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2010, Vol.40 Num.2
Online: 2010-03-10

5 Ellen Widmer
Modernization without Mechanization : The Changing Shape of Fiction on the Eve of the Opium War

This study explores patterns in Chinese publishing before the technological revolution of the late-nineteenthcentury .It centers on thelate Qianlong,Jiaqing andDaoguang reign periods (1796-1850) .The focusis largely on fiction,but I occasionally look beyond that genre by wayof supplementing the discussion .Well before the mechanization that took place when Gutenberg arrived in late-nineteenth century Shanghai,to use Christopher A .Reed's formulation,four changes were underway that point in thedirection of what aregenerallyidentified as later markers of literary modernity .These four are the amount of fictional output,the way it was distributed,the amount of international awareness in the fiction,and the composition of the readership for which it was designed .The existence of these trends prior to the late-nineteenth century revolution in printing technology and,even more,to the early twentieth century changes in education and literary life suggest that,in our efforts to define literary modernity,we should be attentive to continuities as well as to the causal force of sudden outside influences or internal revolutions .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 3275 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1073KB] ( 4050 )
16 Patrick Hanan
The Bible as Chinese Literature :Medhurst ,Wang Tao ,and the Delegates'V ersion

Probably the largest translation enterprise undertaken in China in the nineteenth century was that of Bible translation .Between the 1820s and the 1860s five full translations of the Bible into Chinese were completed and published by the Protestant missions .The Delegates'version which is the subject of this article,involved scores of missionaries and their Chinese assistants .Fierce controversies broke out among the missionaries about methods of translation,particularly about absolute fidelity to the Hebrew and Greek texts versus the need to make the translation acceptable to Chinese readers .A secondarycontroversyconcerned the level of classical Chinese that should be used (translations into vernacular Chinese were not made until later) : should a standard classical Chinese be used,one that educated readers would accept,or a simplified form that the less literate would understand.The champion of acceptabilityand the use of a standard classical Chinese was the missionary Walter Henry Medhurst,who hoped to produce a translation of the Bible that would qualify as Chinese literature . In the Delegates'version,which took from 1843 to1854 to complete,Medhurst at last had the opportunity to put his principles into practice . The essential requirement was to find Chinese collaborators who could put the workof the missionariesandtheirassistantsintoacceptableChineseprose .Hisfirst choice wasWang Changgui,a teacher of the Chinese classics,who died before the New Testament could be finished . Medhurst then engaged Wang Changgui's young son,Wang Tao,as his replacement,and Wang Tao helped to complete the Bible as well as to write tracts and revise a hymnbook . This experience as translator tells us much about the early development of his thinking .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 16-37 [Abstract] ( 1603 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1178KB] ( 3864 )
38 YUAN Jin
Speech and Mission in the Late-Qing Period

Public speech has a long history in China .It was once used by the Qing Government to publicize ShengyuGuangxun .The Chinese speeches made by Western missionaries changed the attitude,ideas,texture and style of speech-making in the Qing Dynasty .This change is actually the transition from ancient to modern public speech-making .It is also a witness of the transitional role that Western missionaries played in the Chinese speech-making style .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 38- [Abstract] ( 3522 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1021KB] ( 3910 )
44 Leo Steinberg
Other Criteria

Reducing the range of reference has always been the appointed task of formalist thought . Its attempt was to discipline art criticism in the manner of scientific experiment,through theisolation of a singlevariable .One graver objectionconcerns Greenberg's management of pre-modern art,and this needs discussion because Greenberg's Modernism defines itself in opposition to the Old Masters . If the opposition becomes unstable,Modernism may have to be redefined by other criteria .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 44-52 [Abstract] ( 5792 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 986KB] ( 5250 )
53 Michael Fried
Critique of Greenberg's Reductionism of Modernist Painting

With the riseof American minimalism,the radically reductive art of themid-1960's that took to a logical conclusion of the Greenbergian doctrine that painting tended inexorably to approach the condition of absolute flatness,and sculpture that of volumetric clarity,one saw formalism at its most ruthless absolute,and,artistically,one sawacomplete dead end .Thus my criticism is a double critique of Greenberg's theory of modernist painting and of Minimalism's Greenbergian advocacy of literalism .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 3677 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 981KB] ( 5740 )
59 SHEN Yu-Bing
Art Theory and Criticism after Greenberg

