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2012, Vol.42 Num.5
Online: 2012-09-10

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 875 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 8938KB] ( 9123 )
5 Zhang Guoqing Zhang Yifei
Adam Smith and Four Metaphors of the Civil Society

Does Adam Smith play an essential role in the history of political philosophy?Most political philosophers give a negative answer. Even though Isaiah Berlin in his classic essay ''Two Concepts of Liberty'' says that Adam Smith ''believed that social harmony and progress were compatible with reserving a large area for private life over which neither the State nor any other authority must be allowed to trespass,'' he provides Smith with a position opposite to that of Thomas Hobbes in the hi story of political philosophy. But when Joseph Cropsey comes to Adam Smith in The History of Political Philosophy , coedited with Leo Strauss, he comments that Smith's ''fame now rests upon the foundation he laid for the science of economics. In all of this there is not much of political philosophy to be seen, the close conjunction of economics and political philosophy, even or perhaps especially if tending toward the eclipse of latter, is a powerful fact of political philosophy|the men, like Smith, who were responsible for it would have a place in chronicle of political philosophy on that ground alone,'' and concludes that Adam Smith plays a negative and uncentral role in the history of political philosophy. Besides,in his Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy , John Rawls says little about Smith. In A Theory of Justice , Rawls mentions Smith only when he criticizes utilitarianism. He does discuss Smith's ideas like ''invisible hand,'' ''impartial spectator'' and ''selfcommand,'' but they secure no significant position for Smith in political philosophy. In a word, except Berlin, these main scholars of political philosophy don’t accept that Adam Smith plays an essential role in the history of political philosophy. In the light of classic metaphors as ''impartial spectator,'' ''economic man,'' ''invisible hand'' and ''night watchman,'' Adam Smith suggests an enlightenment utopia about civil society. These metaphors have such a seminal impact in the history of political philosophy that Hegel's ''die List der Vernunft,'' Carl Marx's ''community of freeman,'' Ronald Dworkin's ''Heracles,'' Richard Rorty's ''liberal ironist'' and Robert Nozick's ''minimal state'' all bear some intellectual origin. So different from those scholars mentioned above, we conclude that Adam Smith holds some central role in the history of political philosophy. ''Adam Smith problem'' is another topic to be discussed in the paper. Recently,Professor Luo Weidong of Zhejiang University suggests a new version of ''Adam Smith problem'' and calls it ''Adam Smith enlightenment paradox.'' Based on a comparative study on the meanings of Smith's key sentences in The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments , we find that there is no such a paradox between the two works. Individuality with sympathy, free market, decent society and limited government are the four elements that construct a basic frame for Smith to explore his utopia of civil society. It is clear that Smith has an intellectual turn from philosophical ethics to political economy. Even though Smith in the last year of his life made many revisions in his last version of The Theory of Moral Sentiments , those revisions still do not change his main stance on civil society.  In 1901, when The Wealth of Nations was first translated into Chinese, accompanied with Charles Darwin's and John S. Mill's works or ideas, Smith was one of first three modern western thinkers being introduced to the Chinese people. These great thinkers played essential roles in the modern Chinese enlightenment, and among them Smith was the first one who had a special sentiment towards China, studying China society comprehensively and providing accurate comments on China -- as a closed and traditional nation state. As Richard Rorty suggests, there are two enlightenment programs, one is philosophical, aiming at Truth|the other is political, aiming at Freedom. When the philosophical plan fails, the political one should continue. Now China is increasingly open to the world,and when we take Adam Smith's advice more seriously than before, it will make a new and even essential intellectual contribution to the construction of civil society in China today.

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 5- [Abstract] ( 3423 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1261KB] ( 5669 )
18 Zhuang Kongshao Fang Jingwen
From Organizational Culture to Organization as Culture: The Academic Clue of an Anthropological Team

Organization is an important way of living of human society. We live in all sorts of organizations, from family, lineage to village, corporation and ethnic group. Our identity and pursuit have to be achieved via organizations which we belong to. Anthropology has paid attention to organization for a long time. Generally speaking, two approaches have been employed to study it in Anthropology: social approach and cultural approach. The social approach considers organization to be a system like a society, within which every part has its own function and the interrelations among those parts and the way of their functioning make the organization structure. With the development of this discipline, the social approach was criticized for ignoring the ritual and symbolic aspects of organization. Therefore, the cultural approach quietly emerged in 1960s and culture has since become the main focus. The focus on Culture distinguishes anthropology form those disciplines which take efficiency, technology, institution, strategy and power as their concern. Admittedly, the influences of political and economic factors on organization are undeniable, but the cultural aspect should never be taken for granted, especially in the process of organization transition, during which the role of culture has been highlighted. Furthermore, researchers interested in organization often ascribe the origin of the conception of culture to anthropology, but discussions on the specific connection between culture and organization are rather rare in the field of Anthropology. Therefore, it is essential to make the connection clarified from the anthropological view. The thesis starts with a literature review on the ″culture″ conceptions of different anthropological schools, attempting to track the development of this conception in the history of anthropology. Second, it gives outlines of the two research areas which have been developed by the introduction of culture conception into organization study, that is study of organization and study of ″culture as organization.″ The presentation of applied practices at the end is the highlight and innovation of this paper. For more than a decade, Zhuang Kongshao and his team has been combining the perspective of ″organization as culture″ with the practical researches on organization among Han society. Their intensive understanding of the cultural meanings of organizations has thus been applied into a number of projects, which have identified the quasi-familism model in Chinese family enterprises, foreign company Amway (China) and organizations of female sex workers of Han ethnic group. On the contrary, the lack of such quasifamilism model in organizations formed by female sex workers from ethic minorities in China not only illustrates the relation between this model and Han society, but also brings about the clues of ethnic culture upon organization. In years of regular academic field observation , besides providing in-depth interpretation of various cultural metaphors of organizational process, Chinese anthropologists have also been involved into areas of public health, company distribution and structuring. They have explored the implications of culture as root metaphor and identified the features of interaction among different ethnic groups, with an aim to find out the possibility of applying cultural interpretation into practice and to make achievements both in theories and in practices.

