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2012, Vol.42 Num.3
Online: 2012-05-10

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 751 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 533KB] ( 1490 )
5 Ira B.Nadel
The Modernist Page:Joyce and the Graphic Design of Chinese Writing

The influence of Chinese writing and oriental culture on James Joyce's major writing is the focus of this paper.It opens with the origin of his exposure to Oriental history and culture in Dublin which would later find expression in his writing from Dubliners through Finnegans Wake. The influence of the graphic elements of Chinese writing extend Joyce's oriental outlook which influenced his visual sense of the page.The creation by Joyce of ''Oriental time'' and the impact of Chinese on Joyce's sense of visual modernism, seen clearly in Ulysses and the Wake , form the body of the paper which also considers the history of Chinese printing and the way the spatial organization of Joyce's novels reflects the traditions of Chinese writing.The importance of verticality in Chinese script, plus the convention of commentary appearing alongside texts, are also considered in Joyce's melding the spatial, auditory and vertical elements of his writing, what he calls the ''verbivocovisual'' in Finnegans Wake .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 5-30 [Abstract] ( 4890 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 5434 )
31 Gao Fen
''Modernism and the Oriental'' Studies: Process,Features and Trends

As a conscious literary criticism,''Modernism and the Oriental'' studies originated in the 1980s and 1990s.Its aim was to explore the relationship between the Orient and Western Modernism through analyzing the Oriental images and thought in modernist works.In 20th century modernist studies,it was often overlooked that the formation and development of modernism was also influenced by the Orient.Critics began to demonstrate the influence of the Orient on Western Modernism in the 1990s,and opened up a new perspective in East-West studies based on a critique of Said's Orientalism.The dominant features of this initial study are as follows: the research category mainly focused on the influence of the Far East countries,especially China and Japan,on Western Modernism;the research target was to explore and disclose the influence of particular authors,works or techniques on individual modernists' perspectives;the research goal was to display dialogues between modernists like Pound and Williams with the great Chinese poets like Li Bai,Wang Wei and Bai Juyi through missionaries and Sinologues like H.A.Giles,Arthur Waley and Ernest Fenollosa.With the convening of international conferences of ''Modernism and the Orient'' and the publication of relevant literary works and articles,current studies promote and develop methodology,awareness,focus and boundary.It contains the following features: conducting cultural studies of Western Modernism based on the history of Western acceptance of the Orient;revealing East and West assimilation in modernist poetics;focusing on the modernist reconstruction beyond East and West;and expressing a sense of transcendence in interpreting the Oriental elements.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 31-39 [Abstract] ( 4967 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1328KB] ( 5000 )
40 Ronald Bush
A Study in the 20th-Century Western Assimilation of China: The American Poet Ezra Pound's Imagination of Kwan-yin in the Pisan Cantos

Building on the work of 19th-Centuryand early 20th-Century art historians Ernest Fenollosa and Laurence Binyon,the 20th-Century American poet Ezra Pound became fascinated early in his career with the Buddhist Bodhisattva of compassion,Kwan-yin,and in his poetry assimilated her image along with that of the Western image of the Virgin Mary into a composite symbol that attempted to fuse Western and Eastern religious iconography.Pound even attempted to link this image to the writings of Confucius,which he spent many years translating.Unlike his predecessors,however,Pound was less interested in Christianizing Kwan-yin than in appropriating distinctive elements of her religious attributes in his own poetic landscapes.Among these elements the most important were Kwan-yin's traditional iconographic associations with a vessel of pure water,the lotus,the willow branch,and the moon.We see Pound's most powerful renderings of these symbols in the masterpiece he wrote in an American prison camp at the end of World War II,the Pisan Cantos .But they are even clearer in early manuscript versions of the poem (written in Italian and then in English) than they are in the final version of the poem.These still only partially published drafts elaborate the traditional iconography of Kwan-yin into a vision of the feminine qualities of heaven's compassionate intercession and the healing power of nature that is at the same time multi-cultural and deeply personal.This essay is the first to examine Pound's treatment of Kwan-yin in the unpublished drafts of the Pisan Cantos (both in the fragmentary Italian drafts he wrote before the war ended,and in the manuscript draft of the English poem itself),and it uses the drafts to elucidate both Pound's understanding of Kwan-yin and the meaning of some of the most important passages in the poem as it was finally published.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 40-73 [Abstract] ( 3115 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2190KB] ( 4619 )
74 Zhang Longxi
Elective Affinities?On Wilde's Reading of Zhuangzi

