From Anthology to Teaching Material: A Journey of Canonization on Choice Poetry of Tang and Song |
Meng Guodong1, Chen Shengzheng2 |
1.College of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China 2.School of Humanities, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong 675000, China |
Abstract Choice Poetry of Tang and Song is an anthology of the Tang and Song poems compiled by Liang Shizheng and others at the instruction of Qianlong Emperor. It contains 2,665 poems by six poets: Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Han Yu, Su Shi and Lu You. Choice Poetry of Tang and Song was completed in the summer of the 15th year of Qianlong (1750) and published by the Neiwu Palace in the following year. In the 25th year of Qianlong (1760), Chen Hongmou asked the emperor to reprint this version and it has spread widely since then. The book is a reflection of the imperial power’s interference in poetry anthology. It also implements the poetic concept of Emperor Qianlong’s loyalty and filial piety. It has a place in the anthology of poetry in the Qing Dynasty and its influence has lasted until the Republic of China and even now. The first reason for this is that the book presents a forward-looking view of literary history, which ties Tang Dynasty with Song Dynasty, highlighting masterpieces and classic poems, reconciling the disputes between “respecting Tang” and “valuing Song” since the early Qing Dynasty, redefining the status of Bai, Han, Lu and others in the history of poetry development and reflecting the unique vision and courage of the editors. The second reason is closely related to its strong practicality. Choice Poetry of Tang and Song has the “Imperial Selection” title, which can not only meet the requirements of the famous sentences written by masters used in the imperial examination but also greatly reduce the risk of propositions. In addition, the access is also very convenient, so it is often used as the imperial examination proposition outlines. The role of the syllabus has become widely circulated as a professional book that scholars must study. Amongst the academies in various prefectures and counties across the country, Choice Poetry of Tang and Song has almost become a “standard book” “for children to read”, “for scholars to imitate”, so it has also become a necessary ready-to-use teaching material in the academy education. Families in good conditions will also purchase them on their own for reading and reference. Those who study poetry from the Hanlin to the general level usually use it as an important reference for coping with imperial examinations and studying poetics. In a sense, it can even be said that reading Choice Poetry of Tang and Song has been internalized in their daily lives. At this point, it is unparalleled by any other poetry anthology. This also established its classic status beyond the anthology. Even after the imperial examination was abolished and the test of poetry was withdrawn from the stage of history, it still had a wide range of readers. Since the book was completed, Choice Poetry of Tang and Song has begun a journey of canonization which is jointly promoted by the official pursuit of the legitimacy of the proposition and the public’s pursuit of the practicality of taking the test.
Received: 08 September 2021
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