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 18- [Abstract] ( 3062 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1330KB] ( 3508 )
28 Wu Zongjie
Recovering Indigenous Discourse of Cultural Heritage : A Chinese Challenge to Western Value of Heritage
Defining what is valued as ''heritage'' in the complexities of Chinese historical ''neighborhoods'' has been a challenging task in line with current criteria of heritage preservation in China.The idea of what constitutes heritage in the government and experts' documentation is very much dominated by Western heritage discourse that tends to deny indigenous values of heritage by favoring a high culture of ''monuments,'' ''authenticity,'' immortality,and the West.As a result,''mundane'' architecture,temples,historical sites and cultural practices associated with unrecognized traditional values,either material or intangible,are endangered by the processes of globalization and urbanization.The study attempts to explore a non-Western approach to the study of Chinese heritage based on two cases of heritage recovering projects-the Shuitingmen Neighbourhood in Quzhou City and Dongwushan Village in Fuyang.Quzhou,renowned for its rich cultural remains and its Southern Confucian Lineage,is included in the list of National Historical and Cultural Cities by the central government of China.The project is focused on the investigation of local neighborhood culture and the interpretation of oral histories and local gazetteers compiled by Confucius scholars in the past.This gives us a window to see how ancient Chinese made sense of heritage,place and the past,and how to value and utilize it in the present.The paper contends that they usually saw heritage as a means to secure sustainability of present enterprises by making judgments through the perspective of the past.For them,heritage was a carrier of virtue,and could be a site,a tree,or even glasses on the site.As long as people in the present value it with admiration,it becomes a site of heritage.Thus it is the discourse that is capable of activating a sense of virtue instead of the materiality of the past per se that is considered essential to the recovery of heritage and its meanings.Confucian scholars developed a unique discourse of ''authenticity'' in their recording of cultural heritage,which is usually termed as ''cut-and-paste method.'' The discourse,on the one hand,maintains the authenticity of source materials in terms of text,but on the other hand,embeds the authors' historical inquiry for ''understanding the boundaries between heaven and man (or the relation between nature and the human-made),and the transformation of ancient and modern times.'' In the ancient Chinese perspective,what constitute the ''meaning'' of heritage are historical activities tied to the site,describable in the subtle textualization of ''living and doing'' which cannot be conceptualized in forms of abstract terms,either metaphysical or scientific.This marks a difference from contemporary heritage practice in China where heritage is usually represented through theoretical statements imbued with judgmental language,analytical categories,and scientific thesis.Confucius explains the style of historical discourse: ''I would rather reveal the world in its depth and clarity through subtle descriptions of actual events rather than carry my thought in empty words.'' Enlightened by ancient Chinese Sages,we embark on developing an indigenous,non-Western approach to the meaning-making of cultural heritage.The paper demonstrates an instance of heritage description about a family temple site where no authentic materials from the past are identifiable.The narrative is constructed using heterogeneous forms of fragmented texts,such as site description,memory tales,tourism brochures,records in local gazetteers,genealogy family books,Chinese classics,etc.,each being seen as an epitome of discourse,a picture of the past.Confucian strategy of ''cut-and-paste'' is employed to weave fragments together readably in a morally concerned order.The narrative maintains rigidity and authenticity in text composition,and also opens up the creativity,multiplicity and fluidity in terms of meaning-making possibilities.In so doing,the boundaries between material and non-material heritage,and that of monumental and mundane,and authentic or inauthentic are blurred in order to seek out the past while actively embracing the present.The implications of this inquiry may move us beyond the Authorized Heritage Discourse,opening up cultural space to not only recognize competing heritage discourses,but also to engage in different ways of making ''heritage.'' Moreover,it may reclaim an ancient heritage discourse which allows the past to shed light on the present holistically in the linguistic fabric of authentic description.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 28- [Abstract] ( 1207 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1262KB] ( 2949 )
41 Yuan Nianxing Xu Xianlong
Structural Characteristics of Interactions between Ethnic Groups in Their Mixed Communities :A Research Perspective beyond Dualism

