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2013 Vol. 43 (1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 796 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 335 KB] ( 990 )
5 Zhang Qianming
A Study on the Impact of the Rise of Emerging Powers on the Transformationof International Order :An International Legitimacy Perspective
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 5-12 [Abstract] ( 2201 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1104 KB] ( 2816 )
13 Qian Hongdao Jiang Bin
Cyberkans and Ineffectvie Communication :A New PublicForum Doctrine in the Internet Era
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 2941 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1291 KB] ( 2591 )
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 30- [Abstract] ( 129 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 25 )
31 Tyler T .Yang Liu Feng Lin Chen
Isolating Bubble Impacts from the Housing Finance System :The Financial Innovation of Home Appreciation Participation Notes
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 31-42 [Abstract] ( 1918 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1720 KB] ( 1771 )
43 Liu Hongyu Jiang Peiyan Wu Jing
Inventory,House Price Fluctuations and Enterprise Risks : Evidence from China's Listed Real Estate Developers
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 43-57 [Abstract] ( 2044 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1482 KB] ( 2150 )
58 Ren Chaoqun Wu Jing Deng Yongheng
The Effect of Market Expectation on the Change of Housing Rent to Price Ratio :An Analysis Based on User Cost Model
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 58-72 [Abstract] ( 2754 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2597 KB] ( 3377 )
73 Huang Zuhui Fu Yuzhi
The Efficiency Assessment of Cooperatives :A Theoretical Analysis Frame
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 73-84 [Abstract] ( 1168 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1110 KB] ( 15185 )
85 Jiang Jianyong Qian Wenrong Guo Hongdong
Social Networks,Social Skills and Peasant Entrepreneurs'Resources Acquisition
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 85-100 [Abstract] ( 2702 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2360 KB] ( 2130 )
101 Hu Jianmiao Hu Xiaojun
An Analysis of the Legal Provisions and Legal Legislation on Administrative Orders
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 101-111 [Abstract] ( 3475 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1078 KB] ( 2668 )
112 Zhang Youlian Chen Xinyong
On Public Policies in Judging Tort Claims :An Analysis of Tort Claims inCommuniqueof the Supreme People's Court
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 112-121 [Abstract] ( 850 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1077 KB] ( 1813 )
122 Chen Weiying Pim Mak Ted Sanders
The Effect of Grammatical Roles and Discourse Topichoodon Referent Prominence
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 122-134 [Abstract] ( 3096 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1807 KB] ( 2742 )
135 Xu Lisheng
Aspects of Discourse Analysis :Reflections on the Criticismof Critical Discourse Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 135-143 [Abstract] ( 3135 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1158 KB] ( 4675 )
144 Zhang Jun
The Thoughts of Virtue and Happiness in the Traditionof Confucian Natural Rationalism
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 144-154 [Abstract] ( 1320 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1092 KB] ( 1739 )
155 Xu Xianjun
Heidegger and Computer :On the Ideal Relation between ContemporaryPhilosophy and Technological Praxis
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 155-163 [Abstract] ( 1707 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1064 KB] ( 1516 )
164 Wang Ruicheng
The Treaty System and the Coastal Peripheral Society :Reinterpreting the Negotiationsand Texts of Peace Treaty after the Opium War
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 164-174 [Abstract] ( 1026 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1074 KB] ( 1592 )
175 Gong Yanming
A Textual Research on the Newly Discovered Writings on Cexuein the Tang Dynasty
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 175-178 [Abstract] ( 2259 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 965 KB] ( 2580 )
179 Lang Jinhuan Shi Jinchuan
Processing Trade,Normal Trade and the Transmission Channels of Foreign Demand Shock
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 179-190 [Abstract] ( 1996 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1271 KB] ( 2537 )
191 Liu Zhongli Li Wei
The Efficiency of WTO's Anti-subsidy and Optimal R&D Policy
2013 Vol. 43 (1): 191-200 [Abstract] ( 3021 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1085 KB] ( 2230 )
1 Chen Mingliang Gao Chunyu
Consumer Herding in Software Adoption
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 462 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1082 KB] ( 237 )
1 Shen Manhong Zhang Bingbing
