Artificial Intelligence in Education: The New Revolution |
Gai Junfang, Huang Baozhong |
Research Center for Intelligent Education, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 311112, China |
Abstract Combing through the development of educational technologies by examing the milestone events in the history of artificial intelligence, this article summarizes the different manifestations of the stages of “quantitative and qualitative change”, especially the phased and localized partial qualitative changes in the quantitative change. It describes the transformation of information technology from an external form of teaching to its embedding in the teaching process, and analyzes the typical applications of artificial intelligence in education, including machine learning models, machine learning algorithms, computer vision technology and natural language processing technology. Focusing on the relationship between education and artificial intelligence, this article tries to show how the qualitative development of technologies promotes changes in education, particularly changes in the following three fields: concept renewal, model transformation, and system reconstruction. Through synthesizing the research results of artificial intelligence in teaching, learning, examination, management and evaluation, this article explains the important role of artificial intelligence technology in cultivating future talents and promoting future social development. Education should be deeply integrated with artificial intelligence as a means to promote the transformation of educational thoughts, educational philosophies and educational concepts, so that front-line teachers, principals, educationalists, and even the whole education system and society can return to the principle of “teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes” proposed by Confucius, and truly adapt to the expectations of the new era for high-quality education and talent training.The development of artificial intelligence can promote the renewal of educational concepts, recommence learner-centered education, and enrich teachers’ educational imagination. We can actively embrace the artificial intelligence in education in the following four aspects: reorganizing teaching materials with knowledge graph as its core, adopting revolutionary ways of presenting knowledge represented by XR and meta-universe, setting up new educational environment with human-computer interaction as the main channel, and changing educational ecology with the Online-Merge-Offline model as its organizational form, so as to promote educational innovation, transform the education model and reconstruct the education system in the following ways: realization of the long-cherished dream of helping individuals to achieve their full potential, the diversified development of knowledge learning, skill acquisition and ability enhancement, the construction of a panoramic lifelong learning system across time and space, and so on.To greet the education revolution, it is inevitable to face challenges in various aspects such as the construction of knowledge resources, the supply of technological talents in the education industry, the application of technological research and developments, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the educational application of artificial intelligence logically consistent to enable its more extensive and natural involvement in education. More importantly, it is essential to re-answer the typical questions in education through artificial intelligence, to accurately explain and predict the development of education, as well as to eliminate the potential crisis of educational development. In this process, it is vital to avoid emphasizing technology over humanities, trade-off long-term and short-term benefits, and balance the speed of reform with the pace of quality of educational reform.
Received: 27 November 2021
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