Research on community relationships in mixed small-population ethnic groups has been an important tradition of social anthropology in the West .It tends to exaggerate the conflicts and boundaries between groups and draw ideological conclusions with obvious dualistic″self″and ″other″binary,which has led to the misunderstanding and misleading of human relationships . Based on my five-year participant-observation and study on the oral materials,this paper aims to summarize the structural characteristics between the ethnic groups through an ethnographical analysis of a mixed community,and to explore the attributes that reflect the multi-layer subjectivities and the symbiosis of the ethnic groups .This paper thus strives to reveal a cognitive paradigm corresponding to the human existence that goes beyond dualistic and separatist understanding . In a historical perspective,we find that the formation of the symbiosis pattern had deep material drive,and that the complementary symbiosis was the logic foundation for pluralism to turn to an organic whole .In the process of cognitive,emotional and ethical interactions between ethnic groups,the shared inter-ethnic domain of symbiosis came into being,which implies the inherent requirements for the groups to spontaneously forma unity of their existences and values . Once the ethnic symbiotic structure stabilized in both senses of time and space under certain material conditions,it can provide a set of symbol systems under which people can operate,and especially when ethnic groups appear as emotional subjects,an adjusting mechanism can play an important role between the symbiotic groups . It is certain that close contacts between ethnic groups do not mean assimilation or perishing of a certain group . On the contrary,heterogeneity is even more required for the ethnic subjectivities in the symbiotic structure .We also start to realize that the process of ethnic symbiosis is different from the process of a single ethnic group's development,but is synchronous optimization and common development between groups .At the same time,ethnic symbiosis is not only a process that produces new patterns of symbiosis but also forms a new material structure so as to promote the ethnic relations to a higher orderly level . An even richer content of ethnic harmony has gone beyond the pages here .What we can achieve in this paper is to summarize general principles of theoretical reconstruction that can better deal with the relationship between particularity and universality .It is well known that the complexity of globalization has brought new challenges for us to construct harmonious ethnic relations that require researchers to pursue good academic inquiry and scientific research methods in order to grasp and interpret the ethnic relations and their microscopic behaviors,and to provide a reasonable perspective and method for the construction of harmonious ethnic relations .This paper is our effort in this direction .

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 41- [Abstract] ( 908 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1236KB] ( 1725 )
51 Jin Xiangrong Tan Lili
Differences in Environmental Policies and Transfer of Regional Industry :A Perspective of New Economic Geography

The industrial development in western China and the industrial structure adjustment in eastern China are both closely related to inter-regional industry transfer. During the process of regional industrial development and inter-regional industry transfer, environmental problems related to differences in environmental policies have become increasingly prominent. It can be observed that, on the one hand, the issue of environmental pollution in the western region is more severe than that in the eastern region; on the other hand, the ratios of high-tech industry and GDP of the eastern region have been increasing year by year compared with those in the western region. It can be demonstrated to a large extent that the phenomenon and trend of "pollution moving westward, high-tech industry shifting eastward, and the value of industrial output agglomerating in the eastern region" have emerged. In response to this phenomenon and trend, the existing literature has attached more attention to "pollution moving westward" rather than make any integrated analysis of the relevant phenomenon like "high-tech industry shifting eastward." However, this paper, based on the New Economic Geography (NEG) paradigm, offers a unified explanation for this phenomenon by looking at the differences in regional environmental policies and regional industry transfer and taking full account of agglomeration economy and transport cost. For this purpose, this paper constructs a two-region, two-department and two-factor model, and further divides the manufacturing sector into high-pollution and low-pollution industries. This research shows that as long as the differences in environmental policies exist between the less-developed region and developed region, even if the difference is minor, there is only one stable equilibrium form: low-pollution industry agglomerates in the developed region while high-pollution industry is distributed in both regions, but mainly in the less-developed region. In other words, the regional industrial structure is very sensitive to differences in the environmental policy. The reason for this is that low marginal cost drives high-pollution industry to agglomerate in the less-developed region where the environmental policy is loose. The agglomeration of high-pollution industry in turn eventually drives low-pollution industry to agglomerate in the developed region through inter-industry demand substitution effects, even though the low-pollution industry is not in an inferior position in the less-developed region. However, due to the relatively small proportion of environmental costs in the production costs of enterprises, the geographical distribution of the manufacturing sector is not sensitive to the differences in environmental policies. Further welfare analysis indicates that owing to the presence of the agglomeration economy, the developed regions have enjoyed a higher level of welfare while the less-developed region has to accept most of the high-pollution enterprises in the regional industrial transfer caused by the differences in environmental policies and has to suffer the welfare losses related to environment pollution. The policy implication of this paper is very clear. On the one hand the low-threshold environmental policies in the less-developed region will dramatically change the industrial structure of the two regions, strongly expel low-pollution "clean" industry, and at the same time attract a large number of high-pollution "contaminative" industries to agglomerate in less-developed regions. On the other hand, the regional policy of lowering the environmental standards in exchange for value of industrial output is actually of no help in increasing the regional share of manufacturing production or promoting local economic development.