Oscar Wilde wrote a long review in 1890 on Herbert Giles' English translation of the Zhuangzi,which was published in 1889.Wilde read Zhuangzi's Taoist thinking as a philosophy for individual freedom against all forms of government.That was of course Wilde's own philosophy,the sort of Fabian socialism as he understood it.In Wilde's philosophy,the aestheticism of art is beyond morality and politics and is a near anarchistic liberalism.His aesthetic thoughts on art surprisingly bore some resemblance or affinities with the Taoist ideal of ruling with non-action.Though Wilde was ignorant of Chinese and no expert of Taoism,his artistic and intellectual sensibilities made it possible for him to make some insightful remarks on Zhuangzi's ideas.As this review is not usually taken notice of in modern Wildean criticism,nor is it included in most Wilde selections,it is thus important to pay some critical attention to Wilde's views on the translation of the Zhuangzi.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 74-85 [Abstract] ( 6404 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1470KB] ( 5145 )
86 Anke Hassel
The Great Realignment: The Politics of Liberalization in Germany

This paper looks at the politics of the liberalization of the German welfare and employment regime and the repercussions on underlying political coalitions in the last two decades. The German welfare and employment system has been confronted with moves towards liberalization without approaching a liberal market economy. This paper traces the shifts of preferences of key actors in two distinct arenas:the economic arena dominated by employers and unions and the public finance arena dominated by fiscal constraints on public budgets. This paper argues that the shifts of positions of key actors in both arenas were interrelated but that they responded to two different sets of problems. This suggests that a wider set of environmental factors are of crucial importance for the maintenance of political economy institutions.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 86-110 [Abstract] ( 4923 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1451KB] ( 3638 )
111 Zhou Shengchun Wang Jiegui
The Social Capital in Rural Areas and the Efficiency of Rural Public Services and Peasant Self-supply : From the Perspective of Collective Action

Nowadays,the low efficiency of the peasant collective action delays the pace of the new countryside construction of China . There is plenty of research which discusses the reasons causing this phenomenon and how to enhance the peasant collective action efficiency in academic circles . However,Cost-Benefit Analysis has been ignored more or less in the existing research on peasant collective action efficiency . As a result,it is hard to find a practical path of improving peasant collective action efficiency . According to the Cost-Benefit Analysis,currently the high cost of peasant collective action is the root of its low efficiency . Decreasing peasant collective action costs and improving its efficiency must rely on social capital accumulation in rural areas . According to the stages of peasant collective action,peasant collective action costs can be subdivided into mobilization costs in the mobilization stage,direct resource costs and incentive costs in the operation stage,and supervision costs in the maintenance stage .Among these stages,mobilization costs are generated from collective action organization construction .Direct resource costs include three aspects : target costs,participation costs,and coordination costs . Incentive costs are generated from the transmission costs of incentive messages|Supervision costs include three aspects : trust mechanism construction costs,constraint costs,and information transmission costs . Due to three inherent characters of the rural social capital,that is,rural social trusts,rural social rules and rural networks,rural social capital plays an important role in decreasing peasant collective action costs . Rural public services and peasant self-supply are typical peasant collective actions,the enhancement of which depends on the local social capital . During the rural public services and peasant self-supply,rural social capital can decrease the costs in the stages of mobilization,supply and supervision . Furthermore,by reducing the costs of mobilization,direct resource,incentive and supervision,the total costs of rural public services and peasant self-supply will be cut down and the efficiency will be increased . Affluent social capital is conserved and accumulated in F village in Tongcheng City,Anhui Province . The social trust of honesty and integrity,the social rules of loyalty,consideration,benevolence and righteousness,and the widespread social networks in F village played important roles in decreasing peasant collective action cost and improving road construction efficiency . Specifically,firstly,during the road self-construction launching stage,social capital in F village decreased road self-construction mobilization costs .Secondly,in the road self-construction operation stage,social capital in F village decreased direct resource costs and incentive costs . Thirdly,in the road self-construction maintenance stage,social capital in F village decreased the supervision costs .Practices in F village have proved that social capital in rural areas plays an important role in decreasing peasant collective action costs and improving peasant collective action efficiency .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 111-121 [Abstract] ( 3659 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1380KB] ( 3404 )
122 Peng Bing
Market,State and Rural Development : Practice and Rethinking