As the most influential Western art critic in the later half of the 20th century,Clement Greenberg left us with an enormous and precious legacy for contemporary art theories and criticism . He provided the most definitive argumentation in the history of modernist art which became the starting point of discussion about contemporary art theories and criticism . His successors,Leo Steinberg and Michael Fried,either criticize Greenberg in the terms of art history,or advance his theory from the philosophical perspective . Up until now,the issues they raise remain the focus of wide discussions in the field of art history and art theory .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 59-67 [Abstract] ( 3722 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1045KB] ( 5213 )
68 Gerard P .Matthews,Robert M .Entman
Slanting While Framing the News

The myth of the liberal media in America has led to a popular public perception that journalists serve as a watchdog of the government for the people .This liberal bias has been challenged by an increasing number of scholars .The case of the mainstream news coverage of the 2007 debate over reauthorization and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) reveals that journalists slant while framing the news .Over and above the basic question of whether the coverage is explicitly positive or negative,news slant is presented in three further message dimensions .They are : who the asserted beneficiaries of the policy are;what the assertion's basis of reasoning is;and how high the complexity of the argument is .According to the findings,the individualism that dominates American political culture,a relatively unsophisticated,apolitical audience that does not demand complex policy argument,the media's reliance on official sources for information,and the bias toward those officials with the most apparent power toaffect the outcome disadvantaged the proponents of SCHIP expansion from the start .The pro- Administration slant is therefore a result of the interactions of journalistic decision biases with the news management skill wielded by contending teams of media manipulators .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 68-81 [Abstract] ( 3898 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1088KB] ( 6469 )
82 Qiu Ge
The Meaning of History of Dissemination Thought in Bakhtin's Theory

Bakhtin's theory has aroused great concern from various disciplines .In recent years,it has been studied from the perspective of communication,but its research is not sufficient,mostly only in terms of simple analogy and its application . Being important resources of thought and theory in communication field,Bakhtin's theory actually deserves intensive study and its research should be started with its ideological value .Since the 19th century,there has been a problem in communication field arising from the mode of thinkingin isolation and the thinking atmosphere of suspicion and split : thinking about the possibility of the world through communication has become a habit of mind,which is one of the critical consequences in the process of sudden change of modern thoughts . Being an indispensible component of the grand knowledge background,Bakhtin's theory makes many scholars pay attention to the issue of communication and media . The world being determined by technology,Bakhtin's theory of dialogue is in a position to enrich our comprehensive understanding of communication and is of great value and historical significance in our thinking about communication and the world in communication .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 82-88 [Abstract] ( 1585 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1619KB] ( 2448 )
89 Lai Shih-Kung Han Haoying Wu Cifang
A Preliminary Treatise on Behavioral Planning Theory

The choice theory derived from decision analysis is the foundation for microeconomic theory .With the emergence of complexity science and cognitive psychology,the economic choice theory based on subjective expected utility (SEU) is being challenged . Faced with the complex,uncertain real world,the traditional myopicchoice theoryis insufficient and should be substituted with the theory of plan-based actions . Different from the choice theory that focuses on making single decisions independently,the theory of plan-based actions considers more than one interdependent decision at a time in order to deal with complexity in the real world . When decisions are interdependent,indivisible,irreversible,and imperfectly foresighted,plans are more effective than decisions . For these reasons,it is necessary for us to explore into planning behavior in a systematic way to construct a behavioral planning theory . The research methods adopted include axiomatization,psychological experiments,and computer simulations . Only when we gain a better understanding of the logicof making plans are we able to better achieve the goals in the complex environment and survive .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 89-97 [Abstract] ( 1566 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1046KB] ( 2218 )
98 Wu Yajun Feng Xiaolan Xu Dean
Metaphors ,Paradigms and Its Integrating Implications in Strategic Management

