and Enterprise Risks : Evidence from China's Listed Real Estate Developers

It is widely accepted that the housing price fluctuations are contagious and can significantly affect the soundness of financial system .In the Chinese context,one major channel of such spillover comes from real estate developers'd efault risk . Accordingly after several major housing markets cooled down during the 2nd half of 2011,whether such change of market conditions would lead to the systematic risk in the developers'loan sector has become a hot topic in China . In this paper we provide the first quantitative analysis on Chinese listed real estate developers'default risk,focusing on the effects of both housing price changes and developers' inventory volumes . Using the quarterly data between2006Q1 and2012Q1 of81 developers listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen,we firstly re-estimate the value of each developer's inventory by taking the effect of presale into consideration and transferring the book value to market value . This innovative indicator suggests a very high and fast expanding inventory volume in most developers .On average the ratio between inventory value and total asset of the sample firms rose from40% in2006Q1 to68% in2012Q1 . Then we empirically test the sensibility of developers' long-term (with debt-asset ratio as the indicator) and short-term (with acid-test ratio as the indicator) solvencies to housing price changes,and compare the results between developers with different inventory levels . In the long-term,due to the substantial appreciation of developers' inventories during the recent housing price surges,the test suggests that most developers' debt-asset ratios could still remain on a safe level even if housing prices significantly declined .In the extreme scenario in which the housing price dropped by 40%,the debt-assetratio of about 80% of the sample developers would still be below the level of 80%,and firms with higher inventory values are particularly resistant to such housing price drop from the long-term solvency perspective . However,the developers are found to be exposed to high risk in the short-term,especially after the market turning point of 2011Q3 . According to the results of the panel data model,housing price growth rate can significantly and positively affect acid-test ratio,while the inventory volume has a significant and negative effect,which suggests that firms with higher inventory values are especially vulnerable to housing price fluctuations from the short-term perspective . As a most noteworthy fact,the acid-test ratios of some developers with huge inventory volumes would drop to a dangerously low level of less than50% in the scenario with a large housing price drop,which indicates a high default risk for these developers . We suggest both developers and policy makers pay special attention to such potential problem .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 43-57 [Abstract] ( 2091 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 2445 )
58 Ren Chaoqun Wu Jing Deng Yongheng
The Effect of Market Expectation on the Change of Housing Rent to Price Ratio :An Analysis Based on User Cost Model

The rapidly rising prices in China's housing market have attracted a lot of heated discussions . There has been a large volume of researches examining the effects of expectation on housing price,but few studies have been done on how these effects change over time and in different market situations . Using the data on monthly constant quality housing price and rent from January2005 to December2010 in Beijing,this paper analyzes the impact of expectation on housing rent to price ratio .Based on a user cost model,we studied the asymmetric pattern of the expectation and housing price dynamics . Three main results have been obtained from this study . First,from2005 to2010,the rent to price ratio in Beijing increased by175 percent,with housing price rising7 .3 times that of rent .For most of the time during this period,the return rate in the housing market was lower than the risk-free interest . All of these show that the housing price hikes in Beijing are associated with high risks as well . Second,using a panel data to test eight districts of Beijing from January2005 to December 2010,we find that changes of rent to price ratio can mostly be explained by the extraordinary high expectations on the capital gains .Rent to price ratio will change by 20 .50% and 32 .94% respectively in response to a unit standard deviation change in real interest and expectation . Third,there is a positive correlation between the coefficient of the expectation on housing price and the real housing price . During the boom period,expectation plays a significant role in pushing up housing prices .On the contrary,during the relatively stagnant period,the role of expectation for the housing price movement becomes less important . Such expectation-driven market behavior reveals a potential hazard in China's housing market . There are two findings in the current study . First,due to the lack of high quality rental data,most rent to price studies calculate rent and house price from the rent index and the housing price index . A comparison of the two smoothed aggregate time series (the two indices) may only reveal the trend but miss the risks associated with the real housing price movements .Based on the housing transaction data on second-hand housing and rental data with detailed housecharacteristics,we constructed pairs of constant quality housing price and rent data for a more reliable analysis . Second,this paper not only studies how expectation influences housing rent to price ratio,but also how the influence changes in different market situations .By rolling the sample time window,we estimated the coefficients of expectation on housing price in different times,and found an asymmetric pattern of the impacts of expectations on housing price movements .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 58-72 [Abstract] ( 2808 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2597KB] ( 3619 )
73 Huang Zuhui Fu Yuzhi
The Efficiency Assessment of Cooperatives :A Theoretical Analysis Frame