A Review of the Transaction Cost Theory
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-15 [Abstract] ( 420 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1549 KB] ( 353 )
1 Fan Yun
Jean-Jacques Rousseau as ''an Approach'': The Rousseau Study in Modern China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 496 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1154 KB] ( 346 )
1 Lu Qunxing
Invisible Legislators: The Function and the Legitimacy Problem of Legislative Staff in Legislation in China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-16 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2018 KB] ( 270 )
1 Lin Jinsong
On the System of Investigating the Cause of Death Occurring at the Place of Custody
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 347 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1162 KB] ( 208 )
1 Liu Mingming
On Edward Sapir's Concept-centered and Meaning-based Grammatical Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 869 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 762 KB] ( 427 )
1 Jin Weifeng
On Compensation for the Stateowned Land Use Right in Housing Expropriation
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 758 KB] ( 421 )
A Historical Review of Henry James Study in China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 969 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1062 KB] ( 426 )
1 Hu Meixian
Is ''Special Intellectual Class'' Real Intellectuals? -- Lu Xun's Thoughts about Intellectuals
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-13 [Abstract] ( 395 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1831 KB] ( 231 )
1 Zhao Jun Lü Chenglong
Implications of FCPA Jurisdiction's Expansion: China's Path from the Perspective of Incrementalism
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-18 [Abstract] ( 819 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2085 KB] ( 505 )
1 Gao Like
The Paradox of Yan Fu's View on Freedom
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-13 [Abstract] ( 590 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1493 KB] ( 312 )
1 Yang Liuyong Zhang Jingjing
Global and Regional Systematic Risk Measurement and China's Overseas Investment:Sample of China's Main Overseas Destinations of Outward Investment
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-12 [Abstract] ( 629 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1034 KB] ( 321 )
1 Jin Xuejun Zhong Yi
A Study of the Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Transmission Mechanism of Financial Stability
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-15 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1280 KB] ( 231 )
1 Chen Guoquan Mao Yimin
Corruption Fission: A Social Exchange Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 471 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1045 KB] ( 347 )
1 Su Gengxin
A Brief Review of Sixty Years of Brontё Criticism in PRC
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-13 [Abstract] ( 862 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1501 KB] ( 455 )
1 Chu Xiaochan
Philological Explanation of 8 Words and Expressions in Shicang Contracts
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 667 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 830 KB] ( 331 )
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 980 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 228 KB] ( 926 )
5 Chen Guoquan Mao Yimin
Corruption Fission: A Social Exchange Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 5-13 [Abstract] ( 1263 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1238 KB] ( 2327 )
14 Zhao Jun Lü Chenglong
Implications of FCPA Jurisdiction's Expansion:China's Pathfrom the Perspective of Incrementalism
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 14-31 [Abstract] ( 1237 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1698 KB] ( 3778 )
32 Yang Liuyong Zhang Jingjing
Global and Regional Systematic Risk Measurement and China’s Overseas Investment:Sample of China‘s Main Overseas Destinations of Outward Investment
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 32-43 [Abstract] ( 1131 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1268 KB] ( 1491 )
44 Shen Manhong Zhang Bingbing
A Review of the Transaction Cost Theory
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 44-58 [Abstract] ( 1479 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1017 KB] ( 4521 )
59 Jin Xuejun Zhong Yi
A Study of the Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on theTransmission Mechanism of Financial Stability
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 59-73 [Abstract] ( 1438 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1021 KB] ( 6601 )
74 Lu Qunxing
Invisible Legislators: The Function and the Legitimacy Problem of Legislative Staff in Legislation in China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 74-89 [Abstract] ( 1503 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1102 KB] ( 2314 )
90 Lin Jinsong
On the System of Investigating the Cause of Death Occurring