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 51- [Abstract] ( 981 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1227KB] ( 1501 )
61 Chen Jianjun Liang Jia
Research on the Joint Development Zone: General Analysis Framework and Management Model
As a newly emerged development zone model featuring cross-region cooperation and collaborative construction, Joint Development Zone (hereafter referred to as JDZ) is an important spatial platform for promoting industrial transfer, regional cooperation, and regional economic integration. Constructing JDZs through cross-regional cooperation may, to a certain extent, ease the pressures associated with factor-tense and industry transormation in the development of China’s developing zones. This would help the regional industry and allow regional cooperation to shift to regional integration. The JDZ in the Yangtze River Delta region has outperformed the other JDZs in China. As of 2011, over 40 JDZs have been built in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, including China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), Suzhou-Suqian Industrial Park, etc. Over 20 JDZs have been built in areas adjacent to Shanghai, including the Caohejing Hi-Tech Development Zone Haining Partition. Meanwhile, Anhui has set up the Yangtze Delta JDZ in the Wan River Industrial Transfer Demonstration Zone. JDZ is playing an increasingly important role in industry transfer and regional integration. The home side administration Authority of JDZ coalizes cross-regionally with the gust administrative or market players that are advantage-complementary through joint planning, construction, management and tax distribution in certain region in the local side. The home side shall provide institution innovation revenue to the guest side, management or enterprises, to encourage oriented industry transfer and help agglomeration, thus to enhance the development of both side and win-win result. It has three main effects:demonstration effect of industry transfer and upgrading, revenue returning effect and industry update and platform effect of regional cooperation and coordinated development. The key to success of JDZ are the options and innovations of the management model. The management model can be extracted according to its functional features of planning management and development and forms a three level pyramid. This pyramid is composed of a local administration coordination body for both sides, an administration body for the JDZ itself and the group of investors to the JDZs. As has been shown, the status and function in the specific management model of the three levels determines the difference of the functional direction of the management as a whole and has a strong impact on the goal, location, function distribution and interest distribution of the management model. Accordingly, the management model can be also defined as developing-oriented and opening-oriented, with each having their own advantages and disadvantages. As the management model itself is still in the process of improving and innovating, putting forward a balanced management model emphasizing both developing and third-party participation in opening features is highly anticipated.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 61- [Abstract] ( 2942 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1275KB] ( 2761 )
73 He Zhipeng
Between Politics and Ethics: The Ontological Dimension of International Law
Properly defining the nature and characteristics of international law (IL) is not only important for theoretical discussions but also crucial for practical application of IL. This essay, deploying various understandings on IL in legal theory and theories of international relations (IR), investigates this issue with an interdisciplinary approach of IL and IR. This essay reviews the controversy on whether IL is truly law, and after inquiring the viewpoints of John Austin and his opponents, the author proposes that to examine ″whether IL is law″ may be misleading, since the question itself is not rightly defined. The nature of IL may only be well understood by a comprehensive study of different schools of legal theory and IR, as well as a focus on the reality of international legal process. The natural law theory contributes to IL in at least two aspects: first, law should be discussed not only as it is (lex lata), but also as it should be (lex ferenda); second, IL should be universal. The positive legal theory suggests that we pay attention to the practices by states and other actors of IL in addition to rules per se. Realists in IR stress the powers of states, which is helpful for a clear understanding of the application of IL in world politics. The study of international regime by neo-liberalists in IR can enlighten us on the origin of IL. Constructivism in IR helps international lawyers to explore the nature of international law within a social framework of international community. With all the above-mentioned theories, the author attempts to stress the significance of understanding IL from the perspectives of politics, ethics, and sociology.Though IL is heavily influenced by political power, it is independent and not purely moral in its practice, and it definitely calls for global ethics in the age of globalization. The author tries to conceptualize IL in the following four dimensions: (1) IL is highly decentralized. This is mainly because IL is the legal phase of IR and the basic nature of IR is anarchy. Thus there is no unified legislature, law enforcement agency and judicial organ for IL. IL exists basically in the form of treaties and customs, most of which are lex specialis instead of lex generalis. It is quite clear that there is no generally accepted normal hierarchy in the international legal system, and the ″constitutional system″ of IL is just a blueprint. (2) IL is law by agreement. If a domestic law could be defined by external rules, then IL is internal, i.e., the actors in the domestic legal system just accept the established norms; on the contrary,the actors (mainly states) of IL,in most cases, have to set up norms for themselves. In this sense,IL is the rule that the state is supposed to follow. If there is no agreement from the states, it is hard to establish obligation for them. (3) IL is weak law. There is hardly any compulsory enforcement and judicial system for international law as domestic law. (4) IL is asymmetric. It is notable that in recent decades international organizations have developed quickly and that new mechanisms such as dispute resolutions, tribunals and punishing measures are established. However, these measures are plausible on surface but not fair in essence because big powers may easily evade legal punishments while small countries may be punished even when there is no evident violation of IL. Therefore, IL may be defined as the ethical guidelines for political games and the political constraints on ethical values. The author takes the position that IL today is still a primitive legal system, but it is necessary for us to see it from a historical perspective. The past century has witnessed the fundamental progress in IL, and the international structure has been changed from imperialism to equality among sovereign states, at least in name. With the improvement of international democracy and multiple governance, IL will be more systematic, more strictly enforced, and more equally complied with, and the ideal of international rule of law will be steadily realized.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 73- [Abstract] ( 2732 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1299KB] ( 2995 )
90 Zhu Xinli Zhang Chaiyuan
Patent Subsidy Policy: Predicaments and Outline for Reform
While patent subsidy policy ushers in a new era for patent applications,it is also being blamed for ''inducing junk patents.'' A review of the policy's operation over the last several years highlights the reasons for attributing questionable patents to the policy.First,patent subsidy policy is not in alignment with the patent system in China.It ignores the shortcomings of China's preliminary examination system and subsidizing utility models and designs without substantive examination.Next,patent subsidy policy lacks a screening system for examining patentability.A generalized subsidy without quality control inevitably leads to junk patents.Finally,the patent subsidy amount is not properly specified.The appealing profit margin distorts the original intention of patentees and lures speculators to abuse the system by using patent applications as a means to turn a quick profit. Patent subsidy policy can get out of the predicament through two routes.The first is to learn from the practices of other countries that restrict the exercise of unstable patent rights with search reports and require a patent evaluation report as a part of the subsidy application.The ''official patent quality certification'' by China's State Intellectual Property Office featuring more thorough examinations can effectively curb questionable patent applications and squeeze out the bubbles in patent applications and grants.The second is to employ the science and technology search system,and use it so that it is the only way to subsidy application.Through systematic,objective and accurate literature searches and informatics evaluation,the science and technology novelty search provides an evaluation foundation for patent subsidy and rejects low value patents from accessing patent subsidies,thus effectively uprooting ill-intentioned subsidy applications. Regarding the procedural design,the relevant supporting systems need to be more detailed.First,patent subsidy application materials must be increased.Subsidy applicants should be required to submit patent evaluation reports or science and technology novelty search reports,as well as the corresponding payment vouchers,so that subsidy examination bodies can evaluate the authenticity and patentability.Second,the duration of patent subsidy application needs to be extended.The time required for patent evaluation reports and science and technology novelty search reports should be included within this process.Third,the patent subsidy amount should be substantially increased.Not only should the costs of patent evaluation report searches and science and technology novelty search be included,but the subsidy for valuable,quality patents should be significantly increased so as to attract valuable technological solutions to the patent application procedure. By implementing the patent subsidy policy,the government intervenes in science and technology with administrative subsidies,which,together with market regulation,serves as a structural incentive.However,the superficially prosperous patent landscape has deviated from its main purpose of advancing science and technology through incentive regulation.Therefore,it is not only imperative,but urgent that an examination of the problems of the current patent subsidy method be carried out.This paper focuses on optimizing incentive mechanisms,with the aim to integrate science and technology resources,increase incentive efficiency,and overcome the patent regulation failure.With patent value as the evaluation benchmark,a sound strategy for patent subsidy policy is to limit subsidy coverage and subsidize quality patents.Through such reforms,government regulation on patents can be put back on the right track so that the government can facilitate the development of science and technology and increase economic strength.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 90- [Abstract] ( 2823 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1225KB] ( 3628 )
99 Xia Li'an Qian Weijiang
On the Form and Material in Law
The categories of form and material are two core categories in recent jurisprudence studies in China.Scholars have stubbornly tried to find the corresponding items of form and material respectively in reality,but they neglect that this couple of categories do not have substantial existence,but rather are in a state of transition towards each other.This has been realized by Weber who pointed out that in some sense the concept of material by itself is a concept of form.If we analyze this couple of concepts further on a philosophical level,it can be seen that the so-called opposition of form and material is actually the opposition of affirmation and negation.Different answers to the questions of whether form or material comes first or whether form or material is the essence reflects two tendencies in philosophy: the affirmation tendency and the negation tendency.The affirmation tendency,of which Plato's philosophy is representative of,stresses the item itself in the same link as the idea.Further,Aristotle points out directly that form is the real essence.Based on thoughts of this tendency,the opposition of form and material is almost impossible,because the affirmation tendency holds that form is material.On the other hand,the negation tendency,of which the philosophy of Buddhist and Taoist in China is representative of,thinks that the 'Wu (empty)',which eliminates everything,is the real essence and all the things which are fixed are not the essence and should be cleared up.The negation tendency is the origin of the opposition of form and material.It is Hegel's dialectical philosophy that appropriately deals with these two contradictory tendencies Hegel further developed the idea proposed by Aristotle.He suggested that all positive parts contain negative parts and vice versa. Hegel also pointed out that all the negations are self-denials.According to Hegel,it can be said that the relation between form and material is self-denial.However,there have been some misunderstandings about the relation between form and material.Firstly,the negation to the material of form was assumed as a superficial negation,the thought of which can often be found in the theory of formal inference and material reasoning in Anglo-American laws.Secondly,it is not fully understood that material is bound to be expressed by formal means.The result of permanently pursuing the so-called material would make us slip into a vicious infinity of negation.The best way to deal with the relationship between form and material is to treat the form as a process of self-denial.In other words,form is the process in which the high level form denies the low level form through the media of material.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 99- [Abstract] ( 3278 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3246KB] ( 2760 )
111 Yan Qiamao Wang Haolei
The Diachronic Replacement of the Main Words in ''Lanjie'' Conceptual Field