Efficiency is an everlastingissue which is of special importance toany economic society . In the modern market economy society,inefficiency means losing competitiveness . It is imperative for cooperatives toimproveeconomicefficiency,thus maintaining theircompetitiveness .Generally there are two aspects in the concept of cooperative efficiency . On the one hand,it can be understood as cooperative input-output efficiency,which means to obtain maximum output at a certain level of input,or to realize minimuminput at a certain level of output .This belongs to internal efficiency for cooperatives . On the other hand,it also can be regarded as external efficiency for cooperatives,which means the comprehensive efficiency of cooperatives in promoting reasonable allocation of social resources among various departments while pursuing internal efficiency . In short,external efficiency refers to cooperatives'contribution to total welfare in society . However,the external efficiency for cooperatives,in other words,the ideal Pareto optimality,does not exist in reality and it would be difficult tocarry on quantitative evaluation .Therefore,it is realistically reasonable for cooperatives to pursue input-output efficiency . The cooperative efficiency is determined by the chosen objective function .Cooperatives with different functions have different objective functions . For example,objective functions for marketing cooperatives and for purchasing cooperatives are different . Identical objective function is the basic premise for measuring cooperative efficiency . It is an accidental phenomenon for cooperatives to realize efficiency because of information asymmetry,poor management etc . Generally inefficiency manifests in cooperatives . Therefore,there is practical significance of adopting effective methods to measurecooperative efficiency accurately and in discussing profound reasons affecting the efficiency . The influence of scale on cooperative efficiency is obvious .It is generally believed that there exists an optimal scale for each cooperative,with which the cooperative can reach its maximum efficiency .It also should be noted that cooperatives need an appropriate scale,which may grow bigger with the expanding of social-economic scale .Only the cooperative has dynamic adaptability in terms of scale can it achieve higher efficiency in increasingly fierce global competition . Internal control factors have essential impact on cooperative efficiency .Among thesefactors,staff structure and manager's human capital are the most important ones . To some extent,the process of improving cooperative efficiency is the process of constantly improving staff and manager's quality and ability . It is also clear that a certain size of board members and the supervision of certain members from supervisory board can improve cooperative efficiency . The external environments such as institution,resource and market also affect resource allocation and utilization in cooperatives though influencing internal control factors,and then affect cooperative efficiency . Therefore,a cooperative which can achieve input-output efficiency has to rely on the coordinative operation between internal control mechanism and external environments . As far as policy is concerning,investment on staff,including managers,is the key to improve cooperative efficiency . Given the fact that most staff members in Chinese cooperatives have weak cooperative awareness and are incompetent in management,investing on them is especially significant .In particular,the approaches to promote efficiency of cooperatives include improving staff's human capital by education and training and improving their cooperative awareness,discussion competence,managerial capability,and response to environment . In addition,it is necessary to consider the role of external environments .Besides continuing to perfect relevant laws and regulations and creating a better institutional environment,other factors such as regional resources environment should also be taken into consideration . It is important to adjust policies to accord with different resource factors in different regions in order to produce a positive incentive effect on the development of cooperatives .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 73-84 [Abstract] ( 1235 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1110KB] ( 15358 )
85 Jiang Jianyong Qian Wenrong Guo Hongdong
Social Networks,Social Skills and Peasant Entrepreneurs'Resources Acquisition
Despite the widely shared belief that resources acquisition is essential to new business creation,the question of what are the key factors that influence the resources acquisition of peasant entrepreneurs remains unclear . Also,the effects of peasant entrepreneurs'networking activities on their resources acquisition have not been fully explored . To address these gaps in the previous research,we conducted a survey of324 peasant entrepreneurs in order to investigate the effects of network size,tie strength,social skills and networking activities on peasant entrepreneur's resources acquisition . Firstly,it is shown that the peasant entrepreneurs'n etwork characteristics,social skills and networking activities play a vital rolein their acquisition of entrepreneurial resources .Firstly,the characteristics of peasant entrepreneurs'social networks impact on their acquisition of entrepreneurial resources . The effect of resource acquisition is associated with network size . The greater the peasant entrepreneurs'network size is,the richer the resources embedded in the network will be . Only a certain size of network can ensure sufficient entrepreneurial resources acquired by peasant entrepreneurs . Peasant entrepreneurs with larger network size can acquire more resources,but not at higher speed . Tie strength is a major factor that produces influences on the efficiency of resources acquisition .Based on emotional bond and trust,it can help peasant entrepreneurs to access the demanded entrepreneurial resources more quickly,whereas the efficiency of obtaining entrepreneurial resources by other means or though other weak ties is relatively low . Network size and tie strength exert different influences on the acquisition of