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2014 Vol. 44 (1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 325 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 535 KB] ( 1170 )
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 4- [Abstract] ( 124 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 27 )
5 Hu Ming Zhang Jian
Transformation and Inheritance: The Criminal Mediation in the Period of the Republic of China-A Survey on Longquan Judicial Archives (1929--1949)
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 5-20 [Abstract] ( 518 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3510 KB] ( 1393 )
21 Du Zhengzhen
The Clan Norms and the Civil Law in the Republic of China: A Case Study about Ji Genealogy from Longquan Judicial Archives
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 21-33 [Abstract] ( 1369 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3003 KB] ( 1979 )
34 Wu Zhengqiang
A Study on the Circumstance of ''Non-appearance after Repeated Summons Issuance'' in the Late Qing Dynasty as Recorded in Longquan Judicial Files
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 34-41 [Abstract] ( 1278 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2105 KB] ( 1657 )
42 Hu Kexian Wu Xiaohong
A Study on the Gold and Silver Ornaments in the Classical Poetry of the Tang and Five Dynasties
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 42-63 [Abstract] ( 2882 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 11228 KB] ( 3636 )
Studies on the History of Ancient China in the beginning of 21st Century
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 64-75 [Abstract] ( 1678 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2703 KB] ( 2822 )
76 Zhang Jiemo Wu Biqun
Ruler-Subject, Brother-Brother and Friend-Friend Relations: An Exploration of Three Sets of Interpersonal Relationships in The Book of Songs
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 76-86 [Abstract] ( 2873 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2904 KB] ( 3181 )
87 Zhang Deming
Genealogy and Communication Mechanisms of the Literary Canon
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 87-99 [Abstract] ( 5140 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3147 KB] ( 4946 )
100 Zhang Ran
A Probe into Not-for-profit Organizations' Reputation in China during Social  Transition Period: Crisis Origin and Remodeling Path
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 100-112 [Abstract] ( 1329 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2812 KB] ( 1953 )
113 Zhang Gang Zhang Xiaojun
Driving Factors of Green Innovation Strategy: Multiple Case Study
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 113-124 [Abstract] ( 1862 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2365 KB] ( 2952 )
125 Zhu Yaoping
Qualia, Subjectivity and Self-Awareness
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 125-133 [Abstract] ( 3389 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1842 KB] ( 3041 )
134 Wang Xiaolu Feng Jun
Factors Related to Metaphor-Processing Areas of the Brain
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 134-146 [Abstract] ( 2247 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3347 KB] ( 2465 )
147 Zhang Guojun
Wisdom in Ethics Exemption: A Study Based on Solutions of Ethical and Legal Dilemma in Chinese Ethical Jurisprudence
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 147-158 [Abstract] ( 1256 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2782 KB] ( 1885 )
159 Li Youxing Feng Zeliang
Rethinking Institutional Environment for Valuation Adjustment Mechanism in China
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 159-167 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3211 KB] ( 3178 )
168 Huang Zuhui Wang Xinxin Kevin Chen Chen Jiali
China's Economic Growth in the Context of Demographic Transition:Simulation with Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 168-183 [Abstract] ( 620 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3093 KB] ( 2055 )
184 Xiao Wen Zhou Junzhi
Chinese OFDI Location Preferences with Country-specific Advantages: An Empirical Analysis Based on Firms' Investment Motivation and Capability
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 184-196 [Abstract] ( 1394 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3106 KB] ( 2527 )
197 Zhang Xukun Zhu Cheng
Income Distribution, Protection of Property Rights and Social Conflict: Conflict Management and Harmonious Society from the Perspective of Modern Economics
2014 Vol. 44 (1): 197-207 [Abstract] ( 1237 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2317 KB] ( 1503 )
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 273 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 25073 KB] ( 2601 )
5 Xu Maijin Zhang Huwei
What Instructional Capabilities Should Teachers in Research Universities Possess ? --A Qualitative Study Based on Grounded Theory
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 1705 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2956 KB] ( 2681 )
16 Guan Changlong
On″Ritual Vessels″
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 16-25 [Abstract] ( 833 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2638 KB] ( 2094 )
26 Zhang Kai
The Transformation of″Classical Studies and Historiography″and the Path to the Reconstruction of the System of Chinese Civilization :A Study of the Disagreements and Agreements between Fu Sinian and Meng Wentong
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 26-40 [Abstract] ( 811 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3339 KB] ( 1566 )
41 Wei Lu Hu Yumeng
Issue Presentation in the Chinese Microblogosphere : An Empirical Study of Sina Hot Weibo