In mainland China,the rural communityis caught in an awkward situation in the process of modernization .Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening-up,market forces have become an impetus for the revival of rural economy .The pressing-onward of market forces,however,results in the relative decline of some rural communities .In the transition from a traditional to a modern rural society,though the incentives of market forces have been fully recognized,the state is a redress of the negative impacts of large-scale marketization on rural development .With the growth of market forces,the rural development is driven by more than one single force,but the state still remains a dominant force to drain resources from rural communities .Both central and local governments are likely to intervene in the rural development in the name of rational calculation and benefit drafting,which truly impairs the benefits of some rural communities and peasants .Meanwhile,the two images of the state help it to obtain plenty of resources from the countryside on one hand and generate possibilities as well for the reconciliation between the state and the rural society on the other .Therefore,it is urgent for the state to rethink the direction,content and limit of its intervention,and to readjust the relationship between the state and the rural society from the perspective of long-term benefits of rural communities .As for the direction of intervention,the state is accountable for the survival of the rural communities in difficulties .It means that,the state not only needs to readjust the institutional reform in the beginning of the reform to release the control of market forces,but also needs all the more in the push of marketization to help those rural communities which are now in an inferior position in market resource allocation .As for the content of intervention,the state needs to increase financial support and provide public service for the rural communities,and take active measures to promote their development .And as for the limit of intervention,the state should avoid the undue control of market forces and their over-aggression on rural communities,and should also prevent itself from over-drafting the rural resources .The prospect of intervention is to achieve the linkage between rural and urban communities in terms of economic relationship and social structure .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 122-130 [Abstract] ( 3103 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1326KB] ( 2518 )
131 Hua Chen Gao Ning Georges Allaert
From Village Construction to Regional Development:The Rural Cluster Development Model

6 years after the “New Countryside Construction” program was launched, great improvements have been made in the appearance of China’s villages. At the same time, however, negative side effects?the homogenization of urban and rural areas, the disappearance of the inherent value of rural areas, and the lack of driving force for sustainable development in rural areas?are also observable and new development ideas are in urgent need. Therefore, the Belgian Meetjesland Development Model is introduced in this paper as an example of rural development. In the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium, there are five rural clusters based on a regional cooperation platform, and Meetjesland, located between Ghent and Bruges, is one of them. In 1995, the Streekplatform+Meetjesland (Meetjesland regional platform) was established and a strategic plan was made to promote its development and regional brands. Currently, Meetjesland is a well-known agro-food region in Belgium with its distinctive model. With the emergence of new urban forms such as urban agglomeration and urban belt, the urban-rural gap in China is widening, since the more widely scattered rural areas can hardly be integrated into the big cities on an equal footing. Based on the Meetjesland Model and the Generalized-grads Theory, a new urban-rural integration idea, the “urban agglomeration—rural cluster”, is proposed, which makes “rural-rural integration” the prerequisite of “urban- rural integration”. The concept of “rural cluster” is based on the concept of cluster and agricultural industry cluster. It refers to a cluster of villages and small towns joined together by common development goals, having agriculture as its core and regional cooperation as its platform. The units within this cluster follow the same development program and planning, and share resources and opportunities in economic, social and environmental sectors. After some revision and modification according to the Chinese context, the “Meetjesland Model” is reshaped into a Chinese model which stresses rural development-oriented values, rural cluster-based cooperation platform, rural cluster development strategies and brand-promoting cluster development model. This model specifies that the rural areas should be treated as an integrated geographical and social space with the balanced development of regional economy, society and environment (caution should be taken so that material construction is not equal to regional development), that the rural cluster cooperation platform should be based on the agricultural sector of a county or a county-level city, which is a relatively stable political unit in China, and links governments at all levels, the relevant government departments, non-government organizations and individuals, that the rural strategic planning should be formulated as regional guidelines of action, and that cohesive regional brands should be created to enhance the sense of belonging of local residents. The above points will give full play to the advantages of rural clusters on their way to active and sustainable development.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 131-138 [Abstract] ( 5460 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2538KB] ( 3489 )
139 Fang Yixin Gao Lieguo
A Textual Study on the Age of Dafangbianfo Bao'en Jing Based on Some Buddhist Terms

