The Expounding of the Newly Excavated Epitaph of Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan Written by Yan Zhenqing |
Hu Kexian |
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract In the first half of 2021, the Art and Archaeology Museum of Zhejiang University put on a display called “Immortal Inscriptions: Calligraphy, Duplicates, and Derivative Civilization”, in which the newly excavated epitaph of Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan, a Sogdian and a Türk noble, was exhibited. Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan was an important character in the An-Shi Rebellion, related to the two biggest political insurrections in Tang Dynasty.The epitaph is relevant to decisive outcomes related to race, nation, and politics in the Tang Dynasty, as Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan was seen as a loyal foreign courtier. This paper focuses on three aspects reflected in the epitaph.Firstly, that Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan was born as Türk noble, becoming the prime minister of the Türk Mochuo Khaganate. He became an official in the Tang Dynasty after the Türk Khaganate ended because of internal warfare. Therefore, the epitaph reflects the history of inner unrest in Türk.Secondly, special circumstances exist in Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan’s name and the origin of his family. Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan took the Türk diplomatic title Tarkan as part of his name, revealing full emotional identification with Türk, as well as the connections between Türk and Sogdiana, while the origin of Kang’s family is an issue of the Kang’s family in Western Regions, the twelve clans in Türk, Liucheng, and the Northern barbarian tribes.Thirdly, Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan was a significant figure around An-Shi Rebellion. After paying allegiance to Tang, Kang was so brave that he was praised by An Lushan, accepted as an An’s subordinate with the permission of Tang Xuanzong. When An-Shi Rebellion erupted, Kang with his four sons ran the risk of being murdered, making a switch to Suzong, consequently received commendations. Accordingly, it is a typical instance that An Lushan’s subordinate came over to the Tang court.Moreover, Kang with his sons escorted Daizong to Shanzhou, reflecting the special choice of a loyal foreign official. It helps to develop the study of the historical case that Daizong returned to Changan successfully after fleeing to Shanzhou.Finally, Yan Zhenqing, a temporary minister of the Tang prosecution and punishment department, wrote the epitaph as a consequence of being saved by Kang Ayi Kül Tarkan’s son Kang Moyebo in the Pingyuan Battle. Yan Zhenqing was also a distinguished writer in the Prosperous and Mid Tang Dynasty, endowing tremendous literary value to the epitaph. Furthermore, Kang’s tablet was also written by Yan, his epitaph being a supplement to the historical materials of the An-Shi Rebellion.
Received: 11 October 2021
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