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 41-52 [Abstract] ( 763 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2626 KB] ( 1715 )
53 Chen Mingliang Qiu Tingting Xie Ying
Scientific Construction of the Evaluation Index System for Microbloggers' Influence
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 53-63 [Abstract] ( 1817 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2128 KB] ( 3724 )
64 Wu Xiao bo Yao Mingming Wu Zhaohui Wu Dong
The Classification of Business Model from the Value Network Perspective : Evidence from the Modern Service Industry
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 64-77 [Abstract] ( 1300 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2796 KB] ( 2946 )
78 Liu Jingjiang Wang Wenxing
Research on Managerial Attention :A State of the Art Review
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 78-87 [Abstract] ( 736 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1933 KB] ( 1537 )
88 Zhou Lingqiang Li Qiucheng Zhu Lin
Outcome Efficacy,People-destination Affect,and Tourists' Environmentally Responsible Behavior Intention :A Revised Model Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 88-98 [Abstract] ( 1343 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2173 KB] ( 2883 )
99 Yuan Huarong
On Essential Externality of Human Beings
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 99-110 [Abstract] ( 1439 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2649 KB] ( 1805 )
111 Zhao Liming
The Tradition of″Phonic Poetry″and the Reconstruction of″Phonic Hermeneutics″in Modern Theory of Hermeneutics of Poetry
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 111-121 [Abstract] ( 575 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2539 KB] ( 8886 )
122 Zhang Zhongtang
From Derivations by Sound-change to Polyphonic and Polysemous Chinese Characters : A Case Study of″Middle″and″Space″
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 122-129 [Abstract] ( 847 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1820 KB] ( 2142 )
130 Zhu Tuxing Zhu Ziyun Zhu Lei
Panel Data Analysis on the Optimization of the Coordination of Regional Industry and Ecology
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 130-143 [Abstract] ( 993 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2593 KB] ( 1295 )
144 Xia Lian Qian Guoling
Discussion on the Unified Rights Protection of Persons with HIV/AIDS and Disabled Persons
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 144-152 [Abstract] ( 1818 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2293 KB] ( 2092 )
153 Weng Guomin Ma Junyan
On the Unity and Separation of Tort Liability for an Employer as an Entity : From the Perspective of the Relationship between a Legal Person's Tort Liability and an Employer's Tort Liability
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 153-164 [Abstract] ( 1100 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2695 KB] ( 1862 )
165 He Huaiwen
The Role of Trademark Use
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 165-176 [Abstract] ( 996 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2591 KB] ( 1970 )
177 Zhang Qianming
International Legitimacy and the Changes of Great Powers' Responsibilities
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 177-187 [Abstract] ( 1426 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2388 KB] ( 1545 )
188 Su Guangen Gao Like
Mandeville's Influence on Rousseau's Doctrine of the State of Nature
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 188-196 [Abstract] ( 1323 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2518 KB] ( 1627 )
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 197-198 [Abstract] ( 551 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1157 KB] ( 887 )
2014 Vol. 44 (2): 199-200 [Abstract] ( 283 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 874 KB] ( 942 )
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 345 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 429 KB] ( 958 )
5 Xiao Lang
A Study on the Origin of the Thought of Invading Asian Countries in Modern Japan : Fukuzawa Yukichi and His Idea of″Departure from Asia and Attachment to Europe″
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 5-19 [Abstract] ( 835 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1538 KB] ( 2214 )
20 He Zhongli
A Study on the Non-Military Tactics Adopted by the Government of Song Dynasty to Deal with Civil Uprising
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 20-32 [Abstract] ( 661 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1491 KB] ( 2380 )
33 Zhou Shengchun Chen Qianqian
The Institutional Changes in the Succession and Governance of Family Business : A Case Study of the Succession of Hukaiwen Ink Family Business
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 33-43 [Abstract] ( 500 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1586 KB] ( 1743 )
44 Ye Jianliang, Liu Ze
Industrial Heterogeneity and Anti-dumping Actions :Evidences from China,India and USA
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 44-57 [Abstract] ( 357 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1494 KB] ( 1077 )
58 Wang Zhongming Xue Yuanhao
The Theory Building and Empirical Analysis of Intellectual Property Entrepreneurship Capability :A Multi-Case Study Based on High-Tech Firms
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 58-70 [Abstract] ( 591 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1517 KB] ( 1207 )
71 Zhang Gang Chen Jiale
Corporate Governance,Organizational Ambidexterity and Corporate Performance : An Empirical Study Based on the Panel Data of US and China Listed Companies
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 71-87 [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1568 KB] ( 1227 )
88 Guo Bin Guo Lin Wang Yueqi