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 90-99 [Abstract] ( 984 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 964 KB] ( 1302 )
100 Jin Weifeng
On Compensation for the State-owned Land Use Right in Housing Expropriation
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 100-107 [Abstract] ( 1231 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 949 KB] ( 2622 )
108 Ye Jiyuan
Quality and Innovativeness in the Evaluation of Academic Journals
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 108-117 [Abstract] ( 2966 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1023 KB] ( 1726 )
108 Ye Jiyuan
Quality and Innovativeness in the Evaluation of Academic Journals
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 108-117 [Abstract] ( 2996 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1023 KB] ( 2329 )
118 Su Gengxin
A Brief Review of Sixty Years of Bronte Criticism in PRC
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 118-130 [Abstract] ( 1059 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1475 KB] ( 2288 )
131 Wang Liya
A Historical Review of Henry James Study in China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 131-138 [Abstract] ( 1234 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1159 KB] ( 2151 )
139 Chu Xiaochan
Philological Explanation of 8 Words and Expressions in Shicang Contracts
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 139-146 [Abstract] ( 1129 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1098 KB] ( 1744 )
147 Gao Like
The Paradox of Yan Fu,s View on Freedom
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 147-159 [Abstract] ( 1534 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 993 KB] ( 4309 )
160 Fan Yun
Jean-Jacques Rousseau as″an Approach″ :The Rousseau Study in Modern China
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 160-168 [Abstract] ( 1222 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1166 KB] ( 2114 )
169 Hu Meixian
Is ″Special Intellectual Class″ Real Intellectuals ?
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 169-181 [Abstract] ( 1685 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1464 KB] ( 1603 )
182 Liu Mingming
On Edward Sapir's Conceptcentered and Meaningbased Grammatical Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 182-189 [Abstract] ( 1341 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1090 KB] ( 1444 )
Consumer Herding in Software Adoption
2013 Vol. 43 (2): 190-200 [Abstract] ( 1014 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1248 KB] ( 1538 )
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 864 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 433 KB] ( 1024 )
5 Yu Jianxing He Bin
''One Industry, One Association'' or ''One Industry, Many Associations''?A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Provision of Collective Goods by Industrial Associations
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 5-20 [Abstract] ( 1141 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 997 )
21 Guo Lin
From ''Dying without a Burial Place'' to ''Resting in Peace'': Research on the Reform of Chinese Funeral Service System under the Fourdimensional Visual Threshold
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 21-31 [Abstract] ( 2342 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2035 )
32 Zhang Wei
A Study on the University Fundraising System from the Perspective of Mass Higher Education
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 32-44 [Abstract] ( 3755 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2387 )
45 Zhu Jianping
Logic and Philosophy: A OneHundredYear Review
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 45-52 [Abstract] ( 2319 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2553 )
53 Hu Longbiao
A Natural Solution to Liartype Paradoxes Based on Buridans Semantically Closed Logic
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 53-61 [Abstract] ( 2656 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 1900 )
62 Wu Xiuming Zhang Tao
The Dilemmas and Main Issues in the Research of the Historical Documents of Contemporary Chinese Literature
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 62-74 [Abstract] ( 1889 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2314 )
75 Liu Kedi
Chen Yinque and 20th Century Sinology
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 75-82 [Abstract] ( 4913 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 3906 )
83 Zeng Daxing
Climate, Phenophase and Regionalism in Classical Chinese Literature
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 83-92 [Abstract] ( 3381 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 3124 )
93 Sun Fuxuan
Dai Lunzhe's Han Wei Liuchao Fu Zhaiyan Pushuo and the Late Qing Fu
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 93-102 [Abstract] ( 1094 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 1631 )
103 Zhang Kai
Dispute of ''Jinwen'' and ''Guwen'' and Orientation of Confucianism under the Background of ''National Calamity''
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 103-115 [Abstract] ( 3438 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 3737 )