different entrepreneurial resources . The former influences the acquisition of material resources and information resources,however,the latter simply acts on material resources . Secondly,peasant entrepreneurs'social skills also exert effects on the acquisition of entrepreneurial resources . Social skills,which are deemed as the key to the acquisition of entrepreneurial resources,influence the peasant entrepreneurs'acquisition of information and other resources . If peasant entrepreneurs hope to obtain more resources from social networks,they must possess the desired social skills . Only by taking full advantages of social skills and overcoming various barriers through building and expanding all kinds of network ties,can peasant entrepreneurs acquire entrepreneurial resources more effectively . Thirdly,networking activities of peasant entrepreneurs also influence resources acquisition . The former in proportion to the latter but the former's effect manifests marginal decrease,The relation between these two can therefore be presented by a shape of inversed-U . If peasant entrepreneurs invest more time in networking activities,the possibility of resource acquisition from social networks will definitely be increased . However,as is shown by our research results,extra networking activities require more costs,so it may diminish the returns of resources . That is to say,if extra networking activities can not incent relevant parties to provide more resources,it will make no contribution to the efficiency and effect of resources acquisition . This research has discovered the different influences of network size and tie strength on the efficiency and effect of resource acquisition of various kinds . This discovery supports and strengthens the theoretical argument that social networks act upon entrepreneurial activities .On the other hand,it has complemented to the previous studies to some extent . Although previous studies have mentioned that the entrepreneurs'social skills impact on resources acquisition and then on the establishment and performance of new businesses,few empirical research on the relation between entrepreneurs'social skills and resources acquisition has been conducted up to now . Theoretical interpretation about the relation between social skills and entrepreneurial activities has been added to this research,which can be further explored in terms of the inherent mechanism of such influences . It is also found that networking activities bring positive but marginal decrease influence on resources acquisition,which supports the statement in previous studies that networking activities get diminishing marginal returns of resources and provides empirical evidences for time opportunity cost of networking activities .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 85-100 [Abstract] ( 2829 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2360KB] ( 2298 )
101 Hu Jianmiao Hu Xiaojun
An Analysis of the Legal Provisions and Legal Legislation on Administrative Orders

Order provisions,a common part of the current law,can be dividedinto provisions of judicial order and thoseof administrative order .The provisionsof administrativeordercan be further dividedinto inner order actions and external order actions . An examination of the connotation of the administrative order action maylead to theestablishment of specificstandards,with the helpof which theexternalorder actions can clearly be classified into penalty order actions and non-penalty order actions . It is necessary to classify order actions before their nature can be determined . The nature of ″ordering for suspension″can be classified from the following three aspects . First,″o rdering for suspension″with a penalty naturecan only be made after legal qualification has been obtained .Secondly,the overall suspension of the party's business shall be classified as penaltyorder action,while the order to suspend illegal business shall be classified as non-penalty order action . Finally,ordering to suspend non-production and non-business activities is not equal to″o rdering for suspension of production or business,″n or does it have the attributes of administrative penalty .The natureof other order actions can be judged from the punitive features of the administrative penalty . Generally,the structure of legal legislation is composed of three elements : the assumed element,the processing element and the sanctionative element . According to the structure of the″sanctionative element″in the order provision,non-penalty order actions are categorized into five types,namely,unconstrained single order structure,constrained single order structure,selecting punishment structure,conditioning punishment structureand punishment structure .Different types of structure reflect different functions of regulation . The current provisions of administrative order have some demerits,such as inaccurate term definition,unreasonable structure choice,and unscientific action establishment . Specifically speaking,the″order″in some provisionsapplies to the parties with no relationshipof subordinationor management,which goes against both the general meaningandspecificmeaning of″order .″S omeprovisions do not take into account the structure function and applicable cases of the″sanctionative element,″which results in the unfair legislation .Some provisions do not distinguish the function of administrative order from that of administrative penalty,and do not takeintoaccount the sanction strength of specificadministrative orders and administrative penalties . It is necessary to construct a typical model for administrative order to make the administrative legal provisions more unified,normative and scientific . The typical model for administrative order should obey two principles :fully embodying the remedial function of order actions and ensuring the execution of administrative order . In the combined order provisions,administrative orders become the assistant measures of other administrative actions,and are absorbed by other administrative actions in procedures and relief-granting . The provision of″unconstrainedsingle command structure″does not include the legal consequence of failing to perform the administrative order,which greatly weakens its authority and executive effect . Therefore,″the constrained single command structure″should be taken as the typical model of administrative order,that is,″a dministrative order +′refused to…′+ sanctions .″T he key parts of typical model are″administrative order″and″sanctions .″ The major function of the″sanctions″is ensuring the performance of administrative orders .Thus,the″sanctions″should normally contain the executive measures as well as the corresponding punitive measures if necessary .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 101-111 [Abstract] ( 3522 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1078KB] ( 2972 )