Repeat Purchase and New Product Diffusion :The Role of Product Complexity
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 88-99 [Abstract] ( 461 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1497 KB] ( 990 )
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 99- [Abstract] ( 189 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 25 )
100 Zhang Zhengping
The Theory of Sentimental Justice :Back from Poetic Justice to Scottish Enlightenment
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 100-114 [Abstract] ( 796 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2599 KB] ( 932 )
115 Han Fuguo Song Daolei
Qionggen (Roots of Poverty) and Fanshen (Economic Revival) :A Study on the Reproductive Mechanism of Rural Elites after the Second Rural Reform in China
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 115-130 [Abstract] ( 491 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1557 KB] ( 1091 )
131 He Zhipeng
Why Sound Law and Good Governance Are Equally Important : The Criteria of International Rule of Law Revisited
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 131-149 [Abstract] ( 544 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1663 KB] ( 1900 )
150 Zhao Jun Liu Yun
The Transparency Reform in International Investment Arbitration and China's Reactions
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 150-163 [Abstract] ( 1306 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1497 KB] ( 2904 )
164 Chen Linlin Yang Hua
Attitude-based Judicial Decision-making
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 164-174 [Abstract] ( 1680 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1485 KB] ( 2017 )
175 Wan Bin Liu Yanchao
The Political Meanings in Skeptical Philosophy
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 175-186 [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1475 KB] ( 1312 )
187 Cheng Yong
An Aesthetic Utopia :The Confucian Institutional Aesthetic Thought and Its Inherent Predicaments
2014 Vol. 44 (3): 187-199 [Abstract] ( 1625 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1519 KB] ( 2143 )
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 322 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 554 KB] ( 839 )
5 He Wenjiong Yang Yixin Wang Lusha Xu Lin
A Study on the Reform of the Maternity Protection System in China
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 5-18 [Abstract] ( 1120 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2508 KB] ( 2722 )
19 Guo Zili
Several Important Theoretical Issues in Biomedical Law
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 19-32 [Abstract] ( 588 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3019 KB] ( 1936 )
33 Li Hengwei Xu Yi
Consciousness Studies in William James
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 33-44 [Abstract] ( 1104 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2777 KB] ( 3377 )
45 Hu Longbiao
Two Medieval Semantics and Their Modern Re-construction
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 45-55 [Abstract] ( 718 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1977 KB] ( 1850 )
56 Shao Peiren Yao Jinyun
On the Mode of Communication :Core Communication Mode of the Analects and Confucianism Communication
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 56-75 [Abstract] ( 987 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4210 KB] ( 1916 )
76 Xia Li’an Sun Xiang
Towards a Biopolitical Law :On Foucault's Legal Thoughts
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 76-86 [Abstract] ( 831 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2514 KB] ( 1685 )
87 Li Youxing Chen Fei Jin Youfang
A Study on the Regulation of the Internet Finance
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 87-97 [Abstract] ( 2330 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2748 KB] ( 6277 )
98 Lin Jinsong
Returning to the Truth of Evidence :On the Methods of Interpreting the Concept of Evidence
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 98-106 [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2055 KB] ( 1308 )
107 Yu Jianxing Shen Yongdong Zhou Jun
From the Dual Management to the Rule-based Regulation :The Rebuilding of the Regulation System for Business Associations during the Era of Comprehensively Deepening Reform in China
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 107-116 [Abstract] ( 602 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2113 KB] ( 1552 )
117 Qin Jinna Ding Huiping
Evolution Mechanism of Logistics Firms'Competence : An Analysis Based on Absorptive Capacity
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 117-125 [Abstract] ( 502 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1941 KB] ( 1021 )
126 Chen Guoquan Yu Yang
The Production and Distribution of Public Goods :Two Different Administrative Logics
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 126-133 [Abstract] ( 418 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1832 KB] ( 811 )
134 Ni Xing Yuan Chao
Economic Development,Institutional Structure,and the Degree of Corruption : A Panel Data Analysis Based on 21 Prefecture-level Cities in G Province (2006-2010)
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 134-145 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2445 KB] ( 1814 )
146 Liu Huimei Gordon Walker
Culture,Self-Construal and Chinese People's Leisure
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 146-158 [Abstract] ( 1023 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2520 KB] ( 2119 )
159 Zhang Xiaodi Zeng Kexin
The Sustainability of China's Dynamic Comparative Advantage Enhancement : From the Perspective of Entrepreneur Resources Development
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 159-173 [Abstract] ( 796 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3075 KB] ( 1283 )
