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2016 Vol. 2 (1): 1- [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1439 KB] ( 867 )
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 4- [Abstract] ( 399 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 73 )
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 5- [Abstract] ( 162 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 26 )
6 Sheng Xiaoming
Reflections on the Century-Old Debate of Science and Metaphysics
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 6- [Abstract] ( 720 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1375 KB] ( 2075 )
15 Liu Dun
The Controversy between Haldane and Russell from the View of ″Two Cultures″
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 15- [Abstract] ( 563 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1405 KB] ( 1724 )
28 Zhang Guoqing Fu Lihong Fu Jiajia
Revolution and Restart of the Enlightenment
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 28- [Abstract] ( 511 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1370 KB] ( 2211 )
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 39- [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 74 )
40 Shang Yongliang
A Summary of Centenary Studies on Suyab of Tang Dynasty and the Four Garrisons of Anxi
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 40- [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1455 KB] ( 4075 )
57 Yang Yi
Studying ″Literary China″ with ″Maps″: Culture Cartographer Yang Yi’s Lecture on ″Cultural China″
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 57- [Abstract] ( 667 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1392 KB] ( 1300 )
69 Yu Jianxing Chen Kejian
Why the Welfare State Needs the Philanthropic Sector?
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 69- [Abstract] ( 897 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1390 KB] ( 1649 )
81 Wei Longbao Zhu Xihu Xu Guangtong
The Impact of Villagers'Satisfaction with Public Goods Provision on Their Behavior in Grass-root Elections: A New Perspective of the Exit-Voice Theory
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 81- [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1342 KB] ( 1046 )
91 Chen Tianxiang Fang Min
Public Health Expenditure, Health Outcome and Health Input Policy: a Panel Threshold Analysis across 189 Countries,1995-2011
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 91- [Abstract] ( 577 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1434 KB] ( 2619 )
108 Liang Junying Liu Haitao
Interdisciplinary Studies of Linguistics: Language Universals,Human Cognition and Big-data Analysis
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 108- [Abstract] ( 2920 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1279 KB] ( 2855 )
119 Gao Fen
A Centennial Review of Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction Studies
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 119- [Abstract] ( 722 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1412 KB] ( 2123 )
131 Wang Zhongming Wu Ting
Entrepreneurship in the Internet Context
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 131- [Abstract] ( 507 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1380 KB] ( 1542 )
142 Wu Xiaobo Lei Linan Guo Rui
The Study of Moderating Effect on Inter-organizational Collaboration Networks and on the Relationships between Explorative Search and the Impact of Innovative Output: Taking the Semiconductor Industry as an Example
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 142- [Abstract] ( 807 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1616 KB] ( 1439 )
159 Zhu Xinli Huang juan
The Access to Administration Litigation for Public Interest by Social Organizations as Plaintiff
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 159- [Abstract] ( 626 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1395 KB] ( 1132 )
172 Li Youxing Yang Debing
On the Historical Development and Contemporary Value of Family Trust
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 172- [Abstract] ( 1338 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1379 KB] ( 2611 )
184 Xiao Wen Han Shenchao
The Impact of Changes in Local Government Efficiency on Enterprises’ Going Global An Empirical Research Based on Chinese Provincial Panel Data for 2004-2012
2016 Vol. 2 (1): 184- [Abstract] ( 683 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1437 KB] ( 1596 )
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 1- [Abstract] ( 400 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 540 KB] ( 929 )
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 2- [Abstract] ( 164 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 24 )
5 Wang Yong
From Silk to Gold: A Study of Ancient International Currency in East Asia
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 5- [Abstract] ( 726 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1409 KB] ( 1614 )
17 Takata Tokio
Old Chinese Books Kept at Sanage Shrine
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 17- [Abstract] ( 612 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1397 KB] ( 2249 )
28 Qin Hualin
