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2009, Vol.39 Num.3
Online: 2009-04-01

A Comprehensive Discussion of Utilitarianism

This paper discusses comprehensively the weaknesses and merits of utilitarianism. These weaknesses may be classified into two kinds: One kind is the objections to utilitarianism raised by non-utilitarian philosophers. This paper, from the viewpoint of my unified utilitarian theory (UUT), argues that these weaknesses are either derived from a misunderstanding of utilitarianism, or being concerned with only one particular form of utilitarianism, rather than a general weakness of all forms of utilitarianism. The second kind of weakness is the difficulties felt by some economists, which can be removed or proves to be actually nonexistent in UUT. This paper, from the sources of the weaknesses, also reclassifies the weaknesses into three categories: namely, difficulties arising from the utility theory, difficulties arising from the theory of value, and difficulties arising from utilitarianism as an ethical theory. From the viewpoint of UUT, these three categories of weaknesses can all be removed. Further, this paper explains three features of the unified utilitarian theory: features of my modified VNM expected utility theory, features of my subjectivistic theory of value, and features of the unified utility theory as an ethical theory. Moreover, nine merits of utilitarianism are listed and explained, seven of which are common to all forms of utilitarianism, and the remaining two are particulars to UUT. Finally, this paper proposes a revised principle of utility, which is the same as that of act utilitarianism, except for three additional provisos.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 5- [Abstract] ( 1469 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1325KB] ( 1545 )
Sauntering between Economics and Ethics: Critique on the Unified Utilitarian Theory of C. L. Sheng

The Unified Utilitarian Theory established by C. L. Sheng is a criticism, succession and innovation of the classical utilitarianism, and is largely in alignment with the frontier research of modern economics on "social dilemma" and "social preferences", and also of modern ethics on "is" and "ought". Its paradigm of "moral satisfaction" is based on criticism of the traditional utilitarianism, and generalizes the maximizing method in economics into a model to analyze human behaviors as a whole, including the analysis of moral behaviors and altruism, such that offers significant enlightenments and inspirations to the solution of the crisis of the logical system of modern economics.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 21- [Abstract] ( 1106 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1466KB] ( 2228 )
Debate between Rule-utilitarianism and Act-utilitarianism : A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Deontology and Utilitarianism

Act-utilitarianism is a traditional form of utilitarianism, while rule-utilitarianism introduces new contents into the modern form of utilitarianism, thus refreshes this theory. As a representation of teleology in moral philosophy, utilitarianism is an important theory and has great effects on human life. However, problems and difficulties still exist, such as the debate between act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism. On one hand, rule-utilitarianism brings new problems and difficulties to the calculation of utility; on the other hand, it also plays a significant role on the relationship between deontology and utilitarianism, to which act-utilitarianism does not consent.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 27- [Abstract] ( 1067 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1466KB] ( 1725 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 34- [Abstract] ( 1106 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1528KB] ( 2005 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 46- [Abstract] ( 1110 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1656KB] ( 1913 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 55- [Abstract] ( 1481 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1610KB] ( 4876 )
A Scan from the Eyeshot of Humanism: The Intensive Analysis of Edward W. Said's Literary Criticism

"Dislocation" and "worldliness" are the most important genetic codes of Edward Said's literary criticism. With the expounding of "dislocation", Said established his radical critical position as a critical commonality intellectual, which subsequently gives rise to the contrapuntal reading. With the expounding of "worldliness", Said nailed down the mission and consciousness of a critic.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 64- [Abstract] ( 1264 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 2639 )
New Critique on Shakespeare's Humanism

In Shakespeare's early lyrics and comedies, ancient Greek desire and individual freedom are combined with Christian abstention and mercy perfectly. After eliminating the extreme asceticism, Christian culture displays the beauty of human nature. His early chronicle plays not only affirm the rationality of desire and human power and value, but also endow monarch with Jesus' mercy and lenience. His medium-term tragedies on one hand, depict the reality of evil desire overriding the clemency, on the other hand, reflect the kindness and evil by making clemency and caritas as a mirror and castigate the evil. His afternoon legend plays express more ideal and hope of Mankind in the way of Jesus' lenience and caritas. Taken together, Shakespeare's composition is a model of combining the Greek secular humanistic consciousness and Hebraic religious humanistic consciousness, and also blends the "ancient people" of Middle Ages and the "modern people" of early Renaissance.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 72- [Abstract] ( 978 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1468KB] ( 2052 )
The Desert Island Narrative: An Initial Scene in the Unfolding of Modernity

The unfolding of modernity is both a historical event and a realistic process, as well as a discourse construction process. From the logical and chronological perspective, the desert island narrative can be considered as an initial scene of modernity, which unfolds a whole series of modern topics. It is not only the point of departure for molding the modern Subject, but also the destination of constructing the modern Self. The shipwreck/ castaway event in the desert island narrative is the initial scene of modern significance. An individual abandoned into a desert island is symbolic of the modern Subject itself. At the same time, the desert island narrative also creates the "Other" for the Western world-the aboriginal Americans and slaves from Africa, deprived of their land and their voice. Moreover, in the span of the utopian/anti-utopian space is embodied the pursuit of reason and order, which, however, eventually travels to its opposite and becomes a continuum of such contradictory and ironical elements as affirmation and negation, praise and criticism, belief and skepticism.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 79- [Abstract] ( 1122 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 2553 )
On Innovation Culture and Its Dominant Paradigms