Scholars differ in their opinions on the features, author, record, editions and the age of popularity of Dafangbianfo Bao’en Jing whose translator was unknown and which was affiliated to the Buddhist sutra catalogue of Eastern Han Dynasty. Some argued that it was a fake Buddhist sutra. Others claimed that it was a translated Buddhist sutra, but the translation was not done in Eastern Han Dynasty. In this paper, we try to verify its age by analyzing 12 Buddhist terms. According to the studies of Lou Yulie, the term “Arya Avalokiteshvara (观世音菩萨)” appeared for the first time in the translations of the famous Buddha Kumarajiva living in Later Qin Dynasty. The detailed information of the other eleven Buddhist terms is as follows: Some of them appeared for the first time in the translated versions during or after Eastern Jin Dynasty, such as “mahākaru ā (大悲愿)”,“Sazhe Niqian (萨遮尼乾)”,“Tianbaohua (天宝花/华)”, “incalculable kalpâsa khyeya (无量百千万亿阿僧祇劫)” which was an idiom used to describe an extremely long period of time,and “an arrow's flight (一箭道)”, a length unit in Buddhist sutras. “Bu Qing You (不请友)” appeared in the Buddhist sutras written by native Chinese after Eastern Jin Dynasty. The ten kinds of concrete names----“Buddha (如来)”, “Bhujiya (应供)”, “Samyak-sa buddha(正遍知)”, “Vidyā-cara a-sa panna (明行足)”, “Svaya -bhū (善逝)”, “Lokavid (世間解)”, “Sattva-sāra (无上士)”, “Purua-damaka (调御丈夫)”,“Nara-nāyaka (天人師)” and “Bhagavat (佛世尊)”----which were the same as the ten names of Buddha in Dafangbianfo Bao’en Jing appeared for the first time in the translations of Eastern Jin Dynasty and were frequently used especially in Kumarajiva’s translations. Apart from Dafangbianfo Bao’en Jing, the term “Sanzang Jiubu (三藏九部)” appeared in the Buddhist sutras written by native Chinese after the Northern and Southern Dynasties. “The Palace of Shishi (释氏宫)”, where Sakyamuni lived, first appeared in Kumarajiva’s translations in the Later Qin Dynasty but became “Shishi Jingshe (释氏精舍)” in Eastern Han Dynasty. “Siweituo (四围陀)” is found in the translations of Later Qin Dynasty. “Tianbao Xiang (天宝香)” and “Tianbaohua” were the offerings that Buddhists contributed to the Buddha. “Xiang (香)”, “Tianxiang (天香)”, “Hua (花/华)” and “Tianhua (天花/华)” were used only in the Buddhist sutras of Eastern Han Dynasty, with “Tianbaohuaxiang (天宝花香)” first appearing in the Buddhist sutras of the Three-Kingdom period. In the translations of Eastern Han and Three-Kingdom periods, only “Wugai (五盖)”, the first part of “Wugai Shichan (五盖十缠)” was used, and “Shichan (十缠)” first appeared in the translations of Later Qin Dynasty, with the combination “Wugai Shichan” appearing for the first time in the Kšantiqïlyuluqnombitig of Southern Liang Dynasty. These twelve Buddhist terms show that Dafangbianfo Bao’en Jing was not written in Eastern Han. If it is a translation, it should be done after Eastern Jin Dynasty. Special attention should be paid to the terms “Sanzang Jiubu (三藏九部)” and “Wugai Shichan (五盖十缠)”. Their credible examples were all found after Song of Southern Dynasties. We can draw the conclusion that Dafangbianfo Bao'en Jing was a Buddhist sutra whose age of compilation was very close to Chusanzangji Ji (between the year 510 A.D. and 518 A.D.) and Jinglu Yixiang (in the year 516 A.D.). Thus it is really odd that its translator was unknown. Meanwhile, apart from the use in Dafangbianfo Bao’en Jing, the term “Wugai Shichan” only appeared in Buddhist literature written by native Chinese. According to the above analysis, we arrive at the tentative conclusion that this sutra was written by native Chinese Buddhists, and was not a translated version.