A Study on the Edition of Chuxue Ji Printed Fragments Unearthed from Khara-Khoto:  Concurrently Discuss the Book Road from Jiangnan to Serindia in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 28- [Abstract] ( 852 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1447 KB] ( 1776 )
39 Sun Jie Sun Jinghao
Jiangnan History Study and Problem Awareness: A Reexamination of Theories on Chinese Socio-economic History
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 39- [Abstract] ( 732 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1417 KB] ( 2532 )
53 Zhang Kai
Path and Purport: The Evolution of Researches on the History of Zhejiang Modern Culture
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 53- [Abstract] ( 657 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1430 KB] ( 1596 )
67 Koichiro Shimizu
An Overview of Research in Japan on the History of the Jiangnan Region: Focusing on Studies since the 1980s
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 67- [Abstract] ( 555 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1463 KB] ( 3162 )
87 Xu Dai Wang Ruocun
Ethical Experience and Poetic Meaning: Rethinking Dewey’s Aesthetics and Its Values
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 87- [Abstract] ( 775 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1361 KB] ( 1240 )
97 Luo Weidong Zhang Yaping
What is the Core of Adam Smith' s Moral Philosophy?— Interpretation of The Theory of Moral Sentiments
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 97- [Abstract] ( 1699 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1423 KB] ( 3432 )
110 Li Jinshan Yuan Bo Shen Nan
Specialized Farmers Cooperatives' Internal and External Collaborative Innovation —Evidence From 23 Specialized Farmers Cooperatives in Zhejiang Province
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 110- [Abstract] ( 711 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1445 KB] ( 1138 )
126 Shi Hong
Hedging Effect of Hog Insurance on Farmer’ s Revenue
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 126- [Abstract] ( 514 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1352 KB] ( 1364 )
136 Mi Hong Li Hua
Re-examining Population Security : A Security-based Perspective
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 136- [Abstract] ( 520 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1393 KB] ( 1174 )
147 Li Yongming Zheng Jinjing
Research on the Qualitative Analysis and Reproduction Problems of CAD Files on 3D Printing
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 147- [Abstract] ( 584 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1377 KB] ( 1403 )
160 Dai Zhimin Lou Jieyun Zhou Jianfeng
Long-term Debt Maturity Structure,Cash Holdings and Split-Share Structure Reform
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 160- [Abstract] ( 598 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1411 KB] ( 1290 )
175 Wang Zhikai
China Economic Structure Rebalancing and Long Term Economic Growth
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 175- [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1385 KB] ( 1383 )
186 Fan Liangcong Lu Jiankun
Exit, Voice and Local Public Governance: An Integrated Framework
2016 Vol. 2 (2): 186- [Abstract] ( 704 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1414 KB] ( 1421 )
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 340 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1964 KB] ( 952 )
5 Zhang Yongquan Luo Mujun
Key Factors of Patching up Fragmentary Dunhuang Buddhist Scriptures
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 5- [Abstract] ( 585 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1359 KB] ( 1453 )
20 Zhang Xiaoyan
The Patching-up and Study on Some Fragments ofThree Apocryphal Scriptures in Dunhuang Manuscripts
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 20- [Abstract] ( 708 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1254 KB] ( 2191 )
34 Zhang Lei Zhou Xiaoxu
Research on patching up the Fragments of Dunhuang Manuscripts Dafangdeng Dajijing
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 34- [Abstract] ( 559 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1375 KB] ( 1452 )
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 40- [Abstract] ( 155 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 29 )
50 Claude Panaccio
The Semantics of Intuitive Acts in William of Ockham's Theory of Mental Language
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 50- [Abstract] ( 523 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1865 KB] ( 1198 )
60 Gyula Klima
From Semantics to the Philosophy of Mind: Reconsidering Some Late-Medieval and Modern Critiques of Aquinas' Argument for the Immateriality of the Intellect from the Universality of Concepts
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 60- [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1070 KB] ( 1082 )
68 Cai Jigang
English for Science and Technology as a Discipline in China
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 68- [Abstract] ( 845 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1116 KB] ( 1458 )
81 Zhang Zhonggen He Lingxiao Nan Yongqing
Age Structure Change, Consumption Structure Optimization and the Upgrading of Industrial Structure——Empirical Evidence from Chinese Provincial Panel Data
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 81- [Abstract] ( 626 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1148 KB] ( 1597 )