There is a″lanjie″(拦截) conceptual field in Chinese which means″force mobile content to stop going;do not let go through .″The conceptual field was covered by such words as″e″ (遏),″yao″(邀),″zhe″(遮),″lie″(迾)and″zu″(阻) in the Pre-Qin Dynasty,and then words like″lan″ (拦),″jie″(截),″d uan″(断) and so on appeared in the Wei,Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties .The Song Dynasty turned up″dang″(挡),″ba″(把),″zha″(闸),but in modern Chinese,people basically say″lan″(拦),″d ang″(挡),″jie″(截) .It's found that for these encoding lexical members,three different alternations in the history of Chinese language are crucial and worth noting : 1) Around the Western Han Dynasty,the word″zhe″(遮) came to be used and frequently compared with″e″(遏) and″yao″(邀),which used to be the main words before the Pre-Qin Period and were compelled out of this semantic field no later than the Northern-southern Dynasties,which can be used as the first verb constitute in the medieval emerging statements .But the use of ″e″(遏),″yao″(邀) was only used in a language domain,the lexical field was gradually narrowed . 2)″L an″(拦) began to prevail over″zhe″(遮) during the Tang and the Five Dynasties,and replaced it eventually with″jie″in the Song Dynasty .In strong oral speaking corpus,cases of the use of″lan″(拦),″jie″(截) increased gradually,the lexical field was expanded,with the emerging grammar components in the Song Dynasty,such as the dynamic auxiliary word″zhe″(着);and the resulting complement″z hu″(住) .The leading position of″z he″(遮)in its lexical system was replaced by the meaning″cover an object .″″Z he″(遮) began to be more frequently used with fixed tremolo combinations,but rarely used with emerging grammatical components . 3) By the Yuan and Ming Dynasties,″d ang″(挡) turned to be used in the rising tone .It developed a specific performance and also became a dominant member in this field .The new glyph of″dang″(挡) appeared,which was divided from″d ang″(当),not only the single frequency was more than″jie″(截),but also the syntactic combination with″lan″(拦),″jie″(截) had the similar features .What's more,the patient objects such as″arrow/cold/rain/wind″is exactly what the ″lan″(拦) and″jie″(截) lacked .