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 139-147 [Abstract] ( 6545 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1354KB] ( 3768 )
148 Chen Weizhao
Qi Rushan's Opera Practice and Folk Dances of Han and Wei Dynasties

Qi Rushan's influence on the development of modern Peking Opera deserves acknowledgement,and the aesthetic essence of Mei Lanfang's art of Peking Opera transformed by Qi deserves more of our in-depth discussion .Although Mei Lanfang's art was sharply andironically criticized by Lu Xun,it has been widely praised by the Western world,which makes Chinese people too proud to see its essence,and therefore,unable to have an insight into the merits and demerits of Qi Rushan's opera practice .Qi Rushan's opera practice was mainly represented by the design of choreography and costumes for Pihuang Drama .In seeking the rationality of his″dance″ practice in opera,Qi Rushan cited a number of literature on dance since Han and Wei Dynasties . But in fact,his inspiration for choreography came mainly from his familiarity with Pihuang Drama .As the opera was mainly made up of stylized dance movements,Mei Lanfang's art became one of those in pursuit of beauty in form,which actually diluted the theme of humanistic concern .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 148-157 [Abstract] ( 5132 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1347KB] ( 3742 )
158 Zhao Liming
The Tradition of ″Differentiation Poetry″andthe Formation of Xueheng School's Concept of ″New Poetry″

While questioning Hushi's theory of ″Great liberation of genre,″Xueheng School again proposed its idea of genre reform,which claimed″to use new material into the old rhyme .″ The formation of Xueheng School's concept of ″New Poetry″was,to some extent,originated from the tradition of ″Differentiation Poetry .″First of all,Xueheng School stuck to the traditional belief that poetry has its own principles and believed that poetry styles contribute to determine poetry qualities .Xueheng School regarded the genre style as the primary feature of poetry .Secondly,the traditional poetic theories placed great emphasis on the differences between poetry and prose,the spirit of which was totally accepted by Xueheng School .Thirdly,the tradition of merging poetry and music together was also used as a critical weapon to criticise the″free style poetry″in New Literature school .Xueheng School believed that non-rhyme and non-meter meant losing the nature of poetry,and proposed that preserving rhyme and meter was the only hope of China's modern poetry .Finally,influenced by the tradition of ″Differentiation Poetry,″Xueheng School also discussed the differences between ancient poetry and modern poetry,as well as those between Chinese poetry and foreign poetry .They criticized that the″May Fourth new poets″had blindly copied foreign poetry which ignored the characteristics of the Chinese poetry and made new poems from the translated versions of foreign poems .They also specified the basic features of the″ideal New Poetry .″Between the choices of old and new,Xueheng School insisted that content of poetry should be constantly updated but the ancient style should remain .Additionally,Xueheng School also suggested that maintaining the old style did not mean rigid adherence to the rules of ancient poetry,and they claimed that appropriately changing the style and maintaining the nature of ancient poetry were two sides of the same coin .The reason for the decline of old-style poetry proposed by Xueheng School was the decayed content .Therefore,they think that the literature revolution should concentrate on the aspect of content . As far as cultural attitudes were concerned,Xueheng School was undeniably very conservative,which was embodied in its proposal of style reform .The old rhyming style is a genre,which is comprised of learnable conventions and symbol systems .The old rhyming is one of the carriers of cultural identity .To some extent,identifying with the old rhyming style is identifying with Chinese culture .The persistence of Xueheng School in keeping the old poetry style showed their identification with the tradition Chinese culture .As for how to reform literature,Xueheng School favored building up the concept of ″New Poetry″on the basis of the old ones .The ideas of Xueheng School showed their full respect for the old literature traditions and the old literature principles .Nonetheless,the weakness of Xueheng School was also obvious,for example,they lacked innovation and constrained themselves by the old principles .The poetic ideas of Xueheng School appear to be stagnant .From the perspective of theory building,Xueheng School did not propose anything new,and from the perspective of poetry practices,Xueheng School did not contribute too much either .It is hence expected that there were no strong response to the call of Xueheng School .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 158-167 [Abstract] ( 3024 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1434KB] ( 3036 )
168 To Yeuk Hung
Poetry Legal Case and the Poetic Development in the Northern Song Dynasty