174 Wu Ping
Constraints on Verbs in English Locative Inversion Construction
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 174-181 [Abstract] ( 911 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1457 KB] ( 1347 )
182 Pan Yihe Fang Cen
Confusion of Loyalty and Virtue of Disloyalty :On Graham Greene's International Political Novel The Human Factor
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 182-190 [Abstract] ( 924 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2252 KB] ( 1680 )
191 Wang Haiyan
Study about Ancient Japanese's Cognition of Disasters in Myths and Legends
2014 Vol. 44 (4): 191-200 [Abstract] ( 1418 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2680 KB] ( 2305 )
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 243 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 24892 KB] ( 586 )
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 4- [Abstract] ( 159 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 25 )
5 Philip Pettit
Three Kinds of Freedom
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 5-17 [Abstract] ( 1369 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2411 KB] ( 1546 )
18 Xu Xiangdong
Isaiah Berlin's Conception of Liberty and Human Nature
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 18-30 [Abstract] ( 1250 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2748 KB] ( 14162 )
31 Zhang Guoqing
Leviathan, Freedom as Non-domination and Its Limits
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 31-39 [Abstract] ( 996 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2118 KB] ( 1931 )
40 Mao Dan Xu Jian
The Three Dimensions in Stoic Political Philosophy
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 40-49 [Abstract] ( 1036 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2280 KB] ( 8146 )
50 Wu Zongjie Yao Yuanyuan
The Implication of Zhou Dao to the Search of Meanings of the Grand Canal: Confucian Orthodoxy of Chinese Cultural Heritage
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 50-62 [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3780 KB] ( 1014 )
63 Wang Xiaochao
On the Root and Primitive Significance of Greek eimi
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 63-68 [Abstract] ( 931 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1442 KB] ( 2196 )
69 Fan Dingliang Lv Yimin
The Historical Social Science :The Rise of the Leader of West German Historiographical Schools
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 69-79 [Abstract] ( 790 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3873 KB] ( 1328 )
80 Chen Minghua
Power Transformation and the Response of New Religions: A Survey Focus on Site Dispute of Xuzhou Red Swastika(1921-1936)
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 80-96 [Abstract] ( 660 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4340 KB] ( 2737 )
97 Wu Xiaobo Chen Ying
The Influence of SMEs' Organizational Ambidexterity on Performance
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 97-109 [Abstract] ( 671 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2337 KB] ( 1279 )
110 Liu Jingjiang Liu Bo
Effect of Situational Regulatory Focus, Immediate Emotion and Need for Cognition on Decisions for Technological Entrepreneurship
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 110-120 [Abstract] ( 705 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1860 KB] ( 1463 )
121 Qian Hongdao
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 262 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1078 KB] ( 923 )
124 Qian Hongdao Cui He
The Solution to the Problem of Objectivity of Empirical Legal Research in China : The Revelation of Max Weber's Methodology on Social Sciences
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 124-138 [Abstract] ( 803 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4257 KB] ( 1745 )
139 Xu Chuanxi
From Practical Rationality to Rational Practice: Comparison, Comparative Law and the Practice of Rule of Law
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 139-148 [Abstract] ( 904 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2213 KB] ( 1281 )
149 Chen Jianjun Yang Fei
Human Capital Heterogeneity and Regional Industrial Upgrading: An Analysis Based on the Latest Research Literature
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 149-160 [Abstract] ( 653 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2328 KB] ( 2174 )
161 Liu Zhijun Wang Hong
Influential Factors on the Rate of Medical Insurance Participation of Migrant Population: An Analysis Based on China National Monitoring Data of Migrant Population
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 161-174 [Abstract] ( 1214 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2505 KB] ( 10732 )
175 Tang Zhaoxi Xiao Wen
Technology Spillover, Energy-saving, Emission-reducing and Social Welfare: A Multi-stage Oligopolistic Game Model on CFP with Typical Competitive Strategies
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 175-187 [Abstract] ( 796 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2605 KB] ( 1540 )
188 Sun Ke Jiang Yuexiang
An Empirical Study on the Financial Indicators of Credit Rating Transitions for Corporate Bonds with Fixed-income
2014 Vol. 44 (5): 188-200 [Abstract] ( 748 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2203 KB] ( 1574 )
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 346 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 527 KB] ( 795 )
5 Sun Zhong Bao Limin
New Approaches to the Study of Classical Democracy
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 863 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1504 KB] ( 1379 )
16 Yao Dazhi
Equality of Capability: Is It the Third Way?