116 Qi Yinping He Xianyue
Matthoeus Ricci's Change of Clothing and Alessandro Valignano's Cultural Accommodation Policy Revisited
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 116-124 [Abstract] ( 3176 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 3870 )
125 Liu Youzhi
A Study on the Multilevel Direct Financing Modes of Chinese Cultural Enterprise
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 125-133 [Abstract] ( 1935 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2009 )
134 Qiu Ge
Moral Development:A Comparative Study of the Moral Decision Models in Journalism
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 134-143 [Abstract] ( 1738 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 1480 )
144 Pan LiyongLu Qingxiang
A For-leisure Life: The Purport and Spiritual State of Aesthetics in the Song Dynasty
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 144-154 [Abstract] ( 3301 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 3936 )
155 Zhou Lingqiang Lin Qingqing
A Study on the Dimensional Relationship between Backpackers Motivation and Involvement
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 155-163 [Abstract] ( 1915 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2412 )
164 Zhao Xiaoqing
Indigenous Innovation in China's Automobile Industry:Institutional Causes for the Failure of the Strategy of ''Trading Market for Technology''
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 164-176 [Abstract] ( 1433 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 1821 )
177 Fan Bonai Shao Qing Xu Wei
A Study on the Functional Alienation of Village-level Organizations in the Post-agricultural Tax Era and Its Governance
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 177-188 [Abstract] ( 3097 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2572 )
189 Zhu Chafen Chen Chao Zhou Luhai
Delays in Trade Disclosure by Insiders in the A-Shares Market: Motivation and Consequences
2013 Vol. 43 (3): 189-200 [Abstract] ( 3417 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4483 KB] ( 2335 )
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 1055 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 536 KB] ( 1123 )
5 Lu Wencong Yu Xinping
Agricultural Technological Progress and Farmers' Income Growth in China
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 5-16 [Abstract] ( 2306 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1966 KB] ( 2470 )
17 Guo Hongdong Zhou Huijun
Previous Experience, Entrepreneurial Alertness and Farmers' Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification:A Mediating Effect Model and Its Implications
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 17-27 [Abstract] ( 3117 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1903 KB] ( 2952 )
28 Hu Xiaoyun Yu Yaofeng
Assessment and Decisive Elements of ″Brand of New Countryside″
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 28-38 [Abstract] ( 2278 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2168 KB] ( 2259 )
39 Zhang Xiaodi Deng Juan
Study on the Efficiency of China's Ports and Its Enhancement
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 39-51 [Abstract] ( 3658 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2389 KB] ( 8874 )
52 Jiang Yuexiang Jiang Ruibo
Regional Financial Innovation: Efficiency Evaluation,Environmental Effects and Disparity Analysis
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 52-65 [Abstract] ( 3720 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2731 KB] ( 3116 )
66 Zhang Guoqing Liu Teng
Fragmentary or Comprehensive: Comparative Study of Dewey's and Rawls' Social Governance Theories
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 66-76 [Abstract] ( 2200 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2489 KB] ( 1803 )
77 Wang Jiangli
The Historical Turn of Contemporary IR Study in China
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 77-92 [Abstract] ( 2417 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3660 KB] ( 3495 )
93 Wei Lu Ding Fangzhou
The Transformation of Communication Studies in the New Media Age
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 93-103 [Abstract] ( 3390 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2865 KB] ( 7404 )
104 Wang Duanxu Zheng Xianwei
An Integrated Study of Workplace Aggression: Combining the Multiple Dimensions
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 2570 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1713 KB] ( 22871 )
113 Xu LishengSun Shunü
Towards the Construction of a Progressive-Interactive Model for Intercultural Competence Development
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 113-121 [Abstract] ( 2627 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1755 KB] ( 3275 )
122 Liu Yue
Words of Chinese Origin in German and Their Development Tendency
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 122-134 [Abstract] ( 4035 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2363 KB] ( 16934 )
135 Shen Songqin Lou Pei
On Ye Shi's Innovations and Achievements in Epigraph Writing