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 90- [Abstract] ( 134 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 25 )
97 Feng Yujun
On the Development Stages and Model Characteristics of the Rule of Law in China
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 97- [Abstract] ( 1340 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2061 KB] ( 2248 )
104 Wu Jianmin
Philosophical Foundation of China Practical School of Rule of Law
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 104- [Abstract] ( 511 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1110 KB] ( 986 )
120 Zhang Zhonggen He Lingxiao Nan Yongqing
Resource Misallocation within and across Provinces:An Analysis on China's Industrial Enterprise Database
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 120- [Abstract] ( 706 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1108 KB] ( 1785 )
150 Chen Jianjun Liu Yue Zou Miaomiao
The Improvement of City Productivity Based on Synergy and Co-agglomeration of  Industries: Under the Background of Integrated Innovation and Conversion of Driving Force for Economic Development in China
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 150- [Abstract] ( 571 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1129 KB] ( 1608 )
150 Han Hongyun Zhang Zhijian Peng Wenhuan
An Analysis of the Influence Mechanism of Social Capital on Households’ Waste Separation
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 150- [Abstract] ( 694 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1132 KB] ( 1901 )
166 Fan Bonai Zhang Diandian Yu Jun
The Transformation of Government Functions: Environment, Planning, Performance Evaluation and Implementation Path Based on Kast's Organizational Change Process Model
2016 Vol. 2 (3): 166- [Abstract] ( 582 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1220 KB] ( 1244 )
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 386 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1220 KB] ( 982 )
5 Zheng Acai
The Sinographic Culture of the Tang Dynasty and Its Spread along the Silk Road
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 5-15 [Abstract] ( 912 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1327 KB] ( 2845 )
Notes on the Small Collections of Turfan Manuscripts in Japan
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 16-26 [Abstract] ( 754 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1227 KB] ( 1943 )
27 Li Xiaorong
Shangqing Pearl as an Interesting Literary Example of Cultural Confluence of Buddhism and Taoism,and Similarities and Differences between the Stories of Shangqing Pearl and Yulongzi
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 27-37 [Abstract] ( 700 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1330 KB] ( 1511 )
38 Hu Kexian
The Newly Excavated Document and the Writing and Construction of Medieval Literature History
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 38-48 [Abstract] ( 592 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1353 KB] ( 1802 )
49 Lu Qian Liu Haitao
Does Dependency Distance Distribute Regularly?
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 49-59 [Abstract] ( 1957 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1357 KB] ( 1910 )
60 Cheng Le Gong Mingyu Li Jian
Equivalence in Legal Translation: From a Sociosemiotic Perspective
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 60-70 [Abstract] ( 1044 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1368 KB] ( 2276 )
71 He Zhongli
Official Recommendation System in the Song Dynasty in the Case of a Successful Referrer Cui Yuzi
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 71-81 [Abstract] ( 703 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1300 KB] ( 1615 )
93 Fu Zitang Zhang Shan’gen
The Dynamic Mechanisms of the Local Rule of Law
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 93-103 [Abstract] ( 634 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1296 KB] ( 1196 )
104 Qian Hongdao Fang Guirong
Building an Indicators System for the Construction of Government by Law in China
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 104-114 [Abstract] ( 806 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1361 KB] ( 1612 )
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 110- [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 35 )
115 Lin Ka Lü Haoran
Four Ideas of Aging Strategies and Their Policy Implications
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 115-125 [Abstract] ( 725 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1281 KB] ( 2768 )
126 Liu Xiaoting Hou Yuwei
A Study on the Financial Support from Children and Informal Care for Disabled Old People: An Analysis Based on CLHLS
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 126-136 [Abstract] ( 641 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1334 KB] ( 1697 )
137 Huang Zuhui Peng Wenhuan
An Explanation of the Easterlin Paradox: From the Perspective of China's Peasant Workers
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 137-147 [Abstract] ( 547 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1377 KB] ( 1868 )
148 Lin Jinsong
Rethinking the Perspective of Interpreting the Legal Categories of Evidence: Focusing on the Criminal Procedure