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 16-23 [Abstract] ( 933 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 867 KB] ( 1174 )
24 Zhou Ke Teng Yanjuan
Deliberative Democracy Mechanism in the Rule of China's Environmental Law
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 24-34 [Abstract] ( 889 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1356 KB] ( 1310 )
35 Gu Guoda Yin Jinghua
Measurement of Chinese Food Trade Safety from the Non-Traditional Security Perspective
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 35-49 [Abstract] ( 1168 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1653 KB] ( 1671 )
50 Guo Jiqiang Chen Min Fei Shulan
Quantity and Wage Trends of Employed Migrant Workers
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 50-62 [Abstract] ( 750 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1804 KB] ( 1133 )
63 Liu Xuxia Liu Yuanbo
The Legal System in Safety Supervison about Animal Transgenic Scientific Research and Experiment
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 63-74 [Abstract] ( 689 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1547 KB] ( 1190 )
75 Zhu Xinli Wei Xiaoyu
The Regulatory System of Internet Service Providers
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 75-84 [Abstract] ( 730 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1391 KB] ( 957 )
85 Li Jinshan Hu Fengqiao
The Transition of the European Tariffs Institution and the Evolution of Free Ports' Function and Form under International Relations System
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 85-97 [Abstract] ( 647 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1694 KB] ( 1233 )
98 Jin Xuejun Zhou Jianfeng
The Dynamic Relationships between Investor Attention and Market Return: Evidences from a Bootstrap Rolling-window
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 98-111 [Abstract] ( 1135 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2827 KB] ( 1884 )
112 Chen Hui
Mandarin Chinese of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Described in Monnou's Books on Chinese Phonology
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 112-123 [Abstract] ( 833 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1741 KB] ( 1585 )
124 Li Wuwei
Classical Chinese Grammar: The Pedigree of Classical Chinese Grammar in China and Japan in Late Qing Dynasty
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 124-140 [Abstract] ( 1081 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2325 KB] ( 1639 )
141 Jiang Tao Xiong Wei
Redefinition of the Revolution of Organizational Routines : A Perspective Based on Organization Immunity
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 141-152 [Abstract] ( 814 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1315 KB] ( 1288 )
153 Sun Fuxuan Zhou Jun
″Fu Originated from The Book of Songs″ versus ″Fu Is Part of The Book of Songs″: The Political Connotations and Poetic Dimension of Fu Criticism
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 153-165 [Abstract] ( 419 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2082 KB] ( 915 )
166 Zhong Yao
Rediscussion on the ″Qi Liang Style″ in the Test Poetry during the Kaicheng Period
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 166-173 [Abstract] ( 880 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1486 KB] ( 1575 )
174 He Gang
Interpreting the Cultural Deictic Modes: Instantiated by Contemporary American English Utterances
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 174-184 [Abstract] ( 1407 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1487 KB] ( 2223 )
A Study on Misuse of he/she in Oral English: Effects of Attention
2014 Vol. 44 (6): 185-196 [Abstract] ( 1070 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1280 KB] ( 1979 )
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