112 Zhang Youlian Chen Xinyong
On Public Policies in Judging Tort Claims :An Analysis of Tort Claims inCommuniqueof the Supreme People's Court

Although not cited directly as the formal basis for judgments in tort claims,public policies exert an immediate impact on judicial proceedings and their results . Through an analysis of tort claims in Communique of the Supreme People's Court,this essay combines the policy science in public administration with the tortuous liability in civil law,adopts an empirical approach,and discusses public policies in tort claims from a multidisciplinary perspective . We attempt to describe what and why public policies are considered,and how public policies are implemented in judging tort claims . Significant influence is imposed on the result of tort claims by such public policies as value priority,social environment,order management,liability insurance and so on . Generally,the court decides the scope of protection according to the value priority of benefits . However,the decision is also affected by the social contextual factors in a given period .Furthermore,administrative factors prevent the court from getting involved in various social disputes . In addition,the existence of insurance constitutes a potential reason for judgments against the defendant . There are mainly three justifications for public policies to be considered in judging tort claims,namely,to implement tort liability law,to make tortuous liability fit in with social advances,and to transform the court's role in the modern society . Such purposes of the tort liability law as″freedomof action″a nd″value of security″a re substantiatedin all kinds of values in specific cases,namely,where to weigh values is to consider public policies . In judging tort claims,the court attaches importance to social background together with the social effects of settlement of tortuous disputes,which is an important way for tortuous liability to fit in with social advances . Modern courts have abandoned the one-sided concept of formal justice,and turned to considering public policies in judging tort claims for substantial justice . From a structural perspective of tortuous liability,the above public policies can be implemented by admitting damage,identifying negligence,determining the sequence of cause and effect,allowing defenses,etc . To a certain extent,public policies decide whether relevant parties'f actual damage is admissible by the court to award a relief . Besides,there is some disagreement andcontroversy over the connotation of negligence,which needs to be settled by the court in considering various factors,including public policies in specific cases . Another key issue in determining liability is the remoteness of damage,and public policies play a vital role in defining it . Finally,valid defenses are allowed to exempt or mitigate tortuous liability and thus implement public policies in tort claims .

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 112-121 [Abstract] ( 889 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1077KB] ( 1970 )
122 Chen Weiying Pim Mak Ted Sanders
The Effect of Grammatical Roles and Discourse Topichoodon Referent Prominence
A crucial component of natural language comprehension involves connecting clauses and phrases together in order to establish a coherent discourse . There are two kinds of coherence : relational coherence and referential coherence . The latter means the establishment of coherence by the use of referring expressions .Different languages have different ways to express an entity,such as noun phrase,pronoun or zero .They also have different preferences while expressing entities which vary according to the prominence in the cognitive state .If an entity is more prominent,usually a reduced linguistic form is preferred,like a zero in Chinese and a pronoun in English .If an entity is less prominent,a more specific form like a noun phrase is preferred . Linguistic and psycholinguistic studies on referential coherence have shown and claimed that referent prominence is related to its predictability : first,the way it is expressed;second,the likelihood of being mentioned in the continuation (i .e .the likelihood of upcoming mention) . The higher prominence an entity has,the more predictable it is and the more likely it is to be continued in the subsequent discourse . Studies are done on factors which determine the prominence of a discourse entity in question . One well-known account of discourse processing with implications on pronominal resolution is Centering Theory,which predicts that pronouns prefer to have antecedents in subject position instead of entities in object position . On the other hand,Accessibility Theory states that in natural discourse,topics (mainly discourse topics) constitute the most salient entities more often than not . Of these two factors,grammatical role is regarded as a local determinant while the latter,discourse topichood a global one . Based on these insights,this paper teases apart relevant factors and explores their effects and interactions on referent prominence,using a continuation experiment in Chinese .The grammatical roles of entities remain constant but the topicality and reference forms are manipulated in six conditions .Since reoccurrence of the entity in the continuations proves its high accessibility in participants'm ental representations,it is easy to identify which referent is more predictable and prominent by looking at the first subject referent mentioned in their production .We examine the effect of different factors on referent prominence at different stages of the continuation,and also their interaction . Our results show that local grammatical role overrules the global discourse topichood in determining which entity is mentioned again in the early stage of the production .So the syntactic role the referent assumes will decide its prominence .A consistency in subject priorityis evident in the results .However,discourse topichood does influence whether and how an entityis mentioned in the continuation,but at a later phase .Under our experimental conditions there is no interaction between discourse topichood and grammatical subjecthood . Given reference forms in the target sentence do not change their reoccurrence,but influence the forms chosen by the participants in their continuation in two restricted cases in N2-as-topic conditions .