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 148-158 [Abstract] ( 554 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1302 KB] ( 1523 )
159 Xie Huiming Shen Manhong
Water Institution of China: Its Overall Framework, Structural Evolution and Regulation Intensity
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 159-169 [Abstract] ( 707 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1436 KB] ( 1888 )
170 Jiang Yuexiang Gong Lei Long Huaigang
Expiration Day Effects of CSI 300 Index Futures: Evidence from Index and Individual Stocks
2016 Vol. 2 (4): 170-180 [Abstract] ( 574 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1427 KB] ( 1253 )
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 1- [Abstract] ( 592 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1481 KB] ( 685 )
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 2- [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 26 )
5 Mo Yan Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio Xu Dai
Literature Is the Best Education
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 5- [Abstract] ( 731 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1540 KB] ( 1800 )
12 Xu Jun
Poetic Temptation and Generation: The Poetic Adventure of Le Clézio
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 12- [Abstract] ( 584 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1598 KB] ( 1450 )
28 Fan Yanmei
Between Reality and Imagination: Poetics of Dream and Reverie in the Works of J.-M.G.Le Clézio
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 28- [Abstract] ( 358 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1588 KB] ( 1075 )
41 Lin Meicun
The Talas City and the Silk Road of Tang China
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 41- [Abstract] ( 835 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1717 KB] ( 2462 )
57 Feng Peihong
An Exploration of the Traces of Sogdians in Longyou Area along the Silk Road
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 57- [Abstract] ( 677 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1677 KB] ( 2085 )
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 60- [Abstract] ( 153 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 28 )
75 Zha Pingqiu
Traces of Social Contacts among Literary Elites in the Glorious Age of Tang Dynasty: The Danyang Poet Group Centering around Wang Changling as Seen in Liu Fu’s Tomb Inscription
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 75- [Abstract] ( 464 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1622 KB] ( 1092 )
85 Xian Xiaoting
From Writing to Compiling:Formation and Characteristics of Title Notes of Tang Poetry
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 85- [Abstract] ( 583 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1566 KB] ( 1310 )
95 Zhang Guojun
Natural and Artificial Ethical Relations Make Chinese Ethical Immortality: A Phylogeny-based Ethical Classification in Qin and Han Dynasties
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 95- [Abstract] ( 700 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1564 KB] ( 984 )
105 Jin Jie Wu Ping
A Study of the Translation Philosophy and Subj ectivity of Translators Reflectedby the Prefaces in the English Versions of RickshawBoy
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 105- [Abstract] ( 730 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1615 KB] ( 2903 )
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 110- [Abstract] ( 151 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 33 )
112 Tian Xu Yu Xiaohua Zhang Xiaoheng
Grain Output Potential in China: A Perspective from Club Convergence
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 112- [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1670 KB] ( 1089 )
128 Li Jinshan Yuan Bo Shen Nan
The Essence of Farmer Specialized Cooperative and Field Examination:Based on the Survey of 15 Farmer Specialized Cooperatives in Zhejiang Province
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 128- [Abstract] ( 664 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1665 KB] ( 1129 )
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 130- [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 34 )
141 Chen Guoquan Sun Shaoyang
Local Governments Operating Mechanism and High Integrity Risk under the Strategy of ″Efficiency Priority″
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 141- [Abstract] ( 522 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1591 KB] ( 910 )
154 Wu Jiebing Li Yong Zhang Yuting
The Origin of Hierarchical Political Trust in China: The Influence of Cultural Psychology and Institutional Performance
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 154- [Abstract] ( 888 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2291 KB] ( 1676 )
167 Jin Xiangrong Zhao Xuejiao
The Spillover Effect of Central City and Urban Economic Growth: Evidences fromPanel Data 2000-2012 of the Urban Agglomeration in China
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 167- [Abstract] ( 483 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1578 KB] ( 1915 )
179 Yao Xianguo Wang Tongyi Jin Zhangfeng
Citizenization and Individual Labor Income: From the Perspective of Externality
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 179- [Abstract] ( 465 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1625 KB] ( 1205 )