This paper links metaphor to strategic management,and argues that metaphors play important roles both in constructing theoretical models and in empirically testing strategy theories .We suggest that each theoryin strategic management has its own underlying metaphor . These theories include Position School,Resource-based View and Dynamic Capability Theory,Institution Theory,Evolution and Complexity Theory,and other theories in strategic management . The corresponding metaphors with each theory belong to different paradigms,and can be used to explain distinct organizational strategy phenomena,in a way similar to the statistical a pproach in empirical research . Meanwhile,multi-paradigm metaphors have greater explanatory power than single-paradigm metaphors .It is useful,therefore,to integrate theories in strategy research . The integrating methodology is illustrated by the theory development of combing Resource-based View(RBV) and Institutional Theory (IT) to set up a comprehensive competitive advantage theory . The implications of metaphor for academic diversity and strategic management practice are also discussed .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 98-109 [Abstract] ( 1714 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1281KB] ( 5773 )
110 Zhang Guangli Chen Feng
The Research Origin ,Connotation and Influencing Factors of the Institutional Costs
Transaction costs,as a basic concept,are the cornerstone of the new institutional economics . Along with the rise of the new institutional politics and the new institutional sociology,this concept,originally an economic term,has its limitations in the research in these two fields .Now many people are payingclose attention toinstitutional costs .Institutional costs,being an objective social fact,mean all the resources devoted to each sector of an institution . In an entireinstitutioncycle,certaincost should be paidineach period,soinstitutional costs contain making cost,execution cost,supervision cost and transition cost,all of which are interlinked . Institutional costs are decided by several factors,which means that it is affected not only by political,economic and social environment,but also by the competition among different interest bodies and informal institutions .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 110-116 [Abstract] ( 1601 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1029KB] ( 3533 )
117 Karla A . Henderson
Women,Gender,and Leisure Matter
Research about women,gender,and leisure has been in various stages of development for almost three decades . The study of women,gender,and leisure has been undertaken from feminist perspectives with theaim tounderstand thesephenomena and topromote socialchangein the lives of both men and women relative to their leisure . The stages of research about women and leisure are discussed along summaries of what has been learned in English-speaking countries through research . Suggestions are offered regarding how these ideas might be examined from various cultural perspectives .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 117-124 [Abstract] ( 6211 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1038KB] ( 5318 )
125 Pang Xuequan
On the Cultural Significance of Leisure for Urban Development
Leisure culture is the sum of leisure activities and elements which enable people to return to human nature and state of being human . It embraces triple structures and three basic features . The main contents of leisure culture are proper leisure concepts,generally accepted leisure values,consciously followed lifestyles and government-oriented leisure trends . The value and significance of leisure culture for urban development lie not only in its influence on the physical forms,but also the spirits of a city .The core value is that it enables the improvement of the city image,and makes the city more habitable,innovative and lively,so that the quality of lifeis upgraded .If theeconomicvalue of leisureis toprovide an exterior drivingforce andcatalyst for urban development,thenits cultural value is to provide theinterior drivingforce andDNA for urban development .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 125-133 [Abstract] ( 8063 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1043KB] ( 12234 )
134 Zhou Lingqiang Zhang Wenmin
A Review on Central Issues in Tourism Planning by Academics in China since 2000
Research findings based on CNKI indicate that the general research in the field of tourism planning by academics in China presents the following features as continual,rapid and comparatively steady . The central issues in the research field liein ecotourism,regional tourism,GIS,rural tourism,sustainable tourism,tourism in Western China,and stakeholder management . These issues have correlated and influenced one another . The researches on these issues have been carried out in a collaborative manner . Generally speaking,the research on tourism planning in China since 2000 has been gaining more and more theoretical supports from other disciplines and relevant researches are conducted from various perspectives . Lots of fresh ideas or advanced techniques have been constantly introduced into the field of tourism planning . The research levels of theabove mentioned issues are different .Some of the researches are still in the stage of theory introduction or concept employment,while the others have already been carried to or just ready for the depth of variable analysis .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 134-143 [Abstract] ( 1440 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1202KB] ( 2344 )
144 Deng Xin'an Zhang Yinglu
On the Evolution of Economy Eras and the Laws of Bioeconomy
The maturation of an economic formation marks the transition of an economic society into its corresponding economy era .The economic society is expected to enter the maturity phase of bioeconomy in the late 2020s,which is the″real″bioeconomy age . The development of every economy era conforms to an″S″curve of growth . There will be three social forms coexisting in the bioeconomy era :industrial society,information society and human-oriented society,and the relationship between humans and nature will be harmonious .The preliminary laws of bioeconomy at the present stage of growth include the following : the convergence of life sciences and biotechnology,transcendence of the natural processes,bio-process laws,asymmetry of bio-industries,and the law of inverse relations between globalization and research scale . This comparative study indicates that the laws of bioeconomy are harmonious,integrative and liberal,and bioeconomy is the return of agricultural economy at a higher level . It also leads to the conclusion that the concept of″h uman-orientation″will be the basic feature of the bioeconomy era,and modern biotechnology is and will be profoundly changing the mode of economic production and people's lifestyle .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 144-151 [Abstract] ( 7042 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1068KB] ( 5396 )
152 Luo Deming,Xi Xican
Financial Contract and the Locality of Informal Financial Market