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 122-134 [Abstract] ( 3174 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1807KB] ( 2994 )
135 Xu Lisheng
Aspects of Discourse Analysis :Reflections on the Criticismof Critical Discourse Analysis
Critical discourse analysis ( CDA),which has given discourse studies a critical dimension,has often been under criticism since its emergence .The criticism and the heated debates that have resulted from it may have some important implications for discourse analysis and related studies .By reflecting on the criticism and some issues that have been continuously debated,we can find out not only the root causes for the criticism of CDA,but also achieve a better understanding of the changes and tendencies of discourse analysis . In recent decades,as discourse analysis has been moving to more of a research focus on″language in use″rather than on″language as text,″the central task of discourse analysis is shifting from description to interpretation .It is just the rich potential possibilities of interpretation that has provided a far more extensive space for various approaches,including CDA,to studying discourse . With the shift of the research focus,many more variables are to be involved in the analysis and some of them seem to be very difficult to deal with because they are uncertain and indeterminate in nature .As any interpretation of a text will naturally relate it to a context,many contextual factors must be taken intoconsideration and contextual analysis plays a very important role .Therefore,discourse analysts are faced with great challenges to developing procedures and methodologies other than those of linguistics for adequately and effectively analyzing contexts . Discourse analysis is no longer just for understanding language and its use for its own sake . As it is more concerned with the social,cultural,political,and economic environments in which language plays an important role,discourse analysis will naturally focus more on″language in use,″particularly the interrelatedness of text and context .Many scholars,including those of CDA,are no longer satisfied with their traditional task of explaining the world,for they hope more and more that their academic studies could initiate or facilitate social reforms and help change the world . Many developments of discourse analysis in the recent decades have to be examined in the postmodern context of shifting disciplinary knowledge,changing philosophical premises and a politicization of the work of academics .What has to be realized is that discourse analysis is no longer the field of linguists and applied linguists .Many scholars from other disciplines are increasingly interested in discourse analysis,and their approaches,frameworks,procedures and methodologies as well as their motivations are different fromeach other .Discourse analysis nowis already a field of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary inquiry,in which different research paradigms co-exist as well as conflict and compete with one another .A proper understanding of this complexity of the situations in the field seems to be very important to discourse analysts today .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 135-143 [Abstract] ( 3198 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1158KB] ( 4872 )
144 Zhang Jun
The Thoughts of Virtue and Happiness in the Traditionof Confucian Natural Rationalism

The Confucian thoughts about the relationship between virtue and happiness have been highlighted in Chinese academia since Mou Zongsan published his book,Yuanshan Lun .However,in the past thirty or forty years,scholars have concentrated their studies on the idea of″the highest good″m ainly on the tradition of Mencius and on Mou Zongsan's thoughts of″the complete good″w hich was often compared with Immanuel Kant's thoughts of″summum bonum .″Most scholars ignored the thoughts of the Confucian tradition of Xun Zi regarding the relationship between virtue and happiness .Confucian ideas about the faith in the decree of the heaven and in the consistency between virtue and happiness,were based on the thought of″the harmony between the heaven and the people,″w hich was the main essence of Chinese ancient philosophy .Although ″the harmony between the heaven and the people″was the mainstream of Confucian philosophy,it was not the only philosophical way .There was another Confucian tradition,Xun Zi's natural rationalism,which was based on the thought of″the distinction between the heaven and the people .″X un Zi's natural rationalism went strongly against the ideas of″the harmony between the heaven and the people″and the theology of the decree of the heaven,and it destroyed the philosophical basis of the faith in the consistency between virtue and happiness under the decree of the heaven .It was Xun Zi who initiated the natural rationalist tradition of″the distinction between the heaven and the people″in Confucianism .Xun Zi's idea of heaven was different from the ideas of other Confucianists in Pre-Qin Dynasty .The theological meanings had almost been abandoned from Xun Zi's idea of the heaven,which took a metaphysical approach and regarded the heaven as the objective nature .As for the relationship between the heaven and the people,Xun Zi thought that Mencius school mixed up the″D ao″of the heaven and the″D ao″of the people .So he claimed that heaven is independent form the people,and came up with a theory of″controlling the decree of the heaven .