This paper is a study on reciprocal relationship between the poetry legal case ofWutai Poetry Case,Jugaiting Poetry Case,Chongning Literary Ban and the poetic development in the Northern Song Dynasty .Since poetry legal case has far-reaching effects on poetic development,it is an important starting point to study the interrelation between poetry and politics from an in-depthinvestigation of the cases .It adopts an interdisciplinary research methodology to explore the origins,evolutions,political connotations and the artistic characteristics from political viewpoints . This paper is an in-depth research in six aspects .First,disputes in the poetry legal case are re-examined .Next,each poetic legal case is studied with emphasis on the chain reaction caused in poetry developments .Third,it investigates how scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty revived the orthodox poetic ideologies and promoted poetry physique reforms to restore elegance .Fourth,it analyzes the different types of content of political poetry and summarizes their overall artistic characteristics .Fifth,the proportion of political poems of each individual poet are collated for qualitative and quantitative analysis .Last,the paper strengthens the research on the poetry schools to deduce persuasive arguments from the perspective of their overall creative performance . The conclusion provides a concrete summary of the findings in each poetry legal case and offers further generalizations based on the regularity of several theoretical phenomena .First,it points out that the abrogation of the unceasing poem calamity events led to the retrogression of the political function of poetry to improve politics .Second,it points out that besides sharing a literary foundation,the homogeneous political views of the same poetic school helped strengthen their group consciousness .Third,it points out that Song poets played an important political rolein the central government .The old and new party's political struggles were closely linked to the Wutai Poetry Case,Jugaiting Poetry Case and Chongning Literary Ban .Fourth,it summarizes the artistic characteristics of Northern Song poetry from the perspectives of political spirit and poetry functionalities .Last,it focuses on the political poems of members of the Jiayou Poets School,New Party Poets School,SuShi Poets School and Jiangxi Poets School,and points out that the number,distribution and artistic style of poems have all been influenced by poetry legal case . It is hoped that this study will have significant reference value for research on Chinese poetry and politics in different historical periods .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 168-177 [Abstract] ( 4673 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1336KB] ( 3568 )
178 Huang Zhidong
On Parallel Prose between the Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty

Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty advocated classical prose and promoted the stylistic reform,which was of great significance in Chinese literature history .However,classical prose did not prevail .After the period of Han Yu and his followers,parallel prose became popular again in Chinese literary .Ornate diction had been the main feature of prose until the beginning of the Song Dynasty .Ouyang Xiu,imitating Han Yu,continued to promote poetry and prose reformand finally was able to establish writing patterns : classical prose as the predominant prose writing style,parallel prose as the practical writing style .Ouyang combined classical prose with parallel prose and created Song Parallel Prose,which was different from Tang Parallel Prose .Ornate diction was not advocated in his Parallel Prose and even rhythm was not applied in some prose .Therefore,the Song Parallel Prose gradually lost its aesthetic features in rhyme scheme,tonal pattern and literary quotation,all of which were hallmarks of traditional parallel prose .Noticing these weaknesses,Wang Anshi strictly kept to the rules of parallel prose and modified the Song Parallel Prose by quoting classical idioms .But Wang's parallel prose was not as powerful and magnificent as those of Ouyang's and Su Shi's .Hereafter,two schools of Parallel Prose emerged,one acknowledging Wang Anshi as their master and the other imitating Sushi .But during the transition from the North Song to the South Song,the two schools tended to merge with each other .Wang Anzhong,Sun Di,Qi Chongli,Wang Zao,and other poets learned the strong points from both of the two schools,combining aesthetics of prose with the rhythm of parallelism,applying natural and poetic diction,which perfected the parallel prose reform proposed by Ouyang and other poets . After Six Dynasties,edicts and presentations were usually written in the form of parallel prose,characterized by elegant and graceful expressions .During the time of Dezong in the middle of Tang Dynasty,Lu Zhi was in charge of the official documents writing .Lu wrote summons and presentations in the formof parallel sentences,however he didn't use literary quotations .Instead,Lu used plain words in illustrations and discussions .His articles were full of true feelings and inspiration,which played an important part in suppressing rebellions and stabilizing the society . At the turn of North Song and South Song,the central government was between the beetle and the block,facing more handicaps than Dezong in Tang Dynasty .During this period,the court required ministers to follow the writing sample of edicts created by Lu Zhi to inspire people to cooperate to code with national difficulty .Thereafter,a large number of edicts following the style of Lu Zhi appeared .WangZao,Qi Chongli and etc,who were regarded as the living embodiment of Lu Zhi at that time,changed Parallel Prose from formal writing to influential writing which matters to the entire country .Two of Wang Zao's parallel prose were well-known,one was″A Proclamation to the people by Emperor Dowager,″the other was″A n Imperial Edict Issued by Emperor Gaozong(on Nov 3rd,3rd year of Jianyan ) .″T he former was recognized as the best parallel prose by Chen Yinque . Between the Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty,many Parallel Prose writers gained their fame in the literature field,winning universal praise with their masterpieces . This formed another peak after Ouyang Xiu,Wang Anshi,and Su Shi in the history of Parallel Prose .The masterpieces bore both aesthetic value and sincere feelings,so they were regarded as the apotheosis of Parallel Prose .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 178-190 [Abstract] ( 5426 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1578KB] ( 5086 )
191 Yan Weishi
The Effect of Reciprocal Behavior and Skill Spillover in Internal Labor Market :The Econosociological Perspective

The labor behavior in internal labor market is the behavior of both economic cooperation and social reciprocation . The pure economic yield and cost analysis of this behavior will deprive it of its social behavior characteristics . But emotional exchange theory provides a suitable perspective and analytic framework . The article studies internal labor market by applying the economic-sociological theory in terms of reciprocal social behavior in small groups . Factors such as information and market change lead to efficiency problems of labor management in firms . To clearly define labor boundary is not a low-cost or high-efficiency choice . Firms thus are forced to apply ambiguous boundary to internal labor division . With a certain degree,the ambiguous boundary of internal labor division helps to reduce the labor management cost and promote the autonomous reciprocal behavior among the internal workers (namely by way of exchanging labor skills,knowledge,information and others between the internal workers) . In the situation of applying ambiguous boundary to labor division,reciprocal social behavior in small groups of internal workers helps to reduce transaction cost,promote labor harmony,and thus enhance labor efficiency . The reciprocal behavior leads to the spillover of higher-skilled workers's kills and their economic yield externalization . And the economic externality of the spillover of higher-skilled workers'skills is not compensated by economic yield in labor pricing,but by emotional yieldin cooperative reciprocal behavior .The reciprocal behavior enhances the marginal labor productivity of lower-skilled workers and thus increases their labor yield . Therefore,the externalization contributes toformthe dual-structureof labor market,namely,the relative shortage of higher-skilledworkers caused by their relatively lower wage than average,and the relative surplus of lower-skilled workers due to their relatively higher wage . However,the externalization of the spillover of higher-skilled workers'skills can be compensated by social appreciation and respect for them,which increases the total labor yield by internalizing this emotional yield . The internalization of the emotional yield may help cope with the shortage of higher-skilled workers in labor market . The limit of this article is that it lacks of theoretical modeling and empirical data,which will be included in follow-up studies .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 191-197 [Abstract] ( 3285 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1401KB] ( 2780 )
198 Wen Xueping
On the Collective Intentionality and Its Roles in Social Life