190 Jiang Fen
A Review on Benchmarks of Private Investor for Determining Subsidized Benefit: From the Perspective of Hermeneutics of Law and Economics of Law
2016 Vol. 2 (5): 190- [Abstract] ( 445 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1592 KB] ( 1085 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 393 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1228 KB] ( 647 )
4 Zou Xiaodong Wang Kai
University-Industry Knowledge Synergy Innovation in Regional Innovation Ecosystems: Practical Issues, Theoretical Basis and Research Agenda
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 4- [Abstract] ( 679 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1399 KB] ( 2674 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 5- [Abstract] ( 240 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 28 )
6 Wang Xiaolu Guo Xiaoqun
Neuropsychological System for Chinese Non-literal Language Processing
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 6- [Abstract] ( 826 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1364 KB] ( 1378 )
An fMRI Study on the Cognitive Processing of Different Types ofChinese Metaphoric Sentences
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 8- [Abstract] ( 553 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1363 KB] ( 1354 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 9- [Abstract] ( 158 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 27 )
10 Chen Wei Li Hengwei
Direct Social Perception and Understanding Other Minds:A Neurophenomenological Proposal
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 10- [Abstract] ( 447 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1331 KB] ( 1190 )
12 Jin Li Wang Man
A Study of Distinguishing Linked Structure from Convergent Structure:From Multidimensional Perspective of Argument Diagramming
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 12- [Abstract] ( 478 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1323 KB] ( 836 )
14 Wang Xin He Zhe
A Study of the Japanese Particlesマデandマデニwith Error Analysis from the Perspective of Boundedness Theory
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 14- [Abstract] ( 522 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1323 KB] ( 1002 )
16 Mao Zhenhua
Annotation Method and Its Academic History Significance of Chunki’u Tso Chuan Kaoyi Written by Kamei Nammyeong
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 16- [Abstract] ( 603 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1354 KB] ( 1680 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 17- [Abstract] ( 148 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 31 )
18 Lin Ka Hou Baiqian
Discussions and Evaluation on Social Policy Programs from the Value Perspective: On the Proposal Requiring the Retirees to Pay Social Security Premiums for Their Health Care
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 18- [Abstract] ( 745 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1309 KB] ( 1348 )
22 Hao Junfu
Poverty Characteristics of Global Aging Population and Anti-poverty Public Policies
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 22- [Abstract] ( 718 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1422 KB] ( 1082 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 23- [Abstract] ( 154 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 0 KB] ( 30 )
25 Zhu Boming Cao Dan
Fiscal Burden Analysis for Citizenization of Immigrants from Rural Areas
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 25- [Abstract] ( 623 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1330 KB] ( 1051 )
28 Ma Shuzhong Liu Mengheng
Does Agricultural Insurance Promote Agricultural Productivity?— A Case Study Based on China' s Inter-provincial Panel Data
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 28- [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1356 KB] ( 1373 )
30 Wu Xiaobo Bai Xubo C hang Xiaoran
The Study of Chinese Enterprises ' International Market Entry Mode Choice: A Resource-based Perspective under Multidimensional Institutional Environment
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 30- [Abstract] ( 587 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1375 KB] ( 1974 )
35 Chen Limin Wang Xiaoxia
Influencing Factors of Chinese Firms' Merger & Acquisition Performance: An Empirical Study Based on the Resource-based View and Institution-based View
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 35- [Abstract] ( 828 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1363 KB] ( 2440 )
40 Zheng Guan Xu Wei Xiong Bingyuan
On the Great Division of Continental Civil Law
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 40- [Abstract] ( 1093 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1308 KB] ( 5222 )
45 Zheng Lei Chen Dui
A Study on the Implementation Status of the Right of Relief in Redressing Criminal MisjudgedCases: Based on the 23 Sample Redressed in the New Round of Judiciary Reform
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 45- [Abstract] ( 487 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1356 KB] ( 1493 )
2016 Vol. 2 (6): 150- [Abstract] ( 244 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1129 KB] ( 958 )
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