″T his theory reflected the typical spirit of pragmatic rationalism in Confucianism .Xun Zi's philosophical tradition has less influence than Mencius tradition,but it's not wise to ignore its influence on the following Confucianists .The tradition of Confucian natural rationalism has continuously existed as an opposition of the faith in the decree of the heaven,on which the consistency between virtue and happiness is based .Following the philosophy of XunZi,Wang Chong claimed the way the heaven works is through nature and inactivated,and disagreed with the idea that there was consistency between virtue and happiness governing by the faith in the decree of the heaven .Also he proposed a theory to separate human nature from fate .In the medieval era,Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi inherited the thoughts of Wang Chong and built the theory that″heaven and the people are separated .″W ith the rising of the NewConfucianismin the Song and Ming Dynasties,the Confucian natural rationalism had been marginalized .However,it still influenced many Confucianists who were concerned with social reality .In brief,the thoughts of the Confucian natural rationalism represent important progress in exploring the relationship between the heaven and the people subjectively and rationally .But Confucian natural rationalism ignored the social significance of the faith in the consistency between virtue and happiness under the decree of the heaven,and lost the fundamental spirit of Confucianism,″the humanistic concern .″

2013 Vol. 43 (1): 144-154 [Abstract] ( 1392 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1092KB] ( 1899 )
155 Xu Xianjun
Heidegger and Computer :On the Ideal Relation between ContemporaryPhilosophy and Technological Praxis
It is generally regarded as true that there is a huge gap between modern philosophy and technological praxis .This unreflected belief is accepted by most people,because philosophy always exists as the background of technological praxis and the way that it plays its role is to let itself be overlooked .Only when the technological problems cannot be solved by technological means can the philosophical assumptions behind the technology be reflected on .The distance seems to be farthest between computer science andphilosophy,but the belief hiddenin the science and technologyof computer comes from traditional philosophy,i .e .the representationality of the worldand the dualismof subject and object .When scientists try to figure out why they have failed to solve the problem of knowledge representation,the traditional philosophical assumptions begin to be seriously reflected on and abandoned .Therefore,Martin Heidegger,who had presented us with a thorough critique of traditional philosophy,has been introduced into the area of computer science . The most typical works which apply the insights of Heidegger are ontological design,deictic representation and embodied interaction .Ontological design was put forward by Terry Winograd . Enlightened by another philosopher Hubert Dreyfus,he found that computer science is based entirely on the rationalistic tradition,which claims that the world consists of a set of meaningless facts and these objective facts are independent of any subject .The inevitable slowdown in computer science led Winograd to move away from the unexamined rationalistic orientation and take Heidegger's ontology as the foundation of the new design approach .The practical everyday notions of Heidegger,such as thrownness,readiness-to-hand,breakdown and so on,are all applied in his design approach . The notion of deictic representation is the core of design practice of Philip Agre,and it comes directly from Heidegger's analysis of everyday intentionality .Deictic intentionality corresponds to ready-to-hand and objective intentionality corresponds to present-at-hand .Deictic intentionality implies a deictic ontology,and objective intentionality implies an objective ontology .Classical AI insists on the objective ontology and holds that entities can be defined without reference to any agent's activities .In contrast,Agre holds that each entity should be defined only in indexical and functional terms,in other words,each entity cannot be defined without reference to any agent's activities .Pengi is a program designed to illustrate the notion of deictic representation .Its success not only overcomes toa certain degree the mysteryaround the anti-representationalismof Heidegger,but also demonstrates that the unity of philosophy and technological praxis is possible . Tangible computing and social computing,two current research directions in Human-Computer Interaction ( HCI),are regarded as two different areas of research usually .But according to Paul Dourish,the same idea that underlies each of them is embodiment,i .e .the common way in which human being encounters reality in the everyday world .So tangible computing and social computing are in fact two different aspects of embodied interaction .Though embodied interaction is the future stage of HCI,embodiment is the primary concern of phenomenology .Therefore,designers in HCI can create the approach to embodied interaction depending on phenomenology,especially Heidegger's phenomenology .Moreover,phenomenology can help to provide a common vocabulary and conceptual apparatus,e .g .present-at-hand,ready-to-hand,embodiment,and a set of principles that shape the design of embodied interaction . The Heideggerian approach to the design of computer systems is not at the center of the discourse about computers and their use .But the work described here represents a beginning . With these three pieces of work the philosophy covert in the technological praxis is uncovered gradually,and the relation between philosophy and technology will be closer and opener .The future designer should be both a philosopher and a technical practicer .However,as far as the truth pursued by philosophers is unspeakable and implicit,there should be necessary tensility between philosophy and technology .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 155-163 [Abstract] ( 1824 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1064KB] ( 1693 )
