On the Integration of Bronze Ware in the Qin and Han Dynasties |
Wu Xiaoping |
School of Art and Archeology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China |
Abstract In the Pre-Qin Period, bronze culture showed the form of ethnic groups, such as Huaxia, Ba-Shu, Southwest Yi, Yue and so on. The appearance of ethnic bronze ware groups is reflected in the diversity of bronze ware. How the bronze culture changed from the diversification of the Pre-Qin Dynasty to the integration of the Han Dynasty is an important content of the archaeological research of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties.From the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty, the integrated pattern of bronze culture was initially formed. With the unification war in the Qin and early Han Dynasties, the boundary of the distribution of bronze ware of the original ethnic groups was broken. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the culture of the Six States revived with the decline of the Qin power. The custom of the six eastern countries, which centered on bronze ritual vessels such as ding, he, hu and fang, became dominant and was promoted under the influence of the ruling class in the early Han Dynasty.In the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, the integrated pattern of bronze ware was established. It is mainly reflected in the combination of bronze ritual vessels centered on ding, hu and fang. In addition to Guanzhong and Guandong, it is also densely distributed in the Hubei-Hunan, Jiang-Huai, Ba-Shu and even Wuling mountain areas. In addition, many types are widely distributed and highly similar. Both ritual and practical vessels have highly similar characteristics at this stage. The emergence of this phenomenon is related to the economic policy of the Han Dynasty. Because Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty limited the economic activities of vassal kings and merchants, the production of bronze ware was basically controlled by the central government, so there was no great difference in the cultural style of bronze ware.After the late Western Han Dynasty, integration of bronze ware went on and the daily utensils previously influenced by local traditions gradually became unified, as is mainly reflected in the integration of bowl, bo, ou and other eating utensils, and the integration of xi and round pot. The integration at this stage was not initiated by the Central Plains, but Lingnan, and Zhuti, Tanglang in the southwestern regions.To sum up, the formation of the integrated pattern of bronze ware in the Han Dynasty went through three stages: the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty, the middle and late Western Han Dynasty, and the late Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty, each stage having different connotations. In the first stage, the pattern of independent development of bronze culture of Pre-Qin ethnic groups was broken, and the integration of bronze ritual vessels of the Central Plains was initially established. In the second stage, it is mainly the formation and popularization of the integration of bronze ritual vessels in central China, while the daily utensils are diversified. In the third stage, it is mainly the integration of daily appliances. It can be seen that each stage led to different mechanisms: The first stage was mainly the unification of political territories, namely the unification of Qin and Western Han Dynasties. The second stage was mainly the bronze management policy of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, that is, the official control. The third stage was bronze production, the emergence of private workshops which led to the commercialization of products.
Received: 23 May 2021
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