To explore collective intentionality in detail,we must answer the following four questions : What is intentionality. How can intentionality be collective. What is the neurophysiological foundation for collective intentionality . Why is collective intentionality important .Intentionality refers to the aspects of mental states by which they are directed at,or about,or of states of affairs in the world beyond themselves .To analyze collective intentionality,we should abandon the Cartesian specter of ″ego cogito,″break away from individualism and reductive analysis and return to irreducible holism .The discovery of mirror neuron system in the human brain lays a neruophysicological foundation for collective intentionality .No form of social life could exist without collective intentionality since it gives birth to social self,language,normative and institutional facts .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 198-209 [Abstract] ( 6741 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1720KB] ( 5121 )
210 Ren Liying Qiu Zeqi Li Li Yan Jie
Methods and Quality of Occupational Coding in Social Surveys

Occupation is an important variable in social science research,but mistakes in the coding process of occupations in survey research are .unavoidable . Coding operations can take various forms . They are distinguished as centralized coding and decentralized coding based on their work sites,or as manual coding and computer-assisted coding based on their coding tools . Thus,combining these two dimensions there are four coding methods : manual centralized coding,manual decentralizedcoding,computer-assistedcentralized coding,andcomputer-assisted decentralized coding . Computer-assisted coding has not been well developed in China,so most Chinese surveys employed the first two coding methods :interviewers carrying out coding during the interviewing process|or experienced coders performing the coding within the survey organization after data collection . When choosing coding methods,survey practitioners usually have three factors in mind : cost,time efficiency,and coding quality . It is commonly believed that on-site coding by interviewers is cheaper and quicker than coders'centralized coding . However,there have been contradictory attitudes towards the quality of these two coding methods,and there have been very few empirical studies about that . Based on analysis of the occupational information collected by the Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS) in 2010,this study compares the results from these two existing coding methods in China and discusses the core factors that affect coding quality . This study shows that coding results from these two methods differ greatly . Regarding the most detailed coding with 595 categories,only about one-third of the results from these two methods are identical . Even for simple coding with only eight categories,the proportion of identification still makes up only three-fourths . Interviewers't ext recording quality is an important factor that affects coding quality . In addition,interviewers'background and coding experiences are two main reasons for the discrepancies in the detailed coding results . It is also shown in this study that occupational categories have different levels of coding difficulty which also have an effect on coding results . Administration of quality control over interviewers'o n-site occupational coding is difficult in practice . Therefore,in rigorous social surveys,especially when detailed coding results are needed,it is strongly suggested to use the method of centralized coding . Moreover,since the quality of the interviewers'text recording is so important to the collection of accurate and complete occupational information,the following steps are recommended :establish a standard for interviewers'text recoding,strengthen the training of interviewers,and check their performance on a regular basis .It is also important to enhance quality control in the coding process,such as paying more attention to the design of the coding process as well as the supervision of the coders' work . These suggestions can be effectively put into practice in computer-assisted interviewing surveys .

2012 Vol. 42 (3): 210-219 [Abstract] ( 4832 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1447KB] ( 5076 )
2012 Vol. 42 (3): 4- [Abstract] ( 178 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 26 )


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