164 Wang Ruicheng
The Treaty System and the Coastal Peripheral Society :Reinterpreting the Negotiationsand Texts of Peace Treaty after the Opium War
Researchers at home and abroad have concentrated their attention on two aspects of the treaties : their unequal nature and the change of trade regulations . That is to say,the focus of attention has been on the political and economic effects rather than the social influences of the treaties from the perspective of a peripheral society . The connection between China and the West after their collisions in the modern age was the establishment of diplomatic relations and the flow of goods and people .It is important for us to put our emphasis on the establishment of port cities and a peripheral society between China and foreign countries as they were the appeals of″N anjing Treaty″a nd a series of other treaties . Therefore,a shift in research perspective is necessary .This paper starts from an analysis of the relationship between the internal state and the coastal society within China,the diplomatic relations between China and foreign countries,and the problems in those relations . This reexamination of the treaty negotiations and their connotation following the Opium War will lead to a deeper understanding of″N anjing Treaty,″of the appeals and concerns of both parties of the negotiations,and of the influences of this series of treaties on the Chinese society and on the relationship between the state and the society . The direct cause of the Opium War was the trouble in trade and diplomatic mechanisms between China and the UK . One major problem was that in spite of the huge trade volumes between the two countries,their transaction had been monopolized by the East India Company and the Hong Merchants of Canton,impeding the formation of port cities and a mature coastal society . This situation seriously limited the sales of British products in China,causing trade imbalance and the opium trade thereafter .In the meantime,the conflicts between the royal court and the peripheral coastal society within China since the Ming and Qing dynasties had resulted in many problems such as the undeveloped coastal society,the barriers between China and foreign countries and the lack of mutual trust between the dynasty government and the coastal society,which even caused a traitor panic on a large scale during the Opium War .Therefore,this series of treaties and trade regulations signed after the Opium War,mainly expressing the demands of Britain,America and France,etc .,were focused on the following targets : clearing away the trade barrier between China and other countries,breaking the Hong Merchants'm onopolies and setting up the so-called free trade . In other words,it was necessary to build unrestricted social communications and employment relations between China and other countries and to form a peripheral port society in order to expand trade space and seek commercial profits . However,the rulers of the Qing dynasty were only concerned about the safety of their regime and the maintenance of a relative separation between the Chinese society and foreign countries . Therefore,in the course of the negotiations,China did her best to meet the foreigners'd emands on trade and tax,but had a fierce argument with Britain and France on the two issues of releasing traitors by publishing Tenghuang and the free propagation of Catholicism in China . The purpose of the argument was to prevent the emergence of a Sino-foreign hybrid peripheral society .This is the key point of this series of treaties and also the concern of both parties of the negotiation . Previous researches have ignored this aspect of the treaties,which this paper attempts to cover .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 164-174 [Abstract] ( 1096 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1074KB] ( 1839 )
175 Gong Yanming
A Textual Research on the Newly Discovered Writings on Cexuein the Tang Dynasty
In the early Tang Dynasty,the only testing formin the Imperial Examination for Jinshi (进士),Mingjing (明经)and Zhike (制科)was Celun (策论) . To meet the requirements of the Examination,candidates were keen on learning the writing skills of Celunand officials catered to their needs by writing Celunsamples as guidance materials,leading to the proliferation of Celun,a special literary style in the Tang Dynasty . Cexueis the study of Celun. However,only a small number of works on ShiwuCe (时务策) have been preserved,among which the JinshiCe (进士 策) written by Shangguan Yi is determined as the earliest Shiwu Ce during the Imperial Examinations .Some scholars believe that Bai Juyi's Baishi Celin (枟白氏策林枠),written during the mid Tang Dynasty,was the earliest Cexue work kept to the day . But actually Wei Zheng's ShiwuCe (collected in Japan) should be the earliest one because it was written about 170 years earlier than Baishi Celin .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 175-178 [Abstract] ( 2329 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 965KB] ( 2796 )
179 Lang Jinhuan Shi Jinchuan
Processing Trade,Normal Trade and the Transmission Channels of Foreign Demand Shock
In the new millennium,two features have developed in China's macro-economy : The first is the close association of macroeconomic fluctuations with foreign demand shocks;the second is the addition of processing trade to the foreign demand structure and its eventual precedence over normal tradein gross value .Owing to the development of these two features,the classic International Real Business Cycles Theory has failed to explain China's macroeconomic fluctuation and meanwhile there has been little research on such a typical foreign demand structure . To fill the gap between theory and reality,this paper further categorizes the trade sector in the International Real Business Cycles Theory into processing trade and normal trade . Under such a categorization,two key assumptions are put forward : (1)the home elasticity of substitution for intermediate goods is relatively small in the processing trade sector;(2)the home value added for