Innovation culture,originated from J.Schumpeter’s Innovation Theory,is the combination of various innovation-practice-related cultural forms whose basic concept and value orientation focus on pursuing change and advocating innovation. It includes three levels: innovative idea culture,institutional culture and environment culture.During the development of innovation culture,three dominant paradigms of innovation culture have been suggested:the New Axiology Paradigm,the Innovative-nation Paradigm and the Revolutionary Presume Paradigm. The New Axiology Paradigm,with innovation subject as the observation point,15 fueled by idea revolution. The Innovative-nation Paradigm,with‘,nation‘,一the leading role of innovation-as the observation point,is fueled by the nation’s innovation pursuit. And the Revolutionary Presume Paradigm,with the relationship between producers and consumers as its observation point, is fueled by the revolution of the production relations and consumption patterns.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 87- [Abstract] ( 1105 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1469KB] ( 2552 )
The Change of Family Break-up Law in the Song Dynasty and Its Reasons

The "Family Break-up Law" in the Song dynasty changed a lot with the modification from emperors of Song Zhenzong, Song Renzong, Song Xiaozong to Song Guangzong, in that the property right of children in a family was gradually recognized by the Court. The items of "Family Break-up Law" were issued in a special law from Song Taizu to the early years of Song Renzong; the property earned by the children themselves was recognized by the Court in the 4th year of Jingyou and became legal even when their parents and grandparents were still alive in the years of Song Xiaozong; the law was modified slightly in the time of Song Guangzong. Two important factors that contribute to the change are the heavy burden on people from the office service corvee and numerous property law suits during that time. In fact the implementation of this law is not as ideal as supposed

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 94- [Abstract] ( 1264 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1502KB] ( 2873 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 104- [Abstract] ( 1132 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1402KB] ( 2236 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 113- [Abstract] ( 921 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1443KB] ( 2009 )
The Blind Zone of Mathematical Logic and the Rise of Philosophical Logic: Comments on Heidegger's Thought of Philosophical Logic

Heidegger believes that logic concerns the meaning of a sentence and the content of judgment. The development of mathematical logic makes logic lose its significance and depart from the ontological discussion. Philosophical logic is not a new discipline but has just realized the characterization of the traditional logic, and also a deviant logic different from mathematical logic. Through studying the relationship between logic and philosophy, we obtain a deeper understanding toward the nature of logic and the relationship between different logical systems. The formal differentiation of different logical systems helps us better clarify the philosophical concept and explain it more accurately. In studying philosophical logic and the philosophy of logic,we must keep it in mind that logic needs philosophical justification and philosophy is the basis of the study of logic. Philosophical logic is the application of logic in philosophy and the philosophical idea has been inculcated deeply in this process of application.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 125- [Abstract] ( 1185 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1458KB] ( 3070 )
The Rise and Decline of the Four-character Verse of Book o f Songs

The so-called "four-character verse" of Book o f Songs is essentially a "two two-four" sound-rhythm structure. Its molding influence covered poetry, music and dance during the Zhou Dynasty, a period of "absolute molding" of the four-character structure of Chinese. The regular sentence pattern of Da Ya, that is, a paragon of the style of Book o f Songs, actually reflected the rhythm of court music under the restriction of Zhou double-tone bells. The rhythm, in turn, originated from the rhythmic framework of Qizhou (a period preceding the founding of Zhou Dynasty) folk songs shaped by the rhythm of two men tilling side by side (known as ougeng, a farming practice invented in the reign of King Wen). The continuation of the style of Book of Songs ultimately hinged on the effectiveness of the Square-Fields System, which was based on the Zhou si, a spade like farm tool made of wood. Hence, the advent of the Chinese Iron Age in the early Warring States Period led to the collapse of the Square-Fields System, the loss of court music, and the disappearance of the style of Book o f Songs, thereby bringing an end to the period of the "absolute molding" of the four-character structure of Chinese.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 131- [Abstract] ( 1446 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1501KB] ( 2024 )
The Investigation and Analysis of "the Flexible Use' of the Nouns in Zuozhuan