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 135-145 [Abstract] ( 3089 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3029 KB] ( 2417 )
146 Wang Dehua
A Study on the Selection and Description of the Capital Ye in Zuo Si's Sandu Fu: The Historical and Political Backgrounds of ''Luoyang Zhigui''
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 146-156 [Abstract] ( 3716 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2866 KB] ( 2723 )
157 Ma Shuzhong Zhang Hongsheng
Product Differentiation, Foreign Vertical Merger and Market Competition:An Analysis of Product Positioning and Market Share
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 157-169 [Abstract] ( 2334 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2292 KB] ( 1976 )
170 Chen Feiqiong Zhong Fangfang Chen Yao
Chinese OFDI and Technology Innovation
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 170-181 [Abstract] ( 2544 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2157 KB] ( 2700 )
182 Huang Genghua Mok Ka-ho
University Students' Perception on Social Stratification and Social Opportunities:A Post-Elitist Perspective
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 182-195 [Abstract] ( 1825 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2907 KB] ( 2516 )
2013 Vol. 43 (4): 196-200 [Abstract] ( 1637 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1511 KB] ( 1524 )
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 485 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 594 KB] ( 1340 )
5 Qian Hongdao
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 5-6 [Abstract] ( 971 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1104 KB] ( 1665 )
7 Wu Shuchen Wu Jianmin
Theoretical Interpretation of the Practical Style of the Chinese Traditional Jurisprudence: The Cultivation of China Practical School of Rule of Law
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 7-17 [Abstract] ( 2356 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1418 KB] ( 2436 )
18 Qian Hongdao Wang Mengyu
Cultivating the Public Reason with the Practice of the Rule of Law: The Realistic Significance of China Practical School of Rule of Law
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 18-32 [Abstract] ( 1156 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1517 KB] ( 1869 )
33 Qiu Ben Xu Bofeng
The Road of Chinese Rule of Law Development and China Practical School of Rule of Law
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 33-44 [Abstract] ( 2214 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1383 KB] ( 2560 )
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 44- [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 31 )
45 Christian Reus-Smit
Power, Legitimacy, and Order in International Society
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 45-56 [Abstract] ( 2164 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1396 KB] ( 3160 )
57 Ian Clark
International Society and China: The Power of Norms and the Norms of Power
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 57-69 [Abstract] ( 2188 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1445 KB] ( 2387 )
70 Ian Hurd
The UN Security Council and the International Rule of Law
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 70-81 [Abstract] ( 2023 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1433 KB] ( 3003 )
82 Shao Peiren Zhan Ning
The Existence of Western Theory and the Existing Theory in China: An Analysis Based on the Text of Habermas's Public Sphere
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 82-102 [Abstract] ( 3036 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1633 KB] ( 13564 )
103 Huang Baozhong
Social Ecology of the Growth of Private Publishing Industry in Modern China
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 103-121 [Abstract] ( 2135 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1586 KB] ( 2686 )
122 Hu Kexian
Literary Autobiography and Family Biography: Familial Factor of the Unearthed Epitaph Style of the Tang Dynasty
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 122-137 [Abstract] ( 2178 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1505 KB] ( 2733 )
138 Meng Guodong
The Origin of Epitaphs and the Establishment of the Epitaph Style
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 138-149 [Abstract] ( 2170 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1835 KB] ( 3317 )
150 He Huaiwen
Right of Distribution in the Network Environment
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 150-160 [Abstract] ( 2287 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1387 KB] ( 3010 )
160 Li Yongming Zheng Shuyun Hong Junjie
On the Restrictions to Administrative Law Enforcement of Intellectual Property:Against the Background of the Latest Revision of Intellectual Property Laws
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 160-170 [Abstract] ( 1363 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1673 KB] ( 1774 )
171 Shen Jian Tang Yunguan
Festival Games and Lives in Community: The Feast of Fools in the Medieval France