intermediate goods is relatively small in the processing trade sector . With these assumptions,two contradictory mechanisms of the home effect of foreign demand shocks emerge in partial equilibrium : Assumption 1 means that the processing trade sector is adjusted more readily in the case of foreign demand shocks;Assumption2 means that it is adjusted less readily in that case . After calibrating and simulating the theoretical model,this paper examines the compound effect of the two contradictory mechanisms in general equilibrium . The results show that the foreign demand shocks in the processing trade sector more strongly affect China's investment and import/export,while those in the normal trade sector more strongly affect China's GDP . These results indicate a possible dilemma that the adjustment of China's foreign demand structure may encounter . In other words,the rise in the share of either the processing trade or normal trade will not reduce the influence of foreign demand shocks on China's macro-economy .The only difference lies in the fields affected most strongly by the shocks . As the model indicates,the dilemma in the macro-economy partially stems from the changes in China's foreign demand structure in the past decade,which reflects its comparative advantage in labor and technology in its participation in the global production process,a fundamental and constant fact . There is a need for greater tolerance for a more volatile Chinese macro-economy as it is the result of the encounter of economic fundamentals and globalization . It is necessary to explore new ways to reduce the volatility of Chinese economy,such as seeking bigger control in the global value chain and diversifying foreign markets . This paper is an attempt toincorporate China's foreign demand structure into an international real business cycle model,with the quantity characteristics of the processing trade and normal trade as the starting points of modeling .Future research may examine the links between different stages of the processing trade,which means that if one link in the supply of intermediate goods is affected,the whole production will be affected (the most famous example is the2011 Fukushima earthquake,which led to an abrupt stop in the global semi-conductor industry) .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 179-190 [Abstract] ( 2044 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1271KB] ( 2717 )
191 Liu Zhongli Li Wei
The Efficiency of WTO's Anti-subsidy and Optimal R&D Policy
With the rapid international trade liberalization,there appear restrictions on various subsidies in international trade agreements . But in the real world,governments have not renounced their intervention in the market,especially in terms of R&D subsidizing .At the same time,strategic trade barriers may easily lead to retaliation from other countries .In order to avoid the trade war,continual adjustments have been made to the subsidy and the countervailing terms of international trade agreements . The current agreement,Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement),divides subsidies into the following three types : prohibited subsidies,actionable subsidies and non-actionable subsidies . If a trade policy in question is found to be a prohibited subsidy,the panel shall rule that the subsidizing Member withdraw the subsidy within90 days;and if a trade policy in question is found to be an actionable subsidy,the Member granting or maintaining such a subsidy may not have to withdraw the subsidy,but shall take appropriate steps to remove the adverse effects . Taking this issue as an object analysis,we discuss the effects of WTO's anti-subsidy measures in an open economy on the optimal R&D policies of a country,the possibility of eliminating the subsidies under the SCM Agreement,and the adjustment of a country's R&D policies under this credible threat . Integrating the anti-subsidy measures into the R&D policies framework,we advance the ″R &D Cournot competition model″with anti-subsidy restrictions . Nash's equilibrium shows that the anti-subsidy agreement can effectively reduce the government incentive to intervene in the market without entirely withdrawing its subsidies . The optimal policy of the government is determined by the efficiency of the anti-subsidy measures,i .e .,when the efficiency is lower than the floor level of the critical interval,the governments in the model will fall into the R&D subsidy dilemma;when the efficiency is higher than the upper limit of the critical interval,the governments will not intervene in the market;and when the efficiency is in the critical interval,the home government can use the subsidies to transfer the profit andincrease the domestic welfare without falling into the R&Ddilemma .Taking full advantage of this interval in the real economic world can help accelerate the domestic economic growth under the restrictions of international trade agreements . The implication of the equilibrium is that in the real economic world,international trade plays an important role in the economy of China,the world's largest developing country . This paper suggests that the government should provide proper subsidies to industrial R&D without violating international trade agreements . On the one hand,the R&D subsidy will enhance the international competitive advantage of the home firms,thus improving the national welfare;on the other hand,the government's effective guidance will accelerate the technological progress,thus fostering and maintaining the growth of the advantage industries owing to the universality of the technological progress effects of scale economy on the real economy . In one word,to consolidate China's position in the world economy,the government should make full use of the above two factors and adopt positive industrial policies so as to better integrate China into the world economic system .
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 191-200 [Abstract] ( 3070 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1085KB] ( 2400 )
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 30- [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 28 )


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