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 111- [Abstract] ( 2408 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4168KB] ( 2493 )
121 Chen Hui
Zhu Yuanzhang's Concept of 'Zhongyuan' and Its Influence on Mandarin Chinese

Based on literature review instead of traditional phonological study,the author proposes a new point of view that Zhu Yuanzhang's explanation for the concept of ''Zhongyuan'' (Central China) and its later variation eventually led Nanjing dialect,representative of Jianghuai dialects,to become the basic dialect of Mandarin Chinese in Ming Dynasty.Before and after his founding of Ming Dynasty in 1368,Zhu Yuanzhang reinterpreted the concept of ''Zhongyuan'' to show the reasonableness of his rule,the justification of choosing the site of new capital,and the reasons for the restoration of ancient civilized ritual system of Han Nationality.He held that ''Zhongyuan,''a different concept at different times,was just a good name for being the reigning monarchs' hometown,the place of victory and the site of capital,and that due to the rules of north minorities,such traditional Central China areas as Luoyang and Xi'an had been barbarianized and only his hometown Lin Hao deserved the name of ''Zhongyuan.'' His ministers Song Lian et al.embodied the views of Zhu Yuanzhang when they were ordered to compile the rhyming dictionary Hongwu Zhengyun so that Hongwu Zhengyun nearly coincides with the poems of Ming Taizu Ji in rhyme,which indicates that the so-called ''Zhongyuan Yayin'' (elegant accent of Central China) is actually the dialect of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's hometown.Later,in order to establish Nanjing as the capital of Ming Dynasty,Zhu Yuanzhang pointed out in his article ''Yuejianglou Ji'' that ''Jiangzuo areas were the center of China'' and Nanjing was the real ''Zhongyuan'' as it was just located in the center of China.Moreover,he ordered the ministers to revise Hongwu Zhengyun (Eighty rhymes edition) and Yunhui Dingzheng ,and made Nanjing dialect,the representative of Jianghuai dialects,the basis of Mandarin Chinese.As a result,the Korean envoys and interpreters from the end of Koryo to the beginning of Choseon Dynasty,except Xie Changshou who emigrated from Jiangzuo areas of China,could not communicate smoothly with the emperor and ministers of Ming Dynasty in their Chinese language learnt before.Therefore,Xie Changshou became the chief instructor of Sa Yeok Won(Translation Ministry) and the leader of Sinology in early Choseon Dynasty.The historical records of early Choseon Dynasty also show that in order to maintain good relationships with China,the kings of Choseon repeatedly presented memorials to Chinese emperors to request acceptance of its young people to study in China to master pure Mandarin Chinese. In 1459,Korean version of Hun Min Jeong Eum was collected in the book Wol In Seo Bo .It was pointed out in the first sentence that the so-called Chinese pronunciation was what Korean people termed ''Jiangnan'' dialect,which indicated that in Korean people's eyes at that time the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese just was identical to that of Jiangzuo dialect.However,Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang took the accent of his hometown as ''Zhongyuan Yayin'' which is somewhat different from Jiangzuo dialect and said that Mandarin Chinese had lost its original pronunciation just because the phonology was originated from Jiangzuo areas instead of traditional Central China areas when he ordered his ministers to compile Hongwu Zhengyun .Therefore,the scholars of Ming Dynasty dared not admit that Nanjiang dialect was Mandarin dialect,although these scholars when inditing poems still followed the ''Shenyun'' originated from Jiangzuo area rather than follow ''Hongwu Yun,''which was merely a dressing and gradually became obsolete.On the contrary,the Jesuits in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty such as Alvaro Semedo commented directly,'' It(Quonhoa,or Mandarin Chinese) is more sweet than harsh,and if it be spoken perfectly,(as it is for the most part,in Nankim) is very delightful to the ear.''