Flexibility of the part of speech is a very common and important linguistic phenomenon in ancient Chinese. The author aimed to describe and probe into it by investigating the flexible use of the nouns in Zuozhuan which is a large-scale literature in the Pre-Qin Dynasty. In Zuozhuan, there are 89 nouns which occasionally offend their routine grammatical characteristics and are flexibly used as verbs, adverbs, etc. for as many as 227 times. These nouns have the following characteristics: On the grammatical aspect,they have evident structural characteristics when they are flexibly used as other parts of speech occasionally. On the semantic aspect, there are inseparable relations between the meanings of the nouns before and after flexible use. They can be summarized into derivation, metonymy and metaphor. On the pragmatic aspect, the flexible use of nouns has special expressive functions, which are intensively embodied in styles, personal characteristics and contexts. By investigating the flexible use of the nouns in Zuozhuan,it can be concluded that "flexibility of the part of speech" is a special grammatical phenomenon that originated from and accommodated the characteristics of Chinese language. It is evidently different from the combination of the parts of speech, interchangeability of words and read. It is one of the important structural methods of ancient Chinese, especially in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, and has special grammatical functions which are different from the flexible use for rhetorical effect in contemporary Chinese. It is important to scientifically describe it to know the characteristics of ancient Chinese, to read ancient literature and to understand the traditional culture.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 140- [Abstract] ( 1153 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1504KB] ( 2239 )
On Double-Numeral-Classifier Construction in Chinese

Construction Grammar regards some modern Chinese sentences, such as "A pot of rice eat ten people", as related to a cognitive construction, called Double-Numeral-Classifier Construction. The sentences in the construction are its instantiations and elaborations. The construction takes on the form of NP, + V + NPz and its constructional meaning denotes ' supply-and-demand balance in quantity , i. e. the supply denoted by NP, is equal to, or greater than, the demand denoted by NPz, hence the demand satisfied and balance achieved. The activation and representation of partial constructional meaning necessitate metonymy or metaphor in individual cases, whereas the general construal of the construction is related to the conceptual container metaphor. The construction imposes constraint or coercion on entities that enter it. The constructional meaning overrides the original meaning of verbs, in such a way that semantically incompatible verbs are denied access to it and other verbs are shown some tolerance and offered a compromise. The formation and use of the construction can be explained with the Usage-based Model. The present study also sheds light on the two topics heatedly discussed in Chinese linguistics circles: subject- object reversibility and agent as object.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 149- [Abstract] ( 1228 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1507KB] ( 2663 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 157- [Abstract] ( 1502 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1489KB] ( 2779 )
The Research on the Taboo of Folk Characters in the Tang Dynasty

The form variation is an important feature for taboo in the Tang dynasty. The popularity of folk characters makes the avoidance of characters in monarchs' names appear in common characters. This taboo appears not only in the form of common characters, but also in the folk characters which are related to the common characters. This leads to the appearance of special folk characters taboo in the Tang dynasty. Basically speaking, this is a reasonable result when the development of taboo system and the form of folk character gets fastigium. Due to the change of focal point in taboo and the popularity of block printing, the taboo of folk characters can not develop without its procreant conditions and gets to its end after the Song dynasty.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 165- [Abstract] ( 1546 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1556KB] ( 73179 )
Research on the Elegy of the Newly Edited from the Epitaph in the Tang Dynasty

Elegy is an important segment of funeral custom in ancient times and is a special genre of mourning literature. Most of the elegies are played by the band in the process of funeral, and those engraved on the stele are very rare. A batch of elegies engraved on the newly excavated epitaph of the Tang Dynasty have been discovered, which possess important reference value as the poetry of the Tang Dynasty. These elegies can be divided into two types: one is excavated on the cover of epitaph; and the other is from the epitaph. These two types of elegies have their uniqueness in terms of the author, the object the author mourned, the content and form. Meanwhile, the elegy of the Tang Dynasty has a very close relationship with the funeral custom and the etiquette custom, and therefore can help us know and understand the funeral custom of the Tang Dynasty. Furthermore, through comparative research on the elegies engraved on the newly excavated epitaph of the Tang Dynasty and the elegies handed down, we can obtain a deeper understanding toward the special literary value and sociocultural significance of elegies.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 175- [Abstract] ( 1817 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1501KB] ( 3738 )
Shen Shanbao's Life Journey and Literary Interaction in Her Later Years

The literary interaction of Shen Shanbao in her late life could be divided into two stages. The first stage covered her stay in Beijing with her husband; and the second stage covered her stay in Jin (Shanxi), again with her husband (before that period of time, she was visiting family in her home town in the South). When in Beijing, she was leading a relatively stable life, and her literary interaction with other literati and female poets was most active and effective. However, after moving to Jin, she seemed "off focused" because of the need to travel frequently between Bingzhou, Shuoping and Fenzhou. As the female poet followed her husband to the north region, Shen not only actively interacted with the female poets of the north but also continued to maintain a close connection with the southern female poets, establishing a link between the northern and southern female poets, and also promoting a greater degree of space and diversity for developing cultural and literal styles in the Reign of Dao-Xian (1821-1861). Essentially, this progress was closely related to social changes, reflecting the transition of the female poets from the traditional society to the modern society.

2009 Vol. 39 (3): 184- [Abstract] ( 1330 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1482KB] ( 2590 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 192- [Abstract] ( 1030 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1496KB] ( 2820 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 32 )
2009 Vol. 39 (3): 4- [Abstract] ( 128 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 33 )


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