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 171-180 [Abstract] ( 2097 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1517 KB] ( 2341 )
181 Liu Yiqing
A Debate on the Authenticity of Orchid Pavilion Preface from the Perspective of Hermeneutics
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 181-190 [Abstract] ( 1715 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1358 KB] ( 2210 )
191 Pan Chengyu
The Mainstream Prose in the Early Qing Dynasty:The Prose Writing Network of Adherents of Ming Dynasty from the Perspective of Li Shixiong
2013 Vol. 43 (5): 191-200 [Abstract] ( 1369 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1409 KB] ( 2377 )
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 377 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 600 KB] ( 926 )
5 Zhou Guping Zhang Qiang
Localization and Equalization :A Historical Review Centered on the Establishment of Northwest Associated University
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 1417 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2472 KB] ( 1921 )
16 Xiao Lang1 Wang Ming2
A Study on the Development of the View of Science in Modern China : Evolution of the Concept of″Science″from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Republic of China
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 16-32 [Abstract] ( 1443 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3673 KB] ( 2530 )
33 Zhu Jikang1 Hsiang-te Kung2 Yeh Hsueh3
The Quotations of the Cognitive Concept of the″Teaching″Function in Modern European and American Early Childhood Education Thoughts in the Republic of China Period
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 33-42 [Abstract] ( 1236 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2188 KB] ( 1735 )
43 Chen Guoquan Zhou Luyao
Restriction and Supervision :Two Different Logics of Power
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 43-51 [Abstract] ( 1618 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2014 KB] ( 2679 )
52 Zhang Guoqing
John Rawls'Secret and Its Consequences
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 52-62 [Abstract] ( 1330 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2591 KB] ( 1838 )
63 Sun Zhaoyang
Trade Union Development and Wage Disparity :The Standardized Wage Policy in US and UK
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 63-73 [Abstract] ( 1444 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2620 KB] ( 2286 )
74 Ye Yongfei
The Usufructuary Right Attributes of Carbon Emission Right
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 74-81 [Abstract] ( 1961 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1796 KB] ( 2526 )
82 Hu Qiao
A Research on Regulatory Competence Loopholes in the Food Safety Law in China
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 82-94 [Abstract] ( 1432 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2754 KB] ( 2363 )
95 Chen Jianjun1 Yuan Kai2
The Duality of the Spatial Distribution of Heterogeneous Firms : An Analysis Based on the Latest Research Literature
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 95-108 [Abstract] ( 1703 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2917 KB] ( 2299 )
109 Gan Lihao
The Types of Intertextuality in Chinese
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 109-120 [Abstract] ( 2054 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3124 KB] ( 2160 )
121 Zhang Jianli Fang Zhanfeng
A Study on Chinese Monotransitive Construction with Non-Agent Subject
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 121-131 [Abstract] ( 1437 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2379 KB] ( 2179 )
132 Li Kesheng1 Zou Chongli2
CCG Approach to Mandarin Chinese under the Principle of Syntax-Semantics Correspondence
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 132-140 [Abstract] ( 3281 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1987 KB] ( 3724 )
141 Lin Jiali1 Sun Bao2
Textual Studies on Four Aspects of Cui Yin
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 141-154 [Abstract] ( 3514 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3435 KB] ( 2562 )
155 Zhu Zejie1 Huang Zhiguo2
Chen Hus″Lian Society″and Wantan Shihua
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 155-163 [Abstract] ( 2445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2349 KB] ( 2143 )
164 He Lianzhen LvZhouyang
A New Perspective of Language Testing Research :Critical Language Testing
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 164-173 [Abstract] ( 1703 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2111 KB] ( 3465 )
174 Wang Yong Liu Haitao
Quantitative Properties of Russian Nouns
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 174-186 [Abstract] ( 3217 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2786 KB] ( 2577 )
187 Liu Mingming
Validation of Test of English Major Band 4 (TEM4) Story Retelling Oral Test Rating Scale
2013 Vol. 43 (6): 187-194 [Abstract] ( 3321 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1661 KB] ( 3482 )
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