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 121- [Abstract] ( 3866 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1274KB] ( 4524 )
144 Wei Jiang Zhao Lilong Feng Junzheng
Review and Implementation Process of Meta-analysis in Management Research
Meta-Analysis, as a quantitative literature review method, is a decent tool to overcome reviewer-biases in traditional literature review through revising the systematic artifacts within existing researches to obtain a more accurate research conclusion than any other single study. In recent years, meta-analysis has been more and more popular among researchers of management studies. Using a sample of 79 literatures employing meta-analysis, drawn from the top management journals both at home and abroad spanning from 1980 to 2011, this study reveals two obvious trends in management research: the rapid increase in the quantity of meta-analysis literature and the fast expansion of its application fields. However, there still exist some problems while meta-analysis is applied, such as unstandardized research procedures and incongruent index selection methods, which would influence the quality of conclusions. In order to enhance the validity and reliability, this paper proposes scientifically strict research procedures and implementation steps, as well as the systematic analysis of the specific index calculation methods, index selecting standard and application conditions for each step. Based on the analysis of 79 papers, this study summarizes three objectives of meta-analysis in management research: calculate and estimate the size of the main effect and its significance; implement the homogeneity test for samples from various sources; examine possible moderating effect. At the same time, this study puts forth a seven-step procedure of meta-analysis: research problem and hypothesis determining, data preparation, mean effect size calculation, systematic artifacts correcting and hypothesis testing, moderating effect analysis, bias publication, discussion and conclusion. Moreover, this paper further emphasizes two key steps of meta-analysis: main effect analyzing and moderating effect analyzing. When applying main effect analysis, researchers must carefully revise the statistic artifacts, unify research methods, and choose proper statistic indexes. In moderating effect analysis, researchers should at first forecast the existence of moderating effect based on theories and develop related hypothesis, and then they should judge the homogeneity with multiple approaches, and describe the analysis procedures, methods, and indexes while estimating mean effect size in detail. Researchers also need to clarify the exact meaning, applicable scope, and strength and weakness of the different assessment approaches they used in moderating effect estimation. Finally, in order to contribute to the theory construction and application in this field, researchers should analyze their conclusions from theoretical perspective and point out possible directions for future research.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 144- [Abstract] ( 3156 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2143KB] ( 3403 )
157 Shi Xiaoguang Li Jun
The Plight of University in the Crisis of Modernity: Allan Bloom's Philosophy of Education Reflected in The Closing of the American Mind

American political philosopher Allan Bloom's TheClosing of the American Mind is an important research book reflecting the crisis of American university education from the philosophical perspective .Its publication was seen as a miracle in the history of serious academic works in the20th century .The author cites the proliferation of relativism and nihilismin American universities,analyzes the sources of crisis from the history of political philosophy based on the profound theories of Strauss School,and lastly proposes the way to restructure the liberal education in American universities .Although Chinese scholars have paid much more attention than before to the neo-conservative doctrine,the Strauss School and the American liberal education and have published papers,their research is not based on a comprehensive knowledge of the ideological origin of liberal education proposed by the Strauss School,which to some extent prevents them from thoroughly understanding Bloom's thoughts on liberal education . According to the Strauss School,the most significant contemporary problems are″the crisis of modernity″and″the crisis of Western civilization .″But they insist that if people want to comprehensively examine the crisis of modernity in the western society,they must deny both the modern liberalism and left-wing academic views,which are rooted in the tradition of modernity,that is,having strong faith in modernity rather than antiquity,or even in the future rather than the present .Contemporary liberal scholars and their left counterparts are all″m odern″o r″progressive people″ who criticize the modernity in the vein of the modern school .The Strauss School argue that a vision beyond the liberalismneeds to be obtained,and they point out that the western classical thought must be just such a vision,especially the vision of what they called″the Plato Al-Farabi Maimonides'p olitical philosophy .″Fully adhering to the Strauss School of thought and research style,Bloomoften searched for inspiration from Socrates,Plato,Machiavelli,Rousseau and Kant,and made insightful academic observations of the U .S .academic community and higher education . The shift from the critique of modernity to that of modern higher education was indicated by the Strauss School,but was pushed forward and completed by Bloom in his book TheClosing of the American Mind .The spread of modern crisis in higher education was the basic proposition of Bloom :relativismand nihilismlead to people's indifference to the history of natural rights and the origin of nation .They do not require the abandonment of old or new beliefs in order to retain the agreed natural rights .They worsen the crisis of faith,result in the widespread failure of the social contract,and create a new split .In all,it is producing spiritual closure and poverty in education . This crisis of modern universities highlights the necessity and urgency of liberal education .In Bloom's view,the core of humanistic education is to help students to explore the eternal theme ″What is man?″to obtain a full and rich understanding of the world as a whole and to inspire students to continuously explore the answers to significant issues .By doing so,holistic and free persons will come into being .Bloom thus argues that universities need to fully understand the importance of the position and role of great classics,take the initiative in providing general education courses,and actively promote elite education .

