On Marx's Inheritance and Transcendence of Kant's Theory of Transcendental Time |
Liu Shaoming |
School of Marxism, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China |
Abstract The transcendental time expounded in Marx’s theory includes practical time and social history time. The transcendentality of practical time means that both matter and spirit are produced and manifested on the basis of practical activities. The transcendentality of social history time means that people, nature and practical activities occur, develop and emerge under certain social history conditions. Therefore, as far as time is considered to be the condition for the manifestation of experience, Marx inherited Kant’s theory of transcendental time.However, Marx’s transcendental time has triple transcendences over Kant’s transcendental time. Firstly, Marx’s practical time and social history time involve content, surpassing the formal characteristics of Kant’s transcendental time. Marx’s practical time includes specific labor content and survival content, surpassing Kant’s quantitative time in its authenticity and transcendentality. Marx’s social history time includes rich contents of production relations, surpassing Kant’s formal time in its transcendentality and humanistic concern.Secondly, Marx’s practical time and social history time are superior to Kant’s transcendental time towing to the subjectivity of the latter. Marx’s practical time reflects man’s positive existence and development space, and also provides the basis for the manifestation of the object, and therefore transcends the concept of thing itself constructed by subjective transcendental time. Marx’s social history time reflects objective subjectivization and subjective objectification, and also transcends the subjectivization of time. More importantly, Marx’s social history time overcomes Kant’s absence of subjective time in the interpretation of moral origin and consequence, and lays the foundation for subjective time itself.Thirdly, Marx’s transcendental time is superior to Kant’s solidified transcendental time, and realizes the self-construction of transcendental time. The solidification of Kant’s transcendental time is reflected in the solidification of time mode and the uniqueness of time. But unlike Kant’s transcendental time, Marx’s practical time is developmental and non-unique, which overcomes the limitations of solidified time in terms of integrity and simultaneity. Marx’s transcendental time reveals the dynamic development of transcendental time through the development of time mode, overcomes the drawbacks of Kant’s chain causality, and sublates the non-freedom in the causal world. Therefore, Marx’s transcendental time evolved with practical time and is superior to the contentedness of Kant’s transcendental time.Marx inherited and elevated Kant’s transcendental time philosophy to the height of content, reality and development, thereby overcoming the defects of Kant’s transcendental time. Marx’s inheritance and development of Kant’s time philosophy is an important development of time philosophy, which not only highlights the truth of historical materialism’s concept of time, but also provides an important enlightenment for the development of modern and contemporary time philosophy.
Received: 16 December 2021
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