This paper proposes an incomplete financial contract model and studies what factors affect the financing and locality of an informal financial market . We show that the size of an informal financial market increases with the entrepreneur's initial wealth,project's technological efficiency,probability of success of a good project,outside investor's wealth,and local factors like social conventions,culture and norms . The size decreases under a risk-free interest rate,or when a project's funds can be easily diverted for personal profit .

2010 Vol. 40 (2): 152-163 [Abstract] ( 6452 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1096KB] ( 15291 )
164 Zhu Chafen,Chen Chao,Jevons Lee
Private Information ,Fluctuation Risk and Large A-Shareholders'S elective Selling
This study investigates the large A-shareholders'selling behavior using the disclosed trading data before February 29,2008 . We find that large shareholders make use of private information about company's fundamental value and future performance in their selling decision . The companies which have higher valuation,worse prospect and larger price fluctuation risk will be sold more aggressively by large shareholders .By analyzing the selling quantity,we find that large sales are mainly made due to valuation and performance reasons,while small sales are provoked mainly by high price fluctuation risk . In terms of the insider identity,sales by controlling shareholders convey negative signals more definitely than sales by other large shareholders . The results can not only improve our understanding about large shareholders'trading behavior,but also have important implications for regulation and investor decision .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 164-173 [Abstract] ( 1404 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1060KB] ( 2820 )
174 Su Caixia
A Positive Study on the Stand of Legislative Interpretation of Criminal Law in China
There is a debate between the formal and substantive theories regarding the interpretation and application of criminal law . This positive study on the nine documents of the legislative interpretation of criminal law shows that the Chinese legislative interpretation of criminal lawadopts a substantiveinterpretation .The substantiveinterpretation has two beneficial functions : to improve criminal justice through reasonable criminalization;and to substantially protect human rights through reasonable non-criminalization .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 174-186 [Abstract] ( 6098 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1067KB] ( 4869 )
187 Du Yu
Confrontation on the Conception of Crime : Victim-Offender Mediation vs Traditional Crime Theory
Theappearance of Victim- Offender Mediation shows that another conception of crime is possible . A comparative analysis under the background of traditional crime theory fully demonstrates theconfrontation between two kinds of crime knowledge andideas .From the macro point of view,the different conceptions stem from great differences in observation route and methodology . The traditional crime theory is a far-distance observation model,leading to the ″nation-centered″c onception of crime . The Victim-Offender Mediation theory is based on the close-distance observation model,and has developed into the″v ictim-centered″c onception of crime .A radiate confrontation and tension is thus created in the following fields :social dangers theory,criminal law relations and victim's consent theory . This introspective dimension of Victim-Offender Mediation is very interpretive of crimes violating individual legal interests and offers an important angle for reassessing and improving traditional crime theory .
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 187-200 [Abstract] ( 1254 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1086KB] ( 2222 )
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 169 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 25 )
2010 Vol. 40 (2): 43- [Abstract] ( 168 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 28 )


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