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 157- [Abstract] ( 3605 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1225KB] ( 3280 )
165 Yang Ming Zhao Ling
On the Features, Problems and Countermeasures for Funding of Regular Higher Education Institutions(HEIs) during the Last Decade
The expansion of enrollment in regular HEIs in the last ten years usually means the rapid increase in the enrollment in regular HEIs from 1999 to 2009. In this period the annual average number of entrants in regular HEIs was 4.66 million, the net increase of number of entrants was 0.53 million, and the rate of increase of entrants is 19.95%. In 2009 the gross enrollment rate of students in HEIs was 24.2%. The rapid expansion of enrollment in regular HEIs has exerted great pressure on the increase of expenditure on higher education. Many stakeholders show concern for the increase in educational resources and enhancement of quality of higher education. Statistical data show that in terms of sources of funding of regular higher education institutions in the last decade in China the public expenditure was taken as the main channel, the tuition and fees was taken as the second channel, and other kind of expenditure was taken as the third channel. With the lapse of time, the ratio of public expenditure as percent of total expenditure on HEIs has been decreasing, the ratio of tuition and fees as the percentage of total expenditure on HEIs has been increasing, the ratio of social donation and endowment as the percentage of total expenditure on HEIs has been decreasing, the sources of funding of higher education has been increasingly more diversified. The input of capital expenditure on HEIs was insufficient, most of it was raised by HEIs themselves, and the deficit of capital expenditure on HEIs increased. The shortage of capital expenditure brought negative effects on the improvement of facilities in HEIs. The ratios of public expenditure on HEIs as the percentage of total expenditure was fluctuating, it shows the trend of rise of this kind of expenditure in the beginning, descent in the middle period and rise since 2006. The expenditure on HEIs per student has been rising but the index of expenditure on HEIs per student has been descending. There existed five critical problems concerning the funding of regular HEIs. Firstly, the insufficiency of public expenditure on HEIs has been the main reason for the lack of total expenditure on HEIs. Secondly, the scale of higher education was so large that the government was not able to give a sufficiently large portion of expenditure to HEIs, and the assurance mechanism of financing of higher education was not so perfect. Thirdly, the standards for tuition and fees paid by students and the ratio of tuition and fees as the percentage of the total expenditure was high, and the system of student financial aids was not complete. As a result, students were not easy to pay for tuition and fees. Fourthly, most HEIs could not generate sufficient revenues by themselves and the donations and endowment raised from individuals and groups were not as much as anticipated, HEIs could not reserve sufficient strength to raise funds by using market means. Lastly, in terms of equality of higher education opportunity and narrowing the gaps between different HEIs, the funding of higher education faced great challenges. In order to guarantee a sufficient, equitable and efficient distribution of expenditure for HEIs, it is necessary to take six key measures which include introducing the new system of public finance and constructing new system of assurance of expenditure on HEIs, normalizing the criteria of tuition and fees paid by students, improving the system of student financial aids, actualizing the potentiality of increase in funds raised by HEIs as well as donation and endowment coming from other agents, changing ways of budgetary allocation and optimizing the structure of allocation of expenditure on higher education.
2012 Vol. 42 (5): 165- [Abstract] ( 2555 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1248KB] ( 3050 )
178 Cheng Yong
The Teaching of the Six Classics and the Discourse Construction of Confucian Literary Theory

The teaching of the Six Classics is important for people to gain an insight into Confucian literary theory and its significance,and it has a profound influence on the discourse construction of Confucian literary theory.First of all,the consciousness of Confucian classics established the supreme principles of Confucian literary theory Zongjing'(to follow the Confucian classics),'Zhengsheng'(to consult the Confucian sage) and 'Mingtao'(to be back to the Confucian Tao).That is why the Confucians dedicated themselves to proving the oneness and coherence of 'Tao',the Sage'and 'the Classics',and to extracting the stylistic characteristics and text structure by analyzing the texts of the Six Classics.Secondly,'Lixiang Jinyi'(showing images to expound meanings),'Zhiren Lunshi'(researching the social background in order to make a comment on a person),'Yiyi Nizhi'(going against the Will via the senses),and 'Zhiyan Yangqi'(storing up Chi in order to understand words) formed the basic framework of Confucian classical hermeneutics,transformed the values of the Six Classics,and enlightened people to make sense of the artistic essence and construction of literary theory.Finally,the teaching of the Six Classics regulated the value orientation of the Confucian literary theory.In this sense,literature and art could be regarded as an aid,a medium and an approach to make a person a true man.Its cultural function is to create individuals with a moral and rational balance between reason and emotion.

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 178- [Abstract] ( 3540 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1244KB] ( 3360 )
188 Yuan Huarong Zhu Zhongshi
Development Strategy Choices for Chinese Population:Stable Population or Overpopulation Control?

The choice between population reduction or stable population is a critical issue to China. There are two interpretations of the basic national policy—"population control." Basically completed theory advocating stable population is based on the idea that "excessive population growth" has been effectively curbed and is supported by the population-environment equilibrium theory, "zero growth-sustainable population theory," "the pressure of constant population - disappeared theory" and the "demographic winter theory." Basically completed theory is not only untenable but actually harmful—"the constant population - pressure disappears" contributes to misleading results of statistical analysis; "zero growth-sustainable population theory" puts the Chinese nation in a very precarious position; "aging is not the decline of the demographic winter" on the fear syndrome is confusing and misleading; reasonable age structure will generate a "fallacy of composition", and will bring disaster to the country and biosphere. "Far from being completed "emphasizes "population reduction" as the main population development strategy for China. First, land capacity is inversely associated with ecological-environmental stability; a population supported by land productivity does not guarantee continuous equilibrium with the environment. Second, the main issue is scale rather than "equilibrium.” The lengths of stable and continuous (exponentially decreasing or increasing) Systems with different sizes of population (1.5 billion or 200 million) are not the same. Third, the size of the population problem has neither economic, system solution, there was no time to save the nature and dissipation point, matter, energy savings technology solutions-technology "ceiling effect," will enable the technology to solve the "stuck" scale quagmire evolved into the "trap" and "black hole." Fourth, a small population and expansive land is what makes the USA such a dominant world power. Russia’s rise, in addition to its huge amount of oil and gas, can also be attributed to its small population. Fifth, a large scale population not only constitutes the biggest food security challenge for China and presents a persistent threat, but it also reduces the flexibility of the world grain markets to adjust the economic structure. Sixth, “two different choices, two different destinies.” Maintaining a "stable population" of 1.5 billion people is certain to bog China down and may result in the demise of the nation. However, a small-scale population that exhibits the advantages of a smaller demographic base will fundamentally change the basic national conditions of a China plagued by a large population but a weak economic foundation. It would help to ensure food security, increase options and flexibility, and would allow for sustainable development.

2012 Vol. 42 (5): 188- [Abstract] ( 4559 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1262KB] ( 3033 )


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